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[–]SeanO54The Champ Is Here! 530 points531 points  (42 children)

Cool video and idea. Now give Shida a good story and we’ll be cooking.

[–]TheeAJPowellThe Ace of /r/squaredcircle 78 points79 points  (7 children)

Give the women’s division in general something and we’ll be cooking. This was a really well done video, nicely shot and a good idea, but it won’t mean anything if they’re still gonna have the women’s division on a back burner.

[–]Former_Intern_8271 28 points29 points  (6 children)

I actually can't remember the last time we saw an in ring women's promo.

[–]annoyinglycleverAnxious Millennial Cowboy 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Rosa and Serena had a few terrible promo battles in front of the audience last year and that kinda killed it for the whole women’s division

[–]Former_Intern_8271 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Serena's delivery was very rusty, but the content was actually really good, they could have built a good storyline with Serena's motivation being her past, having to push through the Diva era BS... But they wasted it on a 2 week build.

Thing is, how are the women supposed to get better? Jack Perry had years of promos and has slowly improved over that time, yet when it's the women it's "that didn't work first time so ... Never again"

[–]Jon-67- 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Jack Perrys promos are still awful

[–]Colson317 4 points5 points  (0 children)

the last one I recall is when Tay(?) Valkyrie was shooting after her match in the ring on Jade Cargill

[–]Froggyspirits 7 points8 points  (1 child)

The latest one was Kris Statlander's in-ring promo on September 30th Collision.

[–]Former_Intern_8271 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Oh yeah that was pretty good, a whole month and no promos though, yikes

[–]jedidotflow 642 points643 points  (27 children)

She in racial chat rooms showing feet!!!

[–]SashaIsMySpiritAnima 94 points95 points  (3 children)

Shouts out to wikifeet, shouts out to Tony

[–]oni_Tensa 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Anybody got the Brandi Rhodes feet pics to send him

[–]SashaIsMySpiritAnima 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I sent it to him but he’s too busy working on his deck to respond

[–]Distinct-Temp6557 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's really gonna tie the yard together.

[–]TheBronxIsChafing 57 points58 points  (0 children)

I still quote that because even with context it's fucking hilarious

[–]feenixrising1DAY ONE ISH! 28 points29 points  (1 child)

A top 5 Nore quote 😂

[–]AntiCommieBondBRINGING THE LEMON INSIDE YOU 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]yulian182 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Ey yo wtf

[–]PaRaDiiSeNakamura Shinsukeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It’s a fact

[–]Prophet6000C'mon Rainmaker! 22 points23 points  (0 children)

That tweet had me crying for like 10 mins for how crazy it is.

[–]PM_ME_THEM_UPTOPScero miedo = dab 7 points8 points  (2 children)

The Brand is still strong af

[–]Expensive-Hearing-86 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The brand is forever brolic. Just need young hot take and the plaintain supernova to reunite.

[–]CanaDoug420 28 points29 points  (8 children)

What? That’s crazy. Like what even are those chat rooms? Like on what site specifically…

/s unless…

Added: you guys are no fun

[–]TropicalVision 69 points70 points  (7 children)

You don’t know about this?

Went huge on the internet like 4-5 years ago. She was in chat rooms with like 15 red pill white guys talking crazy. She was talking about hating being mixed race.

[–]NGNSteveTheSamurai 93 points94 points  (2 children)

She was walking around wearing a Sam Hyde shirt a couple weeks ago. So it’s not even a phase she went through. It’s still happening.

[–]lionghoulmanBAD ASS BILLY AR-15 28 points29 points  (1 child)

that’s the ghost of kyiv, show some respect.

[–]CanaDoug420 8 points9 points  (3 children)

I have only ever heard of Doja cat in terms of hearing a popular song and someone telling me it’s a Doja cat song. That and she had a weird music video of her in a cow bikini. Other than that I don’t follow her career at all.

[–]cinematic_is_horsespow pow pow! 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Bitch I'm a Cow! I liked her more when she did goofy shit like that. Before it became clear she was chronically online

[–]SomeGuy_GRM 2 points3 points  (1 child)

That video didn't make it clear? That's what I liked about her. And until reading this thread that video was literally all I knew about her.

