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Andrew Tate charges

Andrew Tate charged with r*pe and human trafficking

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Andrew Tate charged with r*pe and human trafficking

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with rape, human trafficking and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women.

The trial will not start immediately and is expected to take several years.

A Romanian judge now has 60 days to inspect the case files before it can be sent to trial.

A spokesperson for Andrew Tate, speaking on behalf of the brothers and the two associates, said: "We embrace the opportunity it presents to demonstrate their innocence."

There are also separate charges still under investigation which could lead to a separate indictment, including money laundering and trafficking of minors.

I do wonder if Romani is going tough on this because he gave them a bad reputation of laxx policing and also the risk of foreigners trying to exploit wealth insecurity there.

RooshV had spoken about Romania in his videos and blogs for years alongside other Eastern European countries. And was also accused of inspiring inappropriate behaviour from men in certain clubs he listed as the easiest. Roosh has a much smaller reach than Tate so it probably is a public safety concern too

Andrew Tate: Self-proclaimed misogynist influencer's detention in Romania extended for another 30 days | World News

Andrew Tate says that in Romania "there is no justice", after having moved there to try to be above the law

'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party. Revel in the schadenfreude anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for or supported or wanted to impose on other people.

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Professional misogynist and alleged human trafficker Andrew Tate reportedly arrested in Romania after being publicly humiliated by Greta Thunberg.

For people who feel gaslighted by the mainstream opinion of an adjudged abuser with a history of violence.

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Professional misogynist and alleged human trafficker Andrew Tate reportedly arrested in Romania after being publicly humiliated by Greta Thunberg.

Tate was arrested on human trafficking charges along with his brother and a policewoman who was allegedly a coconspirator.

This occurred shortly after Tate humiliated himself on social media in this exchange with climate activist Greta Thunberg:

Tate and his followers responded in their usual vile way: by making misogynistic, sexually violent comments about a 19 year old female activist, as quoted in this Tweet by Guardian columnist Owen Jones:

Tate also posted a video response to Thunberg. In what might be the most hilarious act of self-destruction I've seen in a while, the rumour is that this video is what prompted his arrest, as police were able to confirm he was in the country due to the presence of pizza from a Romanian chain in the video:

And seriously, after Pizzagate*, the irony of a prominent far Right human trafficker going down like this is just too much.

So yeah. One of the most infamous and popular fascist misogynistic influencers in the world has been arrested for human trafficking because Greta Thunberg triggered him into self-destructing with one comment about his dick size.

What a lovely note to end the year on. Let's all take a moment to laugh at Andrew Tate's self-inflicted misfortune, and give a big round of applause to Greta Thunberg.

*For anyone who's blissfully forgotten, Pizzagate was a conspiracy theory propagated by the American Right around 2016 which claimed that Democrats were running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza joint. It was basically a precursor to QAnon, and lead to an incident where some nut shot up the pizza joint in question.

Andrew Tate supporters are instigating a smear campaign against Romania

Romania, a country famous for its beautiful landscapes, rich history and awesome people. This is our little Romanian corner of Reddit!

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Andrew Tate supporters are instigating a smear campaign against Romania

From Twitter link:

Edit: This is just one example. For more examples, search #boycottRomania on Twitter.