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[–]Peanlocket 2377 points2378 points  (149 children)

She's playing Tannis? That's hilarious.

[–]EldridgeHorror 784 points785 points  (58 children)

Why? Because they have the same hairstyle?

[–]thereversecentaur 1034 points1035 points  (55 children)

She’s also a sarcastic bitch with a penchant for pansexuality

[–]Spocks_Goatee 551 points552 points  (36 children)

Jamie Lee Curtis loves video games.

[–]excel958 250 points251 points  (9 children)

I love Jamie Lee Curtis.

[–]King_Of_Regret 235 points236 points  (18 children)

I've heard multiple independent stories about her just showing up to local street fighter tournemants, playing a bunch of sets, and peacing out. She also snuck into the biggest tournament in the world, evo, dressed up as Vega. If anyone at all is a Real One, it's her.

[–]breakdownmedia 82 points83 points  (3 children)

She games and cosplays with her son too.

[–]mrmgl 16 points17 points  (2 children)

Henry Cavill, too.

[–]bless_ure_harte 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Vin Diesel loves DnD. He made The Last Witch Hunter based on a game he did

[–]Iamthedemoncat 132 points133 points  (14 children)

And has dated multiple inanimate objects.

[–]modix 132 points133 points  (13 children)

You're an inanimate fucking object!

[–][deleted] 297 points298 points  (7 children)

Tannis!??! Oh no

[–]highdefrex 394 points395 points  (6 children)

You’re gonna swallow Jamie Lee’s Activia and you’re gonna like it, god dammit.

[–]eddmario 356 points357 points  (67 children)

Okay, this is perfect casting right there.
Anybody who disagrees never saw Freaky Friday

[–]SuchAGoodLawyer 339 points340 points  (4 children)

That was Lindsay Lohan acting, she was just trapped inside Jaime Lee Curtis’ body. Surprised you didn’t get that, it was a pretty big plot point.

[–]toolschism 352 points353 points  (54 children)

I actually think she could pull off tannis.

People are getting all pissy about this casting but it's not even in the same spectrum of awful as casting a 4 foot tall comedian as fucking roland.

[–]injected11 268 points269 points  (40 children)

Who'd they cast? Kevin Hart?

EDIT: I just clicked the link.... the fuck...

[–]tomservo88 108 points109 points  (34 children)

Put him on an apple box, he’ll be fine.

Just tell us who’s playing Claptrap already, that’ll make or break the movie.

[–]unicornlocostacos 68 points69 points  (17 children)

Seems like the voice actor would be a decent pick considering.

[–]beepbobobeep 66 points67 points  (15 children)

Well the new voice actor they got for borderlands 3 didn’t fare very well with fans, but you are right

[–]Dr_Jre 23 points24 points  (14 children)

It was a different VA?

[–]IstandOnPaintedTape 69 points70 points  (8 children)

The former VA used to work on the game so he did the lines on the cheap. When he wanted more money (rightly so) CEO said no, and then some pushing and yelling happed.

[–]Dr_Jre 42 points43 points  (6 children)

What a dick that randy guy is.

[–]maniacleruler 22 points23 points  (3 children)

Yea, you really notice it if you’re fresh off of BL2. New guys doesn’t have that “umf”

[–]snappyk9 1849 points1850 points  (194 children)

I hope that they GET that this movie needs to be balls-to-the-walls fun.

Action, mayhem and silly dark comedy. This can be a really easy slam dunk but I am eternally afraid for VG movies.

[–]LostInStatic 1137 points1138 points  (116 children)

Kevin Hart is Roland so it can only be assumed they're getting Joe Pesci for Mordecai and James Corden for Brick

[–]Cryptoss 603 points604 points  (27 children)

Krieg will be played by Dakota Fanning

[–]PoeT8r 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I would pay good money to see that. I am certain she would turn in an epic performance. "POUNDS! OF! FLESH!"

[–][deleted] 64 points65 points  (16 children)

And christoph waltz as handsome jack

[–]Jacobsteelea 45 points46 points  (10 children)

Alan tudyk possibly?

[–]_Mechaloth_ 60 points61 points  (4 children)

I was thinking Glenn Howerton.

[–]Dr_Pepper_spray 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Alan Tudyk will be claptrap.

[–]122_Hours_Of_Fear 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Can Robert De Niro play bloodwing?

[–]ewanh19 101 points102 points  (14 children)

shit really, we get fuckin munchkin land roland?

the bar has been set.