[–]cinematic_is_horsespow pow pow! 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I guess I meant chronically online in chud spaces lol, not dorky online humor

[–]TheWTFreakYOU DON'T NEED THAT DAMN THING ANYMORE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but it's racial."

[–]Heatedbread 110 points111 points  (7 children)

How are people coming to the conclusion that a promo video with Doja Cat will lead to better booking for the women’s division?

[–]---Pockets--- 29 points30 points  (0 children)

It won't, this is what they get instead of more tv time.

[–]rickyfrom97 23 points24 points  (3 children)

I think they’re coming to that conclusion because Doja is one of the biggest pop stars at the moment so Tony definitely paid big bucks so it should lead to better booking somehow. But people forget Tony is a money mark who will literally blow money on anything

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Anything except for writers.

[–]Ich_LiegenI was 17 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Tony is a money mark who will literally blow money on anything

Just like me when I play PWS.

Yes, I'm bringing CM Punk back to WWE. Yes, I'm paying him 2 million a month. No, I don't care that he's toxic, it should lead to better booking in the men's division.

[–]abruno37 8 points9 points  (0 children)

she also hasn’t been seen in the best light lately, even by her own fans. Her wearing a shirt of a man with ties to neo nazism isn’t the best look - having that person promo your struggling women’s division - another bad look

[–]theMAJdragon 180 points181 points  (12 children)

Literally give them one live promo on Dynamite. Or idk maybe open one show?

The division can’t just be the title holders defending their title while everyone else is left making saves for post-match beat downs.

AEW has literally been my favorite thing to watch on TV for the past 4 years but goddamn Tony, figure this out man.

[–]stevecollins1988 37 points38 points  (3 children)

Yeah I'm a big AEW fan and this simplistic very little story booking is growing tiresome. Like they will do something interesting in spots here and there but its all very stop start and things seem to get going and then go nowhere.

He should just hand the tv time and book over to someone else at this point, Kenny or Will Washington or someone. They probably should have jumped on signing Finlay in the window when he was released and rehired.

[–]PilotSSBMizGOAT 12 points13 points  (2 children)

The bit that drives me mad is, when they do hit with an angle and the women's division gets something good going, it'll draw, it gets over, yet they just banish them from telly the second they're done with that angle and the women who were getting over cool the fuck off because its impossible for them to book more than one women's match a show.

[–]Former_Intern_8271 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This is so bang on, the women have to fight against all the limitations put on them to get over and when they do there's no follow up because they have to wait for their next slot in the 15 minutes per show they get, by which time the storyline or angle that got over happened 3 weeks ago and has gone cold.

Meanwhile in the mens division the Hardys are still getting primetime

People will point to Athena "stop pretending ROH doesn't exist"... How come every ROH champ gets featured on AEW TV (half of them don't even show up for ROH at all) yet I've never seen Athena on AEW with the ROH belt?

[–]stevecollins1988 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They could have gone to much further with The Outcasts. Its dead now because Toni Storm has come up with something that is over....but they could have gone much further with it.

If they did it right they should/could have got The Stadium Stampede spot at All In or a Blood and Guts match.

[–]ackinsocraycrayHEY GO FUCK YOURSELF. GET THAT GUY OUTTA HERE. PIECE OF SHIT. 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Same. The biggest thing I want AEW to do right with is their women's division. I feel like they could give their women time but also don't want to risk a drop in the ratings. And yet there's enough room for TV squash matches with ROH talent or local wrestlers.

I don't watch NXT but I read how much they showcase the women with interviews, promos and matches and it eventually paid off for them for having a women-focused show recently.

