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Alexandra Trusova

Alexandra Trusova’s breakdown at the Olympics was frankly disturbing.

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Alexandra Trusova’s breakdown at the Olympics was frankly disturbing.

I was rewatching clips from the Beijing 2022 Olympics, and when it got to Sasha’s breakdown after the scores were announced, I genuinely had to turn the television off. The pure anguish in the voice of this tiny SEVENTEEN year old girl as she watches her life’s goal crumble to the ground, somewhat knowing that she had been dealt the worst hand from her petty, abusive coach. I honestly cannot believe that this was written off as a temper tantrum around the time, and that people think that she was just upset about winning. I’ve competed in juniors in another sport, and I have seen other teenagers fail to win competitions that they desperately needed or wanted to win. They were not, however, screaming at the top of their lungs, hysterically sobbing to the point where they looked like they might vomit, blindly shoving people away because they were so anxious to be touched, almost revealing carefully veiled secrets on camera without any care for the trouble they would land in, getting in the face of the coach who was effectively in charge of them despite knowing the abuse that would follow, or desperately clawing at and hiding behind a curtain in a hopeless attempt to just escape.

I would never call that a tantrum, or even a meltdown, but more like a full on panic attack. A panic attack brought on by SIX YEARS of nonstop abuse hurled towards a little girl, by a bunch of incompetent adults no less. A panic attack that made a teenager so hysterical that she was pushing and shouting at anyone who touched her, too overwhelmed to even think about her friend who had just achieved something so brilliant. And so then of course, there was Anna, sitting there looking devastated, despite having just WON the Olympics, and Kamila, having a breakdown of her own, although I would argue that the fact that Sasha’s outburst was much worse, and more explosive, despite her having the better placing and not being potentially disqualified, shows how badly Sasha has really been abused by not just Eteri, although that woman deserves a very special place in Hell, but by the Russian skating organisation and press as a whole. Her behaviour that day was not normal for a teenager, or anyone, and it being written off without considering the CONFIRMED abuse that she had been through, is truly deplorable. Oh, and as if the whole situation isn’t pitiful enough, all three Tutberidze girls had clearly not eaten, seen their families or even had some water, in several days, to the point where they, especially Sasha, looked physically sick. Honestly, the fact the people and the media just brushed the very blatant child abuse under the rug is horrific. The fact that the media saw Alexandra Trusova, a teenage girl, break down and emotionally collapse in such an awful way, in what could easily be classed as a serious meltdown or anxiety attack, and said NOTHING.

Alexandra Trusova’s current standing with Eteri Tutberidze?

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Alexandra Trusova’s current standing with Eteri Tutberidze?

Until today, I was under the impression that Trusova and Tutberidze were on shaky terms (politely civil at best, downright unfriendly at worst) but after the competition today, where Sasha was not only friendly with Eteri, but hugging, laughing, and leaving with her after her skate, I have realised that this is not the case. I genuinely thought that Sasha disliked Eteri, and didn’t want anything to do with her, which would explain why she left abruptly and only ever did Plushenko shows after this. I was given the impression that she and Eteri were on the same sort of conditions as Aliona and Eteri are (not-so subtle shading of each other in every interview, and absolutely no collaboration), especially since Eteri has said some pretty awful things about Sasha (despite the obvious soft spot for her) since she left, but apparently not?

I have seen another post which theorised that Sasha would be performing in the upcoming Team Tutberidze shows, and the fact that her father, who is famously controlling of Sasha’s career and training (in an almost unhealthy way if we’re being honest), was present at said competition, seems to point to that conclusion as well. To be honest, I hope that she isn’t going to be closely associated with Eteri in the near future, purely because she seems to be in a better place mentally in the past year, and we really, REALLY, do not need a repeat of the 2021-22 season (lest we forget the stress fractures, dramatic weight loss, and, of course, the full-blown panic attack on live international television).

