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What's going on with Pokimane and cookies?


I saw a meme about Pokimane calling her fans broke for not buying her cookies, why is there an issue over this?

Are they actually repackaged Costco cookies?

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u/LuntiX avatar

Yknow the fact the cookies are identical for the ingredients, down to the percentages which isn’t something you see too often, really makes me think these just are rebranded cookies. The addition of vitamin D is laughable and I’d be willing to question if they even have the advertised amount of vitamin D.

u/Chagdoo avatar

Is extra vitamin d even going to make them taste different?

u/georgito555 avatar

That's not the point I think haha it's for nutrition not taste

u/MattFromWork avatar

I don't think anything about a cookie is really "for nutrition", especially when you have to eat 7 of them to get a measly 15% of your DV of Vitamin D.

A multivitamin gives you all the Vitamin D anyone needs.

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I just imagine a Vit D pill smooshed into the middle of each cookie.

u/Prozac__ avatar

But the vitamin D provided is so miniscule that's it's stupid to even tout it as a "healthy alternative". It's 3mg...

A YouTuber did the math and you'd have to eat over a thousand of these cookies a month to get the same Vitamin D nutrition that you'd get from a multivitamin.

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u/Darth_Punk avatar

Probably depends on the formulation but the drops Ive had tasted foul.

Only if they're soaked in Vitamin D aka Milk.

The vitamin d is added through mushroom powder, so probably.

u/veryyberry avatar

I think is because gamers dont get sunlight?

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In her post on X, she literally says the cookies they are being compared to were also made by their manufacturer, Creation Foods. The compared cookies had one test batch sold before they were retired. Months later, they partnered with Creation Foods and fell in love with the compared cookie.

She's admitting that they used that exact cookie lol. Sure, she goes on to add that they refined the formula and changed the ratios, sourcing yada yada but like you said, everything on the back is identical bar the vitamin D.

"White label products" refer to a widespread practice where a company manufactures products (in this case cookies) without planning to sell directly to consumers. Instead, these products are sold to various brands, which then market and rebrand them as their own. It’s fairly common

u/Magjee avatar


Even for very large brands that do produce internally, they sometimes outsource additional production to large plants that produce different food products

Ex: Lays may use a third party for an additional run of chips


All very normal

In this case poki claimed the items were designed, which they were not and then tried to say the price was per bag, which still left them mroe expensive

It's the dishonesty that is the issue

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u/Lamprophonia avatar

The addition of vitamin D

I bet they just leave them in the sun for a few minutes between repackaging and claim that's adding vit D lol

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Pretty much sums it up. Additionally, there's also people bringing up Poki's past where she targeted another streamer in the same field (who was e-begging and being incredibly tone-deaf) and brought up concerns of people with fewer financial resources; an entirely different stance to her current response.

Also she gets away with just being on stream, eating, watching something, not interacting with chat… but yet people still pay.

She got the best free ride out there and it seems like she’s starting to Icarus herself

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She's now trying to backtrack and label her initial response as 100% meant to be a joke, which is hilarious 😆


"Calls everyone an idiot."

"It's just a joke"

Jesus Christ popular streamers like her are insufferable

u/Titanbeard avatar

Call me old, but I still just don't get streamers getting rich then shit talking their audience.

Call me old as well, cause I still just don't get streamers getting rich at all.

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u/Exzqairi avatar

What does it have to do with being old? It’s never logical unless you’re a kid who has no concept of money or manipulation

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I am old. Though I grew up with the internet I don’t get the appeal of streamers or everything being in video format. I’ve come to terms with most kids these days grew up with YouTube so it’s just natural to watch streams or videos. Nearly all content creators to me seem exactly the same. They all pretty much have the same shtick. And all popular YouTube videos all use the same tactics. I can’t handle it. To each their own, but no thanks.

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u/ArthurBonesly avatar

It's 100% what happens when somebody finds themselves with any amount of celebrity faster than they can acclimate.

People who become famous for "just being themselves" begin to see their personal sense of identity as what brought fame and success rather than the service they provided as an entertainer.

They wrongfully (but logically) conclude that they're fame is for "being authentic" and assume that they can transfer that authenticity outside the context of their show.

Their audiences love them for their off the unfiltered cuff reactions on camera, so why wouldn't they love the unfiltered, off the cuff reactions off camera?