[–]annoyinglycleverAnxious Millennial Cowboy 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Have Statlander do weekly open challenges for the tbs title on Dynamite like Cody used to with the tnt title. Do that PLUS another women’s segment somewhere else in the show. Not all jammed together where it feels like the women are a sideshow

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I mean who though? Neither of their champions can promo, or really even have defined characters. And they've been here the whole time! Hell, maybe 3 women in the whole division are even decent on the mic live. Britt, Ruby...maybe like Nyla if they give her a shot? It's why Britt held the division for so long, she's the only one who can actually deliver a half decent promo live.

[–]TheTrueDetective90 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Only way to improve is to get reps Jungle Boy sucks on the mic and so does Nick Wayne, both have had more promo time this year than even Britt Baker.

[–]FailedMasonryAttempt 263 points264 points  (50 children)

Torn between my love for the AEW women and my loathing of Doja Cat

[–]LTS55The Great Britt Baker Off 36 points37 points  (42 children)

Why do you loath Doja Cat?

[–]Hype_Magnet 227 points228 points  (27 children)

Edgelord dweeb wearing Sam Hyde tee shirt. She also used to join chatrooms with “neo nazi’s” and just hang out. She’s mad weird lol

[–]ItIsMillerTyme 54 points55 points  (4 children)

She also tried to slide into a 17 year old's DMs that one time and got called out for it

[–]TheStripedSweaters 41 points42 points  (0 children)

If this is the Noah Schnapp story, I just want to clear up that she wasn’t sliding into his DM to hit on him. She messaged him because she thought his 29 year old co star was hot and wanted to know if he was single lmao. I still wouldn’t have done it but it’s not her trying to get with a teenager lol

[–]AscendedAncient 11 points12 points  (4 children)

And she's an official DLC for a porn game.

[–]the_champ_has_a_name 7 points8 points  (0 children)

wait. what?

[–]JobTrunicht 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That game used to be big on YouTube & Twitch

[–]SPZ_Ireland 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Alright... Context please

[–]Kerda 43 points44 points  (5 children)

This is a large part of why I think she's a fascinating figure. I remember when she first broke and thinking that there had never been a more overtly Chan-coded mainstream celebrity. Her entire aesthetic/sense of humor/frame of cultural reference is /b/tard/weird Twitter/extremely online in a way that's never really happened before.

As such, there's something hilarious to me about the first mainstream celebrity to be birthed from the culture of /pol/ and Gamergate and The Donald being a young woman of black and Jewish ethnicity. It's a beautiful illustration of how fluid and chaotic "culture" is as a concept, and how ideas of ownership dissolve the moment they leave the realm of the rhetorical.

None of this is to say that her flirting with alt-right figures and language is cool or excusable, but I guess I look at the question of whether she's moral as largely unrelated to whether she's compelling.

[–]chargebeamYAKUZASHIDA 8 points9 points  (7 children)

Holy shit. I've been enjoying her music since Say So and I had NO idea about all of this.

[–]FrankGibsonIV 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Check out Fiona Coyne by Skylar Spence, a song that came out quite awhile before Say So. You may notice some similarities! Also Say So was produced by Dr. Luke, who is a notorious piece of shit.

[–]successadultLet's Cheat! 24 points25 points  (3 children)

Celebrities, like wrestlers, are people. The less I know about them, the more I tend to like them.

[–]PutsPaintOnTheGround 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I don't what tell you man, some celebrities are just fuckin stupid

[–]chargebeamYAKUZASHIDA 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That's why I don't care about knowing anything more than their music.

[–]Hype_Magnet -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Say So is a fuckin banger though and she was less problematic back then lol

[–]AeshoPoo 24 points25 points  (5 children)

The whole wearing a shirt of a neo-nazi a couple weeks ago. The chat room shit as well.

[–]Gubrach 14 points15 points  (0 children)

White supremacist + /b/-tard in the body of a black woman. I don't respect that.

[–]InvaderXLaw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I do hate her, I like her vibe. She's just...weird is the best way to put. Defiantly has "Edgelord" mentality

[–]Biggs1974 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Hopefully,she stops wearing shirts promoting White supremacists.

[–]royalrubble 79 points80 points  (5 children)

I love this type of shit. I always wish wrestling would make more use of pop music, not to have like, famous artists wrestling on the show, but literally to do collabs and produce cool promotional content. So much more effective than the generic butt rock promo videos they normally do.

