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[–]GRVrush2112 6334 points6335 points  (492 children)

r/publicfreakout gonna be fire over the next few months

[–]CleUrbanist 1813 points1814 points  (142 children)

[–]erickgramajo 755 points756 points  (82 children)

[–][deleted] 72 points73 points  (12 children)


Might be alone on this one, but does anyone else think that people should be required to get the vaccine and that COVID is bad?

[–]chaser676 36 points37 points  (2 children)

I know this is crazy, but does anyone else think that the Taliban is bad?

[–]_manlyman_ 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Here where I am that is super unpopular like they are threatening doctors lives who say that kids should wear masks to school

[–]arbitrageME 586 points587 points  (32 children)

waiting in the wings of /r/byebyejob

[–]raistlin65 672 points673 points  (280 children)

Many of the unvaccinated quacks at r/NoNewNormal will have a fit over an increase in mandates.

[–]2wedfgdfgfgfg 632 points633 points  (78 children)

don't want covid to become a "new normal", also unwilling to do anything constructive to stop that happening

[–]theTunkMan 386 points387 points  (61 children)

No they do want covid to become a new normal. They don’t want masks, vaccines, and lockdowns to be the new normal. From what I’ve seen they constantly say “Covid isn’t going away, masks and lockdowns didn’t work” after they refused to mask or lockdown for a second.

[–]RinRin17 154 points155 points  (9 children)

“Well we tried nothing and it didn’t work…so let’s do nothing”

[–]Mariska11 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Is that a quote from South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem? Or maybe just the new SD state motto or something.

[–]Vorpalthefox 89 points90 points  (11 children)

i yell at my mom because she seems brainwashed by this same no new normal stuff too "how long are we even going to be in lockdown, it and masks didn't work-" NO FUCKING SHIT IT DIDN'T WORK, YOU REFUSE TO STAY HOME, AND YOU HAVEN'T WORN A MASK AT ALL SINCE IT STARTED, HOW IS IT EVER GOING TO WORK IF YOU FUCKS DON'T FOLLOW THE FUCKING RULES? IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE 2 WEEKS!

it's absolutely like the teacher saying "you can't go to recess until everyone is quiet for 10 seconds", we had 4 seconds of the people at the front of the class quiet but the back of the class kept whistling, giggling, and scooting their desks closer to try and whisper, then when 90% of recess is already over they're all mad that being quiet for 10 seconds isn't working because we should have been outside already if recess was ever coming

no shit it's not coming, you haven't stopped talking, you're literally the only reason we're not having fun at recess

[–]donkeymonkey00 19 points20 points  (3 children)

I love this analogy so much

[–]FaeryLynne 8 points9 points  (2 children)

It's fucking perfect and I'm going to use it on my in-laws next time they start bitching

[–]jimsmisc 83 points84 points  (95 children)

i got banned from a bunch of other subreddits automatically for posting there... even though my post was calling someone out on utter nonsense vaccine conspiracies. I didn't even know you could be auto-banned from an unrelated subreddit for a post in another one...

[–]Alauren2 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Omg me too! I had to message so many mods. This needs to be known. Do not comment there! I was talking shit too. That sucked. I’m still permabanned from a couple huge subs because of one shit post comment.

[–]Ditnoka 187 points188 points  (32 children)

I love seeing that shit hole quarantined.

[–]Vwgames49 218 points219 points  (2 children)

Dear r/NoNewNormal

You claim you hate lockdowns, yet you have been quarantined


[–]JMoc1 25 points26 points  (1 child)

  • Ben Sickpiro

Founder COVID Point USA

[–]Pissedbuddha1 2887 points2888 points  (133 children)

Typical FDA approval consists of less than 5,000 people in 3 phases of trials. This time they have data from 100’s of millions of people.

[–]SCCock 1546 points1547 points  (67 children)

Pfizer had 40,000 enrolled in phase three. Usually they have 3,000 in the same.

It rolled out fast because they had the participants.

[–]boredtxan 456 points457 points  (37 children)

And there was plenty of community transmission to test it against!

[–]Citizen_of_Danksburg 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Actually, while yes the large sample size did help, it was actually the transmissibility rate that helped speed along the clinical trials! It was estimated at a theoretical 1.3-1.4% if I remember correctly based on the data available at the time, but it ended up being literally three times those at between 3.9 and 4.2% which greatly expedited the clinical trials process by about 3 times!

