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'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Producer Amy Pascal Reveals More About the Historic Film and Confirms Tom Holland's Future as Spider-Man

Spider-Man: No Way Home
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This is not the last movie that we are going to make with Marvel – [this is not] the last Spider-Man movie. We are getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel, it just isn't part of… we're thinking of this as three films, and now we're going to go onto the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies.

Last week: "If I'm Spider-Man by the time I'm 30, I've done something wrong." - Tom

Next week: "Who tf am I kidding? Disregard what I said" - Tom

u/legopieface avatar

"My agent told me to say that so I could triple my income."


Tom about to be the next RDJ in the MCU

”And I… am Spider-Man.”

Peter says to Kang

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u/dannelbaratheon avatar

That might be a joke, but if Peter kills Kang or something, I will actually not be mad about that, lol.

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u/BurryagaAgaburry avatar

If you want my role after im 30 i'll take the acting job, double the money.

And Marvel has to fix that damn door.

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I don't doubt he's struggling with the stardom and I think that's a very sincere issue he's having, but I'm sure some of the, "I'm not sure I'll even be Spider-Man anymore after this movie," was a combination of building hype for the upcoming film and putting him in a better position to negotiate. And maybe it's not even the financials, but s better schedule for him that isn't as crazy.

u/LinuxMatthews avatar

You get this with actors all the time I remember reading in magazines as a kid that the Harry Potter kids were going to leave and they were going to recast.

It's a game of chicken all actors play in franchises to up their salary.

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u/coreyp0123 avatar

Triples makes it safe. Triples is best.

Corncob TV approved

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I mean he isn’t technically wrong, even if he makes 3 more movies as spidey…when sm6 releases he will be in his early 30s I guess lol

he'll be in his early 30's and still won't look a day over 21.

Yeah, he will have that baby face till 40 or 50 lmao

u/Danbito avatar

The Ralph Macchio special. Holland will still be portraying Peter as a late teen/early twenty and in reality be the same age as his older antagonist.

They New Paul Rudd

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Eh, his face has visibly aged in the last three years. He'll probably look like 25 at that point

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It's a negotiation tactic. A pretty effective one too depending on the actor.

It is, but I do think there's some truth to it. I think he is legitimately getting tired of playing the character, or the fame that comes with it. But as we all know, money talks.

I think it’s mostly the fame.

Dude has sleep paralysis of paparazzi.


I don't blame him though. Paparazzi are literal scum of the earth. Preying on people just minding their business just for a quick buck, it's pathetic. If any paps are reading this: fuck you.

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Sadly that’s the reality of things and something Marvel will need to start prepping their younger actors for if they want to keep them on for a longer period of time. Everyone seems to be having a great time working for Marvel whilst on set, but if the whole media circus surrounding it ends up being a nightmare, it’s still going to turn people off of reprising their roles beyond their initial contracts.

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Sad thing is as well, as Andrew Garfield kind of proves that even once Tom is done with playing Spidey, the shadow if the character is going to stick with him for years to come.

I wondered if the fact his relationship is now in the public eye has changed his mood on fame

Possibly. I mean... Did he really think having a relationship with Zendaya of all people was gonna be private? That's like Pete Davidson being surprised people found out he was dating Kim Kardashian

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“Can you pay me in Advance?” - Tom Holland Hopefully

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“What can I say? Amy and Kevin’s speech moved me… to a bigger house!”

Werewolf logic

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u/CollarOrdinary4284 avatar

John Campea was so wrong lmao

Yeah, but he slowly started melding his argument into “Spider-Man will leave the MCU, BUT still be featured in MCU movies!” So let’s see if he moves the goalpost again.

u/FictionFantom avatar

That’s not melding an argument that’s just flip flopping.

Nah, he's backpedalling like it's Tour De France.

u/Grootfan85 avatar

He's the master of moving the goal post.

