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Alolan Golem

Alolan Golem is really funny

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Alolan Golem is really funny

I am posting this both to share my joy for Alolan Golem and to ask if anyone has suggestions for a team I've been using with it. (The team:

For context, I've been playing some online lately messing around with pokemon me and my friend think are just funny in general, and I started climbing the showdown ladder using the dumbest team I've ever used.

The main lead is Pachirisu and Alolan Golem and depending on the opposing pokemon you click follow me and explosion or super fang and explosion. To make the team even more ridiculous, Alolan Golem is Tera Bug to resist earthquakes and fighting moves in the off chance you don't explode. Galvanize body slam ends up being a really decent tool to deal with a lot.

Pachirisu is actually really fun to use even though I haven't tried to calc anything for its evs. It leads nicely with literally any mon on the team with follow me nuzzle and super fang, with helping hand as icing on the cake.

Lando I and Gouging Fire are there purely because I find them fun, and more importantly easy, for me to use.

Iron Bundle sometimes throws games but sometimes clutches games up, it really depends on when it decides to miss. I've had it miss icy wind for 3 turns in a row but then land 3 blizzards in the next game.

Lastly there's Hitmontop. I honestly don't remember why I added him but he's also put in decent work in with intimidate fakeout. Assault vest lets him live a lot and tera fighting cc does dummy damage.

I know the team isn't good at all, but honestly I'm having a surprising amount of fun using Alolan Golem and Pachirisu and want to try and make them work and make Elite 4 Karen proud. If anyone has any suggestions to make the team better, or better yet funnier, I'd love to hear it.

[Observation] Alolan Golem walks forward to get back into its original place due to the recoil from shooting a rock

Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments!

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[Observation] Alolan Golem walks forward to get back into its original place due to the recoil from shooting a rock

A Quick PvP Analysis on Community Day Alolan Golem

Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments!

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A Quick PvP Analysis on Community Day Alolan Golem

Hello again, fellow PvPers! Community Day is upon us, so this comes to some of you JUST in time for the event. Sorry about that, but Niantic waited longer than even THEY usually do to finalized the stats for the new exclusive move, so I got a VERY late start myself! There is NO time to waste, so let's just get right to this month's Community Day spotlight Pokémon and examine its merits in PvP, both with AND without its new exclusive move. Time to put ALOLAN GOLEM... under the lights!

First, as I've been doing of late, let's start with our TL;DR -- our Bottom Line Up Front -- FIRST!


  • Even with the very nice last minute buff to Rollout, it would seem that existing Volt Switch is generally still the preferred move, but not always!

  • There ARE formats where Rock damage will be preferred (those with many Ice or Bug types, for example), and/or the crazy high energy that comes from Rollout (now the highest energy move behind only Lock-On). It IS worth trying to land a couple good Rollout specimens while you can. I highlight below specific areas where it stands out, and there ARE several notable ones in Great and Ultra Leagues. Don't worry so much about Master League A-Golem though... this doesn't really move the needle for it there.

Due to the VERY last minute nature of the stat change, I had to scrap an entire article written with the assumed stats and crank this one out in like an hour and a half. It covers the main points, but is NOT as fully extensive as normal... I am quite literally just out of time before other obligations. So please bear with me as I rush through to get you the key info. I'll try to answer other questions as I can, and keep digging when time allows, but this is likely all I'll get to before Community Day starts kicking off around the globe. I apologize for any gaps you were hoping I could fill and any extra grammatical errors, but I did my best with what I had to work with. Sorry!

Let's get right to it....


Rock/Electric Type


Attack: 125 (123 High Stat Product)

Defense: 122 (123 High Stat Product)

HP: 117 (119 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 1-14-15, 1498 CP, Level 19)


Attack: 162 (159 High Stat Product)

Defense: 155 (160 High Stat Product)

HP: 153 (154 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-15-15, 2498 CP, Level 33.5)


Attack: 179 (190 at Level 50)

Defense: 168 (179 at Level 50)

HP: 162 (172 at Level 50)

(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; CP 2949 at Level 40; CP 3334 at Level 50)

Very average stats, slightly favoring offense over defense. It is slightly less bulky (and very slightly more Attack-centric) than things like Swampert, Venusaur, Pelipper, and Talonflame, and very slightly bulkier than Trevenant... and at least in Great and Ultra League, its overall Attack and bulk are right in line with Togekiss and Empoleon. Just to give you some rough frames of reference of where it stacks up.

