top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]doc_shades 4499 points4500 points  (215 children)

contact customer support. make a big stink to them. nobody here can help, but if you feel you were unfairly banned then contact support and state your case to them.

[–]Mishka1125 377 points378 points  (41 children)

It's not about getting unbanned batman, it's about sending a message

[–]possibly-a-pineapple 721 points722 points  (46 children)

You already paid for the game, customer support has zero reason to help you

[–][deleted] 601 points602 points  (26 children)

It’s OP’s realm that they pay for according to the post.

Mojang/MS should refund for the lost days as an absolute minimum. They probably won’t of course.

If this keeps happening though it’s going to send MC ‘underground’ where we end up with no option but to go down the piracy route. What an utterly idiotic state of affairs.

[–]8urnsy 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Realms are so glitchy. I had proof I paid 3 months for a realm subscription and during those three months the realm was not accessible, like it just didn’t show up. It was acting like I had never played on a realm before. Literally just taking my money and not giving me the service.

I complained to customer support and the best they could do was one free month of a realm subscription. So I just lost out of two months I paid for.

[–]AllBadAnswers 204 points205 points  (11 children)

Especially considering you're probably going to be talking to Microsoft, not Mojang.

Show of hands, who here thinks Microsoft gives a single fuck about its customers after a sale has been made?

[–]muhlisgursoy 34 points35 points  (1 child)

To be honest yeah, recently I bought a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse and it made sound glitches on my Bluetooth headphones while using both at the same time. Contacted Microsoft for a solution, none worked (sfc scannow, driver updates, reinstallations and etc), finally they just said "get yourself a USB Bluetooth receiver".

[–]ADMINISTATOR_CYRUS 11 points12 points  (0 children)

usually same thing happens on ms forums.

SFC SCANNOW etc, always same answers

when that doesnt work they dont respond

[–]Familiar_Contact9073 41 points42 points  (1 child)

Yeah true, they don't care about anyone after they have got their money

[–]Carlife0830 1364 points1365 points  (49 children)

Time to start a hardcore world??

[–]iceRainCloud_YT 1425 points1426 points  (48 children)

watch as you get banned from singleplayer minecraft for building a pp by accident

[–]Kons37 212 points213 points  (44 children)

Can that happen?

[–]Brosiyeah 602 points603 points  (21 children)

Nah just an exaggeration. Reports are only chat based as of right now

[–][deleted] 507 points508 points  (15 children)

as of right now

[–][deleted] 175 points176 points  (4 children)

People still build massive cocks vaginas and various other creations on the buildbattle minigames and get away with it so yeah

[–]Procoso47 38 points39 points  (2 children)

Never forget the swastikas

[–]JuSTAFoX0 29 points30 points  (0 children)

"Fundy builds a door" or "Carson recreates the norway flag" alwasys cone to mind

[–]Adept_Abalone_8211 15 points16 points  (8 children)

you'll always be able to play single player. how are they gonna check to see if you're playing the game if you haven't even connected to a server?

[–]Right_Tumbleweed392 3224 points3225 points  (129 children)

This is why our server will continue 1.18 for the forseeable future.

Sucks, really wanted to incorporate the mangrove wood into my new city im working on.

EDIT: 1.19 still has encrypted chat even though it doesn’t have reporting. So theoretically if what happened to OP is true, it could hypothetically happen to us on a 1.19 server as well.

[–]5t0rm7 2141 points2142 points  (83 children)

add the chat reporting blocker, problem solved

edit: there is a way to un-encrypt messages

edit 2: link i think, there are others that work as well probably. just look up chat report blocker on curseforge and you'll probably find a few more

[–]singer_building 1131 points1132 points  (47 children)

They’re literally trying to make it so that won’t work, which is utterly stupid. Big server mods say it’s nearly impossible to run a server under mojang’s new strict and unclear rules. Parents say the rules are too harsh for their children. That plugin is the only way we can still truly enjoy multiplayer without fear of being banned for joking around with our friends. And their trying to remove it, good job mojang.

