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[Creamer] "ATL Hawks have trademarked a new logo for next season"

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That looks horrible.

Looks like the heat logo got murdered and is going to basketball heaven


reminds me of neopets. it looks like a damn shoyru



Oh my god you're right. I was wondering what was so familiar about it. My Neopet was a shoyru, but I didn't remember the name.

Now that I think about it....he ded. It's probably been about a decade since I've been to that site.


i think they actually can't die. at least back in the day when I played, they couldnt die from starvation so i just never fed my neopets, and saved the money for other stuff. i feel kinda bad about that now


The Neopets can't die, but their accounts probably can be deleted.


You're a genius. Why didn't I ever think of that!

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Mine was JungleShoyru52 (the 52 was because that was the jersey number of former 15th man/resident old guy on the Knicks, Buck Williams. I wish I was joking). I had finally collected enough NeoCoins (or whatever the fuck they were called) to get a gold paint brush and I made him gold, which was like the peak of my NeoPets career. And then I forgot my password and had a sad.

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lmao brilliant observation



Looks like the tinder logo

Now every game the Hawks play can be tinder night

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RIP to not only their playoff dreams.

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I agree.


wow..I thought it was a joke? The wings look cut and pasted...

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I didn't think it could get worse.


This is their trick to make moving the team/rebranding look appealing in comparison

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Terrible. Looks like a sticker I'd find on a middle schooler's binder.


Green? What the hell?!

That green looks cool with blue. Red? Not so much.


What the hell is that?

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Oh god why

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Looks like a flame.

For real, though... how could something so obviously bad get green lit?


Looks like clip art from the microsoft suite.


Looks like a strip club logo

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Pretty close to my exact reaction

This ones gona be around for forever.

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That looks like an awful tattoo someone would get.

More like a temporary tattoo for children, yeah its bad lol

On their ankle

First thing I thought of was it being tramp-stamp material.

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The pacman logo looks so much better


That will move to the primary logo, this will likely be the secondary.


That is important information. Might've waned to include that in the title.

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the GOAT logo in my opinion

golden state tho

I like the ATL one

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Agreed, and those jerseys are the only ones I'd put ahead of the Rockets 80s/early 90s jerseys.

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It honestly took me a minute to figure out what the hell the pacman logo even was.

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Looks like a 2K create-a-team logo..

I miss create a team...

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That's bad man

Are they also changing their name to the Firebirds?


Sponsored by angry birds

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Who the hell is hiring these design firms? Jesus christ. It would take a simple survey to determine how awful this is.


lmao looks like a snitch from Harry Potter.


On the Christmas jersey it has the Pacman logo, and the new Hawks logo shown by Creamer.


Yeah, aparently Pacman logo is gonna move to the primary logo, and this new one will be secondary.

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This is definitely the alternate


For some reason I thought was going to be a pic of Lil b


Highly doubt this is gonna be there new logo... Probably just an alternative or something they'll throw on a tshirt/coffee mug. Looks like something a kid would like


It's on their jerseys for next year.


Just the Christmas one tho right?


All the Christmas jerseys were based off of teams' normal jerseys.

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Please no. We're having such a good hype day with Lil B giving us his blessing. Don't screw it up with some random Madden "Create-a-Team" logo announcement.

Do not stir the based vibes.

• • Edited

How's that blessing working out, btw?


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That looks like a WNBA logo.

Straight up looks like a golden snitch basketball. C'mon Hawks.


That looks like Richard Jefferson's kid drew it


why do you say Richard Jefferson's kid drew it?


You know that really bad RJ tattoo he has. His kid drew it.

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There is no doubt in my mind that this piece of shit logo is the alternate.


It may be an alternate, but it is on the uniforms for next year.

On the waistband. The Pac Man is on the shorts.

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I am not down with this logo, alternate or not.

Oh God no, I love our current logo too much to give it up for that

The Pac logo is going to be your new primary logo, so that's great.

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Did everyone forget this? The current, Pac-man alternate is the new primary going forward. Everyone here is acting like this is the logo.

It's really bad even for a secondary though.

There are worse things than a bad alt.

All anyone is saying is this alt logo sucks. Not the franchise is screwed or something.

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2015-05-22 20:28:07 UTC

Atlanta Hawks have trademarked a new logo, I guess that makes it official #ATLHawks

Our post: ^[Imgur]

^[Mistake?] ^[Suggestion] ^[FAQ] ^[Code] ^[Issues]


red and lime green. wtf?

Looks pretty cool. Although I still like that pacman style one they have right now


Upvoted you purely due it being your opinion. To each their own!

