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[–]TheDustOfMen 2014 points2015 points  (154 children)

The local radio show did... a countdown to her 18th birthday? That's bloody disgusting.

Can't wait to see her as Thor though.

[–]hypnogogick 1437 points1438 points  (79 children)

I remember maybe not an official countdown, but a lot of similar discussions around Billie Eilish. As someone who works with young adults, I’m very aware of how eighteen is still very much a child and it totally skeeves me out, dude.

[–]pinkyhc 687 points688 points  (27 children)

Young women and girls in entertainment are treated so disgustingly by the media in such a specific way. I'm so glad Billie has supportive and loving family and friends around her.

[–]zuzg 221 points222 points  (1 child)

I've seen the subreddit dedicated to her a lot of times on reddit and it's disgusting, especially back when she was still a minor.

[–]BlueShiftNova 139 points140 points  (9 children)

I remember this being a thing with the Olsen twins as well.

[–]AryaStarkRavingMad 132 points133 points  (7 children)

And Emma Watson, and Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears.

[–]BlackHawksHockey 57 points58 points  (3 children)

Hell it even happened with the catch me outside girl.

[–]DeadlyYellow 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Kinda surprised you didn't list Maisie Williams.

[–]GrungyGrandPappy 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Hell they even said nasty stuff about Greta Thornburg people are fucking disgusting

[–]AryaStarkRavingMad 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Fair. I'll count myself lucky that I didn't actually see those.

[–]kasira 61 points62 points  (0 children)

And Emma Watson.

[–]trustedoctopus 90 points91 points  (0 children)

I remember similar discussion around Selena Gomez too, and how gross it was to see men excited she’d be 18 so they wouldn’t have to feel like predators. I guess nobody told them they still were for those thoughts alone.

There was another female actress when I was younger that I don’t remember the name of but I do specifically recall reading some shit from men about how they were excited for her to come of age so she could do nudity and sex scenes in movies.

Edit to add: Someone down below said Emma Watson, and it clicked that that’s who it was.

[–]Kartoffelkamm 153 points154 points  (4 children)

What are you talking about? As soon as the clock hits midnight and a person is legally 18, they magically mature into a fully responsible adult who has their life figured out. /s

As a side note, I would unironically love reading a book set in a world that works like those kinds of people believe it does.

[–]shellshell21 40 points41 points  (3 children)

Do most of these men think these girls are just dying to hop into bed with them? Legal or not, most 18 year olds don't want Jerry from accounting.

[–]Aperture0Science 64 points65 points  (1 child)

I think it's rarely to do with how attainable the girl is. It's more like, "now I can talk about her in a sexual manner and not get arrested for pedophilia or deserted by my friends, what's she gonna do? She's a celebrity so she knows what she's getting into"

Nasty shit

[–]shellshell21 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I just threw up a little

[–]Ddog78 46 points47 points  (0 children)

Right?! 18 year olds seem so babyish.

[–]Mascoretta 69 points70 points  (0 children)

It’s especially disgusting since Billie specifically styled herself in a way where she wasn’t revealing and didn’t objectify her body. It was like men were mad about that decision and were counting down to “get back at her.”

[–]EvulRabbit 35 points36 points  (0 children)

The Olsen twins were a huge count down. Lohan, Britney and Aguilera were big too. It's disgusting because that and the way Hollywood treats child stars turns them into the women we see that lose it and then get jokes like "insane, but would still fuck".

[–]Kiana996 22 points23 points  (0 children)

From what I've heard, it happened to Britney Spears too. It's just gross

[–]Cats_In_Coats 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I didn’t realize just how young eighteen year olds really are until I was older than eighteen.

Weirds me out how many people obsess over that number

[–]GearTech147 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I'm seventeen and I already understand. I wouldn't consider myself an adult at 18.

[–]TyphoidLarry 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I’m 29 and, as a point of policy, I don’t date anyone younger than 25. Human brains don’t finish cooking until well after the age of majority. The fetishization of 18 and 19 year olds is fucking gross, particularly when you consider that fetishization would absolutely generalize to children if creeps weren’t adverse to the moral condemnation that would come with it.

[–]Ourobius 274 points275 points  (27 children)

Local shock station here had countdowns for Britney Spears, the Olsen twins, Portman, Annasophia Robb, Chloe Moretz, and most recently Millie Bobby Brown. It's apparently a thing.

