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[–]Sharkytrs2K / 4K 🐢 2138 points2139 points  (1103 children)

I'm a hobby Developer pissing around with blockchain tech.

one thing I've learned about Cardano's Dev kit, it is 100x more complex than the competitors API's

I'll give solidity its due, it may be fucking half broken, but its by far the easiest way to develop traditional blockchain EVM software for ETH like chains.

though the DAG's (like Nano) are by far the easiest to get your head around, its because they tend to end in central services which are in comparison childs play to setup.

TLDR; cardano is unnecessarily difficult to code for.

[–]reversenotation1K / 6K 🐢 432 points433 points  (122 children)

Work in computing but not as a developer myself, but I've heard the exact same from others about how awkward developing is for ADA.

Keeping Devs happy really matters if you want to create a thriving eco-system.

[–]Sharkytrs2K / 4K 🐢 269 points270 points  (48 children)

so thats why all the Nano/Banano devs are so happy!

[–]-veni-vidi-viciPlatinum | QC: CC 1139 285 points286 points  (17 children)

Potassium has many beneficial properties

[–]LincHamilton238 / 238 🦀 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Oh the Banano devs r some true funny monkeys :)

[–]Extravagos161 / 9K 🦀 25 points26 points  (3 children)

Finally a reference to my favorite community!

[–]FourtySevenLionsTin | r/Politics 12 23 points24 points  (12 children)

Time to market also makes a huge difference, devs don’t wanna learn Haskell to do the same thing that they already know how to do in Solidity. Same reason JS is a thriving community with constant improvements- it’s been around longer then the competition.

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (3 children)

It’s not like devs are just lazy and choosing whatever they learned first. Haskell is arguably the hardest mainstream language to program in.

[–]jewellman1000 / 234 🦠 32 points33 points  (8 children)

Exactly. That's why the Sega Saturn failed

[–]ErechBelmontBronze 63 points64 points  (28 children)

I genuinely think this is what's going to be the nail in the coffin for Cardano and why I pulled my money out. Cardano developers (relative to other ecosystems) are essentially non existent. Cardano is way too cumbersome to develop on. Developers are the life blood of any defi protocol. They're SO important. If devs aren't working on dApps for your blockchain, you're in serious trouble.

Top all that off with Cardano's snail pace development cycle, and I just don't see a path to success. I feel like the whole "peer review" process was just an overrated excuse for excruciatingly slow development.

[–]Qwahzi0 / 128K 🦠 76 points77 points  (19 children)

Tbh, I was surprised at how easy Nano was to build on. I'm not a developer, but I decided to play with Nano to learn more about it - only took me a day or two to get a basic app working, and most of that time was spent on server configuration or the Python web app itself. Setting up the node/using the RPC were dead simple, and there weren't any complex fee calculations either

Nano doesn't give you the smart contract dapp experience of course, but it really is great at what it was built for. When a cryptocurrency is so easily to develop for, you get all kinds of cool apps. Hopefully Cardano development tools simplify its development experience over time

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (9 children)

Nano doesn't have the tools to do much though. You get maybe 10 API calls that you can hook into your centralized service.

[–]Sharkytrs2K / 4K 🐢 19 points20 points  (1 child)

nano and banano got me tinkering with this side of the programming world, I see them like stepping stones into the scene.

[–]NvidiaRTXPlatinum | QC: CC 483 | r/WSB 70 531 points532 points  (445 children)

Making Haskell the official language for Ada is so stupid. It's literally one of the (faster) dying languages, even back in 2015-2016.

They could have gone with Rust but nooooo, they just had to choose Haskell because it's sCientifiC

[–]aqua_seafoam385 / 385 🦞 321 points322 points  (59 children)

You know how there is that coder guy who is absolutely brilliant but uses an outdated language because he's 1000% fluent in it, builds amazing programs, brings in company money, and then leaves the project to be. The next senior level devs come in and are like WTF is this god awful wall of text and then spend the next few months just trying to figure it out all while losing on production time.

This is why companies prefer 5 people who are pretty good verse 1 person who is great.

Does not scale well and this is what we see going on here.

