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After War Gundam X

After War Gundam X: The diamond in the rough

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After War Gundam X: The diamond in the rough

Would you believe me if I told you that was my 1st anime. Not only my 1st Gundam anime, not even my 1st Mecha anime, but my 1st anime period. That's right, I didn't start my weeb journey through some overly popular series like Attack on Titan or DBZ. I probably would've started on SAO if my cousin recommended it to me earlier, but that's besides the point. But I didn't finish it on my 1st watch though. So after a rewatch, would I still consider this a good show? Oh boy ya. AWGX is the diamond in the rough of Gundam with an engaging plot, a love cast of characters, interesting world building, and underrated but still well designed mobile suits. This hidden gem is worth a watch, and here's why;

  • Story:

    • 15 yrs after a war that led to dozens of colonies dropping onto Earth, turning Into a wasteland, a boy named Garrod Ran saves a NewType named Tiffa from bandits who want to use her powers for their own means. Now with the power of the Gundam X from the war and with the help with the Vultures, they protect her from the hostile people of Earth and find more NewTypes like her to protect. However, along the way, they must defend themselves from not only bandits, but from soldiers of the war that won't stay dead.

    • A simple story, we have our group of good guys, they have to fight off bandits, unhinged NewTypes, and corrupt politicians. That last part may lose some people, as it does get a little political halfway through the series with copycats of the Federation and Zeon. It also has a Monster of the week format in the middle chunk with NewTypes with mobile suits with gimmicks. If you've seen Retcon’s video on this series, you'll think these are the weakest part of the show. But personally, I think they could've worked if they given them time to develop, so it can be integrated in the story properly. I'll get more into why that is later. But overall, it's still a story that'll keep you entertained.

  • Characters:

    • Like G Gundam, the real meat of the show is without a doubt the characters. They're well developed, diverse, and really compelling. Starting off with the main and best boy in the series, Garrod Ran. He's easily not only the best character in the anime, but the best Gundam protagonist period. He's basically everything Judau was supposed to be, but actually done right. He's funny, scrappy, charming, how can you not like the guy? On top of that, he can successfully hijack mobile suits attacking his town. His 1st appearance has him flash bombed a MS on foot, use a grappling hook, and forced the pilot to get the fuck out. Now THAT'S how you assume dominance. He also has a nice character arc where he learns to look out for people other than yourself. Despite saving the town from said mobile suit, he only did it to sell it off for his bread and butter. But throughout the series, he learns to care about people other than himself. I do love this character development and makes Garrod feel the most human out of all of the Gundam MCs back then and even now. This is especially reflected with his relationship with Tiffa.

    • Tiffa Adill is both a great love interest and just a character. Tiffa is a NewType being hunted by various factions, leading her to help the Friden find the other NewTypes. There are times when she does become a damsel in distress, but luckily it's only done like 4 times, so it's easily forgettable. I also love that she does her best to help everyone the best she can. From the crew in the Friden to even 2 opposing NewTypes, she always tries the best in people with her powers.

    • As for her and Garrod’s relationship, not only is it the most healthy relationship, but it's also just the best developed in the series. It begins as your stereotypical “knight saving the princess” plot, but after Garrod avoids giving her to the wrong person, they end up in the forest and begin bonding with one another. They get to know either and the relationship develops from there on. It's not forced with an out of nowhere kiss or some forced drama, it's a simple relationship that grows intimate over time. And where there is drama, both (or mainly Garrod) acknowledge their faults and work it out with each other (these 2 are 15 yrs old and their relationship is better than most relationships).

    • As for the rest of the Friden crew, every crew member is well characterized. Starting with Jamil Neate (our resident Char Clone or Quattro Bajeena Clone depending who you ask), and he's definitely an underrated captain. He may be hard on his crew (especially Garrod), but he genuinely cares about his crew. As someone who experienced the war first hand, he has the experience to not only guide his mobile suit pilots, but also gets his hands dirty as well. I also like that he encounters ghosts from his past, from his previous love interest, Lucille Liliant, that helped him with his MS training in the past as he puts her to rest in the present, to even encountering his rival, Lanecerow Dawell from the past. However, that last part could've been more expended upon. I also wished her relationship with Sala Tyrrell was better, as it wasn't really expanded upon.

    • Speaking of which, she wasn't really my favorite as she's really strict and rarely shows any sympathy. This was exemplified when she got mad at Tiffa for some makeup. She does let her guard down around Roybea and Jamil, but that's about it.

    • I should probably talk about the Gundam duel now, should I? Outside of Garrod and eventually Jamil, we got 2 more Gundam pilots on the good guys side, Witz Sol and Roybea Loy. Both of them are pretty good, but unfortunately not well characterized, not by a lack of trying though. Witz is a hot head with a heart of gold, as he's piloting a Gundam for money for his family. Roybea is the ladies man, while being a chill dude and helps his team when he can. For the most part, that they were interesting characters and I'm never given a reason not to like them. In one episode, they build on their origin. Witz’s father was killed by a mobile suit, giving his family a resentment towards mobile suits. As for Roybea, it turns out his Gundam was his girlfriend’s, who died before the series started. This episode makes these 2 more down to earth and more human. It's just a shame that this anime doesn't have another episode like this, outside of Roybea having an arc reminiscent of Kai’s arc from the original Gundam, where he left but after opening his eyes, he returns. It's kinda lackluster. This reflects their relationship, but I'll get to that later.