[–]Hylux_ 505 points506 points  (6 children)

"Nothing is perfect, and modders will always find a loophole to abuse, as with every hole being patched up, another one opens"

  • Me, right now

[–]BeansCubes 253 points254 points  (3 children)

"If there is a hole, there is a goal"

  • Master Oogway

[–]hey-im-root 19 points20 points  (0 children)

yea, seriously tho, it’s impossible for them to fix this permanently. there’s always a way…

[–]Keksuccino 171 points172 points  (22 children)

They can't force that on Java Edition. That's impossible. Mods will always be able to block the chat moderation. At least if a mod/plugin to block this is installed on both the client and server.

The best and worst thing about Java is that you will always be able to see the full code of a program.

[–]Romejanic 64 points65 points  (17 children)

I really hope they don’t read this, just gives them more incentive to try and retire Java edition

[–]MurdersPedos 8 points9 points  (1 child)

You think they don't know this already?

[–]LynchedNoodles 21 points22 points  (13 children)

They would never do that lol

[–]Romejanic 35 points36 points  (11 children)

I’d like to hope so but Java edition currently doesn’t make them any money after they’ve sold a copy of it. Bedrock has the marketplace and creates a more steady stream of income. It makes business sense for them to cut out java edition and force everyone onto bedrock to encourage more people to use the marketplace.

[–][deleted] 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Too much free marketing from Java content creators. You think SciCraft is going to bother with the inconsistent Redstone of bedrock? What about the other SMPs? They all use cinematic mods at a bare minimum.

[–]Juliandroid98 68 points69 points  (4 children)

If they would ever axe Java and force us to play Bedrock i'm quitting this game for good.

I'd rather not play on that buggy mess filled with microtransactions.

[–]RoBOticRebel108 30 points31 points  (0 children)

On the bright side, modders get to stay on the same version forever

[–]weebomayu 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Which is sad because despite the bugs it actually runs so much better than Java. Seeing how fast the chunks load on a ridiculous render distance is amazing. Java is too spaghetti for that unfortunately :(

[–]TheGoldEmerald 7 points8 points  (0 children)

If they stop axe java, that isn’t the death of it due to things like minestom and mods

[–]LynchedNoodles 19 points20 points  (3 children)

Nope. If they did that they'd lose their entire Java population.

[–]Romejanic 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I think this is probably the sole thing keeping them from axing java honestly. They know they’d lose too much of their community with it

[–]Rebeliaz8 466 points467 points  (4 children)

The best plug-in yet

[–]redditing_Aaron 254 points255 points  (3 children)

I'm proud there's always a mod or plug in

[–]NuclearLlama72 122 points123 points  (0 children)

When I first heard about the new chat reporting, literally my first thought was:

"Someone's going to make a mod or plug in which will disable this"

[–]Vampsku11 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Mods and plug-ins are the only reason Minecraft continues to be successful.

[–]SyntaxxWasTaken 104 points105 points  (8 children)

Man of culture

[–]StormMac64 58 points59 points  (7 children)

Same to you!

[–]SyntaxxWasTaken 45 points46 points  (4 children)

Another man of culture. Same to you

[–]theonlinedemon 12 points13 points  (1 child)

What the fuck are you doing on Reddit Jesse

[–]katuu- 186 points187 points  (5 children)

You could update to 1.19 the chat report was added in 1.19.1

[–]WhatIsPun 65 points66 points  (1 child)

Correct, we do the same thing on our server

[–]robotkoer 39 points40 points  (0 children)

You don't need to do that. Just follow these instructions and all your players will be safe: https://github.com/Aizistral-Studios/No-Chat-Reports/wiki/Protecting-server-players

[–]fscknuckle 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Chat reporting was added in 1.19.1 but secure chat messages and all the problems they cause were in 1.19. Try using any plugin or mod that modifies chat output such as roles, chat colours or anything else like that and it crashes the game out or kicks the user off the server. Even on 1.19 you need to use a no chat reports modification to get previously straightforward functionality to work.

[–]Potato_Man147477 47 points48 points  (0 children)

You can just update to 1.19 there's no chat reporting there. Only 1.19.1 has chat reporting

[–]NameHere07 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Of you own the server you can use a backport mod. Basically adds 1.19 to 1.18 with various success. Especially if you had admin you count/give a sapling

[–]Doobliheim 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Can I ask why you don't go to 1.19? Chat reporting wasn't introduced until 1.19.1, so is there risk at making the jump from 1.18?

