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The one and only subreddit for Disney's Amphibia! The cartoon follows Anne Boonchuy, a fearless 13-year old that is magically transported into a rural marshland of talking frogs!

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Is Amphibia really that good?

r/amphibia - Is Amphibia really that good?
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No, it's even better

As long as you are willing to slog through most of season 1

I just rewatched Season 1, and to be honest? It's a lot better the second time through. Getting to go back to the start and seeing the little bits of lore and foreshadowing was super cool. But more than that, I loved watching the growth of the characters, now that I know where they're going to end up. I enjoy watching it a lot more because I can more clearly see how each episode impacts Anne and how she learns and retains lessons across the entire season.

Also, one of the things that I appreciate about Amphibia is that it develops the characters and world and gets you attached to them with time and patience. A family doesn't just get built through extreme events. Watching Anne learn to drive Bessie, do chores, cook, slowly start considering herself a Plantar, are all super important. At the end of the series, when Hop Pop calls her his granddaughter, it's not just because they fought toads and herons together. It's because she straight up lived as his granddaughter for months, minor family adventures included. And I love that.

Exacly! I also rewatched it recently and I couldn't believe Anne was like that in the past, I forgot how much she grown during the series, first season was sometimes boring during first watch, but second one was really interesting, felt somehow new


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You are like one of those people who say better call Saul is bad due to lack of action

Some people just can’t understand a proper build up

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Season 1 IS good. Some people just cant stand when a show isnt 100% plot

I'm not saying it isn't good, it just can be slow at points, especially if its your first time through

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My issue with season one is that they set up the idea that they need to get out of the valley, and immediately after put up the impenetrable barrier of time. So all throughout season 1, they can’t advance the main plot of getting Anne home. So as a result, the viewer is watching something with no plot, as the characters “learn” lessons that they relearn a few episodes later, for them to forget again, to rerelearn. Overall, season 1 with Anne goes in circles, and things only become interesting when Sasha is a part of the mix.

I suspect the reason for this is Disney Channel requirements. The Owl House faced difficulty getting renewed partially because it was too serialized for Disney Channel's leadership - they want kids to be able to tune into random episodes and still enjoy each one as a standalone story. Amphibia's 1st season nails that episodic feel, for better or worse. Seasons 2 and 3 are more serialized than season 1, but they still maintain that same standalone quality in a way that doesn't rock the Disney Channel boat too much.

All things considered, Matt Braly and the rest of Amphibia's creative team threaded that needle really well and made something truly special in the process. I still prefer The Owl House overall, but that show being a Disney Channel series (rather than, say, DisneyXD or Disney+) kind of hindered them in the long run in a way that Amphibia didn't suffer from as much. Amphibia was just able to walk that tightrope a little better.

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NGL I skimmed through the 2nd half of season 1

Season 2 > season 1 > season 3.

There, I said it. (I still like s3 tho)

I honestly liked season 1 a lot. It created a very whimsical and enjoyable atmosphere for the most part and established the characters personalities very well, which was great on its own but it also left me much more vulnerable to the hard hitting emotional stuff in seasons 2 and 3 and therefore made those two better also.

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Honestly amphibia in general got better on rewatch, i really noticed how entertaining the show is

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It’s pretty good if your willing to put the time in but it’s not for everyone.

Fr. I really wanted to get into it and it was hard watching most of the first season. I get it's world building and character setup but it was just flat out boring at times

Good yes Emotionally scarring yes

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It's got some of the best character and relationship writing I've seen in anything. The world isn't immediately super appealing in the same way as something like the Owl House, but it has an undeniable charm that builds over time. I got very attached to Wartwood by the end.

But really, the thing that makes this show stand out is its characters and their relationships with one another. Anne as a character weaves so many relationships, and each one is interesting even if not all of them get the same amount of spotlight.

To me, it is genuinely one of my favourite stories I have ever experienced. I've gotten so attached to the world of Amphibia, and especially its characters.

