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Litecoin deliver 139,000,000th transaction today after 11 years w/ 100% uptime heading into 3rd halving.


12 months ago I wrote here that Litecoin had delivered its 100 millionth transaction over 10 years. In just one year it added to that very large base another 39% increase in transactions. Off chain stats tell a similar story with the oldest crypto payments processor BitPay seeing growth of Litecoin to 27% of all payments, just shy of exceeding the share of all other altcoins on the platform COMBINED. Before Litecoin was added, Bitcoin was well over 50% share while eth and bch managed around 11%. Litecoin changed the game.

r/CryptoCurrency - Google bitpay stats for monthly share updates
Google bitpay stats for monthly share updates

For years I've heard people downplay the importance of payments, they were less sexy than smart contracts, yesterday's news, but everything moves in cycles. The cycle where litecoin outperforms smart contracts has already begun, those chains are bleeding against ltc. That's the inflection. Since Litecoin didn't outperform in the '21 bull market, and thus didn't take on long leverage it has to work off now, will there be short leverage, thanks to Mike Novogratz's buddies that it gets to work off in the other direction? What happens next year as we approach litecoin's 3rd halving?

All we can do is look back. It's not predictive, but it is informative. In 2015 coming out of the first cryptowinter, litecoin 7x'd outperforming everything early in the cryptothaw. In 2019 it did similar 6x'ing against the grain and with Mike Novogratz openly shorting it (I suspect he and his will be less open about what they're doing this time). In neither instance was litecoin's payment dominance so pronounced. It's infrastructure was better than average back then, it's incredible now.

I absolutely believe litecoin deserves outperformance this year more than anything else out there, partly because of how much it has outperformed on adoption and how much it's underperformed in investment. Litecoin is Deep Clucking Value. Some will say fundamentals don't matter, it's all just a casino, but I believe while markets are a popularity contest in the short run, in the long run they're a weighing machine. LTC's network has performed like a boss in every fundamental, adoption above all. Will the market give it what it deserves? Buckle up for 2023, we're about to find out.

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u/CointestMod avatar

Litecoin pros & cons and related info are in the collapsed comments below. Pros and cons will change for every new post.

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We are like kids, we want to play with the new shiny toys. Everyone talks about the new projects that can 100x but we forget about the solid ones which have been there for years but don't get enough spotlight just because there isn't much upside left like most shitcoins.

Good ol' reliable Litecoin!


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Exactly. Noone writes an article about LTC being up (like they do when Solana network goes down), but that's a feature not a bug.

Classic coins always work

No, lol. There are tons of old forks that died by 51% attack or otherwise

Bullish on Litecoin Classic

Oooh does this mean I should buy Luna Classic?

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u/throwaway1177171728 avatar

Because it has such low usage.


Yup. Bitcoin has never been down either. Dogecoin has never been down.

u/CardanoCrusader avatar

Not true. Bitcoin actually had a roll-back very, very early. In March 2013, Arvind Narayanan described a situation where developers coordinated to get a large mining pool to revert the chain to prior software after an accidental fork took place. There was a severe issue with the compatibility between Bitcoin client 0.7 and version 0.8, which caused the main chain to fork into two. In fact, Narayanan detailed that a centralized decision was utilized to help find a solution.

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u/TruthSeeekeer avatar

For this reason it’ll always be around

I invested in a couple of altcoins during the last bull market, but Litecoin wasn't one of them. However, the only crypto transaction I have ever done in my entire life for a real product aside from DeFi and NFTs was with Litecoin.

It's not glamorous, but it's fast, it has cheap fees, it's reliable and it's easy to understand. It does exactly what it is meant to do.

I swap and send with LTC and then swap back after I send them between exchanges and it’s usually about 80% cheaper than just using the original currency. haha

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In my book, if a project resist two cycles in the top 25, it passed the test of time.

u/periodicTbol avatar

I agree, but in my opinion “the test of time” only means so much for price action

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Litecoin has it going on.

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11 years 100% uptime is a hell of achieve. Congratulations!