[–]possiblyed 16 points17 points  (0 children)

You can still be reported on 1.19 but you can’t report others

[–]Ghurty1 1340 points1341 points  (21 children)

damn ill treasure the days when i played actively on servers 2013/14 and it was just a fucking landmine saying anything in chat

[–]Mikashuki 397 points398 points  (14 children)

OG factions server chats

[–]Darksoulpk68 199 points200 points  (8 children)

Shit was worst than cod lobby back in 2010

[–]zRyanx_7 101 points102 points  (5 children)

Or league, I think I know all the ways my parents can be executed thanks to league

[–]TheBirdKeeper 7750 points7751 points  (316 children)

Oh look at that, something we as a community tried to warn Mojang about. But they didn’t listen. Oh wow what a surprise, how could this system fail already, non of us saw that coming

[–]carchi 2828 points2829 points  (124 children)

And the word filter is utter garbage, you can write a perfectly fine sentence and get censored for no reason at all. Write the same thing right after and nothing happens. It's utter trash and Mojang should be ashamed to let such thing in the game.

[–]goldensavage216 353 points354 points  (23 children)

They are starting to have the same filter as a Roblox chat

[–]Anvisaber 241 points242 points  (13 children)

The only problem is that Roblox just censors your word. Minecraft removes your ability to play the game

[–]notredflowers 49 points50 points  (10 children)

Roblox bans exist too

[–]Soviet_Toaster_ 51 points52 points  (4 children)

When I used to play I don’t think people got banned for all the censored stuff they say, but rather when they circumvented the filter to spew really bad stuff.

[–]Itherial 10 points11 points  (0 children)

when i used to play i said whatever i wanted and exploited the hell out of every game i touched on the platform. no bans ever over a period of like almost ten years. maybe 1 strike related to exploiting.

Roblox does not like to do platform bans. They leave it to devs to moderate their own games mostly. But this can also happen for literally any reason they choose. I've prebanned people in games I've made.

[–]Portablenaenae 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Yeah but you didint pay to play this game

[–]possibly-a-pineapple 105 points106 points  (0 children)

Trying to sell the game to 3 year olds

[–]scrambledeggs34 710 points711 points  (74 children)

Fortunately, this isn’t mojang’s fault, it’s likely that Microsoft has pushed this change

[–]reamnit 482 points483 points  (57 children)

Its not microsoft, it is mojangs decision

[–]PixelRTX 412 points413 points  (50 children)

most likely Microsoft's decision to push a more "suitable game for all ages", and mojang doesn't say " alright we've had enough ". It's showing true colors, they are either scared about losing funding or something from Microsoft, or they want to ruin the game. Either way, this is a stupid situation that could have been avoided if they took the communities input

[–]GKTasoeck 280 points281 points  (44 children)

nope, mojang already stated this was their decision and theirs alone

[–]syperdima 313 points314 points  (20 children)

it is possible, but believing in their statement this easily is weird

mojang stated that every decision they've made is theirs alone, which is untrue, at least C418's music is not coming back for now entirely because of microsoft

it was confirmed by one of the leakers a few years ago that the ideas of mojang can easily be "rejected" by microsoft if they think that it's a time loss, and this leaker also said that mojang is kinda forced to make "hyped-up updates", later it was mostly confirmed because we've got long anticipated nether update and cave update right after that.

microsoft is the owner. mojang is the game developer. microsoft > mojang. their tweet about "every change is entirely our own decision!!!" is a lie and it's obvious lol

[–]Antumank3 131 points132 points  (1 child)

I guess it is something called "corridor". The owner/customer decides the walls (boundaries of the project in terms of costs, function, strategy, etc) and the direction of development and all decisions in between the walls are the developer's. So yeah, it can be Mojang's decision, but tied up by Microsoft's demands.

[–]syperdima 27 points28 points  (0 children)


[–]JaggedTheDark 32 points33 points  (6 children)

Wait wait wait wait wait wait, c418's music, the CLASSIC music, the music I fucking bought a minecraft pack for, IS NOT COMING BACK???

[–]DrLeofricAgain 21 points22 points  (2 children)

Microsoft weren't happy with c418 because he owned the music he made and mojang bought the rights to add it to the game, Microsoft wants to own the music

[–]itsabearcannon 19 points20 points  (0 children)

C418 needs to compose new music and package it up as a resource pack. Sell it for $5 and be able to download it in FLAC or as a JAR file, or whatever Bedrock uses for resource packs.