[–]CaptCrypTin | CAKE 19 112 points113 points  (18 children)

It's the electrician equivalent of 'Fuck the next guy'

[–]rood_sandstorm601 / 601 🦑 58 points59 points  (15 children)

and then the next guy turns out to be the same guy.

[–]Charming_Ad_1216Silver | QC: ALGO 87, CC 41, Coinbase 15 | CRO 59 | ExchSubs 74 27 points28 points  (20 children)

I think AMC made a show about that....

It should be henceforth known as The Cameron Howe Paradox.

[–]Frakmonster7 / 7 🦐 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Welcome to Mutiny !

[–]DXJayhawkWARNING: 8 - 9 years account age. 0 - 57 comment karma. 16 points17 points  (7 children)

Are you talking about Halt and Catch Fire?

Absolutely amazing show and criminally underrated. A must see for anyone interested in computers or technology in general.

[–]ksp_physics_guyPlatinum | QC: CC 338 | r/Politics 70 525 points526 points  (196 children)

For real.

As a software engineer who works in scientific research, I don't know why the actual fuck they decided to use haskell.

Literally it's a huge WTF.

Like, if you wanted something easy but scientific, use Julia. If you wanted something more systems programming-esque, use rust. You could pick go. You could literally pick any fucking popular language besides haskell made in the last 20 years, and you wouldn't be shooting yourself in the foot by trying to be a unique fuckin hipster. The only way they'd be more hipster is if they went with fucking lisp.

It's like Charles Googled "how does program function" and accidentally ended up in functional programming's Wikipedia page and then unilaterally decided to use it.

I would have loved to been there for the decision and requirements process. Because I am 100% certain their requirements process was "we're going to use haskell" and not based on use-case, usability, or goals for adoption. Because if it were... They wouldn't have picked fucking haskell.

[–]d10x5 86 points87 points  (1 child)

Love this passion dude hah

[–]Treyzaniabloccchain! 106 points107 points  (22 children)

As a software engineer who works in scientific research, I don't know why the actual fuck they decided to use haskell.

Like, if you wanted something easy but scientific, use Julia.

Completely different kinds of math. Type theory is not what Julia is for.

You don't use a math language if you're trying to model complex software. You use a language with a sophisticated type system that lets you very accurately and safely model logic and behavior. That's what Haskell.

[–]crimeo 144 points145 points  (47 children)

We want businesses to make apps, so we should probably use COBOL, it has business right in the name!

Nah in seriousness though, they want to get contracts for major government apps and so on. Haskell is higher security and has auditing features. It does actually make good sense.

Quality first, then when the slapdash popular hastily made apps cause massive irreversible security breaches that lose billions like another Mt Gox or Africrypt, people will be more interested again

That is their plan anyway. Maybe right maybe wrong, not a crazy plan though

[–]Real_Happy_PotatomanPlatinum | QC: CC 147 133 points134 points  (9 children)

Higher security. Because even hackers don’t understand how it works.

[–]FarTelevision8Platinum | QC: ETH 44, CC 23 | ADA 9 | Superstonk 87 29 points30 points  (5 children)

lol secure because hackers also fucking hate it and don’t bother. Or security because nobody decides to develop on the platform because of the language choice. Either way. Security!

[–]Pain--In--The--Brain 32 points33 points  (16 children)

Haskell is higher security and has auditing features.

You know a less ridiculous language they could have gone with that has all that? Ironically, it's ADA. It's been around for decades and people in all sort of security critical applications use it. But no, gotta go with the hipster cool purely functional language Haskell, because it's intellectually pure. What a waste.

[–]Kike3288 / 17K 🦐 29 points30 points  (5 children)

If they used ADA as their main language for coding their smart contracts, cardano would be the blockchain with less developers in the entire world, as most of them would kill themselves. ADA is absolutely terrible

[–]ATXblazer0 / 0 🦠 30 points31 points  (8 children)

On the Lex Friedman podcast he claims they chose Haskell because it’s functional style made implementing some mathematical functions easier to translate from abstract math to code. Although you can code functionally in other languages so I’m not fully buying his reasoning.

[–]writewhereileftoff297 / 9K 🦞 4 points5 points  (3 children)

The less programmers in the know, the greater the illusion Cardano is anything more than vaporware. Who is going to disprove it if nobody is familiar with the language? Could this be intentional? Hmm food for thought.

