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[–]david_sunny 1705 points1706 points  (324 children)

A second game by Team Cherry

A completely new game? I thought this was gonna be a DLC. Either way it looks awesome. Can't wait.

[–]Ell223 996 points997 points  (112 children)

Definitely an entirely new game. From the YouTube description:

Hollow Knight: Silksong is the epic sequel to Hollow Knight, the epic action-adventure of bugs and heroes. As the lethal hunter Hornet, journey to all-new lands, discover new powers, battle vast hordes of bugs and beasts and uncover ancient secrets tied to your nature and your past.

[–]Clearskky 65 points66 points  (25 children)

Sequel? So which ending is canon now?

[–]AnActualPlatypus 242 points243 points  (0 children)

The Mr. Mushroom one.

[–]DiscordDraconequus 86 points87 points  (16 children)

They'll probably leave it ambiguous on purpose.

It looks like this takes place outside Hallownest, so the ultimate fate of the old Kingdom will probably just never come up or it will be left open to interpretation. It could be "ruined," that could be from infection, Void, or something completely different.

[–]BrendenOTK 53 points54 points  (15 children)

Yes, but there are endings in the original where Hornet is sealed in the black egg with Hollow Knight. They were referring to Hornet's fate, not Hollonest's.

[–]Ninestempest 65 points66 points  (9 children)

That's generally considered a "bad" ending, which I highly doubt would be the one they use. Also, given it's nature, it wouldn't make sense for it to be that ending. Also, for all we know, this could be before HK happens.

[–]BrendenOTK 33 points34 points  (4 children)

Right, the use of the word "sequel" could just be saying it's a second game. It could still end up being a prequel.

I didn't think they'd use the void heart ending. My guess is they just use the first ending or possibly the Radiance ending. I don't see them going off of the Pantheon ending as it would be shutting out anyone who couldn't beat the very difficult content. Unless they did some form of prologue.

[–]Ninestempest 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Yeah, as cool as that would be, it's by FAR the hardest ending to get... though it does raise some very interesting questions if that's what they go with. We'll see, I guess.

[–]taschneide 18 points19 points  (1 child)

If you've seen that ending, then it certainly seems like they were setting up "the further adventures of Hornet" with that scene at the end...

[–]Ninestempest 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah, for sure. We'll have to see what happens when the game comes out, or we get more trailers.

[–]BrendenOTK 2 points3 points  (0 children)

A prologue featuring the ending cutscene could clear that up if they do decide to go with that

[–]CBSh61340 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They'd presumably go with the true ending. Radiance is dead, the Knight has returned to the soup that spawned him, Hornet is left alone to discover a path and meaning in the new, Radiance-less world.

It's worth noting that the world exists beyond Hallownest. Quirrel was there for quite a while before something brought him back.

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Probably the last one

[–]danuhorus 11 points12 points  (1 child)

I’m gonna go with Godmaster. That one has the most open ending of them all, and sets up conflict for the next game.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Probably the real one

[–]AnActualPlatypus 253 points254 points  (58 children)

Holy shit, I've only expected a DLC. This is amazing. GOTY 2019 contender already.

[–]trophicmist0 172 points173 points  (24 children)

Not necessarily going to release in 2019, they haven't committed to anything

[–]Daunn 175 points176 points  (15 children)

that's why it's a contender.

or else it would already have won!

[–]trophicmist0 31 points32 points  (12 children)

Oh for sure! Funnily enough though, I still haven't beaten Hollow Knight as exams and stuff came up...

[–]HoorayForYage 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I think it looks amazing. I don't care if it's basically just a rehash of the first game.

But I loved the bit with the double jumping. Reminded me of Messenger.

[–]HalfKeyHero 13 points14 points  (17 children)

Man you havent even played the game yet how can you say that?

[–]Abnormal_Armadillo 278 points279 points  (25 children)

It was going to be a DLC the size of a game, or a new game. I suppose they just took the smarter route. The game itself was as complete as it could have been, to add hornet would have meant they needed to change the entirety of the games mechanics around her combat style. Many of the enemies would have been too slow or predictable for her.

[–]pyrospade 110 points111 points  (24 children)

Why not call it Hollow Knight 2 though? The naming makes you think is DLC and might be confusing for some people. It would sell more for sure if people knew this is a sequel.

