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Adventures in Middle-earth

[SLD] The More Adventures in Middle-earth (Ralph Bakshi movie, no card reveals)

A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, and more.

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[SLD] The More Adventures in Middle-earth (Ralph Bakshi movie, no card reveals)
r/magicTCG - [SLD] The More Adventures in Middle-earth (Ralph Bakshi movie, no card reveals)

Starting out with Adventures in Middle-Earth

Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both!

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Starting out with Adventures in Middle-Earth

Hi guys! I would like to ask if anyone knows of any electronic ways of playing Adventures in Middle-Earth. I was considering trying to DM for AiME, but our group mostly plays online. Is there any modules for foundry or roll20 or something else entirely that you could reccommend? :)

Adventures in Middle-earth - What's coming

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Adventures in Middle-earth - What's coming

Hi all,

Some of you may remember me as "that guy with the character sheets". And you would be correct! But back in October I joined Cubicle 7 and now get to work full time in the tabletop RPG industry. The reason I'm posting here is that part of my duties at Cubicle 7 are in managing our Lord of the Rings lines, which are The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-earth. For those that don't know, The One Ring is our Lord of the Rings RPG which was released in 2011. There's a tonne of content for it and more still coming. A while back we released Adventures in Middle-earth, which allows players to play in the lands of Tolkien using the 5th Edition D&D rules. We are currently in the process of porting over all of our content from TOR to AiME, and will soon be at a place where we can release almost simultaneously.

The reason I wanted to pop in here was firstly to let people know there are a tonne of new adventures to be gotten with AiME (I can't recommend the Mirkwood Campaign enough) and secondly was to let those who are interested know what is coming next for Adventures in Middle-earth. I'll preface this by saying that currently at C7 we are undergoing a restructuring and expansion (hence me joining the team!) which is why communication has been lacking recently. I aim to improve that in the future so if I can help or you have any questions, let me know and I'll do what I can.

So, our next release will be Breeland, which is a conversion of Bree from The One Ring. Text and layout for this are locked off, we are just awaiting the final cover artwork before going to print. We aim to have this in Q1 2019.

After Breeland we will release the Lonely Mountain Region Guide, which is our conversion of Erebor - The Lonely Mountain from the One Ring. This is currently in editing.

After LMRG, we will be working on the companion book Erebor Adventures. This is a conversion of the as yet unreleased The Laughter of Dragons for The One Ring and is still in very early stages.

Once these are locked off, the remaining One Ring books to be converted to AiME are Horselords of Rohan and Oaths of the Riddermark. I don't have timelines for these yet.

Early next year we will also have news on Moria, a big box dungeon crawl adventure, but for now all I can say is its coming. Personally I'm very excited about this and can't wait to share it with everyone.

So that's where we are. As I said, if I can help or you have questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.

Thanks all, all the best

  • Emmet

Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

Hi all,

I wanted to let folks know that there is a Bundle of Holding live right now that contains a tonne of the Adventures in Middle-earth PDFs. For those that don't know, Adventures in Middle-earth lets you use the 5th Edition D&D rules to play in the land of Tolkien and the setting of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Full disclosure: I joined Cubicle 7 a few months back and I am the producer on our Lord of the Rings lines. Saying that, I'm amazed that so few people in the D&D community know about Adventures in Middle-earth. It has some fantastic content in itself, but also a tonne of stuff you can transplant to your regular D&D game (I HIGHLY recommend stealing the journey rules, particularly if you're running Tomb of Annihilation).

Paying the minimum price gets you the Player's Collection, which contains the Player's Guide, the Rhovanion Region Guide, and The Road Goes Ever On maps and journeys. If you beat the threshold you get the Loremaster's Collection, which contains the Loremaster's Guide, Wilderland Adventures (which contains 7 adventures), and the Eaves of Mirkwood introductory adventure and Loremaster's Screen.

You can pick up the bundle at the link below if you're interested. And if you've played Adventures in Middle-earth in the past I'd love to hear from you!

Bundle of Holding: Adventures in Middle-earth

All the best

- Emmet

An Adventures in Middle-Earth Sandbox Campaign (recruiting)

Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both!

