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Anna Shcherbakova

Anna Shcherbakova is injured

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova is injured

Shcherbakova announces she will not participate to the Team Tut show due to an injury :(

(cf. Anna IG story and Team Tut IG post)

Edit : apparently, she will have to undergo another surgery :((

New Anna Shcherbakova interview - trigger warning

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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New Anna Shcherbakova interview - trigger warning

Anna’s appeared on Daring Cook, a popular online Russian cooking show hosted by former gymnast Liasan Albertovna Utiasheva. Whilst they cooked together, they chatted about the Olympics and Anna’s relationship with food. The interview is over an hour long, and initial translations are coming out thanks to YouTube auto translate!

Big trigger warning for eating disorders and disordered relationships with food. Anna gives weight numbers in this interview, please put your well-being and health first before reading

Key points:

Anna: “I had to go through a lot [during the Olympic season]. I tried every possible and impossible diet.” She described it as being a lot to “endure”.

She describes how, after the Olympics: “I wanted to relax, to let myself go, so I started eating normally. Naturally, I gained weight immediately.”

Liasan then asked her exactly how much weight she had gained, and she refused to answer and said that she has never mentioned her exact weight (in numbers) before.

Anna however did go on to say that, during the Olympic season, 42kg (6.6 stone) was a “good weight” that was aimed for. She added “I lost even more weight for the Olympics.”

She said that she has now struck a “balance” between dieting and eating normally.

Liasan asked Anna what she ate for breakfast at the Olympics, and she replied “hardly anything… At that moment, I believed that the less I ate, the better I would train.” Liasan then asked her how she managed to find strength.

Liasan then asks about figure skating ladies retiring early. Anna replies “It’s a sport where the peak of opportunities comes at around 15-17 years old.”

She adds that if you have achieved everything you desire, “there is nothing wrong with retiring”, though says that she is still on pause with her career.

Link to original video, click ‘captions’ then ‘auto translate’:

Channel One Cup - Captain's Challenge - Anna Shcherbakova Substitutes in Anna Shcherbakova

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Channel One Cup - Captain's Challenge - Anna Shcherbakova Substitutes in Anna Shcherbakova

Part of the Channel One Cup had these relays/skills competitions. Well Anna Shcherbakova - Singles Skater that was Captain for the Blue Team was injured* substituted in Anna Shcherbakova - Ice Dancer to do her portion of the Captain's Challenge.

*Anna, Singles skater/Captain of the Blue team, did say that when she was approached her about participating in the Channel One Cup that she was injured and wouldn't be able to be an active skater in it.

“Enjoy the whole process, not just the end result.- Anna Shcherbakova

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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“Enjoy the whole process, not just the end result.- Anna Shcherbakova

Translation of Anna Shcherbakova’s comments about dealing with stress and pressure in competitions.

“Q: You’ve been involved in figure skating since childhood and have participated in many competitions. Do you still experience stress before performances? How do you think, is it possible to completely get rid of stress, especially for athletes with a lot of experience?

Anna Shcherbakova: Stress is not always a bad thing. From my own experience, I have understood that moderate stress even helps to create a competitive mood, mobilize resources, and give your all. Therefore, in particular, after competitions, there is often a feeling of devastation to some extent.

I think it’s better not to learn to completely get rid of stress, but rather to learn how to manage it and direct it in the right direction.

Q: Before competitions, it’s very important for many athletes to find a way to immerse themselves and focus. How do you set yourself up before an important performance?

Anna Shcherbakova: What scares me more often is the unknown when I do not know what to expect and what to prepare for. However, before performances, I always know what form I am in and what my goal is for these competitions. This helps me cope with stress and remain focused.

Q: What advice would you give to athletes dealing with fear in order to manage emotions and achieve their best results?

Anna Shcherbakova: Of course, we are all different. However, I can highlight a few points that have always helped me.

It’s really important to love what you do. Enjoy the whole process, not just the end result. And, probably, dream less about big victories, set realistic short-term goals for yourself and achieve them.”

Anna Shcherbakova - new interview on the “Tonight” show (trigger warning)

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova - new interview on the “Tonight” show (trigger warning)

A short clip has been aired teasing Anna Shcherbakova’s interview on the “TONIGHT” (СЕГОДНЯ ВЕЧЕРОМ) show on Channel One. The full show airs tonight at 9:35pm in Russia.

Big trigger warning - disordered eating, discussions of weight and numbers. please put your well-being first.

The show stars Andrei Nikolaevich Malakhov (famous talk show host) and centres around a chat show format featuring prominent guests and celebrities. Tonight’s episode appears to be centred around weight.

The teaser opens with footage of Anna skating her FP at the Olympics. The footage includes a wide shot of one of her spins showing the rink, and the ‘Beijing 2022’ logo is blurred out

Anna says: “I had weight that I had to adhere to at that time: it was 42kg.” The host then jokes: “wait, was that with or without skates on?” and descends into laughter with the other guests. It does not show Anna’s reaction.

anna shcherbakova skating with mononucleosis

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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anna shcherbakova skating with mononucleosis

this is not a hate post or anything, i love anya very much. but it was released to the press a couple weeks ago that she had mononucleosis and everybody was very concerned because mono is a big deal… and now she’s doing a leg of shows apparently fine??? can someone explain to me how this works…?

Anna Shcherbakova’s skating skills

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova’s skating skills

I’m a fan of FS, but I don’t skate or know much about skating skills. What do you all (who know more about the technical side of FS) think about Anna’s skating skills? Is she good, average, bad? How would she compare to say Trusova (who does not have good skating skills according to some) or Kaori?

Anna Shcherbakova

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova

Hi this is my first post, I have a question regarding Anna and the olympics. I’ve seen multiple posts on here, twt, and random websites about the ladies figure skating olympics and who they think will place. It’s seems that no one thinks Anna will place, I’ve only seen 1 or 2 comments saying she will. I’m new to figure skating, it seems to me that she can pull it together at comps. Why do people seem to be counting her out? Is there something y’all know about that? Please remember that she is still young so please be respectful.

Anna Shcherbakova is considering a return to competitions in the upcoming season

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova is such a good competitor

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Anna Shcherbakova is such a good competitor

I can't even remember when she last had a clean competition. 3Lz+3Lo has been a struggle for the entire season and she's even been dropping it, quad success rate very low even with a single quad etc. and then she just skates clean and performs in a relaxed manner in terms of PCS during the biggest moment of her career.

Her entire career she's been an underdog and somehow ends up winning far more often than you think she should be able to. Has anyone been as good as her under pressure?

  • A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs! members