As for the typing... that's much more unique. The Alolan Geodude/Graveler/Golem family are the only Rock/Electric types in the franchise. (There's not even a Rock-based version of Electric-catch-all Rotom... I checked! ⚡)

ᴱ - Exclusive (Community Day) Move

Fast Moves:

Volt Switch (Electric, 3.0 DPT, 4.0 EPT, 2.0 CD)

Rolloutᴱ (Rock, 1.33 DPT, 4.67 EPT, 1.5 CD)

Rock Throw (Rock, 4.0 DPT, 2.5 EPT, 1.0 CD)

So up until, like, moments before I wrote this very sentence (and had to scrap and quickly start rewriting wide swaths of this article), Rollout was assumed to be a clone of Electric fast move Spark, with 2.0 DPT and 4.0 EPT, which would have left it basically strictly inferior to Volt Switch (same energy gains, but 50% less damage). There were a handful of matchups where Rollout would have had an advantage in that case (versus things like Abomasnow due to type effectiveness, or Gengar in Master League where the long cooldown of Volt Switch meant that it lost but Rollout could win), but overall it was basically to be all Volt Switch, (nearly) all the time.

NOW though, Rollout enters the game with the second-highest energy generation behind only the insane 5.0 EPT (1.0 DPT) Lock-On. Better than Snarl and Bullet Seed, better than Poison Sting and Psycho Cut and Mud Shot and Thunder Shock, better than everything else except Lock-On. And THAT should help further distinguish it from Volt Switch.

But is that in a positive way? Let's add in the charge moves and see....

Charge Moves:

Rock Blast (Rock, 50 damage, 40 energy)

Wild Charge (Electric, 100 damage, 45 energy, Decreases User Defense -2 Stages)

Stone Edge (Rock, 100 damage, 55 energy)

So we have to ways to go now depending on selected fast move. Volt Switch deals significantly more damage on its own than Rollout, and applies some nice pressure on its own as it rips big chunks of life away with each hit. Rollout obviously applies practically no fast move pressure but gets to charge moves lickity split. Rock Blast is ready after just three Rollouts (42 energy in 9 turns, or 4.5 seconds of real time) or three Volt Switches (48 energy in 12 turns/6 seconds), and Stone Edge is ready just one additional Rollout (14 more energy for a total of 56, and only 3 turns/1.5 more seconds), while Volt Switch ALSO requires one additional to way overcharge at 64 energy (and another 4 turns/2 seconds). Rollout is much more consistent in hitting the Rock charge moves in a timely and consistent manner.

Wild Charge gets a little tricky, though. Requiring only 45 energy, the three Volt Switches required for the first Rock Blast results in 48 energy, so you COULD fire off a Wild Charge instead, while with Rollout, three results in only 42 energy, so an additional one is still needed to (over)charge to 56, with which you could just fire off Stone Edge if you had it anyway. Hmmmm. However, in terms of turns/seconds, they both reach the energy required for Wild Charge at the same time (12 turns/6 real-time seconds). So not surprisingly, overall advantage in charge move usage goes to Rollout. Just thought it was interesting to briefly note HOW they got there.

In the interest of time (which is QUICKLY ticking down now 🕚😬), gonna leave the other interesting bits of comparing charge moves for another day and just jump right into the numbers!


So very briefly, a look at where you start with Volt Switch.

  • With both Rock charge moves, you beat all the core meta's major Flyers and Fires, all Ice types but Lapras and its dang Surf, Bugs like Galvantula and Araquanid, and bonuses like Cresselia, Venusaur, Sableye, Drapion, Jellicent and Politoed (albeit JUST barely), and the major Charmers.