[–]TheDustOfMen 181 points182 points  (20 children)

How does anyone still think that's an appropriate thing to do?

[–]Grimpatron619 170 points171 points  (15 children)

Im guessing it's cos there are still tons of people who have the ''It's technically legal so its perfectly ok'' mentality. Not self aware enough to see that if you're waiting till they're technically legal the only thing stopping you from getting off to kids is the law.

[–]SpookyVoidCat 113 points114 points  (2 children)

I mean… there wouldn’t be all the excitement about a countdown if these people weren’t already finding her sexually attractive beforehand. They’re basically letting everyone know they’ve already been jerking it over a literal child.

[–]Grimpatron619 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Yeah that's basically what i meant. I would have written ''from raping kids is the law'' but some dont actually go through with the act

[–]anonymoose_octopus 15 points16 points  (3 children)

Not to mention… that’s heavily implying they ALREADY think those children are sexy, and probably would have sex with them if it was legal. You don’t count down to a child’s 18th birthday to be able to legally have sex with them if you don’t already consider them worth having sex with.

The whole thing is so gross.

[–]Grimpatron619 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Yeah that's basically what i mean. They're waiting at the door in anticipation on black friday except the store is full of kids

[–]anonymoose_octopus 8 points9 points  (1 child)

That’s so messed up, but that analogy ☠️

[–]Grimpatron619 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I love my analogies

[–]trustedoctopus 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Bold of you to assume they’re not privately getting off to them now and just can’t publicly talk about their disgusting behavior until the celebrity is 18.

[–]Grimpatron619 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Im not assuming they're not, im sure of that. The original text was ''raping kids is the law'' but i switched it out cos some dont go through with it

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Because only those stupid, sensitive liberal hippies care about things like “not sexualizing children” and you know what they say, if there’s grass on the pasture it’s safe to mow HARHARHAR

Seriously though, it’s fucking disgusting. These people have a very special place in hell.

[–]AlexInWondrland 73 points74 points  (2 children)

I remember Emma Watson having one as well.

[–]Ourobius 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Yep, and Dakota Fanning too.

[–]Mr_Mars 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Pretty much every famous young woman has had one of these and they're always super gross.

[–]ZapBranigan3000 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Miley Cyrus. Didn't some rapper have a line about "hitting that" once she turned 18?

[–]BeautifulType 9 points10 points  (1 child)

How to tell a radio station is Republican

[–]dcarsonturner 128 points129 points  (2 children)

I vaguely remember Daniel Radcliffe saying something similar was done to Emma Watson, and how foul that was

[–]BeautifulType 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I knew someone who couldn’t stop talking about fucking Emma Watson when she was young even though I pointed out that it was fucking pedobear

[–]LicoriceSucks 60 points61 points  (1 child)

I remember that countdown for the Olsen twins. It’s such a weird thing to do. Especially publicly like that. Can you imagine?

[–]action_lawyer_comics 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I remember freaking VH1 airing a special and mentioning at the end of a segment about the Olsen Twins, “Mark June 18 on your calendars…”

What is wrong with people?

[–]hauptj2 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I remember the same thing happening to Emma Watson after she started playing Hermione.

[–]szthesquid 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Yeah if you have a countdown until the exact second it's not creepy to want to bang a kid, guess what, it's still creepy

[–]lawless_sapphistry 42 points43 points  (2 children)

It's still happening. People did it to Chloe Grace Moretz (sp?) and Billie Eilish, too.

[–]Mad_Aeric 13 points14 points  (1 child)

That "I'll wait" joke in Kickass probably just encouraged them. Gross.

[–]RandomRedux44637392 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Howard Stern had a regular update regarding the Olsen Twins back in the 90s.

[–]TheDustOfMen 8 points9 points  (0 children)

What a dick

[–]Cannot_go_back_now 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Let's also remember that Natalie grew up on Long Island, so whatever radio show that was doing that was probably a pretty large station and it's possible the jocks responsible have moved onward and upward in the industry.

[–]action_lawyer_comics 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The Olsen Twins too. I remember VH1 had a special about all the teenage celebs in the media and when they got to the Olsen Twins, they ended the segment with “Mark June 18th on your calendar…”

[–]Felicfelic 10 points11 points  (0 children)

There was a lot of that around Emma Watson as well, although to her 16th birthday because UK law

[–]CanopenerdudeNo Longer HP Lovecraft's cat keeper 14 points15 points  (8 children)

Can't wait to see her as Thor though.