[–]ogmarker 3810 points3811 points  (217 children)

Now the narrative will change from “it’s not FDA approved” to “I don’t trust the FDA” …

[–]Idonoteatass 230 points231 points  (53 children)

They say as they snort a line of ivermectin

[–]No-Bewt 118 points119 points  (49 children)

I learned today that ivermectin is a paste actually, that apparently tastes like rotten fruit, and it comes in tubes

I learned this because of a twitter thread from a vet who has had to literally hide their supply for fucking livestock animals in the back because people were coming in and demanding it

[–]bc4284 128 points129 points  (16 children)

It never ceases to amaze me the same people who won’t trust the best doctors in the world also are the people who think every bullshit snake oil is a cure

[–]TheLeather 61 points62 points  (3 children)

It’s funny that those people will follow shoddy social media posts and call other people “sheep” while they get fleeced by giving money to people hawking their wares.

[–]kmosiman 62 points63 points  (1 child)

Calls people sheep. Proceeds to take medicine formulated for sheep.

[–]C21H27Cl3N2O3 83 points84 points  (33 children)

I’ve already had people telling me that the FDA is corrupt and deceitful because they won’t accept bad data from flawed studies and approve ivermectin for use in COVID patients.

/r/ivermectin is a strange place.

[–]Litty-In-Pitty 51 points52 points  (9 children)

Jesus Christ. Theres people on that sub talking about using Melatonin and Oregano oil to cure COVID. What the actual fuck is wrong with some people

[–]londongarbageman 26 points27 points  (6 children)

Reminds me of the guy who killed himself in a homemade rocket trying to prove that the earth was flat.

[–]briskettacos 37 points38 points  (4 children)

This was the first kind of comment I saw on a post about it on Newsmax this morning. They don’t give a shit about FDA approval, it was just a convenient excuse. The FDA has been bought according to Karen In Minnesota.

[–]SemperScrotus 17 points18 points  (3 children)

I saw on a post about it on Newsmax

Why would you even do that to yourself?

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I was surprised to see that people were even using "It's not fda approved" as an excuse when they know full well that they don't trust the fda.

[–]miss3lle 7 points8 points  (2 children)

I’m already seeing “they rushed it so it doesn’t count”.

[–]jabby1 358 points359 points  (58 children)

so if pfizer is currently the only one approved, and requirements are in place, then would you be required to have the pfizer shot? What about the other vaccines? I've got pfizer but am wondering about the others

[–]Quaternions_FTW 287 points288 points  (20 children)

Cat with newspaper: I should buy Pfizer stock

[–]Pacattack57 20 points21 points  (4 children)

WSB says sell the news tho

[–]LigmaActual 48 points49 points  (5 children)

Nah this is already priced in, everyone knew from the beginning these would get approved. Market is too forward looking to buy on news

[–]bono_my_tires 13 points14 points  (0 children)

If you’re reading about the fact that it will be approved soon, it’s already priced in

[–]midgethemage 181 points182 points  (10 children)

I think the idea is that a workplace (or whatever) can now mandate vaccination because if you are not currently vaccinated, then they can point you toward a vaccine that has FDA approval. Any vaccine would be acceptable, but they can't really force anyone into it when they're all still "experimental." Having just one approved gives them enough CYA to make it a requirement

[–][deleted] 32 points33 points  (7 children)

Yeah, it would be pointless to vaccinate someone with Pfizer after they have already been vaccinated with Moderna. I’m sure the other vaccines will be approved shortly and this small issue won’t have much time to cause any problems.

[–]MooKids 369 points370 points  (46 children)

Part of me wonders if the other reason for employers requiring the vaccine is because insurance companies will stop covering COVID hospitalizations 100%.

[–]cleancutmover 232 points233 points  (8 children)

Everything boils down to money in our society.

[–]lah-di-frickin-da 95 points96 points  (8 children)

I mean, if I'm running a health insurance company and you won't get vaccinated your premiums are going up. I think now that's its approved by the FDA this might actually happen.

[–]Thegarlicbreadismine 32 points33 points  (18 children)

If hospitalizations are completely avoidable due to the vaccine, and if the vaccine is readily available to everyone, do you mind if insurance companies stop covering COVID hospitalizations? There are plenty of hospitalizations that result from bad behavior, like smoking, overeating, riding motorcycles without a helmet & so forth, and insurance obviously needs to cover those. But getting the vaccine is so easy! And can keep those premiums down.