[–]BigglyRedditMan 34 points35 points  (2 children)

It's still in the game iirc but they got a new person for future music

[–]Lorcil 79 points80 points  (5 children)

One quick question, can you (while suspended) start the LAN world?

[–]soshimee_ 25 points26 points  (3 children)

No, unless you play cracked

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Well seems like that's the objectively better version of the game now.

[–]ninth_reddit_account 128 points129 points  (61 children)

What happened? We have no idea why this person was banned.

[–]AnOnlineHandle 192 points193 points  (56 children)

Yeah having been on this earth for a few decades now, I've learned that when somebody uses 'censoring' without any specifics, 99.9% of the time they're hiding something awful because they know their crusade will lose support once people know.

Mojang of course has the right to not let their login/skins servers be used by accounts caught soliciting minors etc, the question is just whether the banning is over-zealous, and without details (which seem intentionally withheld) it's hard to get sympathetic for OP.

[–]HowYoBootyholeTaste 76 points77 points  (31 children)

Glad I'm not the only one to think that's odd. Dude never actually mentions what was said, only that he doesn't believe he should be banned because it's a private server

[–]Hazearil 7 points8 points  (0 children)

You tried to warn them for what? That if there is a system that can result in temporarily bans, people will temporarily be banned? That's... kinda the point of it, isn't it?

What OP is saying should also be taken with a grain of salt. It would not be the first time by far that someone got rightfully banned and then pretends they are the most innocent person in the world.

So, how is this a fail, like you say it is?

[–]Eighta65 185 points186 points  (9 children)

This is Microsoft's doing now

[–]Big-Veterinarian-823 160 points161 points  (61 children)

Mojang is the Game Developer - Microsoft is the owner. Mojang does what Microsoft tells them.

[–]jeffplays216021 18 points19 points  (1 child)

I'm pretty sure one of the Mojang devs tweeted that this was mojangs doing.

[–]AdvanturePie 183 points184 points  (52 children)

Unless you have proof microsoft demanded mojang to do this, I don't see any reason why people blame microsoft and not the people at mojang that voted to do this, if we keep blaming microsoft instead of mojang they will get away with doing more and more things and they'll never get the blame

[–]GorillaArse 87 points88 points  (35 children)

Ofc he’s not going to have proof for a change like this, however considering the way Mojang has handled realm/server moderation in the past (little to none) it’s safe too assume this is Microsoft’s input.

[–]Kleiders3010 56 points57 points  (33 children)

mojang said themselves a few days after the complains started that they were the only ones in control of what happens with minecraft
Times have changed, both notch and jeb, who were to original creators, are away from the project nowadays;
Notch is long gone, and jeb is just a bystander

[–]Kryptosis 45 points46 points  (6 children)

Unless we have proof OP didn’t just spam the n-word 30 times in a public server we can’t even say the system isn’t working.

[–]Enfors 357 points358 points  (40 children)

Honest question: OP, what did you say in the chat that got you banned? Or am I missing something here?

[–]TheBadGuyFromDieHard 66 points67 points  (1 child)

Or am I missing something here?

I’m not saying OP is lying for karma, but I’m also not not saying OP is lying for karma.

[–]lamppanket 19 points20 points  (0 children)

gamers when they're not allowed to say slurs anymore

[–]CalmBalm 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Maybe I'm too cynical, but this post has the exact same energy as the ones in r/2007scape of players posting their 'false bans' and a Jagex mod brings receipts.

[–]MemeAccountAccount 2583 points2584 points  (84 children)

"Trust us, the ban's are being given out by professional moderators"

Also them:

[–]CrippledJesus97 813 points814 points  (35 children)

"Professionals" probably the same garbage auto detecting AI that youtube uses and has it on every single active realm 24/7. Id never trust a damn thing microsoft says cuz they never been honest about shit when it comes to them banning whatever services they own for any reasons they want even if nobody else is ever involved

[–]justV_2077 163 points164 points  (27 children)

What did OP do? Seems like a necessary information before judging MS for banning them.

