all 19 comments

[–]Glass_Offer_6344 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Great write-up!

I played this game off gamepass about a year+ or so ago and though I enjoyed it most of the time for its atmospheric gameplay and how surprisingly well the whole mother dynamic actually worked, like you, it just had too many system choices that I didnt like and, unfortunately, about 2/3 of the way through I just wanted the game to be done.

It just kept going on and on and those Dev choices and mechanical issues really began to grate and turn the game into a slog that was tough to get through as the game working against itself being hard to overcome.

A few different decisions and the game couldve been much better.

Thanks for your take and great read!

[–]Radaysha 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Really well written review! I will never play this game because I'm a pussy when it gets about horror-games, but I appreciate it nevertheless.

[–]MobileChedds[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks for taking the time to read it!

[–]dylulu 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I got the "Iconoclast" ending the first time I played, and I hated it so much that I didn't bother trying to see the other endings. I didn't realize the game would auto-end when I defeated the Empress - though the dialog made me sort of realize partly through. I had figured I'd go for the portal escape and give the middle finger to the Empress who killed all my companions on the way out. Turns into like a sacrificial ending where Tasi sacrifices herself and her baby for the other world... What a complete fucking betrayal of Tasi's character. Why did they even bother making this possible? Just throwing out the entire benefit of having a real character instead of a self-insert - a character who is deeply scarred by her previous loss and would do ANYTHING to save her baby... sacrifices her baby?? It was one of the worst written character moments I've ever seen and it kind of soured me on the entire game. Which, ending aside, was as you described.

[–]Substantial_Bell_158 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Really good write-up and plenty of valid criticism's of the game. Rebirth is good but it just slips up in certain areas. I once heard a horror game maker (can't remember the name unfortunately) say the difficult balance of a horror experience is to make the player feel like they're on the verge of death and just scraping on by the skin of they're teeth without actually killing them that much. Which as you said kill the player too much and they get taken out of the experience and start to 'solve' the game which sucks the scariness out of the game.

[–]OlayErrryDay 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This series gives me way too much anxiety, I don't like that feeling of being anxious over and over. I like horror movies, writing scary stories myself, but I don't like living in that feeling for hours.

I'm glad to see reviews like this, as I can taste the experience without having to live it. Glad you got her out of the nightmare, I would feel guilty for starting to play and knowing I got scared and she's still stuck somewhere in a save on my computer, surrounded by death, forever.

[–]spaceguerilla 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Very well put and well reasoned. It's not almost brilliant; rather there's a 50ft brick wall in the way that stops it from ever getting to brilliant. So very hard to rate it conventionally.

I'd say I'm glad I played it though; the great parts standout such that I didn't feel too bad I suffered the less well done parts.

[–]MobileChedds[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'd say I'm glad I played it though; the great parts standout such that I didn't feel too bad I suffered the less well done parts.

I definitely agree. I think anyone interested in horror could get a lot out of this game, it's best moments really do push the medium forward. It really is a shame that it couldn't realize it's full potential.

[–]HappyChappie 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks for the write-up. I had very similar feelings through my playthrough this month and while I enjoyed it a lot, I definitely felt the transition in act three where it became about clear rules instead of more raw exploration and uncertainty.

I wasn't expecting the possibility of multiple endings but actually went back to an older save when I realized I had accidentally passed a point of no return without curing the baby .

I wish the outcomes of my choices at the end were fleshed-out a bit more. I think none of the endings are particularly good (intentionally) but I still think my choice was correct from what I knew at the time and I would have liked to see a tiny bit more exposition on the results of those decisions.

The Bunker is my only Amnesia game left unplayed, but going to start Darkwood or The Forest instead to wrap up October.

[–]Thecrawsome 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm a crumudgeon, and I enjoyed it. Def better than machine for pigs. Not as good as original.

[–]scytherman96 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Good review. I'd be interested in seeing your opinion on The Bunker, considering how well designed it was on a gameplay level.

[–]MobileChedds[S] 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I heard a lot of praise for The Bunker, it's definitely on my to play list. I do like to space out horror games from each other, to avoid getting desensitized, but I'll let you know when I get around to it!

[–]scytherman96 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah i can understand that. Thanks.

[–]Snugrilla 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I've played every game in the Amnesia series, and this one is easily my least favourite. It did start out well. I liked the character and the setting.

The big issue I had, with it and the Amnesia series as a whole, is the reliance on Dark Hallways are Scary. That endless fumbling around in the dark just gets so monotonous after a while, especially if there's any backtracking involved.

There were so many moments I couldn't figure out what on earth I was supposed to do, but I had basically just overlooked some object because it was too dark, or gotten turned around and lost in the darkness. I just ended up hating that style of level design and really had to force myself to finish it. Which is a shame, as it's not a terribly long game, and the early levels were pretty compelling.

[–]owennerd123 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Also the Amnesia series as a whole really just has you walking around, hardly doing anything. That was fine in The Dark Descent as it was new, but I've found every subsequent game more and more boring as simply walking around is not enough to engage me for hours.

The Bunker actually having gameplay mechanics that feel tight, dynamic, tense, etc was such a good idea. I love The Bunker. And because of the dynamic nature of the game, it really does feel frenetic and adds to the horror/adrenaline for me.

If only they'd get off of that god awful engine they're running on, even The Bunker feels trapped in 2008... being capped at 60hz!?? Come on!

[–]Nothing2Special 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Beat the game. Love the game.

[–]Kerrik52 0 points1 point  (0 children)

As a fan of the original game's setting, I quite liked Rebirth. Frictional has a very engaging way of presenting their characters and world, so I think of their stuff less as horror games, and more as solid point-and-click adventure games with horror flair and a bit of action. They strike a good balance between story, exploration and puzzles.

[–]Sonic_Mania 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I liked it except for the puzzles. Had to resort to YouTube multiple times because I didn't find the small piece of rock tucked away in a dark corner I needed to progress.