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Most Requested Stories

2023 Suggestion Request Index

Looking for 3 stories Looking for 3 stories
  1. This single part story is fairly recent (several months old) about OP being in some type of organization that caught a mimic/doppelganger that impersonated him for a while. During the story it's revealed that OP is terrible to his wife and at the end of the story, the wife sneaks into the lab to release the creature to escape together.

  2. A single part story where OP and her coworkers find a cursed tape and are one by one sucked through their TV screens by a "man", and they end up in a Backrooms type area with no escape and are slowly being hunted.

  3. Another single part story, this one is much older (I'd say around 2019ish) where OP is being stalked by this supernatural entity that slowly turns his neighbors into smiling creatures. At the end this entity ends up taking OP's wife.

Help would be appreciated!

Skinwalker or mimc-type story about a next door neighbor Skinwalker or mimc-type story about a next door neighbor

I may be confusing two stories, but I believe this is the plot: a man’s old high school friend or girlfriend moves in next door. He’s been trying to email her for years but she never responds. He tries to talk to her but she says he’s got the wrong person. At one point he snoops through her mail to find her name but she spots him and jokingly threatens to file a police report. At the very end, he finds a newspaper obituary for his friend, stating she died in a car accident. Confused, he sneaks into her house and the girl reveals herself to be some sort of creature disguised as a human. The story ends with him being eaten by the creature. The story was narrated on the NoSleep podcast. If anyone knows it, it’d be much appreciated!

Two stories that I can’t find Two stories that I can’t find

Hey all, i’ve had two stories that i’m trying to remember the titles of, but so far have found nothing on, so i’m curious if anyone else remembers these:

  1. A story where a woman is at a friend’s party and talks to a sad-looking guy on a couch, who takes pity on her and spares her from the rest of the party being taken by some kind of cosmic entity/event. I remember everyone chanting something in unison but don’t remember exact wording.

  2. A story that seemed to be the start of a series about a husband and wife ghost hunting/exorcist duo? The story I read had them helping banish some kind of succubus spirit from an old man’s grave or something. If I remember right, the husband was revealed to have been a spirit the whole time, and the woman at some point had a conversation with her patron deity.

Any help would be appreciated!

Story about static being in the woods Story about static being in the woods

A few years ago there was an incredible multi-part nosleep series about a woman who decides to go investigating a certain phenomena. She once had an otherworldly experience with seeing a humanoid being that appeared to be made of tv static in a certain woods. She becomes obsessed with the experience and begins to research it, coming across an obscure community of like-minded persons online.

She communucates with one guy in particular, and decides to partner up with him and his associates who are ostensibly going on a journey to another world/dimension. According to him there's a specific way to access this place that involves driving to a stop sign, then turning left, then right, then left, then right... over and over and over again. Along the way some creepy woman shows up, and this is a signal you're headed in the right direction.

Eventually they reach the "other" place, where everything is weird and wild and deadly, end up losing most of their companions to various deadly environmental obstacles unique to the other world. The journey is LOOONG and gradually descends further into chaos, until the main character is left by herself, stranded, in the woods in this other place, badly injured, with no supplies or way to defend herself.

I don't want to write the twist ending here bc it's one of the best parts of the story, but I think I've managed to piece together enough for someone to recognize it.

Please comment if you know the name of this story!! It was one of the best-written pieces I've ever read on nosleep and haven't been able to find it again.

Suggest me stories with public transport setting Suggest me stories with public transport setting
Suggestion Request

Taking a public transport (commuter, intercity train, bus, etc) to nowhere is one of my source of joy. Recently, I moved out from the capital to a smaller city with no access to public transport at all. So it's kinda make me feel sad and empty.

I need a story that makes me think, "Nah, I'm not going to take the bus ever again," so I can enjoy what this city had rn lol.

Thank you in advance!

possessed dog story possessed dog story

i need help finding a story i cant seem to find anywhere, believe it was a mexican story if not then a mexican family but if i remember correctly they small dog goes missing for abit and then comes back ok some time later, the family notices strange happening mainly at night concerning the dog and one night the dad wakes up hearing voices in out of his home, grabs his shotgun and creeps outside to find the dog performing a ritual of sorts, chanting on standing on its back legs, the dad shots it killing it and either buries or burns the body, the story makes me hair stand just thinking about it, was tryna find the story for one of my friends cuz they sent me a video that reminded me of the story, i thank in advance to any help i may get.

Story on grandma's curses a bullying teacher Story on grandma's curses a bullying teacher

I forgot the title but the summary is a student was being bullied in class, and the teacher casually joins in the bullying. When the grandmother knew about what happened, she "curses" the teacher to get sick, and the last curse was get into an accident iirc.

then the plot twist is the grandma doesn't have any powers, but the "creatures" around them who listened did the curse.


Trying to find a story I read a long time ago Trying to find a story I read a long time ago

Looking for a story that was one of the first spooky stories I read on reddit, I believe it was a nosleep story but I'm not 100% certain, if it isn't one I'm not sure where else it would be.

I have a recollection of the name being something along the lines of "Eidolon" but I can't seem to find anything of the like when I search.

Basic premise of the story that I remember followed a character, as events lead to the entire town that they were living in dissolving into dust/ash, as they were trying to escape it, and afterwards there was no sign of the towns existence, apart from the main character.

