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Ann Wagner

What a hack Ann Wagner is! Just repeating big hedge fund talking points. Bought and paid for.

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What a hack Ann Wagner is! Just repeating big hedge fund talking points. Bought and paid for.
r/Superstonk - What a hack Ann Wagner is! Just repeating big hedge fund talking points. Bought and paid for.

Ann Wagner is one of the 108 representative who plead Supreme Court to overrule 2020 Presidential Election

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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Ann Wagner is one of the 108 representative who plead Supreme Court to overrule 2020 Presidential Election

Good evening,

I live in Saint Louis County, and just found that Ann Wagner (along with 4 other House Representatives from MO) joined the file to motion. See here in SCOTUS website (Have to use CTRL+F to find her name).

Number 108 is almost 25% of total members of House in US, which is more than disgraceful.

They dont have any concrete evidences to produce and yet, they are adamant enough to join this motion to file. If they are going to challenge election results of Blue swing states, then why dont we also challenge Red Swing states (such as OH, TX, IA)?

Democrat announces run for St. Louis area congressional seat held by Rep. Ann Wagner

Received the following email from Ann Wagner (R) regarding tariffs.....WOMP WOMP WOMP

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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Received the following email from Ann Wagner (R) regarding tariffs.....WOMP WOMP WOMP

My colleagues and I have urged President Trump to rethink imposing tariffs on steel, aluminum, and other goods. Now China, Mexico and several European countries have issued retaliatory tariffs that will negatively impact farmers, ranchers, dairy producers, and consumers across the United States. In Missouri, China’s 25% tariff on American soybeans will hit especially hard. Missouri is a trading state: exports support 88,000 jobs across the state, and one of every three rows of crops is grown to export. It is abundantly clear that these tariffs will hurt good, hardworking families. In both the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services Committees, I questioned witnesses, including Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, about possible solutions to prevent a trade war. Maintaining free, fair, and healthy trade relations is crucial. We must continue to address China’s predatory practices, as well as unbalanced trade agreements across the globe, while preventing the axe from falling on American families.


No seriously, i hope this means the end is near for these tariffs. More conservative backlash, the faster it will end IMO.

Ann Wagner running for re-election to Missouri’s 2nd congressional district

/r/MissouriPolitics is a subreddit devoted to all things political in Missouri. State governments don't get the same level of coverage as Washington, DC, but the effect that they have can sometimes be even greater.

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U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner agrees to debate Democratic challenger Jill Schupp

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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Message to Ann Wagner on NDAA Red Flag Vote

Firearms-related topics from around Missouri.

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Message to Ann Wagner on NDAA Red Flag Vote

Rep Wagner recently voted in support of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which implements red flag laws in the military. Below is my message to her office requesting an explanation of her support even though it directly conflicts with her publicly stated policy positions on four different issues. Please feel free to use as a basis for any message you send to her or the rest of the Missouri congressional delegation.


Representative Wagner,

In the recent House vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) you voted yes. I am concerned about this vote and would appreciate your explanation of support.

As I hope you are aware the 2022 NDAA included a provision to implement so called "red flag" laws in the military judicial system. These laws deny military members due process denying them both their second and fourteenth amendment rights. Please explain your support for this gross violation of service members rights inihht of your following position statements.

On your House issues page under Second Amendment (1) you state:

"I believe that our Founding Fathers meant for all law-abiding citizens to have the right to bear and maintain firearms."

Red flag laws confiscate property protected under the second and fourth amendments before any finding of unlawful conduct is made. How do you justify support for seizure of firearms from the law abiding given your public position that the law abiding have the right to keep arms?

On your House issues page under Veteran's Issues (2) you state:

"I hold the men and women who serve in our great nation’s armed forces in the highest regard."

Please explain to me how a vote to subject them violations of their second, fourth, and fourteenth amendment rights is part of holding military memvers in the higest regard? Typically the denial of rights is not associated with a deeply held level of respect for those being subjected to such a denial.

On your House page under Defense and National Security (3) you state:

"...the state of our current military readiness is unacceptable and impacts our ability to respond to global crises"

Please explain how we enhance readiness of the military by undermining and denying them the basic rights they themselves are sworn to uphold and defend. Please also address why you believe that approving funding takes precedent over protection of citizens rights.

Lastly, on your House issues page under Budget and Spending (4) you state that:

"We must also prioritize our spending to rebuild our military after years of neglect... and care for our veterans who so proudly served our nation."

Please indicate exactly which funding items in the NDAA were of such pressing need and strategic importance to national defense that they justify the violation of military members rights and protections under the Constitution.

Respectfully, pyratemime





Looks like Ann Wagner’s signing-on to the TX lawsuit is now a moot point

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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Looks like Ann Wagner’s signing-on to the TX lawsuit is now a moot point

But even her intention to sign on shows how the GOP just cares about holding on to their own power, no matter what.

For those in MO District 2, we really need to de-"throne" Ann Wagner. Here are my reasons.

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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For those in MO District 2, we really need to de-"throne" Ann Wagner. Here are my reasons.

I have tried. I really tried giving her a chance.

Like a good constituent, I called her office numerous times asking about her positions on certain issues. I never brought Trump up in any conversation. I stuck to the point of the issue/policy at hand.

No responses, no returns from Ann's Office. The staffers were nice but they are not supposed to comment on the issues.

All I've seen from her office is the newsletter and tweets regarding the GOP tax plan and some other Trump related things.

I even praised her efforts on fighting Sex Trafficking and even praised some of the financial regulations she supported. I let the staffers know to tell her that. I am not some radical leftist. I just want to make sure everyones voices are heard.

Tired of her bullshit, tired of her ignoring her constituents thinking it will be flooded by radical liberals. She hasn't held a town hall ever. It's obvious she is bought by her donors.

This Mark Osmack kid looks like a good horse to run up against her. Afghanistan veteran. Jason Kander came really close to defeating Roy Blunt in an election where Trump supporters flooded the ballots.

How can i help? I really want to reach out to Trump supporters to try to dissuade them from voting Ann Wagner back in. Heck, i would vote for almost any republican over Ann.

As much as I dislike Ann Wagner, I got to give her credit for not kowtowing to Trump and voting against certification.

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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As much as I dislike Ann Wagner, I got to give her credit for not kowtowing to Trump and voting against certification.

She is actually the ONLY Republican Missouri Representative who didn't.

But here are the Missouri Reps who did:

Sam Graves - North KC Suburbs & Northern Missouri

Vicky Hartzler - Columbia and West Central Missouri

Billy Long - Springfield, Joplin and South West Missouri

Blaine Luetkemeyer - Franklin County, Arnold and East Central Missouri

Jason Smith - Cape & South East Missouri

Jill Schupp, Democrat challenging Ann Wagner, raises $800,000 for congressional race(MO2)

Democrat Ben Samuels announces run for St. Louis area congressional seat held by Rep. Ann Wagner

‘January 6 was a dark and tragic day’ Congresswoman Ann Wagner shares thoughts on impeachment

/r/StLouis is dedicated to the news, events, and weird food of the Greater St. Louis and surrounding areas. Please check out our sidebar and wiki for a plethora of knowledge.

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U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner agrees to debate Democratic challenger Jill Schupp

/r/MissouriPolitics is a subreddit devoted to all things political in Missouri. State governments don't get the same level of coverage as Washington, DC, but the effect that they have can sometimes be even greater.

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  • /r/MissouriPolitics is a subreddit devoted to all things political in Missouri. State governments don't get the same level of coverage as Washington, DC, but the effect that they have can sometimes be even greater. members
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