Cries in Solana


Can Solana even go 11 days?

More like 11 hours

Probably now! Silver lining!

Edit: God I feel so dumb. Besides Eth obviously, I was SURE that solana, kusadot, and bnb would be the 3 chains that would make it out of this cycle. Solana and Kusadot have died, bnb seems like it'll be ok, but man does it seem Iike people really don't want it to be ok. So, at best, I'm 1 for 3 in this prediction market thing heh.

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Well tbf, 11 days is enough to deliver 140M transaction.

u/noduhcache avatar


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u/Hawke64 avatar

*Laughs in Soldana*

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It really is a hell of an achievement. Especially in the fast paced crypto world with meteoric rises and falls. LTC just has staying power. It’s great to see

Litecoin's that cute girl who liked you the whole time and was always loyal but you overlooked for instathots... Eventually you realize what's good.

u/Chad_Vitalik_420 avatar

I think we deserve to get rugpulled by chasing after new shiny shitcoins instead of coins that proved themselves by surviving multiple bear markets.

u/SilasX avatar

Okay Taylor Swift.

I always knew Litecoin was a sexy lil thing! Ty for confirmation 😉

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It and Bitcoin have mysteriously had the same amount of uptime!

Bitcoin does not have 100% uptime. Its been a long time since its been down but it has 14 hours 47 minutes and 9 seconds of downtime.

99.9879% uptime.

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u/Hawke64 avatar

Litecoin is Bitcoin's brother, that got locked in top 100 coins basement for some reason

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The anti Solana

That's amazing!

Litecoin takes a bow.. then quickly goes back to work

Quietly chugging away year after year. Very cool.

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Bullish on LTC

Wen moon sir?

u/Hawke64 avatar

Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀

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u/noduhcache avatar

🙏 The longest uninterrupted uptime in all of crypto. Yes, even longer than Bitcoin.

I love Bitcoin. Never want to disparage it, and am proud that nearly all litecoiners are also diehard bitcoiners, proud that litecoin lay down on the railroad tracks to help bitcoin adopt lightning when most were terrified that lightning would kill all altcoins, proud that Litecoin gave till it hurt to develop MWEB even hoping that Bitcoin would adopt it too once they're less afraid of CTs thus taking away that unique attribute, but Litecoin is in the shadows a lot, people miss a lot of the milestones. Someone's gotta spotlight them every now and then.

u/BtcAnonymouse avatar

Yes, even longer than Bitcoin

No, it's not. This is a misconception. Neither were downtimes. The network was operational but soft forks had to be adopted on both occasions to resolve unintended HF which took 5 and 6 hours respectively. It's not possible for bitcoin to have downtimes!

Litecoin was the first one I bought, then I sold it all for ETH years ago.

LTC was the first I ever used to buy anything … many many years ago. Just recently got back in the mindset to get back in LTC for the long term

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There is not even a handful of Cryptos to have achieved this.

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OG crypto that did things right and still is still relevant today IMHO. Thousands of cryptos and only few got it right.

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I don’t understand how people can hate Litecoin. It’s one of the “truest” forms of cryptoCURRENCY. It doesn’t exist to make you a profit. It’s purpose is to change the way the world can move value from one entity to another. Trustless, secure, and relatively fast. It’s not a Bitcoin “competitor”, but rather Bitcoin’s greatest ally.

It's one of the OG coins and should be respected as such for being around for so long. 100% uptime is an incredible achievement

It does is, specially when there are thousands of coins coming up every year, millions of VC money pouring into projects. Still, LTC resists and gains more and more ground.

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LTC was one of the first cryptocurrencies I ever used. I bought LTC, sent it to a gambling website and proceeded to lose at the time was around $100. It was cool and sending it cost me next to nothing.

Same here, except I bought dope. Everytime I think of dope, I think Litecoin. Everytime I think Litecoin, I think dope. Good ole days. Long live LTC!

