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A Nightmare on Elm Street (franchise)

Why is A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise still dead?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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Why is A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise still dead?

I still don't understand why this franchise is still dead after slasher movies are getting popular again with Halloween, Texas Chainsaw etc. I mean this franchise also has one of the most unique themes and with today's visual effects, nightmare sequences can be really a visual feast! Unlike other slasher movies, I always loved a killer chasing people in their nightmares!

I don't really want a remake but a direct sequel to the first movie ignoring the rest could be amazing!

How come A Nightmare on Elm Street isn’t getting any new movies?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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How come A Nightmare on Elm Street isn’t getting any new movies?

So everyone knows by now why Friday the 13th and Jason are in creative Limbo basically, even though the lawsuit between Miller and Cunningham ended a good while ago. We haven’t had a Friday the 13th movie in 14 years which is crazy and the last time Jason has appeared in any form was his video game which is sadly getting shut down (great game btw).

While other big horror titles are still pumping out content (Halloween, TCM, Chucky, even Hellraiser.) Jason has been stuck between 2 old men who haven’t made anything successful since the 80’s and it’s all really disappointing.

But what about Freddy and A Nightmare on Elm Street? We got that god awful reboot back in 2010 and Freddy even appeared in DBD while Jason has not.

As far as I’m aware there are no legal troubles with the franchise and even though Robert England is obviously too old to pick the character back up, Jackie Haley gave the best performance he could with the absolutely gigantic shoes he was filling in the reboot, why not use him or just re-cast again?

Maybe I’ve missed something and there’s a reason Freddy joined Jason in the IP void, what a shame.

A Nightmare on Elm Street movies from Best to Worst, imo

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street movies from Best to Worst, imo

This will not include the remake.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

A New Nightmare

Dream Warriors

Freddy’s Revenge

Freddy vs. Jason

Dream Master

Dream Child

Freddy’s Dead

What do you think of my list and how would you rank the franchise?

My wife and I watched all of the A Nightmare on Elm Street films, so I ranked them! (Spoilers, obviously)

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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My wife and I watched all of the A Nightmare on Elm Street films, so I ranked them! (Spoilers, obviously)

When a franchise has 6 original films, 1 meta deconstruction, 1 crossover and a gritty reboot, you expect a certain variance in quality. Some of these films are an absolute blast, some of these movies are terrible. These are my personal rankings from worst to best based on how good a film it was (I know how subjective that is) and how much fun I had watching it. It should be noted that my wife’s rankings differ. Spoiler alert, obviously.

9. A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Okay. Last place was almost a tossup between the gritty reboot and Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (the 6th one). However, when I sat down to really think about it, I had to decide if a remake that did almost everything wrong was worse than an original sequel that did almost everything wrong, and the answer is yes; yes, it is.

For better or worse, (sometimes better, occasionally worse) part of what separates the Nightmare series from the Friday the 13th and Halloween series is that the Nightmare series has a real sense of fun to it. Yes, Freddy does go from menacing and sly to overtly gimmicky and campy as the series progresses; yes, the series does get bogged down by some truly bizarre mythology the further down we go. But even in the weaker entries to the original series, the spark of attempted creativity and life exists.

The Nightmare on Elm Street reboot from 2010 has no life to it. From the second the credits started, I looked at my wife and said “Oh my god it’s so bullshit serious. I can already tell this movie isn’t going to be any fun at all”, and I was right. The plot remains largely the same from a byline perspective, but it is executed without any humor, or the desire for the audience to have a good time.

This movie also makes the conscious decision to change Freddy from a murderer back from the grave to wreak vengeance on the parents who killed him, by murdering their kids, to a flat-out child molester back from the grave to wreak vengeance on the kids who told their parents on him. That’s a sour choice. Did we really need that? And on top of that, the movie doesn’t even have anything interesting to say about repressed memories, collective trauma, shared experiences, or anything.

This movie also makes the dangerous choice to co-opt some of the original’s iconic imagery including knife hands in the bathtub, and Freddy coming through the wall as Nancy sleeps. You have to be sure you have a good movie on your hands before you can adapt any classic images, because otherwise you just remind the audience of a better movie that they’re not watching. You can guess what happened here.

Additionally, I can barely call the people who populate this movie “characters”. Rooney Mara (a good actress in anything else I’ve ever seen her in), who plays Nancy, acts as though she would rather be watching both the Steelers and the Giants lose than be in this movie. Her mom played by Connie Britton is given nothing of note to do. I couldn’t tell you a single personality trait of anyone who appears in this movie. Jackie Earle Haley is menacing enough as Freddy, but the kills are nothing special.

Did this remake need to exist? Did it add anything special or unique to the overall franchise? The answer to both is No. And that is why it’s last. Worthy of note: my wife thinks I am crazy for putting this last.

8. Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)

This is easily the worst of the original films. Yes, this is the one where Freddy rides a broom a la the Wicked Witch of the West in an extended Wizard of Oz motif. Sigh.

This movie just isn’t good. It’s campy in all the weirdest places, and Freddy has officially jumped the shark to only being kitschy and silly. The plotline where he has a daughter (never heard of her before) is ridiculous. The acting and characters aren’t particularly memorable (cameos from Roseanne and Tom Arnold don’t count. Neither does one of the kids being played by Breckin Meyer).