Charles isnt a programmer btw

[–]wowbitcoinwowTin | 3 months old 118 points119 points  (27 children)

Holding ADA is betting on Haskell adoption in Africa

[–]FantasyLandJesterBronze | PoliticalHumor 11 128 points129 points  (19 children)

The only thing I'm betting on happening down in Africa is rain.

[–]ediblepetPlatinum | QC: CC 63 7 points8 points  (7 children)

Invested in $TOTO by any chance?

[–]FantasyLandJesterBronze | PoliticalHumor 11 3 points4 points  (6 children)

I'm not. But, I feel likes it's gonna take some time to do the things we never had.

I'll check them out.

[–]distressedacorn0 / 0 🦠 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I hear $TOTO is a sure bet because there's a hundred men or more on their team.

[–]Drudgel45K / 45K 🦈 69 points70 points  (20 children)

Thanks for my daily reminder that I need to start learning Rust

[–]GroundbreakingLack78Platinum | QC: CC 1416 12 points13 points  (8 children)

While you’re learning Rust, I’m getting slowly Rusty. Corrosion at its finest.

[–]Gaareth 5 points6 points  (4 children)

I also just started learning rust after a few weeks of postponing it. I can recommend the official doc.rust-lang.org/book/ book, though I have not finished it

[–]DawnPhantomSilver | QC: CC 373, BTC 32, ALGO 15 | ADA 168 | TraderSubs 14 103 points104 points  (18 children)

Not scientific, but secure. Again it's the difference between coding a child's toy and a fly-by-wire system for an aircraft.

Which one can you afford to have fail?

At least the whole point was for Cardano to have a more solid foundation for it's code, and to date it's never had a single hook, shut down, or other failure of the chain. Dapps though aren't flourishing yet not necessarily because of the code, but the Plutus Application Backend is not live, and only recently entered the testing phase.

Those who expected DApps right on the launch of Alonzo era were intentionally misleading the entire subreddit in hopes to pump the price of their bags, and this community is full of people like that, for various projects. Hype the news and sell, or as they say "buy the rumor sell the news" except they're the salesmen selling you the rumor and then taking off with your money.

[–]evoxyseah0 / 5K 🦠 15 points16 points  (5 children)

This is unpopular in this thread, but i totally agree with you.

Charles said something in his resent AMA for poorly coded Dapps, they get the money, you pay the bill.

[–]MorganZeroNine Inch Whales 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Actually, the phrase is “buy the rumor, sell the news”. You’ve got it flipped.

[–]curly_droidTin 51 points52 points  (8 children)

What do you mean by saying Haskell is dying? It has never been a mainstream language, but it has a solid foothold in the same research communities that have used it for decades. It is also still evolving and for things like formally verified code, is one of the better tools around.

On the other hand, do you really have to write smart contracts for Cardano in Haskell? I think Haskell is a great choice to write blockchain infrastructure in. It is a terrible choice for smart contracts, because it is so hard to learn.

[–]pseudoHappyHippy0 / 10K 🦠 14 points15 points  (4 children)

Their smart contracts are written in Plutus I believe.

[–]justhereforlife8 - 9 years account age. 225 - 450 comment karma. 15 points16 points  (11 children)

I read radix is using rust as the basis for their language scypto. Not trynna to fud as I haven’t worked with either but they seem to be somewhat comparable in terms of use case but everyone seems to prefer rust

[–]_lostartsUnapologetic Algorand shill 8 points9 points  (6 children)

Parity also went with Rust for building Polkadot Substrate.

[–][deleted] 26 points27 points  (6 children)

I hold ADA yet I gotta agree. I don't know why they didn't go w rust.

Haskell is not only a hard language to learn, it's also not as easy to shift to it from another language. Since almost everything is completely different on it, the learning curve is also very steep

[–]Mediocre_Piccolo85423K / 3K 🐢 68 points69 points  (16 children)

Good argument, but when I see that in 2 last years over $10 billions haven been lost in crypto due to shitty buggy code, or hacks that could have been prevented, I think that some people shouldn't be crypto developers in the first place, especially some amateurs. It is ironical when they raise their voice, seeing their "results".

