top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]in3poopinion is free, but facts are sacred 119 points120 points  (5 children)

Mashable joins the party

John Oliver's deep dive on India's prime minister is a real eye-opener


[–]mogambomama 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Bhakts are already attacking that tweet

[–]bupthesnut 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Lol the replies to that tweet.

[–]Zicoisgreat 784 points785 points  (31 children)

The last line really got me . India home to this enduring symbol( picture of Taj Mahal )l of love frankly deserves a lot more than this temporary symbol of hate . (Modi's pic )

[–]schadenfeuder 323 points324 points  (24 children)

Impressed by the ballsy conclusion by Johnny! I won't be surprised if Johnny is banned from entering India, nor does he care.

[–]spikyraccoonIndia 187 points188 points  (20 children)

That would be a pathetic move. He lives in US and constantly dunks on Trump and everybody.

[–]Nsci 174 points175 points  (14 children)

Ha ha , but you forget how petty Modi is.

[–]namkeen_lassi 5 points6 points  (0 children)

When has that ever stopped modi?

[–]Akhil0110 343 points344 points  (14 children)

"India deserves much more than this temporary symbol of hate."

[–]abhi1260Madhya Pradesh 851 points852 points  (157 children)

Finally something I’ve been waiting for. Oh my god, the bhakts must be losing their mind.

I’m gonna love seeing them cry and moan about this.

Edit- he even talked about yogi adityanath and CAA protests. He actually quite covered a lot of it. Even talked about Nehru and Gandhi basically telling the whole story in short.

[–]NotAgainDad 35 points36 points  (0 children)

"It's an internal matter."

[–][deleted] 441 points442 points  (20 children)

Seeing John Oliver talk about Yogi and RSS is not something i thought I'd ever do. Glad to see him paint the fuckers in the light they deserve.

[–]anor_wondo 178 points179 points  (15 children)

Heah. I think John Oliver is a name that even resonates with the bhakt crowd, unlike Hasan. Would be entertaining to know what they think about this

[–][deleted] 158 points159 points  (14 children)

John Oliver is anti national obviously

[–][deleted] 44 points45 points  (9 children)

Good one. But sir, he is not even an Indian citizen ?

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (4 children)

I know. It was a joke...

[–]ThekikatAzadi. 151 points152 points  (22 children)

Many NRI bhakts at my workplace are fans. Going to be a fun day.

[–]Cyril0987 165 points166 points  (14 children)

Keep us updated. NRI's are always interesting to me. Especially upper caste one's who like to cry racism in foreign country all the while proudly flaunting their caste in social circles. They are also biggest shit for brains Bhakts from what I have encountered.

[–]totoropoko 28 points29 points  (6 children)

Upper caste NRI here who works with several other upper/lower caste NRIs on a daily basis. This (NRI bhakt) is a strawman stereotype. Most of my friends have gone from being cautiously optimistic about Modi to completely anti-Modi in the past 5-6 years. Of course there are still a number of die-hard Modi fans (most vocal incidentally) who accept that they will support Modi whatever his politics could be but even THEY accept that Modi Govt isn't the game changing economic force that it advertised itself to be.
I personally always expected Modi to default back to his murder politics because I have been aware of the RSS school of thought through my family - and he is the standard megalomaniac who fits squarely within their ideology of hate.
And yeah - racism in foreign countries isn't something that gets validated because you are a casteist dick back home. Racism is racism even if applied to hypocrites.

[–]ila1998 49 points50 points  (6 children)

Yea exactly! Cry for brown rights in US. Against reservation in India. Lol

[–]Markd1000 25 points26 points  (1 child)

NRIs out here in the US are confusing AF. Many ive met are a little too patriotic about India, with a large number I've met being bhakts. Yet they continue to live here. If India is so awesome under RSS and their groups, why are you still in the US?

[–]uchiha_building 3 points4 points  (0 children)

i call it overcompensation

[–]_that_clown_[S] 128 points129 points  (25 children)

I am making popcorn. It's gonna be fun few days.

he even talked about yogi adityanath and CAA protests. He actually quite covered a lot of it. Even talked about Nehru and Gandhi basically telling the whole story in short.