There’s a ridiculous scene where one of the characters who may or may not be previous Nightmare star Alice’s son Jacob falls out of a plane and down a hill longer than Andy Samberg in Hot Rod. The only memorable kill in the movie comes from Freddy using a Nintendo glove to torment Breckin Meyer inside a video game. It’s tough.

That being said: if you watch this film as a parody of the series, or under any sort of alcohol or drug influence, you can move this one up to 2 ranks ahead of its current placement. Do with that what you will.

7. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)

This movie is unfortunately a few shades below decent. I admit I had fairly high expectations coming off the bizarrely good fourth movie, but I was definitely let down by this one.

The main plot revolves around Freddy coming back to hunt more teens, with the twist being that Freddy is using the dreams of Nightmare 4 lead Alice’s unborn baby to do it. This is actually a pretty decent twist, but I just wish it had been executed differently. I did look over at my wife and wonder why Alice didn’t just get an abortion about 8 seconds before another character asks Alice the same thing. Unfortunately, her answer largely amounts to “because there wouldn’t be a movie otherwise” and that’s stupid.

The other problem is that we spend a lot of time with the child-version of Alice’s unborn baby in a dream state (the kid is played by the boy whom Alan Grant “teaches” about raptor hunting habits in Jurassic Park. The kid’s eyes give it away instantly) rather than developing any of the characters in a meaningful way. Oh, and let’s give Freddy’s mom Amanda Kreuger more screen time too, even though we already know her story. Great.

Oh yeah, about Alice’s friends; she has all new friends (except for boyfriend Dan who is a supporting character in Nightmare 4), and none of them seem to know anything about the events of the last movie, which strikes me as a little odd. Didn’t y’all go to the same school last year? Did you miss where like 6 students, including Alice’s own brother died? For a movie with explicit continuity retained from the previous two films, this feels like quite a leap. The kills in this movie are fine. Nothing terribly special, which I am counting as bad because there have been so many clever ones throughout the series up until this point. There are some ridiculous comic book set scenes (one character’s personality trait is comic books) that prompted me to hum “Take on Me” over and over again until my wife asked me to stop. That’s about it.

6. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)

Some people rate this one as their least favorite, but I do disagree. Don’t get me wrong, this movie isn’t great, but it’s definitely not as overtly bad as some of the other entries. This movie is actually a really unique entry, not only in this series, but as a slasher film as a whole. Freddy’s Revenge is notable in the franchise for having the only male lead in the series. Yes, the character Lisa (who looks like a young Meryl Streep) is definitely a secondary protagonist, but our man Jesse is definitely the lead here.

This film is also notable for having a strong gay subtext hovering just above the surface. The main character Jesse visits a leather bar where he spots his gym teacher, who proceeds to force Jesse to run laps at school, before being killed in the shower after an ass-slapping towel session. Additionally, in a later scene when Jesse begins kissing his neighbor Lisa, he panics that his body is “changing”, and he runs away. We are supposed to understand that this is meant to be Freddy’s influence, but they aren’t really fooling anyone. These elements alone make this entry at least an interesting one to dissect and consider.

That being said, this movie is deservedly unpopular for completely changing Freddy’s main motives and abilities. Rather than simply killing teens in their sleep, Freddy is now trying to possess Jesse, so he can carry out Freddy’s murders for him. This does only happen when Jesse is sleeping, but you gotta admit, it’s not quite the same. You can tell the filmmakers weren’t exactly sold on this development either, because they switch back to very dream-based action in the movies that follow.

In addition to the change in Freddy’s MO, the film has opted to show more of Freddy physically, which…isn’t the best choice. It’s like seeing an entire Xenomorph; Freddy is less scary the more of his body you see. He’s not a hulking, shapeless mass like Jason or Michael Myers, so when you see him, it needs to be the claws, the eyes, the tongue, a flash of burn makeup. Otherwise, he’s just a dude in a sweater and hat, and that’s not menacing. The “kids” at the pool party he attacks are all bigger than he is.

This is not to say the movie is all bad; the pre-Freddy pool party Lisa throws is classic 80’s teen movie shenanigans. Her dad playing Benny Goodman music and grilling for the kids before he goes to bed is a particular highlight. As for the acting, the actor who plays Jesse has at least committed to the story. Jesse’s mom played by Oscar-nominee Hope Lange is also good as the mom trying to convince her husband that Jesse isn’t a drug addict.

All in all, it’s definitely not great, but it’s not as terrible as some people may have you believe.

5. Freddy vs Jason (2003)

What can I say; I have a weird soft spot for this movie! As I said in a previous review of this movie, Freddy vs. Jason knows exactly what kind of movie it wants to be, and it delivers on that in spades. It has plenty of both icons, lots of carnage (the bed kill is a particular highlight), a plot that actually makes enough sense, filled with characters who move that plot along in a logical and meaningful way, and some unexpected humor. Yes, Jason does commit most of the murders in this film, but Freddy’s aura hovers over all the proceedings quite well before the climactic fight scene, which takes up approximately 20 minutes of screen-time. Plus, I love Kelly Rowland.

This movie does lose points for that awful early 2000’s slow motion camera bullshit (why was that a thing?) and for not being a strictly Freddy based movie, which prohibit it from being higher. Oddly enough, this movie also ranked 5th (out of 12) on my ranking of the Friday the 13th movies.

4. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)

This movie was surprisingly good. It had no business being as good as it was, considering the third movie was supposed to be the end of the franchise. But, I bet New Line was happy; Nightmare 4 was a huge hit, grossing almost $50 million in 1988 dollars.

Some nitpicking before I get started: It always bugs me when horror movies with direct continuity from previous films kill off the characters who survive the previous movie at the beginning of the current one. I just watched Kristen, Kincaid and Joey (all great characters) defeat Freddy at the end of the third one, and now 20 minutes into the fourth one, they’re all dead? Bummer. Shout-out to Kincaid’s adorable dog being named Jason. Anyway, I digress. The actual details of the how Freddy comes back don’t really matter; he is back, and he is ready to hunt teens again. Freddy himself is just sitting on that line between menacing and campy, but you can definitely tell the cracks are forming. There’s nothing too eye-roll worthy yet, but it’s coming.

What really sets this movie apart are the surprisingly great characters. While I did mention that Kristen, Kincaid and Joey are only in this movie for a short while, the other characters, including the martial arts fiend Rick, his sister Alice, their tough friend Debbie and genius friend Sheila all have an unexpected gravitas; they’re funny and well written as opposed to bitchy, nasty or plain dumb the way most slasher victims are presented. I actually found myself rooting for these kids, in a way you definitely don’t expect by the fourth installment of a slasher series.

Yes, it is sad that Patricia Arquette is not back as Kristen but considering that this film is really all about Alice, that ends up not being as big an issue as I had expected. Side note: my wife absolutely loved the shag haircut of the girl playing Kristen who replaced Patricia Arquette.

As part of the plot, final girl Alice begins to inherit the best abilities of her dead friends, including some smarts from Sheila, toughness from Debbie and martial arts abilities from her brother Rick. This all relates to her overall character arc of growing from shy, mousy teen catering to her alcoholic dad’s mood swings to a strong, independent woman who defeats Freddy (for a bit anyway). Plus, we get a perfectly 80’s montage of Alice putting on martial arts gear and tough-girl metal bracelets and it is as cheesy as it is bitchin.

This film also has some really solid set-pieces and kills too. The scene where Alice goes to the movies to see Reefer Madness, and ends up being sucked into the screen, back to Nancy’s old house by Freddy has some excellent visuals. Joey, ever the horndog goes out exactly the way he was attacked in the previous movie (by a sexy lady he should not trust), while Debbie has an extremely memorable Kafkaesque death that will stick with anyone who does not like bugs. Even smaller deaths like Sheila’s “asthma attack” in class are well executed with good visuals. The time loop where Alice and Dan race to save Debbie but find themselves repeating the same 3 minutes over and over again is an unexpected delight hidden deep in the movie.

The only reason this movie is not higher in the ranking is because of just how solid the other movies are, and the further development of Freddy as comic-leaning figure.

3. Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (1994)

AKA, Wes Craven’s practice run for Scream. Okay, that’s kind of an exaggeration, but only by a bit. This film, which reunites Heather Langenkamp as Nancy, Robert Englund as Freddy and John Saxon as Nancy’s dad, while each actor also plays themselves in the real world, is an alternately funny and creepy meta takedown of the effects of the horror genre on children and an actual Nightmare on Elm Street movie in its own right.

The plot is not as confusing as it may appear. Heather, Robert, and John are real-life actors who are cautiously awaiting Wes Craven’s latest script for a new Nightmare movie. Meanwhile, Nancy, I mean Heather is worried about the effects of her horror movie career on her young son Dylan and other children as she begins to have nightmares about Freddy. She knows these aren’t real, but when her husband dies in a freak accident and her son begins having trouble sleeping, Heather, I mean, Nancy must find it within her to defeat Freddy one more time.

This movie features some great performances from its leads, some solid set pieces (Freddy’s temple hideout from Clash of the Titans is great) and a brilliantly executed dark comic streak make this movie a must see for any fan of horror once they get tired of the same old stuff.

The only reason this isn’t ranked #2 is that for large stretches, Freddy remains absent for much of the running time, which makes it harder to qualify as an explicit Nightmare on Elm Street film. Still fantastic and well worth your time.

2. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)

AKA, what should have been Nightmare 2. Released in 1987, this film stars Patricia Arquette as Kristen. Kristen has a history of mental trouble, and when she starts seeing Freddy in her dreams, her mother sends her to a mental institution where the other kids in her ward have been having similar dreams. Now, it’s up to Kristen, her new friends and the medical staff (including an orderly played by Laurence Fucking Fishbourne) and a new intern played by none other than Heather Langenkamp, back as Nancy, to defeat Freddy.

This movie is fantastic and everything you could want from a Nightmare on Elm Street movie.Freddy is still menacing, but he also gets in some classic one-liners including the all-time great ad-lib “Welcome to Primetime bitch” as he kills one of Kristen’s friends, Jennifer who aspired to be an actress by shoving her head in a TV.

The characters are complex, sympathetic, and well-written. Each of the kids in the hospital has a distinct personality including the brash Kincaid, horndog Joey, sweet but tough Taryn, nerdy Will, and the aforementioned aspiring actress, Jennifer. I cannot stress enough how awesome it is to have Heather Langenkamp back as Nancy, and her reveal as the hotshot intern devoted to dream studies is amazing. Shout out to cameos from Dick Cavett and Zsa Zsa Gabor.