With all of that said, I would love to be a fly on the wall when all of the ex-Eteri girls (Alina, Anna, Kamila, possibly Zhenya) are together again with Sasha, since she doesn’t really seem to have talked to any of them much since she left in October 2022 (aside from Zhenya, with whom she has done many interviews, and seems to have a strong friendship and trust with, at least enough to talk a bit more about the Olympics situation with).

This is quite rambling, but I basically wanted to voice my confusion at the fact that Eteri and Sasha seem to not only be on good terms (or at least not at Aliona levels of hatred anyway), but may genuinely be working together again. (I’m getting serious deja vu from May 2021).

Why did no one tell me before that "Sascha" and Alexandra Trusova are the same person and not sisters 😭

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Why did no one tell me before that "Sascha" and Alexandra Trusova are the same person and not sisters 😭

So im pretty new to the wider FS fandom and I was confused for the LONGEST time when it came to Trusova - I thought "Alexandra" and "Sasha" were sisters or something, I was seeing stuff on SNS like "what's gonna happen with Alexandra's program"/"I hope Sasha lands her 5 quads" and was thinking "huh? Wasn't Alexandra Trusova the 5 quad girl? Wow, her sister must be equally talented".

Or when everyone was talking about "Sasha" going to the Olympics and I was wondering "huh why is no one talking about Alexandra? From where did Sasha come?"





I feel so dumb lol

Maybe because in Germany "Sascha" is a boys name and I would never associate it with someone named Alexandra ...

Edit : no sch, only sh in Sasha. Yep blame my german-ness for this...

Alexandra Trusova giving an interview to a Russian journalist after the results

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Alexandra Trusova giving an interview to a Russian journalist after the results

– What are you feeling right now?

– I am happy that I did five quads.

– How about the result?

– You all have seen the result and know everything.

– Did you not like it?

– Did you like it?

– Well, it's not really something to ask from us, let's say that.

– Okay. I am not satisfied with the result, but I am satisfied with landing five quads.

– The words that you will not go on the ice ever again – are they just emotions?

– You will see. 

– Did your attitude/relationship with Eteri change?

– My relationship with anyone didn't change. Everything is okay.

– And, regarding what was in the livestream...

– I am not to blame that the cameras are following me. I asked [someone] to allow me to leave.

– If you try to analyse it, what was not enough, where did you lose these 4 points?

– Everything was enough for me. I did everything.

– But are you more upset or happy now?

– Very happy. (According to the journalist, she said that in a very sad way.)

– Will you go to World Championships?

– You will see. 

– If you take what you did in the short program and the free skate – are you fully satisfied with what you did?

– Yes. Both in the short program and in the free skate, I did all I could at this moment. I am happy with my skates, I am happy with my performances. I did all I could.

– Then why are you crying?

– I just wanted to cry. I am alone for two weeks now, without my mom, without my dogs. That's why I am crying.

I am sorry for adding yet another post about this, but I wasn't sure which one to add this to. The post-event megathread is already inactive. This can be used as a megathread for Sasha's reactions if people would like to keep the discussion to one post.

Source 1

Edit: Source 2. They apparently split the interview into two after I translated it.

Alexandra Trusova’s Jump Technique

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Alexandra Trusova’s Jump Technique

I’ve heard some people say she has the best jump technique among Sambo 70 girls. What do you think? Who in your opinion does, if not her? Others say she’s not good at all and that she never works on her spins. Objectively, how would you analyse her jump and spin technique?

Trusova officially confirmed for Eteri’s show… also the “Alexandra Trusova was and is a part of team tutberidze” ?? 👀

A community for lovers of figure skating, 花样滑冰, фигурного катания, フィギュアスケート, and\or patinage artistique. Skaters, fans, parents, coaches, and zambonis welcome! See our Wiki for FAQs!

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Trusova officially confirmed for Eteri’s show… also the “Alexandra Trusova was and is a part of team tutberidze” ?? 👀
r/FigureSkating - Trusova officially confirmed for Eteri’s show… also the “Alexandra Trusova was and is a part of team tutberidze” ?? 👀