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u/Colton826 avatar


He's focusing only on Amy's quote where she says "It just isn't", when she was essentially saying that it isn't apart of the current trilogy, and how they're viewing it as two trilogies, not as one continuous story.

He's saying that the new trilogy will be both in the MCU AND in the SSU, which doesn't make any sense based on what we currently know about the SSU.

It's John Campea...did anyone expect anything different?

lol he deleted it. What did it say?

EditL nvm, I guess you covered the gist of it.

Kevin Feige just recently said "I'm not even close to bored" when asked if he would leave the MCU soon, so John is eating a lot of crow lately. Let him take his time, lol.

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u/Elementlegen avatar

“Alright guys, if you’ve been watching the channel for awhile, you know I’ve already been saying this MONTHS ago…”

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u/Livinglaser123 avatar

When she said "it just isn't part of...", my heart nearly sank even though we already know he's staying in the MCU. All this lack of clarity is starting to put me on the edge a bit lol

That’s the most interesting bit to me. Not part of what?

Not part of the current trilogy. They've said in the past too that this would be the last one with a "home" title

Oh boy, can't wait for the Apartment trilogy or the Loft trilogy

u/Ser_Black_Phillip avatar

The Apartment Trilogy's last scene will be that DAMN DOOR being fixed.

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I guess I got the impression she was alluding to something more.

Especially considering the Homecoming trilogy is sort of all over the place, so what makes the new trilogy so strikingly different, as to be considered a new set of films.

u/roleparadise avatar

High school trilogy vs college trilogy is what I'm guessing they mean. New set of supporting characters.

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u/Villager723 avatar

Especially considering the Homecoming trilogy is sort of all over the place, so what makes the new trilogy so strikingly different, as to be considered a new set of films.

That difference is out there if you're willing to look and be spoiled.

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What I’m wondering is if the SSU is included as part of the new deal?

u/Pomojema_SWNN avatar

He'll be on contract for those movies, but I'm not sure if any of them will have to do with the MCU specifically.

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I dont understand how Spidey will interact with them. Is he coming to the SSU? are they coming to the MCU?

I think if Venom 2 is any indication, they'll be in the MCU, but I think the SSU characters will just keep to themselves in their own corner in a sense. Like how Spidey or any other available Avenger didn't come in for an assist in Falcon and The Winter Soldier. For all the connective tissue the MCU has, they do tend to segment characters to their own worlds a lot, which kind of makes sense.


From the looks of Venom 2, the SSU is coming to the MCU and not vice versa

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u/Cafeterialoca avatar

the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel, it just isn't part of… we're thinking of this as three films,

Isn't a part of what? THe MCU?!

u/just4browse avatar

Isn’t part of the Home trilogy? Maybe? Hopefully?

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u/Marvelous_7 avatar

She says further down the quote this isn’t their last mcu movie. We good

u/FictionFantom avatar

Doesn’t he have one more non-solo movie on his contract? Could be what she’s referring to.

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College trilogy LETS GOOOOOO

u/solehan511601 avatar

A lot of arcs such as Kraven's last hunt, Symbiotes can be adapted, in this one.


Honestly both stories can be done in one movie since both are mature and dark but it’d too similar to the Spider-Man 2 game

Fuck yeah, after seeing how Kraven’s Last Hunt got combined with the Symbiote Arc in Life Story I’ve been waiting for an adaptation that can go more in-depth with it.

Here’s hoping that the PS5 game adapts Life Story’s version of the last hunt. Kraven is such a good idea for a Venom host I cannot believe it had never been done before.

Kraven hunts the symbiote?

(I know nothing of the games nor the last hunt storyline)

Last Hunt: Kraven decides to perform his last hunt. For that, he shoots Spider-Man with a tranquilizer and buries him in a deep grave, leaving him for dead for like, a couple of weeks.

While Peter is buried, Kraven does Superior Spider-Man before it was cool (when Doctor Octopus swapped brains with Peter and tried to be a better Spider-Man) and runs around in a black Spider-Man costume beating people up. Peter eventually digs himself out and goes after Kraven, but he says he beat him because he could have killed him, and Spider-Man will always know that, so he won.