[–]shahin-13 12.2k points12.2k points  (617 children)

Just a friendly reminder if you refuse the vaccine requirements and get fired you don't qualify for unemployment.

[–]marchillo 759 points760 points  (19 children)

Oh shiiiiiit. Just got serious for a lot of holdouts

[–]Ahefp 31 points32 points  (8 children)

They’ll make up new excuses, predictably.

[–]IAMA_Plumber-AMA 36 points37 points  (4 children)

I mean, If they ever gave a crap about full FDA approval, they wouldn't be taking sheep de-wormer that isn't FDA approved for treating Covid.

[–]FluffyHooves 2560 points2561 points  (366 children)

It is really telling though, that the GOP want to make that exact thing possible. I forget where, but they want to pass a measure, where if you're fired for vaccine reasons, or the like, you could still qualify for UE benefits.

Edit for source; https://wkow.com/2021/08/12/gop-bill-people-who-quit-job-over-vaccine-mandate-can-collect-unemployment/

[–]voidsrus 151 points152 points  (0 children)

still qualify for UE benefits

the same benefits they fought very hard to reduce for normal, well-adjusted people. good stuff

[–][deleted] 86 points87 points  (10 children)

Next, red states will offer stimulus payments of $1200 or something on top of unemployment benefits, all for the unvaccinated only.

[–]ApokalypseCow 33 points34 points  (1 child)

Ironic coming from a political group so opposed to unemployment benefits in the first place.

[–]Youwishh 109 points110 points  (4 children)

You're correct!

"To receive unemployment benefits, most individuals must prove that they are out of work through no fault of their own. Unemployment benefits may also be unlikely if one quits due to vaccination refusal, although state workforce departments are able to make changes to that eligibility requirement."

“Typically, an employee who is terminated for failing to comply with company policies is not eligible for unemployment benefits, which would include refusing to comply with a company’s COVID-19 prevention policies, masking requirements or vaccine requirements,” Alana Ackels, a labor and employment lawyer at Bell Nunnally, a Dallas-based law firm.

[–]joeyasaurus 146 points147 points  (12 children)

That's okay because they wouldn't want to be one of those people who sucks off the government teet. They hate people on unemployment for being free loaders until it's suddenly them who has their hand out.

[–]dicknotrichard 7746 points7747 points  (875 children)

What you hear in the distance is the scraping sound of the goalposts being dragged into a new position further down the field by a group of morons.

[–]SaveTheAles 2323 points2324 points  (104 children)

Don't forget the wheezing as they stop every 3 feet to catch their breath.

[–]Wanderer-Wonderer 653 points654 points  (67 children)

Those goalposts are on a Segway now. All they have to do is lean more to the right and the posts keep moving farther away.

[–]alexanderpas 680 points681 points  (60 children)

Speaking of segway, here's a segway to our sponsor of the day, the CDC.

Get your free vaccination with by using the link cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov

That's cdc dot gov slash coronavirus slash two zero one nine dash ncov for your free vaccination.

[–]themanny 109 points110 points  (3 children)

Smooth one Linus.

[–]MC10654721 182 points183 points  (43 children)

It's actually segue.

[–]_Ocean_Machine_ 50 points51 points  (21 children)

Until recently, I always pronounced this as "seeg" (like league) and thought it and "segway" were two different words lol

[–]SeaGroomer 27 points28 points  (15 children)

lol I love it. You can always tell when someone learned a word via writing versus speaking.

[–]ZarquonsFlatTire 6 points7 points  (9 children)

And always remember, there's nothing wrong with learning new words by reading. If someone corrects your pronunciation make a mental not and don't worry about it.

[–]sonofaresiii 34 points35 points  (0 children)

You'd think so, but they were actually referring to a metaphorical segway that transports the conversation to a new topic.

[–]nater255 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Thanks Linus!

[–][deleted] 282 points283 points  (12 children)

Is that from Long Covid or just being shaped like the Gravy Seals?

