top 200 commentsshow all 395

[–]El7away0Fifth time’s a charm 854 points855 points  (84 children)

A fight at WFW ... that is not a title fight ? What a time to be alive !

[–]ShowedUpOnReddit 308 points309 points  (64 children)

If Holly loses this fight she'll probably still be ranked number 1 at WBW too, providing Nunes beats Pennington.

[–]the_phetCatalonia 78 points79 points  (59 children)

If she loses this fight, Megan would be number 1 and fight Cyborg, I would say.

I also think another Cyborg vs Holly can happen in the future. it was a good fight, fight of the night, and a 48-47 in my opinion.

[–]dtrudelIf Sambo was easy it'd be called ADCC 37 points38 points  (6 children)

Think it would be interesting to see what adjustments are made, Holly looked like she had a great game plan last time even though she didn’t get it done

[–]the_phetCatalonia 34 points35 points  (5 children)

I think everyone expected some other Cyborg. The Cyborg we have seen in every fight, except that one. That day Cyborg prefered to wait and counter, instead of leading, which was obviously the smart thing to do against Holly.

Holly's problem is that she is an amazing counter puncher, but when the other fighter is not going forward, she tends to lead the fight, and that's when she loses (Cyborg, Valentina, also against GDR although I think Holly won there). That's her mistake. She should never lead, just wait. If you fight against Cyborg, you cannot let her be the counter puncher, and you the leading fighter.

[–]dtrudelIf Sambo was easy it'd be called ADCC 16 points17 points  (3 children)

I loved how Holly was able to control her in the clinch, give her a little more time to hopefully put on more muscle for the weight class(if she can, no guarantee) and I’d be really interested to see it again. Fully expect both of them to have learned and adjusted from the first bout, and Holly at least has the best punchers chance just due to the head kick possibility

[–]TriplePlusBadBarboza finds beatings kinky. 27 points28 points  (2 children)

But Holm didn't do anything with the clinch. She was just eating up time. That would be fine if she was winning the striking exchanges, but she was getting whomped on.

[–]dtrudelIf Sambo was easy it'd be called ADCC 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I understand, im not saying she was winning the fight at any point, but she got through it and I’d be interested to see if she learned anything to make it more interesting a second time

[–]Csardonic1✅ Ryan Wagner | Writer 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Holly isn't a good counter puncher, she's barely competent at it. She's much better at leading and only really ever leads effectively unless you sprint at her face-first like Ronda. Only she's not great at leading either. Cyborg was going forward and pressuring her the entire fight, but also drawing out her relatively sloppy punches to counter, though she also did quite a bit of work on the lead. If Holly refused to lead, she would have got even less done, because she's very, very bad at countering.

[–]Sambomike20FRICK CHORES 42 points43 points  (4 children)

Wait, you scored cyborg holly 48-47?

[–]jlange94talk poop, get boop 17 points18 points  (2 children)

decisionbot holm vs cyborg

[–]DecisionBot 28 points29 points  (1 child)

CRISTIANE CYBORG defeats HOLLY HOLM (unanimous decision)

UFC 219: Cyborg vs. Holm — December 30, 2017

ROUND Cyborg Holm Cyborg Holm Cyborg Holm
1 10 9 9 10 9 10
2 9 10 9 10 9 10
3 10 9 10 9 10 9
4 10 9 10 9 10 9
5 10 9 10 9 10 9
TOTAL 49 46 48 47 48 47

Judges, in order: Derek Cleary, Dave Hagen, Chris Lee. Summoned by jlange94.


  • 10/21 people scored it 50-45 Cyborg.
  • 8/21 people scored it 49-46 Cyborg.
  • 3/21 people scored it 48-47 Cyborg.

[–]SirHumphryDavy 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Good bot.