[–]Fatdude3 138 points139 points  (15 children)

Yeah Hollow Knight 2 : Silksong would be a better title to show that its a new game. I hope they change it in the future

[–]Anf93 116 points117 points  (14 children)

I'd even go with just Silksong, it's leaner and more to the point. However, I understand that due to the success of Hollow Knight, the Hollow Knight part of the title brings in the "brand" value.

[–]otaconx 117 points118 points  (11 children)

Silksong: A Hollow Knight Story

[–]UltrafastFS_IR_Laser 35 points36 points  (1 child)

They should absolutely not drop Hollow Knight. This is an indie studio, no one will have any idea wtf Silksong is. You dont drop a brand IP just because some reddit dude said so.

[–][deleted] 42 points43 points  (17 children)

Man, I still haven't finished the first one because the drive that it was installed on died mid playthrough and I'm pretty sure I don't have a steamcloud backup for it.

[–]Cheesusaur 68 points69 points  (12 children)

On the plus side, if you start again, it's a Metroidvania so it's much, much quicker on a second play though.

[–]nybbas 24 points25 points  (11 children)

Seriously. My first playthrough took me over 20 hours. Second took around 5 I think.

[–]VerumCH 23 points24 points  (10 children)

Wow. Really? I was just barely getting into the full swing of the game's mechanics by 15-20 hours in (i.e., finally past all the tutorials and unlocked access to all the different kinds of upgrades you can later find/buy/earn). I ended up just kinda dropping the game after that because something else came out and I never had the motivation to return to it, but I would have guessed I was at most 50% of the way through the game.

[–]JacobinOlantern 26 points27 points  (6 children)

Took mean about 55 hours with no guide and doing most of the side content.

[–]Cloud_Fish 13 points14 points  (3 children)

I have something like 112 hours on Hollow Knight.

Did all achievements etc and like 5 or 6 different playthroughs using different builds and challenge runs, no nail upgrades etc.

Game is so much fucking fun, I still get the urge to go play through that shit from time to time.

[–]taschneide 4 points5 points  (2 children)

You should check out some of the speedrunning/modding stuff fans have done. There's a Randomizer mod that scrambles the locations of all the upgrades and charms and such (with some logic to make sure it's still beatable).

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I can confirm that HK stores cloud saves. Unless you specifically took steps to make it NOT save to the cloud, you should be good.

[–]quangtran 3 points4 points  (0 children)

When watching the game I was wondering why they didn't just sell this as a new game, so I wasn't surprised when they confirmed it was a sequel a few seconds later.

[–]Dabrush 7 points8 points  (2 children)

My hope then is that they actually start a new difficulty curve. The other DLCs all continued from where the difficulty curve of the base game topped out and Godmaster was just too hard for me. I like the challenge, but the base game was more than fine for me.

[–]ZombiePyroNinja 1028 points1029 points  (73 children)

The sequel? Well that's a welcome surprise for sure. I was just expecting a dlc.

Hollow Knight is a meaty game for 15 dollars with a bunch of added dlc for free. I'm glad Team Cherry is actually going to charge for something.

[–]yoshi12345786 460 points461 points  (44 children)

Its probably one of those situations where their vision for it got too ambitious for it to end up as just dlc so they are making it a new game altogether

[–]moonmeh 471 points472 points  (32 children)

"How do we deal with creating new enemies and adjusting the area to Hornet's moveset?"

"Just fucking make a new game I guess"

[–]LLJKCicero 273 points274 points  (30 children)

The Shovel Knight approach.

"Adjust each level slightly to accommodate character swaps? I have a better idea: we make an entire new campaign for each new character."

[–]Revoran 134 points135 points  (25 children)

Honestly, that's probably the easier route.

Designing platformer/metroidvania levels so that they work for two different characters with very different move-sets, is quite hard.

It's one of the reasons I have so much respect for Banjo Tooie with their split-up mechanic. The levels are designed well to be fun with banjo, kazooie, or both characters.

[–]fly19 68 points69 points  (23 children)

That's the reason the Shovel Knight devs ended up having to up the base cost of their game with four different character campaigns -- even reusing some levels, it takes a lot of work to make them functional, much less satisfying, to play through with a completely different moveset.

Though credit to them, Yacht Club Games was very clear about the timing and reasoning for the shift and honored the DLC promise for everyone who bought the base game at it's original price point.
But in terms of dollars to amount of content present, even without all the DLC, Hollow Knight is hard to beat for any game not called FTL.