Do what now?

[–]SexuallyObliviousGuy 22 points23 points  (7 children)

She plays Jane in the new Thor movie.

[–]TheDustOfMen 14 points15 points  (4 children)

Yes, but she's also Mighty Thor in the new Thor movie.

[–]SexuallyObliviousGuy 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Yeah, but I was trying to keep it unspoilery if possible just in case the person wanted to watch it fresh? not everyone knows that.

[–]CanopenerdudeNo Longer HP Lovecraft's cat keeper 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Oh I thought you meant she plays Thor and I was confused.

Edit: I read the replies and now I am confused.

[–]So-_-It-_-Goes 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I remember hearing about one for the Olsen twins growing up.

[–]Mad_Aeric 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That's a thing gross people do. I remember it happening with Lindsay Lohan, and the Olsen Twins too. At some point someone even made a hat with an LED countdown clock.

[–]revchewie 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Yeah, there were a lot of websites with that countdown when Phantom Menace came out. It was released about a month before she turned 18. And yes, quite disgusting.

And I also can't wait to see her as Thor!

[–]Battlescarred98 3 points4 points  (0 children)

People did it for the Olsen twins for years.

[–]MjrLeeStoned 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There were numerous countdowns all over the internet after Phantom Menace came out (it was released roughly 1 month before her 18th birthday).

You basically saw one per day just traipsing around the internet.

[–]Grimpatron619 619 points620 points  (54 children)

Was it her that the actor playing the chancellor in star wars 1 was thirsting over? The only reason he took the part, i forget if it was her or keira knightly

[–]Gradlush 772 points773 points  (51 children)

Yeah that would be Terrence Stamp who said the Phantom Menace was boring, but he had a crush on Natalie Portman. He was 60 and she was not yet 18. Fucking gross.

Article about it

[–]lawless_sapphistry 325 points326 points  (26 children)

What the fuckity fuck

[–][deleted] 138 points139 points  (0 children)

Hippity hoppity what the genuine fuckity.

[–]DroopyMcCool 142 points143 points  (2 children)

Just when you thought Chancellor Vallorum couldn't get any worse

[–]an_actual_T_rex 80 points81 points  (1 child)

Vallorum was such a shitty and uninspiring leader that he basically handed to republic over to Sheev Palpatine.

Like he was just an upper class Coruscanti bureaucrat nobody liked. He gave palpatine literally all the political ammunition he needed to wreck his career and win the following election.

[–]pretendtofly 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I mean, pretty realistic.

[–]darkmage2160 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Well I got one am glad JJ didn't tempt Stamp back for the newer movies.

[–]Mazzaroppi 21 points22 points  (1 child)

I also had a crush on her back then, hell I still do!

But I'm just a few days older than her so I consider myself excused

[–]Gradlush 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Age appropriate crush. Carry on being smitten from afar friend.

[–]TheFoggyShrew 10 points11 points  (8 children)

she was not yet 18

In fact she was only 14 at the time of filming.

[–]AntibacHeartattack 16 points17 points  (7 children)

She was 16.

By lying for effect, you're implying the reality of the situation isn't bad enough.

[–]TheFoggyShrew 23 points24 points  (3 children)

You're correct. Sorry, it wasn't meant to be a lie, I just always had it in my head that she was 14 at the time.

[–]MaldmalumConsilium 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Queen Amidala was, so that's probably why.

[–]TheFoggyShrew 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Thank you, that explains my confusion!

[–]AntibacHeartattack 7 points8 points  (0 children)

No worries, we all get those mental typos from time to time.

[–]mort_da_demon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That is so disgusting

[–]CanopenerdudeNo Longer HP Lovecraft's cat keeper 801 points802 points  (12 children)

The fact that she had to change herself to make herself feel safe makes my stomach drop. She's a fantastic actor and she (or anyone for that matter) shouldn't have to deal with that.

[–]7dipity 144 points145 points  (1 child)

Reminds me of what Billie Eilish has been going through in recent years. It’s honestly scary how goddamn creepy these grown ass men are towards teenage girls

[–][deleted] 190 points191 points  (6 children)

This reminds me of that one awful meme that has a blonde finding a book and once she picks it up she turns into a prudish brunette.