[–]porkpie1028 169 points170 points  (13 children)

The only character Hart has any business being is Claptrap.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Face McShooty.

[–]northernirishlad 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Steven Segal for Wilhelm

[–]ThumYorky 45 points46 points  (21 children)

Edward Norton as Handsome Jack has been a dream of mine for years

[–]Kazmandodo 43 points44 points  (15 children)

Honestly I’d want either Jason Schwartzman or Sam Rockwell as Handsome Jack

[–]MrBigChest 386 points387 points  (19 children)

It needs to be a Fury Road ripoff but with crazy guns and monsters

[–]snappyk9 345 points346 points  (9 children)

Exactly what I was thinking. Like if Deadpool and Fury Road had a baby within a barrel of caustic explosives.


[–]SwarthyRuffian 137 points138 points  (5 children)

If they don’t resurrect Macho Man Randy Savage to play Mr. Torque, then you know this movie’s gonna be trash

[–]ThumYorky 30 points31 points  (2 children)

Honestly if this movie ends up terrible, I am retconning Fury Road as an official Borderlands film.

[–]JohnnyJayce 149 points150 points  (36 children)

This movie will be Monster Hunter level of bad. They are starting the story with 50 year old Lilith.

[–]OfficialGarwood 3125 points3126 points  (513 children)

The casting in this movie is so weird so far. Great big-name actors, but in roles I just can't see them in, with maybe the exception of Cate Blanchett, but I feel she's a little too old.

I just hope Eli understands what makes the games so unique and fun and tries to re-capture that feeling on the big-screen.

[–]JohnnyJayce 1663 points1664 points  (263 children)

Cate Blanchett

She is 25 years older than Lilith.

[–][deleted] 1781 points1782 points  (236 children)

True, but Ragnrock proves that she can still be hot as hell no matter her age

[–]CptNonsense 780 points781 points  (228 children)

But she isn't going to be confused with a 20 year old.

[–]Team_Braniel 1601 points1602 points  (154 children)

Wait holup.

Lilith is 20?

Lilith looks and talks like a suburban mom who murdered her abusive cheating husband and still managed to raise the kids and get them off to college on her own.

Maya? Sure, 20 something.

Lilith? Hell naw, she's been selling weed to the school board while running errands with Uturn.

[–]YouAhriTarded 459 points460 points  (117 children)

She's 27 according to BL2 promotional material


Couldn't find a high res pic, but it's in this video

[–][deleted] 698 points699 points  (107 children)

27 to gamers is like 90 to regular people.

[–]pikpikcarrotmon 478 points479 points  (101 children)

Cloud is 21 and supposed to be this elite mercenary with years of experience and a long storied history with Sephiroth, himself in his late 20s. Auron is 35 and is supposed to have done all that shit ages ago, and he's gone half grey like a man in his late 40s. By the time you're 50 in a video game you're probably dead, but if you survived, you look like fucking Gandalf.

[–]StunningEstates 65 points66 points  (9 children)

Auron is 35???? You could’ve told me that man was in his late 50’s and I would’ve believed you

[–]wolfully 200 points201 points  (42 children)

anime and gaming’s favorite protagonists? prepubescent 13-14 year olds that are also somehow adept, autonomous warriors

[–]pikpikcarrotmon 147 points148 points  (23 children)

They even wrote in new lore for the Zelda series that basically means Zelda is a goddess who gets reborn over and over, and eventually inherits the knowledge of her past lives, while Ganon is literally the same ancient evil resurrected over and over. But Link, the hero who varies between 10 and 17 and saves the day through incredible feats of courage and strength? No he's actually just a new random teenager every single time.

[–]lycao 19 points20 points  (5 children)

Cloud is 21 and supposed to be this elite mercenary with years of experience

Technically he isn't. The memories of him as an elite soldier were false. He was nothing more than a fresh recruit on guard duty, which isn't unrealistic of real world soldiers in their mid teens as he was at the time.

The most egregious case I would say in ff7 is Cid. He looks like he's in his late 40's in the original, and yet he's in his early 30's.

Auron is kind of forgivable as well seeing how people in that world were fighting against monsters from their early teens in many cases, so him looking like a weathered warrior with decades of experience isn't that out of the question, even in his mid thirties. His hair too isn't really an issue, most men start going bald and/or grey by their mid thirties, so that makes sense as well.

That said, there's no question that 20+ is basically considered middle age in most jrpgs or anime. But it kinda makes sense when you realize that 99% of the products made in those genres are aimed at teenage boys.

