top 200 commentsshow all 484

[–]Kosai102 5489 points5490 points  (43 children)

Of all the games ever made, Valheim truly is one of them.

[–]DhomDhom 532 points533 points  (0 children)

For the awards of one of the games this year, it has my vote

[–]Dankstin 438 points439 points  (14 children)

Truly, a game among games.

[–]waelgifru 265 points266 points  (10 children)

When you play it you think, "surely this is Valheim."

[–]Dankstin 161 points162 points  (9 children)

Make no mistake. You know you're playing Valheim while you play Valheim.

[–]msm007 117 points118 points  (3 children)

It is truly a game.

[–]OldDragonHunter 38 points39 points  (2 children)

Definitely one of the games of all time

[–]OffbeatTasker 18 points19 points  (1 child)

You know this is valheim because of the way it is

[–]Kosai102 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Indeed sir

[–]Throttle_Kitty 291 points292 points  (3 children)

Of all the comments in history, this is truly one of them.

[–]17934658793495046509 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Is it? I mean if you think about it, it is.

[–]crookdmouth 2 points3 points  (0 children)

But even stranger. If you don't think about it at all. It still is.

[–][deleted] 102 points103 points  (7 children)

I think there is an argument against that being that it is not one of the games ever made as it’s still unfinished and in early access

[–]Dr_Faux 134 points135 points  (4 children)

You'd have to agree though that the parts of the game that are made have been made.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (0 children)

The parts of the game that haven’t been made? Not our problem.

[–]ButterApple512 1101 points1102 points  (4 children)

Yeah out of all the games I have ever played, this is definitely one of them.

[–] Sailorskeenerbug 87 points88 points  (1 child)

I completely agree

[–]silverjames20 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I concur

[–]Fluxabobo 10 points11 points  (0 children)

This comment is so brave

[–]interscope8 1541 points1542 points  (13 children)

One of the gamest indeed

[–]narelav 290 points291 points  (10 children)

Could not be gamier

[–] SailorSolykos369 109 points110 points  (2 children)

The most gamy by a long shot.

[–]AntonOlsen 26 points27 points  (1 child)

All the games.

[–]2nd_best_username 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I've played all the games, and I can tell you that valheim is definitely one of them

[–]JayCaj 32 points33 points  (3 children)

It's the gamiest!

[–]elpuga2 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I think goose gamier, but to each their own.

[–]frdrk 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Gamier? I hardly know'er!

[–]1spicytunaroll 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It'll game ya!

[–]GuiltyandCharged 26 points27 points  (0 children)

It lived a life of fear, trauma, and constant anxiety. Hunted by all, feared by none: Valheim's endless days of avoiding predators resulted in tough muscle that is best diluted in the warmth of strong stock. Potato, celery, carrot, and whatever manner of spices one finds in their cupboard are welcome companions to this dish.

Is it bear? Is it deer? Is it moose? Does it matter?

Find this succulent meat in stores now for only $19.99/lb.

-Gameyradar+ Reviews

[–]PadrinoFive7 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Hmm, yes. This game here is made of game.

[–]BLACKSMlTH 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Definitely very made.

[–]JasonUncensored 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It really is.

[–]Kindly_Ad_6685 596 points597 points  (4 children)

It’s is one of the games for sure..

[–]pancakeradio 70 points71 points  (1 child)

I agree, it's one of the games of all time.

[–]Jo-Sef 19 points20 points  (0 children)

No, he said it is IS one of the games

[–][deleted] 1146 points1147 points  (19 children)

I love everything about the title of this post

[–]unequalsarcasm 690 points691 points  (11 children)

OP's title is one of the titles ever made.

[–]Tehmurfman 108 points109 points  (1 child)

Your comment is one of the comments ever made.

[–]CucumberBoy00 47 points48 points  (7 children)

The Titlest

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (4 children)

Could not be titlier.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The sea was angry that day my friend. Like an old man trying to return soup at a restaurant.

[–]Happythejuggler 49 points50 points  (0 children)

I have a cup with a quote from my daughter that my wife gave me for father's day:

"You're the dad in the world!"

[–]Swift_Koopa 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It is a game that's been made. That's true

[–]gruey 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah, it's great.

[–]madkevind 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I mean, they are not wrong.

[–]Phormitago 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is the comment you posted

[–]jetfaceRPx 299 points300 points  (7 children)

Valheim, game or a game?

[–] SailorSolykos369 36 points37 points  (3 children)

I believe it could be some of category a and some from category b. But it is definitely a game, but that we know for sure.

[–]jetfaceRPx 21 points22 points  (2 children)

I agree it's either category or category.

Jokes aside, valheim is the best game of 2021. Sleeper studio creates a game that shows absolute love for their creation. I bet it will be around for decades.