[–]Terminatr117 66 points67 points  (4 children)

This reminds me of how often I used to see posts on other game subs of someone complaining about being banned unfairly and then an employee has to step in and say "Actually you've been calling random people the n word all day." Not saying this OP did but I've definitely stopped taking the word of random people online about their perceived innocence.

[–]That_Guy381 91 points92 points  (8 children)

exactly. we’re just taking OP’s word right now

[–]DaughterofFrigg 71 points72 points  (9 children)

Op won't say. Probably because they know they deserve the lock out and are just mad it actually happened.

[–]fixxitt412 44 points45 points  (7 children)

Exactly this. Mojang isn’t banning without reports. OP said something that someone then reported and got banned. Cursing is not bannable. You need to say some very rough stuff to get the ban hammer.

[–]jordanvbull 1378 points1379 points  (90 children)

And people wonder why I refuse to use anything past 1.19

[–]xYOSIYAx 194 points195 points  (11 children)

If you manage to get banned then you'll be banned even in past versions. You can only join cracked servers while banned.

Not sure if anyone can report you if you don't use 1.19 tho

[–]MrOtto47 89 points90 points  (10 children)

the chat signature cannot be generated if he is below 1.19.1, which is required to validate the chat log. without that validation they cannot give a ban (as from their pov they cannot prove you did infact say that).

[–]FilipIzSwordsman 45 points46 points  (5 children)

wrong, even though the chat reporting feature wasnt added until 1.19.1, the signature was added in 1.19

[–]MrOtto47 8 points9 points  (3 children)

this may be correct, if ur on 1.19 can u join a 1.19.1 server tho?? (if not then player reporting is still not possible, although it may still be automatically picked up if the are doing that)

[–]DeadNDeader 422 points423 points  (59 children)

I’m still on 16.5 to be honest and at this point I might just go full Terraria. It’s sad to see something I’ve loved since I was a kid have to deal with this but I guess everything changes eventually.

[–]jordanvbull 195 points196 points  (35 children)

Going to at least 1.18 is fun for the world gen so you should at least give that a try before giving up on mc

[–]Xasplat2 70 points71 points  (20 children)

Not with a potato PC

[–]jordanvbull 98 points99 points  (0 children)

I used to have a potato, a couple mods and low expectations will go a long way

[–]Sensitive-Airport-37 87 points88 points  (14 children)

Try this modpack:


I get like 300+ fps on average on a macbook and that's saying something coz mac's reallyyy aren't meant for gaming.

[–]jordanvbull 16 points17 points  (6 children)

Macs are standardized tho, my graphics card was 12+ years old and it wasn't even good when it came out, generally you can just use the like 5 fabric mods like sodium, lithium, phosphor etc and you'll be able to squeeze a stable frame rate from almost anything from the past 7 years

[–]Pigrescuer 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Give core keeper a try, I've been obsessed just mining around in it all of my three day weekend. Similar graphics to stardew but open world mining and mobs similar to Minecraft.

[–]Bowau 707 points708 points  (35 children)

minecraft is slowly becoming roblox LOL

[–]roboter_the_man 414 points415 points  (4 children)

minecraft already is roblox on bedrock

[–]schaale64 90 points91 points  (0 children)

I can agree with this

[–]Comtesse_Kamilia 190 points191 points  (25 children)

At least Roblox has the decency of being free. In no universe should it be possible to be policed and then banned from a game you paid for

[–]Vitztlampaehecatl 84 points85 points  (8 children)

In no universe should it be possible to be policed and then banned from a game you paid for

It depends. A paywall is an important tool to prevent hackers from being able to infinitely evade bans from anti-cheat in games like CS:GO.

[–]CCCyanide 60 points61 points  (2 children)

Yeah but hacking isn't a bannable offense on all servers in Minecraft

[–]Mrraar 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Please dont give them any more ideas please please please

[–]JetBasilisk[S] 1200 points1201 points  (185 children)

Update: My mate has been banned for 6 days for the same reasons, and noone reported him either

[–]Potato_Man147477 220 points221 points  (0 children)

Are you sure your mate didnt join any other server? because he could've been reported by someone in another server

[–]JetBasilisk[S] 889 points890 points  (142 children)

Which means that clearly they're monitoring our chats for some bullshit reason

[–]gonzopyro 605 points606 points  (29 children)

they straight tell you they are. its on the why did I get banned page. "Specifically, our highly trained moderation staff is looking at the most egregious violations in public Featured Servers and Realms (please review the Realms End User License Agreement)."