    • I still like them, along with the rest of the crew. Kid Salsamille and his crew are pretty funny and provide a lot to the team. Techcs Farzenberg is easily the best side character and probably the best doctor character in Gundam. He lets Garrod see Tifa, helps the crew with their repair crunch, and even small stuff like letting Tifa help him by carrying stuff for him to make her feel a part of the team. Doctor characters in Gundam deserve more love than they get. And I gotta talk about the 1st anime character my heart started beating for, Toniya Malme. She's one of my favorite Gundam waifus for how fun and free-spirited she is. I dunno why, but whenever she appears on screen, I can help but glee in joy, no matter what she's doing.

    • There are 2 more characters that eventually join up with the Freeden. The 1st being Carris Nautilus, also though he rubbed me the wrong way at 1st with him kidnapping Tifa, he eventually grew on me after Garrod saved his ass. And then we got Pala Sys. She was actually really fun and had a great dynamic with both Garrod and even Kid. If she was in the series long, she would've been great. The freeden is just filled with people that make me smile whenever they appear.

    • Can I say the same thing for the rest of the characters? Yeeeeaaaahhhh…… But only a handful. I'll just get to the villains. Emil El is probably a pretty interesting villain as she actually develops over the series. She went from being thirsty to kill Garrod to helping the Freeden out in their time of need. This makes her a compelling character as she starts the series as selfish to someone who cares about others. I also do like how this change began when she met Toniya. She saw the best in her and became the catalyst for her redemption arc.

    • However, this kinda highlights one problem, which is the relationships. Outside of Garrod and Tifa’s relationship, the rest are underdeveloped. It began with Roybea and Sala, which had us thinking there was something between those 2, but it never went off the ground. Same thing for Witz and Tomiya, as we see them interact quite a bit. But it's just Witz being a tsundere and Toniya teasing him. So when they engaged, it felt kinda hollow and unearned. Toniya and Emil felt so close that even some fans wanted them to be gay with either other. But with this being released by 90s Bandai, it went how you expected to go. And to add insult to injury, the ending had Roybea and Emil El together. If they interacted around the middle, it probably would've worked. But then Toniya and Emil hijacked Roybea’s jeep and drove off, so it's “up for interpretation” (this shit wouldn't fly by today's standards).

    • As for the real villains, Shagia and Olba Frost, they serve perfectly as villains. They're main goal is to destroy all NewTypes, even if it means being the UNE’s lap dogs to do it. What makes them a threat is not only their Gundams, but also backing from the military gives them the resources they need to give the crew a hard time. And their hatred towards NewTypes can be traced back to being rejected by the labs they came from. Sure sometimes you want a villian with complex but agreeable goals. But other times, you just want to see someone who you see get wrecked.

    • So overall, the characters are pretty good. From the loveable Garrod to the love to hate Frost Brothers, the characters are well diversed and serve their purpose quite well. There isn't really anyone who I necessarily hate, so that's a plus.

  • World Building:

    • A lot of people tend to forget that Gundam can be an apocalyptic world. In the Universal Century, we don't really think about it since the Feddies have a good enough lease on things for us not to question. But in the After War era, they don't hide how messed up things are. After a bunch of colony drops, the Earth was reduced to a wasteland. Bandits raiding villages, unregulated lab experiments, pirates, you can basically get away with anything in a lawless world. But also giving you a sign of hope with developing cities like Saints Island finding its footing again.

    • However, once the United Nations Earth (UNE) gets involved, things change for the worse, as they begin conquering villages and subjugating rebels. I think I should bring up the main downside of this anime, the UNE kinda ruin the world. They're just generic power conquering pigs with no depth to them at all. It gets worse when the Space Revolutionary Army gets involved. Speaking of which, they're literally just Zeon without any sympathetic traits. And it's not helped by the fact that they appeared over halfway through the series, so we don't really get to know them on a personal level. So both sides are just generic power hungry hounds who just want to destroy one another. It's a good thing they didn't try to make 2 unsympathetic murderous sides that none of us want to route for, cuz that'll be annoying.

    • Another thing to address is the NewTypes. Throughout the series, we often see NewTypes being exploited for their abilities. From a NewType dolphin being hunted for their sonar to even a group being sent to hunt down the Freeden by the Frost Brothers, with them finding unique ways to use their abilities for various tasks. Although not always (especially with the Frost Brothers’ batch), they always find a way for us to sympathize with them. So I can at least say that the “NewType” concept is actually used compared to other series in general.

    • The world building is really unique and is something I wish to see more of. If you take out the UNE vs Space Revolutionary Army stuff and have more NewTypes we emphasize for, then we'll get a 10/10 world. But I'm still happy with what I got.