[–]RatherCurtResponse 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Are you fucking telling me, Auron was TWENTY FIVE when he went with Jecht(sp)?


My head cannon Auron is like 45-50 and its staying that way, dude is way too cool.

[–]Lyndis-of-Pherae 13 points14 points  (2 children)

For all the shit people give FFXV, it at least normalizes the ages of the main boys. Noctis was is older than what I normally expect. I thought he would be 16 like the typical protag.

[–]13pts35sec 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Lol anime and video game writes have no concept of time sometimes, like yeah this 15 year old is trained in multiple martial arts, has been around the world multiple times, climbed the Himalayas, meditated under a tree for 5 years and lived in a monastery as a monk for 6 years.

[–]SimplyQuid 54 points55 points  (2 children)

Right? Like, considering Lilith's age has never been terribly relevant to the immediate story of Borderlands, I could easily, easily see Blanchett nail the role.

[–][deleted] 90 points91 points  (56 children)

It could be older Lilith

And frankly if this results in a good video game film I don’t care if they had chosen Helen Mirren for this

[–][deleted] 186 points187 points  (36 children)

if this results in a good video game

Narrator: It didn't.

[–]UGoBoy 24 points25 points  (7 children)

They're saving Dame Helen for Mad Moxxi.

[–]NurseNerd 64 points65 points  (10 children)

This isn't going to be animated? I figured they'd make it animated. Or at least, visually enhanced to be cell-shaded.

[–]nyrothia 98 points99 points  (6 children)

or that (edited) rotoscoping thing they did with a scanner darkly.

[–]johntwoods 441 points442 points  (102 children)

Eli? Roth? Oh man.... =\

[–]OfficialGarwood 195 points196 points  (90 children)

Yep. He's directing this one.

[–]GenitalKenobi 211 points212 points  (11 children)


[–]Icehawk217 164 points165 points  (10 children)

No that was Steve McQueen

[–]360_face_palm 58 points59 points  (8 children)


[–]straub42 67 points68 points  (7 children)

Nahhh. That was John Patrick Shanley dawg.

[–]regireland 180 points181 points  (77 children)

Oh fuck, really? Who keeps giving this guy a job, seriously? Hes like an edgy Tarantino whos devoid of talent and decides to make up for it with more edge.

[–]evanvivevanviveiros 47 points48 points  (7 children)

I would’ve loved to see his “The Meg” though

[–]regireland 68 points69 points  (6 children)

Thats an exception, who doesnt want to see an exceedingly edgy giant shark film

[–]evanvivevanviveiros 42 points43 points  (5 children)

It’s amazing how tame of a B movie they made. The studio already game you 100 mil put them balls to the wall

[–]regireland 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Ah, but when you're makinga film about a prehistoric giant shark attacking humanity, we all know the best thing to do with it is keep it tame and boring (and also have incredibly little plot so that chinese audiences wont get lost if they missed a subtitle)

[–][deleted] 271 points272 points  (55 children)

devoid of talent and decides to make up for it with more edge

Tbf that description isn't that far off what Borderlands is.

It's a fun game, but people acting like it was the most hilarious thing ever written need to take a step back and realize they were very likely teenagers when it came out.

[–]rjwalsh94 124 points125 points  (32 children)

The humor I find in the satire of the scenarios, not the actual dialogue. Or the humor is riddled in gun descriptions and parodied characters.

[–]arckantos 65 points66 points  (7 children)

Telltale's Tales From the Borderlands is some of the best shit they made, right along TWD S1 and Wolf Among Us. It's stupid, hilarious and heartfelt. Honestly incredible what they pulled with such a meh IP.

[–]Panda_Tech_Support 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I might be a minority in this , but Tales from the Borderlands was my fav entry into the Borderlands gaming wise. I cared about that way more than 1,2, or 3.

Or the pre sequel which I just remembered.

[–]royrogersmcfreely3 163 points164 points  (62 children)

What is Borderlands about? Is it like Mad Max with sci-fi weapons and comedy?

[–]AtomicVGZ 165 points166 points  (20 children)

[–]royrogersmcfreely3 28 points29 points  (17 children)

Lol what are those?

[–]LTman86 186 points187 points  (14 children)

The Bane was an SMG in the game whose questline described the gun as cursed, and all those who owned it eventually died of unnatural causes. It was made to sound like it was some incredible gun that everyone wanted, and people killed each other in search of it to be in possession of it. Think of the Elder Wand from Harry Potter.