His research team is one of the bests, His writers are also really great. I really love Last week tonight just because of that. He gets his points across well in 20 mins format.

[–]JSTRD100K 16 points17 points  (24 children)

His research team is also one of the best

Yeah, must be a new crew compared to his Brazil team

[–]Cierno 34 points35 points  (18 children)

US foreign policy supports fascists in Brazil and Latin America, so US Right wing shills for Bolsonaro and the 'Liberal' media who pretty much agree with right wing on foreign policy also follows suit.

BJP are homegrown fascists, they aren't propped up by US foreign policy- so we can expect US Liberal 'research' to be marginally better about India.

[–]JSTRD100K 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Wholeheartedly agree

[–]homelandsecurity__ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

"They may be fascists, but they are my fascists!" <- western libs

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (7 children)

We are living through it. Why do we need a highlights package? This video is clearly meant for Americans unfamiliar with India.

[–]inkyfingers7719 36 points37 points  (2 children)

I can think of a lot of Indians who would learn a great deal from this video. It may be things they already know, so good to be reminded of them by a multi-award winning tv host.

[–]borgchupacabrasKarnataka 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Can confirm. I had no idea about the roots of RSS.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (3 children)

European here also unfamiliar with India. What are some good ways to stay updated?

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I would recommend reading,

They are all digital media agencies. They don't have a TV and offline newspaper presence, and are small, relatively new and relatively free of government control.

[–]hacktvist 22 points23 points  (0 children)

This is what every responsible host/ journalist should do (calling a spade a spade). Unless and until the mainstream anchors in India becomes vocal enough to criticize and stop taking sides we will never grow as a nation.

Keep the bias aside talk about the real issues that matter to the people of this country.

Hats off to the courage.

[–]inkyfingers7719 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Is there a reason the whole episode is not up on Hotstar yet? The last episode came out over a week ago..

[–]LorDzkill 15 points16 points  (14 children)

Bhakts don't understand English that well bro

[–]FuneralInception 24 points25 points  (9 children)

You are mistaken. I've spotted bhakts among even the highest educated people I've come across in my life.

[–]TendarCoconut 399 points400 points  (9 children)

This is how journalists should treat Modi - with utter disrespect and suspicion.

[–]_that_clown_[S] 308 points309 points  (5 children)

Politicians should not be worshipped by anyone, It doesn't matter who the politician is, It's literally their job to work for people, that's what they are paid for, they are not gods and should not be treated like one. Praise them for their goods and drag them for their bads.

[–]A3H3 59 points60 points  (1 child)

This needs to be emphasized. Whether it's Modi or Kejriwal or Rahul Gandhi or anyone else for that matter, we need to get away from hero worshipping. There is nothing more corrupting than power and those who wield power must be criticized and kept in check consistently.

[–]PSB911406 18 points19 points  (0 children)

This needs more upvotes

[–]OkToe1 64 points65 points  (0 children)

Indian media is used to licking Modi's ass that is why John Oliver seems "disrespectful" to you, in reality he was just fair and honest.

[–]sleepdeprivedindian 9 points10 points  (0 children)

All Politicians, not the disrespect part..but suspicion.

[–]Fabulous-RiceAzaadi 280 points281 points  (13 children)

Not on Twitter. Have we invaded his Twitter profile and called death and rape threats to him and his family?

[–]_that_clown_[S] 240 points241 points  (11 children)

Eh, I don't think he minds it that much, He takes joy in shit like that. Some years ago a company sued them for a video, HBO and his team Dragged them through mud, And He made a joyous video about it too.

[–]abhi1260Madhya Pradesh 140 points141 points  (8 children)

Eat shit Bob is the best pop song of 2019.

[–]_that_clown_[S] 57 points58 points  (4 children)

Totally, I loved that bit so fucking much. For the uninitiated. Time Stamp to the song.

[–]anaamadeyaKarnataka 9 points10 points  (3 children)

This is epic. How could their legal team support doing that song? Will they not get sued again?