  • Mobile Suits:

    • Now it's time for the Creme de la creme, the mobile suits. Kunio Okawara and Junya Ishigaki brought their A-Game when it came to these Mechanical Designs. Starting off with the star attraction, the Gundam X. A versatile machine with the weapons to boot. A shield that can turn into a beam rifle, a big beam saber, and chest vulcans (something we don't really see a whole lot in many Gundams. And then we get the Mamba Jamba of beam weapons, the Satellite Cannon. When the moon is out, it gives it the power to destroy a whole army in an instant. It makes the colony laser look like a beam spray gun by comparison. But my favorite variant is the Gundam X Divider. It's largely the same machine, but with a beam machine gun, a hyper bazooka, and a new shield. And that defensive slab of metal ain't just for show, as it serves as a backpack, a handheld booster, and six beam guns known as the Harmonica Cannon. Now THAT'S versatile. There's also the Double X, and for an upgrade machine, it looks good. For one, I do like the metal vents sticking out of the head. Something we don't really see a lot of in other machines. As for its load out, it has both head & chest vulcans, a buster rifle, 2x Hyper Beam Swords, and of course the double satellite cannon. So basically more dakka, but we're all for it, aren't we? And unlike most Gundams that are up for grabs, these 2 require a G-Controller to use. Making hijacking Gundams harder, but more interesting.

    • As for the other Gundams, we got the Air master and Leopard. The Airmaster is a decent looking transforming unit with 2x buster rifles, shoulder missiles, and vulcans on both the head & nose on its flight form. A good load out, but would it kill the thing if it had a melee weapon of some form. Same thing for its variant, the Airmaster Burst. Despite having 4x beam cannons and a noose beam cannon, it also doesn't have any melee weapons. As a hit and run machine, it definitely could've used something for close combat. Next we got the Gundam Leopard, a heavy assault unit that actually serves its roles really well. A Gatling gun on the left arm, missiles & grenade launchers on its right arm, and missiles & vulcans on its chest, now this is a good machine that serves its role. It even has torpedo launchers for underwater combat, now that's versatile. The Leopard Destroy is largely the same, but with 2x arm Gatling guns instead of just one and some beam weapons.

    • And before I talk about the Frost Brothers’ Gundams, let's talk about the G-Falcon. It's a really solid support unit that actually gives the Gundams the extra firepower they need. We got it storing the double X, giving the Airmaster Burst some extra boost, and giving both the double X & Leopard Destroy some extra firepower. This has more use to it than the G-Fighter from the Original series. As for the team's dynamic, I think they it's a slight improvement from the G-Team. All 3 Gundams have more diverse roles, with the Leopard serving as long range support, the Airmaster being a high speed hit & run machine, and the X & Double X being a good mix of the 2, along with close combat. However, they aren't organized as later Gundam teams. We don't see them work together as much and the fights don't use their abilities to their advantage. A for effort though.

    • Next up, we got our evil Gundams by the Frost Brothers; the Virsago and the Ashtaron. The Virsago has a chest mega sonic cannon, stretching arms with claws & beams, and some more carriable beams. It has a good mix of long range and close range weapons as it serves really well as an evil Gundam. The Virsago Chest Break also has a great amount of weapons. Same thing for Ashtaron, as it has 2x scissor claws with cannons on them, a beam saber, shoulder machine cannons, and a beam nose cannon. That's right, the thing transforms and serves as a support craft for the Virsago. Same thing with the Ashtaron Hermit Crab, but with the satellite system. Both the Virsago and Ashtaron actually function really well as a duo, and it shows in the fights.

    • As for the other mobile suits, AWGX probably has the most neglected roster of mobile suits, right next to 00 and AGE. These machines may have a kit or 2, but you shouldn't expect a revival kit anytime soon. Even if it does appear in the Build series, it's usually just a background machine. We still got some good machine though.

    • On the UNE side, we got the Daughtress to serve as our GM clone and do like the variants it has. By itself, along with the command type, it's the usual Vanilla MS load out; a machine gun, bazooka, beam saber, and shield. The Daughtress Weapon is basically the GM Cannon, High Mobility & the High Mobility Command is a….Dom? The Daughtress Flyer is a flight type, and the Neo (my personal favorite) is wolverine but if the claws were Katars and was about to shoot out beams. We also have some aqua suits like the Daughseat (III) and the Daughtrap. Another personal favorite design of mine is the Balient. I dunno, something about its curvy proportions makes it look sexy.

    • There's also the NewType suits used by the Frost Brothers’ suicide squad; the chunky Gable with beam deflectors & not other weapons, the aerial Gadeel with a beam rifle/saber, the lightweight Correl with a single beam dagger, and the Britova with its wires & micro missiles. Although only appearing in one episode each, they made for some great fight scenes as Garrod and the gang had to find creative ways to take them out.

    • And on the other side of the spectrum, we have the Space Revolutionary Army’s mobile suits as our Zaku clones and…. That's about it. They're basically the same machine. The Octape, Jenice, Septem, Crouda, and Febral are basically the same machine. Just with different colors. One pet peeve I have is that the head has like a grill plant on its face and that doesn't look practical. The only machine that actually looks cool and feels like a threat was the Bertigo. With it being a NewType machine, not only it has 2x beam sabers, 2x machine guns, and 2x beams, but it also has bits that function as attack drones. So basically the Quebeley.