I guess you can say LTC is “pretty dope”. I’ll see myself out now. 🤪

No cap! Happy new years

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u/maledin avatar

Come to think of it, LTC is the only crypto I use to actually pay for things. Most vendors take ETH, BTC, or LTC, but I always choose LTC due to the lower transaction fees / faster transfers. It’s interesting that it’s often overlooked despite fulfilling its intended purpose so well (compared to the big ones, at least).

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u/Chad_Vitalik_420 avatar

I think people are after new shiny shitcoins instead of coins that are proved themselves by surviving multiple bearmarkets. Sometimes I think we deserve to get rugpulled.

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LTC will never die!

u/Chad_Vitalik_420 avatar

Never gonna Lite us down!

Never gonna Bit you up!

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Ltc for life

LTC is to BTC what silver is to gold

u/haman88 avatar

Underperforming and losing to inflation?

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me Putting LTC in COLD 🥶 storage

mine already there

u/Hawke64 avatar

me Putting COLD 🥶 storage in my HOT 🥵 storage


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Litecoin is not exciting. It’s not flashy, it doesn’t make promises it can’t deliver.

That’s why people don’t talk about it. It simply works, and works great!

It’s funny people still don’t understand simple concepts like “ If it’s to good to be true, it probably is”

Once people realize most crypto is a scam and get sick of constantly losing money. They will flock towards Litecoin and Bitcoin.

Blue collar crypto

Hard working and under valued!

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Fill those bags up and take those bags off the exchange.

Arise Chickun Arise! 🐓🚀

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I love LTC, fast, cheap, secure, reliable & stable lately. What else do we need?


Certainly not a hype man.

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We need higher prices so we can sell our LTC bags

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Let's go LTC!!

My first crypto I ever bought

WHAT IS LITECOIN? Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world.

Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances.

Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency.

With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin.

From official site

Bullish on LTC


Cashed out 55 ltc at 80usd. In at 1105 ltc at 44 usd. Life is good.

Litecoin also has optional privacy, which was implemented recently with zero issues. Litecoin developers always ensure things work 100 percent of the time straight out of the box.

Very passionate.

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LTC may never become one of the biggest cryptos again but it will surely have a good place in my heart.

Its actually very useful for transaction with low fees.

u/noduhcache avatar

I'm not sure it ever stopped being one of the biggest cryptos. MCAP is one of the most easy to manipulate stats in the space for a centralized coin, which most of them are. It goes like this, instaprint millions or billions of coins. Circulate a tiny percentage of them around which price discovery happens. MCAP automatically reflects the price of all the coins including those that never touched the market. Those manipulations have been happening for a long time, but few succeed for long.

Litecoin dropped below #20 in the last cycle. It's already back to #12 and rising. Check the ltc v ethkiller (that's mostly what displaced it) link in the op and you'll see outperformance going back a full year on some of them, even eth has started to bleed against it in recent months as it often does this time of cycle.

I don't know where things are going, I'll just have to sit back and watch like everyone else. But good signs are already there.

Have you ever compared LTC price performance to BTC? It doesn't look very good. Do you think it's going to change in future and why?

I mean tech-wise LTC is one of the best cryptos, but that clearly doesn't show in price charts and maybe it even shouldn't if you think it as a currency and not an investment.

I remember using it like over 7 years ago for transfers, because it was fast and cheap, but never saw reason to hold it. Still have some locked in harddrive that I can't open anymore as I don't have a PC

u/noduhcache avatar

Constantly. I have a few links embedded in the post above that go into greater length about what and why. Comparisons of ltc to btc look pretty good going into halving years (personally I think that has less to do with the halving itself and more to do with litecoin leading the recovery precisely because it has a higher ratio of users to investors than most, but that's just me), if you're in to noticing past performance. If you want evidence that that pattern has already started, check out the ethkiller to ltc link above. Signs are all around us.

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Good stats: It's the coin's inner values

Bad stats: Manipulation!

u/noduhcache avatar

Do you think mcap hasn't been manipulated heavily for a decade? CMC made it a popular metric and I recognize that all fairly launched chains like btc and ltc will be undervalued relative to centralized chains because of it.