[–]IAMA_MAGIC_8BALL_AMABecky With The Good Flair 21 points22 points  (4 children)

I really wish they’d get back to having actual artists create some of the wrestlers theme songs, as opposed to everything being in-house

It’s a reason Cody, Punk, Jericho, Bray, and Edge’s get a higher level of respect amongst the fans

Edit: To give a brief explanation to the why — the in-house producers make music as their job. The actual artists do it because it’s their passion. One’s gonna be better than the other just off rip.

At the same time, instrumentals don’t always work. Your presence has to be able to speak for you if there’s no words saying anything and unfortunately some wrestlers are just people in their underwear.

[–]Splendid_Eggplant 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Don't forget Mark Henry! Possibly the best part of his whole appearance on screen

[–]thecolbster94No Dr.Pepper Flair :( 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Rey still comes out to POD ffs

[–]whippetsinthewhipbooby lashley stan 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Triple h had the best set up with all the Motörhead themes

[–]axl_doesnt_care420 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Damn, didn't know they liked NeoNazi sympathizers

[–]MUNIIIZOOO 27 points28 points  (3 children)

Flair last week and Doja cat this week. SMFH.

[–]rickyfrom97 9 points10 points  (2 children)

And Hogan coming soon (according to rumors)

[–]ZemaRyan 3 points4 points  (1 child)

GOD NO! Please, God, NO!

[–]rickyfrom97 4 points5 points  (0 children)

He’s gonna BROTHER his way to the AEW Championship

[–]gilgobeachslayer 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Wasn’t she wearing a t-shirt with a white supremacist on it recently

[–]ZodiacWalrusDirector of Authority 6 points7 points  (0 children)

All the women look badass af here, and better yet it feels like the kinda video they'd produce to make a point of giving the women's division a fresh start. Well, either that or they just wanted to show off that they got Doja Cat's lawyers to agree to a social media collab and the video producers popped off and made something above the assignment. We'll see.

[–]godownasloversYour Text Here 92 points93 points  (0 children)

cool video, still forever fuck doja cat

[–]Samot_PCWSit Down Nigel! 8 points9 points  (0 children)

If you saw this video and knew nothing about AEW you would think they give a shit about their women's division

[–]J_NewCastle 112 points113 points  (16 children)

Using the 4chan edgelord Doja Cat who was literally seen wearing Sam Hyde merch like two weeks ago. Lets see how this plays out lol

[–]CohesiveMocha34 41 points42 points  (5 children)

The common median between Doja Cat followers and Wrestling enjoyers is probably pretty small and I doubt that this will cause any drama tbh

[–]Bosscharacter 14 points15 points  (0 children)

It's primarily women and Sean Ross Sapp(seriously.)

[–]Apostinggod -2 points-1 points  (2 children)

Exactly. I don't even know who doja Kat is

[–]CanaDoug420 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I know the music and some of it is catchy but I don’t pay attention to anything she’s done outside of hearing her songs so this thread is the first I’m hearing of her nonsense

[–]stevecollins1988 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I've heard the name but couldn't pick her out of a line up or tell you any songs.

Only reason I'd remember this song 5 minutes later is the Walk On By sample.

[–]RiverforasongBBA: Ban Bryan Alvarez 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It's okay, she showed Tony some texts. Forgiven!

[–]_Wado3000Blade Run Ibushi On Sight 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Pretty much 95% of chicks on socials play Doja Cat songs over their videos. Yes she’s spliced everywhere in this video but I highly doubt this gets cancelled or anything

[–]t0ny510CROWNS UP 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Damn, now that he snuck Ric Flair in all bets are off!

[–]BOOMphrasingBOOM 3 points4 points  (4 children)

... don't wear Sam Hyde merch

[–]americangame 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Sam Hyde shouldn't have merch in the first place.

[–]sasksasquatchPays for his protein powder 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Who or what is Sam Hyde, and should I Google it?