[–]FinishYourFightsgas on the foot pedal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"At WBW"

[–]SleepParalysist 22 points23 points  (30 children)

the scorecards read 48-47 but it was not even close. good fight and close rounds yes, but I had it ATLEAST 50-45, maybe you could have given holly 1 round, but to say it was 3-2, whew no way. was yet another example of bs judging tbh

[–]the_phetCatalonia 12 points13 points  (17 children)

Cyborg lost rounds because she was coasting, and Holly won the clinch battle.

Cyborg clearly won the fight, but she lost some rounds just because she was not active enough.

[–]MrFishownertwoSchrodinger's Picogram 11 points12 points  (0 children)

There wasn't any "clinch battle", it was just Holly squeezing cyborg so she couldn't punch her

[–]Lj101Scotland 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If she loses this fight, Megan would be number 1 and fight Cyborg, I would say.

I don't know about that, there's a lot of other people ahead of her in that division.

[–]Csardonic1✅ Ryan Wagner | Writer 11 points12 points  (11 children)

a 48-47 in my opinion.

I... um... what?

[–]SuperSwoledierConor can beat Poirier today in a rematch 5 points6 points  (10 children)

2/3 judges scored it the same way so it’s not that crazy to consider. I gave Holly one round at best though on my score card

[–]turbozedFifty! Thousand! Dollars! 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Clear 50-45. Holly would be lucky to win a single round under any judging criteria. Those judges were on crack.

Also worth noting that there was a 100 point move in the betting lines to Holly right before the fight. Not saying the absurd judging and the move were related but...

Look into it.

[–]Csardonic1✅ Ryan Wagner | Writer 8 points9 points  (8 children)

The judges were absolutely off their rockers. Imo if you gave Holm more than one round you either don't know the scoring criteria (and are giving Holm credit for nothing clinch exchanges) or you have a complete inability to parse out what's happening in a fight and who is landing. I thought it was a clear 50-45, but I can maybe see giving Holm one of the early rounds if you really stretch it. Not 2 though.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Holm got pieced up. Completely figured out by Cyborg. Really don’t want a rematch.

[–]frequentbedwetter 92 points93 points  (7 children)

That's what you think. But through a series of injuries and suspensions this fight will end up in the main event slot and be for the interim women's featherweight title, only Megan Anderson will have already weighed in at 146 and so therefore is ineligible to win the belt. Also on her way into the octagon she will trip over her shoelaces and tear her left hamstring leaving Kim Winslow, who was initially set to referee the bout, as the only available replacement on such short notice. UFC 225 Winslow vs Holm. Mark my words.

[–]BootyholeeeTeam DC 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Holly will be ruled out with lacerations on her face due to Rousey throwing a dolly through a bus window.

[–]El7away0Fifth time’s a charm 26 points27 points  (4 children)

Winslow KOs Holly.

Calls out Cyborg.

KOs Cyborg.

Moves to the men FW.

KOs Max.

Becomes first ever ChampChamp to hold man and woman belts.

Calls out Conor.

First ever ChampChamp vs ChampChamp super mega fight.

[–]ChampionshipcalFuckin ridiculous 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Chael is the only other intergender undisputed champion out there

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (0 children)


[–]AlternativeThanksMY BALLZ WAS HOT 3 points4 points  (0 children)

LGBT community will be shooketh.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 21 points22 points  (10 children)

I enjoy this matchup for that reason

Winner can fight cyborg, everybody wins

[–][deleted] 334 points335 points  (3 children)

Holm via unanimous decISHion

[–]blasphemicsYou can control any man by his asshole 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Found Danny Segura.

[–]VinceOnAPlanehappy new fucken steroid year 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Ish is what ish is

[–]AlternativeThanksMY BALLZ WAS HOT 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 245 points246 points  (34 children)

Many ishings will happen mark my words

[–]DyldinskiHello, white people 17 points18 points  (0 children)

She’s like an MMA Pokémon that has to announce every attack. “Ish Ish lightning bolt!”

