PSA: This isn't "Wow this is neat!", it's /r/OfCOurseThatsAThing u/Dakar-A ADMIN MOD • PSA: This isn't "Wow this is neat!", it's /r/OfCOurseThatsAThing There have been a number of posts recently that are either crossposts or content from r/interestingasfuck, r/Damnthatsinteresting, r/woahdude and others. This is a reminder that this sub is SPECIFICALLY for content that invokes a sense of incredulity and amazement that something actually exists. This doesn't mean that content from those subs isn't welcome, but it must be content that is totally ridiculous AND a real thing that someone makes or is sold. Please help the sub and report any content that you feel doesn't match the ethos of the sub, which will help us mods keep the sub top-quality!
Have you seen the national jump rope league? u/happy_bluebird ADMIN MOD • Have you seen the national jump rope league? r/sports • Have you actually seen the national jump rope league?? upvotes · comments