At the end of the day, most twitch streamers are clowns (and I don't mean that as a pejorative). The successful streamers, v-tubers, or any new media entertainers either learn how to compartmentalize their brand personas, or understand the performance well enough to maintain diplomacy with their audience.

Shit talking their audience is content. Nearly every popular streamer will pluck one stupid comment out of chat and then roast them for the whole audience's amusement. Comedians do the same things at live shows.

I dont watch Pokémon, but a streamer I do watch made a good point. Male streamers call Twitch chat poor all the time - it's a lazy go-to joke that's usually taken ironically when the streamer is shilling a product or begging for subs. It's kinda unfair that Pokemane is getting heat for using a joke that her peers use all the time.

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Blows my mind that these are popular

In her case I have to assume 100% of the reason she gets attention is because she's hot

u/tom-dixon avatar

Hotness/cuteness/etc plays a part, but a lot of streamers are relatable when they're smaller, and that draws an audience. She used to be a reasonable person. I guess becoming multimilionaire changes people.

That clip of her mocking the people for not buying her overpriced cookies is so condescending that it's clear she lives in a different world than her audience.

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If only she offers the cookies half off

u/Sparkism avatar

if her cookies were half off it'd still be more expensive than buying the other identical product, which is insane.

But she put her D in her cookies.

Surely the added vitamins should count for something.

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Pokimane and backtracking. Nothing new there lol

Bruh, anyone who watched the stream saw it was a joke. People who didn't see it as a joke only saw a clip that edited out both the beginning, where she was reading out the chatter's comment and directly responding.

Like she is literally laughing as she says it.

How anyone can actually watch the full clip and think she's being 100% serious is hilarious.

Even though I watched it and 100% disagree with you, it's still terrible.

I mean that's what passes off as a joke these days? A really rich person makes fun of someone being too poor to afford her massively overpriced cookies?

says something terrible "Don't be mad I was joking!" is not a joke. It's just not. That's not what jokes are.


T3 detected.

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It's odd how she says that she's been working on this for years. Yet in lines up with her retiring from daily/bi-weekly twitch streams and h er move to tiktok/instagram beauty. Her divergence from gaming to rich/beauty lifestyle career just sounds like she wanted that "high" of gaining money again. Granted she has direct access to California streamers/cinema productions due to past involvement.

TL;DR, the typical ride-high during covid times, took a small retirement to focus on health, needed a rebound post covid, doesn't work with this inflated global economy.

LMAO pokimane is nowhere near hot enough to warrant the instagram beauty lifestyle

It can also be a popularity contest, and by all accounts she's popular.

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Well tiktok says otherwise

u/NoCardio_ avatar

That could be said for many "beauty lifestyle influencers". There's definitely a market for solid fives who wear too much makeup, though.

I have no idea what people see in her. Like, I get why people simp for girls like Amouranth or Jessica Nigri, but Pokimane???? I don't get it

u/EMCoupling avatar

Girls that are into gamer culture get at least a 3 point boost in the eyes of simps

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u/PrettyFlakko avatar

The comment about being a broke boy is completely baffling to me. It just shows how completely out of touch with reality some people on the internet are. Absolutely disgusting behavior.

u/music3k avatar

She grew up in one of the richest Toronto neighborhoods, went to private schools, had wealthy immigrant parents, used the nword on stream, paraded herself on stream by bending over and doing other sexual things women streamers do, got a Twitch deal to be the face of the app, starts drama and fights with other streamers about “ethics” and “credibility,” creates baby voice youtube apology videos, throws her friends under the bus when she leaks her text messages because her roommate tried to get with her and her other roommate at the same time, creates content with known rapists(mizkif) and creators who target gambling at children(xqc). She also “boosts” women streamers who have covered up sexual assault of mizkif’s friends( qtcinderella maya higa) and tends to start drama when her viewership is plummeting. Although, someone on twitter said her viewership somehow stays within the same 200 viewers no matter when she streams, which indicates she or Twitch is viewbotting her channel.

I’m sure there is more, but this is just what I’ve found out in the past few weeks.

She’s not a good person and never has been.

Then how the heck was she chosen to be in the movie Free Guy? Was she the only female creator available during COVID??

because Shes the most popular female streamer on twitch

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u/Real_Mila_Kunis avatar

Did you seriously just say that Mizkif is a known rapist? He was never even accused that, his former friend was but it seems like you just made that up

u/music3k avatar

Hi Mizkid!