  • With Wild Charge plus Rock Blast for baits, Abomasnow and Venusaur slip away, as well as Altaria (neutral to Electric, remember, but takes super effective versus Rock). Interestly, so does Cresselia, as Rock Blast doesn't have knockout power and Wild Charge leaves A-Golem vulnerable, but Stone Edge does the job without hobbling A-Golem. BUT, Wild Charge picks up Cofagrigus, as well as all moveset combinations of Azumarill, which is a big deal.

There's our starting point. What does Rollout do?

It looks very slightly better with double Rock charge moves (gaining Abomasnow and Charm Alolan Ninetales as compared to Wild Charge/Rock Blast, which uniquely beats Play Rough/Hydro Pump Azumarill instead), but it obviously lags behind Volt Switch sets, no longer able to beat Venusaur, Sableye, Jellicent, Politoed, Cresselia, Cofagrigus, Wigglytuff, or any Azumarill with Ice Beam. The one plus is that it DOES now consistently outrace Lapras, as well as Altaria regardless of whether utilizing Stone Edge or Wild Charge, but that seems a small consolation. I literally don't have time to lay out all the details -- sorry! 🕚 -- but I DID look into shieldless and 2v2 shielding scenarios, and Rollout is a slight downgrade in the former and much less of an upgrade (really more of a sidegrade) than I hoped for even in 2v2 shielding. Obviously Rollout DOES have the energy advantage that helps in certain spots, but generally it seems that in Great League, Volt Switch still manages to keep pace (or even outpace) because of the extra fast move damage that racks up as you race to those charge moves. And it's not THAT far behind in energy gains anyway.

So... sidegrade, one that will have more applications in formats where shields and/or Rock charge moves matter (like Ice- and Bug-filled formats). Worth getting, but Volt Switch A-Golem (and A-Graveler, for that matter!) aren't going anywhere.


In Ultra League, running with Volt Switch, Stone Edge and Wild Charge remain close, with Edge beating down Aboma and Alolan Ninetales (type effectiveness) as well as Greedent and Umbreon (lack of self-nerfing), and Wild Charge instead overpowering Empoleon, Cofagrigus, and Alolan Muk (with Snarl... either Edge or Charge take down Poison Jab A-Muk). Again, just table-setting. Alolan Golem with Volt Switch is arguably a little underrated in Ultra already.

Rollout similarly has some differences depending on charge move selection. Again assuming Rock Blast is Move #1 for baiting, Wild Charge uniquely takes out Empoleon, Politoed, and Scizor thanks to type advantages, and Granbull thanks to sheer speed-to-damage ratio. But it overall takes a back seat to Stone Edge, which instead smacks down Abomasnow (regular and Shadow), Greedent, Poison Jab A-Muk, Drapion, and Dragonite.

But what is much more interesting is what happens when you forgo Rock Blast and just run with both bombs. While the overall results still trail the higher potential of Volt Switch (missing out on things Switch can beat like Walrein, Umbreon, Escavalier, Sylveon, and Tapu Fini), the performance DOES keep up with the best that Rock Blast sets could do, preserving all the same wins except Scizor, Shadow Dragonite, and Jellicent (all of which miss being able to properly bait). But Abomasnow, Drapion, A-Muk, Empoleon, Politoed, Greedent, non-Shadow 'Nite... they're all there. I daresay this might be THE preferred set for Rollout A-Golem in Ultra League now, and it's thanks to the higher energy gains. Volt Switch with both closers suffers a notable dropoff as compared to Volt Switch operating with Rock Blast baits, but Rollout does not.

So again... recommend getting an Ultra League A-Golem with Rollout, yes. Perhaps even a couple. Volt Switch still reigns supreme overall, but you may find you actually enjoy Rollout and double KO moves more.


Okay, this'll be quick.

Technically Rollout is overall an upgrade... in Master League Premier Classic. It gains Avalugg, Gengar, and all varieties of Dragonite as compared to Volt Switch, which instead beats Milotic and this little walrus you may have heard of lately called Walrein. But uh... yeah, I still don't think you really want it. A-Golem's overall CP and stats are just a little low for this level of play. And don't even look into Open ML... yeeeesh. Spice, at best, and Volt Switch is a bit better anyway.