[–][deleted] 36 points37 points  (3 children)

Terraria has tons of content for the price too.

[–]Wigginns 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I was over 300 hours in Terraria before I started a modded playthrough a few weeks ago and now I’m around 350. It’s such a solid base and the modding scene is incredibly active and honestly very easy to get into

[–]KrazeeJ 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I can’t tell you how badly I wish the Minecraft modding scene was as easy to get into as the Terraria one. You deal with running the modloader once and then literally everything you need to do is in the in-game menu. You wanna hop into a multiplayer server that has some mods you don’t have? No worries, we’ll download them for you! Fuck, that alone would make Minecraft with mods a thousand times easier to deal with.

[–]moonmeh 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Ah the game that's supposed to be finished but actual no we are gonna update again

The devs are nuts

[–]Toomuchgamin 14 points15 points  (5 children)

Slay the Spire up there too.

[–]FlipskiZ 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Any roguelike or roguelike, really. Proper free roguelikes such as ADOM, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Tales of Maj’Eyal, Dungeon Crawl Soup, Cogmind, Dwarf Fortress (adventure mode for roguelike, but base builder fits as well), Aurora 4x for the space dwarf fortress, have literally enough content to stay engaged for months of active play, especially with mods. And they're all bloody free!

Infinite value!

I might have a slight bias as roguelikes are my favourite games, with Cataclysm bring the top one.

[–]Kwahn 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nethack (and Slashem Extended fuck-you edition) for life

[–]Shintsu2 6 points7 points  (5 children)

FTL seems like a kind of weird one to reference as an example of a lot of content for the money...I mean it's a roguelike and you pretty much get what you expect. To me, Shovel Knight and Hollow Knight are the go to examples of lots of content for a pretty fair (read: low) price.

[–]yoshi12345786 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And it works <X3

[–]esunei 24 points25 points  (6 children)

How often do one of these situations really crop up? Especially with a game that looks to be as good as this. If it's only as good as the first it will be incredible.

Most of the time when developers get too ambitious, it results in long dev cycles with a bloated product, riddled with feature creep. The first game was incredible for being both very meaty but without losing focus; very few, if any, areas or systems felt like they were filler.

[–]zeppeIans 25 points26 points  (0 children)

It's probably easier for an indie developer, because deadlines are much more flexible when you haven't signed with a publisher

[–]3holes2tits1fork 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 would be another game that was intended to be DLC but they got ambitious enough to make a full sequel.

[–]Revoran 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The way it reuses content but creates a whole new game, I could've easily thought Majora's Mask was a situation like that.

But actually what happened is one Dev asked to make the next Zelda after OoT and Nintendo said "lol ok but you have to do it in one year"

[–]dEnamed2 53 points54 points  (8 children)

I'm glad Team Cherry is actually going to charge for something.

Yep. While I wasn't overly enthused by the DLC (not complaining either though), the game was the epitome of "but wait, there's more!".
There's was such an absurd amount of actual, lovingly handcrafted content in this, that to this day, it's in my absolute top list of all times.

I'll be happy to buy this as soon as possible.

[–]Tabbarn 56 points57 points  (7 children)

I almost feel bad for paying only 15 bux for that game.

[–]Cephalopod_Joe 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I've bought like four copies either as gifts or for additional platforms for myself, so that helps a little bit. Still insane value

[–]PaperPritt 11 points12 points  (3 children)

And it's comin to switch right off the bat! can't wait!

[–]selfproclaimed 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Of course it is. Indie games sell like hotcakes on tht system.

[–]Clovis42 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I'm glad Team Cherry is actually going to charge for something.

I'm a huge cheapskate (aka patientgamer), but the amount of free DLC fro Hollow Knight was nuts. I'm definitely cool with giving them more money.

I mean, I'm still a cheapskate, so I'll buy it on sale though.

[–]aupenn 135 points136 points  (3 children)

What a pleasant surprise. This looks like everything I would have wanted from a sequel and more. The first game has an incredible amount of content, polish, and charm. The trailer without a doubt wipes away any concerns I could have even potentially had with a sequel. It looks like you even have more mobility now. It's baffling to me how they've made a whole new game and supposedly been pushing these updates out considering how small their team is. For those who want to know, they give more details here. If you helped crowdfund the game originally for more than $10, you will be receiving Silksong for free. You can find this information in the video link provided.