[–]daviEnnisChairman of the Criminal Justice System 11 points12 points  (9 children)

Genuine question for anyone that might know - how the fuck was this not drilled out of her a long time ago?

[–]RowdyWrongdoerTeam Kimbo 23 points24 points  (8 children)

She uses it to set up feints. If its ish, stike, ish, strike your opponent can fall into listening for it. Then she goes ish, feint, and then strike with out the ish. She takes a ton of crap for it, but its actually a tool she uses.

[–]517drewyou fucking dildo 13 points14 points  (6 children)

Yeah the people who complain that it telegraphs every shot arent seeing how she actually uses it. She sets up a pattern then breaks it which allows for some plays to be made.

[–]dmkicksballs13Impudent Lout 42 points43 points  (3 children)

I mean, when was the last time she landed a significant amount of shots clean. She's 1-4 in her last 5, so, it's very clearly not working.

[–]RowdyWrongdoerTeam Kimbo 6 points7 points  (1 child)

If she would increase he output i think it would be even more effective. If Holly had just a touch of Diaz in her dna she'd be unstoppable.

[–]517drewyou fucking dildo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Very true. She seems very formal with her striking and needs to get dig deep and get dirty with it sometimes. Atleast that way its switched up a bit

[–]blasphemicsYou can control any man by his asshole 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Hut hut hut.

[–]Dbaray92he's reaching for those grapes 3 points4 points  (5 children)

This went over my head. What is an ishing?

[–]podbrodamonMario "Two-Tap" Yamasaki 17 points18 points  (3 children)

It's the grunt/noise she makes during fights. Some people feel that it hinders her because it telegraphs strikes. Others think the noise is a tool that can be used to bait opponents into attacks. It's kind of like that Pavlov's dog thing. "ISH" "Wait, she didn't do anything..." HEADKICK

[–]podbrodamonMario "Two-Tap" Yamasaki 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Okay, I probably fucked that Pavlov's dog thing up, but I haven't had any coffee. PLZ FORGIVE ME.

[–]kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkfÉirel O'Helwani 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Her opponents start drooling every time she says ish.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Watch a recent Holm fight with volume on. She just fights like it's sparring, fully exaggerating her breathe outs when striking which unfortunately ends up being a good telegraphy notice for her opponent.

[–]podbrodamonMario "Two-Tap" Yamasaki 4 points5 points  (2 children)

My buddy jokingly said that Holly grunts like one of the Power Rangers. And now I'm constantly imagining Holly in the Pink Ranger outfit.

[–]FrostyFursealTeam DC 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I'm constantly imagining Holly in the Pink Ranger outfit.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[–]RZAAMRIINFGamma Ray St-Pierre 144 points145 points  (11 children)

Megan is going to get Ished. I totally expect UFC to throw Holm into another title fight right after.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 77 points78 points  (9 children)

This is a #1 contender fight for sure

[–]RZAAMRIINFGamma Ray St-Pierre 101 points102 points  (6 children)

In a division with 4 fighters, it's hard to make a fight that isn't a #1 contender fight or a championship bout.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I know.

Just commenting that it's obvious whoever wins gets Cyborg next, not just holly as you stated

[–]ChokSokTeEDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE! 2 points3 points  (4 children)


[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m really stoked to see what Megan can do

Plus she prettyyyyyyy

[–]combofinishEDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE! 89 points90 points  (30 children)

Finally a Cyborgweight bout that's not for the title. Next up, make a 145 TUF and start building the division.

[–]TinyrobotzlazerbeamzNothing wrong with being a virgin and a nerd 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Fuck what the other guy said it’s literally the only way to build talent it seems. Or just buy bellators fighters lol. It well get eyes on new fighters sponsors will throw some change their way and they can dedicate more time to training this theoretically increasing the talent pool

[–]LiverOfOzUnited States 1 point2 points  (1 child)

How have they not done this yet?