Major apologies again for the rushed nature of this... not going into the various shielding scenarios and all I would normally. But it literally could not be helped with the 11th and half hour nature of how they changed everything up with Rollout, sorry! I'll pop out another analysis on things like Miltank and Dunsparce and others that may benefit from this move in the near future, but for now I need to keep it to just Alolan Golem as time is about up!

Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with near-daily PvP analysis nuggets or Patreon.

Thanks for your faithful readership, and good hunting this weekend! Don't forget your Pinaps, and stay safe out there! Catch you next time, Pokéfriends.

Alolan Golem vs Regular Golem... any cases where Alolan is superior?

Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments!

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Alolan Golem vs Regular Golem... any cases where Alolan is superior?

Had a blast using the one Alolan Golem (double Rock moves) I invested in against Zapdos after my Ttar team, but realized going in that regular Golem was just flat out better due to double resistance vs Electric moves (vs Alolan's single resistance from being part Electric itself). I thought about it more afterwards and while Alolan is well worth rolling out whenever Rock attacks are called for--for the animations alone, if nothing else!--are there any upcoming cases where it will be superior to regular ol' Golem?

Preparation for Alolan Raid Bosses (TL;DR: Groudon for Alolan Golem, everything else is easy)

Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments!

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Preparation for Alolan Raid Bosses (TL;DR: Groudon for Alolan Golem, everything else is easy)

Considering that 6 of the 10 fully evolved Alolan species have a history of being Raid Bosses, in my opinion it's likely that some or all Alola forms will be Raid Bosses in the future.

So here is a quick reference table:

Boss Types Tier Difficulty Best counters
Raticate Normal/Dark ? Very Easy1 Machamp
Exeggutor Grass/Dragon 2 Very Easy Jynx, Cloyster, Dragonite, Rayquaza...
Sandslash Ice/Steel 2 Very Easy Moltres, Machamp, Flareon, Entei, Charizard
Persian Dark ? Easy1 Machamp
Dugtrio Ground/Steel ? Easy1 Moltres, Machamp, Kyogre, Gyarados, Charizard
Marowak Fire/Ghost 2 Easy Kyogre, Tyranitar, Gyarados
Muk Poison/Dark 2 Intermediate Groudon
Raichu Electric/Psychic ? Intermediate1 Groudon, Tyranitar, Gengar, Mewtwo
Ninetales Ice/Fairy 3 Intermediate Metagross, Aggron, Scizor, Moltres
Golem Rock/Electric 4 Very Hard Groudon

1 Compared to other bosses of its tier.

EDIT: added Machamp to Sandslash counters and Moltres/Charizard to Dugtrio counters.

Today's team experiment: Alolan Golem, Venusaur, Exeggcutor

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Today's team experiment: Alolan Golem, Venusaur, Exeggcutor

This one's really dedicated to the people who grumped at me for the Cradily/Basti/Victreebel team earlier in the season.

Rock; Double Grass is something of a classic, and this is a bit of a remix for Ultra-Premier.

As before, the goal is baiting out a grass counter with one of the grasses, spiflicating it with the Alolem, and then sweeping with the other grass type.

Moves are:

Golem with Volt Switch, Rock Blast, Wild Charge.

Rock Blast over stone edge because you're squishy and it's cheaper for baiting with.

Venusaur with the very standard Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant, Sludge Bomb. Did consider Razor leaf for extra trolling potential, but I think it just doesn't work quite so well in the meta.

And then Exeggcutor in the back with Confusion, Psychic and Seed Bomb.

Technically a Gallade would probably work too, but ... I've done a fair bit with Gallades already this season, and I wanted to be a bit different.

However a useful fringe observation - if Gallade is a problem for your team, Exeggcutor resists all it's moves, whilst dealing neutral in return. That's pretty handy if you're needing to counter it. Still pretty squishy though, and Seed Bomb/Psychic is IMO not really as good as Close Combat/Leaf Blade.

And just because I think you're all lovely - I've even got a video with this in action. With a soundtrack, which I hope's working OK for everyone - enough to be heard, not enough to overwhelm.