Then Kraven shoots his head off with a rifle.

In Life Story, Peter is attacked by Kraven, who shoots him with an actual bullet, and then buries him fully expecting him to die. Peter in this story had the symbiote in a jar while he went out on patrol and got caught off guard because he was growing old and dependent of the symbiote.

The symbiote goes nuts when it feels that Peter is dying and flies off, reaches the graveyard and digs down, bonding with Peter and becoming Venom. Venom goes after Kraven and tries to eat him, but Mary Jane purges the symbiote with a sonic gun made by Peter.

Kraven tries to commit suicide like he did in the original story, but the symbiote stops him and bonds with him. Kraven-Venom shows up later, but that’s the actual ending of the book and I don’t want to spoil everything. Life Story is awesome and short, so check it out!

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Dude READ THE LAST HUNT. It's a classic for a reason.

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u/Fiti99 avatar

I hope we don’t get any symbiotes tbh, always annoyed when adaptations only do Ditko and symbiotes, there’s 50 years worth of stories that haven’t been adapted yet

Hobgoblin mystery ftw

u/Fiti99 avatar

That would be great, I want a live action Roderick Kingsley

Literally anything from Stern’s run would be cool to see

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eh, i think the symbiote is a pretty great arc for spidey's character, showing him coming dangerously close to becoming a villain and being absorbed by his ego only to remember uncle ben's words and snap back to reality.

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I can see them using the symbiote as the suit that Kraven dons after burying Peter in the ground, as opposed to the cloth/spandex black suit from the original comic.

I reeeeeally wanna see a live action Scarlet Spider adaptation

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u/samjjones avatar

Big Wheel trilogy

u/Reverse_Time_Remnant avatar

Eh I'd rather have them use Big Wheel as the next Thanos, three movies aren't enough to explore the intricacies of his character

Big Wheel trilogy

Lady Stiltman 8 hour epic.

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u/TheJoshider10 avatar

Perfect opportunity to start fresh with the character and give him a clean slate without as much MCU baggage.

  • New location equals new characters. Bye Ned and MJ, hello Harry and Gwen.

  • College equals student loans equals student debt. No Tony to save the day means Peter will finally struggle with financial issues which he stupidly hasn't had to deal with in the previous MCU films.

NWH does seem to imply that the identity wipe could actually go through at the end, and Peter could use it as an opportunity to cut ties to those he cares about a little, so they're not in immediate danger every time a threat comes up, and he has a little more wiggle room if some bad guy finds out his identity.


Yes, it's time for the MCU Osborns to show themselves. I think DaFoe's Norman Osborn won't stick around in the MCU but the MCU's Norman Osborn will be introduced soon. Maybe as early as this film in a post credit scene.


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u/CosmicPterodactyl avatar

I think it’ll heighten the enjoyment. Seems like it could easily be that they do Politican Norman in the MCU, and have him come off as a good guy. But Holland’s Peter won’t buy it, and will try and take him down leading to Spider-Man looking like the bad guy in the situation. Maybe he specifically seeks out Harry to get close to Norman, but becomes good friends with him anyway. If pulled off well, there could be a ton of payoff for when Peter is finally “proven right” about his suspicions.

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I hope they bring Gwen and the Osborns.

They were introduced when Peter got to college, so I could definitely the same happening in the MCU. Mary Jane too.

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Please give Mr. Negative and Kingpin

u/Colton826 avatar

My ideal scenario:

Sony's Kraven movie: A faithful adaptation of Kraven's Last Hunt, minus the suicide. Spider-Man doesn't have to have a lot of screentime, saving Holland from doing too much.

Spider-Man 4: Kingpin as the main villain (Peter has the black symbiote suit & teams up with Daredevil)

Spider-Man 5: Venom as the main villain

Spider-Man 6: Sinister Six as the main villains (Vulture, Mysterio, Kraven, Scorpion, etc.)