[–]DirkDiggler--Team Holloway 220 points221 points  (51 children)

How does Holly keep ending up on PPV cards lol? She hasn't won a fight since the Bush administration

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 115 points116 points  (27 children)

Could also ask how mackenzie dern is #3 on the main card in her second ufc fight

Essentially the same answer either way: lots of fans/hype (even if it's undeserved)

[–]TurkeywithadeskjobTeam Jędrzejczyk 24 points25 points  (4 children)

Could also ask how mackenzie dern is #3 on the main card in her second ufc fight

People ask why can't the UFC ever promote people besides a chose few. They try to do it and then people complain about it.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 19 points20 points  (2 children)

people complain because the ufc often chooses to promote them heavily based on their looks and prior following rather than skill or performances. ie Sage Northcutt, Paige vanzant

I don't see anybody complaining about them promoting fighters like Adesanya or Zabit? (if they chose to give him more push)

[–]TurkeywithadeskjobTeam Jędrzejczyk 9 points10 points  (1 child)

They promote people who people want to see. Look at the ratings when Sage and PVZ fight. That is the job of promoters.

They are trying to make Dern a star and people are complaining because she "hasn't earned her spot" yet. If she starts losing they'll no longer push her. That's what happens. Also the idea of hype being undeserved is silly. Most fighters have zero idea to generate any hype around them. Dern has been able to do so mostly without the UFC's help.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They promote people who people want to see. Look at the ratings when Sage and PVZ fight. That is the job of promoters

I understand. Again, the reason some people dislike it when they initially begin to see it with a particular fighter is because they feel as though they haven't earned it yet. Not saying it doesn't pull casual fans, just why it upsets some of the more hardcore ones

Alternatively, it could be argued people 'want to see them' because that's who's mass promoted thus who they're familiar with

They are trying to make Dern a star and people are complaining because she "hasn't earned her spot" yet. If she starts losing they'll no longer push her.

You're right, but fans are short sighted and don't see that

I'm just explaining why fans react the way they do (as you've explained why the ufc push these people)

[–]StManTiSI made weight for Goofcon 3 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Dern is a multiple time world champion at BJJ - that alone makes her stand out and worthy of billing.

To be fair - she does have something else going for her too...

[–]RowdyWrongdoerTeam Kimbo 6 points7 points  (7 children)

She has earned her name, its deserved. Are you going to ask Shogun to fight on a prelim? Anderson Silva? Chris Weidman? Mark Hunt?

[–]IM_THE_DECOYthat as well if possible, please! 19 points20 points  (6 children)

I get that your being hyperbolic and she has lost 4 of her last 5 fights... but those are her only MMA losses.

She’s still a top contender and I don’t see anything wrong with her getting PPV fights. I mean it’s not a title fight...

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (5 children)

Agreed, and she shouldn't have lost to de Randamie, that was a bad call.

[–]HakeemAbdulOlajubbarnogonnaseeyousoonboiii 11 points12 points  (3 children)

And she was going to win against Miesha until getting choked out in the last round, and Shevchenko was a split decision, and she went the distance with Cyborg, which nobody had done in ten years. She's put in some disappointing performances but it's not exactly like she has been getting embarrassed by her opponents.

edit: Shevchenko was unanimous, I mixed up that with the Shevchenko-Nunes fight

[–]e-rageTeam Cena 16x champ 2 points3 points  (1 child)

The Shev fight was a unanimous 49-46 decision

[–]HakeemAbdulOlajubbarnogonnaseeyousoonboiii 1 point2 points  (0 children)

you're absolutely right, had a brain lapse and was probably thinking of the Shev-Nunes fight

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Because she kicked Rousey into the WWE

[–]captainseas 33 points34 points  (8 children)

How does a popular former champion keep getting on PPV cards?

[–]LeftLegCemetaryCroatia 1 point2 points  (0 children)

She negotiated a sweet contract. Simple as that.

[–]PHOENIXREB0RN 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Not even that, but why does she get Chicago twice in a row? Why must we be punished via Ish?