[–]njott 51 points52 points  (2 children)

For free?? I mean.. wow.. talk about a kick back for your donators

[–]tobiasvl 20 points21 points  (1 child)

It was originally going to be dlc, so it makes sense (but it's still nice of course)

[–]njott 13 points14 points  (0 children)

No that's what I mean. Team cherry did their donators right, and then some

[–]Frederic_de_Nucingen 395 points396 points  (47 children)

This has the potential to be as good as the first game! In fact, some of the combat animations look even smoother. I hope the lore and the story will also keep up.

[–]LoosePath 147 points148 points  (1 child)

Not only the combat animations, I think the visuals are also improved.

[–]skunk44 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That theater boss with the crowd looked incredible!

[–]Shadow-14 53 points54 points  (4 children)

If there is someone that can make a game as good (or better) as Hollow Knight, it's Team Cherry.; I don't think they're going to let us down in the lore or story.

[–]ptatoface 24 points25 points  (3 children)

You say that like Team Cherry has put out a ton of great games. Don't get me wrong, Hollow Knight was great and I have high hopes for this game, but one game isn't exactly enough of a pattern to determine that they can do no wrong.

[–]BalthizarTalon 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I think their current track record with that one game is enough to earn them the benefit of the doubt though.

[–]WowzerzzWow 44 points45 points  (9 children)

Regarding the story... it just feels brighter. Does that make sense? That little snippet we got in that trailer completely changed the tone.

[–]Manisil 78 points79 points  (4 children)

this kingdom looks like it's alive still.

[–]WowzerzzWow 4 points5 points  (3 children)

So... prequel?

[–]Manisil 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Could be, the trailer says it's a "new" kingdom though, and the environments look very different from the Forgotten Kingdom.

[–]TeamFortifier 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Nah, diff kingdom

[–]Soul-Burn 21 points22 points  (2 children)

They said in a video that the first game is about going down a cave while the new game is about going up.

We will probably see a lot more sky and brightness.

[–]Mr_Lafar 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Haven't watched their longer video yet, but that sounds awesome.

[–]XdsXc 7 points8 points  (0 children)

the animations look fucking incredible. i love how the enemies move

[–]RickyMountain 245 points246 points  (16 children)

Damn, that movement looks clean. Just about the only thing I was left wanting in Hollow Knight was more advanced movement options (barring weird exploits that are only applicable in speedrunning). This is the most excited I've been for an upcoming game in a hot minute.

[–]goodmermingtons 75 points76 points  (7 children)

Looks like they expanded on the double jump and dash mechanics quite significantly. Parts of it remind me of The Messenger, using enemies for an extra jump maybe? I'm excited to find out.

Also the music is unbelievably good.

[–]phrostbyt 16 points17 points  (5 children)

Sundered does that too

[–]M8753 6 points7 points  (0 children)

When I found out I could hook onto the enemies, that was awesome

[–]MikeoftheEast 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Sega's Shinobi on the PS2 does that too.

[–][deleted] 271 points272 points  (12 children)

I'm so glad I Kickstarted the original. Now not only we get a whole new game instead of a DLC, but also it's gonna be free for backers.

Team Cherry, you're my valentine.

Gonna buy copies for my friends, again!

[–]M4J0R4 88 points89 points  (6 children)

It’s gonna be free for bakers? Wow. Team Cherry is awesome

[–]Harryolo97 58 points59 points  (2 children)

One of stretch goals for kickstarters was "playable hornet" free for backers above certain amount. At first everyone including team cherry thought this is just gonna be a dlc, with ability to switch between hk and hornet, or pick hornet chapter from menu, kinda like robin dlc for batman arkham city. But apperently idea grew so much they are making a new game. I guess it's fair that people who were supposed to get this hornet dlc free, do get sequel for free since this is what they were promised. Still, I don't think we deserve team cherry giving us so much love.

[–]AMemoryofEternity 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Seeing how the full retail price for Hollow Knight is ~15 bucks, I'm assuming Silksong will also be priced modestly. If I had to choose between a new EA/Ubisoft cosmetic bundle or possibly one of the best metroidvanias in recent years, it's a no-brainer.

Team Cherry is leading the standard when it comes to indiedev.

[–]NameYeff 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Still can't believe that it's made by three guys in Adelaide.