...but it turns out, the guns was incredibly annoying. It reduced your movement speed to a crawl, made annoying noises when equipped, fired, or reloaded (as seen in the clip), and you find out from the last owner that he killed himself and buried the weapon with himself so that no one would ever find the gun and be forced to endure using it.

Overall, the gun wasn't bad, dps wise. Not exactly good, as it was incredibly annoying (or hilarious) along with its movement debuff, but not useless. I ended up selling it to Marcus (gun seller, No Refunds!).

[–]EpsilonRider 36 points37 points  (3 children)

Using it with Gaige's buff was a lot of fun though lol. Well at least while it lasted. The power curve on new enemies jumped way too high after every other mission. I guess it's funner that way if your playing with other people, but fuck that was a grind playing solo.

[–]LTman86 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Definitely. When I went through the game on my own, I tossed that gun as soon as could. When I went through the game again with friends, I'd pull it out and have a gas with friends.

Do no damage? Not a problem. Annoy friends with gun sounds? Priceless!

[–]nagurski03 38 points39 points  (0 children)

There's a mission that revolves around tracking down this cursed weapon. You're are tracking down journals and whatnot for clues where people are talking about how it ruined their life.

At the end of the mission, you get the gun.

It turns out the curse is that it's really annoying.

[–]frogandbanjo 78 points79 points  (9 children)

The lore's a bit more expansive than that, but the mainline games focus heavily on the Mad-Max-plus-sporks-and-potty-humor parts of the fictional universe.

You've also got a galactic corporate dystopia and Ancient Aliens in the mix.

It's actually a really neat elevator pitch for a movie with some twists, but the problem is that when you're adapting a movie from a video game, the twists are all exhausted already for a huge chunk of your audience.

[–]Snipey13 40 points41 points  (3 children)

I can only hope it's more Tales from the Borderlands and less Borderlands 3.

[–]NorthernerWuwu 40 points41 points  (4 children)

That and characters like Handsome Jack are absolutely hilarious in the game because it is a game and you get little snapshots of them. One-liners and little cut scenes and set pieces interspersed with the combat and exploration work well.

I've absolutely no interest in spending an entire movie with those people though or at least I don't think I do. I'm willing to be proven wrong.

[–]frogandbanjo 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I don't really understand how limited exposure to a particular character is unique to a video game.

If anything, a Borderlands movie, if it were structured like BL2 or BL3, would be asking a lot of a general moviegoer to accept the primary villain/antagonist being so present - even if just via an open comms channel - as the protags are doing their thing.

[–]Lurid-Jester 39 points40 points  (4 children)

Add a dash of the original Tremors movie, for tone.

[–]Radirondacks 24 points25 points  (3 children)

Wow, I never made that connection myself but that's actually such a good comparison. Like "campy-bleak."

[–]TheSealofDisapproval 833 points834 points  (66 children)

I'm honestly surprised that Paul W.S. Anderson didn't write a script on the shitter and shoehorn his wife Milla Jovovich into it so that she could play her Resident Evil character for the 17th time.

[–][deleted] 310 points311 points  (16 children)

i didn't know they were married but that makes so much sense.

[–]rileykard 108 points109 points  (9 children)

I think they started dating mid first Resident Evil.

[–]Bvuut99 212 points213 points  (6 children)

And their honeymoon lasted like 8 more Resident Evil films

[–]Navynuke00 33 points34 points  (2 children)

Right? It's like every movie from there is just, "look how hot my wife is."

[–]sadbandicoot 9 points10 points  (0 children)

So just like every Rob Zombie movie that Sheri Moon is in?

[–]jstarlee 202 points203 points  (27 children)

They are busy ruining another video game franchise

[–]EldridgeHorror 119 points120 points  (10 children)

Monster Hunter

[–]Elonth 57 points58 points  (9 children)

yeah....It was better than i expected. but it had so little to do with monster hunting at its core. Also focused way to much on the horror aspect of the Nerscylla. Like focused wayyyyy to much on them. But how else are you going to have your team of elite soldiers picked off by horrifying monsters so Milla Jovovich can be the lone survivor that turns it all around.

[–]rhugghed 18 points19 points  (6 children)

What the heck? It’s already released? The pandemic got me living under a rock. Lol

[–]PickleGaGaAriel is just a weeb for human culture. 69 points70 points  (4 children)

I wouldn't have minded Jovovich as Lilith.

[–]ShawVAuto 293 points294 points  (46 children)

Cate Blanchett as Lilith.
Kevin Hart as Roland.
Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis.
I can see Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis. I can't see Lilith and Roland being portrayed correctly.