[–]icy_ticey 611 points612 points  (156 children)

Yeah the next excuse is it was still rushed, because polio took 10-15 years , nevermind we’ve had advances in science and mRNA tech has been around for a decade

[–]mces97 351 points352 points  (93 children)

mRNA vaccines have been studied for just about the same amount of time they tried developing the polio vaccine. And when the polio vaccine came out, people lined up the block for it. Wait until they find out it's 4 shots for polio. They're bitching about possible boosters when they don't even get that lots we learned as we went and boosters were needed. DTaP is freaking 5.

[–]taste-like-burning 45 points46 points  (0 children)

News at 11: morons missing important context and information regarding their stance on issues, refuse to learn more or argue in good faith. Stay tuned.

[–]WaldoTrek 65 points66 points  (9 children)

It's very interesting they always bring up mRNA but if you counter with taking JnJ which is a different technology that's been around since the 1970's they don't want to discuss it.

[–][deleted] 97 points98 points  (20 children)

And we started research into mRNA vaccines in the 90s, and it picked up pace after CRISPR made it economical. People keep acting like this is technology that we just started monkeying with and had no idea what it was before now. Shit my mom was a biology teacher and she understood what mRNA technology would mean and could explain it to me in under an hour. Not expert level but I had a decent idea how it worked. How were we able to create a vaccine 1 week after after sequencing unless we had been working on this for many many years?

The answer is this pandemic sped up the technology because we needed it to. Just like how people in the 40s thought it would take 100s of years to get to the moon. Things change.

[–]JesustheSpaceCowboy 30 points31 points  (3 children)

“But but we didn’t....gasps for air....land on.....death rattles...on the moon”- someone’s moronic uncle days before needing a ventilator

[–][deleted] 55 points56 points  (4 children)

No dude, the next excuse is “I didn’t vote for Biden so I don’t have to follow any rules about stopping a virus from spreading.”

We were going to be dealing with this Covid shit for years anyways as a natural course of viruses, but the right wing dingus brigades will keep it around for generations cause “stopping a virus is tyranny.”

[–]Mediocretes1 236 points237 points  (95 children)

I've been killing the "it's not fully approved" argument for a while now simply by asking people using that excuse if they know the difference between full approval and emergency approval. They never do. Or they do, and don't admit it because they know it's not much and would make their excuse seem pretty fucking flimsy.

[–]BULL3TP4RK 93 points94 points  (59 children)

Just out of curiosity, what is the actual difference between them?

[–]ActualSpiders 123 points124 points  (33 children)

Here is a handy chart, courtesy of the UNC Med School.

[–]nox66 28 points29 points  (8 children)

To my understanding, emergency approval also allows some testing to happen in parallel. Is that not the case?

Also, what's the purpose of full approval at this point? Is it strictly nominal?

[–]ActualSpiders 17 points18 points  (2 children)

The initial clinical testing still has to happen before public release; it's just that manufacturing can also start up concurrently. I'm not sure of the proper term, but it's still in a sort of 'probationary' status for some time after that, while the FDA continues to monitor public distribution, reactions, and overall effectiveness. When they're satisfied with the vaccine's real-world performance - as is about to happen next week for the Covid vaccines - they give full & final approval.

[–]underscore5000 166 points167 points  (18 children)

Basically it still has to go through all the same trials and shit an FDA approved vaccine does, the exact same safety criteria. The only difference is there is less red tape as to who gets money for the vaccine. The government foots the bill.

Nut shell answer.

Edit: to the trumpanzees PMing me and just double downing on proving their stupidity and just general desire to be consistently uninformed, please be the big bad alphas you are and dont hide behind a private message! Show us your intelligence and let everyone else bask in your golden light.

[–]firemogle 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Someone once answered me factually that the federal insurance funds are different, not really a big difference if you read it but there is a little there.

[–]EcoMika101 75 points76 points  (22 children)

I see lots of folks screaming “well you don’t know what they put in it!! It’s all experimental!!” And I ask if they read the ingredient list of everything they eat and keep in their home. Do they look at the side effects of ALL medications they take? Do they know what medications are used now to treat Covid and have they asked medical staff for FDA info on those drugs before they get treated?

They don’t. It’s a fucking sham of an excuse to not get vaccinated because it’s some kind of political middle finger to the Dems

[–]horse__tornado 57 points58 points  (7 children)

Pharmacy tech here. These people take 6 meds and have no clue what any of them are called or what they are for. Let alone the how it’s made or what ill effects it can have. All they know is it’s “that little round white pill” 🙄

They lined up out the door when the new shingles vaccine came out

[–]natophonic2 17 points18 points  (1 child)

You're reminding me that I still need to get that new shingles vaccine.