Yes! It’s my third favorite. And don’t skip season one if you try it or haven’t already. It’s very important for character growth


Depends, the fillers are ussually boring to mid, the plot eps are good tho but not like amazing or anything

You legit say that with a Castlevania pfp


Yes, and it’s superior in every way

Castlevania is godlike don't get me wrong but saying Amphibia's "filler" episodes are bad while liking the very slow burn that is Castlevania is amusing


Castlevania wasnt really slow, i really liked its pacing. That first ep will always be my favourite first ep of all time

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It's great.

It all depends if the person can handle the Plantars + Anne episodes. I'm saying it because my cousin couldn't handle them despite telling her that things would get more interesting later.

I honestly found those episodes really lighthearted and funny :3

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Its my favorite show it was the second ever time I cried to an end of a show the fist one was mlp fim

Bro which MLP film

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you posted this on r/amphibia what did you think people were going to say?

It’s alright. Season 1’s finale was well done. But season 2’s finale felt a bit rushed, and too quick in it’s pacing. While season 3’s multi episode long finale was built on contrivance, and having to dumb down The Core’s intelligence to the maximum degree.

You silly? True colours is one of the best episodes of any show I’ve ever seen

I do agree about s3 though. However, the absolute work of art that is Amphibia s1~s2 makes s3 worth it.

The first half of the episode doesn't have time to breathe. I have no complaints from the moment they enter the trone room the second time onwards

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I quite enjoyed it.

Yes. Definitely my second favorite show, my first being the owl house.

infinity train better ngl

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Season 1 is pretty meh but dont let that fool you, its highs reach to Jupiter itself


You misspelt Andromeda.

Well said

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I’d say yes. If it’s not your thing, then that’s fine.

It pretty good. Season one can get a little sluggish but it get really good really quick

YES. However, It depends for a lot of people. I will say that it is one of my favorite shows of all time and has one of the best episodes I’ve ever seen (True Colors). However, taking a more objective view, season 1 is a bit slow but you will realize it provides the necessary character development for later in the show. It has a great story but is sometimes limited by what was allowed by Disney. Overall, Amphibia has a special place in my heart and the community here is one of the best I have ever been a part of. If your looking for a comfort show with occasional heavy hitting episodes then this is for you. The finale is still one of the best I’ve witnessed.

If you don’t think that it is for you then I can give you more recommendations for shows. I just recommend that you give it a chance. We’re glad to welcome anyone to this amazing show.

Overrated on this sub, very underrated outside of it

I agree, people on this sub tend to treat this show as the second coming of gravity falls, but it’s not near that good

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It’s not that good


everything about it is great, heck even the shipping is good


heck even the shipping is good

Ehh, I feel like the shipping is mostly in the background and not character impactful.

Maybe I'm wrong.

But this is not bad. The show have other priorities so it's okay.

I was mostly talking about Sashannarcy, I've honestly never seen a more convincing non canon ship since Dipcifica in Gravity Falls

Ahh I was talking about Sprivy, Yulivia, Hop Pop x Silvia, The Geek Nerds from LA and Toadie & Toadstool.

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Oh my fucking god, I literally thought you meant shipping, as in shipping a product.

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Pretty much, yeah.


I enjoyed. Definitely one of the cartoons ever made.

Lots of fillers but an amazing show otherwise! You really fall in love with the characters :D

For me it's a very mixed bag, but imo the hughs are so fucking high and the lows are mostly pretty tolerable

I think Jimmy Neutron has much higher hughs than Amphibia

Lmao. Big fingers, ok?

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OP asking this in a Amphibia fan subreddit-

That aside, Amphibia has just about some of the best finales ive watched, every season's finale is amazing (barring s3's for me, i prefer All in instead)

It's build up episodes gets abit slow tho, especially season 1 where it seems like Anne really just learns the lessons and then immediately forgots them (and Polly for season 2)

Overall pretty good!