This is also the film that introduces Freddy’s mother Amanda Kreuger and explains Freddy’s past in a way that allows the group to beat him. While this mythology will eventually go off the goddamn rails, it makes sense as presented here in small enough doses to work, while giving the characters helpful clues.

Dream Warriors also features some all-time great death sequences including teen patient Phillip being walked through the halls as a marionette by his own veins, Taryn’s sad death after being injected drugs (she was a recovering addict who deserved better! Justice for Taryn) by Freddy and Will’s D&D related death in an alley. This movie also features original character Nancy’s death. This easily could have been (and was planned to be) the last film in the franchise. What a way to have gone out on.

But, it can’t be #1 because there can only be one film to fill that spot.

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

The stylish original movie in the franchise, A Nightmare on Elm Street, released in 1984 is still the best because it includes all the classic elements with none of the filler that you eventually see the series get bloated by.

This movie was released at an interesting time for the major American slashers. Halloween’s future was in flux after a poorly received third film that failed to start the franchise as an anthology series, and Friday the 13th was releasing its triumphant and hugely successful supposed “Final Chapter” the same year. Neither franchise had gotten trapped in its own BS yet, nor had they made the jump to explicitly supernatural plots. Then comes A Nightmare on Elm Street.

We all know the plot by now; a group of teens all begin experiencing the same dreams of a burned man with knives for fingers, where if he kills you in the dream, you die for real. The man in the dream is of course, Freddy Kreuger; a child killer who got off on a technicality, and who suffered his own death at the hands of the Elm Street parents who burned him alive in an act of vengeance. As the teens get picked off one by one, it’s up to our hero Nancy to stop him. It’s a simple premise that Wes Craven knows his way around perfectly.

Pretty much everything in this movie works. The plot is easy to follow with some good twists and turns to keep it interesting. The four main kids in the movie, Tina, Rod, Glenn and of course Nancy rise above being simple slasher material. Special shout out obviously to Heather Langenkamp as Nancy and future superstar Johnny Fucking Depp as Glenn. Oscar nominee Ronee Blakely as Nancy’s alcoholic, guilt ridden mother is highly effective, as is John Saxon as Nancy’s dad/town cop/resident skeptic.

This movie also features some of the most well-known death sequences in horror, including Tina’s bloody body being dragged around the room by an invisible force, and Glenn’s geyser of blood from the center of his bed. Other great visuals include Nancy’s mother pulling out the knife hands from the furnace (what a kill trophy), Freddy’s tongue coming out of the phone to lick Nancy, Freddy’s hand rising out from between Nancy’s legs while she takes a bath (probably the single most iconic image of the franchise), Freddy’s outline coming out of the wall while Nancy sleeps, Glenn’s crop top jersey and Nancy’s journey up the stairs of her house as she slowly sinks into each step. Those sequences are so freaking good, I am willing to overlook the comic scene where Nancy’s mother, played here by an obvious blow-up doll/dummy gets sucked into the window by Freddy at the end.

And Freddy. What a creation. Robert Englund only has about 7 minutes of screen time in this film, so even as he gets in some trademark gallows humor, he is always allowed to be legitimately frightening. This movie also has some unexpected additional laughs. I laughed out loud when Nancy announces to Glenn “I look 20” while checking herself out in a mirror. A quick search later indicated that Heather Langenkamp was 20 when the movie was released, which makes the joke even more perfect. Also, huge shoutout to the scene where Nancy’s mother takes away her coffee cups so she’ll go to bed, only for Nancy to pull out an entire fucking coffee maker from behind some pillows under her nightstand. That’s why she’s a classic heroine and moments like that are why this movie is the best in the franchise.

For final reference, my incorrect wife’s rankings from worst to best are: Freddy’s Revenge (2), Dream Child (5), Final Nightmare (6), Freddy vs. Jason (8), Nightmare Remake (9), Dream Warriors (3), Dream Master (4), New Nightmare (7) and Original Nightmare (1)

What is your favorite A Nightmare on Elm Street movie?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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What is your favorite A Nightmare on Elm Street movie?

The original is a classic and one of my favorite horror movies, but it’s not my favorite Nightmare movie.

That title goes to A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. The original Nightmare set the stage for one of the most iconic horror villains in cinematic history. It was a well directed movie that had a believable scenario about not falling asleep or the boogeyman is going to get you. I mean…we all have to sleep sometime!

Although Nightmare 1 started it all, I feel that Dream Warriors is where the franchise really hit its stride. It had a good mixture of scary and humor, and I loved the setting being in a mental institution. What a great concept!

There are so many awesome moments in Dream Warriors, and it has some of the most memorable lines by Freddy Krueger in any of the other movies. I love all the characters, and it is awesome that Nancy from Nightmare 1 comes back.

What’s your favorite Nightmare on Elm Street movie?

Elijah Wood Hungry to Produce a ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ Movie

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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Elijah Wood Hungry to Produce a ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ Movie

Which is the worst A Nightmare on Elm Street movie and why?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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Which is the worst A Nightmare on Elm Street movie and why?

I hated Dream Child but I still think Fredd's Dead: The Final Nightmare was the worst. It was so lame, the Roseanne and Tom Arnold cameos, Lisa Zane as the daughter of Freddy, zero charisma, the corny martial arts chick. I cringed from beginning to end.

