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Absolute Monarchy

Dozens killed, tortured, abducted in eSwatini as pro-democracy protests intensify in the last absolute monarchy on the African continent

What's it like living in an Absolute Monarchy?

A community based on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the open blue seas to the wide and wonderful desert. This community is focused on discussions, posts and questions related to the country from citizens, residents, enthusiasts and visitors. Everybody is welcome to join in and participate in our lovely community.

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What's it like living in an Absolute Monarchy?

I'm American and I'm kinda curious. I've always been a Monarchist (Though leaning towards Constitutionalism), and I've been thinking about moving to Europe or Asia, and I'm curious to know what it's like living in a Kingdom that's Absolute

Absolute Monarchy

Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. KX is focused on providing content that is fun and has the main goal of expanding the existing KR content, while also reworking certain neglected or poorly-done nations for the better.

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Absolute Monarchy
r/kaiserredux - Absolute Monarchy

Absolute Monarchy

This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism.

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Absolute Monarchy

I do have to ask, why do people think Absolute Monarchy should be a thing now a days? I can respect the point of view but it has not and will not work. I do however, think that the European Monarchs have “given up” too much power. I put “given up” in quotations as they do have power, but will arguably never use it. I think there should be a happy middle Where the sovereign isn’t merely a figure Head but someone that will actually protect the people and is able to use their power without immense ridicule and threats of abolition.

Absolute Monarchy

Scary stories, 1000 words or less, featuring animals.

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Absolute Monarchy

The boy ran circles in the meadow, dashing headlong through kaleidoscopes of butterflies, scattering them, careless, laughing, their soft delicate bodies floating; he screamed—

Several doctors stared at the body,

its shredded skin,

its raw face.

This was violence, one of them thought, as the child's parents sobbed in the hallway and the hospital director made a telephone call. "Good evening, Dr. Schmidt?"

Jürgen Schmidt was still jet-lagged when he began addressing the audience of scientists and military men. There was little time to spare. "Danaus plexippus, the monarch butterfly," he said, "has evolved."

"Briefed by an entomologist," a four-star general bemoaned.

A lepidopterist, thought Schmidt, as he pressed a key on his laptop, bringing a projector to life—It illuminated the room.—and continuing, "But not evolved as we know evolution. Evolution as a sudden and seemingly targetted change. Watch this."

On screen, a freeze frame:

A Mexican soldier surrounded by monarch butterflies.

Zooming in on one:

Orange wings laced with black, supporting a black, deceptively humanoid body: thorax, abdomen, legs glistening like hideous scimitars—


The soldier trying to swat the butterflies away. Trying. They swarm him. He is obscured by: landing on him, slicing him; finally they scatter, and on the ground, naked and half-consumed, lies the soldier's crumpled body, red and bones.

"Dear God…"

Within weeks, the monarchs had taken control of a swathe of central America, from Nicaragua to Panama, and attacks had been reported as far north as Ottawa.

It was as if they had suddenly leveled up, and human defense systems could not cope. It became a familiar symbol of futility: footage of soldiers firing wildly at an onrushing orange sky of beating wings and scimitar legs; the bullets passing as if through nothing; the orange unceased.

They hacked our nets.

They were impervious to fire and pesticide.

In the territory they controlled, they declared a Kingdom centered on the city of Managua, which they had thoroughly dehumanised. Flaesh they called it. Elsewhere, those who could not flee were enslaved and made to swear allegiance to a new leader, the Great Monarch, Thoraxion Nex.

Thoraxion Nex: unseen, feared—

"They've opened a diplomatic channel," Jürgen Schmidt said. "They desire a meeting between humanity and Flaesh."

It was organised.

A delegation of scientists, diplomats and politicians was flown to Managua, where they walked streets now littered with decaying human corpses toward a gargantuan chrysalis, suspended seemingly from the sky itself.

Thoraxion Nex, thought Schmidt, has not yet metamorphosed, but what breed of hideous beast could possibly emerge from this hanging horror-chamber?

It was under such dread that the agreement was signed.

To the monarchs: all the Americas, Australia and Asia as far west as the Altai Mountains.

To humanity: to migrate and squeeze into what remained.

Yet how does one evacuate entire continents? thought Schmidt, even as he scrawled his name.

Above, the chrysalis trembled.