If anyone finds this I would be so damn happy, I've been trying to find it again for so long now

I think they're stuck in space I think they're stuck in space

I have no idea how to explain this, because I only remember the fact that I really liked it. But, I think there are 4 people stuck in space or somewhere else, i can't recall. I could be wrong about this detail but I think there's a huge window they can't see out of because it's so dark.

It seems they get restless and want to step outside. Some of the characters do, I can't recall if they die or just go crazy.

I hate I can't remember specifics, but it was a really good story and I hope someone knows what I'm talking about. I don't remember anything close to the title either so I wouldn't know if it's been deleted.

Group of friends investigate haunted sites, but one of them made a deal for them to find actual ghosts to get famous, but it goes wrong Group of friends investigate haunted sites, but one of them made a deal for them to find actual ghosts to get famous, but it goes wrong

I was super into this series its quite long and i cant find it anymore but this group of friends videotape their close encounters with haunted sites like a haunted house and even an old war memorial but it goes wrong when they are forced to keep exploring but it puts them closer and closer to peril. They eventually get picked off and there is a follow on series where one of them works for the devil in hell in the hope of freeing the souls of her friends. Would appreciate if someone could help me locate this one.

OP's friend comes over after encountering something, his face rearranges, OP has to stay calm to not die OP's friend comes over after encountering something, his face rearranges, OP has to stay calm to not die

OP is visited by a friend who comes over unannounced, very shaken, and immediately grabs a beer. Tells OP he encountered something I believe while out hunting, and tells OP he needs to not react (I could be wrong about this part, it gets blurry here). Eventually, the friend is taken over by the entity and his face sort of rearranges itself. OP has to try his best to ignore it. Very tense and spooky.

The title may be something like "The Look-About" but I could be wrong. I believe it was posted within two years.

This is driving me absolutely insane.

Group of boys find hidden tunnels Group of boys find hidden tunnels

I'm trying to find a series that may have been posted between 2011-2015 about a group of boys finding tunnels underground in the woods. It eventually is revealed that one of the boy's families is behind it all (whatever sinister thing was happening in the tunnels, I can't recall, but I think there's a secret entrance to the tunnels in the kids house and they find it and figure out last minute that his family is in on it). I want to say the user name was something about waffles or pancakes. This is all I can remember at the moment... Maybe they see a ritual of some sort in the tunnels? I think something about moving a cabinet that was blocking something... It's very spotty.

LF: Stories which only work thanks to the reddit format LF: Stories which only work thanks to the reddit format
Suggestion Request

What the title say, basically.

The reason why I started reading nosleep is because I love that blurring of reality and fantasy that you can't find in traditional media. Stuff like I Dared My Best Friend To Ruin My Life (where the fact that it's published on reddit is key to the ending) and Corespondance (where people from comments and apparently unrelated stories are connected to, or become involved in, the main narrative.)

Recommend me the best works (or your favourite) in this genre, please!

Pls help me Pls help me

I'm trying to find this story and I've been searching for about a week now. It's about this student was an only child and their parents didn't care for them. They spoke with a counselor at their school about it and as time went on the school counselor made a plan to help the student out. The counselor took the student to live with them secretively and they pretended that the student was missing. I think months or maybe weeks went by and they found a body with the students school ID and everyone thought the student was gone. The counselor then let the student decide whether they wanted to go back home or leave the city. The student went home and the parents cared for them more then they ever have and the plan was successful. REDDIT PEOPLE PLEASE HELP MEEE I BEGGG.

trying to find a story about Christmases trying to find a story about Christmases

If I remember correctly, it was a delivery of some sort on Christmas, and there were certain rules the person had to follow to avoid getting killed. The story featured Santa Claus and some other characters, and the OP had to follow rules to ensure that Santa and the others didn't wake up or escape. It took place in a neighborhood, and I remember the OP mentioning that Santa was freakishly strong. However, the OP did something wrong, and now Santa Claus is running after him while the OP is in his car trying to escape.

Finding a story Finding a story

Hey y’all, figured I would turn to the pros to find this one -

I don’t remember a whole lot, but a couple key details I do remember are these - the main character is looking out a window and noticing the outside is different than it should be. I think it’s sepia colored outside, maybe an old playground. They climb out (maybe the window disappears after that?) and are exploring around when they notice a giant creature searching the area for them. They make it back through the portal somehow, and when they look back through, it’s normal again.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Looking for a story about an asian student in a supposedly haunted apartment complex Looking for a story about an asian student in a supposedly haunted apartment complex

Here's what I remember about the story: it's about a student who lives in an apartment thats not in the best part of town. I think theres some local folklore about some nearby factories or a graveyard or smth? In any case, there's a place with a bad stigma attached to it nearby that supposedly has a bad influence on the apartments.

The guy then hears banging from the flat above him and thinks its his neighbors being loud so he knocks on the ceiling whenever there is noise. The banging/knocking continues and for some reason he begins to think its a ghost? I think he even makes a connection to some local folklore and a ghost who does similar things. One day, something hits his window (I think; there is some reason why he looks outside at that exact moment) and he sees a creepy womans face outside.

The reader is supposed to think that this actually is a ghost, but at the very end the narrator reveals that this woman was a maid for the family upstairs who abused her and locked her in (the bangs/knocks were her trying to alert someone to her presence) until she got finally pushed out of the window and the student saw her falling.

If this rings any bells for you please let me know, I really wanna re-read that story!