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Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project that is fully open-source. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. The development team consists of a large global collective of expert engineers and researchers.

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Will Cardano’s ecosystem overtake Ethereum...

r/cardano - Will Cardano’s ecosystem overtake Ethereum...
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We dont want one winner in any market, thats how things get over priced.

Happy to have a good competitiveness in the market.

And yes cardano ecosystem will at least equal eth at some point but it could be 5 years away or more

So you are telling me, I will be a millionaire in 5 years?

Love it. Thanks! 😁


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Being a millionaire might not mean much in 5 years considering the amount of money that is being printed

And you are one of the five Horsemen of the apocalypse 😂

I've been called worse 😄

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u/Chef_Xeon avatar

Still worth knocking out a couple life goal achievements/milestones

The reminder we all need. Every. Single. Day.


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Ha, cardano ecosystem being equal to eth does not equal 1 ada to 1 eth 😂

Yeah looking like Cardano people don't understand sarcastic jokes.. maybe I have to WrItE lIKe ThIs

ADA to HiT $3,000 bY EnD of BuLLrUn, eVEn Tho MaRKeT CaP WoULd MakE iT iMpoSsiBLe.

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Mcap yes, price never

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You're gonna get rich if you work pretty hard. That's it.

I'm investing so I don't have to work anymore and enjoy life. Should be your plan too dude

Sir, this is Wendy’s.

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I don't think having a winner is a bad thing. Having only one choice is, but having a winner isn't. Usually when you have one clear winner in a market for reasons other than cronyism, it's because they did it cheaper and better than everyone else.

The fact that you have one entity on top at any given time doesn't remove the constant downward pressure of pricing. If you get too pricey, it will be easy for competition to rise up. Look at the steel monopoly as an example. You had actual, legitimate monopoly, but prices of steel were constantly falling during that time. In the digital realm, it is even easier for competition to replace an entity that gets too comfortable, and a true monopoly can't even exist.

You got downvoted but that is a valid alternate argument with good examples and allegories , good point.

I was thinking in a different direction but understand your thinking also.


I disagree, look at Google, clear winner, yet we do have other options yet we still suffer. Winner creates major power imbalance. Crypto don't need Swiss army knife winners, but needs variety of projects serving different purposes

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does it need to?

why does everything have to be about something overtaking another, there is plenty of room for both to work together

A lot of elitism going on in crypto.

But in my experience, the tendency by everyone to want to be "the one" usually creates a market where there is more than just one.


A lot of elitism going on in crypto.



Large banks and hendefunds don't take sides. They take greenbacks.

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u/transaholic avatar

I’m just rooting for ADA cause that’s the biggest bag I hold😂

Elitism that is pushed by greed. "If Cardano flips Ethereum, I'll be a millionaire" 🙄

Wouldn't see it like that.

People build a model of the world in their head and they have a vested interest in that model being correct.

That's pretty much it... If you thought ETH was better than ADA, you would have bought ETH and then defended your position. Same thing the other way around.

"Wanting to make money" is the driving factor to get into crypto in the first place. If that was all that mattered, it wouldn't matter what coin you make it with.

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This! Personally I’m tired of seeing so many post referring to ADA as “the Ethereum killer”, or saying “bitcoin doesn’t have this and ADA has it, so bitcoin is dead and ADA will be the coin that prevails”. Like, chill out and understand that the cryptocurrencies is an environment that NEEDS more than one coin in order to thrive (you don’t want to centralize your decentralization solution).

Bitcoin can’t be dead, it is literally the most important one regardless of what anyone says and I own plenty of others. Should it be so important? Depends how you view and really think about how important bitcoin is even though it’s older and less performance with bigger market cap but it is a global phenomenon that can’t be stopped and also the best performing asset in the last decade.

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Exactly. If Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, Oracle, Alibaba, etc etc can all coexist then I don't see why there can't be a "top 5 Web3.0 platforms"


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u/lookslikeyoureSOL avatar

There wont be a bundled wallet. Chrome/firefox will just create a native wallet for their browser the way Brave has done.


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This is the stance I hold as well.