This much was clear:

For ages, homo sapiens had alone dominated the Earth. The time for a bipolar world had come.

Finished my first run! Absolute monarchy!!!

Welcome to the Suzerain Universe subreddit, a place to discuss the fictional universe created by Torpor Games. Explore the wider lore and engage with others about the two games set in this universe: "Suzerain" and the upcoming "The Conformist."

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Finished my first run! Absolute monarchy!!!

I can give you detailed explanation of my run , but I have a question now.

I see you can investigate your fathers death in my run I didn't have that option. And I read here that you can investigate his death. How do I do it and is it worth it playing the game again for that reason? I wanna try to create holy kingdom in my next run.

Absolute monarchy

This is the subreddit of Thai users. อาร์/ไทยไทย ซับเรดดิตคนไทย พูดคุยเรื่องราวต่างๆ เป็นภาษาไทยได้เลยค่ะ

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Absolute monarchy
r/thaithai - Absolute monarchy

Absolute Monarchy Russia Run!

Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. KX is focused on providing content that is fun and has the main goal of expanding the existing KR content, while also reworking certain neglected or poorly-done nations for the better.

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Absolute Monarchy Russia Run!
  • r/kaiserredux - Absolute Monarchy Russia Run!
  • r/kaiserredux - Absolute Monarchy Russia Run!

Absolute Monarchy

We enjoy our horror short and sweet. 500 words or less.

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Absolute Monarchy

The boy ran circles in the meadow, dashing headlong through kaleidoscopes of butterflies, scattering them, careless, laughing, their soft delicate bodies floating; he screamed—

Several doctors stared at the body,

its shredded skin,

its raw face.

This was violence, one of them thought, as the child's parents sobbed in the hallway and the hospital director made a telephone call. "Good evening, Dr. Schmidt?"

Jürgen Schmidt was still jet-lagged when he began addressing the audience of scientists and military men. There was little time to spare. "Danaus plexippus, the monarch butterfly," he said, "has evolved."

"Briefed by an entomologist," a four-star general bemoaned.

A lepidopterist, thought Schmidt, as he pressed a key on his laptop, bringing a projector to life—It illuminated the room.—and continuing, "But not evolved as we know evolution. Evolution as a sudden and seemingly targetted change. Watch this."

On screen, a freeze frame:

A Mexican soldier surrounded by monarch butterflies.

Zooming in on one:

Orange wings laced with black, supporting a black, deceptively humanoid body: thorax, abdomen, legs glistening like hideous scimitars—


The soldier trying to swat the butterflies away. Trying. They swarm him. He is obscured by: landing on him, slicing him; finally they scatter, and on the ground, naked and half-consumed, lies the soldier's crumpled body, red and bones.

"Dear God…"

Within weeks, the monarchs had taken control of a swathe of central America, from Nicaragua to Panama, and attacks had been reported as far north as Ottawa.

It was as if they had suddenly leveled up, and human defense systems could not cope. It became a familiar symbol of futility: footage of soldiers firing wildly at an onrushing orange sky of beating wings and scimitar legs; the bullets passing as if through nothing; the orange unceased.

They hacked our nets.

They were impervious to fire and pesticide.

In the territory they controlled, they declared a Kingdom centered on the city of Managua, which they had thoroughly dehumanised. Flaesh they called it. Elsewhere, those who could not flee were enslaved and made to swear allegiance to a new leader, the Great Monarch, Thoraxion Nex.

Thoraxion Nex: unseen, feared—

"They've opened a diplomatic channel," Jürgen Schmidt said. "They desire a meeting between humanity and Flaesh."

It was organised.

A delegation of scientists, diplomats and politicians was flown to Managua, where they walked streets now littered with decaying human corpses toward a gargantuan chrysalis, suspended seemingly from the sky itself.

Thoraxion Nex, thought Schmidt, has not yet metamorphosed, but what breed of hideous beast could possibly emerge from this hanging horror-chamber?

It was under such dread that the agreement was signed.

To the monarchs: all the Americas, Australia and Asia as far west as the Altai Mountains.

To humanity: to migrate and squeeze into what remained.

Yet how does one evacuate entire continents? thought Schmidt, even as he scrawled his name.

Above, the chrysalis trembled.

This much was clear:

For ages, homo sapiens had alone dominated the Earth. The time for a bipolar world had come.