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An Adventures in Middle-Earth Sandbox Campaign (recruiting)

I am looking for up to 2 players to join in a sandbox campaign I am running for Adventures in Middle-Earth. We play Sundays at 7PM GMT +2.

Currently we have a Warrior (range), Scholar, Wanderer and possibly a Warrior (melee).

Description of the campaign is as follows:

This is a sandbox campaign based around Lake Town though not limited to that area. I (the Loremaster) largely play off of PC motivations, backgrounds, and actions. The party is currently a level 2 party using Milestone levelling. They campaign has left off with the party staying at a tavern called The Black Arrow, investigating the rise in criminal activity and possible high level corruption in the area due to the influx of wealth after the death of Smaug.

We use Roll20 for mapping, combat tracking, and rolls and we use Discord for communication and scheduling.

Let me know if you are interested and we can chat further!

Adventures in Middle-earth Sale

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Adventures in Middle-earth Sale

Howdy folks,

Just a heads up that as part of the May D&D sale, all Adventures in Middle-earth PDFs are on sale. You can check them out here.

Its also our (Cubicle 7's) 10th anniversary and we have 25% sale on all of the hardcopy books too. You can find them on our website here.


- Emmet

Adventures in Middle-Earth

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Adventures in Middle-Earth


I just got very interested in preordering the print version for both the player's and loremaster's guide. I still have a few questions though :

  1. Does OGL compatible imply PHB compatible ? Could I throw phb classes in an AME game for example.

  2. What about monsters ? I know they're coming in LMG but can I use MM monsters effectively ?

  3. Is the game flexible ? Kind of tied with the first two questions; does AME allow for easy (5e quality) homebrew or is it constricting homebrewers.

  4. Is it really tolkienesque ? Let's face it, I'm a huge tolkien nerd and while I don't mind that they play around with the setting, I absolutely hate when lotr games lack the tolkien feel.

  5. Do the new mechanics (fellowship phase, travelling etc.) hold on well ? I know they're a big part of TOR rpg but do they complement the 5e system well ?

  6. Cubicle 7's shop states "Loremaster's Guide PDF in December and print anticipated Spring 2016" what's up with that ? THought it was autumn 2016 for both

TLDR I just want to hear your thoughts/rant on AME. I already read other topics but I wanted more guidance on these particular topics.

Adventures in Middle-Earth sandbox game set in Dunland

A community for players to organise and discuss play-by-post roleplaying games.

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Adventures in Middle-Earth sandbox game set in Dunland

I'm looking for 2-3 more players (I've already got 2) for a play-by-post AiME game using Discord, set in Dunland some years after the events of Hobbit. I'd like the game to be more of a sandbox so your starting conditions and goals would depend on the characters you make, but you can expect the game's setting to be about living among tight-knit tribes in a relatively small area with wild forests all around, where there's little wealth to spare and where trust and respect have to be earned.

My timezone is GMT +3 while the other players are american, so I'll be mostly posting around 8 PM to 2 AM my time. I'd like a faster pace with multiple posts per day, although once per day should be fine as well. I try to be more descriptive, but I won't write walls of text, especially considering the pace, so shorter posts with a few flavourful descriptions and some personality should work well.

If interested, PM me with answers to the following: what is your favourite season, what is the word dunlendings call rohirrim, as well as any ideas for the game you might have. I'm not asking for a complete character or even a concept, I just want to see what you might be interested in playing and doing in the game. Character creation will be done together to determine how they are connected, what their goals are and other such things.

My adventures in Middle-Earth

Dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online, the MMORPG based on Professor J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy series.

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My adventures in Middle-Earth

I love to explore around on LOTRO and take screenshots from places that most players don't go. You can check all my screenshots here: Most recently I asked players on twitter where I should explore and The Misty Mountains was most voted, so I've been exploring it for almost two weeks now. I also have a Discord channel for off-map explorers, all you have to do is DM me on twitter at @Joego__ and I'll send you an invite.

Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both!

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Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

Hi all,

I wanted to let folks know that there is a Bundle of Holding live right now that contains a tonne of the Adventures in Middle-earth PDFs!