For Spider-Man: Freshman Year and the other possible MCU Spider-Man animated series, use some lesser known Spider-Man foes like Tombstone, Mr. Negative, Smythe, etc.


I'd flip your ideas for Spider-Man 4 and 5 cuz Sony definitely isn't gonna wait that long to use Venom. Honestly I wonder if they'll just turn it into some special event movie called Spider-Man v Venom: Dawn of Symbiotes or some shit. I'd also like to see them introduce Gwen and Miles in case Holland ever wants out.

I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the exact title. It sounds very Sony.

u/BenSolo_Cup avatar

What’s if that’s the next trilogy naming trope

Spider-Man v Venom Spider-Man v Kraven Spider-Man v the Sinister Six


They're mocking Superman v Batman

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I feel like if they make a Venom vs Spider-Man movie then it will be considered Venom 3 then Spider-Man 4 in my opinion

u/Colton826 avatar

That was my initial thought as well, but given how the NWH post-credits scene is rumored to go, I feel like Feige is going to want Peter in the symbiote suit for a full movie before going down the Venom route.

If they were just wanting to do Spider-Man vs. Venom immediately for Spider-Man 4, then I feel like they would've just kept Tom Hardy's Venom in the MCU. Idk. We'll see what happens.

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You could potentially use Smythe, Kingpin and Tombstone in the same movie

Maybe Hammerhead too?

The turf wars dlc for Spider-man ps4 was the inspiration for what I had in mind. So Hammerhead would fit that mold as well. Would be a good place to have a Daredevil or (a more comic accurate) Heroes for Hire crossover.

That was exactly where I got the Black Cat and DD idea in the other comic from. There's a lot you could use in this movie.

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u/Zerce avatar

I just don't see how you could do a faithful adaptation of Kraven's Last Hunt when it's literally his first one.

u/Colton826 avatar

Kraven's First & Only Hunt.

To be honest, all they'd really need to do is establish Kraven's history of big-game hunting through some sort of montage. Show him taking down some of the biggest & rarest animals on Earth. Maybe throw in some animal-esque villains like Rhino or Lizard. It'd be pretty easy to do. I doubt they're planning to do a Kraven trilogy, so if we're going to get a "Last Hunt" movie, it's probably going to be his first movie 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I was thinking more like

Spider-Man 4: Venom

Spider-Man 5: Scorpion, Spider-Slayers, Kraven. Develop Kingpin as background villain. Daredevil.

Spider-Man 6: Sinister Six, organized by Kingpin. (Vulture, Mysterio, Scorpion, Kraven, Shocker, Rhino.) Spidey takes down the SS and Kingpin and wraps up his story. Shift focus to Miles in the next trilogy.

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If the Spider-Man videogame for PS4 confirmed anything, it's that Mr. Negative deserves to be on adapted on the big screen.

Have you watched The Spectacular Spider-Man? Sony would be a fool not to adapt the simultaneous Symbiote/Sinister Six story line from that show. That episode is absolutely bonkers and I’d die if they adapted it for the big screen.

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u/NeutralNoodle avatar

Next trilogy is shaping up nicely. Strange’s spell actually working at the end, symbiote being left behind in the MCU, Peter going to college separate from MJ and Ned, Matt Murdock’s relationship with Peter being established, Kingpin being introduced in Hawkeye, and F.E.A.S.T. being established in NWH. All we need is the Osborns and Gwen and we’re set.

u/PommyPogChamp avatar

I wouldnt mind Gwen Stacy but i really want Black Cat to be the next romance personally

u/Sour_Unicorns avatar

I've been waiting for Felicia to be an actual character in a live action Spidey for basically as long as I've had the ability for conscious thought

We've seen Peter in romantic relationships with normie girls across 3(ish) trilogies now. Gimme some hot young super(anti)hero action!