[–]Rylee_1984 528 points529 points  (23 children)

And by ‘highly trained moderator staff’ it’s actually an ‘AI’ that does it. They don’t have the manpower to monitor everything like this.

[–]ninth_reddit_account 34 points35 points  (1 child)

Of course they do. As unsolved 'moderation at scale' is, it is real people that review Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc reports. Most of those moderators are contractors through companies like Accenture and Cognizant. No reason to believe Mojang would be in any different position.

A while back Casey Newton did a really good report on the Facebook moderators and the trauma they go through as a part of the job https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18229714/cognizant-facebook-content-moderator-interviews-trauma-working-conditions-arizona. Though, 'in fairness', I would imagine moderating Minecraft would be a bit less traumatic, as there's no/little video and images.

[–]MR_sticky_piston 23 points24 points  (14 children)

Just try no banscreen!

[–]crazyoldmax 22 points23 points  (0 children)

You know what!? " Deletes your banscreen "

Sk it microsoft!

[–]imjusttired-767 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Did you SAY anything that could’ve gotten you banned?

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (9 children)

What did you say to get banned

[–]ItsYaBoyChipsAhoy 260 points261 points  (11 children)

Mojang this is insane

[–]jace2467 922 points923 points  (187 children)

Can't believe people are defending Microsoft 💀 you shouldn't be able to be banned for what you say in a realm, especially your own realm you pay for, let people make the rules for their own damn realms

[–]AdvanturePie 314 points315 points  (10 children)

Mojang has stated multiple times they made the decision themselves, blame mojang instead of microsoft, if we keep blaming microsoft mojang can keep doing stuff like this without being blamed

[–]Scorpionpi 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Remember too that mojang is split into two teams, one in Sweden and one in Washington. The one in the US is much more closely related to microsoft and initially led the moderation system on bedrock.

[–]possibly-a-pineapple 87 points88 points  (0 children)

People still trying to believe that Mojang is a good company

[–]ObeyTime 98 points99 points  (4 children)

Mojang technically owns all player realms. You pay them to get "permission" to use their realms.

But if you host a server yourself, you own that server. not them.

[–]coolraiman2 18 points19 points  (3 children)

But if you get banned, you also can't login to your own server that you host yourself in your computer

[–]ObeyTime 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yep, this is one of the many issues this system has

[–]Nexmo16 16 points17 points  (0 children)

So what did you do to get suspended?

[–]czerstwychlebb 87 points88 points  (19 children)

its a miracle that r/minecraft mods didnt delete this post and ban you from the subreddit XD

[–]Glum_Storm_5086 136 points137 points  (5 children)

fireflies are poisonous to frogs

[–][deleted] 89 points90 points  (2 children)

pretty sure rotten flesh is poisonous to humans too but whatever 😃👍

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (1 child)

Not to mention cannibalistic, since zombies are decaying humans.

[–]Intelligent-Will-255 61 points62 points  (4 children)

Stop paying for the stupid realms servers. I pay $2.50 a month to shockbyte. They aren’t monitoring chats on my server.

[–]Romejanic 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Plus you can add a plugin to block chat reporting

[–]FeelThePower999 52 points53 points  (3 children)

And what exactly were you doing that got yourself banned? Did you jokingly say "I hate you", or did you go around calling people the N-word?

[–]Fungus_Amongus_Off 155 points156 points  (13 children)

Good grief, I had hoped it wasn't true but here we are.

It's really disappointing to see one of my favorite childhood games that had managed to survive so much fall from grace like this.

[–]Minecrafting_il 22 points23 points  (3 children)

Don't give up on minecraft just yet!

There are mods for anything related from making you unreportable to apparently bypassing the banscreen!

[–]Mean-Effective-1429 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I would love that but bedrock doesn’t allow mods

[–]SubjectUserRedd 135 points136 points  (45 children)

So, combing through the comments of this post has been pretty interesting. I've seen all kinds of debate & debacle on what, when, where, and why this happened to OP. But from what I can see, I think there's some important questions left unanswered.

•What did OP say or do, that could supposedly WARRANT a ban of any sort?