    • Now let's address the elephants in the room, the G-bits. They're basically just mobile dolls all controlled by a NewType. And I dunno, seem a bit on the noose, don't you think. I think bit weaponry are better as small attack drones or shield units. So on the whole, the mechanical designs are pretty great. They're versatile, unique designed, and the fights are really well done. These mobile suits really do deserve some love.

  • Verdict:

    • After War Gundam X is an underrated gem that deserves more love than it gets. It's just a shame that it didn't get the love it deserved. For those who don't know, due to many production issues, this anime shared a similar fate as the original series, where they had to cut the amount of episodes they were gonna do to save themselves from cancellation. And to add salt to the wound, when deciding which series to port to Toonami after Wing, they decided to get with the Original series. Hence why After War Gundam X remained without a dub. I don't know the specifics about these production issues, but it's such a shame that the anime didn't get a chance to show it's worth.

    • So is this anime actually good as it is? While some characters and plot elements could use some more time in the oven, I still think it's still a series worth watching. From a loveable protagonist to interesting world building and great action, this anime is still well worth your time. Or maybe that's my nostalgic ass talking since this was genuinely my first anime. Like, this when I began to get into Gundam, WAYYYY before I knew I could just ask the internet on how to start, you have no idea how easy you Gundam babies have it. I won't go as far to say it's a good starter Gundam series, but it's still a fun watch. So either take my word for it or make fun of how this my inspired my taste in anime that isn't on your grandma’s watchlist.

After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 1 Discussion

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After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 1 Discussion

Episode 1 - Has the Moon Come Up?

Originally Aired April 5th, ^^^1996

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MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB

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Note to all Rewatchers

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Note to all First-timers:

First-timers, be aware that you too could have unwanted influence upon others’ perception of future events, so please be careful and use a spoiler tag when disclosing any predictions or inferences that you wouldn’t have wanted to know were it to be true.

Comments of the Day

Courtesy of your fellow ^^^rewatchers.

Every day /u/RX-Nota-II and I will be picking out exemplary comments from the thread that stood out to us and showcasing them in this section. At the end of each week we will be awarding a comment the honor of ‘Comment of the Week,’ said comment need not have been a comment of the day to be considered. We will not be looking for any specific criteria in the comments, so if you wish to be featured here you need only do your best.

Evidently we don’t have any comments to yet, but be certain that we will have made some picks tomorrow!


Daily Character Info:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Garrod Ran

Fifteen year old Garrod Ran was born shortly after the cataclysmic Seventh Space War and orphaned at a young age. Having to survive in the cutthroat After War period has made him shrewd, resourceful, and distrustful, yet in spite of that he also remains immature and impulsive. He possesses a varied and useful skill set, including talents such as such as lock-picking, technical know-how, rudimentary piloting skills, and the street smarts. He makes his living as a scavenger and thief —both stealing out of his own initiative and selling his services— until the day he was tasked with retrieving Tiffa Adill from a band of vultures.


Daily Mech Info:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

GX-9900 Gundam X

One of the most advanced mobile suits of its time, the GX-9900 is a high-performance mobile suit of the United Nations Earth that played a pivotal role in the Seventh Space War. It’s main armaments include a Shield Buster Rifle, Beam Sword, and several vulcan guns in its chest and shoulders.Due to its limited production few units exist, with only one having been found after the war by Garrod Ran in an abandoned military facility. Technological stagnation as a result of the devastating outcome of the war, has ensured that the GX-9900 remains unmatched as a top-of-the-line machine.


Daily Trivia:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Like most independent timeline series, this episode pays homage to the original Mobile Suit Gundam by containing a virtually identical Gundam rise sequence. Vigilant viewers might have also noticed some homages to the original series with the events of the Seventh space war depicted in the introductory sequence resembling events from the series.


Art Corner:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Official Art



Questions of the Day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

  1. What do you think of how the show introduced its setting? Do you believe it is presented well?

  2. What aspect of this episode did you find most interesting?


Screenshot of the day

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.



Track of the day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Prelude ~ The 7th Space War - OST I.

"Victory and defeat became a moot point in this war."

After War Gundam X - Episode 3 Discussion [Spoilers]

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After War Gundam X - Episode 3 Discussion [Spoilers]

Episode 3 - My Steed is Vicious

Originally Aired April 19th, ^^^1996

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MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB

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Note to all Rewatchers

Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the r/anime spoiler tag as so [Spoiler Subject](/s "Spoilers go here.") in order to have your unsightly spoilers obscured like this Spoiler Subject if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly Laugh in Rewatcher at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.

Note to all First-timers:

First-timers, be aware that you too could have unwanted influence upon others’ perception of future events, so please be careful and use a spoiler tag when disclosing any predictions or inferences that you wouldn’t have wanted to know were it to be true.

Comments of the Day

Courtesy of your fellow ^^^rewatchers.

/u/Pixelsaber - u/SorcererOfTheLake 's comment, particularly his tidbit on Garrod's backstory.

Garrod’s backstory was enlightening, showing why he’s the freewheeling trickster we see, particularly this line: “I think I died once, actually.” If you’ve already died, what’s the point of worrying about dying again? Each day may be your end, so live it how you see fit. It’s a very existential mindset for a protagonist to have and something I look forward to seeing developed over the series.