[–]_that_clown_[S] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

After a year of hard work on that SLAPP suit, I think their Legal wanted them to stick it to them too. It was a stupid suit and Bob should definitely eat shit.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Fuck the European Union would like a word

[–]Bhu124 62 points63 points  (0 children)

He's probably got more lawyers on the show's team than actual producers, researchers, etc. They know what they are doing, they know the risks, they know when to time what episode topic, they know how to handle all the following hate and bullshit.

[–]abhi1260Madhya Pradesh 196 points197 points  (9 children)

The last goddamn line pulled right at my heartstrings. I loved John Oliver before but god I would really like to meet him one day. He has become one of my main influences in life.

[–]_that_clown_[S] 75 points76 points  (5 children)

His interview on Conan's podcast is one of my favorites, Give it a listen, This guy is really really funny.

[–]debjyotisam[🍰] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Hey, never expected a r/Conan fans meet up here haha #teamcoco

[–]Capt_unconscious 22 points23 points  (1 child)

I know how you feel. I have a man crush on Jon Stewart and I was lucky enough to visit a taping of The Daily Show. One of the best days of my life.

[–]kyunahi 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I absolutely love Jon Stewart! And I really envy you for being able to be there for a taping. Its my dream to be at Colbert's taping.

[–]futuoerectusIndia 256 points257 points  (51 children)

Classic John Oliver... Great wit and sarcasm with excellent background research.

I wondered when he would do a piece on India. Seems like my wish was granted.

P.S. Time to check out the "other" sub, and see Chaddis lose their minds!

[–]abhi1260Madhya Pradesh 103 points104 points  (2 children)

I checked the other sub about this video, couldn’t find it. But I did find multiple articles about how Trump needs India. How much far up their own asses must the people on that sub be to think the person who had the backing of the most dangerous cult in America needs Indian supporters. Trump deserves to be removed and so does Modi. We cannot endure this kind of right wing racist bigots to govern us anymore.

America might be on the way to electing Bernie Sanders. I hope we get someone to finally challenge Supreme Leader and put him on his ass.

[–]bharath952 28 points29 points  (22 children)

Which is the other sub? Would like to check on them too

[–][deleted] 80 points81 points  (11 children)

You're better unaware, believe me.

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (1 child)

He/she needs to look at shit to be able to identify it later.

[–]anor_wondo 31 points32 points  (8 children)

Yeah I used to think T_D was bad. Then I came to know about the desi versions

[–]WANDERLS7 23 points24 points  (7 children)

T_d was quarantined. These people dont even dog whistle around. Pure open bigotry.

[–]Mudi-kaka 2 points3 points  (5 children)

What's T_D?

[–]WANDERLS7 8 points9 points  (4 children)

The Donald

[–]jmxt 19 points20 points  (19 children)

What is this other sub?

[–]hurricane_news 41 points42 points  (9 children)

65 million years. Zap

[–]stonedbot420 36 points37 points  (2 children)

Haha yea they invited me to join their group claiming it was better.. I left after a week of seeing horrible stuff and literally comments were boosting this nonsense behaviour too..

[–]Nsci 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Hey, I was invited too ! I had one look at the posts and comments and never returned to it again.

[–]purgatory_and_lemons 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Yeah I got an invite on my previous account I checked it out. It's basically Indian T_D but shittier

[–]FuneralInception 114 points115 points  (12 children)

"NRC kicks anyone who's undocumented off the citizenship and the CAB lets everyone back on except Muslims."

I don't think I've seen such a simplified expression of what really is happening.

[–]account_for_norm 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Amit Shah said pretty much the same thing.

[–]MrCompromisedMaharashtra 103 points104 points  (8 children)

Totally expect Swarajyamag to write an article discrediting Oliver for some random out of context comment he made. And educated Bhakts will lap it up.

[–]TengakolaHis days are numbered, whatever he might do, it is but wind ... 125 points126 points  (1 child)

That last line, brilliance. Loved it.

[–]in3poopinion is free, but facts are sacred 65 points66 points  (0 children)

"India home of this (Taj Mahal) enduring symbol of love, frankly deserves a lot more then this(Modi) temporary symbol of hate"- John Oliver @iamjohnoliver

[–]bakchod007Raw Wijdom 34 points35 points  (5 children)

First Hassan and now Johnny.