After all, there is no funds recovery, it is not a bank. And projects that allows it are centralized, which makes them rather PayPal competitors, not BTC competitors.

[–]Sharkytrs2K / 4K 🐢 21 points22 points  (2 children)

can confirm, I would not trust any of my code in a live blockchain environment.

Fuck that it would be broken in minutes. Knowing me I'd even end up bluescreening ETH or some shit. (not actually possible so obligatory /s)

[–]James-VZBitcoin Minimalist 191 points192 points  (98 children)

TLDR; cardano is unnecessarily difficult to code for.

What?!?! Everyone loves Haskell!

[–]Drudgel45K / 45K 🦈 168 points169 points  (45 children)

As of May 2021, Haskell was the 28th most popular programming language by Google searches for tutorials, and made up less than 1% of active users on the Github source code repository. [420]

[420] Sauce

[–]jordorama711 / 711 🦑 62 points63 points  (39 children)

I like Haskell :(

[–]Drudgel45K / 45K 🦈 54 points55 points  (36 children)

I didn't mean to hate on the language itself! I just thought Github activity was an interesting metric for popularity

[–]jordorama711 / 711 🦑 34 points35 points  (32 children)

Yea it's unfortunately true tho. It's one of the harder languages to grasp and is down trending :(

[–]-veni-vidi-viciPlatinum | QC: CC 1139 24 points25 points  (11 children)

That could mean less competition for existing Haskell programmers. It could be a job for life like COBAL.

[–]nishinoran269 / 6K 🦞 5 points6 points  (6 children)

Even if you like functional programming, there are other languages that give you almost all the benefits without the dogmatism, like Elixir or F#, while having MUCH nicer syntax and modern tooling.

[–]pcakes130 / 5K 🦠 95 points96 points  (18 children)

I sure love secure financial systems. Every time there is another hack due to some bullshit vulnerability in the smart contracts on ETH/Solidity, the movement loses momentum. This isn't SWIFT. There's no recovering funds without rolling back the blockchain. Having a secure design and using a language that is auditable for security should be the standard, not the exception. I'd rather have a chain done properly and securely than quickly.

[–]JWadiePlatinum | QC: CC 59, LTC 32 116 points117 points  (32 children)

So ADA is a PS3 and ETH is Xbox 360?

[–]jvdizzle 7 points8 points  (2 children)

This is my same exact experience. So far, Solidity has been the closest and easily translated decentralized smart contract language to learn because the ecosystem is so close to Web development.

[–]Dissmass19800 / 0 🦠 20 points21 points  (125 children)

So why would they use difficult coding?

[–]jdefghPlatinum | QC: CC 67 35 points36 points  (25 children)

Nano's RPC is great, it shows exactly how simple Nano actually is

[–]XescureTin 34 points35 points  (22 children)

Nano's simplicity is both its biggest strength and limitation. It does one thing, but it does it exceptionally well

[–]jdefghPlatinum | QC: CC 67 38 points39 points  (8 children)

People say Nano is useless because they can't run dApps on it. They can't run dApps on cash neither yet they still use it.

[–]PodcastsandpotSilver | QC: ALGO 29, CC 686 | NANO 972 26 points27 points  (8 children)

that's a strength, not a limitation. I'd argue a coin that is a jack of all trades while being excellent at nothing is far worse than a coin that does one thing, (value transfer, so that one thing is massively useful and important mind you).

[–]SenatusSPQRPermabanned 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Can I ask - what do you mean by getting your gear around Nano is easy because it tends to end up in central services? Not a Dev here, so I'm not sure what that has to do with each other.

[–][deleted] 759 points760 points  (54 children)

ADA is like a weedman, he’s always ‘five mins away’

[–]VeLord123Tin | CC critic 118 points119 points  (21 children)

I'm 5 mins away from you bro, chill

[–][deleted] 39 points40 points  (18 children)

Better not be no £40 1/8th this time

[–]ShitpeasCunkBronze | PersonalFinance 11 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Better than the 1.8 BTC I paid for 10g of bushweed from the Netherlands. I wish I was joking.