[–]ChronX4 80 points81 points  (2 children)

I remember setting up the news for my best friend to hear by describing all of Roland's characteristics and then following up with the question of "who would you see playing him in that upcoming movie?" I just couldn't hold in the laughter as he named actors who would fit the role or have it tweaked a bit to fit them better, absolutely destroyed him with the news of Kevin Hart as Roland.

[–]dthains_art 38 points39 points  (1 child)

My dream casting for Roland would have been Mike Colter from Luke Cage: very composed, serious, authoritative, tall and in great shape. All things Roland is, and nothing like what Kevin Hart is.

[–]Juan_Punch_Man 124 points125 points  (18 children)

Cate was great as Hela, so I'm okay with this.

Kevin Hart as Roland? no thanks, maybe Salvatore... I think Idris Elba would be good as Roland

[–]HearTheEkko 209 points210 points  (30 children)

That's a lot of star power for a Eli Roth-directed Borderlands movie.

[–]Azrael351 75 points76 points  (25 children)

I’m not worried. Mostly because this movie might not ever come to fruition, much like Gore Verbinski's BioShock film that never was.

[–]Boo_R4dley 317 points318 points  (35 children)

Is this thing going to be animated? Everyone they’ve cast is at least 20 years older than the characters seem to be.

[–]Sweetwill62 256 points257 points  (28 children)

It would be interesting if they made it look like the game similar to how they made the Keanu Reeves movie A Scanner Darkly. Edit: I linked the trailer so anyone could see it for themselves. I know the process took over a year to do but I think it would take significantly less time now.

[–]-Dr-Fill- 106 points107 points  (6 children)

Honestly, that style would work very well for Borderlands.

Loved that movie, by the way. Solid film, if a bit disjointed.

[–]rageseraph 37 points38 points  (4 children)

That would make de-aging Cate Blanchett look a lot better if everything is highly stylized like that

[–]BriannaMckinley2442 46 points47 points  (2 children)

It would be a miss not to animate it because the games have an art style that is so synonymous with the franchise.

[–]constructodad 196 points197 points  (12 children)

The important question is who is playing Shooty McShootyface.

[–]Pyrochazm 194 points195 points  (4 children)

That's going to be the uncredited Matt Damon cameo.

[–]DiscoQuebrado 79 points80 points  (2 children)

I... Yes. I want this?

[–]phpdevster 28 points29 points  (0 children)


[–]StiffCrustySock 28 points29 points  (1 child)

Shooty McShootyface

Face McShooty?

[–]Zedab 474 points475 points  (82 children)

I feel like no cast announcement is going to excite me about the possibilities here with Eli Roth in the director's chair. I hope to be surprised, but I expect to be hugely disappointed.

[–]Tigersniper 459 points460 points  (44 children)

And Kevin hart as Roland...

Hard pass

[–]Grevin56 128 points129 points  (5 children)

What are we even doing here? Kevin Hart? I like the guy and all that but not for Roland! Michael B. Jordan or Daniel Kaluuya are some good choices for the role.

[–]Bvuut99 55 points56 points  (4 children)

I could bid in for like a Jamie fox or an Idris Alba too

[–]cmdixon2 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Idris has already played a Roland too.

[–]BakedWizerd 268 points269 points  (22 children)

JFC that’s all I need to know. Kevin Hart being cast in anything is enough for me to know that it’s going to be trying way too hard to be funny.

[–]ZombieGroan 318 points319 points  (16 children)

If he was a claptrap or a bandit sure. But Roland?!?! Wtf.

[–]BakedWizerd 225 points226 points  (5 children)

That’s a good point. A role for Hart in this movie isn’t necessarily completely out there. He’s short, he’s loud, he’s annoying, he’s half of the bandits in Borderlands already.

[–]Kellythejellyman 141 points142 points  (3 children)


i could see Hart pulling off lines like that

[–]Domination1799 73 points74 points  (2 children)

They should have casted Kevin Hart as the bandit who really wants you to shoot him in the face.

[–]Jaymongous 33 points34 points  (1 child)

That would be, eh em, Face McShooty.

[–]Bvuut99 23 points24 points  (1 child)

Kevin hart as claptrap would actually probably be ok, wow.

Wait actually I just got an update, Kevin hart was actually cast as Lilith. Should be all good.