Paying the minimum price gets you the Player's Collection, which contains the Player's Guide, the Rhovanion Region Guide, and The Road Goes Ever On maps and journeys. If you beat the threshold you get the Loremaster's Collection, which contains the Loremaster's Guide, Wilderland Adventures (which contains 7 adventures), and the Eaves of Mirkwood introductory adventure and Loremaster's Screen.

You can pick up the bundle at the link below if you're interested.

Bundle of Holding: Adventures in Middle-earth

All the best

- Emmet

Adventures in Middle-Earth journey rules in a typical D&D setting?

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Adventures in Middle-Earth journey rules in a typical D&D setting?

I bought the D&D 5e Adventures in Middle-Earth books and I gotta say I love the look of the journey rules. Cubicle 7's books are basically a 5e conversion of The One Ring roleplaying system. Basically:

  • Journeying is meant to be the way it is in Tolkien's novels. The road is dangerous and exhausting, and traveling to a destination is called a journey phase. In a journey phase, players cannot benefit from a long rest. Like in the novels, a journey across Middle-Earth could take the better part of a year or more.

  • There are random tables for the three stages of the journey: Embarkation, journeying, and arrival. The results of the embarkation table could make the journey more or less difficult. The journeying tables are basically a skill challenge, and the arrival table is influenced by how you rolled on the embarkation table and the random journey events that came up during the journeying tables.

  • The hex map that comes with the book categorizes the level of danger certain parts of Middle-Earth are. The area right around Lake-Town is easy travel. Places more severely affected by Sauron, like Angmar and Mordor, would be the most dangerous terrain. The danger of a map region affects the difficulty of the journey rolls, and even makes travel through it take up to 5 times longer than normal in the most dangerous regions.

  • There are four roles to divide up among the party. There's Guide, Scout, Lookout, and Hunter. Each role is responsible for rolling skill checks during the journey, but a lot of the important rolls are made by the Guide.

  • Finally, in contrast to the difficulty of journeys, there's a Fellowship Phase. This is basically downtime rules for between adventures, A.K.A., when Bilbo writes his book. The players could travel to any place they've been before during the campaign or to the place their character is from and recover from exhaustion on the road, or do other typical D&D downtime stuff like roleplaying, training new skills and languages, etc. This phase should take about a season.

  • Caveat: Killing the PCs with exhaustion levels on a travel segment isn't fun or interesting, so DMs are encouraged to let their players find Sanctuaries if they're in deep trouble, and players could even spend their Fellowship Phase establishing a sanctuary at any appropriate place they've journeyed to in the past. Maybe it's an camp where Mirkwood elves live or even Beorn's house in the Wilderlands. Also, this system assumes that the DM will not be throwing months' worth of random orc encounters at the party.

As a newish DM of 5e, and RPGs in general, I love the look of the journey rules. I ran Storm King's Thunder last year, and if I could go back in time and do it all again, I would definitely use these rules, especially for Chapter 3's free-roaming, player-driven sandbox. There's some other stuff that I'd have to keep in mind if using this on a higher-magic setting like Forgotten Realms. Middle-Earth doesn't have magical healers like clerics, and that setting doesn't really use a ton of high CR monsters.

In short, buy these books. They are so cool, and a real testament to the versatility of 5e's design. Has anybody here tried using these or a similar system with a more traditional D&D world?

How do The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-Earth differ?

A subreddit for all things related to tabletop roleplaying games

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How do The One Ring and Adventures in Middle-Earth differ?


I know there are older threads on this topic, but since Cubicle 7 will have to stop both series next year, and there don't seem to be current threads, I figured I should start a new one.

The One Ring is a skill-based system using buckets of dice.

Adventures in Middle Earth is a class-based system, customized for Middle Earth. Based on Dungeons & Dragons 5E but apparently not requiring it.

That leaves me wondering a few things:

  • If players have either TOR or AME, are matching region books remakes of the other? For example, the Rivendell, Erebor, Rohan, etc. books for each? DTRPG suggests that most of them contain material from their counterparts. Rivendell adds more to the AME magic rules, and The Eaves of Mirkwood may be an exception. It doesn't make clear whether these are just conversions otherwise.

