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pov: you’re a high school football team in the Midwest

r/NFCNorthMemeWar - pov: you’re a high school football team in the Midwest
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On a side note, doesn’t it feel like Ford did that to artificially increase competition? Think about it: Ford only sells black-colored cars, competitors put out vehicles in other colors. Motor industry subsidized by government, streetcars removed.

Or idk maybe Ford was just weird. Buddy had some…unsavory views on a particular group, very close to a particular era of history, to say the least. (While in line with many of the time, Ford was…let’s say, a little over the speed limit with his thoughts on Jews.)

He did it to streamline the assembly line. That's what gave him the competitive advantage.

And to this day cars/vehicles of any variety look great in black

If it was economical to paint airplanes black that'd be sick

Planes aren't painted black to protect them from the sun. Lighter colors/reflective metal minimizes the amount of sun/heat they absorb while flying above the clouds

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I heard a story about how one of the vendors supplying parts was required to send the part in dunnage crafted to a specific design, because Ford was using them for the roof's of the cars, and didn't want to pay to have them fabricated as the roof.

A lot of people credit ford with coming up with the idea of the assembly line but it was R.E Olds of Oldsmobile


Yeah, makes sense. He practically originated the concept after all.

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Nah, Ford was obsessed with utilitarianism, production efficiency, and the idea of the automobile as a tool (like a tractor which he also made) rather than a toy or luxury item.

He made sure all the Model Ts were made the same way on his assembly lines, that they all had interchangeable parts and that they were all painted black because it was the fastest drying paint to keep production going.

He was indeed weird and had some horrible beliefs/practices but the black paint was all about production and efficiency not a conspiracy to grow the auto market.


I was kinda just bullshitting, much of the early automobile industry’s growth was natural and because of the Model T. This is back when owning an automobile actually meant rapid (40 mph max, but still) freedom of movement. Now, at least in most states (ahem, SUNBELT), it means a clogged 2-hour commute into the downtown, or driving 20 minutes to a grocery store 3 miles from your house, but through ever-more super suburban neighborhood layouts, making the trip more like 6 (while also traveling down a concrete hellscape street-road hybrid, known as a “Stroad”).

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Model Ts existed in 6 different colors from 1908 until 1913. At the start of the highland park plant in 1914 it switched to all black because black was the cheapest paint. There are theories that it was because it dried faster but there is actually little evidence to support that was the reason. More colors were made available in its last model year because it was struggling in sales. Customers wanted nicer cars rather than just a base model vehicle

I’ll have you know that I have a 01 Explorer with a perfectly exciting color of….. check google OLIVE!

My last car was black and I hated it. The one before was “cafe mocha”, which was basically tan but more fun to say.

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Was that because he was a Nazi-sympathizing racist? Lol

According to that Vikings fan Henry speaks only the truth 🤔

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In other words the Lions have been mostly failing for decades and decades.

Henry only speaks the truth

Pretty sure he spoke many falsehoods re: minorities lol

Henry only speaks the truth here*

that was a close one

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Maybe someday someone somewhere will design a uniform worthy of the nfl 😢

Once every team in the NFL has redesigned their jerseys to look like XFL jerseys we will just absorb the XFL

The XFL taking advantage of free advertising. How many people will see the letters XFL? Brilliantly executed.

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Lowkey I kinda like the commies unis. If only they had a non shitty name and dropped “major tuddy” the literal pig. Be one thing if they changed it to the Hogs or smth but it just doesn’t make sense with the rest of their “concept”


I will not stand for this Major Tuddy slander. He is a respected member of our armed forces.

No, his first name is Major, he’s a civvy

How did he aquire the military helmet and tank he rides on? The government should look into that, kinda shady

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Major Major Major.

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He’s been dishonorably discharged for being a communist

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I'm sure I'm in the minority but as a soccer fan I wish they just left it as Washington FC.

Assuming you mean Washington Football Team, and I too really liked that name. It was unique and was just diffrent. Somehow Commanders is somehow more genaric

You're right. I just changed it to Washington football club in my head.

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But “Washington Commies” is such an onion of irony, what’s not to like?

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IMO Patriots and Falcons ones are nice. I think Commanders is solid as well.

The Falcons saying ATL on the chest is silly.

How else are you suppose to know which team it is? /s

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So much XFL hate!

Damn, an NFL team tries a modern looking design and they look the XFL which has modern looking jerseys.

Funnily thing how design concepts converge.

Nike’s designs have been mostly terrible since taking over

I can’t stress enough how correct they are about those Texans ones lmaooo. Those mfs are Blitz: The League uniforms

I mean, at LEAST the Broncos and Commanders ones are unique. I also think the Falcons ones have been looking better to me with time

All of the examples suck though.

The most egregious example was when the Bucs changed from the pewter and red to the garbage digital clock numbers

We already have 2 we wear all the time

XFL is a hater buzzword.  Most of these uniforms are cool

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Bro I played like 7 of these teams in hs lol

And they were all named the "Wildcats" 😂

"Who are we!?"