At least, Dream Child had some interesting visuals.

38 Years ago, A Nightmare On Elm Street was released into theaters. What kill in the franchise do you instantly think of when you think NOES?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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38 Years ago, A Nightmare On Elm Street was released into theaters. What kill in the franchise do you instantly think of when you think NOES?

For me its Freddy turning the girl into a roach after breaking her arms at the elbows when she is trying to lift weights. That or the long q-tip into the deaf kids ear.

A nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors was the best nightmare on elm street movie hands down!

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A nightmare on elm street 3 dream warriors was the best nightmare on elm street movie hands down!

Man i love this movie especially the ending song dreeeeeam warrriors! Lol but yeah the scares were good the shots were good the story was amazing the characters were funny and caring and had amazing actors overall 10/10 loved it!

Elijah Wood would like to produce a Nightmare on Elm Street movie

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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I am actress Lin Shaye. You might know me from Insidious, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or my latest film Ouija - as well as There's Something About Mary, Kingpin, or many more. AMA!

I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.

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I am actress Lin Shaye. You might know me from Insidious, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or my latest film Ouija - as well as There's Something About Mary, Kingpin, or many more. AMA!

Hi guys, I'm actress Lin Shaye. I love acting. From my comedies (There's Something About Mary or Kingpin) to horror franchise (like Insidious), I look forward to many more movies in my lifetime.

My latest film is called Ouija ( and it's out in theaters now.


Victoria's helping me out today via phone. AMA!

EDIT: I thank everybody for these great questions. They make ME think about myself and my work in new and exciting ways, very often. I wish we had gotten to more questions about Ouija, which is a wonderful, scary and fun film to watch with friends. Go, and squeal and scream and enjoy the fear and embrace all the things that make Halloween scary and fun!

Have a safe, happy Halloween.


“Dream Warriors” is the No.1 best film in the “A Nightmare On Elm Street” franchise

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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“Dream Warriors” is the No.1 best film in the “A Nightmare On Elm Street” franchise

I want to preface this by saying that the original ”A Nightmare On Elm Street” is one of my favourite films of all time, not just horror! When I first watched part 3 (“Dream Warriors”) I was disappointed and thought the original was far superior. But I was wrong!


It has taken multiple watches for me to appreciate it. I still have a couple of nit-picky little issues with the practicals in certain scenes like the Jason and the Argonauts Skelton, but overall I think this is atleast a top 5 horror film for me,

Setting it in a mental instituion was a genius idea because it adds an extra layer of sympathy to the characters, also asylums are creepy

Freddy snake is one of my favourite horror scenes of all time along with the Shower Scene in “Psycho” and ‘Here’s Johnny’ from “The Shinning.”

I love how the kids fight back. I love happy endings and stories where good prevails over evil. When you face the near impossible task of pairing a happy ending with a horror movie (horror is my favourite genre) it never seems to work. But in this film, the stars align.

This has the best teen characters of any slasher film that I’ve ever seen (other than ”Scream”). I love how they have distinct powers, weaknesses and personality traits that make the movie so much more fun. My favourites are Taryn (because she’s so cool) and Will ( because I like how he’s fun and geeky), but I really love all the characters. Kincaid is really cold at the start and doesn’t care when Phillip dies, but at the end he turns into a iconic character and I love the whole super strength power.

Freddy is at his greatest in this movie, I love the marrionette scene and the prime time scene. It blends comedy with horror in the perfect way, not going to far in either direction.

Of course, most people will have vastly different view points to me. After all, I love the 2010 remake and how it gives Freddy a backstory, which everybody else hates. I just hope this film is well received ], and judging by IMDB, Rotten Tomagoes and most horror YouTubers and Redditors on the Internet, it really is!

Rank the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Franchise from Worst to Best

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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Rank the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Franchise from Worst to Best

Everone has their own opinions when it comes to the Nightmare series and how all the films compete. I would love to see everyone’s favourites and how you would rank the films from worst to best or Vice Versae from #9 to #1. Is the original “Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) your favourite of the franchise or do you have another pick for your top spot. Are you one of the few supporters of “Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991).” Do you despise the remake “A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)” for trying to copy everything the original did, or do you think this is a creative, clever and dark twist on the source material. Share your rankings in the comments below.

Ever since the release of 1978’s ”Halloween”, a slasher craze had flooded the 80’s, generating hundreds and thousands of cash-grab ripoffs aimed to catch a cheap buck. ”Friday The 13th (1980)”, despite my love and admiration for it, is one of these attempts. In 1984, masterfull writer/director Wes Craven brought us endless nightmares with his classic fantasy-slasher “A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984).“ This was a breathe of fresh air that re-invented the genre. It wasn’t trying to copy the films that came before it, it was a fresh, original and inventive concept with perfect execution that new how to be it’s own thing. And although ”Halloween“ is my favourite franchise, I think Freddy Krueger is the best villan ever to be put to screen.

I have put a lot of effort into this ranking, I have watched and rewatched every film and gone through multiple drafts.

My Ranking is as follows:

9. “Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)”: This movie failed on every front. It was neither scary nor funny, Freddy was a joke and not a good one, the special efffects were laughable but the puns were not, and I didn’t care for any of the characters becuse they were cold and underdeveloped, and when they died we got the most nonesensical sequences in the movie like someone being sucked into a video game.