[–]JSB199 164 points165 points  (2 children)

Wasn’t that reverse bimboification porn

[–]ATrioExplainsTheJoke 55 points56 points  (0 children)

I’ve been on 4chan and 8chan, yet I still discover more things on the internet.

There’s so much shit on the internet, eh?

[–]PPvsFC_ 6 points7 points  (0 children)


[–]pleaseno1985 36 points37 points  (1 child)

It's not a meme, it's porn.

[–]KnockoutRoundabout 14 points15 points  (0 children)

To be fair, that's less a meme/commentary on anything than just straight up de-bimbofication kink art.

[–]bitchBanMeAgain 9 points10 points  (0 children)

She turned something horrible into a strength and that is quite amazing. But the thought that she had to do this at the age of 13 because she felt unsafe is really sad. No kids should have to "give up" their childhood because fucking disgusting (and for sure mostly white men because the professional is a western movie), shameless, perverted, inconsiderate, shitty human beings can only look at someone as a sexual object to please themselves in their miserable life. There's tons of bad things in the world, and these people are part of that.

[–]Signature_Sea 398 points399 points  (8 children)

"I support Natalie Portman unhinging her jaw and dragging every last man who made her feel this way into the deep like a kraken"

is a great image, but it would take much more than this to make those guys self-aware of what they were doing. Or to give a shit.

[–]ZengineerHarp 200 points201 points  (3 children)

If they’re at the bottom of the ocean, they don’t need to be self aware.

[–]DelTac0perator 54 points55 points  (2 children)

[–]lordridan 19 points20 points  (1 child)


[–]DelTac0perator 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If there were a Batmetal video for that song I totally would have used it instead.

[–]nofuckinbroccoli 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Who needs self awareness when you’ve been eaten?

[–]SabreLunaticmy last flair was too long to read 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Especially if they’re into vore

[–]pm_me_your_trebuchet 370 points371 points  (16 children)

I don't understand how some men look at what is obviously a child and think, "Yeah, I'd like to have sex with that." It's fucking repellent. When I was in college there were guys who would justify their borderline pedophilia by saying, "Well, if there's grass on the playing field...", as if a metaphor somehow made them less disgusting. Ever realize that your morals and the way you think are utterly at odds with how other people think? Yeah, it's a wake up call.

[–]Jaakarikyk 167 points168 points  (8 children)

Even in the movie the whole point is how her infatuation with the adult protagonist gets an awkward reaction in-universe and the man, though immature in his own way, directs her into a more healthy mentor & student / father & daughter deal because she doesn't know how feelings work having come from a broken home and it's so embarrassing but sad in a way. But mfs gotta be predators and miss every point

[–]left_tiddy 71 points72 points  (2 children)

Pedos LOVE the movie and completely miss the point. It's very frustrating.

[–]Stickguy259 40 points41 points  (0 children)

I mean pedos kinda miss the point of society in general apparently so that's not too surprising really

[–]bipocni 19 points20 points  (0 children)

You're forgetting in the original script they fuck, while Leon weeps tears about how he doesn't deserve her.

Pedos love that movie because Luc Beson makes movies about sexy, sexy children.

[–]DarrenGrey 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Y'know I thought that was part of the point of the movie until I read the original script and found out more about Luc Besson. I now find the movie hard to watch because I think my innocent take on it was wrong, and that there's a pedophilic fantasy buried in there.

[–]Jaakarikyk 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Yeah... I wouldn't say the innocent take is wrong in present form. The movie was changed a LOT by the other people in and around it, it went beyond Luc and got purified in a sense. For example Jean Reno, the actor for Leon explained how he made his character intentionally a bit slow and childish so that the audience wouldn't feel like he has control over Matilda, that he couldn't manipulate her. Portman's parents ensured that their daughter and also importantly her character would get treated better. Sometimes something good and real can come out of a bad thing when good people get their influence on it and change it, rebuild it.

[–]DarrenGrey 9 points10 points  (0 children)

That's nice to hear about Reno. He really is fantastic in the movie, and you definitely get the sense that he's a vulnerable person getting abused in his own way.