I accept it, and I accept that we'll have to compete there because life isn't fair anywhere. But I'm not going to pretend that game isn't rigged and I'll keep warning people so they know to watch out for the next 10,000 scams litecoin will outlive.

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I've never used it but I'll DYOR, i keep hearing good things about it.

u/noduhcache avatar

DYOR is the way. Trust no one, not even me.

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It may never but don’t count it down and out

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I honestly sucks how much Litecoin is overlooked.
People don't understand that it's the de facto test net for Bitcoin.
Most updates done on Litecoin eventually found their way onto Bitcoin.
Dogecoin also exists only because of Litecoin miners - the two cryptos are mined together.
LTC is as accessible as BTC, if not more due to its lower fees and speed.
Litecoin also now has a privacy preserving side chain, which, combined with its accessibility could unironically make it the ideal privacy coin for every day use.

The true prince to king bitcoin

u/noduhcache avatar

💯 Robin to Bitcoin's Batman, Pippen to Bitcoin's Jordan, silver to its gold.

Shaq to Bitcoin's Kobe. ... Oh fuck, big guy is probably coming for me now, better scramble.

u/noduhcache avatar

Zigzag! Don't let him lock on!

Fuck. Just tripped on my shoelaces. Dude put up a net and ripped down the backboard over my skull. No one warned me posting on r/cc could put one at risk of being Shaq Attacked.

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u/masterjolly avatar

If you want to talk about price action and ratio since 2013, more like court jester am I right?

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u/jxrxmiah avatar

Litecoin has been there for me since the silkroad days back in Highschool. Im 27 now. Might have to reload that wallet

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u/noduhcache avatar

He helped a lot, and more broadly, the community that rallied around him did. Before he really helped a new community rally around doge, it had very little infrastructure at all, the old community was happy for it to be a small coin used for p2p tipping, nothing wrong with that, but the energy elon's groupies brought in led to new additions including bitpay and led to people using it.

I've never seen such a small coin revitalize and revamp their infrastructure efforts so quickly and so successfully. Big props to them for punching above their weight. I'm proud ltc and doge are mergemined. I've praised ltc/btc cooperation already in this thread, worth praising doge/ltc cooperation too. It's long standing and the dogecoiners are a lot nicer and easier to get along with than the bitcoin maxis while we secure these chains together, each stepping up when the other is challenged, being stronger together.


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I member buying LTC at 130 in 2017. Ahhh, the good ol days

u/head77 avatar

Don’t miss the train 🙂 Solid project.

Ltc is the only payment method I accept and use. Quick to send and low fees lol. Nothing beats that

u/Master_Ad_9083 avatar

Great thread Noducache, and you’ve taken the time to reply to everyone!

You’re a class act 🐣

u/noduhcache avatar

I did try to reply to everyone with detail, but somewhere around the stroke of midnight I finally threw in the towel. Partly because it seemed like right then a bunch of mean drunks showed up. I'm really impressed with how nice most people were in this thread even those with disagreements and reservations, I tip my cap to everyone for the civility. But around midnight it felt like half the new comments were just slurred insults that may or may not have known what thread they were in. Probably wasn't much point responding to them. Happy new year!

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Inverse Cramer is a real thing, I'm bullish on LTC.

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u/Jabulon avatar

one of my favorite coins

Brewing some big things for still being considered old and boring. 🍻

Litecoin always had that Rocky Balboa stamina.

u/noduhcache avatar

Totally. We will break our enemies fists with our face. 😉

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I am still conflicted about what to feel about LTC, it does not have a lot of features that modern chains have. And if you are going for POW chain than you obviously go to BTC.

I mean don't get me wrong i have nothing against it. It just never appealed to me.

if im going to a POW chain. i go to monero

Monero is king of privacy so I can't argue with that choice :)

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Don’t get me wrong, I like to use XLM for transactions, but if it’s not an option I won’t complain about using LTC because they’re both going to cost under a penny (for the amounts I transact) in fees. Also the fact that it now has privacy features is a very good thing for its future imo because it will be harder for governments to ban and suppress its use or even track people’s transactions.

u/noduhcache avatar

Nothing is for everyone. But clearly Litecoin is for some people. Litecoin has every feature Bitcoin has and more. They also don't need to compete and cooperate even natively through a shared lightning network. In the future I believe that decentralized connection will be very important to both networks as a source of resilience and capacity.