(And yes, this is totally a bit of a troll team)


A Quick PvP Analysis on Community Day Alolan Golem

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A Quick PvP Analysis on Community Day Alolan Golem

Hello again, fellow PvPers! Community Day is upon us, so this comes to some of you JUST in time for the event. Sorry about that, but Niantic waited longer than even THEY usually do to finalized the stats for the new exclusive move, so I got a VERY late start myself! There is NO time to waste, so let's just get right to this month's Community Day spotlight Pokémon and examine its merits in PvP, both with AND without its new exclusive move. Time to put ALOLAN GOLEM... under the lights!

First, as I've been doing of late, let's start with our TL;DR -- our Bottom Line Up Front -- FIRST!


  • Even with the very nice last minute buff to Rollout, it would seem that existing Volt Switch is generally still the preferred move, but not always!

  • There ARE formats where Rock damage will be preferred (those with many Ice or Bug types, for example), and/or the crazy high energy that comes from Rollout (now the highest energy move behind only Lock-On). It IS worth trying to land a couple good Rollout specimens while you can. I highlight below specific areas where it stands out, and there ARE several notable ones in Great and Ultra Leagues. Don't worry so much about Master League A-Golem though... this doesn't really move the needle for it there.

Due to the VERY last minute nature of the stat change, I had to scrap an entire article written with the assumed stats and crank this one out in like an hour and a half. It covers the main points, but is NOT as fully extensive as normal... I am quite literally just out of time before other obligations. So please bear with me as I rush through to get you the key info. I'll try to answer other questions as I can, and keep digging when time allows, but this is likely all I'll get to before Community Day starts kicking off around the globe. I apologize for any gaps you were hoping I could fill and any extra grammatical errors, but I did my best with what I had to work with. Sorry!

Let's get right to it....


Rock/Electric Type


Attack: 125 (123 High Stat Product)

Defense: 122 (123 High Stat Product)

HP: 117 (119 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 1-14-15, 1498 CP, Level 19)


Attack: 162 (159 High Stat Product)

Defense: 155 (160 High Stat Product)

HP: 153 (154 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-15-15, 2498 CP, Level 33.5)


Attack: 179 (190 at Level 50)

Defense: 168 (179 at Level 50)

HP: 162 (172 at Level 50)

(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; CP 2949 at Level 40; CP 3334 at Level 50)

Very average stats, slightly favoring offense over defense. It is slightly less bulky (and very slightly more Attack-centric) than things like Swampert, Venusaur, Pelipper, and Talonflame, and very slightly bulkier than Trevenant... and at least in Great and Ultra League, its overall Attack and bulk are right in line with Togekiss and Empoleon. Just to give you some rough frames of reference of where it stacks up.

As for the typing... that's much more unique. The Alolan Geodude/Graveler/Golem family are the only Rock/Electric types in the franchise. (There's not even a Rock-based version of Electric-catch-all Rotom... I checked! ⚡)

ᴱ - Exclusive (Community Day) Move

Fast Moves:

Volt Switch (Electric, 3.0 DPT, 4.0 EPT, 2.0 CD)

Rolloutᴱ (Rock, 1.33 DPT, 4.67 EPT, 1.5 CD)

Rock Throw (Rock, 4.0 DPT, 2.5 EPT, 1.0 CD)

So up until, like, moments before I wrote this very sentence (and had to scrap and quickly start rewriting wide swaths of this article), Rollout was assumed to be a clone of Electric fast move Spark, with 2.0 DPT and 4.0 EPT, which would have left it basically strictly inferior to Volt Switch (same energy gains, but 50% less damage). There were a handful of matchups where Rollout would have had an advantage in that case (versus things like Abomasnow due to type effectiveness, or Gengar in Master League where the long cooldown of Volt Switch meant that it lost but Rollout could win), but overall it was basically to be all Volt Switch, (nearly) all the time.

NOW though, Rollout enters the game with the second-highest energy generation behind only the insane 5.0 EPT (1.0 DPT) Lock-On. Better than Snarl and Bullet Seed, better than Poison Sting and Psycho Cut and Mud Shot and Thunder Shock, better than everything else except Lock-On. And THAT should help further distinguish it from Volt Switch.