8. “A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)“: Out of all of the films on this list, I found this one the least enjoyable. And although it’s slightly better made, I would rather rewatch “Freddy’s Dead”. It wasn’t until the ”Super Freddy” scene that I realised how rediculous this film was, even if Greta’s fed-to-death kill nauseated me as well.

7. “A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010 Remake)”: It was okay, Freddy’s backstory was cool, I loved Jackie Earl Hailey and I didn’t mind the change from murderer to pedophille because they‘re both bad. I didn’t like how much it copied the original ,though, and Rooney Mara gave an uninspired portryal of Nancy. However, Katie Cassidy was great.

6. “A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)”: I love this film. It’s highly underrated. Jesse is a great protagonist and I love the possession angle as a change of pace. There are are so many iconic scenes like the pool party scene, the school bus scene, and my favourite, grady’s death where Freddy comes out of Jesse.

5. “A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)”: This is one of my favourite films of all time and putting it at #5 in a franchise of only 9 films feels disrespectful. It’s a product of the 80’s, Freddy is great and I love Alice as a final girl becuase the dream master arc is so cool. Debbie’s death is a highlight. I also listen to “Nightmare” by Tuesday Night everyday on repeat. My only problem with the film is the disrespectful killing of the dream warriors.

4. “Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)”: Probably the funnest film ever made in the history of cinema, this film definatelly should be higher on my list but there are so many good ones. This is the film I rewatch the most besides Dream Warriors and the battles are epic.

3. “A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)”: Whilst it‘s not the highest on my list, it’s a classic masterpiece from the director Wes Craven that brought us our first look at Freddy Krueger and the dream world. A top 10 horror film for sure. It has a great story and Heather Langenkamp, Robert Englund, John Saxon and Jhonny Depp are all great. I also love the simplistic yet disturbing kills like Tina’s death. The only thing that holds it back is the last 5 minutes.

2. “Wes Craven‘s New Nightmare (1994)” A prototype for scream, this meta horror delivers so many scares in this dark rendition of a classic tale where the actors from the first film play they’re real life selves. This film also has a great third act in an awesome ‘Freddy Temple’ and Freddy‘s makeup looks the best in this. My favourite part of this film is when the dream world, the film world and reality start to bleed together as Langenkamp becomes Nancy, Saxon becomes her father and her house becomes 1428 elm.

1.A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)”: Across genres, in all of time, this is one of my top 5 films. Maybe even top 3. I do not have a single criticism for this film. It is absolutely perfect in every way. It’s so much fun and had both geniunely funny moments and genuinely scary moments and is my favourite sequel of all time. The characters all have hopes and dreams, aswell as mental and pysichal challenges they have to overcome. A disabled boy, a drug-addicted teenage girl and a Hollywood star who’s been engaging in self harming. They all get to face their fears and discover they’re dream powers in the end. It also gives Nancy a great farewell. And as a ”Dokken“ fan, the soundtrack is great.

So that’s my list, what’s yours. It’s no coincidence that my top 3 are the 3 films that Wes Craven directed and the 3 films that Heather Langenkamp stars in. What’s your ranking, share them in the comments below!

U.S. Rights to ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ Have Reverted Back to Wes Craven’s Estate

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A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) /r/Horror (Horror Franchise Series - A Nightmare on Elm Street)

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) /r/Horror (Horror Franchise Series - A Nightmare on Elm Street)

Welcome back to our weekly slasher horror movie discussion. I know. Last week we continued the Nightmare on Elm Street Series with the A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge discussion. This time we discuss our the second entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street Series… A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors(1987)

Movie Poster



IMDB Rating: 6.6

Rotten Tomato Score: 74%

Director: Chuck Russell


Robert Englund - Freddy Krueger

Heather Langenkamp - Nancy Thompson

Craig Wasson - Neil Gordon

Patricia Arquette - Kristen Parker

Ken Sagoes - Kincaid

Rodney Eastman - Joey

Jennifer Rubin - Taryn

Laurence Fishburne - Max

John Saxon - Thompson (Nancy's Dad)

Priscilla Pointer - Dr. Elizabeth Simms

Synopsis: Survivors of undead serial killer Freddy Krueger - who stalks his victims in their dreams - learn to take control of their own dreams in order to fight back. They are... the Dream Warriors.

Running time: 96 Minutes

Trivia (Provided by IMDB and Never Sleep Again Documentary): The original premise of the film involved Freddy invading the real world and haunting the actors and crew responsible for the "Nightmare on Elm Street" films. This idea was rejected by the studio, though Wes Craven later used it for Wes Craven's New Nightmare.

For the scene where Freddy kills Jennifer, his line in the script was "This is it Jennifer, your big break on TV!". Robert Englund said this line for the first two takes, but on the third take changed it to "Welcome to Prime Time, bitch!". Director Chuck Russell couldn't decide which version to use, so he edited the two together.

Film debut of Patricia Arquette.

Bonus Question 1: What were your thoughts when they saw this for the first time?

Bonus Question 2: Did you love the horror/comedy elements of Freddy in this film?

Bonus Dokken - Dream Warriors Music Video Just a heads up this will be stuck in your head for days if you listen to it once.