It’s good but it’s pretty flawed and overhyped

Season one is very, VERY slow. Season 2 picks it up more in the second half. The rest is utter badassness

I was in bad state when decided to watch, I began with expectations to watch for fun, finished with changed life and view on life

Unpopular opinion but i would say the first 1st season is great the 2nd is the amazing(and the best) but the ending is a bit rushed but I think it’s very good for just showing you about the world and the 3rd is a bit too short but still really good and if you like season 2 you’ll like season 3 so if you into gravity falls and the owl house ect then I would highly recommend it(i loved it personally)

S1 is slow,but afterwards yes,yes it is

The end makes it worth the while….


Season 1 is kind of mid, season 2 picks up a lot and is the best season imo, and season 3 is good

Imo, it’s like, my 3rd fav after The Owl House and Gravity Falls in the Disney animated show category, but down a little further in my fav shows of all time. It’s a very good show with lovely music, but gah damn rewatching it and getting through the first season is DIFFICULT

I’m gonna say something controversial. Amphibia doesn’t make my top 10 animated shows

I just started watching it and I’m really enjoying it. The jokes are very funny to me and I love the world + characters.

I also appreciate how (so far) it seems to fit into the same universe as The Owl House pretty well (I know Amphibia came first, but I watched TOH first lol)

Yes!! I highly recommend it if you like shows like gravity falls, the owl house, dead end: paranormal park, and maybe star vs the forces of evil (haven’t seen the last one but heard it’s good) I would also recommend these shows if you haven’t seen them yet if you like amphibia.

Yes, whit every frame of this masterpiece


I mean your asking on this subreddit….

But IMO: I had a really fun time with the show, though I have some issues. You have to buy into the episodic nature of the show. 90% of the show does not contribute to an overall plot and is just fun times in frog land. That’s not a problem or a knock on the show objectively. But I tend to like things like Gravity Falls or Owl House more that have a more central, over arcing story.

Nah, its shit. Don't watch it. Better watch Velma or something betterOfCourseIt'sGoodWTFAreYouAskingThatHere?


no, definitely not, the show is terrible /s

hope you all know what /s means

I know what /s means

that’s great!

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Of course we know! /shit! the show is terrible /shit

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Well this is the Amphibia sub so what kind of answers are you expecting?

No it's even better, the best even

Only the first 56 seconds of each episode Its all downhill from there.


I think they're saying the intro is pretty good, but not much else(hard disagree)

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No. This is the Amphibia subreddit, so of course we all hate the show and none of us would ever even think of recommending it.

Jokes aside, it's up there with Gravity Falls and Avatar as one of the best cartoons ever made. Go watch it, but try to keep away from any spoilers.


Imo, super mid. Most of season 1 is kind of a slog, season 2 is really good but retroactively made worse by the mediocre at best season 3

Edit: accidentally put season 2 instead of 1 first

It’s great, but not worth regarding as one of the best pieces of animation.

It's the Best series ive ever seen


Yes. Yes it is.

It’s not bad, but a bit overrated in my opinion.


it’s a very good show with a horrible ending and season 3

First half of season 3 was good, before they went back to Amphibia. But yeah, I agree the ending was the worst ending I've ever seen to an otherwise great show.

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The pacing is atrocious but it is really good

S1 & 2 were great but S3 sort of meh, rushed & lots of plot holes...

No it’s not

NahComment Imageit pretty boring

Obviously, our answers will be biased. But if you are interested in finding out, why not see for yourself?

It’s a bit slow in season 1 and season 3A (being more episodic rather then story) but it’s one of the better animated shows

Just a tip, but asking about how good a piece of media is on a subreddit dedicated to the fandom of said thing isn’t usually gonna give you unbiased results

Your asking if Amphibia is good on the Amphibia sub, what answers are you expecting lol

Ok I love this show but I’m gonna be real it’s just alright if we’re looking at the episodic episodes in mind. At it’s best like True Colors or Toadcatcher, it’s amazing but since it doesn’t consistently keep that level of quality while it’s sister show, TOH, does leave a bad taste in your mouth. I’m lucky that I was fine with the episodic nature of season 1, but man if I didn’t, I would’ve dropped the show after like a few episodes. Amphibia is great and all, but it has some glaring flaws that people often overlook when we shouldn’t

Get out of this sub if you haven’t watched it, many spoilers all around.