[–]Shotgun_Rynoplasty 140 points141 points  (17 children)

wait...Kevin Hart is playing Roland? He's a stoic badass, like the opposite of Kevin Hart. I'm cool with Curtis playing Tannis. She can pull that off. But between Roth as the director and Hart as Roland...I have little hope of this game capturing the fun spirit of borderlands.

[–]HorrorMoose 152 points153 points  (3 children)

That's great, she'll be an amazing Brick.

[–]stfleming1 77 points78 points  (2 children)

My siren's name is Brick, and she is the prettiest!

[–]Hewfe 175 points176 points  (32 children)

Have they cast Ashley Birch as Tiny Tina yet?

[–][deleted] 130 points131 points  (18 children)

That makes too much sense for the casting choices so far

[–]Akira_Kurojawa 136 points137 points  (17 children)

Right? It's gonna be Melissa McCarthy, calling it now.

[–]conejo_gordito 96 points97 points  (10 children)

Borderlands is a tough material for a movie. Most game adaptations are horrible as they are, but the wackiness of Pandora will be very hard to capture. And if it will not be weirdly funny, it will just be an action movie in a different planet.

I learned not to expect much from...well, Hollywood.

[–]Norma5tacy 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Yeah honestly this movie seems like it’s gonna be trash and I’d be surprised if it got more than 30% on rotten tomatoes.

[–]bristow84 216 points217 points  (29 children)

The casting for this film is subverting so many expectations you'd think Benioff and Weiss were involved.

I mean, seriously, Kevin Hart as Roland, Cate Blanchett as Lilith and Jamie Lee Curtis as Tanis? I don't anyone would have thought of them for those roles.

[–]Oli_ 148 points149 points  (1 child)

Rather see what Hart can do with Claptrap than Roland.

[–]Azrael351 12 points13 points  (0 children)

My first thought before reading this thread was that Kevin Hart was playing Claptrap. Lame!

[–]Sixty-Two 45 points46 points  (4 children)

Are they going a route where they never found the vault and are still looking 20/30 years later? As a Borderlands fan that would be interesting but as an introduction to the series they wouldn't do that.

[–][deleted] 25 points26 points  (13 children)

Yeah I agree. I tell you what though, the casting of Handsome Jack will make or break this movie.

[–]conitation 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Jamie lee is pretty great and tries to keep up with stuff going on. She did an episode with the game grumps that was pretty funny, so I think she'll be good.

[–]Photeus5 153 points154 points  (12 children)

You can put the biggest stars in Hollywood in there and it's gonna be soulless action movie. Doom is just about shooting demons and they got that wrong.

[–]Matt463789 165 points166 points  (3 children)

Karl Urban's shoulders are still sore from trying to carry that movie.

Hollywood should watch Dredd and take notes on how to make a proper action flick.

[–][deleted] 73 points74 points  (2 children)

still really want another Dredd movie with Urban

[–]Matt463789 43 points44 points  (0 children)

It's a crime that it hasn't happened. At least we have The Boys.

[–]IronVader501 27 points28 points  (4 children)

Doom is just about shooting demons and they got that wrong.

I'm still amazed they managed that. Like you had to actively try to ruin it. And they did.

[–]slinkidink 45 points46 points  (0 children)

What the fuck is goin on

[–]BlueFreedom420 61 points62 points  (2 children)

The biggest news should be who they hire as the prop designer. I better see 1000's of guns.

[–]frogandbanjo 33 points34 points  (1 child)

They should hire 10,000 monkeys and commit to using every single model they create.

"Um, not to criticize, but, 99% of these guns are worthless. I think this is one is literally just poop and broken plywood."

"Ah, Das Splintapoopen! Legendary!"

[–]bunnymud 118 points119 points  (4 children)


[–]torn-ainbow 55 points56 points  (27 children)

I'm most interested in who they cast as Handsome Jack.

My first pick would be Sam Rockwell.

[–]LiLdude227 50 points51 points  (5 children)

Paul Rudd or Glenn Howerton are my choices

[–]torn-ainbow 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Glenn Howerton

Oh shit. Good pick.

[–]hypermark 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Right now it looks like you're wearing a mask of yourself over your face.

Not a good one? Not a nice mask of myself?

No. Not a good one.

Do you guys think that a normal mask of me might look good? And if there was, would you guys wear it?

[–]tonyfrancois 36 points37 points  (1 child)

i stil can't believed they cast kevin hart to play roland

[–]lambofgun 39 points40 points  (1 child)

id this movie isnt over the top stylized bananas bat shit insane, then i want no part of it

[–]stlcardinals527 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Who’s gonna be Butt Stallion?