  • If players have either TOR or AME, are any region books and adventures easy to convert to the other?

  • I had a lot of trouble figuring out character creation with Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and Pathfinder 1E. Does AME work better? I tended to try to split ranks between the 2 standard classes which came closest to my concept. Does AME provide useful advice for choosing classes, especially for new players, experienced skill-based players unfamiliar with class-based aproaches, or creating characters who don't fit the existing classes?

  • Can AME support adventures written for other class-level rules?

  • Does AME support neurodivergent and/or disabled characters, or unusual strengths and weaknesses? Near as I can tell, TOR doesn't address any of this. Figuring that Humans+Hobbits, Elves, and Dwarves would be at least as divergent from each other as autistic and allistic humans on this Miþjungarþs, it might add something.

Custom character sheets for Adventures in Middle-earth

Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both!

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Custom character sheets for Adventures in Middle-earth

Hey guys,

Since I am somewhat disappointed by the official AiME character sheet (because it looks considerably less beautiful than the Player's/Loremaster's Guide, and it lacks entries for the journey mechanics and other important things), I decided to start making my own version.

The current work-in-progress version has 3 sheets: the first two follow the layout of the official AiME/5E sheet, the third one is a Journey sheet. Currently everything is A4 size only, but if you're interested have a look:

I appreciate all comments and criticism in any shape or form :)

EDIT: I crossposted with r/dndnext, if that's ok.

EDIT2: Updated sheets. Now with Inspiration, Corruption save, and a box for degeneration effects.

5E: Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future.

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5E: Adventures in Middle-earth Bundle!

Hi all,

I wanted to let folks know that there is a Bundle of Holding live right now that contains a tonne of the Adventures in Middle-earth PDFs. For those that don't know, Adventures in Middle-earth lets you use the 5th Edition D&D rules to play in the land of Tolkien and the setting of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Full disclosure: I joined Cubicle 7 a few months back and I am the producer on our Lord of the Rings lines. Saying that, I'm amazed that so few people in the D&D community know about Adventures in Middle-earth. It has some fantastic content in itself, but also a tonne of stuff you can transplant to your regular D&D game (I HIGHLY recommend stealing the journey rules, particularly if you're running Tomb of Annihilation).

Paying the minimum price gets you the Player's Collection, which contains the Player's Guide, the Rhovanion Region Guide, and The Road Goes Ever On maps and journeys. If you beat the threshold you get the Loremaster's Collection, which contains the Loremaster's Guide, Wilderland Adventures (which contains 7 adventures), and the Eaves of Mirkwood introductory adventure and Loremaster's Screen.

You can pick up the bundle at the link below if you're interested. And if you've played Adventures in Middle-earth in the past I'd love to hear from you!

Bundle of Holding: Adventures in Middle-earth

All the best

- Emmet

Custom character sheets for Adventures in Middle-earth

A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy:

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Custom character sheets for Adventures in Middle-earth

Hey guys,

Since I am somewhat disappointed by the official AiME character sheet (because it looks considerably less beautiful than the Player's/Loremaster's Guide, and it lacks entries for the journey mechanics and other important things), I decided to start making my own version.

The current work-in-progress version has 3 sheets: the first two follow the layout of the official AiME/5E sheet, the third one is a Journey sheet. Currently everything is A4 size only, but if you're interested have a look:

EDIT: I have created a newer version since, modeled closer to the official 5E character sheets. Both variants, and accompanying Journey sheets, can be found here:

I appreciate all comments and criticism in any shape or form :)

Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)

Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both!