We went from famous to really famous

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (3 children)

Fuck Haasan though. He clickbaited us. I don't mind that he gave it less than 4 minutes, but he shouldn't have made us believe it was going to be a full episode on instagram, and disappoint us with his half baked video on his YouTube channel

[–]uchiha_building 4 points5 points  (0 children)

man he went into the howdy modi event and the protests had just started, im willing to give him the benefit of doubt on the grounds that he didn't have time

[–]Daniel-DarkfireAntarctica 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Holy smokes, twitter is gonna have a meltdown.

[–]SishirChetriAssam 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Surprised to say that it still hasn't gained enough traction. Might have a lot to do with the IT Cell trending Trump's visit though.

[–][deleted] 130 points131 points  (7 children)

Despite being so critical and informative, this video still paints a rosy picture of India. Majority of Hindus agree with Modi's divisive agenda, so much so that even opposition parties are afraid to take on his Hindu nationalism (Looking at you AAP) I don't see Modi losing popularity any time soon. Neither do I see any of the democratic institutions doing anything to stop this madness.

I just hope I'm wrong.

[–]platinumgus18 83 points84 points  (1 child)

Manish Sisodia is a vocal supporter of Shaheen bagh and Kejriwal opposed CAA on national television. If they went any further, BJP would have gotten exactly what they wanted and AAP would have had to fight the election on communal rhetoric instead of development

[–]agumonkey 16 points17 points  (3 children)

It's interesting, I'm French (mixed indian actually) and India is rarely in the news.. I didn't expect it to be subject to the wave of idiotic nationalism but here it is.. full on creationist supremacist education, detention camps, good old 'parasites are ruining our country' scapegoating.

The landslide is slow but powerful and there's no stopping it so far.

Let's hope Modi visited Chinese countryside recently :cough:

[–]vyrusrama 82 points83 points  (7 children)

This is brutal, this is essential.

Finally - a spotlight focused on what's happening in India.

Indian media will spin this out of "credibility" - can't wait for their mental gymnastics.

edit: that bit about bread & the creation of the world is horribly racist holy fuck

[–]po1a1d1484d3cbc72107 29 points30 points  (4 children)

Yeah wtf was that bread thing? And what about, like, Latinos or (East) Asians who are lighter than Indians but not as light as white people? Are we slightly undercooked but not as undercooked as white people or something? Lmao

[–]v3r71g0Universe 11 points12 points  (3 children)

I remember hearing this as a joke or forward way back (10 years or son) and had almost forgotten about it. Hearing it now, holy shit, the racist connotations of it strike me.

[–]longgamma 51 points52 points  (1 child)

I hope people around the world realize the true nature of Hindu nationalists. They came to power in 2013 promising “acche din”( better days) and economic growth.

Now the economic growth has shrunk by half and for the first time in decades the poverty rate has actually increased in India.

[–]thindipotha 24 points25 points  (2 children)

This Episode will be the true test of Hotstar's censorship policy. Looking forward to watching it

[–]sahils88 22 points23 points  (6 children)

The show is produced by HBO and they produce GOT too. Let's see if the Bhakts call for HBO boycott too.

[–]UserameChecksOut 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Oh boi....this gonna be fun.

When Bhakts say "MOdI hAs mADe INdiAn IMaGe GOooooD" I'm gonna show them this video.

[–]kash_if[M] [score hidden] stickied commentlocked comment (0 children)

In case the Youtube link isn't working, a user has provided a mirror in the comments:


[–]Deepfriedpakoda 77 points78 points  (2 children)

Oh My God! He just spoke the truth. All those topics bhakts avoid taking about, was pushed back on to the surface. I really hope bhakts see through his antics and how he is actually pushing the country backwards.
This was what I was expecting from Hasan Mihaj and got so badly let down !

[–]akki95just like my country i'm young, scrappy & hungry 74 points75 points  (7 children)

Fucking love his British arse!