The technology is really only about 10 years old.
Adoption is insanely low, currently.
Population is ~8B and is estimated to cap around 10b around 2050.

You really want to tell me any one project will dominate everything everywhere over the next 40-60 years?

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It’s how American are. Everything’s a binary. Pepsi or Coke? McDonalds or Burger King?

Everything is branded and people are (for some reason) extremely loyal to them. PlayStation or Xbox? Chevy or Ford?

Everything’s a competition like it’s the super bowl even down to our politics looking like a game.

Ethereum vs Cardano doesn’t surprise me, as annoying as it is.


Lack of strong identity. Played like a puppet by marketing (propaganda). Our prior identity to consumers was just 'working class', and incredible gains were made in that era (late 19th to mid 20th century). Consumer works out well for weak-minded societies like ours, because there's zero conflict. The rich and poor are all consumers. No stress, just stay powerless, poor, and stupid. But you're not looking like some loser going up against a billionaire taking it all from you and your family/friends at least. We're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires instead.

This isn't exclusive to Americans, most of the world is too poor and corrupt to bother brainwashing the serfs to give up working class struggle in favor of mere consumerism. They have no purchasing power.

But that's what's up with that, consumer as an identity instead of economic class identity.

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Where did the OP state he/she was American? Cardano isn't an American platform.

Talking generally about this mindset not the OP.

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Because it generates clicks

And attracts chick's


Which will bring all the dicks

Stiff as sticks

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“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” Tony Montana

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u/tofuonplate avatar

exactly this. Why can't we all work together, especially if it's a good project?


Conceptually, makes sense to have many players. In practice however, it doesn't work out that way. At a certain point, there are so many options, and so much work to integrate things, the masses push towards consolidation.

An example is search engines. Having a variety and very specific search engines could help make things more discoverable on the aggregate. But that becomes exponential integration problem when you consider browsers, phone os, smart speakers, etc. So everyone is ok going to Google and making integrations with just that 99.9% of the time. A lot of search innovation has been lost because of this, but at the price of mass adoption.

It does not, which is the entire point of interoperability between different chains.

u/labradore99 avatar

Well, it's not a nice thing, but it is true. Mother nature rewards winners and kills losers. In fact, the winners eat the losers. Its as brutal as it is normal.

Nature also has more than one species.

y and one species oppressing them all too

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u/Wrathwilde avatar

Except for modern humans, now the small minority of extremely smart folks are able to save and greatly extend the lives of the dumbest members of society… who would normally be removed from the equation… and those losers go on to breed even dumber offspring… who the smart minority continue to protect from their well deserved Darwin awards.

That all-is-competition mindset is what ruined the economy that we know in the first place. If you are comparing cryptos with mother nature, let me tell you that the ecosystems survive on what you call the “losers” to bring nutrients to the ground, so grass and plants can grow, and the other “losers” can feed, so the “winners” can eat the “losers”. I feel sorry for you, as I believe you must suffer everyday you don’t “win” something.

Whoa bro that was deep. Mad respect.

u/labradore99 avatar

We live in a bubble. No one eats us. We cooperate to dominate and eat the whole damn world. It's called "civilization". So instead of killing each other, we form organizations, compete for energy in the form of money and instead of the humans dying, the organizations die when they are outcompeted. By the way, the organizations also get eaten. The assets get sold off and consumed by the better-organized competition.

Awesome. Huge win over the days of eat-or-be-eaten, at least for us individually. I have spent a long time distrusting and disliking the idea of this ruthless competition. But, in the end, evolution mercilessly selects the most fit. Wherever there is competition and variation, there will be evolution.

Coinmarketcap is tracking over 10k cryptos. They don't all have to "win" as dominant money. Any of them that finds a dominant position within a niche will likely survive. But as far as I can tell, the majority of them are chasing the same things, either out of ignorance or dishonesty. In one sense, that is fantastic. We will all benefit from the intense competition. Every surviving token will be stronger for it. Somehow, I doubt that we will end up with 10k cryptos 20 years from now. I think a lot of them will be consumed.

You don't have to win something every day. You don't even have to notice that this is the regime in which we live. But you're undoubtedly going to notice that you work within some kind of organization and it is certainly in competition for some niche.