Had shingles. Definitely do not want a repeat.

[–]arbitrageME 7 points8 points  (1 child)

they only pill they understand is blue diamond and treats high blood pressure in dogs and cats ...

[–]FinndBors 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I think it would make a real difference for businesses and schools to actually require it without having to worry too much about idiots throwing frivolous lawsuits.

Notice that you saw a whole slew of schools and businesses adding the vaccine as a requirement after the federal government did. Full FDA approval gives even more legal cover.

If you ever worked in a corporation and had to ask something from the legal department, they always are hyper conservative telling you no you can’t do that or we’ll get sued and I can’t guarantee that we will win.

[–][deleted] 842 points843 points  (200 children)

Wasn't it already legal according to Jacobson vs. Massachusetts?

[–]bodyknock 228 points229 points  (19 children)

Yes and No. Jacobson v Massachusetts ruled that the government (the way the ruling works it applies to both state and federal) can issue emergency health orders like vaccine mandates that would otherwise infringe on personal liberties if there is a significant enough public safety issue. However, federal law trumps state law, so if a federal law hypothetically prohibits issuing a mandate for a vaccine that hasn’t received corresponding FDA clearance then a state wouldn’t be able to contradict that federal law. Similarly hypothetically a state could issue a mandate that says businesses aren’t allowed to mandate vaccines (e.g. Desantis and FL) and the state authority to regulate private business normally wins out there even though such a policy is probably really dumb. (It’s an example of how just because state laws are terrible policy they’re not necessarily illegal.)

[–]FreeDarkChocolate 15 points16 points  (3 children)

I completely understand and agree that the court's majority opinion holds that states and underlying localities can legislate vaccine mandates. I haven't heard before a claim that the federal government can, based on J vs. MA. Could I ask you to cite a source on that or quote the part of the opinion that supports it?

I'm not saying it can't, but that I haven't seen it supported using a justification within the text of J vs. MA.

[–]bodyknock 15 points16 points  (2 children)

The wording in the ruling easily applies to federal laws as well as state. For example, their reasoning was that

“in every well ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand" and that "[r]eal liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own [liberty], whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others."

Basically the ruling broadly upholds the ability of the government to impose health mandates. It doesn’t distinguish between a federal and state authority to do it normal separation of jurisdictions between the two. For instance, where states are empowered under Jacobson to have health mandates within their borders, the same legal logic applies to the federal government’s ability to impose health mandates on federal land and territories and on interstate commerce. It’s an overall ruling on he Constitutionality of emergency health mandates at all levels.

P.S. Now if you’re wondering about whether or not the federal government can pass mandates that only impact local government, that’s not covered by Jacobson, that’s instead a question of whether something is under state or federal jurisdiction. For example, Jacobson clearly allows states to mandate vaccines in their borders, and the federal government to mandate vaccines for federal territories and the military, etc, but it doesn’t say anything about what happens if, say, Biden wanted to impose a vaccine mandate on the entire country and Florida refused. At that point whether or not the mandate would hold water would come down to how expansive the courts allow it under something like the interstate commerce clause (on the presumption that unvaccinated people can freely travel from state to state).

[–]ibm2431 412 points413 points  (105 children)

For states, yes, but people started falling for the disinformation being peddled by bioterrorists.

[–]fafalone 165 points166 points  (99 children)

My personal theory, which I very much hope is wrong, is that "We'll mandate it when the FDA approves it," is the corporate version of "I'm waiting for FDA approval to take it." Very, very few people actually mean it because it's distinction without a difference in this case, and just an attempt at a socially acceptable excuse. These companies would have consulted their lawyers, who would have told them it's legal, challenges to companies who went ahead already got laughed out of court in Texas, and that they're likely to face a frivolous lawsuit anyway, and neither way would go past the initial motion to dismiss.

Again, hope I'm wrong and we really see widespread mandates, but delaying it for months based on a frivolous antivaxxer theory doesn't give me confidence.

[–]Krytan 1001 points1002 points  (139 children)

Once it has full FDA approval can we remove the exemption the manufacturers have from legal liability?

I understand why we needed it at first. But with millions of doses isnt it obvious it's safe and no longer needed?