[–][deleted] 59 points60 points  (2 children)

Sir ye Wendy's hai

[–]suntanx_02-24Non Residential Indian 37 points38 points  (0 children)

I'm pretty sure John will end up making a follow up piece to this cuz how Bhakts are tolerant about criticism

[–]hazilmohamed 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Waiting for this episode to come on Hotstar (maybe it won't come)...

[–]tilak365 6 points7 points  (0 children)

might not. I'm waiting for it to release in the UK tonight. HBO's disabled that video in the UK as it comes at 10PM on Sky Comedy here.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Wow what a show. I didn't wanted to watch the 18 min video but the host just spilled out the harsh truth that no tv channel in India would. I am totally disgusted by the journalism in India, every household that watches news on tv is simply hearing the words of a politician through the anchor which is held at gunpoint. Please god(christ, ram, guru nanak, etc) save us...

[–]hidden_kidWe are fucked, aren't we? 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Ending Quote:

Because India, home of this(pointing towards Tajmahal picture) enduring symbol of love. Frankly deserve a lot more than this temporary symbol of hate(pointing towards Picture of Modi)

[–]po1a1d1484d3cbc72107 47 points48 points  (16 children)

American here, I was interested in what was going on with Indian politics recently and this came in right on cue. I vaguely knew that Modi was a Hindu nationalist but I didn’t know what that actually meant in terms of his actions and stuff.

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (6 children)

Honestly i don't think that he or the BJP(his party) give a fuck about hindu nation bullshit.

Their main aim is to turn India into a Russia style elected dictatorship and all this hindu nationalist thing is a way to polarize people behind them so that they can get the required votes.

[–]Fabulous-RiceAzaadi 22 points23 points  (0 children)

He is Trump * 10.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

This is fucking amazing.

[–]meme_femme 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I really enjoyed his take on the issues. Meanwhile bhakths have arrived to hijack the comment section saying mudi ji was democratically elected lol. Bjpee was elected on the basis of their Jumlas and they are making our nation developed through 5 million ton economy.

[–]hemang_vermaIndia 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Well, waiting for 4 years was finally worth it. My bhakt friends are mocking JO.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

That last line though 🔥

[–]pro310102 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Wow modi made it to the show which covered leaders like bolsonaro , erdogan , xi jinping , putin and trump.

Proud moment boys !

Watch the bolsonaro episode if you haven't and you'll realise why Modiji and he gel so well.

[–]UserameChecksOut 47 points48 points  (5 children)

Hasan Minaj caved in, probably because Netflix desperately wants Indian business, but our guy, Oliver never compromises.

[–]matrixjizz 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Honestly, this one looks mild. He usually roasts way better.

[–]UserameChecksOut 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Maybe because this issue is more serious and sad, unlike other issues that are mostly funny

[–]glider97Telangana 5 points6 points  (0 children)

He did finish his last season by taking a shot at Modi, but let’s see what he does next.

[–]toxicbrew 3 points4 points  (0 children)

how exactly did he cave?

[–]leaguestories123 5 points6 points  (2 children)

American here, is this the reasons for the human rights violations in Kashmir?

Does this national registry ask people about their religion? If so wouldn’t that information be able to be used against themselves like in the Holocaust?

It just seems like a lot of signs of potential genocide.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Kashmir is a different issue, the region has been in turmoil since the armed insurgency started in 1989 and the most henious human rights abuses and bloodshed in Kashmir happened in early 90s when we had neoliberal governments in the centre. So our policy towards Kashmir has been the same regardless of the people in power and the human rights abuses in Kashmir is not one sided it happenes from both sides. All things considered it is a very complicated issue and if you are actually curious about it i'll suggest you to read about it and then form any opinions.

And the exercise of National Register of citizens (NRC) has only happened in one border state Assam where religion wasn't a critieria but after bringing CAA they have said that they will re do this process and they will do it in the whole country so at this point we don't know what the provisions of new NRC will be but the implications are indeed very scary.

[–]bug2017India 5 points6 points  (0 children)

i love how any journalist can put their opinion on trump in USA , hell you can pity ur country and thats the real democracy. not like indian pseudo democracy

[–]VimaKadphises 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Must say I teared up hearing the last line

[–]StupidEconomist 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Lets send this to r/all and get trending on twitter.