There are 8 billion people on earth. The fee difference between bitcoin and litecoin may be inconsequential for comfortable people in developed countries, but that's not even close to most people. There will always be a role for digital silver as the people's currency.

As long as people use it, it will have use. Also never went deep into the tech, but I heard a few things about nimble wimble which adds nice privacy touch to it.

I haven't decided to stay off it yet, i just haven't invested yet got my eye on different projects thats all :).

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The silver to bitcoins gold (as described in whitepaper)

No reason we can't have both, just like real gold and silver.

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The little brother of BTC, I’m happy it’s doing well. It’s one of the most reliable crypto, one of the few that can actually be considered a currency.

I hope that it’ll continue doing well, the halving should help with that

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I bought litecoin etf at $300. No joke.

u/noduhcache avatar

I assume you're referring to the grayscale trust, ltcn.

Ouch. You have my sympathy. For those not in the know, the grayscale litecoin trust was once trading at a massive premium to nav, if I'm remembering right it was like 10x the underlying value. That's a rough buy. Especially as ltcn currently trades at a steep discount. Not trying to rub it in, just letting the outsiders know your pain. I'm sure you have all our sympathies.

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LTC is the Tortoise and the Hare

Litecoin was one of my first crypto investments and even though that was years ago it's like that highschool crush I just can't get over.

I hope to see it cross 15 yrs with 100% uptime ! Who else with me

Slow and steady wins the race... my bags are massive lol

It just kind of exists in the background. I didn’t think about it much, but I use litecoin more than I realise.

Charlie Lee aka CypherSuperMan.

I love ltc I've been using survey sites to buy it for a little over a year ☺️

Litecoin is going to moon!! Get ready folks!!!

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Litecoin one of the few workhorses that don't hype but deliver constantly

I can't help but suspect that the lack of hype keeps price pressure down as meme money flows into other alts. Too bad.

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I’ve heard the LTC is undervalued narrative for years. For some reason or another, price does not reflect this. It’s impressively reliable and good at what it does for payments, but it peaked in terms of value in 2017 and hasn’t come close to it since. It’s a solid cryptocurrency for use, not so much for speculation and making money.

Edit: looks like it has hit ATH briefly in may of 2021 so that’s my bad.

Hasn't come close? We touched that Ath in the last bull but btc ran out of steam and took everything else with it. Defi and nfts were a huge distraction last run and a lot of people got rekt on them. LTC doesn't need gimmicks or lies, it just works and will continue to work as planned.

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u/noduhcache avatar

It matched it's 2017 value in 2021, so by any measure that's close.

If you think crypto is all casino betting, avoid fundamentals. If you think there are cycles like in every market where popularity wins sometimes and then investors follow users, might be a good idea to see where the users are going, especially if there's consistent growth and adoption even in bear markets that wipe out other projects.

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Life Time Coin!


I was wondering why doge was a top coin on bitpay above Monero, then I realized bitpay doesn't accept Monero. skewed numbers lol. check out cake pays numbers:

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A true OG coin that works like it should, consistently outperforms and is cheap to use. I continue to keep ltc in my portfolio.

Hell ya Litecoin

Arguably the best fundamentals in the game. LTC for the win in '23 👑


I don’t understand ppl’s hatred to LTC, it actually has real utility compared to a lot of other coins

LTC is extremely undervalued

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Not everything useful goes up in value unfortunately

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So when do I get rich from this

u/noduhcache avatar

No clue.

2 weeks

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litecoin is so fucking underrated these days

all the drama with charlie lee leaving

then they got the mimblewimble implementation

i guess with the lightning network gaining traction with bitcoin and dogecoin's existence many just forgot about litecoin as another cheaper/faster payments rail =/

imho LTC still deserves 3rd place in crypto , and at least top 5/10


People have been saying its underrated even during 2017 hype

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Price sucks.