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I want Hobgoblin - maybe one inspired by seeing Dafoe's Goblin terrorizing Spidey

Mr Negative?

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

A proper Rhino adaptation as well

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New trilogy, probably new supporting cast, most likely new director, hopefully better posters.

Emphasis on the posters

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Maybe Peter meets and befriends Harry Osborn in college?

You would think after meeting Raimi's Norman Osborn in NWH, he'd be weary of any Harry Osborn in his universe

someone in a thread awhile ago brought up the idea of tom’s parker getting as close to MCU harry/norman/oscorp as possible in an attempt to make sure the goblin never happens, which coincidentally is actually the root cause of how he is created in the MCU

Yeah, there's a lot of interesting stuff they could do. Alternatively, it would be interesting if a new Goblin appears and Peter thinks it's Norman, but it's actually someone else (hobgoblin) who stole Raimi's Goblin technology.

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u/SterPlatinum avatar

Imagine if, realizing Norman Osborn becomes the green goblin, Peter warns mcu Norman against using the goblin serum, only for Norman Osborn to become even more of a monster: a conniving politician who defames Spider-Man and creates the dark avengers

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A new director is almost guarenteed. Watts is gonna be busy with Fantastic Four and that Clooney/Pitt movie.

Honestly I want them to bring back Marc Webb from the TASM movies. Scripts aside, those movies were beautifully shot. TASM2 is still the prettiest Spidey movie.

I’d love to see Webb back again as well. His emotional down to earth conversations between characters and believable romantic moments are what’s been missing from these MCU Spidey movies. He’s very good at telling more grounded Spider-Man stories.

Plus his movies have the best action and web-swinging scenes of any Spider-Man movie imo. The Electro fights in TASM2 were just chef's kiss. Obviously the huge $250-290M budgets surely helped making those movies pretty but Sony will probably raise the budgets for the next movies anyway.

u/BenSolo_Cup avatar

Yeah really the scripts were the only main issue with those movies

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u/Adept-News avatar

Hopefully better Director

Jon Watts just doesn't do it for me, Homecoming and Far From Home were good but just felt so amateur

In the words of the Mandalorian, he's good, but he can be better.

While I personally don't have that much of an issue with his directing style(or lack thereof), I can see why people do have an issue with it. They're obviously gonna get a better director though, coz he'd be tied up with the Fant4stics.

I'd love it if they get Lord and Miller to direct, if not Edgar Wright, which most certainly isn't gonna happen.

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u/TheBullMooseParty avatar

This is the other more interesting part of this to me, the fact that Pascal is viewing the SMCU (did I use that right?) as separate from the MCU.


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That’s what I was confused about. She mentioned three, the MCU, the Spiderverse animated movies, and the Sony Spider-Man Universe.

Yeah, it seems like there's gonna be three universes that'll eventually crossover but kept separate from each other.

And it does sound like from her other answer that the Sony movies will not be folded into the MCU retroactively like some people thought. There will be some crossover and overlap but they are separate

Which might imply that Morbius takes place in the SSU and not the MCU as people were speculating.


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At this point, I just saw that Vulture in Morbius thing as bait (a good ass bait tho) and MCU Vulture is still in jail and he'll pop up again in the future. I can see why Keaton was so confused.

Also I'm just ready for MCU Spidey to get involved with the ITSV movies and meet Hardy's Venom, those are my most excited dreams outside of my MCU scenarios.

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u/NeutralNoodle avatar

I believe it’s the SSU (Sony’s Spider-Man Universe).

Which is definitely a better acronym than SUMC (Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters)

I'd prefer Characters from the Universe of Marvel's Spider-Man, or CUMS

u/highdefrex avatar

Sony’s Parker-Essential Retroactive Multiverse, aka SPERM

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u/DanTM18 avatar


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It is separate. That is clear.

u/TheBullMooseParty avatar

Separate in the eyes of Marvel, that’s been known. In the eyes of Sony? That’s always been more nebulous, and we still don’t know how Morbius affects that.

