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Communism and Anarchism on Victoria 3 Vs Communism and Anarchism on HoI4

The other reason is that the central focus of the story (perhaps I should have left in the 200 word summary) was how a seemingly insignificant event that occurs during the EU4 timeframe, i.e. the British landing in Quiberon (compared to say, the fall of Constantinople, discovery of the new world, reformation, enlightenment, Waterloo, etc) could have drastic differences on Europe as we know it today.

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Communism and Anarchism on Victoria 3 Vs Communism and Anarchism on HoI4
  • r/ParadoxExtra - Communism and Anarchism on Victoria 3 Vs Communism and Anarchism on HoI4
  • r/ParadoxExtra - Communism and Anarchism on Victoria 3 Vs Communism and Anarchism on HoI4

Anarchism is Socialism, not Capitalism

A place to discuss capitalism and socialism.

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Anarchism is Socialism, not Capitalism

Sorry ancaps. You can try to co-op the term as much as you can. It worked with "libertarian", but I just dont see it happening with anarchism.

As soon as someone simply looks up the basic history of anarchism, they'll find that the anarchists were closely aligned with almost everything Marx had to say, especially his critique of capitalism. The only difference was Bakunin and the rest of the libertarian socialists strongly disagreed with the strategy of how to get to the 'higher stage of communism.'

You have to get to Rothbard and Mises - 100 years later after a rich history of anarchist-communist/syndicalist movements - to find their attempts to merge Austrian economics and individualist anarchism into Anarcho-Capitalism. They attempt to alter the definition of Anarchism to mean only "no state", but It's weak, and it doesnt hold up against what Kropotkin, Goldman, Malatesta, etc... have offered as to what anarchism actually means.

Furthermore, there is just more of an established post modern anarchist culture that is ardently leftist. There are long standing anarchist orgs, zines, publishers, record labels, co-ops, and collectives. All of them are in some part anarchist, all of them strongly leftist, all of them exist despite the efforts to build a right-wing "anarchist" culture.

Go ahead and keep the Libertarian label. Keep the Anarcho-capitalist label, you'll need it to differentiate yourselves from all of the other Anarchists. Keep the Gold and Black flag. Please, continue to make all of those claims such as: 'capitalism is true freedom', 'capitalism is humanity in its natural state', 'socialism requires state force', and 'socialism is when the government does stuff'. Those are the classic hits and they sometimes work for your recruiting efforts.

It just looks foolish to try to claim to be an Anarchist if you're an Ancap.

Thats all. lets see what you got

ancaps distort the word anarchism

A place to discuss capitalism and socialism.

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ancaps distort the word anarchism

"One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, ‘our side,’ had captured a crucial word from the enemy . . . ‘Libertarians’ . . . had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over...”

"We must therefore turn to history for enlightenment; here we find that none of the proclaimed anarchist groups correspond to the libertarian position, that even the best of them have unrealistic and socialistic elements in their doctrines. Furthermore, we find that all of the current anarchists are irrational collectivists, and therefore at opposite poles from our position. We must therefore conclude that we are not anarchists, and that those who call us anarchists are not on firm etymological ground, and are being completely unhistorical."

these quotes are from Murray Rothbard, one of the pioneers of anarcho-capitalism

unlike the ancaps today he recognized that real anarchism is anti capitalist. Do any research on the history of anarchism, it is deeply rooted in anti capitalisms. Ancaps seem to have forgotten that even the founders of their ideology know that they are lying when they say they are anarchists.

I miss the old Anarchism.

International Anti-Capitalist podcast run by an American, a Slav and an Arab.

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I miss the old Anarchism.

I miss the old anarchism.

The “Today I shot a fascist in the face” anarchism.

The “we blew up Wall Street” anarchism.

“I firebombed my bosses house” anarchism.

I hate the new anarchism.

the “we write folk punk and don’t shower” anarchism.