Other than that:

- OG, created in 2011 as a clone of bitcoin but on its own blockchain (not a fork like btc cash, btc sv, btc gold etc) but faster with negligible transaction fees.
- Hard capped supply at 84 million coins that will ever exist (21 million for bitcoin) = scarcity.
- Lightning fast transactions thanks to lightning network (shared with bitcoin, also atomic swaps) = scalability.
- Privacy (optional!) and fungibility thanks to MWEB.
- Security thanks to PoW through scrypt.
- Liquidity thanks to being on basically every exchange.
- OmniLite for creating NFTs, smart contracts, stablecoins, decentralized tokens.
- Adoption: top alt on Bitpay, accepted by Paypal, MoneyGram, Venmo, Flexa, Gucci, Tag Heuer, AMC, Regal, Newegg, Amazon, Verifone, VISA, Coinstar/most ATMs that have bitcoin, several banks globally, etc.
- Decentralized, no premine, no founder's stash, fairly launched.
- Merge-mined with dogecoin, solving tail emissions and mining profitability.

Other crypto might be fast, OR scarce, OR secure. Litecoin does everything.


the king of uptime!

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Slow but constant. Like Jupiter, it keeps revolving around the sun, but it always gets there.

"Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency."

"The Litecoin blockchain is capable of handling higher transaction volume than its counterpart - Bitcoin. Due to more frequent block generation, the network supports more transactions without a need to modify the software in the future.

As a result, merchants get faster confirmation times, while still having ability to wait for more confirmations when selling bigger ticket items." Source:

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Litecoin has halvings??

Yes, currently 12.5 LTC are mined per block. That is going to be decreased to 6.25 in 2023.

u/noduhcache avatar

Every 4 years.

u/Pickinanameainteasy avatar

It's a fork of bitcoin so it shares a lot of concepts

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This is what crypto is all about

cries in SOLANA

Is LTC better as a currency or a store of value?

u/noduhcache avatar

I view LTC in a couple of ways. First for regular use it's a lot like a checking account, yes good for spending and some regular saving. A lot of people do some savings in their checking account, and there is a legit store of value case for litecoin especially for its best target user (developing world users) who are least likely to be buying high (unlike investors) and most adept at navigating instability in currency long before crypto came along. If you carry the analogy further, Bitcoin can be seen either as a savings account or more likely, a safe investment account. More friction to use it, but safer to keep even if you bought at a bad time.

The second way to look at it as as silver. Silver is often used as an oscillator play against gold. It tends to underperform for long periods and then price in a ton of progress all at once. You can see this play out repeatedly on past ltcbtc charts. If you convert silver to gold when silver is outperforming, you can get a lot more gold. Of course, that works in more than one way. At the same time, there are moments when silver becomes more useful intrinsically. The electrification of mobility happening right now has probably already begun to affect silver's value. I wish I had more real silver right now, and I plan to get some soon because of that. Likewise litecoin's outperformance in adoption over the past few years suggests future pricings in could be more impressive than past ones.

These are my theories, and are only that, as requested. I recommend everyone DYOR and invest their own convictions, not mine.

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Its also held better than bitcoin in the past year

11 years 100% uptime is such an impressive figure! Well done ole trusty LTC

Fast, cheap, secure, reliable & stable. Enough said

u/snarfold avatar

Extremely undervalued considering the utility it provides


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I always use LTC over BTC when I have to complete transfers. It's just faster and cheaper. LTC has also incorporated privacy into their chain, which BTC refuses to do. Obviously Monero is king of privacy, but I definitely appreciate LTC for offering some level of privacy to its user base.

u/noduhcache avatar

I think BTC will come around and MWEB was developed specifically with them in mind. The original mimblewimble protocol was considered incompatible with bitcoin, thus launching multiple new chains. Litecoin's innovation was to create an extension block implementation of a tech that bitcoiners openly admired so it would be easier for them to add it. It's in litecoin's DNA to help out bitcoin when they struggle, as we did during the civil war with segwit and lightning. People thought lightning would obviate the need for litecoin (and most other alts as well) and yet here we are, with adoption accelerating.