[–]GroundbreakingLack78Platinum | QC: CC 1416 12 points13 points  (4 children)

This guy weed.

[–]dick_pianaPlatinum | QC: CC 34 | NANO 10 369 points370 points  (76 children)

I'll give ADA 3 more years and then I'll dip out unless I see some serious traction.

[–]tycooperaow 292 points293 points  (16 children)

3 years is a long time in the crypto space. That’s about time for the next halving

[–]BloodyNoobsBronze | QC: CC 24 | CRO 22 | ExchSubs 22 89 points90 points  (4 children)

Clearly he should've added /s

[–]rty96chrBronze 47 points48 points  (1 child)

When this sub shits on a coin... I get bullish for that coin.

[–]nilterminiTin | Politics 53 421 points422 points  (31 children)

So cardano new ath in ~one week? Heard!

[–]sakata320 / 0 🦠 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Correct! Sell now so you can buy high next week!

[–]Wess-LPlatinum | QC: CC 631 18 points19 points  (1 child)

Imagine thinking 11 weeks is a long time lmao.

[–]UranusisGoldenDiscussing decentralization in a centralized board 831 points832 points  (67 children)

Cardano is being academically researched and will launch dapps in 9075. By the year 10385 they have taken over Africa due to superior peer reviews. Sadly we are in 2021 but their time will come or my name is not marty mcfly!

[–]broskie94 85 points86 points  (19 children)

I'll just wait then.

[–]meeleen223121K / 134K 🐋 61 points62 points  (16 children)

Generational hodl

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (9 children)

My bloodline will die earlier than ADA launching dapps

[–]-veni-vidi-viciPlatinum | QC: CC 1139 14 points15 points  (4 children)

Time to stop hodling your seed.

[–]VeLord123Tin | CC critic 14 points15 points  (3 children)

So you're telling me there's a chance?

[–]BakedPotato840Banned 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Great Scott!

[–]TNGSystems0 / 463K 🦠 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Lol. Did you read that in Crypto Almanac 2010-2025?

[–]OdlavsoPermabanned 8 points9 points  (3 children)

So I'll leave a couple ADA to my great great great........... Grandchildren and they'll be set for life

[–]FushiNenkiBronze 14 points15 points  (3 children)

So prophecy was true. The question will turn from wen smart contract to wen dapps.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Lol right

[–]Mediocre_Piccolo85423K / 3K 🐢 139 points140 points  (25 children)

The moment I would be worried about ADA is when people here start to shilling it, then it is probably time to sell.

Buy high what's popular and influencers tell you to buy, sell low because whales and vc's are dumping on you. Later complain about crypto being manipulated. This is the motto here.

[–]beaner_boi96Tin | 1 month old 3 points4 points  (0 children)

"Slow and steady wins the race" -Jack Daniel

[–]DawnPhantomSilver | QC: CC 373, BTC 32, ALGO 15 | ADA 168 | TraderSubs 14 136 points137 points  (14 children)

I was not only personally insulted in PMs, called a FUDer and an liar by the vast majority of Cardano holders, but was also told that Cardano Dapps would be running 1 week after Alonzo Fork

Who ever came up with this lie is an absolute moron, because any true Cardano member who pays attention to the development understands the PAB is necessary for developers to launch Dapps efficiently, but not immediately. While Alonzo provided the infrastructure necessary to support smart contracts, launching them is another story and the PAB only recently got deployed on the testnet.

Those without tempered expectations drove the narrative and were unfortunately the loud ass minority who always come here in hopes to pump up the price and then vanish or FUD when the price is stagnant or down.

It's the obvious example of why people need not pay attention to the price so much, because this is all that results is an interest to pump or dump the project rather than understand the work that's actually being done... But what the hell else could anyone expect from a subreddit that's become nothing but project price speculation and pissing contests if not moon farming.

[–]FidgetyRat0 / 27K 🦠 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Well said. The number of times I’ve heard “we weren’t told about the PAB” hurts my head.

[–]jhb760113 / 5K 🦀 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Depressing that I had to scroll this far to find something factual.