I was on the fence about kids until Valheim. Everyone should experience this.

[–]Sdrabor 2 points3 points  (1 child)

This is why I keep a close eye on Coffee Stain. So far they have a pretty good record of finding good stuff.

[–]nothing_to_be 4 points5 points  (0 children)

truly a game among games

[–]lurieelcari 271 points272 points  (9 children)

[–][deleted] 35 points36 points  (8 children)

[–]lurieelcari 4 points5 points  (5 children)

Sadly, I cannot view that community for some reason. :(

[–]limesxxl 121 points122 points  (0 children)

i can confirm Valheim is actually a game.

[–]brattman91 329 points330 points  (5 children)

Here, have my free award. Only because you're not wrong.

[–][deleted] 129 points130 points  (4 children)


[–]brattman91 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Gee Golly this post became one of the posts, ever!!

[–]brattman91 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Period. :)

[–][deleted] 91 points92 points  (2 children)

This is one of the posts I've ever seen.

[–]InfelicitousRedditor 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Indeed, can confirm, I have seen posts as well and this is one of them!

[–]badfun1 65 points66 points  (0 children)

I have researched this and it is FACT.

[–] Builderelepheagle 43 points44 points  (0 children)

It absolutely is a game!

[–]Neologika 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Sure is, my man.

[–]BigT808 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Couldn't agree more.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

One of the games for life!

[–]demezas 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I’ve thought about it long and hard. I must concur. It is indeed one of the games that has been made.

[–]D3RP_Ozzie 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Yes it was made.

[–]jakemystr 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Truly one of the games

[–]pHScale 5 points6 points  (0 children)


[–]Ravenloff 14 points15 points  (0 children)


[–]tree-fife-niner 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Of all the posts I have seen in this sub, this is definitely one of them.

[–]Edgy_Robin 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It do indeed be a game.

[–]Krikis 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]Emukt 17 points18 points  (0 children)

This should be pinned - people need to be reminded.

[–] Builderdeadkane1987 6 points7 points  (0 children)

It is a game.

[–]pressham 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Of all of the games I have played it is one of them

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Valheim sure is a member of the set which includes all games.

[–]Smofinthesky 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I agree, Valheim is a game.

[–]ictinike01 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I absolutely Valheim.

[–]Mama_Miasmia 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I was there the day titles like this were born into memehood legend. Come, young ones. Sit by the fire with me a spell while I recall the tale for you.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)


[–]Thytuz 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's indeed a game

[–]jporterfit 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Yes I agree, one of the gamiest games out there.

[–]Stonewall_Gary 5 points6 points  (0 children)

"Valheim numbers among my Steam library."

[–]Throttle_Kitty 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It is most definitely one of the games ever made, I don't think a single person alive could argue.

[–]ElATraino 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It absolutely is a game that was made.

[–]piZZleDAriZZle 6 points7 points  (0 children)

More words have never been spoken.

[–]Method__Man 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Such game, many video

[–]AltLawyer 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It sure is, sport. It sure is.

[–]Fbarbzz 3 points4 points  (0 children)

it sure is

[–]piperok 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You're god damn right it is

[–]Crys368 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And I'm glad it is.

[–]Terrible_Highway_284 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Speak that truth my man

[–]NotFromReddit 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–]arkofcovenant 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Definitely the most Game

[–]belloch 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That is a very game view.

[–]goodguessiswhatihave 3 points4 points  (0 children)

So many games have been made, and Valheim is one of them

[–] HunterTayabida 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Of all the games I’ve gamed, Valheim games one of the gamiest

[–]blackout27 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Hmm yes this floor is made out of floor

[–]tupacsnoducket 3 points4 points  (0 children)

OP is not afraid to speak truth too.

[–]TopHat1935 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Eloquently put. It truly is one of the games ever made.

[–]boojit 3 points4 points  (1 child)


[–]Rollinzion 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It is a game that was made

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

100% this is the best Valhiem game ever.

[–]nyxnars 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Are all the video game subreddits going to post this now?

[–]TrashPanda365 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This entire thread is one of the threads ever made. EVER.

[–]MarkusRight 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Indeed it is one of the games ever made among the millions of games ever made.

[–]FrodoTheDodo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

its certainly one of the games ye

[–]valakalava 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There will never be a gamier game than this game

[–]PhantomDeuce 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Make America Games Again

[–]JanneJM 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes. Yes it is.

[–]skaleywags 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Stout observation friend.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Definitely is one of the games ever made

[–]nanaki989 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Undoubtedly on the list of games.

[–]Matheck 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Game of the game for me

[–]hells1ck 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's definitely a game!