Why would litecoiners want bitcoin to adopt one of our unique characteristics? It's a conundrum to many, but it's really simple. Litecoin hasn't lasted this long just because we're old, I hear that too much, there were alts before us and many 10s of thousands after already dead because they couldn't build network effects. Litecoin has built network effects in part by complimenting bitcoin, by being an ally in a world full of attackers. Bitcoin maxis may not appreciate us much at the moment, but a honest and broad look at litecoin's adoption and infrastructure strongly suggests we've benefited from this relationship.

If adoption turns out not to matter here, which I don't think will be true in the long run, then I don't really want to be in this space. If it really is a casino, might as well hit up draftkings. I think it's more and more important. I think Bitcoin and litecoin will still be here in 100 years providing financial access to billions denied it through other means. And who knows, in that time, the nations who need it most might just be the ones who need it least today. The worm always turns.

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u/FlagFootballSaint avatar

LTC is for real.

Ltc was my first heavy holding. When I'm not holding it, it's my crypto of choice for off ramping from coinbase to other wallets. Fast and cheap!

I never invested in LTC, but funnily enough, it's probably my most-used coin. Back when BTC & ETH had prohibitive transfer fees, I'd always convert to LTC to move between exchanges or withdraw to my wallet. It just works.

I'm glad to slowly see the shift in people's perception of Litecoin

Get your 84 before it's potentially unattainable for the average person. At the time of writing this for 6000$ you can have 84.

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LTC = OG me like

The fact that Litecoin is boring (relative to other cypto projects)is a feature not a bug. I like my money to be secure and reliable, which LTC is very much.

I love Litecoin

u/noduhcache avatar

There's a lot of character in it. Head down, hard worker, proud, reliable. I love litecoin too.

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and still no one gives a crap..............

Grab some LTC at 40 bucks when it drops off the earth, it always pumps with BTC, a predictable 5-10X

Other than that....a floating turd of an OG coin

I remember back in the day ltc was a "shill" but ive always had this belief in it. LTC and VET seem like they are actively trying to engage in the community and make the cryptosphere/blockchain work in the real world.

So much shiny vaporware distracting the masses from real value

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I always forget just how long LTC’s been around, and it’s still in the top 15 with new highs every cycle right along with BTC and ETH. There are other projects I’m more optimistic for but “the silver to BTC’s gold” really is an apt description.

Not an LTC maxi by any means but after BTC and ETH I think it’s one of the safer holds as far as chances of surviving until the next bull market. I don’t think it’s going anywhere as long as crypto itself isn’t going anywhere.

Nice post again.

People like me learned this year for the first time that Litecoin is valuable and strong.

Btw, you’re the first person I’ve ever seen on this subreddit who makes multiple in-depth posts which get some great attention but you haven’t opened your vault. You may intentionally have done this, just thought it interesting to point out you could be earning more than just karma.

u/noduhcache avatar

For years every year at tax time I bang my head against gathering data in a ton of different formats from a ton of different places and reformatting it fit my tax software, googling tons of howtos on reformatting a bunch of cells in a particular way, to the point that my excel time exceeds my actual tax prep time, by a LOT (my excel bookmarks folder is far too big). And every year I promise to simplify and not spread out to a bunch of different places and take on a bunch of different new type of transactions to keep track of. In recent years I've started to succeed at narrowing things down a lot, and it's been a huge relief. I haven't looked at moon valuation or my earning potential so maybe I'm wrong, but I don't really want to add reddit to my data operation for now.

But I greatly appreciate the head's up and wouldn't want to discourage you at all from tipping off others who might benefit from the knowledge. I'm a weirdo for sure. That's why I love litecoin so much!

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People still sleeping on Litecoin. That’s OK I’ll be here accumulating

u/SimmondsW7 avatar

All my homies love LTC

Litecoin finally is getting the love they deserve