[–]Ukblueberry 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Britt Baker did the devil horns on her head. Britt confirmed to be behind the devil mask lol

[–]StillNoPickleesss 32 points33 points  (1 child)

Doja Cat can fuck all the way off

[–]bdfull3r 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It is actually a fantastic little promo. Too bad anyone turning into AEW programming will need about a month to see each of these women get featured in the weekly 10 minute dead quarter slot

[–]Rich1926 7 points8 points  (13 children)

Who is doja cat and why do the comments hate her??

[–]Antbanks75 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I love that song

[–]RobHazard 17 points18 points  (0 children)

this actually goes fucking mad hard, all the ladies ATE.

[–]fergoshsakes 19 points20 points  (2 children)

This was both very good, and feels very intentional. Also, not cheap.

The women's division has generally felt aimless since All In (injuries a bigger contributor, but many of them seem poised to return inside the next 3 months), but the "paint by numbers" aspect of it almost feels like an intentional placeholder.

Maybe there has been a "special project" going on behind the scenes on the creative front? I guess we'll see.

[–]TheCoolIdeagenerator 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Fans said that Ruby Soho would be a game changer

They then said that Madison Rayne would boost the division

They then said that Toni Storm would be a game changer

They then said that Saraya would be a game changer

They then said that Athena could be a game changer

You have so many talented women, and the women I mentioned aren't bad at all they're amazing in what they do. Britt and Rosa's rivalry was amazing, but dear lord is TK bad at booking their division. It's like he's playing TEW2020 and he clicked autobooker. I'm not bagging at the women here, I'm bagging at TK for doing the absolute bare minimum for them. I hate making comparisons but from what I've seen from the Fed, there is actual structure and story over there. This is from a former fan here, my new darling is Deadlock.

Yes I've been turned off by AEW so much that I've switched to DEADLOCK, now my vocabulary consists of the Dildozzer, Skeewoah, Jizzy Glizzy, and Fucked Fucker.

[–]PurpleWeather78 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I’m blown away by the people rooting for Mercedes to sign with aew. She’d just be joining a long list of signees who promised to be the change the division needs only to have Tony Khan escort her to catering where she has to hope to be featured on the one women’s segment of the show.

[–]thefinkinthesink 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Good on everyone being showcased, but I certainly am sad Jamie couldn't be in this! And generally sad we haven't see Jamie in awhile in general! Hope she's back soon!

[–]DaveyMuldowney 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Anything but book the division well I guess

[–]Big_Bourbon 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Did all this to get 2 shit segments tonight

[–]Aromatic-Air3917 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Isn't Dojo Cat the one who hung around white supremacist's websites and posted support for a neo nazi this past month?

And she's half black.

I know wrestling is pretty right wing but I don't think AEW should be putting their junk into crazy

[–]MadEyeMood989 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Doja Cat, the 15 year old Incel in a woman’s body showing feet in neonazi chat rooms and dating a assaulter, that’s the way to get people hype for womens wrestling /s.

[–]theels6 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Fucking hate Doja Cat

[–]fuck_a_bigot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Isn’t she a Nazi?

[–]ImpenetrableYeti 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I really hope Britt and saraya are not coming back anytime soon

[–]Grievion 15 points16 points  (1 child)

How do you follow up a meltdown on Twitter? Have a self hating, racist chick promote your product shortly afterwards of course!

[–]RumsfeldIsntDead 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She ain't even promoting the show. They just paid her to use a song Tony likes in a promo.

[–]TarnishedAccount 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They put Nyla in tons of promo videos but rarely on tv.

[–]Barkingpanther 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I could have done with less Doja Cat and more wrestlers. The Bunny, Jamie Hayter, Anna Jay

[–]TheeIlliterati 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Why is this released a day after Halloween and not during it. Why is Danhausen promoted during the weeks leading up to Halloween but not appearing? These seem like slam dunks

[–]rickyfrom97 6 points7 points  (0 children)

TK and missing golden opportunities, name a better duo

[–]karllucasKing of Strong Style 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Doja Cat music goes hard though. Also this shit vital for modern social media, finger on the pulse. They ain't got Kid Rock or some other dead act attached to it. Production of the video is on point.