[–]JerryLeeDog0 / 2K 🦠 25 points26 points  (13 children)

11 weeks LOL... do ETHs timeline next

[–]AbysmalScepter0 / 4K 🦠 69 points70 points  (9 children)

Not trying to defend Cardano here, but it should also be noted how these hype cycles work. This sub and the broader crypto community goes about releases, letting pie in the sky hype fuel buying frenzies. This happens to literally every project, like many of the hyped metaverse projects now.

People need to stop hyping up launches and release dates so much. Like it was pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that the launch of smart contracts was just step 1, apps aren't developed over night.

All that being said, Hoskinson and the Cardano community are probably their own worst enemies in this regard.

[–]mercibien1Live Love Litecoin 120 points121 points  (31 children)

I follow xtz and ada pretty closely. In terms of DeFi on Cardano, there are alot of dexs being developed and should be launched sometime in December. Sundaeswap and Liqwid finance look like the most interesting and user friendly. By comparison, Sundaeswap discord group has more members than the whole Tezos sub......

I am bullish on both and am always surprised more people are not flocking to Tezos. It has delivered an impressive blockchain and has implemented 8 major upgrades to its chain. I don't think any other chain has been able to adapt like this in such a short period.

[–]yersinia_p3st1sPlatinum | QC: XTZ 96, XMR 74, CC 63 | MiningSubs 12 24 points25 points  (15 children)

Sad but true. Meanwhile on the XTZ side, everything is basically ready for development and deployment. Tezos even has a few defi dApps which unfortunately, haven't been raking in as much money as the competition

[–]markstopka 11 points12 points  (2 children)

They are running on the testnet right now... both of the ones you mentioned actually...

[–]jz008914 / 14 🦐 31 points32 points  (4 children)

I fear for my 10 dollars invested

[–]AdehhRRPlatinum | QC: CC 318 | TraderSubs 10 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Show me a dev team that can make a fully functional dEx in 11 weeks start-to-finish and I will sell my ADA.

[–]jawni500 / 6K 🦑 39 points40 points  (27 children)

Can someone explain why the dapp deployment is so slow?

I always expected it to be a slow rollout but with so much time preparing for this moment, I thought they would have at least something to offer at launch.

Was there some sort of unexpected flaws when smart contracts launched? If so, why wasn't it noticed on the testnet?

[–]DrinkMoreCodeMore0 / 15K 🦠 76 points77 points  (6 children)

It's slow because the main connector, PAB, isn't released yet. That helps platforms and dapps interact with wallets. Kinda like how metamask works.

Once that is rolled out, we will see growth.

[–]MonkeyfacemoneyTin 27 points28 points  (2 children)

We will get more news on PAB tomorrow.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (8 children)

Dapps are waiting for the plutus upgrade, so its a waiting game at this point

[–]thejazzmaster69Platinum | QC: CC 123 | ADA 8 98 points99 points  (32 children)

Just wait more I guess ..

I am balls deep in ADA (50% of my portfolio).

[–]-veni-vidi-viciPlatinum | QC: CC 1139 61 points62 points  (0 children)

Stakes it till it makes it.

[–]1ChrispPlatinum | QC: CC 37 | Politics 10 11 points12 points  (14 children)

Mind if I ask why? What’s ur cost basis

[–]S00rabhmoon 22 points23 points  (13 children)

I bought ADA at 0.035 but I am not on hopium

I would switch if I found something good enough.

[–]Aggressive_Position2Silver | QC: CC 272, DOGE 46, ETH 19 | ADA 153 61 points62 points  (39 children)

Sundaeswap said the concurrency "issue" has been solved.

[–]IceSoul86Slava Ukraini! 68 points69 points  (10 children)


[–]GroundbreakingLack78Platinum | QC: CC 1416 5 points6 points  (0 children)

That reminds me of when will be VeChain listed on Coinbase. Next Thursday.

[–]DrinkAPotOfCovfefeTin 7 points8 points  (2 children)

Came here for the comments

[–]Bear44593 / 3 🦠 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Incorrect, there's NFT marketplaces live. https://adapix.io/ https://www.jpg.store/

[–]The_Lean_PeanTin | 6 months old | SOL critic 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Relax. Everything in crypto is expected to happen so fast. Cardano has always been a slow moving project.