[–]muscle_museum 243 points244 points  (2 children)

The legal liability exemption actually covers all other immunizations that are FDA approved. This law was passed in 1986

[–]floggs7113 251 points252 points  (4 children)

Absolutely agree. Legal liability keeps honesty in-check.

[–]Megustatits 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Legal liability for who? Like if someone gets injured from the vaccine you mean?

[–]floggs7113 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It’s a generally broad statement covering many scenarios for most companies. And certainly not targeting any specific company. But by honesty I’m speaking along the lines of misrepresentation or overstating benefits, understating risks, false advertisement, negligence or concealing material facts that could cause physical or financial harm to the consumer. I’m sure I didn’t cover everything but, again, it’s just a general blanket statement. To make it simple, the threat of a lawsuit should be a deterrent from being dishonest; lying, cheating and stealing your way to profits at the expense of the consumer, wether intentional or not.

[–]bolognaballs 78 points79 points  (23 children)

as of today, 4.93 billion doses have been given world-wide

[–]whogivesashirtdotca 102 points103 points  (19 children)

I’ll need to see a bigger sample size. /s

[–]AzazelsAdvocate 175 points176 points  (48 children)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it typical for all vaccine manufacturers to not be directly held liable? I think there's a national fund that pays out any cases.

EDIT: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Vaccine_Injury_Compensation_Program

[–]YouAboutToLoseYoJob 80 points81 points  (11 children)

No one ever replies to these topics of liability

[–]DelTac0perator 42 points43 points  (1 child)

Tbf it seems like a good answer would require nuanced understanding of complicated fields like law, medicine, and research. I doubt that's a real common trifecta of competencies for anonymous social media users.

[–]Enshakushanna 530 points531 points  (53 children)

half the entire world is vaccinated

"yea, im still gonna need that government seal of approval before i get jabbed...now excuse me while i go call every regulatory body government overreach"

[–]CelestialFury 157 points158 points  (33 children)

“Waiting for FDA approval first,” was always bullshit. You trying to tell me if you’re anti-science and anti-government you’re just waiting for FDA approval? Now they’re still going to say it’s rushed and Biden/Fauci made them approve it and they’ll move the goalposts again.

[–]bibliophila 59 points60 points  (3 children)

I called my mom to tell her that since she said she’s waiting for FDA approval, I’ll be scheduling her appointment soon. She has been diverting the conversation but slips in “the government is trying to kill us”. Idk if that’s a goal post move or a total venue change.

[–]whats_that_do 17 points18 points  (2 children)

Bill Burr has a great line on some interview about that whole "government is trying to kill us" line. Basically, why would the government want to kill all the levelheaded, reasonable folks and leave the paranoid assholes remaining?

[–]DoomOne 200 points201 points  (17 children)

I can't wait for the people who say they've been waiting for full FDA approval to suddenly have an INTENSE DISTRUST of the FDA approval process.

[–]JohnnyUtah_QB1 796 points797 points  (63 children)

It was already legal under Emergency Use Authorization for organizations to mandate it for employees, students etc. This doesn’t really change anything.

[–][deleted] 90 points91 points  (7 children)

It changes willingness from corporations and local Governments. It doesn't matter if it was legal or not previously, but rather their willingness.

[–]agalintheworld91 23 points24 points  (8 children)

It changes the rebuttals my mom can use when I tell her she should get the vaccine. One of the main arguments is that it isn’t fda approved.

[–]joeyasaurus 18 points19 points  (6 children)

She'll move the goalpost unfortunately. My right-wing aunt hated Obama because he had little political experience (in her opinion), but then Trump with zero experience was suddenly okay in her book.

[–]vineCorrupt 18 points19 points  (0 children)

This is true but full approval makes it easier and makes mandates feel like less of a grey area for some.

[–]rich519 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Maybe not technically but I think businesses will be more willing to use mandates once it’s fully approved.

[–]Bizcotti 51 points52 points  (12 children)

Religious exemptions are gonna be a mess

[–]Atlee-Chaos 21 points22 points  (3 children)

I don't get why people qre so afraid of it, i got my first shot like 3 days ago and my arm was just a little bit sore for a little while and i got mcdonalds on the way home so who's really winning here

[–]whicky1978 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Now if we just get a vaccine for heart attacks.