“call you a tankie on the internet and watch Vaush” anarchism

“explain why you should vote for biden and support NATO and if you don’t you are a fascist” anarchism

I used to love anarchism

I thought i was anarchism

And i love you like anarchists love being fucking annoying little shits and smelling bad

Is anarchism anti-democracy?

For questions and well-informed anarchist answers regarding the theory, practice and history of anarchist movements and ideas. No question is too basic (or advanced!) to ask, so don't be shy :)

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Is anarchism anti-democracy?

Maybe this is a weird question, but is anarchism supportive or opposed to democracy as a concept? Because I have seen anarchists make positive and negative references to it.

Some say anarchism supports an extreme form of democracy, some say it opposes democracy as another form of hierarchy.

Does it depend on the form of democracy? Or the form of anarchism?

Rastafarian Anarchism

We're anti-hierarchy, anti-government, anti-democracy, anti-capitalist and anti-fascist. This is a classical libertarian subreddit that welcomes all anarchist tendencies.

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Rastafarian Anarchism

"Every law is illegal. Every government on the face of the earth today is illegal." - Bob Marley

Anarchism and the Rastafarian movement share many common points.

The Rastafarian movement is characterized by a strong respect for individuality, emphasizing radical freedom and individual autonomy. At the same time, it has a strong inclination towards collectivism, communal living, and community life.

There is no emphasis on hierarchical structures, as each Rastafarian individual is seen as possessing the divine essence within themselves; therefore, there is no need for priests or mediators to facilitate their communication with the Divine. Everyone is considered equal, and being on the same level, they have equal potential to influence the movement as a whole.

No Rasta, therefore, has the authority to declare which beliefs and practices are orthodox and which are heterodox. The conviction that Rastafarianism has no dogmas is so strong that it has itself become something of a dogma.

By the term "Babylon," Rastafarians reference all forms of oppressive and corrupt systems aimed at enslaving human beings. Babylon represents the current Western capitalist society, the governmental systems that embrace the principles of capital valorization, especially with the values typical of the post-industrial revolution era.

The long-standing presence of Rastafarian communes is well-documented. The Pinnacle Camp, established by Leonard P. Howell in 1940, is one of the best-known ancient communes. Additionally, Prince Emmanuel's Boboshante Camp in Bull Bay, St. Thomas, Jamaica, affectionately known as Foundation Camp by the Boboshante community members, stands as an example of a Rastafarian commune that endures to this day.

In honor of May Day, r/anarchism is here to answer all your questions about anarchism

I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.

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In honor of May Day, r/anarchism is here to answer all your questions about anarchism

Anarchism is a social movement that seeks freedom from oppressive systems of control, whether they be the state, capitalism, racism, sexism, or religious institutions. Anarchists advocate a self-managed stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes personal responsibility for the health and prosperity of their community.

We're anarchists. Ask us anything (about anarchism).