[–]Chikizey 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Not even having sex. This people look at those teens and just think about getting off to them. They don't give a fuck about that kid's health, mental health or desires, they treat people as living dildos, only caring about their own ego, pleasure and feelings. What makes them think a 15yo girl will be genuinely interested in a 40 grown ass adult? Girls at that age feel healthy attraction to "older guys", but that means that teen 1 or 2 years older who is really pretty and smiled them once at their school so they are thinking in a whole cheesy movie scenario, not a fucking predator on their father's age.

And women too. Is extremelly creepy how many grown ass women literally simp and fantasize with teenager idols.

[–]MRSA_nary 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Am I being perverted, or does "grass on the playing field" mean pubic hair? Girls get hair at like 10 years old. Men are disgusting.

[–]Fox961 15 points16 points  (0 children)

That's exactly what it means. Also, the average age for girls to hit puberty is 11-12, but there are also the rare cases of "precocious puberty" (puberty before age 8).

[–]CyclopsAirsoft 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I don't understand it. I straight up have no attraction to young girls. Adult women are attractive to me. I have a strong moral opinion too, but even biologically i just don't get it.

[–]pm_me_your_trebuchet 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There are many my things I don't understand- this is one I don't want to

[–]TobbyTukaywan 429 points430 points  (21 children)

I support dragging into the depths all men who sexualize minors.

[–]TobbyTukaywan 225 points226 points  (17 children)

And women too for that matter

[–]pooperdoopper22 140 points141 points  (15 children)

And non-binary people

[–]TobbyTukaywan 198 points199 points  (14 children)

Just stash all the pedos on the ocean floor

[–]voldemortthe-sceptic 91 points92 points  (12 children)

not to be nitpicky but the problem is that these people aren't even "real" pedophiles; they are not attracted to these children because they are children but despite them still being children. they don't feel guilty or ashamed for sexualizing and objectifying adults they find attractive, so they also don't draw the line for a "premature" teenager. you'll find even worse versions of that mindset in blackpilled incels and some religious conservatives who say shit like if a girl is physically able to bear children that means she can be treated like an adult and for that reason marrying and impregnating a 14 year old is fine and dandy.

send anyone to the ocean floor that is incapable of treating people as people if they find them too attractive or not attractive enough.

[–]Li-renn-pwel 37 points38 points  (2 children)

Yeah someone who can legitimately be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder would not be attracted to someone in their late teens and 20s (well… they could be be non exclusive). Whereas pedophiles are attracted to childlike features and behaviors, most of these people want an adult body with a ‘moldable’ mind. They want someone who will basically be a willing happy slave because they don’t know any better.

[–]StarTrippybring back the porn you cowards 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yup, that's why whenever you go on one of the relationship subreddits and see a post about someone who's 18-22 dating someone 30-39, it's ALWAYS that the older partner is manipulating/controlling the younger one. Always.

[–]NotASuicidalRobot 16 points17 points  (6 children)

To summarize, Send anyone to the ocean floor that is incapable of treating people as people

[–]Li-renn-pwel 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah someone who can legitimately be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder would not be attracted to someone in their late teens and 20s (well… they could be be non exclusive). Whereas pedophiles are attracted to childlike features and behaviors, most of these people want an adult body with a ‘moldable’ mind. They want someone who will basically be a willing happy slave because they don’t know any better.

[–]FlawsAndConcerns 3 points4 points  (0 children)

All men who sexualize women? Well, shit. /s

[–]Smol_Daddy 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Didn't she sign a petition to bring back Roman Polanski?

[–]Gradlush 28 points29 points  (0 children)

The petition was to release Roman Polanski from Swiss Custody, not bring him back to the States. She did sign it and has since expressed regret saying it was a mistake. Also, she is one of the few actors who signed it that has reversed their position on the matter.

[–]left_tiddy 76 points77 points  (3 children)

God people are so fucking weird about The Professional. Pedos love that movie and love to make Leon into one of them but he was NOT. He refused her inappropriate advances and only wanted to protect her.

[–]civodar 49 points50 points  (1 child)

Look, I felt the same way until I got some background. The director is a pedophile and had it not been for everyone else involved in the making of that movie it would have been a whole lot creepier.

The original script featured a scene with Leon walking in on Natalie Portman in the shower, but luckily her parents threw a fit and said it would absolutely not happen. The actor who played Leon also changed it up a bit, he tried to make the character seem somewhat slow and childish which was not how he was originally written. Only because of the people who were involved in the film did it become more innocent.