•If we take the theory that Op's Friend reported him for such reason. Why would he do that? What would be there to gain from reporting him? Especially if we take into fact that Op's friend 'supposedly' got banned 6 days later?

•Is it possible for a player to continue playing on a Realm, if Realm Host gets banned?

This might sound a lil' crazy, but hear me out.

Lets say, Op's Friend did report OP, and got him banned. And then also lied to OP that he was banned too.

Is it possible. That OP's friend just locked OP out of his own Realm, and now has the Realm to himself?

[–]freetrialemaillol 59 points60 points  (26 children)

I honestly can’t believe you’d get a ban like this for doing nothing.

I am concerned that people can report you for things taken out of context or just plain cussing.

Pretty sure OP is lying in some way though - why does he refuse to explain what he said?

[–]YourUglyTwin 39 points40 points  (6 children)

I honestly can’t believe you’d get a ban like this for doing nothing.

Video game developers don't just "ban for doing nothing" they want more people to play their game not less. OP is leaving out details or at the very least is leaving out something unintentionally. He likely played on a featured server and said a slur or spammed someone.

[–][deleted] 24 points25 points  (0 children)

I think it's fake due to the way it's worded. Anyone could make a screen saying anything they want

[–]maxxus2 15 points16 points  (0 children)

what did you say that someone would report you for? i mean if you said something that is explicitly offensive or anything like that then there's a good reason

[–]TranscendentCabbage 16 points17 points  (0 children)

What exactly did you say or do to warrant a ban?

[–]Moleculor 46 points47 points  (15 children)

(Caveat: Fuck this entire "banning people from their own servers they paid for" thing, but... that might be unrelated here?)

People seem to be avoiding the obvious questions:

Were you on Realms, or a 3rd party server?

Did you say or do something?

(I realize OP can just deny it, but maybe they did do something and they'll be honest about it.)

[–]Insane96MCP 26 points27 points  (0 children)

This tbh, he could have just joined SMP and get racist against people. This is just fire so people against the chat reporting can fuel their hate for it.

[–]stoffan 32 points33 points  (19 children)

Okay, but what did you say tho?

[–]TheyCallHerBlossom 43 points44 points  (14 children)

Notice how OP doesn't say or describe what they did or say to trigger this. Funny that.

Every single time people on the Internet complain about being unjustly banned they are withholding information and Reddit just gobbles it up.

[–]freetrialemaillol 14 points15 points  (0 children)

What did you say though?

[–]Percius388 167 points168 points  (28 children)

Got banned for asking to sleep through the night on a server. Mojang mods swear it was a good ban...

At least I got single player.

[–]MrSquirrelDeDuck 94 points95 points  (4 children)

Well you see, if you rearrange the letters in that you get a bad word. This is clearly the reason. /s

[–]JDBCool 79 points80 points  (3 children)

Sleep tHrough the nIghT

[–]AmericanToastman 45 points46 points  (2 children)


[–]Vitztlampaehecatl 63 points64 points  (4 children)

Yeah, because you used some of the same letters that are in a slur. That's why we at Mojang are proud to announce that we are banning the letter "N". *o lo*ger will people be able to se*d the *-word i* mi*ecraft chat. We ack*owledge that this may i*vite accusatio*s of ce*sorship but we believe this cha*ge is a* importa*t a*ti-bullying measure.

Edit: fixed

[–]SCPmtfRedroighthand 81 points82 points  (13 children)

Ya'll are jumping on this with 0 evidence that OP didn't go in a populated lobby and start throwing off slurs

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Literally says "We received a report about your behaviour" and ppl are still believing OP when they say they were just playing with friends and nobody reported them.

[–]czartrak 43 points44 points  (0 children)

I fins that funny too, OP has provided basically 0 information

[–]revengeoutlaw 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Right? Weird. Everyone belives he doesn't lie without any doubt.

[–]eldoran89 29 points30 points  (2 children)

The fact that op did not specify what happened makes me suspicious that the ban is well deserved

[–]Fafikommander 12 points13 points  (0 children)

What did you say in chat?😂

[–]IamSmokee 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I mean... They usually ban for a reason... What did you do..

[–]DiDiPlaysGames 16 points17 points  (3 children)

Someone reported you, they literally cannot see any messages without a report being made