You may have missed it when it happened because he was busy downplaying sexual assault by Slick!

Look up Ayumi_Nini. She deleted her twitter because mizkids were threatening her with death threats and she wasnt looking for money.

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This is what I hate about the entire world of streaming.

Sure her cookies are fucking dumb but she is by FAR not the first "name" to use their "brand" to transform Product X into Product Y at twice the cost. There's a reason that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ice cream and Blue's Clues Kraft Macaroni cost more than the plain stuff (and I have no idea if those are things - you get the point).

Which brings me to your comment.

She's constantly live streaming herself. She said one fucking joke that veered one micron out of the bounded lanes. The result? BAFFLING! OUT OF TOUCH! ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!

You'd think she backhanded her personal assistant's personal assistant because her coffee had the wrong soy milk in it.

The cookies are dumb, suckers are born every minute and if the brands of the world siphon off dumb money with dumb cookies I don't care, and this level of judgment is toxic as fuck.

There is this weird cycle of "build up and destroy" that way too many people are hooked on. THE ROCK IS FAKE! Of course - he's not your friend and he never was. He's just being polite which is all he ever really was required to do by even the most strict of social codes. People realize they are being sold a product and use that as the newest excuse for the newest target of being brought low.

Social media, Twitter, streaming - it's all full of Diet Coke Robespierres with fantasies of destroying something greater than they out of a burning jealousy.

Touch grass, yo.


See the u/music3k below. The long diary entry of all their sins, ready and packaged, is deployed as soon as there is blood in the water. Imagine being reduced to all the bad things you ever said and did.

edit 2: FWIW, I have only seen Pokimane on Toast Among Us vids, and I haven't watched those in a year. The only streams I watch are MTG streams. I'm not in any chats "simping" for anyone and I'm not a paid PR team. I just really hate this cycle that seems to take glee is destroying people.

u/music3k avatar

See the u/music3k below. The long diary entry of all their sins, ready and packaged, is deployed as soon as there is blood in the water. Imagine being reduced to all the bad things you ever said and did.

Do you think causing fights at work, showing your ass for customers, and saying the n-word at work, theyd let you keep your job, promote you to the face of the company and give you a raise?

Edit: majinspy is a league player and watches pokimane stream. So there’s a good example of people simping for her

Edit: majinspy is a league player and watches pokimane stream. So there’s a good example of people simping for her

I played LoL for less than a year, and that concluded 9 years ago. I'm honestly curious if you were lucky or if you somehow found some history of my LoL play. I guess that means Pokimane plays LoL and I should care? Which leads me to:

I have never watched a Pokimane stream in my life. I watched Toast's Among Us streams and I think she was on there. I watched those for about a year before I was bored.

What a paltry ad hominem attempt.

Do you think causing fights at work, showing your ass for customers, and saying the n-word at work, theyd let you keep your job, promote you to the face of the company and give you a raise?

I've made mistakes at work and I've cut it closer than I would have liked to having been fired. I was recently promoted - because I'm not the sum of all my sins. I'm also not recording myself in every moment like streamers do. I don't have a weirdly obsessed group of people who would delight in taking everything I've done out of context so that they could light the pyre.

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What a bizarre comment. You're acting like people are calling for her to be executed or thrown in jail. People are just calling her out on her BS. Nobody is being "destroyed", her career is not going to be over, nor are those of the vast majority of streamers/celebrities who have drama like this. You're right it's not a huge deal ultimately that she wants to sell some overpriced cookies and made a tone-deaf response when called out for ripping off her fans, but neither is it a huge deal that people are annoyed by that.

u/PrettyFlakko avatar

Idc about the cookies. It’s mind blowing to me how she is handling the criticism. People are really suffering from the inflation all over the world. And I don’t see her comment as just another joke, it shows her true colors.

That's a ridiculous amount of weight to lay on the back of a 27 year old selling some cookies. She's not adding to the suffering of the world by selling over priced cookies. You can still buy cheap cookies.

One line doesn't show someone's "true colors". This obsession over someone's "true colors" has this weird "one drop rule" where someone says one bad off-taste thing and AHA! CAUGHT THEM! ALWAYS EVIL FOREVER AND ALWAYS WAS!

The world is more nuanced than that. People are more nuanced than that.