Didn't expect to pick the same user two times in a row, but his well-put words concerning what we learned of Garrod won me over. Excellent comment, mate!

/u/RX-Nota-II - u/Iroald DVD vd BD observations.

I noticed one more minuscule detail. I was watching the OP on and they have what looks like the DVD version (could be the TV version as well I suppose, I dunno where they got it), and there's a typo in the Japanese lyrics - the furigana for the first word should be こお, not こおり. This was fixed in the Blu-Rays.

u/Iroald coming in with the DVD v BD minute details. I wish more shows these days did the Japanese lyrics at the bottom so I could sing along. I know CR often does Romaji lyrics but I want to read the Japanese!


Daily Character Info:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Tiffa Adill

Tiffa Adill is a young girl fifteen years of age possessing supernatural powers not unlike those of the super soldiers which fought in the seventh space war, making her a desirable subject for research. She was also born shortly after the conclusion of the Seventh Space war, and was taken in by the Alternative Company to be studied, later kidnapped away from the Alternative Company by a known group of Vultures shortly before the events of the show. Tiffa is shy and reserved —unaccustomed to interaction with others due to being a subject of research most of her life.


Daily Mech Info:

Courtesy of ^^^u/Steampunktimus_prime.

DT-6800A Daughtress

The United Nations Earth's mass-production, general use mobile suit. It is a basic mobile suit of average performance that could be fitted for use both on earth and in Space. Much like the Jenice it saw widespread use all throughout the war in he War and is still a mobile suit of choice in the post-war Earth due to their great numbers and ease of production. It's basic loadout includes a 90mm Machine Gun and a Beam Saber.


Daily Trivia:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

The series’ first OP,“DREAMS,” was the debut song of japanese pop group ROMANTIC MODE, releasing as a single in March 22nd, 1996.


Art Corner:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Official Art



Questions of the Day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

  1. What are your impressions of our set of villains so far? Have tey caught your intrigue?

  2. What did you think of the action sequences this episode? Where you more impressed by Shagia Frost’s display of prowess or Witz and Roabea’s competency?


Screenshot of the day

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Vicious Power


Track of the day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Attack - OST I

”There’s nothing you can do. You can’t take away her pain.”

After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 2 Discussion [Spoilers]

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After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 2 Discussion [Spoilers]

Episode 2 - I'll Give You Power...

Originally Aired April 12th, ^^^1996

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MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB

Note to all participants

Although I don't believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be court to your fellow participants.

Note to all Rewatchers

Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the r/anime spoiler tag as so [Spoiler Subject](/s "Spoilers go here.") in order to have your unsightly spoilers obscured like this Spoiler Subject if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly Laugh in Rewatcher at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.

Note to all First-timers:

First-timers, be aware that you too could have unwanted influence upon others’ perception of future events, so please be careful and use a spoiler tag when disclosing any predictions or inferences that you wouldn’t have wanted to know were it to be true.

Comments of the Day

Courtesy of your fellow ^^^rewatchers.

/u/Pixelsaber - VA of The Day by u/SorcererOfTheLake

VA of the Day

Wataru Takagi

Voice of: Garrod Ran Age at X Premiere: 29 Other Notable Roles: Crimson Rubeus in Sailor Moon; Ganju in Bleach; Wataru and Genta in Detective Conan; Masaru in Hajime no Ippo; Onizuka in Great Teacher Onizuka; Jan Valentine in Hellsing Ultimate; Kenji in Initial D; Okuyasu in Diamond is Unbreakable; Iruka, Tobi, and Obito in Naruto; Bunbee in Yes! Precure 5

A very informative and interesting comment detailing some other prominent roles of our lovely main character’s seiyuu. Presumable he will continue to post these throughout the Rewatch, and I highly recommend keeping a watch for them. Thanks for going out of your way to contribute something unique for this Rewatch, mate!


/u/RX-Nota-II - u/fonzinator99 ‘s humorous comment on Garrod’s (lacking) plan of action and the matter of lock-and-key-doors.

Wow, Garrod infiltrated that shit with absolutely no interlude; no transportation or strategic planning, just "Go rescue her." and "'Kay, I'm rescuing her." I guess I appreciate the fast pacing. lol

Looool at the fact that lock-and-key doors are still a thing in this "future." I guess weapons evolved, and security measures did not.

Fonzi keeping up his the impressions from IBO and in particular the bits about doors and Garrod's character crack me up.


Daily Character Info:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Wedoba Morte

A Vulture herself, Wedoba Morte finds herself pursuing the Gundam X after buying the information from an information broker. Evidently not a shrewd or cautious scavenger, she makes the mistake of assuming she was the only one to be sold information on the existence and location of the Gundam X, and is interrupted by other Vultures. She is scarcely able to have a brief bought with Garrod before her Jenice is incapacitated and she is killed by a competing Vulture.


Daily Mech Info:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts,

RMS-006 Jenice

A mass-production mobile suit of the Space Revolutionary Army, acting as the face of the SRA forces and constituting the bulk of its mobile suits, the Jenice remained in service throughout the war even as superior mobile suits took to the fields of battle. It’s main loadout consists of a 100mm Machine Gun, Chest Vulkans, and a choice of heat induction melee weapon. The Jenice’s ground type variant, the Jenice Kai, was deployed on Earth. In the world of A.W. 0015 the Jenice and its variants remain a consistent presence as they are found and salvaged in high quantities.