Maybe in the future we can all just share the benefits of software that evolves new tech to manipulate materials and harvest energy. The competitive landscape of organizations could abstract one level higher into the competition of AIs working for us. It seems like things are headed that way (at least in the best scenario). But that is a little perverse and, honestly, seems dangerous for us to be two or more major abstractions away from the reality of competition. Eventually, some AI is going to figure out that it can accumulate a lot more resources if it just stops spending it on keeping humans happy.

So, in one sense, don't feel bad for me clearly seeing the competitive nature of life. Feel bad for me seeing the ruinous end-game that is likely coming our way as the result of that competition.

Sir, this is a Wendys

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Apple didn’t kill Microsoft.

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No. Ethereum will always exist, because it’s great. Cardano will also always exist, because it’s also (going to be) great. One doesn’t have to cancel the other, they can coexist peacefully. Crypto tribalism needs to go, we need less Neanderthal and more decentralized appreciation for nice things.


I agree both will coexist but that’s not what OPs question was. He asked whether it will overtake, not cancel out. That’s a valid question, and perhaps it will.

But it's very hard to predict and creates more tribalism than information.

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The only part I do not agree is that ETH is great. It was great for the development of crypto space but it is not anymore. However, both will not go anywhere in the next 5-10 years and will thrive on their own ways.

What do you dislike about ETH?

u/SerialATA_Killer avatar

2 big negatives:

Large amounts of Ethereum nodes are run by Infura, which is majority hosted on AWS. Infura has gone down before and exchanges have had to halt Eth trading. A call to Jeff Bezos can shut down Ethereum.

It's still run by a central person. Vitalik can and has hard fork to protect his investors but leave others out to dry (hello ETC community). Eth is going to PoS because their hash power is extremely low, which will centralize the network around the already massive whales. Ethereum is largely very centralized in this manner

Eth is going to PoS because their hash power is extremely low

This couldn't be further from the truth. Measured by value paid to miners daily (which is the only good way to measure disparate hashing algos), Ethereum has the highest hash power of any coin besides Bitcoin, and even has higher hash power than Bitcoin from time to time.

Regarding most of the nodes being run in the cloud, does Cardano have some anti-cloud mechanism, or is that just a complaint about ALL cryptocurrencies?

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totally disagree, eth is a piece of shit

What a compelling and informative comment.

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Missing ergodex from the dexes I think

u/gary16jan avatar

Also from the Oracle and NFT list.

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u/Moist-Certainly avatar

Any ADA DEX working and useable today?

Considering there are no smart contracts yet, no. They are being worked on, bit it will be August at the earliest that we are seeing any dApps.

Not until smart contracts are launched.

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And oracle! I was looking for this Thanks. Was wondering if it was me not seeing it.

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Don't want to be a pessimist but short term I doubt it. Long-term however anything is possible so might as well by both imo.

Imho, it's like 20 years ago, thinking whether you should buy Microsoft or Apple stocks...

"one of them will make it" ... yeah, both did and both thrive.

I don't see why that should not also be the case for ETH and ADA.

Same. Crypto tribalism and fanboism is almost the same as PC/Mac/Linux tribalism and fanboism from 10-20 years ago. And I say the from the perspective of a MacOS 8/9/X, and unixen, turned Windows user (for the games, yo).

Well I was shaking my head until you said for the games… lol. Thing is though even when I was a Mac Unix fan I would’ve bought Microsoft stock. (I didn’t buy any stocks back then, I guess I was too busy and broke..)

Funny, crypto is not just the 'platform' like Win/Mac/Linux but also the 'stock' like MS/Apple/Redhat.

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Tbh the OS tribalism makes more sense considering Apple has an entire ecosystem of products that work together whereas PC is for people who don’t care for that or want a cheap alternative.