It’s mind blowing to me how she is handling the criticism.

Ok so, what did she say?

While what i said was 100% intended to be a joke, i see why it came off as insensitive and i apologize for that.i also understand the current price of the cookies may be expensive for some, and promise we’ll continue to consider pricing to keep myna as affordable as possible.

i also want to clarify that this was said towards ONE rude chatter, i did not at all intend it to be a general statement or towards my community."

That seems fine. What's wrong with that?

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why does anyone support these people?

u/Virdice avatar

Simps be simpin yo

They don't live socially fulfilled lives in one form or another, so they make up for it by sending money to streamers (usually men sending to women)

u/lemon31314 avatar

Nah it’s mostly men sending to men, just look at the top streamers

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u/woah_m8 avatar

Read about simp culture

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Wow, a wealthy influencer being ungrateful and out touch? What a surprise!

$10 for the original ones is still way too high. They’re cookies…

Was going to say, they weren't cheap cookies to begin with.

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u/crawsex avatar

To add some context: Pokimane has become notorious in the last few years for her growing ego. She pays at least a handful of people to hide and delete negative comments on her own feeds so she never has to read them. She literally does not encounter criticism in her own life, so she does not know the amount of pushback she receives from her fans.

u/Virdice avatar

So the TLDR Is " Entitled e girl is entitiled"

u/Striking-Count5593 avatar

If a joke that is about an expense and it's coming from a rich/celebrity person: It is in fact not a joke and they are just a rich slob. Don't trust rich people. They can afford to ruin your life completely.

Why are we making rich streamers richer

u/TheGoldenKappa23 avatar

if you’re only rich because your poor fans lifted you up via donos and subs you should probably talk less shit about them


Thank you for not being a PR astroturfed comment. If you noticed most topics around reddit about this have been heavily attacked by her PR team.

We appreciate you.

u/slayer370 avatar

PR team on reddit? More likely just the very simps she's making fun of.


Probs a bit of both, if you think big streamers with lots of wealth and management don't have pr teams...

u/music3k avatar

She “owns” a marketing company that is tied to esports, that was bought by a larger company(i think sony?)


Are you new here???

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I don't exactly like her but also man, people really do think everything is a conspiracy huh


Because PR team = conspiracy. People really do love living in a black and white world huh

How is calling people that disagree on this issue to be in a PR team not generalizing also. They could just be a simp or contrarian or just had a different opinion they'd like to share

Making it out so everyone that disagree with the general consensus to somehow be paid to do so is conspiratorial thinking

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Not 250% more expensive, but 150% (or you can say 250% of the original price)

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That last paragraph is hilarious. Its the "dont you guys have phones" of twitch whoring with a layer of "oh shit i fucked up even more" and backtracking. What an idiot.

u/philmarcracken avatar

"if you're a broke boy just say so."

'I watch and donate to strangers with fake everything online'


My fucking god I clicked play on that video and immediately closed it. I hate that those annoying fuckers exist.

If something was supposed to be a joke and you pissed off the crowd, then clearly, you need to be funnier.

Wealthy out of touch streamer who hasn't worked a job outside of a computer screen at home insults other people for not buying their absurdly priced products.

Got it.

Whoever her marketing team or sales team is needs to really go back to business school. Normally “minis” are sold at a lower price because they are a bite sized package of an already existing product. Her competitors are selling things at a higher quantity vs. lower price compared to hers. Either the production costs are super low and they are trying to milk, no pun intended, all her simps into buying them because she is a very popular streamer or they don’t know what they’re doing and making the cookies are costing her a fortune making her have to sell it at a higher price. Claiming something has vitamin D, doesn’t mean anything. This is just a shitty scam and it doesn’t help calling people broke who dont want to buy small cookies for like $30 dollars.

u/dchan419 avatar

It's a cash grab and instead of proper pr, she and her wildly privileged friends are just calling people poor on the Internet.

I have nothing against expensive cookies, or high priced items, to each their own and more power to brands that can get that mark up. She and her rich friends are just being sour that people are calling out the bs marketing and high prices ( which is not exclusive to her products)


What the answer should be: WHO GIVES A FUCK


Sounds more like she is just trying to shame the simps into buying more by attacking their already fragile egos.

This might seem a little pedantic but to me there is a lot of difference between saying "I apologise" and saying "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry that I hurt you" is personal and accepts responsibility.