At the end of the day, these are separate corporations with massive legal and financial stakes (and shareholders) in all of this. Sony's Spider films cannot simply say or imply they're part of the MCU without any say from Disney or Marvel Studios. Or, more likely, a back-and-forth discussion usually built around Sony's trump card - their control of film Spider-Man itself.

Pascal being a bit more clear about the divisions implies that the whole "Tom Holland is going to leave the MCU" debacle helped them settle all of this. Sony will have their own Spidey films in their own Universe. Marvel will have theirs. And so on.

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This is the least vague she's ever been. Remember right before the Sony/Marvel custody battle?

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u/CollarOrdinary4284 avatar

I've never liked Amy Pascal more. Thank god they're making more movies.

u/Colton826 avatar

College trilogy with hopefully Gwen and Harry.

I don't think we're going to see Gwen Stacy in the MCU (especially if Andrew's Spider-Man tells Tom the story of his Gwen dying in NWH). I think MJ will remain Peter's main love interest until the end of this franchise. Maybe they bring back Liz Allan Toomes to fill the role that Gwen had (being Peter's first love interest, who also ends up dying), but I don't see us getting a literal Gwen Stacy.

But yeah, Harry will almost certainly replace Ned as Peter's best friend going forward (however, I think Ned will still be around in a small role, as I think he'll still be friends with MJ). I'm hoping that Harry will be played by Timothee Chalamet. He's a great actor, he's young (and around the same age as Holland), AND he's a huge fan of Marvel & Tom Holland's Spider-Man.


Liz Allan coming back to fill Gwen's role would be great, always wanted more of her in the MCU Spider-Man franchise.

Also, it'd be meta casting to bring Timothee to play Harry Osborn cause he was gonna become the MCU's Spider-Man.

Was he? I’ve always heard that Asa Butterfield was Marvel’s first pick (Tom being Sony’s).

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For the people who still had doubts here you go.

Still hope Tom gets a break tho dude definitely deserves it. Playing Spider-Man every year since he was cast except for 2020 is definitely taking a toll on him.

u/samjjones avatar

Def should take a year away.

Damn, take 3. As long as we get a college trilogy, I don’t care how long Tom takes.

You know another trilogy can easily be almost 10 years? All the involved actors won't stay young forever

u/SlashTrike avatar

Tbf they don't need to look young to play as college students

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Well keep in mind filming for NWH started in 2020 so even then.

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u/Colton826 avatar

"This is not the last movie that we are going to make with Marvel – [this is not] the last Spider-Man movie," Pascal revealed. "We are getting ready to make the next Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland and Marvel. We're thinking of this as three films, and now we're going to go onto the next three. This is not the last of our MCU movies."

Tom is probably gonna sign on for three films and each film will increase his paycheck by a lot. He is so popular in the role that he will be like Robert Downey Jr was with pay and be raking in the green. I think his last film will be either Parker’s death or a torch passing moment. We all know actors do this when contracts are up and say things in the press about being done with the role. I still prefer Toby (Spidey 2 is still a great film) but Toms pretty good in the role too.

u/gnutestoam avatar

It'll be interesting to see how his character ends given he started at such a young age (presuming the MCU continues on). RDJ started at a much older age and was in it for 11 years. 11 years for Tom would get him to the end of his next trilogy, meaning he'd be just out of college. I don't see how they're planning to give him the kind of complete 'arc' that the MCU loves without doing three trilogies, which would take him into the 2030's and 15+ years in the series. I'm sure marvel would be happy with that but it'll be interesting to see what the actors do in these unprecedented situations. Having him die or retire at the end of college would be crazy. I guess they could transport him to another universe to allow tom holland to leave for a while/permenantly

I think it’ll be aging up. I’m not sure but Tom said something about wanting to see Peter as an adult out of school completely before his tenure was up and finished. He said as a fan there are out of school storylines he’d love to be a part of. Me I think it’ll end with a Clone Saga type deal or Spidermen with different spidermen coming together like the rumour for the new film but it’ll end up introducing Parker’s replacement or another actor playing the role. My only worry is we get another reboot. I’ve always said that roles should be treated how Bond is treated a new actor replaces the old when they become bored.