[–][deleted] 61 points62 points  (0 children)

A whole new game?? I love these motherfuckers. It looks sick.

[–]Eggerslolol 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Hollow Knight is one of the best games I've ever played in my life, full stop.

I cannot wait for this.

[–]kaeporo 364 points365 points  (26 children)

This looks fucking incredible. Hollow Knight is a terrific game—one of the best metroidvania titles ever developed, and both its quality and content volume are unbelievable for a fledgling developer. Despite having the same art style and similar assets - this direct-sequel barely even resembles it.

Ridiculous. This is a day one buy and i'm halfway tempted to pre-order it. I never pre-order games.

[–]Revoran 105 points106 points  (5 children)

and both its quality and content volume are unbelievable for a fledgling developer.

It's also an incredible bargain, considering it's only $15 USD.

[–]Personel101 29 points30 points  (2 children)

It launched on permanent sale.

HK could have gotten away with charging more than double that price, easy.

[–]December_Flame 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I think that price helped make it the hit that it was though. The wild praise mixed with "it's only 15$" propelled the games popularity into the atmosphere. If there was a higher financial barrier I'm certain it would have had way less popularity, from an unestablished company.

[–]shapookya 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Hollow Knight is so good, I'll buy the sequel no matter what. If there is a pre-order, I'll pre-order because I'll buy it no matter what.

I think there is no problem with pre-orders if you aren't on the fence about buying it

[–]LoosePath 26 points27 points  (0 children)

You bet your ass I'm gonna pre-order this as soon as it's available... I've learnt my lesson but this one's gonna be the exception, I got my money worth many times for purchasing Hollow Knight at $15.

[–]NilRecurring 38 points39 points  (5 children)

If you backed the original on Kickstarter for 10 bucks you get this one for free, too. Was there ever a Kickstarter that offered that much value?

[–]TheMastodan 68 points69 points  (4 children)

This is incredible news. Hollow Knight is probably my favorite Metroid-style game, including the actual Metroid games.

They also confirm that Chris Larkin will be making the soundtrack again.

I'm happier about this than I would be if the Direct had actually announced Metroid Dread.

[–]Wefyb 10 points11 points  (2 children)

He's actually even more closely involved this time, because (as they revealed in their 20 minutes thingy) the gameplay and the story are based around two things: silk, and SONG. So this time, larkin is going to be instrumental in the gameplay.

[–][deleted] 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Looks absolutely amazing, can't wait. Hollow Knight was already one of the best metroidvania games ever, not to mention the ridiculous amount of content for such a low price. I have total faith in Team Cherry with that DLC/standalone, and I definitely didn't expect it to be so big. Hopefully they'll be able to incorporate everything they wanted to in the original game but couldn't. I also can't wait to see what they have in store after they're done with Hollow Knight.

[–]TuttiFruiti 19 points20 points  (0 children)

I am so excited for this. Wish we had a release date. Hollow Knight is probably my favourite game of all time.

[–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (0 children)


This is one amazing trailer.

Looks like the game will be amazing but DAMN a reveal trailer that's 90% game and with that sweet music is just... Yeah, these guys know what they're doing.

This game looks like it improves on a bunch of mechanics from the first, and builds a ton on top of this new foundation.

Can't wait!

[–]Arctic_Animal 62 points63 points  (0 children)

I... WHAT?!

I have never, ever been this hyped for a sequel! Time to prepare for the long wait then...Sigh..Bapanada...

Team Cherry you are the best!

[–]King-Achelexus 87 points88 points  (4 children)

Interesting that they're marketing it as "their second game", and not just a DLC. Given it has 150 enemies (as many as the original), I'm hoping it will be just as big.

[–]ShinyShrew 81 points82 points  (1 child)

I watched the trailer and thought it's no mere dlc. The tweet actually says "Explore a haunted kingdom in the epic sequel to the award winning action-adventure." (edit: guess that's what you were saying too)

[–]Kinky_Muffin 33 points34 points  (0 children)

They have a chat video where they explicitly say it.

[–]BalthizarTalon 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Looks like the scope has grown to the point they're just straight up calling it a sequel rather than a big DLC.

I'm cool with that. Super keen, will be there day one. Hollow Knight was the biggest and best gaming surprise of 2017 for me, and it's just kept giving since then.