"I apologise that you got hurt" is impersonal and evasive.


The difference in your examples is not between "I’m sorry" and "I apologize", which are synonyms, but in shifting the responsibility ("it’s YOU who got hurt"). In her statement I don’t see that. "It came off as insensitive and I apologize for that" referring to her own words being insensitive. "I’m sorry" in that context would have the same meaning just way less formal. But English is not my first lang so don’t know how it comes off to native speakers

Edit: e.g. if she had said "it’s just a joke, I’m sorry you took it that way" that would be shifting the blame despite using "sorry"

u/Everything_Breaks avatar

One is better said at a funeral than the other.

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u/Snuffy1717 avatar

Holy shit we have reached a true “let them eat cake” moment…

Time to eat the rich I guess?

u/DJStrongArm avatar

So strange that streamers have such ego problems when most of the mature working world doesn’t even respect them. How brave and talented of you to play video games/show your feet to lonely people with money

u/wacdonalds avatar

$28 for cookies is crazy

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u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor avatar

Isn't this the second time she's done something like this?

I remember something about a face moisturizer of some sort that protected your face from "blue light" or some shit and I think it was Poke that got called out for, well, being a greedy manipulater and later attacking the people calling her out.

That wasn't Pokimane but another streamer, ValkyRae, that had the blue light moisturizer

u/A_Wild_VelociFaptor avatar

Ah, shit, mybad. Streamers for me tend to blend together.

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my community… these people I swear

So Myna's cookies are being sold at $1.75/oz, while Toatzy's are sold at $0.71/oz. This makes her cookies cost nearly 250% more

No, it makes them nearly 150% more.

That's still pretty bad though. Well-written comment generally.

u/therejectethan avatar

Excellent write-up. Thanks for making this so easy to understand (honestly didn’t even know she was receiving backlash, just saw she launched a cookie brand), and your price comparisons were helpful. Thank you

u/WherEmEweeD avatar

Why should i throw away my out of date sweets? Im genuinely curious

It bothers me to no end when people gain money and notoriety and forget where they came from. I understand the backlash because most of her wealth was built from the backs of her viewers. The condescension was real, and I think that’s why people freaked out so much.

u/Prozac__ avatar

Jesus. The grammar and composition of that "response statement" looks like she cranked out this reply on her phone in 20 seconds while she was on the shitter.

I used to watch the Trash Taste podcast until they started to bring on their twitch friends and well known grifters, content thieves and overall scummy people like Ludwig, Pokimane and Hasan.

Conner also seems to be taking on a lot of the negative traits of his streamer friends where he brushes off criticisms of his choices by saying he doesn't care.

To be fair, the "idiot" math thing is because everyone thinks the single 4oz bag is $28 and therefore like $1/cookie OR that each bag is a "serving" because Americans aren't taught how to read nutrition labels. I've had this conversation with 3 different guys that just read things on Twitter and I'm still pretty sure they don't believe me.

u/Cursed_Avenger avatar

I don't know the timline of her 'apology' but there is another clip where she references the broke boys comment 'as a joke' again.

Answer: They're repackaged cookies. They're smaller and more expensive.

Pokimane made fun of (and shamed) her poor audience, which is the target demographic of the cookies.

The cookies claim to be original.

yeah this is a total scam and her responses are even worse. This product is almost exactly the same as existing one, but ~250% more expensive.

u/patys3 avatar

genuinely, who gives a fuck? if it's overpriced, don't buy it, same as you don't buy stuff you think is too expensive when you buy groceries. i mean it's even better if they're repackaged different cookies, means you can buy the original, which is the same thing for cheaper, if you really like them?


It's not only overpriced af. She's also lying about it being a healthy snack.

u/patys3 avatar

cereal and other food industries been doing that decades, i really cant give any fucks

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ofc, you just dont buy these if you look at pure value. The only reason you buy her product if you want to support her. So its different from just buying groceries.

Its just baffling for me how overpriced these are haha.

u/Southern_Coach_5023 avatar

Sir or ma'am you are in a reddit thread about said cookies. Instead of me convincing you why you should care you should be convincing me why you have come to this particular thread to convince me you don't care. Because your actions and your question do not line up.

u/patys3 avatar

oh I don't care about the cookies; I do care (or did, at the time) about people acting like releasing them was as bad as committing war crimes

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u/Southern_Coach_5023 avatar

Influences go as far as their fans take them. They profit off of a following and that followings spending power. If the following loses faith in you as a brand all of a sudden your influencing career is either capped or over.