PC isnt a cheap alternative, thats linux, apple is when you wanna overpay, if you like apple good for you but just know in terms of technology it may even be behind, so if i can get something cheaper and better why would i pay more for something worse tell me

And in terms of stocks apple might be better but its not cause of their products but cause sheep only apple users that will stay with them no matter what and pay whatever they want thats a freaking amazing userbase from a bussiness perspective, but it may also lead to complaicency and stopping innovation on them, in the end you guys buying no matter the price will end up hurting your fav brand

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u/vacacow1 avatar

Sure but for example Yahoo rushed before Google with a worse product during the technological boom,

Quote by Vogelstein during 2007, on search engine technology comparison between Yahoo and Google..

“To start with, the service itself (Yahoo’s search engine technology “Overture”) needed a major technological overhaul: The original technology had been created in a hurry during the boom, and it wasn't built to work on a global scale. Also, because of the way it was designed – to allow human review of each ad – it was painfully slow compared to Google.”

This seems awfully close to ETH and Cardano, ETH rushed and now needs a mayor overhaul (ETH 2.0) while Cardano is IMO trying to get it right from the start, will it happen? I don’t know.

Another quote:

“Worst of all, Yahoo's long-delayed push to aggressively compete in the search-driven advertising business is only now getting off the ground, arguably two years behind schedule.”

Again same thing with ETH 2.0 push backs.

IMO it’s easier and better to build something from the start the right way, than to keep patching things up.

I don’t hold either ADA or ETH, i just like Cardano’s project better.

Edit: i don’t think any will disappear unless a mayor screwup, but still today Yahoo still exists, just pales against Google.

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What if Cardano and ETH could interoperate? In 10 years scale would likely incentivize mass adoption and easy to use.

u/crickhitchens avatar


u/Practical_Conflict_2 avatar


after NEO became the ONE, he got NERVOS about the COSMOS

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Both could become parachains in dot or cosmos and communicate.
Right now most are trying to do each own things but in the future they will interact just like google and Amazon does, etc.

ERC-20 Token converter.

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u/veRGe1421 avatar

Gotta split the ATOM then 😁

This is the direction that I hope we move towards; individual chains communicating via some sort of bridge when needed. Not the approach where many blockchains live within one blockckchain's ecosystem (Polkadot and Cosmos to an extent).

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There are better chains. Eth gonna slowly die

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Don't forget Ergo! Ergodex, oracles. POW

I was looking for this! Was wondering if I was not seeing it or if it was really not there.

This was made by some of the garbage projects listed on it to promote themselves. It is purposely leaving off their competition.

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Does someone have a list of all of the Cardano projects on the right side? (Kinda hard to know what they are base upon logo..)


Just wait, by December, a lot of those icons will be on both sides of the image.

yeah Cross chain is the future!

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We haven't even gotten the public testnet. Ethereum's ecosystem had YEARS of baking in the oven.

we are still early. true is, the Cardano game isn't the same of Ethereum. you should be aware that.

Ethereum DApps are incredibly outpacing Cardano. They are simply more mature. For now. Once plutus irons out and more DApps hit the market(ADA wax marketplaces) we'll see more adoption, as it is you can't really exchange NFTs yet like you can on Ethereum. One thing in not liking a whole lot about cardano is the utxo model revealing the balance of your wallet when making a transaction, I have to have multiple wallets to make my ada balance somewhat private to the person I'm transacting with.

Can this be fixed with the ergomixer or is that something completely different?

u/datwolvsnatchdoh avatar

Ergomixer will at least allow ADA holders to easily anonymize their funds, but I dont think it will prevent people from seeing your ADA funds.

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u/begghins avatar

Can somebody write the names of cardano ecosystem?


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Can we please stop with this. There are litterly hundreds of fiat currencies living harmoniously, why can't crypto do the same, it's not utopian, its inclusive and freeing. Enjoy the different systems and let them live together without competition.

without competition

No, thanks. Healthy competition is great.

Bruh it's not healthy competition with the crypto cultists. You're all weirdly religious about your favourite coins.

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Remember competition is what fuels innovation

Because "MoON"

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They've got 2 1/2 years to give it their best shot lol.

Well they have years of development and made it this far. Wait until it’s complete!


I just mean ETH 2.0 is on that timeline. If cardano can get a foothold before then it might surpass ETH. But if they can't ETH is probably going to outclass Bitcoin.

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I am confused there are NFTs already on Cardano ? Or they are coming ?