[–]moonmeh 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Remember that hornet paid dlc everyone was clamoring about?

They just made a new game out if it the madmen

[–]frik1000 11 points12 points  (22 children)

Man, I really should finish Hollow Knight one of these days. IIRC, I'm pretty much at the last point already but I decided to look up how to get the true ending or whatever and realized I'd have to go through the gauntlet that is the White Palace and I am just ass at platforming so I kinda put it on hold.

[–]TheSeaOfThySoul 19 points20 points  (6 children)

I'm bad at platforming too, but I did it without dying by just taking it slow & using the honeycomb charm. If you don't have it, travel to the edge of the kingdom & listen for buzzing - follow it.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

watch some of the speedruns, there are sections you can skip with relatively easy techniques that make things a whoooole lot easier.

that being said it still took me all afternoon to complete that bastard. use the charm that boosts your magic meter from taking damage and you can mitigate a lot of the inevitable mistakes you make.

[–]quangtran 2 points3 points  (7 children)

I still haven't finished. I insist on being a completionist but found some of the extra tasks too hard.

[–]frik1000 3 points4 points  (5 children)

I distinctly remember one task to bring an item from one side of the map to the other without attacking or taking damage.

That's a hard no from me.

[–]KanraKiddler 15 points16 points  (0 children)

You can attack, you just can't take damage or use fast travel systems.

[–]DirkDasterLurkMaster 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Is Hornet's voice different? This definitely looks incredible but I really want to yell "HEGALE!"

[–]shapookya 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I was hoping that they make that DLC more than just a different playable character in the same zones.

This... this is what I was hoping for, and more.

[–]KeronianK 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Whole new game wow wasn't expecting that. Smart decision though Hollow Knight was already overflowing with content, having it be its own game allows them to make a whole game tailored around Hornet's unique moveset which looks stellar. Team Cherry is quickly becoming one of my favorite devs, will be buying this day one looks amazing.

[–]calibrono 199 points200 points  (19 children)

Holy shit this just looks like straight-up Hollow Knight 2! 150 new enemies, a whole new kingdom to explore? Air juggling? Completely new moveset? I'm in day one!


Blizzard, an ultra-rich megacorporation: no new games in 2019, in fact we will lay off almost 800 workers

A couple of australian boys: this, also it's free for Kickstarter backers who funded the original

[–]Moralio 48 points49 points  (0 children)

One of my favourite aspects of Hollow Knight (aside from slick controlls ofc) was pure joy of exploring this weird bug kingdom. If worldmap will be at least half as big as the one in the original, I'm sold. Day one buy.

[–]ThePotablePotato 51 points52 points  (0 children)

I myself was expecting a DLC around, maybe twice the size of Godmaster.

This looks so damn cool - and the best part? Being able to explore a complete map for the first time again!

[–]Spudeh 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Backed the original. Team Cherry have a customer for life. Will look to buy a copy anyway for their generosity.

[–]Skyb 26 points27 points  (6 children)

I'm as hyped as one can be, Hollow Knight is a modern day masterpiece. But man, that comparison with the Blizzard situation is a bad take lol

[–]Bitter_Peter 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don't usually comment too much, but man, this gave me goosebumps. Hollow Knight was one of the best games of all time to me and I'm excited to see that they are treating this as a new game.

[–]Coypop 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Spectacular, so much more than I was expecting. Looking forward to more lore, more build tinkering, more getting lost, and more cute Giger-by-way-of-Sanrio bugs.

[–]G102Y5568 7 points8 points  (0 children)

No way! I'm playing Hollow Knight for the first time ever right now, and they announce this now? What coincidence!

[–]CaptainSharkFin 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Please don't set the price to 15 USD, Team Cherry. At that point I'll feel like I'm stealing from you.

[–]T_elic 12 points13 points  (0 children)

What. I did not expect this to be a full fledged sequel. The game looks huge!

Fantastic, can't wait to play it. I always felt bad for buying HK on a steam sale. Getting this day 1.

The original HK is one of the best games i ever played. Amazing that they decided to make a full on sequel for it.

[–]Phnrcm 4 points5 points  (0 children)


As a backer, your support made this happen, so you’ll of course be receiving your copy of Hollow Knight: Silksong 100% free.

Wow a full size sequel free for the backer.

[–]battlebrocade 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Wow, I expected a couple hours of playing through HK as Hornet, not a full separate game.