[–]piepackageAustralia 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]ndhl833 piece with the soda 16 points17 points  (12 children)

Wow...this is a HUGE step up in competition for Anderson. Wow.

I have to question her management, actually. Booking her first UFC fight after a year+ layoff against Holly goddamn Holm? Really? Yikes.

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 23 points24 points  (6 children)

10x better than booking her agajnst cyborg which is the other option

At least this gives her a chance to make a name for herself in the ufc rather than being just another girl who gets brought in from another promotion for cyborg to maul (like kunitskaya)

[–]ItsJonesey94Natty until proven naughty 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Spot on.

[–]BroDameron 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Better than throwing her at Cyborg surely

[–]Kaneshadow 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Why? Holly is in a slump, it's the perfect time for Megan to shine and make a place for herself in the new division

[–]nordik1Jose Waldo 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Holly lost rounds to Betch bruh

[–]rico6644Hammer in the streets, Flowy in the sheets 29 points30 points  (8 children)

225 is stacked best card since 218. Hopefully we dont get another 223 shitshow

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

223 while being a mess ended up becoming a very fun card

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

personally I think it's better than 218, so best card since 217. but all a matter of opinion

[–]rico6644Hammer in the streets, Flowy in the sheets 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You’re probably right tbh. Still a long time to go yet though

[–]ballinlikewathe put them thangs on him 3 points4 points  (1 child)

so hyped. midwest getting showed some love by the UFC

[–]kizentheslayerTeam COVID-19 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Live televised holmacide

[–]DaveAPI am the internet. 35 points36 points  (36 children)

Anderson is no way ready. Look at her last fights. Sure she could beat some top 20/15 and be eased in like other Invicta fighters, but there is nothing but top 5 in that UFC division. The gap is too big to jump so soon.

I wish here all the best as an Aussie, but look at her past performances, then look at Schevchenko/Holm. Sure they have lost before but they are still beasts. Then just look at Cyborg

[–]MutatiionTeam Whittaker[S] 9 points10 points  (32 children)

Look at Holm's last fights: 1-4 in the last 5

She's done nothing impressive in the UFC besides beating ronda (who decided to stand with her) and lasting 5 rounds v cyborg

Not saying Holm isn't better or doesn't win, but people need to stop pretending Holly is a top calibre fighter in MMA

[–]ThedominateforceTeam Stock-Pierre 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I thought the myth of ronda trying to stand with holly was dead by now, ronda tried a bunch of times to take holm down but couldn’t

[–]RowdyWrongdoerTeam Kimbo 45 points46 points  (21 children)

Holm is a top caliber MMA fighter. She hasnt been dominated in front of us. She took Cyborg 5 rounds. Any other female fighter in the UFC going to go 5 with cyborg?

[–]Csardonic1✅ Ryan Wagner | Writer 8 points9 points  (8 children)

She got dominated by Shevchenko and Cyborg.

[–]Matyas_Argentina 6 points7 points  (2 children)

You can still be defeated by a champion and be a top 5 fighter

[–]Csardonic1✅ Ryan Wagner | Writer 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't disagree, but the dude said she hasn't been dominated in front of us.

[–]TriplePlusBadBarboza finds beatings kinky. 5 points6 points  (4 children)

She hasnt been dominated in front of us.

I disagree, Shevchenko made her look silly.

[–]ThereIRuinedItUnited States 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Do you mean that it wasn't a competitive fight?

What would that fight have looked like if she was merely "beaten" rather than "dominated" by Schevchenko?

[–]dmkicksballs13Impudent Lout 1 point2 points  (3 children)

She is not top caliber. You can't look that mediocre that long and be top caliber. She's had literally one impressive performance.

[–]RowdyWrongdoerTeam Kimbo 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Im sorry I simply disagree. People seem pretty split on that opinion.