But is that in a positive way? Let's add in the charge moves and see....

Charge Moves:

Rock Blast (Rock, 50 damage, 40 energy)

Wild Charge (Electric, 100 damage, 45 energy, Decreases User Defense -2 Stages)

Stone Edge (Rock, 100 damage, 55 energy)

So we have to ways to go now depending on selected fast move. Volt Switch deals significantly more damage on its own than Rollout, and applies some nice pressure on its own as it rips big chunks of life away with each hit. Rollout obviously applies practically no fast move pressure but gets to charge moves lickity split. Rock Blast is ready after just three Rollouts (42 energy in 9 turns, or 4.5 seconds of real time) or three Volt Switches (48 energy in 12 turns/6 seconds), and Stone Edge is ready just one additional Rollout (14 more energy for a total of 56, and only 3 turns/1.5 more seconds), while Volt Switch ALSO requires one additional to way overcharge at 64 energy (and another 4 turns/2 seconds). Rollout is much more consistent in hitting the Rock charge moves in a timely and consistent manner.

Wild Charge gets a little tricky, though. Requiring only 45 energy, the three Volt Switches required for the first Rock Blast results in 48 energy, so you COULD fire off a Wild Charge instead, while with Rollout, three results in only 42 energy, so an additional one is still needed to (over)charge to 56, with which you could just fire off Stone Edge if you had it anyway. Hmmmm. However, in terms of turns/seconds, they both reach the energy required for Wild Charge at the same time (12 turns/6 real-time seconds). So not surprisingly, overall advantage in charge move usage goes to Rollout. Just thought it was interesting to briefly note HOW they got there.

In the interest of time (which is QUICKLY ticking down now 🕚😬), gonna leave the other interesting bits of comparing charge moves for another day and just jump right into the numbers!


So very briefly, a look at where you start with Volt Switch.

  • With both Rock charge moves, you beat all the core meta's major Flyers and Fires, all Ice types but Lapras and its dang Surf, Bugs like Galvantula and Araquanid, and bonuses like Cresselia, Venusaur, Sableye, Drapion, Jellicent and Politoed (albeit JUST barely), and the major Charmers.

  • With Wild Charge plus Rock Blast for baits, Abomasnow and Venusaur slip away, as well as Altaria (neutral to Electric, remember, but takes super effective versus Rock). Interestly, so does Cresselia, as Rock Blast doesn't have knockout power and Wild Charge leaves A-Golem vulnerable, but Stone Edge does the job without hobbling A-Golem. BUT, Wild Charge picks up Cofagrigus, as well as all moveset combinations of Azumarill, which is a big deal.

There's our starting point. What does Rollout do?

It looks very slightly better with double Rock charge moves (gaining Abomasnow and Charm Alolan Ninetales as compared to Wild Charge/Rock Blast, which uniquely beats Play Rough/Hydro Pump Azumarill instead), but it obviously lags behind Volt Switch sets, no longer able to beat Venusaur, Sableye, Jellicent, Politoed, Cresselia, Cofagrigus, Wigglytuff, or any Azumarill with Ice Beam. The one plus is that it DOES now consistently outrace Lapras, as well as Altaria regardless of whether utilizing Stone Edge or Wild Charge, but that seems a small consolation. I literally don't have time to lay out all the details -- sorry! 🕚 -- but I DID look into shieldless and 2v2 shielding scenarios, and Rollout is a slight downgrade in the former and much less of an upgrade (really more of a sidegrade) than I hoped for even in 2v2 shielding. Obviously Rollout DOES have the energy advantage that helps in certain spots, but generally it seems that in Great League, Volt Switch still manages to keep pace (or even outpace) because of the extra fast move damage that racks up as you race to those charge moves. And it's not THAT far behind in energy gains anyway.

So... sidegrade, one that will have more applications in formats where shields and/or Rock charge moves matter (like Ice- and Bug-filled formats). Worth getting, but Volt Switch A-Golem (and A-Graveler, for that matter!) aren't going anywhere.