Table of Contents:

Movie Title IMDB Rating Year Directed By Date Posted
Friday The 13th 6.5/10 1980 Sean S. Cunningham 13th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 2 6.1/10 1981 Steve Miner 20th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 3 5.7.10 1982 Steve Miner 27th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter 5.9/10 1984 Joseph Zito 4th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning 4.7.10 1985 Danny Steinmann 11th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VI:Jason Lives 5.9/10 1986 Tom McLoughlin 18th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VII: A New Blood 5.3/10 1988 John Carl Buechler 25th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manahattan 4.5/10 1989 Rob Hedden 1st June 2016
Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday 4.3/10 1993 Adam Marcus 15th June 2016
Jason X 4.4/10 2001 James Isaac 22nd June 2016
Freddy Vs Jason 5.8/10 2003 Ronny Yu 29th June 2016
Friday the 13th 5.6/10 2009 Marcus Nispel 6th July 2016
A Nightmare on Elm Street 7.5/10 1984 Wes Craven 13th July 2016
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge 5.4/10 1985 Jack Sholder 20th July 2016

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 is AWESOME!!!

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 is AWESOME!!!

I'm watching the franchise in order and now that I just finished watching this one, I'm trying to understand why TF is this movie considered bad and skippable???

This was easily the most fun horror movie I've ever seen and my 2nd favorite Nightmare movie after the original. The practical effects are insane, the nightmare sequences and deaths are amazing and creative as hell, the soundtrack is DOPE and I loved the atmosphere/vibe of the movie! I even found the characters likeable, not as much as part 3, but I liked them.

The only negatives I can think of are the dream warriors getting killed off too soon and Freddy being revived with dog pee and killed with his reflection. And I can't even get too mad at the warriors dying since their deaths were fking awesome! The pee and mirror stuff were funny af and totally fit this movie for me, it's just a fun, campy slasher movie, which is exactly what I was expecting and exactly what I got.

TIL several people walked out of every screening of Reservoir Dogs at the Sundance film festival because of its graphic violence, including horror movie director Wes Craven best known for his A Nightmare On Elm Street films.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) was released 35 years ago today. Who knew it would leave such an indelible mark on the horror community so many years later?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) was released 35 years ago today. Who knew it would leave such an indelible mark on the horror community so many years later?

This isn’t just an obligatory post to remind everyone of this iconic movie’s release date. This movie has a special meaning for me. ANOES is literally the first horror movie I ever remember watching and I was only 4 years old. My parents let me watch almost whatever I wanted at whatever age (no they weren’t the greatest parents in the world lol) so it’s no wonder I became desensitized to horror at such a young age. I discovered Freddy, Jason, Michael, Leatherface, and Chucky all around the same time but it’s always been Freddy that got under my skin the most.

Krueger lost his impact on scaring me as the movies went on. I think the more he became a pop culture MTV icon the less impressed I became. I like my Freddy hiding in the shadows with his elongated limbs. When he seemed predatory and actually mean spirited is when he was at his scariest. Not when he was delivering one liners with a comedic punch (here’s to you Freddy’s Dead, Rachel Talalay did not take this series in a good direction).

This movie was and always will be one of the greats. I love that so many others love it as much as I do. Just curious, what part of the movie scared you guys the most? Tina’s dream in the beginning goes right up there with some of the great horror movie openings. I can’t hear the sound of a lamb screaming without shutting down thanks to Nightmare’s opening. Thanks Wes, you did good with this one.

PSA: If you watched all of the Halloween series, Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street movies including reboots and Halloween (2018) you'd have one film for everyday in October.

The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions.

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PSA: If you watched all of the Halloween series, Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street movies including reboots and Halloween (2018) you'd have one film for everyday in October.

I was putting together a slasher marathon for Halloween time and hadn't seen most of these series, so in organising it I realised that with remakes and the new Halloween in consideration there is exactly 31 films, so Halloween night your last film would be the remake.

Alternatively if you dropped a film and started today you would be finished the day Halloween (2018) is released.

Just thought this might be interesting for anyone looking to put together a Halloween horror marathon or had never seen most of these films before like I had. If there's interest, I can post my schedule later.

EDIT- This blew up more than I thought, for those curious about my schedule

It would be cool if there was a way to make discussion threads somewhere if people were following along with me :D

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 is a frigging delight.

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 is a frigging delight.

Freddy Krueger stands out among many other movie serial killers, and is optimized for a good, personal, psychological horror. Elm Street 3 is definitely one of his peaks.

First, I'd like to point out how much of the effects still holds up. That boy with the vein-string will never NOT be frightening. How great is the TV Freddy or the grey worm Freddy or the Puppet Freddy. It's full of frightening, surreal visuals. A feast for your eyes for sure.

What it is, is that the surreal visuals actually have substance. I love me some chracter-specific deaths and this movie is nothing but that. It utilizes the concept of Nightmare Demon killer to its limit. The ex-junkie killed by injection. The TV dream crushing a head in.

That's what makes Freddy stand out among his brute force peers. It actually makes sense that the adults don't believe the kids.

I also love a story where the victims are not helpless morons. Personally I can't stand some of the Friday movies where the most of the victims don't even know they're getting killed. It's much more frightening when you fight back and still lose! And I'll never get tired of those cheesy visuals on the kids' part. The junkie girl's West Side Story outfit just brings me joy each and every time. That Wizard shit is frigging priceless.

And as a sequel, we get an appropriate amount of worldbuilding and expansion of the lore. Not too much, not too little. It is a perfect amount of worldbuilding any 3rd movie in a horror franchise should have.