I loved it when it was going on- but now it’s still awesome but obviously isn’t the absolute best

No it's amazing

you know this isnt much an awnser but the 2nd half of season 3 is the weakest part

its "season one in season 3 for the great comeback for the final 3 episodes!!!!" thing, and i honestly got bored of it quickly. i feel like there could have been more to that part of the season. especially after the first part of season 3.

the finales are. the rest varies wildly in quality

You really asked a Amphibia subreddit if we think it is good? You know it is just going to be a guaranteed yes!

It’s a experience that you shouldn’t miss out on because it’s has heart intelligence strength and bravery, friendship, and darkness you just have to watch it




Nah it’s the best show on television

YES 100%

While I don't think it's the best there is, I'd say the general consensus online is pretty accurate. Yes, it's really THAT good.

If your a fan of shows like Toh and gravity falls it’s definitely worth a try I think it’s amazing but it definitely isn’t for everybody especially season 1 and 3

I love goofy adventure on frog land

Eh, it's good. Not like, amazing. But still better than the average.

Can't even lie, it'll be a struggle to get through season 1 because it's episodic af and no one seems to really learn. If you can do that, season 2 will be a blast. Then the first half of season 3 is absolutely awful defaulting to season 1 tropes and the 2nd half of season 3 is phenomenal.

I say all this as a recent fan who first watched and finished the show a month and a half ago and very damn near dropped the show over the first half of season 1 and 3 but stuck it out. I.e yeah its good, but it's bad parts are stupid.

Yes, yes it is


Watch the whole of season 1. If you like the last episode, you'll love the rest.

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very good


It is very good, for the low standards of Disney Animation, is basically Top 3 Show (Alongside Gravity Falls and The Owl House).

No it is definetly better than "that good"

For those of us who are full time animation fans, and those of us with kids, it's a fun watch. It's got some fun moments, such as the season 1 finale, which in my opinion allows for more complexity than a lot of kids TV. I like the minors villains more than the major ones, and the end feels much less grounded than the rest of the show (relatively), but themes of responsibility and maturity throughout are great.

8/10, great for kids, fun for nerdy adults

Yes. Yes, it is.

I love every part of it

Yes it is. Even better.


Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.

no it’s great


I'm watching the first season and is ok... I hope the second one will be better

It’s really good but obviously there were some things they could have executed better cough season 3a cough

Its pretty good 8/10

“Loads saltgun.”




Its not good or really good... ITS THE BESTEST FANTASY SCI-FI-ISH SERIES I EVER WATCHED also king andreias is not the villian its darcy or the core

I just finished it today…it’s one of the best shows I’ve ever watched…


I love many variations of this show, but Amphibia really strikes a cord.

Here is an idea though. If Owl House, Gravity Falls, Star vs Evil and Amphibia really ARE in an entangled multiverse, then one multiversal ambassador becomes clear:

Vee. She is already being raised by many cultures in two dimensions, as the child she is, and if she gets just enough magic to not let it go to her head, she can traipse back and forth across the shared unoversez making friends and experiencing hard lessons, but also how these different worlds live together.

I just want a Vee spin off series....seriously....

Amphibia is pretty slow at first, but once you get past that, it’s more than worth it as the characters, world, lore, and so much more becomes really special

Seasons 1 and 2 were okay, but Season 3 kicked into high gear for me with its endless parade of references to 80s blockbusters.

Amphibia Season 4 is coming out!!!!!!



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In this picture, Anne saw Sasha having lesbian s€x with Marcy.