Lol thanks man. r/nba is ruthless


Let's start something new.

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If DC is a dick, then that is definitely a chode.


"The wings and fire represent the spirit of the city."

"A town once burned to the ground that has since risen like a phoenix with it's wings spread out to the sky!"

Or at least that's what I'm guessing the press release officially introducing the new logo will go.


That's...not good.

Looks like something a 15 year old would make in the old Madden Create a Team thing.


It looks like someone accidentally cropped the logo at the top middle and was too lazy to fix it.


I think that's meant to resemble an A

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This has to be the alternate

An alternate to what? Something good?


The current logo a la my flair

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looks like navi from zelda


Looks like one of those pre loaded teams on Madden


it's a pokemon

My team on NBA Street Vol. 2 had a better logo

That's not so good.

Why can't they just stick with the classic?

this has to be some kind of joke. The combo of wings and flames makes it look like something I'd see on a teenager's deviantart page. Also looks nothing like a hawk. This is even worse that the Raptors logo downgrade. Raptors went from cool and unique to corporate and generic, whereas hawks went to straight amateur crap. Holy shit...


So they just gonna stop with the Pacman logo after one year?


That will be the primary, this will be the secondary.

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looks like microsoft clip art

please no

That is hideous.


Shit looks like doodoo


I understand why they made this a logo but this combined with triangles on the jerseys anf the whole black & neon green on the uniforms make this rebrand look extremely disappointing


This can't be real.


That may be the ugliest thing I've ever had the misfortune of viewing.


I hate it

looks like a flaming testicle with pegasus wings

Garbage. Who's dick is that graphic designer sucking?

I thought it was going to be a picture of LelBron swatting Atlanta's hopes and dreams away

it looks like a flame with wings


They're merging with the Heat.

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So they're the Suns now?


Papers, Please


It's the alternate for sure. It's only made to fit into the NBA logo rules that a basketball has to be incorporated into at least one logo, don't worry y'all it's not the end of days, Atlanta's not burning.

That's really ugly. I can't imagine it with the even uglier color scheme of black, red and lime green. Makes me sick because I really like their current logos and jerseys.


Really? You like our current jerseys? They're so fucking boring. The current primary is outdated and we desperately need blue gone (although lime green may not be any better)

Well, I'm not a fan of the red, white & blue color scheme that half of the league has, but I think your home and away jerseys combine those colors very well, and the jersey design is unique since no other NBA team has the same.

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It looks like a hawks arse


Walmart knockoff Affliction t-shirt esque



Tramp stamp

Thats terri-awful

that looks like dog shit... someone was paid to design this. and we apparently liked it.

if this becomes our new main logo Im switching teams.

wow thats terrible




The current hawk face in a circle is pretty great. Why change it?


That will remain their primary. This will be secondary.

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Why would they want a new one??? I think the hawks have one of the best logos in the leauge.


I'm hoping that the green will just be a color in the alternate unis, maybe blue/green throwbacks, and they just included it in the Christmas uni because red and green are Christmas colors.


Looks like a woman with her legs spread. Is it just me? Can't unsee.

This... This is quite alarming


The NBA's new logo rules are awfully restrictive.


It's a Phoenix, to symbolize their rise from the ashes next year after being murdered by the Cavs.


Idk I like it. Looks a lot better than this one. Too much detail. Keep it simple. Someone tell me why they think it looks bad. Not arguing, I just honestly want to know.


I like the one you linked better and it can be simplified simply by using outlines.


It doesn't make sense. Why is there fire? why is there a weird shape outlining the fire? I get the wings and the ball, but nothing about it says, 'hawks'.

This will explain the fire for you, but doesn't change the fact that it's ugly :(

Atlanta's nickname is the Phoenix City symbolizing it's rise from the ashes after Sherman. The phoenix and flames are on the city's seal. That's my guess.

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It just looks poorly designed. Why does the black area behind the flames have a flat top? What's with the outline on the wings? Why are their flames? Why just black and white? This looks like something I would've doodled in elementary school. It looks poorly thought out. What's the theme? Why make the choices they made? The lack of any sort of thoughtfulness is why it looks like a madden logo. Madden games create like 20 fake logos to choose from. When you are only creating one, and you have the entire culture of a city and history of a team to work with it shouldn't look like it belongs in madden.


The current logo is deflategate just waiting to happen

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Lil B lied to their faces. This may be the worst curse of them all.


That's great because for the longest time i had no idea that backwards pacman was their logo.


Atlanta Phoenix Suns