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Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)
  • r/AiME - Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)
  • r/AiME - Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)
  • r/AiME - Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)
  • r/AiME - Want to play as a Magician, Sorcerer, or Wizard's Pupil? I designed a Sorcerer Class for Adventures in Middle-Earth based on the suggested spells from the Loremaster's Guide. (Levels 1-11)

  • Adventures in Odyssey (AIO), or simply Odyssey, is a Christian radio drama and comedy series created and produced by Focus on the Family. The series first aired in 1987 and is currently finishing its 27th season. The Odyssey series also includes several spin-off items, including a home-video series, books, and several computer games. The series centers on the fictional town of Odyssey, and in particular, an ice-cream emporium named Whit's End, and its owner, John Avery Whittaker. members
  • The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth is a fully cooperative, app-supported board game for one to five players, inviting you to become the greatest heroes of Middle-earth! members
  • A subreddit for all things related to tabletop roleplaying games members
  • Adventures in Middle-earth and LOTR 5e are tabletop RPGs published by Cubicle 7 and Free League respectively. They are based on the works of JRR Tolkien. AiME released first, and LOTR 5e uses many of the classes and concepts designed there. The two editions are largely compatible, and we welcome resources and discussion for both! members
  • A place to discuss the "Adventures in Rokugan" system, a 5e OGL product featuring the Rokugan setting. Not affiliated with EDGE Studio. members
  • A place to discuss Dungeons & Dragons. For more D&D discussion: Discord: Lemmy: members
  • A place to discuss Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and any of Tolkien's work! members
  • A forum for all dudes to virtually network about life, hobbies, interests, etc. members
  • Middle-Earth - Arda Community | Your Home to all things Tolkien related from News, Books, Games, Discussions, Movies and much more on J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium. members
  • A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. members
  • Dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online, the MMORPG based on Professor J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy series. members
  • The online community for the Adventures in DevOps podcast. Ask questions, leave feedback, and interact with our hosts members
  • LFG is a place for tabletop gamers to organize groups for the games they love to play. members
  • A subreddit for discussion about "The Hobbit" and Tolkien's works, be they books, movies, radio plays, music, art, you get the idea! Get involved! members
  • A subreddit for all things MECCG related. members
  • In Middle-Earth where our hearts reside members
  • Welcome to r/tolkienfans! This subreddit is a space for the Tolkien nerds of reddit to debate and discuss the whole Tolkien mythos. We emphasise serious discussion here over jokey/meme-based posts. That's not to say you have to be a LOTR scholar or Tolkien academic to post or enjoy this subreddit, but that we'd prefer mature topics of discussion here. members
  • Welcome to /r/rpgtrade! The only place on Reddit where you can buy, sell or trade your physical tabletop RPG books and accessories! members
  • A place to discuss and ask questions about The Silmarillion, by J.R.R. Tolkien, and anything related to the First and Second Ages of Middle-earth. Maybe you have never read it and the names are driving you crazy, or you have read it so many times you have lost count. This is the place for you. members
  • This group was created for all the MUMErs on Reddit. If you know what MUME is, this group is for you! members
  • /r/DMAcademy is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to ask questions - new and experienced, all are welcome! members
  • This subreddit serves as a helpful place for any DM's running the Tomb of Annihilation module. members
  • An **unofficial** fan run subreddit for the Minecraft Middle-Earth project. members
  • Guardians of Middle-Earth newest MOBA to hit the scenes for PS3 and Xbox 360 only! members
  • Quendi (the Speakers) are what the Elves of J.R.R. Tolkien in Middle-earth and Valinor call themselves as since in Cuiviénen they were the firstborn race speaking a language. Share anything about Quendi in the form of art, lore, language or "cellar doors" in our subreddit. members
  • A fan-made region guide of the Mines of Moria for the tabletop RPG; Adventures in Middle-earth, published by Cubicle 7 based on the works of JRR Tolkien. members
  • This is the subreddit of the ArdaCraft project, a community which seeks to recreate J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth in Minecraft. The intention of this subreddit is to act as a repository of screenshots and videos of the project. Every submission must have a flair assigned to it based on its region, so that shots of a specific region can be quickly accessed. Find us at members
  • An active fan community since 2013 for The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game. Endless new adventures in one of the best game representations of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth! members
  • Fantasy Flight Games Lord of the Rings Journeys in Middle-earth. members
  • For those who enjoy discussing any and all of the works within J.R.R Tolkien’s Legendarium. Any questions, debates, or new findings are welcome! Whether a loremaster or a newcomer to Tolkien, all may join in! members