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AdVenture Communist

AdVenture Communist 6.17 Patch

The official reddit community for the mobile idle game Adventure Communist.

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AdVenture Communist 6.17 Patch

AdCom 6.17 is SLOWLY rolling out...

Here is what we can expect:
✦ TWO new, mid-week Fusion events entering the rotation:
- Farm to Table
- State Science
✦ Claim All Science QOL feature (OUT MONDAY.)

For 6.18, we'll be gathering all the feedback from our communities about the short/global leaderboards and seeing how we can improve them! In addition, we may see more new content... Stay tuned Comrades!

PSA: AdVenture Communist is actually a good game now

Welcome! This subreddit is for us lovers of games that feature an incremental mechanism, such as unlocking progressively more powerful upgrades, or discovering new ways to play the game. This genre is growing at a break-neck pace, be part of the revolution!

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PSA: AdVenture Communist is actually a good game now

AdVenture Communist, the sequel to the beloved AdVenture Capitalist, has had a really rough start when it first launched on Steam in Early Access. It was supposed to be a proof of concept version to see if people were interested in it. After a few smaller updates, the proof of concept time was over and they went pretty silent.

Hyper Hippo made a mobile version and polished it. The game was basically the same and suffered from serious progression walls and the prestige system wasn't fun, as well as IAP being to harsh. It's been like that for quite a while with smaller improvements along the way.

Now the game has been drastically changed, for the better. The way things cost now is more in line with Swarm Simulator, you need the previous resource and Comrades (equivalent to "larvae" in SwarmSim) which makes it way clearer on what to work on and how to progress.

You now have to finish a certain amount of missions in order to be able to prestige. Each prestige level unlocks the ability to earn new cards. These cards give you bonuses like speed (and automation), cost reduction, more Comrades or a simple multiplier for each or all resources, depending on the rarity of the card. You can also upgrade these cards. You earn loot boxes (stop, don't freak out just yet!) with each mission, so you get like 10 of them each prestige, which is a lot. In those loot boxes you can find Gold (currency you buy directly with real money), Science (used to upgrade cards) and the cards themselves. While you can buy Science with Gold, you really don't have to, because you earn a lot, like, A LOT just by playing.

You buy resources, do your missions, upgrade your cards, prestige, get new cards, do slightly harder missions and so on, it really is a fun game. I thought I make this post to update everyone because I'm sure that a lot of you ignored or straight-up forgot about it.

TL;DR: AdCom is a different and good game now. Try it out.

Android: AdVenture Communist

iOS: AdVenture Communist

PS: I'm not a dev.

EDIT: iOS update is finally live!

AdVenture Communist Wiki

The official reddit community for the mobile idle game Adventure Communist.

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AdVenture Communist Wiki

Hey, there fellow Reddit users! I have just taken over control of the AdVenture Communist Wiki

Myself and some other editors are making our way through the wiki and adding more information as we can.

I have received support from HyperHippo in the form of they provided me the games logo and gave me permission to use the pictures from the game and even provided me with some additional information that will appear on the wiki.

Please feel free to add the information you have for this game as all help is welcome! Vandalism though will not be tolerated as this wiki is there to help people out when learning about the game and even more experienced players.

If you need any help with something on the wiki send me a message on Reddit or on the Wiki Itself my username is TimmehFire Also welcome any feedback on things you think should be changed.

Unofficial Adventure Communist FAQ

The official reddit community for the mobile idle game Adventure Communist.

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Unofficial Adventure Communist FAQ

Q: Why is my game not loading my resources? Example
A: Your save didn't load properly, relaunch the game and you should be good to go.

Q: Why are there no gold offers on iOS?
A: Apple changed their policy preventing app from offering rewards for tasks (ads are ok). Hyper Hippo is currently developing an alternative way to earn gold.

Q: Why are the x2, x3, etc. value claims wrong?
A: Hyper Hippo rounds the figures and also compares the value to buying them in the least cost-effective amount. They are considering changing it because it is misleading.