"The Wildcats!"

"Who are we gonna beat!?"

"The Wildcats!!!"

Pretty much every HS team in the Midwest that had a racist team name changed it to the Wildcats.

In the 1920's, it was socially acceptable to name your mascot "The Scalpers"... That was a real High School mascot in the area I grew up. They re-named their mascot after a predatory feline years ago, but later than you would think. (Late 80's)

Not racist but a team in my state is the Midgets.

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Middle school went from Warriors to Wildcats lol. We even had the same color scheme!

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Can confirm, my highschool was the wild cats. Also the town was pretty racist so that tracks.

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On a related note, i am aware of at least a dozen Midwestern based teams called the Rebels who had a mascot that was a caricature of a confederate officer who were also forced to rename their teams.

One of the suburban twin cities teams changed their name from the Braves to the Blaze. They definitely won the renaming imo, gotta imagine HS kids love the name "Blaze" lol

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Ummm excuse me it's the magic

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Took me forever to get that joke. Wasn't until I was an adult that I got it


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Or the Tigers

Any Pretty Much It fans in the house? GOOOOOOOOOOO TIGERRRRRRS

My high school was in fucking Italy and we were the wildcats wtf is this

Hanover Central Wildcat Alumni reporting in haha

That's so lame

  • Signed, Cougars Alumni

It was Panthers for my highschool conference. At one point in time, before some minor conference realignment, three of the nine teams were panthers.

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this is the maine west colors isnt it?

or is it main south?

definitely played them

Main west has similar colors, I think it's more of a powder blue than this

I think Eastern Illinois is exactly this though, same for Elgin.

oh shit. what about highland park,?

Cant be certain, we werent in the same "Division"

I mostly played schools like Elgin, New Trier, Lane Tech, and Whitney Young. Only reason I ever saw Eastern Illinois is when we randomly made state and got absolutely crushed by them lol

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The Lions did not have to change their uniforms

I feel like I’m going crazy like they didn’t already have some of the nicest uniforms in the league?

Yes, but the numbers and names were really bad and hard to see. Plus the sleeves were bad with the WCF. The blacks definitely have mixed reviews and I understand that, but our base jerseys look a bit better now.

What do you mean by “the blacks”?!?

Their African-American uniforms

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The numbers were genuine dogshit that lost us a game. That had to be fixed.

Yes they did. Yet when people mention this they get massive amounts of hate. Seems like everyone still sees the Lions as the cute underdogs or some weird shit.

The rest of the league will realize that Lions fans are fucking obnoxious and rude don’t you worry

yes they will

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Agree, major downgrade

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I mean they improved their home and away uniforms

None of the NFC North needs to, unless the Vikings want to go back to their darker purple they had before Nike stepped in. Personally I'm not a fan of the pastel purple shade they have now

All day people were complaining "New uniforms, they're gonna be barely different, this isn't new" and then they changed them so much. I'm not opposed, but I'll miss the old ones.

I like the new ones, but I’m gonna miss the old ones.

We had to get rid of the fucking WCF on the arms

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We'll market it as New Slurm, and when everyone hates it; we'll bring back Slurm Classic and make millions.

Motor City Kitties on TOP

Kitty goes meow


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I’ll fuckin say it- I loved the grey uniforms and think those were far cooler than this panthers uniform

2023-2024 RIP

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I am making a Planet Coaster NFL theme park and my lions ride is grey heavy. It works well with the auto theme

Hated the Grey glad they are gone

The grey looked like pajamas. I will miss those helmets though, they were hot.

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I loved the football pajamas

The grey jerseys are sexy

Amen brother!

I think the grey color makes the lions unique as I can’t think of another team that uses grey. Raiders is technically silver

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All they needed to do was go a little lighter to make it more silver than grey and they would have been perfect

Oh yeah those looked great. I'm reserving my judgement on the new black ones until I see them on the field.

I’m one of the few lions fans that loved the greys as well.

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I see they've entered their Hot Topic phase.

All that’s missing is a chain on the side of the pant leg

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Rest of the NFC North right now^

The meat riding at r/nfl for these new uniforms is wild.

Yea i much prefer the constructive circle jerking in here

Same. Even, or especially during the season, this sub has the most rational takes. No doomers or gloomers. Just good ol fashioned circle jerking.

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The classic look is clean but the black really does just look like the Panthers. Alt jersey=black always feels lazy to me

Yeah I’m not a fan. Was really hoping to not see any black. They look cool, just don’t want them for the Lions.

Yeah I’m not a fan. Was really hoping to not see any black. They look cool, just don’t want them for the Lions.

Say it one more time for me bb

See above

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It's the early 2000s all over again

I think what makes this more elevated than the panthers home jerseys or the other alternate blacks that have existed is this one is a good mix of color + black.

If you look at the eagles and caridnals black jerseys, it’s just color on the number and small accents with a low contrast. It’s super boring. Even with the panthers the numbers are still white.

