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Posted by1 month ago

Holocaust denial theory projected on Anne Frank House

93% Upvoted
level 1

I must lack the creativity or imagination required to deny something like the fucking Holocaust.

level 2

Holocaust denial is a central element in many of the more aggressive antisemitic conspiracy groups. They say its existence is proof of their globalist agenda.

They actually travel around to former extermination camps and say “Look! There’s a sign that says this was an extermination camp, and this very spot is where a gas chamber once stood. But why would you tear down the building when it held so much historical significance? You would want to leave it in place as a reminder of what happened. But there was never anything here, because nothing happened. They can put up all the fake pictures they want, but the truth is right here. There’s nothing!”.

It’s all based on extremely poor logic and magical thinking. But it works really well for people who are searching for a way to justify their preexisting hatred.

level 2

Putting it on Anne Frank's house is a bit weird. Then why was she hiding then, and how did she die?

It's like going to the international space station to broadcast your flat earth message

level 2

It may just be hate that you lack.

level 2

Their main “reasoning” is essentially “How would you be able to murder 6 million Jews in addition to millions of other Slavs, Roma, Homosexuals, and political dissidents in less than 4 years while fighting a 2 front war.” All this ignores the fact the Nazis were evil and insane enough to believe that murdering millions of people was going to win them the war instead of actual strategy

level 2

It's all driven by sheer hate.

level 2

People who deny the Holocaust know full well it happened, they just don't want to admit they did anything wrong.

level 2

It's fucking nuts that people would deny anything

And I don't mean "Oh it's the government that did it"

Been listening to a podcast called Knowledge Fight, which covers Alex Jones, and it's insane the hoops these deniers go thru to deny that something happened. They claimed no one died, the school doesn't exist, etc. Plus some old 9/11 coverage.

Just like how?

level 2

I just don't even understand WHY people do shit like this.

level 2

Like, i COULD see a point in a lot of conspiracy theories, even though they don't have any evidence. I applaud the creativity of creating a scenario that would be possible in theory. But this holocaust denial theory feels just so sloppy. Like you didn't even bother with making up something plausible. It's like coming up with the theory of "somehow hitler returned"

level 2

It's mostly just politics at this point. People who seriously deny the holocaust are usually rivals of Isreal and want to try to prove that the country shouldn't exist.

On the flip side politics was why the Armenian genocide took a long time to get recognized. Countries that wanted a good relationship with Turkey typically refused to recognize it. This was the reason my high school dropped its partnership with the ADL back in the day because the ADL was trying to normalize relations between Turkey and Israel and wouldn't publicly state that the Armenian genocide was a genocide.

There is a lot of politics that goes into recognition of genocides

level 2

It isn't really surprising. We just went through a pandemic where there were/are many people who believed it was a hoax and all about the government being able to control us.

I was working in a factory during the pandemic where one person said that the vaccines were fill with the zyklon B and we will all be dead in 5 years.

Onto the Holocaust with many survivors not being alive anymore I do hope it will be a part of the education system, so generation never forget what happen.

level 2

Creativity and imagination not required. What you lack is hatred. These people don’t believe any of the shit they’re saying. They just want Nazism destigmatized.

level 2

It’s neither creativity nor imagination. It is bigotry and hatred and evil.

level 2

I know a few Holocaust deniers sadly. They’re fucking freaks

level 2

You’d think so, but make a post about the Uyghur Muslim death camps and see just how many deny it is happening or go even further and compare it to the holocaust and learn just how “it isn’t that bad”.

level 2
Comment removed by moderator · 1 mo. ago
level 2

They don't actually believe it. They're lying in an attempt to undermine peoples confidence in the truth under a guise of "Hey, why so offended? I'm just asking questions."

They are using outrage and stupidity both to reach a wider audience.

level 2

Keep in mind there is a significant amount of people who think the earth is flat.

level 2

It’s not creative or imaginative. They didn’t come up with this shit, they just watched a YouTube video. If anything it’s just a complete lack of critical thinking skills, combined with an unhealthy dose of racism and an inferiority complex.


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