[–]FlorianoAguirre 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes I would say it is in fact a game that was made

[–]bob_67 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It sure is a game.

[–]iyaerP 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I am a player of games, and this is definitely one of them.

[–]CodyNorthrup 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Its definitely up there as one of them for sure

[–]Vendetta-69 2 points3 points  (0 children)

One the games ever made indeed

[–]Boots-Diego-and-Dora 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That title and these comments have me dying over here lmao. Have my free award PLEASE.

[–]RX3000 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Technically isnt every game one of the games ever made?

[–]CJcatlactus 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's difficult to argue with your assessment. It is one of the games ever made for sure

[–]MercZ11 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It is indeed a game that was made.

[–]g0j1r4 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"All your game are belong to us." - Valheim

[–]Nattngale 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh yeah, it is one of them. Maybe this post will be in a history book to show kids what games looked like.

[–]heechum 2 points3 points  (2 children)

God I wish I could afford a new gpu.

[–]genosonic 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is a statement of fact.

[–]prietoeu 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It do be is

[–]sammyb666 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–] HunterAlezyy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If there was ever a game that i played, its this one

[–]Bitch_Muchannon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sure is.

[–]trashbort 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Can't argue with that

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

it game, yes

[–]kevo-br 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It sure is.

[–]DrLews 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes, it is a game.

[–]DickMeatRetreat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It really is one of the games

[–]sebrod98 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I can really relate when it comes to understanding that Valheim is one of the games ever made

[–]GuyNoir_PI 5 points6 points  (0 children)

... That goes without saying.

[–]johimself 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It is indeed.

[–] Sailordoctorstrange06 1 point2 points  (0 children)

i agree, truly one of the games.

[–]LazyCon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It sure is.

[–] CruiserUe_MistakeNot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Indubitably. I agree.

[–]Wrhythm26 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes, it is!

[–]Zarxon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was made it was birthed..

[–]Shaboozie77 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Truer words were never spoken.

[–]Badjer47 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes it was a game that was made ever sometime

[–]MegaChar64 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I always thought it was just one of the ever made, but I'm glad it's more than that.

[–]porkchopsuitcase 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This game in vr would be crazy

[–]GhostDieM 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Such game, much wow

[–]Cursedwarriorl3 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It really is one of them

[–]soap1337 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Man, it sure does game.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It certainly is game

[–]Crazy_Asylum 1 point2 points  (0 children)

hard to argue with that.

[–]INSERT_LATVIAN_JOKE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Valheim is one of the games ever made.

A truer statement has never been made. I agree 100%.

[–]nightbringr 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It really is

[–]Nitrooox 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I agree

[–] Sailor-XThe_KingX- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

agreed i voted them for multiple awards on game of the year

[–]emerging-tub 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Of all the games ever made, Valheim is one of them.

[–] Builderphiz36 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Finally someone said it!

[–]Dodo_Avenger 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The gamiest.

[–]CrimsonTide2000 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes it is one of the games that was made!

[–]Dakotasan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It really is one of the games ever made.

[–]ccknboltrtre01 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Definitely is

[–]hanleybrand 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes, I have to agree! I can summon no counter-point.

[–]antmman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It’s very much one of them

[–]tupacsnoducket 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Spittin' facts.

[–]emagmind 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love this.

[–]skeletorlaugh 1 point2 points  (0 children)

your not wrong

[–]PISS_IN_MY_SHIT_HOLE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Of all the things that ever were, it was certainly one.

[–] BuilderBreezyWrigley 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It is indeed one of the games lol

[–]EnthusiasmPositive 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]stan-dard 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I try like hell to make a great post, and this is one of them that is made.

[–]Adam007510 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The most impressive about this game is the amount of the developers truly amazing

[–]flyonthwall 1 point2 points  (0 children)

no arguing with that

[–]Cauterizeaf1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It certainly is a game

[–] LumberjackCampfireLemons 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Valheim is in fact a game and was definitely made at a time in history

[–]Western-Sugar2641 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It is truly one of the games.

[–]dankus_khan69420 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I agree it is one of the games ever made.

[–]Silveri50 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That is a true statement, no matter how anyone looks at it.

[–]Gold_Club 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]scurvydog-uldum 1 point2 points  (0 children)

so game

[–]blackboard_toss 1 point2 points  (0 children)

it really is one of the games made. It really is.

[–]FloridaSpam 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Of all the ever ones this is the that.

[–]Doankee 1 point2 points  (0 children)

A very factual statement.

[–] CruiserNeonicus 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It is definitely it

[–]QuiGonGiveIt2Ya 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That it is.

[–] SailorConscious_Ad7105 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I Valheim, therefore I am...

[–]Jadeazu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The game of all games