[–]oparedditsTin 12 points13 points  (3 children)

This thread comfirmed it: I should buy more ADA

[–]horsefacE_Ethel849 / 849 🦑 29 points30 points  (8 children)

Hmmm, ADA is a thing that a lot of people here seems to be passionate about. It sure generates a lot of words.

[–]hippotankTin 21 points22 points  (2 children)

ADA bing ADA boom

[–]CoolStoryJamesTin 8 points9 points  (0 children)

wait. you mean you don't gather your friends on a weekly basis to circlejerk about something that you have absolutely no involvement in? me neither!

[–]Sabotor_musicPlatinum | QC: CC 78, ALGO 22 15 points16 points  (6 children)

Ergodex is live but it’s on the Ergo blockchain mate, hence the name.

That said, Cardano implementation is in the works and was said to be not far away (maybe another week at this point?) but I haven’t had time to follow up on this recently

[–]FidgetyRat0 / 27K 🦠 6 points7 points  (3 children)

That’s my understanding. The benefit here is that it’s the only working eUxTo dex in existence and simply needs a port to Cardano which was originally estimated at a whopping 3 weeks. That should be next week but I can’t find an update since last weeks info.

[–]Sabotor_musicPlatinum | QC: CC 78, ALGO 22 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Yes exactly. The fact there was almost complete silence in this sub about it being the only working eXuTo dex and the first of its kind is also pretty crazy.

Wouldn’t be surprised if ergodex has it completely up and running for Ada soon enough, really interesting times ahead though

[–]kim_bong_un2 / 2K 🦠 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Ergo has been flying under the radar crazy. Those who have invested in the platform will be handsomely rewarded once the ball starts rolling faster.

[–]Rusty_Charm0 / 4K 🦠 99 points100 points  (39 children)

Didn’t Charles tell us all 6 months ago that by now there’d be “thousands of dApps”? Yep, he definitely tweeted that. The guy is the king of overpromise and underdeliver.

[–]jdickstein4K / 4K 🐢 96 points97 points  (9 children)

Didn’t Vitalik say Eth 2.0 was just around the corner in 2018?

[–]xenoph1K / 1K 🐢 26 points27 points  (1 child)

It's a far away corner

[–]Sev3n 6 points7 points  (0 children)

A corner in Montana.

[–]frank__costello22 / 47K 🦐 47 points48 points  (3 children)

In June 2020, he said there would be thousands of apps in the next year

18 months later, and 0 apps

[–]austynross1 / 6K 🦠 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Hey man, we still got a month left

[–]A4_Ts0 / 0 🦠 20 points21 points  (3 children)

Look at my post history, I’ve tried to implement Cardano into my iOS app but long story short you can’t at the moment. I’ve decided to come back in a year. The tooling for Cardano needs to mature

[–]sixxman6Bronze | QC: CC 25 | ADA 16 55 points56 points  (10 children)

Some of you are so obsessed with sh*tting on projects that you don’t have bags and it gets pretty old. News of the day “Cardano has shortcomings just like every other crypto project currently.”

We all love to clown on Charles Hoskinson for making the bold claim that 1000s of dapps would be running on Cardano by now, but are we gonna ignore Vitalik saying “any crypto that has expensive fees has failed as a currency? Solana’s blockchain collapses and briefly freezes billions of dollars in assets and the founder says that it doesn’t really matter?

Pretty much every crypto in existence is still premature and half baked in some way. What do you expect from an industry that didn’t even exist until 11 years ago?

Seems to me we’re still early on everything and no one knows how this will play out in 10 years. When I got into crypto in 2017 it was new, exciting, and just awesome to be a part of this sort of secret community of people, but in 2021 it’s turned into toxic tribalistic sludge that plagued everything else good in life that’s ruined by greed and selfishness

[–]daxdox53 / 53 🦐 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Lol everyone who bought a year ago and more, holds stil. Who bought this year whines like a bitch. 90% cardano hodlers are up massively and stil hodling. Wishing for cardano to drop more to buy more.

[–]RelatumOneTin 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Concurrency is not a problem, every serious Cardano project has an custom approach. At the moment there are three major fronts for progress...


Transaction size and block size are presently set quite low, these are being incrementally increased.