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I read the original post and I assumed it meant that she was asking her fans to buy cookies for her. And then got upset when they bought Costco cookies for her. Thank you for clearing it up.

thank you random redditor that i found on google

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u/doreda avatar

Answer: Pokimane's new company released its first product: A cookie that people have discovered has a similar appearance and ingredients list to a discontinued product that used to be sold at Costco and are also manufactured by the same company. This has upset some people online for various reasons. Pokimane and her company have issued statements claiming it is not a rebrand. People have also criticized the price of the product, to which Pokimane has also responded with a common rebuttal, i.e. Too pricey for you? It's not for you/then don't buy it/you must be too poor to afford it.

u/ProcyonHabilis avatar

What is the deal with your link?

u/Hackastan avatar

People think they're clever but really they're just as insufferable as the rest of us

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u/Xystem4 avatar

Really weird to hide a let me google that for you link in a response on the subreddit literally for asking questions and getting answers from real people.

u/bartleby42c avatar

I don't get why you put a "let me Google that for you" link and tried to disguise it.

Are you upset that people are asking questions on subreddit dedicated to people asking questions?

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u/Ok-Buy2689 avatar

Got super trolled when I got here by googling that exact thing

Too pricey for you? It's not for you/then don't buy it/you must be too poor to afford it. this offensive? I don't understand this. There are loads of things I can't financially justify buying that I'd like to have. I'm not entitled to any of those things.


the problem is this: "you don't like a knockoff at 200% markup? you must be upset because you're just too poor for them" that's the kind of response she's having, it's unrelated to the criticism

That makes sense. Having a high cost is one thing but being a dick about it and calling people poor isn't okay.

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u/Medical_Breakfast795 avatar

She is literally rich and "famous" because of the people she called "too poor" to afford her cookies.

Do you not understand why that's a messed up thing for an influence to say to their audience? It's like if your own government called you a moron for paying your taxes.

Do you not recognize that the clip of her were purposely misrepresented and devoid of context? People have been bothering her about cookies $7 bags of cookies, probably $3 overpriced, and when she (as a woman) dared make the same joke every other streamer has made at some point "Broke Boi".

I don't watch Pokimane but I'm familiar and have seen the full clip and people are going absolutely apeshit with the least charitable take possible. They are forced to come to the conclusion that Pokimane somehow holds great disdain for the poor. I don't even like her and I can see that, but as a man, I can say I think she's just getting the blowback for being a woman online.


Jesus christ how did you make this a sexist thing, that's so much reaching that's you've gone full reach-around on yourself.

u/latrion avatar

Not everything is about gender. Rebranding a shitty cookie, doubling the price, then insulting the people who make your lifestyke available has nothing to do with what's in your pants.

Insukting peoples intelligence because they see through you trying to rebrand something to with a 100+% markup makes you a piece of shit. Then "it was a joke bro" excuse.

Women are treated differently in many aspects. This is not one of them.

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u/Medical_Breakfast795 avatar

No one said anything about her gender, she is a simply out of touch wack job who insulted her entire audience for having legitimate criticisms about her product.

"I don't watch Pokimane" but I'll come to her defense like a good little keyboard warrior.

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u/Felix_Von_Doom avatar

"Do you guys not have phones?!"

Same energy

"Just get a home"

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u/TwentyFxckinYears avatar

Answer: Pokimane is a very popular streamer who sometimes has what you might call "moral high ground" takes, which leave her open to criticism anytime she does something that seems sketchy (i.e., selling overpriced cookies.) FWIW, it seemed like she was joking.

Pokimane’s PR team has arrived

u/Suthrnr avatar

And they aren't very good at their jobs

Honest question, do people believe she wasn’t joking?

why do you say believe like it isn't true?

u/TwentyFxckinYears avatar

apparently lol. thought my comment was objective but I’m being blasted

You comment was objective about the fact that Pokimane is truly abjective.

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u/AkiraShun avatar

Simp detected.

u/itssbojo avatar

pokimane is a very popular streamer who would be nothing without the people she’s insulting. fwiw, it wasn’t a joke until she got flak.


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