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (5 children)

Tbf, Holly is 1-4 with losses against serious opponents. It’s not looking like she lost to cans. My question is, can Holly avoid a td from 6’ tall Anderson? I know she’s strong but Megan is a very big girl.

[–]kizentheslayerTeam COVID-19 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Megan is pretty garbage on the ground. she was saved by the bell in the tweet fight.

[–]Kowalkiewiczsbidet 17 points18 points  (3 children)

damn, good fight. Megan is gonna be one hard chick to headkick, how tall is she again? 6’1?

[–]podbrodamonMario "Two-Tap" Yamasaki 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Yeah, she's about Cowboy's height. Crazy to see Holly at a height disadvantage because she's one of the taller women at 135 and 145.

[–]JimJonesdrinkkoolaid 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Cowboy is more like 5'11

[–]Kaneshadow 8 points9 points  (0 children)

6' even to Holly's 5'8" (just checked)

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (3 children)

Wtf. Megan lost to Cindy "can't be touched " dandois? Jesus

[–]SeeYouSoonBoiNo For Gay Jesus 24 points25 points  (1 child)

So? Cindy is better than Cyborg. Cyborg got beaten by Jorina Baars, and Cindy beat Baars

[–]PersonFromPlaceEDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE! 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Cindy Dandois is a shit striker, but she's actually a good grappler, which is how she beat Megan.

[–]STAR-PLATlNUMThis is sucks 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I like Holm at 145 :)

[–]MacReadysHat 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I was going to ask what did Holm do to deserve this... By that I mean having to face 2 of the only true Featherweights in the division back to back, both of which are strikers and throw pretty heavy leather. But she is game, so fuck it.

I feel like after Holm beat Rousey the UFC doesn't hestitate to give her a challenge...

[–]Chris_NarrowmanShimmy Shake 17 points18 points  (4 children)

You guys should check out Megan and Laura Sanko's event-preview videos on youtube."Aussie and Fancy show" or something. Pretty good stuff.

[–]asonJustin Gaychee 7 points8 points  (3 children)

The mean tweets episode they did was pretty funny. Someone said Laura looks like a tarsier.

[–]EaseDelBig ol’ Mexican with a big ol’ head 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Them eyes lol

[–]duckgrayson 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Holy shit can't unsee lol. O__O

[–]EaseDelBig ol’ Mexican with a big ol’ head 2 points3 points  (0 children)

[–]datguy729Nerdbash 2018 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If there was ever reason to make another tuf show, it would be for wfw.

[–]StraightPrawns 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Is this for an interm belt too?

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (6 children)

Seems silly to book this fight Anderson was the one good fresh matchup for cyborg and if she loses featherweight is fucked

[–]Djuunaz 1 point2 points  (5 children)

i mean that just shows that FW is fucked anyway, if it relies on one opponent like that

[–]MrRavencastleUnited States 2 points3 points  (0 children)

May the MMA Gods keep this card in tack. I'm still recovering from this past week

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]MobiWanKenobiI was here for Goofcon 2 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Never seen Megan fight, is she on Holly's level?

[–]thewizard579 7 points8 points  (0 children)

no. not even close

[–]EaseDelBig ol’ Mexican with a big ol’ head 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Hard to say. Holly dropped off a lot. Meg has been looking food on the pads in striking, its just been a long time since she fought.

[–]JPost#teamSchaub 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Holm finishes her in the 2nd.

[–]STARER_OF_ASSES 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There's something about Holly that gets me excited to see her fight though she isn't on a good streak right now.

[–]ClinchWork 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Holly needs this win BAD.

[–]leeeeeeeeeeuk 1 point2 points  (3 children)

If Megan loses what happens? There are no other 145 fighters and she doesnt face cyborg? So then we would have Holly fight cyborg again? I bet the UFC is praying Megan wins

[–]BJJJourneyUnited States 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Would be hilarious if they just gave her the title shot no matter if she wins or loses.