  • A place to challenge, debate, and discuss anarchism. All political beliefs are welcome! Post your debate challenge and see if any anarchists take you up on it. members
  • The conflict between humanity and nature is an extension of the conflict between human and human members
  • For questions and well-informed anarchist answers regarding the theory, practice and history of anarchist movements and ideas. No question is too basic (or advanced!) to ask, so don't be shy :) members
  • This sub is for discussion of free-market, anti-capitalist, anarchism. members
  • Welcome to the Anarchism Book Club! Chapter discussions every Friday starting March 1st! Currently Reading: What is Property? (Pierre-Joseph Proudhon) Discussion posts about books other than our current reading are not only allowed, they are encouraged! members
  • Individualist Anarchism is a school of thought which notices that capitalism and the state, along with other forms of groupthink, traditions and ideological faiths, are inimical to the lives of individuals. members
  • Unremorsefully religious, anti-state, and anti-capitalist members
  • This is a subreddit for posting and discussing flags of the left. members
  • From Emma Goldman to Noam Chomsky, from the Freie Arbeiter Stimme to Anarchists Against the Wall, there is a rich history and tradition throughout the world of Jewish anarchism, Yiddish-language antiauthoritarianism, and Hebrew self-determination. members
  • Focused on anarchism pertaining to American issues. Other related discussion or content is also welcome. members
  • Mutualism is an anarchist current, originally based in the theories of P.-J. Proudhon, which treats both capitalism and authoritarian government as instances of exploitation, by which the power of the masses is turned back against them by privileged classes. Today, the term may apply to a range of anarchist positions, from updated "proudhonism" to "free-market anti-capitalism," which do not preclude market exchange. members
  • Welcome! Think of this as r/anarcho-capitalism 2.0, new and improved! For more information, feel free to check out the pinned post titled "What do we stand for?". Management reserves the right to digitally remove, so to speak, any poster or post we deem unwelcome here. Also join our discord (we share it with r/shitstatistssay): members
  • A place to discuss capitalism and socialism. members
  • All Canadian Anarchists Welcome, the purpose of this subreddit is to help other Canadian Anarchists meet and organize together. Feel free to promote local event's and use this as a means to create your own event's. Users are also free to ask questions and discuss Anarchism, Canadian Politics, and even Anarchistic punk music as well here. Help yourself and others take action and work towards revolution! members
  • Indigenous anarchism provides a radical critique, which holds that the global history of genocide, slavery, colonization, and exploitation rest upon the assumption of white supremacy. White supremacy is thus understood, from this point of view, as a presupposition of statism, centralization, hierarchy, and authority. The anarchist critique of white supremacy is thus linked to a critique of social and political systems that evolved out of the history of slavery and native genocide. members
  • Towards national, social and individual liberation. Sister subreddit to /r/AnarchoIndependentism. members
  • Each one teach one! members
  • Socialism_101 is a space for learning about socialism and the socialist perspective(s). This community is organised in a Q&As format with which to provide answers and tools for an early contact with socialist thought. members
  • A place to discuss contemporary anarchist thought; New Anarchism, Post-Anarchism, Post-Left Anarchism, and more! members
  • A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and their design characteristics members
  • We're anti-hierarchy, anti-government, anti-democracy, anti-capitalist and anti-fascist. This is a classical libertarian subreddit that welcomes all anarchist tendencies. members
  • We support revolutionary anarchist communism achieved through an organised working class. Full freedom from all oppressions cannot be achieved without ending capitalism. The working class has no country. There is no war in the interests of the working class but the class war. We oppose all parliamentary participation and the advocacy of electoral parties. members
  • Eco-Anarchism, also known as Green Anarchism, is an anarchist school of thought that focuses on ecology and environmental issues. It is an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian form of radical environmentalism, which emphasizes social organization, freedom and self-fulfillment. This subreddit's purpose is to discuss and propagate Eco-Anarchist thinking and politics. members
  • In a free society without the state, neither the secular nor the religious ideology can govern. Because the people have destroyed the armed state and began to govern themselves. In this society believers live according to their beliefs and non-believers live as they want to. members
  • Please join us in Discord: Once you have access post your Reddit handle in #general-discusion with @Properal in the message to get less chance to get stuck in spam filter. ___ Civil, On-topic Discussion of Anarcho-Capitalism and other Libertarian Topics. members
  • Christian anarchism encompasses a wide range of views based around the intersection of Christianity and anarchism. members
  • RadicalChristianity has developed as a community discussing the intersection of philosophy, theology, critical theory, power dynamics, antifascist action, and revolutionary politics. As such, we are interested in affirmative outreach to those historically harmed by the christian church (including the non-institutional church and state-controlled churches.) All are welcome and invited to participate! Please [message us]( members
  • Anarchy after Leftism members
  • An active community for challenging, debating, and discussing communism and socialism with originality and flair. All political beliefs are welcome! Post your debate challenge and see if any communists take you up on it. members
  • Whatever. members