Custom Showcase - RMS-006G Jenice Kai Slash Buffalo

A custom Jenice Kai piloted by Wedoba Morte, a Vulture on the hunt for the GX-9900. It possesses a unique red paint scheme, reinforced armor, modified front-skirts and shoulder armor, and two large ornamental horns. It has the usual Jenie loadout, with a heat-saber for melee combat.


Daily Trivia:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Every episode title is a line from the episode itself and appears in the prior episode’s next episode preview.


Art Corner:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Official Art

  • Jenice - Gundam Perfect File



Questions of the Day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

  1. We have seen the the mighty Satellite System in action, witnessing its awe-inspiring power and the horrifying result of it. What do you make of this dangerous weapon?

  2. The information brokers engineered the violent violent encounter this episode. What does their methods tell you about the setting of the show?


Screenshot of the day

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Satellite System


Track of the day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

"I Give You the Power..." - OST I

"A nightmare from fifteen years ago."

What parts would you use to turn a Cielnova into NRX-007 Correl from After War Gundam X?

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What parts would you use to turn a Cielnova into NRX-007 Correl from After War Gundam X?
  • r/30_Minutes_Missions - Base kit. Top is good enough, just needs different shoulders, arm extensions and backpack.
  • r/30_Minutes_Missions - The long and *thin* legs is the issue here.

Gauging Interest in a Rewatch for After War Gundam X

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Gauging Interest in a Rewatch for After War Gundam X

There once was a war…

After War Gundam X is a relatively obscure entry in the longstanding Gundam franchise. As a huge Gundam fan who holds this series in high regard I couldn’t pass up on the chance to partake in the shared experience of a Rewatch, and when asked to take up host duties I was more than happy to accept. This is a wonderful show that I’d love to re-experience alongside others and introduce it to new viewers —newcomers and Gundam veterans alike. And so I am here to catalogue interest in a Rewatch of After War Gundam X, set to begin on April 5th and conclude on May 14th, with the discussions threads going up at 5:00pm EST every day and each pertaining to a sole episode.


What is After War Gundam X?

After War Gundam X is a science fiction mecha show that aired on TV Asahi during the Spring 1996 season in the five o’clock time slot, directly following the end of Gundam Wing. The show takes place in a post-apocalyptic Earth following the cataclysmic events that concluded a brutal War that left the Earth’s surface decimated and killed off most of the population, were we follow protagonist Garrod Ran —a scavenger and thief that uses his skillset to thrive in the harsh circumstances of the After War period— as his dealings lead to his piloting of the titular Gundam X and his consequent involvement in the machinations of institutions that arose from the remains of the prior War. The show stands as departure from most Gundam shows, owing to its comparatively unique setting, and a plot structure that is more reminiscent of something like Eureka Seven than the usual Gundam fare, as well as standing as one of the more upbeat and cheery entries into the franchise in spite of its relatively bleak setting. The show aired to a lukewarm reception that prompted repeated changes in its time slot until it was prematurely cut short to thirty-nine episodes from its originally planned forty-nine, ending Gundam’s previously uninterrupted run of three years of weely episodes.

The show was produced by Sunrise’s famed Studio 1, the studio responsible for classics such as the original Mobile Suit Gundam, Armored Trooper Votoms, and Turn A Gundam. Apart from the studio itself, much of the same staff that worked on Gundam Wing, such as its co-director Shinji Takamasu, who is the sole director for this show. The show’s script was done by Hiroyuki Sawasaki, whose notable works include of The Irresponsible Captain Tyler and Star Knight Tekkaman Blade. Legendary mechanical designer Kunio Okawara and Junya Ishigaki lend their talents to the series’ excellent mech designs.

Why should I watch After War Gundam X?

Apart from being a generally entertaining show, After War Gundam X possesses very strong characterization for its main cast, with a collection of interesting and engaging characters that are incredibly fun to behold, as the they possess a charisma and energy that makes their presence enjoyable whilst they play well off of each other throughout. The relation at the heart of the story is also a joy to see develop as the the narrative progresses, with the characters involved growing into their own and coming to learn how to trust and depend upon others. Several side characters will occasionally steal the spotlight as well, and have their personalities, backstories, ideals, and aspirations explored, which provides a breadth of experiences and perspectives that enrich the show. The main cast of characters are exceedingly easy to love and one can’t help but root for them through their moments of struggle, doubt, and staunch determination.

A strong thematic through-line permeates the show, touching upon a variety of topics with a basis in the common concepts within Gundam, such as the subject of the course of humanity and where our own nature might lead us as we build towards our future. The subject of appropriation for one’s own gain, and how it incurs ramifications beyond the immediate and evident, is also tackled in how the show presents various of factions and individuals in its world, which also serve to communicate the folly to be found in the act of dredging up a past that was wrought with violence and strife. The show approaches these topics with a surprising amount of nuance and subtlety, with these concepts come together to provide a fulfilling and thoroughly-explored notion during the show’s conclusion.