Q: Should I complete every mission before ranking up?
A: No, but if a mission is very easy it's probably worth sticking around to complete. Waiting more than a day for a single mission is probably not worth it.

Q: Why are there researchers that are impossible to unlock?
A: Rank icons up to 123 can be found in the game files, suggesting ranks will go that high. The cards have already been designed, and Hyper Hippo decided not to hide them.

Q: Why haven't I been credited for this offer?
A: There are many things that can go wrong, but Hyper Hippo is very nice and as long as you can provide proof of completion, you can get the full reward by sending an email to support. No members of Hyper Hippo look at this subreddit. I have offered them moderator positions and special flairs but they declined. (Edit: u/hyperhippogames has made a post and comment here so I gave them special flair. It is against reddit policy for a business to moderate a subreddit about that business (with the exception of user pages) which probably explains why they declined. It's also possible they lurk, and you could potentially receive a DM from them as well.)

Q: What should I spend my gold on?
A: It's really up to you, but occasionally you can buy a Supreme researcher for 750 gold; this is considered the best deal in the game.

Q: Why do I have negative resources?
A: Somehow you travelled back in time! Just wait for it to go positive or contact support. The cause is unknown.

The decadence of Adventure Communist?

The official reddit community for the mobile idle game Adventure Communist.

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The decadence of Adventure Communist?

So, I'm a Rank 138 player who has played for almost three years, spent some money in big-event bundles, and been quite active both in the game and in this subreddit. Lately, I've been reading most people's posts regarding different aspects of the game, and it is pretty evident that this game is in a deep decay.

First of all, there is something going crazy with rank design. I can understand that a major change in stuff may lead to new people having to learn how to design, balance and test ranks. It is part of every job. What I am not able to understand is how is it possible that after more than half a year, there is no improvement at all in how things are going. Several sets of ranks have been released, and all of them are tremendously bad designed. Even though many users have tried to give advice, design ideas, or feedback to HH, none of their comments have been taken in consideration; or at least that's how it feels like.

Second, there have been many complaints about how ads work lately, with very-small buttons, many times redirecting you to the App Store, multiple screens where to close the ad, and almost half of the times forcing the app to close, and not giving the corresponding reward.

Regarding events and new content, it feels like the game has been stuck for more than a year, with only a "new themed" event (the prehistoric one), which is also so weirdly designed. Some changes on the calendar, some "month-of-long-events", or Supreme Santa in a randomly chosen month. There was a time when new stuff was periodically coming in: Operations, Event Researchers, Short Events... Some of them may be more or less useful, but hey, it was new content anyway.

But now... There is nothing. Nothing that keep high-rank people playing the game. A bunch of horribly-balanced ranks, with almost no goal, since most of the cards are maxed or ready to be so. No new mechanics, ranks no longer require any kind of "strategy" or something similar.

And do not get me wrong: Many games have an end, a point where it is all done. And it would be perfectly fine if HH decides to stop the game at certain point and say "Okay folks, this game is ending at rank 150, thanks for being part of this". But here goes the part that most annoys me: We are hearing NOTHING. No feedback to community feedback and advice. And it is not that they should actually respond (although it would be quite nice), but they neither seem to be thinking about the future of their game. It feels like they are blindly and randomly making decisions. And that is what frustrates me the most:

For more than a year, I feel like the community does not mean anything anymore.

I posted defending HH when the first new rank batches were released, hopping for a change. But there has been nothing but silence. I'm so disappointed, since this has been the idle game I have spent most of my "playing time". It may be time to leave this and try another one.

Please, u/hyperhippogames, if you care about your community, get your sh*t together and change things before it is too late.

Saw this gem whilst play AdVenture Communist

r/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

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Saw this gem whilst play AdVenture Communist
r/teenagers - Saw this gem whilst play AdVenture Communist