Definitely will be purchasing.

[–]Twiser 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That trailer is everything i wanted it to be. Showed enough for me to be extremely curious and excited. Can't wait for release!

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Just saying that original game has about 150 enemies too (without dlcs). It tells alone how much content they will probably put into this.

They are really amazing team.

[–]Ashtavakra85 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Brilliant. I never expected a whole new game. This is awesome!!

Plz bring Zote back for a cameo. But never, ever, ever bring back Path of Pain...

[–]itsFelbourne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They HAVE to have a path of pain 2.0

[–]ComfySingularity 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Yo! Is that the MFin forest of bones they had originally planned for the main game?

[–]Valarasha 4 points5 points  (7 children)

I wonder if we're getting a Mega Man X 2 style plot...

Spoiler: I wonder if Hornet's goal in this game is to revive the Knight. It would be a logical place to take the story after she helped him defeat the Radiance and I am sure she was bummed that he sacrificed himself.

[–]Cogigo 5 points6 points  (5 children)

I think that the Godmaster ending is the one they would build upon not the regular one.

[–]itsFelbourne 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It would be weird to run with the ending that not even 1% of players have seen

[–]Valarasha 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Haven't got around to playing that DLC yet (finished the game before it came out). I need to go back and play through that.

[–]Technician47 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That music was absolutely incredible and one of the best trailers Ive seen in a long time.

Christ I love team cherry.

[–]CrossXhunteR 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I like what I'm seeing, but I hope that Hornet isn't so vocal in the game upon release. It seems like she makes sound for every non-walking action in this trailer, and while I like her voice I think it is a bit much.

[–]Twinzenn 3 points4 points  (0 children)


This is above and beyond any expectations, looks like they figured halfway through they could just make it a complete sequel instead of DLC, and I couldn't be happier. One of the best games of this decade.

[–]yumko 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I thought it'd be a dlc but a new whole game, damn. This team exceeded any expectations I put into them before. Seriously, if didn't play Hollow Knight, pick it up, it's a gem.

[–]MEsiex 2 points3 points  (0 children)

With a new playable hero, new locations and bosses, and 150 new enemies (I think that HK had around the same number of unique enemies) it couldn't be just a DLC. It seems like Team Cherry started out with a DLC but their vision was too big for that and I think everyone's is happier with that decision. Part of me wants Silksong to be more expensive than HK just because they charge too little for what they accomplish.

[–]jakeyjake1990 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm immeasurably excited, finished hollow knight two weeks ago and nothing else is scratching that same itch. This looks amazing.

[–]Jaerba 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Getting to play Hornet is exactly what I wanted next.

Since it was free dlc, it's hard to complain about Pantheon but it didn't really expand on the parts of the game I love the most. It looks like this is exactly that.

New worlds, lore and combat.

[–]Nadril 2 points3 points  (5 children)

Maybe I'll try and get into this one when it's out.

I tried and really wanted to like the original Hollow Knight but I just fell off on it hard. I think it was the map mechanics that really killed it for me (needing to find a map of an area first and stuff).

I tend to really enjoy that style of game too.

[–]anoff 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I guess I should finally get around to playing the first one, which I think I've had installed for like 2 years and booted up once. I keep wanting to, but other games keep getting in the way

[–]Zesty-Lem0n 5 points6 points  (9 children)

Damn that new mobility looks cash. This game is gonna be the Bloodborne to Hollow Knight's Dark Souls. Fingers crossed.

[–]Vanhandle 2 points3 points  (4 children)

I love the air-feel of this game. Look at her bobbing in combat, really good looking gravity.

[–]Zesty-Lem0n 3 points4 points  (3 children)

Ya it looks like a lot more aerial combat and movement options, with her tools replacing the magic abilities the Knight had. Disappointed they removed the old audio cues for her attacks tho:(

[–]Vanhandle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We don't know for sure that they did! Maybe it'll be associated with an upgrade or specific ability.

[–]Zechnophobe 5 points6 points  (0 children)

This is the easiest purchase choice I've had in a while. Original was a masterpiece, this looks great. My Body, and my wallet, are ready.

[–]killersoda288 5 points6 points  (0 children)

So i was looking for a gaming news subreddit when i discovered r/games(yeah, im slow) and this is the first post i come across. Extremely satisfied with my experience thus far.

Best piece of gaming news i could've hoped for!