Plutus (essentially a functional dsl for blockchain) is running Alonzo with formal correctness, but now needs to undergo optimization.

There is a delay between now and Cardano premiere layer 2 solution (hydra).

Plutus Application Backend:

IOHK is doing steady releases on this, and dapp developers are learning and integrating it as this occurs. It's not finished yet, but getting there.

Wallets with dapp integration:

One wallet is already capable, but it's relatively new. Around 6 strong wallet teams in the ecosystem are working on it. IOHK and EMURGO, but also other ecosystem wallets.

It might surprise you that this is actually according to the original plan. Although maybe the ecosystem did not factor this in appropriately, the Basho Era outlined on Cardano.org is for optimization and scaling, and that's where we're at now. There are dapps, but there won't be an eth-scale dapp ecosystem until we take a few paces down the path of Basho.

[–]iamusuallyright007Tin 5 points6 points  (0 children)

TLDR... Bullish on Cardano

[–]i_kant_spalTin 5 points6 points  (0 children)

There are smart contracts already running on Cardano. But the Plutus Application Backend has not been released yet.

Regarding concurrency, it's never been a problem. It just requires a new way of thinking about developing apps, a new development paradigm, in other words.

[–]RequirementLegal9356Bronze | ADA 32 78 points79 points  (22 children)

I feel like everyone is forgetting that cardanos goal is to be the backbone of nations, banks and finacial tooling. For those cases you have to be bulletproof and guarantee security. How much $$ was stolen on eth in total, 500 million? No nation would go that way just because solidity is not secure enough out of the box. Therefore --> haskell which is aready used mainly in back ends of banks.

Eth, sol and all the other chains are here for Entertainment, games and yes for now dexes until they get regulated. Cardano is prepared for those regulations...its not so hard to grasp guys. They are building on another level. Blockchain will be more than NFTs and games- IOG is targeting these cases

[–]silverlightwaTin 26 points27 points  (2 children)

I mean algorand gives pretty darn good mathematically proven guarantees too.

[–]RequirementLegal9356Bronze | ADA 32 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Thats why I am holding ALGO as well 😁

[–]DiateryPlatinum | QC: CC 536 | Technology 14 157 points158 points  (98 children)

They have to peer review the peer reviewed documentation before their peers can peer at the dapps

Euxto is a disaster is whats up. Minswap shamed off testnet. Three damage control blogs. Six Hoskinson videos about how this is normal and despite 3 years of "thousands of developers working behind the scenes" the Sundaeswap team basically blogged that they have to launch with their own centralized sidechain or cardano has user lock issues and runs at 0.6 TPS

ADA bag holders refuse to believe he lied to them. Its weird. The proof is there

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (4 children)

This guy obv nails coffins

[–]tomhorekBronze | QC: CC 15 | WSB 8 44 points45 points  (4 children)

it took 2 years for eth, so 11 weeks is still reasonable for now

[–]cto_juveinvalid string or character detected 88 points89 points  (53 children)

Sundaeswap is imminent. They are definitely doing things properly. It seems the downside with complete decentralization is people’s lack of patience.

[–]Chazmer87Silver | QC: CC 483 | ADA 36 | Politics 52 5 points6 points  (18 children)

Does anyone in here know what's ACTUALLY caused the delay in apps? Everyone in here is joking about haskell but there's got to be a reason.

[–]Woeffie1980883 / 884 🦑 5 points6 points  (3 children)

I hear you. This is what happens when you stick ur neck out and/or dare to say what no-one wants to hear. You’ll be ‘cancelled’ by all the good-doers. Have had that myself a couple of times!

[–]Declan831K / 1K 🐢 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I’m really hoping that all this cardano bashing can get ADA under $1 so I can fill my bags

[–]EmilyfakedCancERyahoTin 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Technically false. Several dApps have alrdy launched before the plutus backend library release, f.e. Spacebudz.

[–]Equal_Jacket1440Platinum | 3 months old | QC: CC 61 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Cardano is as bad as Charles it's creator

[–]Ma5hEdTin 7 points8 points  (3 children)

Buy the rumour, sell the news

[–]Mrramirez44 23 points24 points  (8 children)

I hate to say it but I dumped my Cardano bag.