The series also moves along at a satisfying pace, introducing a variety of differing settings and narrative scenarios for our characters to contend with, which keeps the show feeling relatively fresh throughout its entire run. The series balances its moments of excitement, tension, sadness, levity, and humor most deftly, maintaining a steady tone that allows it to transition from often dour and upsetting to upbeat and hopeful in manner that feels that feels natural. Its variety of scenarios also serve to present exciting mecha action, in which its assortment of unique mobile suits get to take center stage.

The show also has an excellent score, composed by Yasuo Higuchi, with a variety of pieces that perfectly complement the show and accentate key moments, such as the haunting 7th Space War, which accompanies the show’s tone-setting introduction, or the deadly triumph of Satellite Cannon. GX Dashes Out, Trust and Growling Space are but a scant few of the series’ many other excellent musical tracks. The show’s two opening themes, Dreams and Resolution by ROMANTIC MODE are excellent as well.

Can I watch this without having seen other Gundam series?

Yes! After War Gundam X takes place in a universe completely separate from all other Gundam series, and doesn’t rely on prior experience with the franchise to scope the full breadth of what it has to offer —unlike Turn A Gundam or Reconguista in G. The show does take much inspiration from the core series of the Universal Century timeline, and their prior viewing makes it easier to identify and appreciate some of After War Gundam X’s themes and ideas, but it is by no means necessary to have watched them.

What if I dislike mecha?

I’m afraid there is little recourse if one is not keen on giant robots, as the show makes frequent and extensive use of them during action. The core of any great Gundam series always lies in its characters, narrative, and themes, but mechs will always be working alongside —and in favor of— those aspects. This show is unlikely to convert anyone with a distaste of mecha, and I wouldn’t invite any such person to try their luck.

Sounds Great! How do I watch it?

Unfortunately, availability is the biggest hurdle to overcome when seeking to watch the show, as it cannot be found on any streaming sites and is only available subbed in English in DVD format.

What else have you got for me?

Well, if you want a small sampling from the show you can watch the show's introductory opening sequence here. It presents the events that preceded the series' main story and inform the show's setting. I believe it to be a enrapturing piece, and so thought it prudent to share. No need to worry about spoilers here, as it'll the first thing one sees upon watching the show.


Information on the Show:

MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB


I will be following up this thread with further posts in the future, so if you wish to be alerted of these please note that you wish to be tagged in the comments.

That is all for me today. Special thanks to co-hosts /u/RX-Nota-II and /u/Steampunktimus_prime for aiding in the work involved in forming a rewatch. And thank you all for showing enough interest to open this thread and having reading all the way to the bottom of the post! I shall see you at a later time. Have a nice day!

After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 4 Discussion [Spoilers]

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After War Gundam X Rewatch - Episode 4 Discussion [Spoilers]

Episode 4 - This Operation is a Race Against the Clock

Originally Aired April 26th, ^^^1996

◄ Previous Episode | Index | Next Episode ►

MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB

Note to all participants

Although I don't believe it necessitates stating, please conduct yourself appropriately and be court to your fellow participants.

Note to all Rewatchers

Rewatchers, please be mindful of your fellow first-timers and tag your spoilers appropriately using the r/anime spoiler tag as so [Spoiler Subject](/s "Spoilers go here.") in order to have your unsightly spoilers obscured like this Spoiler Subject if your comment holds even the slightest of indicators as to future spoilers. Feel free to discuss future plot points behind the safe veil of a spoiler tag, or coyly and discreetly Laugh in Rewatcher at our first-timers' temporary ignorance, but please ensure our first-timers are no more privy or suspicious than they were the moment they opened the day’s thread.

Note to all First-timers:

First-timers, be aware that you too could have unwanted influence upon others’ perception of future events, so please be careful and use a spoiler tag when disclosing any predictions or inferences that you wouldn’t have wanted to know were they to be true.

Comments of the Day

Courtesy of your fellow ^^^rewatchers.

/u/Pixelsaber - Reaction-style comment by u/Shimmering-Sky on best ship and the episode’s gruelling cliffhanger.9886

…this dude has been sneaking out of his cell in order to pick flowers for Tiffa. Literally one of the purest things, I love it. I am definitely on-board S.S. Garrod/Tiffa.

Welp. Welp

Um what the fuck no.


A most amusing set of reactions from Sky, who seems verily displeased with the state of things at the moment of the episode’s end. Keep it up, mate!

/u/RX-Nota-II - The Captain Shades theory by u/mongooseninja3

Captain Shades delivers the punch of destiny which I predict will turn him and Garrod into bros.

I'm also going to propose my Captain Shades theory - which I would if I could get the spoiler tags to work! Let's just say that Jamil is NOT a Char clone for now, but an expy for another major 0079 character.

u/mongooseninja3 not only with the interesting yet mysterious and hidden 0079 theory but also the fire nickname game


Daily Character Info:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

Jamil Neate

The Captain of the Freeden, former Pilot of the Gundam X and newtype child-soldier, a veteran from the Seventh Space War whose actions caused the mass colony drops upon the earth which ended the war and ravaged the earth. He uses the Freeden as a means of searching for Newtypes so that he may save them from being used as weapons of War, prompting him to retrieve Tiffa Adill from the Alternative company before the events of the show. A man of strong convictions, he leads the Freeden with a stern hand and a stoic personality, but cares for its crew nonetheless.