The director literally wrote it while his 15 year old child bride was pregnant and Maiwenn(the child bride even said that the movie was based on their relationship). The director met Maiwenn when she was 12(which is coincidentally how old Mathilde is when she comes to live with Leon), married her at 15, she gave birth at 16, and then he left her when she turned 20.

The movie is still the director’s creepy fantasy. Vulnerable neglected child desperate for adult attention is orphaned, comes to live with awkward much older man and completely throws herself at him.

[–]Broken-Butterfly 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The director is a pedophile and had it not been for everyone else involved in the making of that movie it would have been a whole lot creepier.

There was a whole special feature about it on the DVD version. The girl he based Mathilda on all but outright says that he had sex with her when she was 12 or 13. She still looked to be about 18 or 19 when it was shot, and talked about having a "romance" with Besson years before.

[–]Broken-Butterfly 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I think it comes across that way because because Luc Besson's script was probably edited by executives and Jean Reno played Leon in kind of a childlike, innocent way. I've heard people say there's a European cut that strongly implies that they have sex.

Luc Besson shouldn't get any credit for Leon not being a creep.

[–]S-pr-S-O 67 points68 points  (1 child)

There goes all remaining faith I had in humanity

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Reddit Moment

[–]TrueAlchemy 112 points113 points  (5 children)

[–]science_is_a_story 46 points47 points  (0 children)

She unhinges her jaw and spits fire? Natalie Portman is a drake, confirmed. (This would have made for a great pun if she had starred in Black Duck instead)

[–]_duncan_idaho_ 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I used to always quote "What you want, Natalie?! What you need, Natalie?!" to a friend named Natalie. Good times.

[–]TheCakeShoveler.tumblr.com 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I must be broken because I didn't think she was attractive until I heard that song...

[–]HunterTAMUC 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Like the girl that played the Childlike Empress in The Neverending Story.

[–]Casper_Von_Ghoul 34 points35 points  (0 children)

C̵̗̅̑̾o̸̦̼͐͂͘ṁ̸̝͔̭͓͊̑̎͆ė̴̬̫̽͌.̴̡͎͎̰͔̃͆ ̶̯̯͒̔͊͒̚J̶̡̩̤͗̉͝o̴͖̿̎̀i̷̧̺̲̜͐̓͂n̶̗̳̜̼̯̋͂̀̈͝ ̶̟̩̱̀̈ṳ̵͕̐̇͠s̸͍̆̋̈̏̾ ̶͓͉̭̗̖͘u̵͕̯͓̖͒̀̉̈́͒ͅs̴͕͎͊́͘ ̴̢̹̜͇̮̉̋̋͘ì̷̖̼̌ň̸̘͂ T̵̡̡̤̻͈̮̜̥̠͍̰̝̟̤̣͚̠̤̜̭̹̖̼̭̩̩̦̑̏͐́̉̀́̃̇̊̈́͊̉̑͆̒̋̓̀̈́͒̋̕͘̕͜͠ͅh̵̨̛͇̦̰͔̙̱̗̪̙̮̺̠̭̖͚̫̲͗̊͊̔̅̓̃̎̚̚͜ȩ̶̛̥̗̞͍͍̠̣̦̜͇͙͎͎͍̬͖̩̣̣̓̀̑͗͆́̇̈̒̅́̆͘͠ͅ ̸̤̜̹̣̻̘̙͎̞̲̬̹̝̙̱͐͑͆͋̄̈͐͗̌̓͠D̵̡̧̛̻͔͇̣͖̖̰̲̬̫͉͚̰̩̮͕͓̮̆̿̓͗̍̿͊̔͂͂̃̋̀͐͐̀̃͋̾̅̕͝͝ͅe̴̡̨̡̢̟̦͔̝̤͈͔̟̪̣̟͔̪͚͖̺̗͍̘̙̓͜͜ͅę̵̙̻͖̲̙̘̦̲͎̉̒́̀̂ͅp̴̨͍̱̪̜̜̣̤̻̘͓͇̪̹̬̝̘̬̖͉̈̊͊̅ͅͅ

[–]Jeremybearemy 61 points62 points  (7 children)

To be clear ITS IN NO WAY HER fault. And the people who abused her are scum. But that movie was maybe 2 steps above child porn. Blame the writer, director and producers. Luckily she’s had an amazing career despite this early horrible experience.