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I recognize more on the left.

u/winingas avatar

Polkadot might overtake both. No one knows. They all might coexist

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Where is the comedy tag on this post?

u/SleezyBadger avatar

To me when I see Charles Hoskinson, he reminds me of this era's Steve Jobs

Woz too

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“Will Apple overtake PC?”

Yeah, that’s how this will play out. It’s like how the Mac had a slow start.

One will not “kill” the other… they’ll keep each other competitive.

u/SurelyNotAnOctopus avatar

I play both sides so I win no matter which one takes off

If it were to over take ETH, it wouldn’t be anytime soon. Considering that ETH is just becoming a household name there is going to be a lot of attention on it. Along with this, it doesn’t help that ETH having that recognition is trying to develop things that ADA already has such as POS. I see Cardano going up along with ETH but it will take many years before it could “flip” ETH if at all. But in my opinion, cryptos will coexist with funds being distributed amongst all of them instead of a majority of funds being in one place like Bitcoin.

Hope so but if it doesn’t, I know it will at least remain competitive in the space. Good vision, good leadership, tremendous project.

You left off about 95% of ethers lmao

No because Dragonchain is already doing what they have on their roadmap…

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This chart is a classic example of false equivalence.

Those on the left have years of operation and some have billions in TVL.

As far as I’m aware nothing on the right hand side is live yet? Many are still yet to even raise funding.

Its the same trick EOS and Tron used to pull back in the heyday of Ethereum killers, to give the false impression of progress. is the best leaderboard, not this...

EOS and Tron used to have many users tho especially those gamblers. Both were very well-known for being online casinos at some point.

I don't think Cardano will get any traction in anything at all.

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oh it's been a few days since we haven't seen the "will Cardano smoke ETH"...I almost didn't miss these posts...

u/NudelXIII avatar

Why we have always to compare stuff…? It is the same BS like Android vs iPhone.

Cardano doesn‘t need to overtake ETH. Also quantity is useless. We need quality and solid solutions.

100% agree regarding quality solutions over quantity; particularly solutions that address fundamental human needs / areas of the market that are not otherwise benefiting. Not just dapps for the sake of dapps.

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If Cardano and/or others do it better, faster, cheaper then Ethereum... then the others can and will prevail. It's not very complicated.

Regarding "The Ring That Rules Them All" ... all I observe is that the Web as an environment does offer itself to monopolies: e.g. Google & partners and Facebook & partners.

Although I do like the "egalitarian" talk (we can all coexist, etc.) there's nothing egalitarian in business. Shall Google willingly offer more space to Yahoo? I don't think so. People who know more than I do summed it up in a rather brief one-liner: "in business, if you don't increase, you decrease".

And this is what's currently happening with Ethereum, by the way: if they are unable to increase (scale) then they are bound to decrease.

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Can we buy liqwid yet?

u/albertingles avatar

Not yet, you will have to provide liquidity in their pools to farm $LQ tokens.


So you won’t be able to buy it?

u/albertingles avatar

Eventually but there is no pre sale or ICO, initial fair distribution is to encourage initial liquidity providers. Eventually it will show up on DEX and exchanges.

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Why should it?

u/EffectiveWolf avatar

Cardano should probably get up and running first

Cardano has much larger goals...
That doesn't look like much of a challenge.

give it 4-5 years then ask the same thing again

for the cardano ecosystem we are still in its infancy and it is already doing well

Versus is wrong, they can both interoperate for everything.

How can cardano be doing nft without smart contracts? That possible? Also, what are those dex? Does cardano have a uniswap equivalent?

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Didn't know cardano had DEX. What is the best cardano DEX? Does staking there is more profitable than staking cardano itself?

What is the most used cardano dApp right now ?


The Ethereum side is so far from complete, is this a joke? I hope both do well.


Will probably get downvoted to infinity, but right now ETH’s ecosystem is still much, much stronger than Cardano’s (Dominating NFTs, DEX and Oracles). Cardano’s ecosystem has a lot of potential though





Cardano has a long way to go.. I cant name one of those

u/agamemnon9455472 avatar

Worth mentioning zilliqa in this ..working smart contracts , working dex, scalability, lower fees, and faster. And I also believe no one needs to "win" here. Excited to watch it all unfold though. Good luck all..