Even black panther. Chadwick must have seen how big of a deal it was to see that character and world on film so I believe, having never met the man, that he’d want the role continued and not killed off.

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Bully Holland is coming <3

Oh yes, the video that made me question my sexuality.

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Tom was sounding exhausted in that GQ interview. He is definitely going to be negiotiating for a hefty paycheck. Maybe even RDJ money

u/calgil avatar

He won't be getting RDJ money. RDJ negotiated a percentage when the films weren't a surefire hit. Nobody's getting percentages like that now the films are proven. Disney will recast anyone to save that sort of money.

u/Creepy-Honeydew avatar

Recasting Tom would be a Sony decision but the point still stands

u/DonnyMox avatar

They almost recast Andrew. They totally would do it.

u/BigfootsBestBud avatar

No disrespect to Andrew, he killed it, but he was nowhere near as popular as Tom or even Tobey at that time (or now)

Tobey has the benefit of nostalgia, and Tom is super young and has a huge fanbase and following outside of his Spidey status, Gen-Z loves him

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u/Pomojema_SWNN avatar

"Amy Pascal was a hero, I just couldn't see it."

(A sandwich-throwing hero, but a hero still.)


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u/exyes avatar

well that’s nice, but they should seriously take a break lol. like, they don’t need to be filming another spider-man movie in 2022.

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u/Elementlegen avatar

How far we’ve come from the hacked Sony emails

u/Jabreezydsmiff avatar

To think none of this would be happening if it wasn't for Seth Rogen and James Franco.

u/Elementlegen avatar

I’d like to thank Harry Osborn and Oscorp Industries for providing it!


Happy to help the leaks, Marvel.

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Kingpin and Mr. Negative. We the People demand it!

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u/LeoBocchi avatar

Spider-man 4 will probably do the venom/black suit arc, Spider-Man 5 could be the mob wars movie with black cat and silver sable, and Spider-Man 6 ends with MCU green goblin and the sinister six.

Edit: I do hope Tom gets a break after no way home, he seems really tired and he deserves a rest and bigger breaks between the movies, sony and marvel shouldn’t be shoehorning him into every every spin off or mcu event movie.

Wasn't really anyones fault though. Uncharted was delayed for years and when it could finally go they could only slip it in to essentially connect to the spider-man production. So he never got a break in the middle. I'm sure it thought him a lesson on scheduling though.

I hope they don't do the black suit arc and Venom in the same movie. I'd prefer if they had Holland wear the suit for a whole movie slowly becoming more violent as he faces other villains like Kraven or Scorpion and then in the next movie have him ditch the suit in Act 1 and introduce Venom.

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u/mcufan2014 avatar

College trilogy Lets go boys !! W


College trilogy with new director, writers, supporting cast, and a mature-darker tone.

I'll just list the villains I wanna see in the next trilogy: Mister Negative, Hobgoblin, Kingpin, Kraven, Venom.

And please give me Drew Goddard as director but otherwise...LFGGGGGGGGGGG

Maybe Marc Webb from the TASM movies ? Those movies were really pretty and had fantastic action/web-swinging scenes.


That would be awesome but they need to allow Webb to handle the movies without major studio interference.