And it does contain the greatest line delivery in horror history, "Welcome to Prime Time, Bitch!"

Is "A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge" horror's greatest black sheep?

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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Is "A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge" horror's greatest black sheep?

Commonly referred to as one of the "gayest" films in horror history, for years Freddy's Revenge carried the burden of being viewed as the worst of the NOES sequels (a fate it never deserved when the likes of The Dream Child and Freddy's Dead exist) and had the unfortunate distinction of following an instant classic original. Wes Craven never liked it and happily ignored it when he worked on Dream Warriors. It's the red-headed stepchild, but it's experienced a bit of a cult renaissance in the wake of documentaries like Never Sleep Again and Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street and despite its criticisms, I think it ironically has actually proven itself to be indispensable to the franchise's lore and pop culture imprint. Not many "bad" sequels have had an impact quite like Freddy's Revenge.

  • Freddy's look: Not only is Freddy's makeup the best in the series, this was the first film to add stripes on the arms of his sweater; a style choice that remained in every depiction afterwards. It's also the first and only film aside from New Nightmare to feature blades coming directly out of Freddy's hand, which was one of Craven's original ideas instead of the glove.

  • Quotables: This movie has not one, but two of Freddy's most memorable lines, which are, "You've got the body, I've got the brain" and "You are all my children now". The latter is so popular, it's included in New Nightmare, despite Craven's distaste for the movie.

  • Freddy's powers: A big criticism of the film is betraying the rules and premise of the original, mainly Freddy possessing Jesse's body to kill in the real world. It wasn't an ability shown in the first, however, possession does become one of Freddy's tricks that returns in both The Dream Child and Freddy vs. Jason. Crossing over into the real world is also the main goal of Demon Freddy guessed it, New Nightmare.

  • Reassessment: It seems 1985 might not been the ideal era for a film with homoerotic overtones and a closeted gay star, but this movie has since become well-recognized and even appreciated within the queer community. Outside of that, a number of critics seemed to have softened on it in recent years, admitting that while it may not be as cohesive as the original, it's arguably Freddy at his most sinister before he started tuning into jokester in the following film. Then, there's Scream, Queen!...while the film's focus isn't solely on Freddy's Revenge and is more about Mark Patton's struggles due to being in it, it still fleshes out and adds to this much maligned sequel's mythos (for better or worse). I mean, you don't see anybody rushing to do documentaries on Halloween: Resurrection or Jason Goes to Hell, do you? Didn't think so 😭

A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) /r/Horror (Horror Franchise Series - A Nightmare on Elm Street)

R/HORROR, known as Dreadit by our subscribers is the premier horror entertainment community on Reddit. For more than a decade /R/HORROR has been's gateway to all things Horror: from movies & TV, to books & games.

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A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) /r/Horror (Horror Franchise Series - A Nightmare on Elm Street)

Welcome back to our weekly slasher horror movie discussion. Last week we finished the Friday the 13th Series discussion. This time we discuss our the first entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street Series… A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)



IMDB Rating: 7.5

Rotten Tomato Score: 94%

Director: Wes Craven


Robert Englund - Freddy Krueger

Heather Langenkamp - Nancy Thompson

John Saxon - Lt. Donald Thompson

Ronee Blakley - Marge Thompson

Amanda Wyss - Tine

Jsu Garcia - Nick

Johnny Depp - Glen Lantz

Synopsis: Several people are hunted by a cruel serial killer who kills his victims in their dreams. While the survivors are trying to find the reason for being chosen, the murderer won't lose any chance to kill them as soon as they fall asleep.

Running time: 91 Minutes

Trivia (Provided by IMDB and Never Sleep Again Documentary): Robert Englund (Freddy) cut himself the first time that he tried on the infamous Freddy glove.

New Line Cinema was saved from bankruptcy by the success of the film, and was jokingly nicknamed "the house that Freddy built".

Johnny Depp's first film.

In the original script, the movie ended happily: Nancy kills Krueger by ceasing to believe in him, then awakes to discover that everything that happened in the movie was an elongated nightmare. She then says goodbye to her mother and drives to school with her friends.

Bonus Question 1: What were your thoughts when they saw this for the first time?

Bonus Question 2: What did you think of Freddy the first time you saw him? Were you scared of his appearance or did you think it looked goofy?

Table of Contents:

Movie Title IMDB Rating Year Directed By Date Posted
Friday The 13th 6.5/10 1980 Sean S. Cunningham 13th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 2 6.1/10 1981 Steve Miner 20th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 3 5.7.10 1982 Steve Miner 27th April 2016
Friday The 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter 5.9/10 1984 Joseph Zito 4th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning 4.7.10 1985 Danny Steinmann 11th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VI:Jason Lives 5.9/10 1986 Tom McLoughlin 18th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VII: A New Blood 5.3/10 1988 John Carl Buechler 25th May 2016
Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manahattan 4.5/10 1989 Rob Hedden 1st June 2016
Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday 4.3/10 1993 Adam Marcus 15th June 2016
Jason X 4.4/10 2001 James Isaac 22nd June 2016
Freddy Vs Jason 5.8/10 2003 Ronny Yu 29th June 2016
Friday the 13th 5.6/10 2009 Marcus Nispel 6th July 2016