[–]oChristos96 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Funny seeing Nyla Rose in the video and she’s barely used lol

[–]Available_Share_7244 2 points3 points  (0 children)

THIS is what AEW needs. WWE started getting hot after involvement of Bad Bunny, Logan Paul , and Pat Mcafee. Young, current celebrities

[–]itsmekelsey_x 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It’s a cool video but it sucks that they will put way more effort in something like this than actually booking the division better.

[–]GrimWhisperss 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Doja Cat is a wild example of how batshit the world is. Somehow parlayed "Bitch I'm a Cow" into a mainstream music career.

[–]Thirdstar1 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Pretty cool

[–]genkais_hat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The girls are eating this up 🔥 Love Britt screeching down the hall lol

[–]blacksoxing 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This is going to be re-broadcast on Dynamite with a 60 second match.

The usual 3 mins dedicated to the division.

[–]Tofu_almond_man 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My daughters know who this is, so know who she is by default lol. I guess she's pretty popular

[–]Ancient-Bathroom7632 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I love Doja Cat, I love AEW, so I love this.

[–]MuseMujave -1 points0 points  (3 children)

Probably the only effort tony’s ever put into his women’s division lol loved the video. I just wish the effort put into the actually division on his shows matched the effort put into this video

[–]ANAL_CAVITIESLife Is Worth Living -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

AEW women's divisor and Doja Cat? Gotta put the hasmat suit on before reading anything about this lmao

Cool ass video though. (Hopefully) throw in Mariah May and an eventually healthy Mercedes and you really got a stew going

[–]OllyOllyOxenBitch 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not the kind of reaction I was expecting to see here, but I thought this was pretty fucking cool to see.

Reservations on Doja Cat aside, it's good to see some shine on the women's division - just needs more momentum with the booking.

[–]Tophatproductions69 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is doja cat even good?

[–]c0nna_ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

That was quite well made and looks to be pretty expensive! Hopefully, they will start giving the ladies some more time/stories. I can't wait for Hayter to return and the seemingly inevitable Mercedes Mone debut.

[–]Abyssalstar 1 point2 points  (0 children)

WWE: We got popular a-hole Logan Paul.

AEW: Hold my beer.

[–]Jaded_Vast400 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Doja Cat = backlash? Man, am I glad the people that tend the events are critically online like the IWC.

She just recently performed for the MTV VMAs. AEW will be fine.

[–]ok_dunmer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

[TRICK] I said what I said

[–]SuplewichYou laugh. I'm fucking rich. 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Need 2018 Doja Cat back.

[–]RumsfeldIsntDead 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This post title made it sound like she was involved. It looks like they just bought her music to use, or am I confused?

[–]Marc_QuillAll Elite Wredditing 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Britt Baker doing devil horns when the song goes “she’s a devil”, and people have been speculating that she might be the Devil Mask figure…

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child)

who's the first woman? In the straitjacket

[–]T_Money92014 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ruby Soho?

[–]Secret-Lullaby 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Scarlett is a great album, my favorite song is Can't Wait, hope more people check out Doja Cat!

[–]ElfYamadaFairyQueenYour Text Here 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sam Hyde going to challenge Hasan in AEW now

[–]bomberman12Rob Van Dam -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

At this rate, TK will have Cornette on tv too probably.

[–]stevecollins1988 -4 points-3 points  (4 children)

That was pretty cool.

Womens tag belts the announcement tonight I wonder?

[–]blizzard-op 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Tag titles would be a horrible idea honestly. He doesn’t have the roster size to support a women’s tag division and two separate singles titles at once. Plus he barely cares about the women’s division as is. That would just be another title and subsection of the division he underuses

[–]DaddySaidSell 3 points4 points  (0 children)

No more fucking belts.

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I heard she doesn’t want to work with black wrestlers and only white wrestlers

[–]666lonewolf[🍰] -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Dope video

[–]pizzalover89 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

shida and willow are so fine