In Ultra League, running with Volt Switch, Stone Edge and Wild Charge remain close, with Edge beating down Aboma and Alolan Ninetales (type effectiveness) as well as Greedent and Umbreon (lack of self-nerfing), and Wild Charge instead overpowering Empoleon, Cofagrigus, and Alolan Muk (with Snarl... either Edge or Charge take down Poison Jab A-Muk). Again, just table-setting. Alolan Golem with Volt Switch is arguably a little underrated in Ultra already.

Rollout similarly has some differences depending on charge move selection. Again assuming Rock Blast is Move #1 for baiting, Wild Charge uniquely takes out Empoleon, Politoed, and Scizor thanks to type advantages, and Granbull thanks to sheer speed-to-damage ratio. But it overall takes a back seat to Stone Edge, which instead smacks down Abomasnow (regular and Shadow), Greedent, Poison Jab A-Muk, Drapion, and Dragonite.

But what is much more interesting is what happens when you forgo Rock Blast and just run with both bombs. While the overall results still trail the higher potential of Volt Switch (missing out on things Switch can beat like Walrein, Umbreon, Escavalier, Sylveon, and Tapu Fini), the performance DOES keep up with the best that Rock Blast sets could do, preserving all the same wins except Scizor, Shadow Dragonite, and Jellicent (all of which miss being able to properly bait). But Abomasnow, Drapion, A-Muk, Empoleon, Politoed, Greedent, non-Shadow 'Nite... they're all there. I daresay this might be THE preferred set for Rollout A-Golem in Ultra League now, and it's thanks to the higher energy gains. Volt Switch with both closers suffers a notable dropoff as compared to Volt Switch operating with Rock Blast baits, but Rollout does not.

So again... recommend getting an Ultra League A-Golem with Rollout, yes. Perhaps even a couple. Volt Switch still reigns supreme overall, but you may find you actually enjoy Rollout and double KO moves more.


Okay, this'll be quick.

Technically Rollout is overall an upgrade... in Master League Premier Classic. It gains Avalugg, Gengar, and all varieties of Dragonite as compared to Volt Switch, which instead beats Milotic and this little walrus you may have heard of lately called Walrein. But uh... yeah, I still don't think you really want it. A-Golem's overall CP and stats are just a little low for this level of play. And don't even look into Open ML... yeeeesh. Spice, at best, and Volt Switch is a bit better anyway.


Major apologies again for the rushed nature of this... not going into the various shielding scenarios and all I would normally. But it literally could not be helped with the 11th and half hour nature of how they changed everything up with Rollout, sorry! I'll pop out another analysis on things like Miltank and Dunsparce and others that may benefit from this move in the near future, but for now I need to keep it to just Alolan Golem as time is about up!

Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with near-daily PvP analysis nuggets or Patreon.

Thanks for your faithful readership, and good hunting this weekend! Don't forget your Pinaps, and stay safe out there! Catch you next time, Pokéfriends.

SM4 Alolan Golem-GX And Gyarados-GX Revealed!

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SM4 Alolan Golem-GX And Gyarados-GX Revealed!

Alolan Golem-GX – Lightning – HP250

Stage 2 – Evolves from Alolan Graveler

[L][C][C] Hammer In: 80 damage.

[L][L][C][C] Super Magnetic Tackle: 200 damage. This Pokemon does 50 damage to itself.

[L][L][C][C] Heavy Rock GX: 100 damage. Your opponent can’t play any Supporter? cards from their hand during their next turn. (You can’t use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)

When your Pokemon-GX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)

Resistance: Metal (-20)

Retreat: 4

Gyarados-GX – Water – HP240

Stage 1 – Evolves from Magikarp

[W][C][C] Waterfall: 70 damage.

[W][C][C][C][C] Dragon Calamity: 100+ damage. This attack does 100 more damage if there is a Stadium in play. Then, discard that Stadium.

[W] Dread Storm GX: Discard 1 Energy from each of your opponent’s Pokemon. (You can’t use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)

When your Pokemon-GX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)

Resistance: none

Retreat: 4

Alolan Golem will handle one Solarbeam?

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Alolan Golem will handle one Solarbeam?

Being Rock/Electric type, Alolan Golem loses his double weakness to Solarbeam. Could it be capable of handle a Solarbeam?