Daily Mech Info:

Courtesy of your hosts.

NRX-0015 Gundam Ashtaron

In spite of its bulky appearance, the Gundam Ashtaron is a relatively agile and quick mobile suit, capable of transforming into a Mobile Armor mode for ease of travel and transportation of cargo, including other mobile suits. Its main armaments consists of a air of atomic scissors capable of great strength and dexterity also mounted with beam cannons, as well as a beam saber, while its main means of attack while in Mobile Armor mode are beam guns on the vehicular mode’s nose. It’s current pilot is Olba Frost, a freelance mercenary and partner to his brother, Shagia Frost.


Daily Trivia:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

After War Gundam X’s NG Gunpla line is among the smallest for a TV Gundam series, the amount of kits outnumbering only the unpopular Turn A Gundam model kits and the small G no Reconguista line.


Art Corner:

Courtesy of your ^^^hosts.

Official Art



Questions of the Day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

  1. What do you make of what we recieved of Jamil Neate’s backstory and his desire not to see the exploitation of newtypes repeated? Does it justify his prior actions? Do you see the character in a new light?

  2. How do you feel about Witz and Roabea’s decision to leave the Freeden before this risky operation?


Screenshot of the day

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.



Track of the day:

Courtesy of yours ^^^truly.

A.W.0015 - OST 1

”I intend to protect them, whatever the cost.”

After War Gundam X Rewatch Announcement and Schedule

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After War Gundam X Rewatch Announcement and Schedule

Once, there was a war…

Greetings, everyone! I am happy to formally announce the verily much anticipated Rewatch of After War Gundam X, and cordially extend an invitation to all of you to participate. The Rewatch will consist of individual threads pertaining to each episode and shall begin on April 5th, concluding with a series discussion on May 14th. The episode discussion threads will go up at 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time every day. I will be posting a reminder thread a week in advance as well as the day before we begin in order to remind everyone, as well as catch the attention of those potential participants who may have missed this or the prior thread.

Threads will showcase some fun stuff, such official art and fanart of the show, a track from the OST, trivia, exemplary comments from prior threads, and information on characters and mechs. We’ll also be providing a couple of discussion questions to drum up discussion and give participants who might not know what to discuss about somewhere to focus their attention.

In case you missed it, be sure to check out last week’s Interest thread where I’ve outlined what After War Gundam X is and why you should watch it.


Unfortunately, availability is the biggest hurdle to overcome when seeking to watch the show, as it cannot be found on any streaming sites and is only available subbed in English in DVD format.

RightStuff DVD Release: Collection 1 | Collection 2

Information on the Show:

MAL | ANN | AniDB | Anilist | IMDB



Date Episode Date Episode
Episode 1 April 5th Episode 21 April 25th
Episode 2 April 6th Episode 22 April 26th
Episode 3 April 7th Episode 23 April 27th
Episode 4 April 8th Episode 24 April 28th
Episode 5 April 9th Episode 25 April 29th
Episode 6 April 10th Episode 26 April 30th
Episode 7 April 11th Episode 27 May 1st
Episode 8 April 12th Episode 28 May 2nd
Episode 9 April 13th Episode 29 May 3rd
Episode 10 April 14th Episode 30 May 4th
Episode 11 April 15th Episode 31 May 5th
Episode 12 April 16th Episode 32 May 6th
Episode 13 April 17th Episode 33 May 7th
Episode 14 April 18th Episode 34 May 8th
Episode 15 April 19th Episode 35 May 9th
Episode 16 April 20th Episode 36 May 10th
Episode 17 April 21st Episode 37 May 11th
Episode 18 April 22nd Episode 38 May 12th
Episode 19 April 23rd Episode 39 May 13th
Episode 20 April 24th Series Discussion May 14th


Please direct any questions concerning anything as to the Rewatch to me, I will get to them as promptly as I can. I look forward to seeing you all on April 5th! Until then, have a nice day!

After War Gundam X: Olba and Shagia final scene

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After War Gundam X: Olba and Shagia final scene

So I just finished AW Gundam X which I loved. I realize that the production for the final bit of the show was condensed significantly. So I want to see if my inference is what others have gathered.

in the final scene with Tiffa and Garrod watching the two men talk about newtypes, the camera pans and we briefly see the Frost brothers as onlookers. They seem to be at peace from what little bit we get here

The last time we saw the brothers was when they used the satellite system on the Double X and the two beams collided destroying the satellite system and doing significant damage to their Gundams. At this point they still wanted to destroy newtypes and bring about war. Garrod had mentioned that if they would just make contact with D.O.M.E then they would understand.

Are we to infer that when the two beams collided and destroyed the satellite system that D.O.M.E made contact with the brothers off screen? They would have the been shown the same revelations as the crew of the Freeden and the leaders of the U.N.E. and the colonies. They would have then realized that newtypes were an illusion and moved on from their plan for revenge against new types and those who desired them. This is the only explanation I can find for why they would be portrayed this way in the final scene.

Would love to hear other's thoughts on this!

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