[–]MasterXaios 26 points27 points  (4 children)

Yup. Luc Besson is gross.

[–]howtochoose 11 points12 points  (3 children)

I was thinking that... That movie was weird right? I watched it as a kid myself.. Maybe... 15/16?and remember not really liking it and getting weird vibes from it. I can't even remember the movie but I remember the feeling. (I'm in my late 20s now)

[–]Jeremybearemy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yes it was Lolita with guns and less literary aspirations

[–]So-_-It-_-Goes 48 points49 points  (2 children)

I am beyond excited for her to wreak havoc in the next Thor movie. I feel like there is going to be so much pent up anger being released for how her roles in both Star Wars and the earlier Thor films turned out.

[–]Destiny_player6 10 points11 points  (1 child)

She was badass in star wars though. A senator, a queen and a badass marksman all at the same time.

[–]competitive-dust 29 points30 points  (3 children)

It's so sad that a woman can't enjoy being feminine because of men who would objectify her in such a disgusting manner. At the age of 13 too. What the fuck.

[–]Edgy_moose 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's people like this that make me ashamed to be a man, like it feels horrible that when people think men THIS is the kind of person they think of. Truly Disgusting.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

This is so sad, society really treats teenage girls, especially famous teenage girls, horribly, and it’s horrible the stuff she had to hear about herself at such a young age. No women, especially young women, should have to feel that they can’t express themself in any way deemed “sexual” without attracting unwanted and creepy attention.

[–]VLenin2291 44 points45 points  (9 children)

I don’t. If she does that, then I can’t be the one to kill them! Stop stealing my kills, asshole!

[–]BeeWithDragonWingsi'm just going to the store to the store i'm just going to the s 73 points74 points  (8 children)

Dude let her have this

[–]VLenin2291 39 points40 points  (7 children)

We can split them 50/50

[–]onewordwarrior82 15 points16 points  (0 children)

There should be a sign on the front door of Hollywood. "Must be 18 to enter".

[–]Jordangander 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Never knew about this. Doesn't surprise me though.

And I agree, all of the men who sent a 13yo girl messages like this should be dragged away, into the deep.

[–]QuillHasFavorites 2 points3 points  (0 children)

this made me sad

[–]HighAsAngelTits 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That is so horrifying

[–]WGx2 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Well, whatever the Star Wars fanbase did to anyone, at least it wasn't that.

Poor Jake Lloyd tho....

[–]Malakakak 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've always loved her acting. She is always such a badass. Never saw her in a sexual light because I just saw her as someone who id want on my side in a fight.

It's awful that people made her feel that way and also who the hell looks at a 13 year old and thinks yep I'd do her.

[–]ckeit 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Everyone on Reddit needs to read this.

[–]anormalgeek 1 point2 points  (0 children)

And yet she was one of the celebrities to sign a petition seeking to allow the fugitive child rapist Roman Polanski to attend a film festival without getting arrested.

She later backed away from it during MeToo, but that shit is fucked up. Two wrongs don't make a right, but one wrong also doesn't protect you from making your own.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

I know how it feels. I feel uncomfortable of multiple men because they just can't help themselves to objectify females. It's not wrong if you're attracted to adult, but if you make it obvious then please fully expect the awkwardness it creates if the other person isn't interested. Let alone if you make frontal sexual or inappropriate comments about them. So just know that's a quick way to burn bridge.

I had a guy following me everywhere and he and some other males didn't expect that it made me not wanting to talk to him nor did they expect for it to enrage me sometimes. Honestly some people are just too dumb

And the case with Natalie Portman here is just too creepy and gross. Many men behaved inappropriately to her even since she's just a kid. And counting down for her maturity is like crazy creepy grooming

[–]Smasher_WoTB 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thats just….horrible that she had to do that just to feel safe….

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I feel you, Natalie. I always felt that she was an actor I could relate to on so many levels. An incredible intelligence, talent, and beauty. Respect!

[–]Prancer4rmHalo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I had no idea.

[–]TARandomNumbers 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This made me sick to read omg

[–]Fairy_Lantern96 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hope that girl that was in “IT” doesn’t need to deal with that shit. She’s younger than my daughter. Also “The Professional” was completely fucked up.