[–]zygmunt1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This fight is for an interim belt. Its a long mma tradition that all featherweight fights are for the title.

[–]PersonFromPlaceEDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE! 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So Megan's visa/personal issue resolved I presume? I'm excited to see her fight; I've been watching her YouTube channel, the Aussie and Fancy Show with Lauren Sanko so I'm interested to see what she'll finally look like in the UFC.

[–]Swimming__BirdYou said GOOGOOPLATA! 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Why did they use that pic of Holm? She looks so sad to be in a dead division...

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]nickynorkaLiberia 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Did she ever say why she ghosted her fans for 16 months?

[–]sleepingonstones"Akbarh's Areolas" 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay. This does it. I live about 8 hours from Chicago, but it’s the closest UFC event to me in recent history, or the future. This card is getting stacked, so I might save up and see it live

[–]Kaneshadow 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hopefully this is a slump buster for Holly.

[–]505kingCheeto eating dork 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I am siked for this fight! I know everyone has wanted to see Megan fight in the UFC for awhile and Holly is a perfect warming guest :)

[–]Gen_KaelStreet Jesus Is My Homeboy 6 points7 points  (1 child)


[–]_Mellex_ 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Why does Holm look so sad lol

[–]mercy2424 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Women's feather weight just makes no sense

[–]noisewarTeam Joanna Champion 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I actually think Holm is a worse matchup for Megan than Cyborg. Megan is aggressive and sloppy (in a fun way, I'm a fan of her). That plays perfectly into Holm's modus operandi.

[–]GeriatricIbaka 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Wow, some smart booking for the UFC. Build up a Cyborg challenger for once. This fight checks that oh so neglected box.

[–]OptimusBenignTeam Asparagus 2 points3 points  (2 children)

So happy to see them trying to build the WFW division instead of just feeding competitors to Cyborg.

[–]PM_ME_BREAKFAST_FOODTeam Jędrzejczyk 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Anderson via dumb luck TKO

[–]HRH420Champ Shit Only 🇺🇸🏆🇲🇽 #SnapJitsu 1 point2 points  (0 children)


[–]ches-knight 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Does anyone know what channels show these fights live?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is going to be a PPV fight so you’ll have to order it, however like 80-85% of UFC fights are free - the majority of them on Fox Sports 1, though every couple months they do a Fox card as well.

There are two good free cards coming up if you want to check them out, one this Saturday on Fox (main card starts at 8pm EST, main event will start at 9:30 and it’s going to be an absolutely insane fight). There’s another good card next Saturday on FS1, main card for that one starts at 10pm.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Finally. Megan is beast. Can’t wait for her to KO cyborg.

[–]chasmma👊 Chas Liberty | Middleweight 0 points1 point  (5 children)

Megan is the woman everyone keeps saying will beat Cyborg?

[–]themnhockey1Team 6'1" 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Only people who haven't seen her fight

[–]EaseDelBig ol’ Mexican with a big ol’ head 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No one been saying that. She is about the best and only prospect at 145 though.

[–]MetallicOpethTeam Gastelum 0 points1 point  (3 children)

I haven't watched any of Megan's fights. Besides being bigger than Holm how does this stack up?

[–]EaseDelBig ol’ Mexican with a big ol’ head 1 point2 points  (0 children)

She hasn't fought in a while but from what I remember she is aggressive, using her length well, doesn't punch at air nor does she make noise with every strike

[–]nordik1Jose Waldo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Aggressive, gets hit a lot by inferior strikers, powerful punch

[–]Juve94[🍰] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Interesting fight. If Anderson dominates they can talk up a fight against Cyborg. Surprised she isn’t fighting Cyborg right away to be honest.

[–]MoonshineMMA 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]LeftLegCemetaryCroatia 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thankfully just 3 rounds.

[–]DynamiklolYou can kiss my whole asshole 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm okay with this. I still thing Megan loses to Holly, but it won't be as horrific as if she made her UFC debut against Cyborg.