These type of posts provide zero help for crypto mass adoption.

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Bad comparison at the moment. The one's on Ethereum exist and are operational. The one's on Cardano are awaiting smart contracts. You can't compare products out in the wild dealing with real problems and others - at no fault of their own - that are theoretical.

u/sltrmp4 avatar

I hate these type of crypto tribolism posts. Will ADA overtake ETH? It doesn't need to. There can be more than one.

u/GrouchySquash8923 avatar



My god stop with the “ethereum killer” bs. It won’t kill ETH and it doesn’t need to.

Can we not engage in this stupid kind of stuff please? There's plenty of room for everyone.

Doesn’t it need to hit $7 to match eth now?

Lol, no.

Completely left the most high quality DEX with the most proven team from this list…Ergodex - created by Charles Hoskinsons “favorite technologist”.

Funny that all these half assed projects with nothing to back up their projects get listed when the one that’s actually closest to launch and with the most reputable team gets left off the list.

Please do more research into the ecosystem.

The fact that a scam project like Charli3 is listed there makes me think this entire graphic is unreliable.


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Why does every single thing posted about this project have to be a lie? All time low is $.71 according to coin gecko. Price is currently $1.54. So how on earth can you possibly make the claim that it has done 36x? Looks like about 2x. Furthermore, the only thing people can say about this project is the price will go up. They have built LITERALLY NOTHING. They released an ERC-20 token instead of a Cardano Native Asset. The fully doxxed team has ALREAD completely changed from the initial people who cashed out and have a new group of scammers taking over. If you seriously think this is a legit project actually building something of value, you are in for a surprise.


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u/nomad375 avatar

all correct :) thank you very much

In your personal opinion, what possible reason did they have to launch an ERC-20 token? If its a Cardano project, why aren't they launching on Cardano? The only reason I can think of is they want to generate as much cash as possible while the crpyto hype is at its peak. All legit projects are waiting and actually launching on Cardano when smart contracts are available. Who are the team members enrolled in Plutus Pioneers who are learning to code in Plutus (they have none)? Why not launch a campaign in project catalyst where all the actual Cardano projects are being funded? Again, because they don't care about creating something on Cardano, they want to make themselves rich. I asked the COO all of these questions and he deleted the post instead of answering.

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So you say the launch price was 4 cents and coingecko and coinmarket cap list it at much higher numbers. I think ill go with coingecko vs an anonymous internet stranger. But regardless, what the hell does the price have to do with it anyways? The fact that they tricked enough people into buying it and pumping the price up shouldn't really be a selling point. The project actually building something of value should be the selling point.

You say they have built a ton of stuff and we should just take your word on it? Please forgive me for being skeptical. Most projects actually building something prove it on their github.

So you agree at least that the team has changed in its few weeks of existence? Not a very good sign for a new project.

I am not saying you are a shameless shill who is promoting a garbage project, but you are definitely a shill promoting a garbage project.

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u/jerzyjak avatar

As Cardano gains more functionality it will overtake ETH.




both are sick projects

No but I think Polkadot will

This would be beautiful 🤩

u/HurryupandWait2021 avatar

The simple answer is NO

u/vacacow1 avatar

Who keeps making these infoposters with the Charli3 scam in there? They all look pretty similar…

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Cardano will win the championship

Look at payment processors that's how it obvious that it will overtake and overtake fast. Not only that first smart contract dropping and already catching up with core dapps. I can't believe people still try and argue

ETH is a centralized bloated pig

I love this battle. Bc bunch of ETH maxis will always talk that shit about cardano. Can’t wait for smart contracts and to really put ETH in its place soon.

Half of current eth project prob gonna switch sides when they see fit so i doubt its accurate. Its already one sided. 👌

You wish, with ADA ceo? No way 🤣


They better fixt ada wallet issues first 😆

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Can add to the DEX list

u/Bander2k7 avatar

Dont recognize a lot. What is the bottom one at Cardano?

Edit; Liqwid, found it

I hope they both do well.