Absolute monarchy after Kornilov.

Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. KX is focused on providing content that is fun and has the main goal of expanding the existing KR content, while also reworking certain neglected or poorly-done nations for the better.

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Absolute monarchy after Kornilov.

Wrangel just stays in power. I didn't crown him as Tsar but he is in charge still and there is no monarch yet (a year passed) When will I have a Tsar? Is that a bug?

How can a hereditary absolute monarchy avoid corruption and tyranny?

This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism.

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How can a hereditary absolute monarchy avoid corruption and tyranny?

Question for absolutists, how would a monarchy not fall into totalitarianism or degeneracy? It’s no secret that power corrupts, so how can a monarchy avoid becoming like king Henry VIII or Ivan the terrible?

What are the differences in practice between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship?

This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism.

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What are the differences in practice between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship?

I'm not a monarchist (in fact I just found this subreddit) but I'm curious as to what your thoughts are about this. Although I strongly disagree with it, I'm not trying to disrespect your ideology. I'm really just interested in reading your opinions, since google just says the difference lays only in the way of rising to power. I'm not a native speaker, just in case you find something I wrote a little hard to read. I'm sorry in advance for that.

Absolute Monarchy

This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism.

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Absolute Monarchy

I don't often post in Reddit, however I feel the need to clarify, many anti-monarchists assume that we support a monarch having no limits. Absolutism is a relatively new concept, dating back to (at the earliest) the 16th century with monarchs such as Charles V. Most monarchs had to share power with the Clergy and Aristocrats or face excommunication or rebellion. Louis XIV is typically seen as THE absolute monarch and rightfully so. Around that time, with the exception of Great Britain, many european monarchies became absolute, such as Prussia, Sweden and of course France. That is not to say that all absolute monarchs are corrupt, not at all, take Frederick the Great for example. He is one of my favorite modern monarchs. The centralization of power into the hands of the monarch coincided with higher literacy which in time, along with the "enlightenment" led to the Godless ideologies of Fascism and Communism. Yes I am a Christian and no, I do not believe in the divine right of kings. I am a staunch semi-constitutional monarchist, meaning I believe a monarch should not be only ceremonial and should have limited power that is kept in balance by elected people, NOT wealthy capitalist technocrats. What are your thoughts?

David Mitchell (half seriously) argues the UK should return to an absolute monarchy

A space to contest popular monarchist myths/narratives that rationalize their continued existence. We cannot have class consciousness in a population that identifies with royals and even loves their subjugation by a hereditary monarchy. Ceremonial or not, they need to go. Join our discord:

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David Mitchell (half seriously) argues the UK should return to an absolute monarchy
  • r/AbolishTheMonarchy - David Mitchell (half seriously) argues the UK should return to an absolute monarchy
  • r/AbolishTheMonarchy - David Mitchell (half seriously) argues the UK should return to an absolute monarchy

  • This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism. members
  • A space to contest popular monarchist myths/narratives that rationalize their continued existence. We cannot have class consciousness in a population that identifies with royals and even loves their subjugation by a hereditary monarchy. Ceremonial or not, they need to go. Join our discord: members
  • Talking about Monmark, a micronation located in Texas. We are a commonwealth of multiple Kingdoms as an absolute monarchy. members
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  • Kaiserredux is a Hearts of Iron 4 Kaiserreich standalone fan-fork branching off from the original KR lore to bring players a more interesting experience, with more paths and options to choose. KX is focused on providing content that is fun and has the main goal of expanding the existing KR content, while also reworking certain neglected or poorly-done nations for the better. members
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  • Dunking on tankies from a leftist (anti-capitalist) perspective. A tankie is someone who defends/supports authoritarian/ totalitarian regimes under the guise of socialism. The term originated from those who supported the 1956 invasion of Hungary by the Soviet Union. Nowadays, most tankies are terminally online genocide-deniers who fall heavily for the state propaganda coming from their beloved regimes. members
  • /r/History is a place for discussions about history. Feel free to submit interesting articles, tell us about this cool book you just read, or start a discussion about who everyone's favorite figure of minor French nobility is! ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a somewhat more serious subreddit compared to many others. Make sure to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines before participating. Thanks! members
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  • A gathering place for all leaders and citizens of micronations -- tiny nations unrecognized by the wider international community. members
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