I wouldn’t want us to wear these more than twice a season but, for me, it’s unique in the NFL for the strong contrast with lots of color

Did they already make a flair for them?  Lol

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Yeah I know so many people who have said that our numbers are blue on our black jerseys and theirs are white so it's totally different and totally unique to which is stupid. I don't like it when one of your three main colors for your uniforms and your team is not one of the main colors of your jersey. Cool, put the black in accents or whatever but to have it be mostly black with a bit of our 3 main colors is mid af to me. The only thing that saves it is the lack of wcf.

I think if they kept the black to a minimum in the helmet it could’ve looked good. The black lion, stripes, and face as is too much.

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That is the most played out comment I’ve seen in 30 seconds.

I don’t even know what that means

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The helmets are straight trash. I actually like the jerseys but the black on blue is so bad the Panthers never even tried it. And they still look like a bad wannabe version of them.

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These look like the uni’s I made for my all 99 player create a team in Madden 08

Is this what having haters is like? I love it!

These look absolutely terrible and I can’t believe people are pretending they don’t

I like the new regular unis a lot so I can tolerate these, I remind myself they're replacing the grays which were at best just blah so no real loss.

says the one whos team has two 🍆 on the helmet

Don’t care didn’t ask plus

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fuck you lol, 2000s weren’t the best of times. FTP

FTP brother

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It’s very much like the Browns rebranding that everyone got all excited about a few years ago which looked stupid as hell.

The home uniforms are perfect, and the black uniforms are being dubbed wayne county lyfe so some subsects of fans will love em, but the road looks like the St Louis Battlehawks.

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Is 97 the year these fucking monstrosities were designed? Lions X-treme!

These jerseys are elite lmao

What kind of asshole describes a jersey as elite? Fucking lions fans

Oh lord you’re one of those

I'm fucking awesome. What are you?

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Homie doesn’t understand POV lol

Brah just called chi gb and cum sox high school teams


We need to do something about reading comprehension in Detroit, that’s not what they meant at all.

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So does this mean the lions are going to be like the panthers next year?

They saw how bad the Panthers are and got sentimental for when everyone saw them as ass. I believe the term is "institutionalized".

Dan Campbell is going to start wearing suits with no socks and crazy hats.

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Why did you post a picture of UNC's football jerseys?

Looks like my parks rec jerseys from middle school


Hahaha omg spot on

The Detroit Panthers

I wonder if the thought “this is the same look as the panthers” appeared in their consciousness when designing it…doesnt look like it did….

Is the super cool single eye black not part of the new unis? 

Detroit Panthers

Now post the home uniforms 😍😍

Are these one of their base uniforms now? Or is it an alternate they'll only wear once or twice?

These are so bad. Makes me glad our uniforms haven’t changed in a hundred years

I can see the hate, but I think they did a good job for the most part...

The whites are a little gross tho

Looking at you, Valders Vikings

Hey. I’ve never seen more weird mascots than in the Upper Midwest: Wisconsin has: Mellen Granite Diggers. Ashland Oredockers. Kaukauna Galloping Ghosts. Rhinelander Hodags. Monroe Cheesemakers. And in Michigan I’ve seen the Nimrods and the Speedboys. And doesn’t Minnesota have the Awesome Blossoms?

For every “Wildcats” you run across a weird team name, lol. Illinois has some doozies but I haven’t travelled as much there. There was a corn one. . .Cornpickers?

Lmfao these new NFL unis are all awful and look like High School teams. Whoever is designing these needs to be fired. The Jets new ones are the worst.

High school team wins back to back NFC north titles…


I’ll wait until see them on the field.

that’s just every nike uniform, nike made the nfl uniforms like every high school uniform

Yall lost to a high school team? 💀

Honest opinion, I don’t like the change of logo color. They should of run a black helmet with the blue lion

I had to drive to Chicago and back today for work and I hate the bears even more now because of it. 10 hours of basically corn fields. I know this doesn’t relate to this post per se, but idk who else I can bitch to about it.

All Grey Unis > Carolina Lions

Maybe they aren’t that bad maybe it’s just the players in them😂

They’re so bad

As an hockey fan, NFL jerseys are so damn boring.

Omg so gritty

Lol stay mad our new unis are clean

If my high school football team looked like that that would be awesome. Y'all jokes ain't even that good 😂

XFL is becoming a hater buzzword

Gonna be fun to see that high school team win the NFC North.

Are you calling everyone else in the division Pop Warner?

I think these are neat alternates and I think more NFL teams should have cool looking alternates that are different than the color rush or throwback uniforms.

It's the NFL, go fucking crazy. I think every year they should have a competition to have the most outlandish uniforms, winner gets 10 million dollars in extra cap.

“Wake up, babe! The new Minnetonka Skippers uniforms dropped”


Could someone enlighten me? The only great football player to come from the city of Chicago is Donavan McNabb. Am I missing anyone?

Wow this is a post