[–]sanam3iqbalpoor customer 6 points7 points  (0 children)

His team did the research and spilling facts!

[–]mrrahulkurup 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Methinks this episode won't be on Hotstar.

[–]BinSha123456789 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The day John Oliver became Anti National.

[–]anshm1ttal 24 points25 points  (4 children)

this is the best piece of journalism I have ever seen, I wished India had journalist like him

I was just going to post this but Reddit showed its already been posted.

[–]Abhi_714Go Karuna Karuna Go 14 points15 points  (0 children)

And he's not even a journalist.

[–]FuneralInception 18 points19 points  (0 children)

This doesn't mean anything. Of course, he is funded by the opposition.


[–]Willing-Meeting 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The video is being brigaided by the bigoted nationalists. Oof.

[–]ichoosemyself 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yess. Get 'em, John!

[–]SapotaJuice 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Couldn't have been happier tonight. :)

[–]ceetee 4 points5 points  (0 children)

India, home of this enduring symbol of love frankly deserves a lot more than this temporary symbol of hate.

Fuck that's deep.

[–]AbheekG 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Wonderful, spectacular episode. So thankful to John for covering this, and so impressed by their deep research on the topic. Loved it and have shared it all around. And, WTF is wrong with that Grills guy damn!?!

[–]hamndv 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This dude is brave criticizing the most powerful men around the world!

[–]xXInviktor27Xx 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Our country's politicians are a fucking joke lmao

[–]rudrathandav 5 points6 points  (0 children)

John Oliver was spot on. I want to clear up one thing is that there are many Indians allied with Germany’s Nazi party because they saw Germany as an ally against British who were colonizing them. Many Indians did not know about the holocaust and still doesn’t because of the tyranny of Britain rule was so deep.

[–]RfTaLaP 25 points26 points  (0 children)

What a fantastic summary of the shituation. At times in the video I felt so “ashamed” at the state of the country I had to look away. Then I remembers the other post in this sub about the self aggrandizing Indians regarding Indian CEOs on on LinkedIn and now I am tempted to post this on there. Just rewatched Ravish on ShutUpYaKunal from almost a year ago and sadly it’s still relevant and depressing as before. The anti CAA protests seem the only glimmer of hope to rid us of the monstrous BJP ideology. JO sums it up best in his outro

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Aaj Maza aayega Zee news dekhne mai

[–]spyrider7 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It was frankly disappointing especially when he spoke about Gujurat riots. He said Modi let that happen and did not do enough to control them. Modi was the fucking director of that show.

[–]juancorleoneNCT of Delhi 22 points23 points  (1 child)

John Oliver will be given Pakistan Visa by Bhakts.

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Boycott Jamie Oliver, 1 star

[–]suntanx_02-24Non Residential Indian 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I'm pretty sure John will end up making a follow up piece to this cuz how Bhakts are tolerant about criticism

[–]Soap_9yearold 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Best argument against Modi , giving respect to his good decisions but making sure to roast the shit out of him for his bad ones

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

The comment section has already been brigaded by people who are defending the Great Leader! Despite the fact that the video includes footage of high level ministers (read: cunts) openly spewing racially charged hate comments, and people are still defending them by giving out excuses or blaming the Last Week Tonight team for being "anti India".

And it's not just the IT Cell being IT Cell, even people over from 'the unmentionable sub', are straight up ignoring the facts. I mean, I don't get it.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The reason I liked this is because the man could say all this aloud without fear, which I can only think. Even in a democracy, I never ever share any opinion about 2002 with anyone.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I thought sorting by controversial would be fun. But the reactions are pretty mild. Kinda disappointed 😔

[–]ItsaizyNon Residential Indian 16 points17 points  (2 children)

[–]TWO-WHEELER-MAFIA 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Tel laga ke thoka isne


[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

The last sentence hit me so hard...

[–]PeanutButterArmadaEurope 7 points8 points  (2 children)

The video is sadly not available in Germany. :/ Had to access it through VPN.

[–]rishi_devan 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Just watched it here in Germany now