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If Sony and Marvel produce the next trilogy at the same rate they produced the Home trilogy, Tom will finish playing Spider-Man either right before he’s 30 or at 30 exactly. So technically, he wasn’t lying lmao stoked for a college trilogy!! Been waiting for this since Holland was cast

u/PommyPogChamp avatar

I doubt they'll start doing Spider-Man 4 right away, Holland probably wants rest right, i would see him going back in the suit in at least 2 years from now

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u/Billyb311 avatar
u/nofaptain-america avatar

Spider-Man and Johnny Storm as college roommates baby. Throw some Iceman and Firestar in there for some amazing friends action

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I think we all know who we want as the bad guy in at least one of these films............

u/TypeExpert avatar

John campea in shambles. More importantly where does this leave sony and the SSU? Are they just not gonna have a spider-man in the universe? If so I don't see the point of there movies

The point is solely making money

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I wonder if they'll change up the Home titles?

Maybe do something different for the new trilogy

u/DRoseCantStop avatar

I’m almost certain they will

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I remember about a few months ago, some guy was willing to die on the hill that Sony was going to take back Spider-Man and that No Way Home was his exit, despite the very clear evidence that was never going to be the case. Then the Venom post credit scene dropped and the guy deleted his account. Hope he’s doing well

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u/HeisenDiaN avatar

There it is!!

u/LuckySpade13 avatar

Well, there's the Marvel Universe, which is one container and then there's the Spider-Verse movies, which are different and then there's the other universe where the Sony characters are in. We all are very respectful of each other and work together and make sure that we're only being additive.  

So yea, that Toomes in Morbius is definitely bait

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u/simonthedlgger avatar

I really hope he runs into Cloak and Dagger during his college days!

I hope so, i loved that show

u/simonthedlgger avatar

Olivia and Aubrey had such great chemistry..seems unlikely but I really hope they return if C&D do show up.

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I'd love for Raimi to direct the new trilogy of Spider-Man films. Especially with Jon Watts off to do F4

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This is basically confirmation that we're getting a college trilogy and based on the post-credits scene for NWH it seems they're starting it off with the Symbiote arc.

My guess is that they'll do something like this:

  • Spider-Man 4 with Kraven/Scorpion as the villains and Peter wearing the symbiote suit for the majority of the movie. MCU Norman Osborn is introduced.

  • Spider-Man 5 with Venom as the villain. Norman is set up as the Green Goblin.

  • Spider-Man 6 with the MCU Sinister Six as the villains. Team composed by Green Goblin, Mysterio, Vulture, Kraven, Scorpion and Rhino.


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u/Harm_123 avatar

Let’s go. Hopefully Peter can learn lessons from the other two and become a more proper and independent Spider-Man by the end of NWH, and this college trilogy can focus on things like the symbiote arc or Kraven.

u/JurassicJack17 avatar

Big Wheel finally hits the big screen

u/Brownboy163 avatar

Id love to see him pop up in fantastic four considering he’s always been close with them in the comics.

Lines up quite nicely with all the talk about the No Way Home post credits scene featuring Tom Hardy. It sucks that we won't ever get to see him and Holland meet (although considering Feige's reservations about Sony as detailed in the TASM2 e-mails I'm not surprised he's keeping his distance), but at least we're getting a proper Black Suit adaptation out of it.

Hopefully we see characters like Gwen, Harry (with Norman as Iron Patriot), Black Cat and Rhino along with the return of Gargan/Scorpion (and maybe even Jakey Bear Mysterio if we're lucky).

Lets fucking go. We’re eating good today

So technically as of right now tom Holland’s Spider-Man has 3 more movies and 1 appearance in a MCU movie but I wonder which will come first Spider-Man 4 or that crossover MCU. Isn’t there also that rumor Spider-Women movie that is in development with Sony and Marvel?

u/_lliisa_ avatar

Maybe she means "it just isn't part of [the MCU as we know it". Meaning that it could be a soft reboot of sorts, as spoilers regarding the ending of NWH suggest. As in May dying and everyone forgetting that Peter is SM (for now), even his fellow Avengers. It would still be set in the MCU, but not like it's been for the last three films. I still hope Peter will appear in at least one more Avenger/team-up movie.

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John Campea is going to read this and just go "No, she's lying and I don't believe her."

I pray my man gets a break