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Any advice for keeping Lace Aloe upright?

Should I put in large pot? It’s getting huge

r/houseplants - Any advice for keeping Lace Aloe upright?
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I wish I could help you other than to say this should be in r/confusing_perspective, I thought this was a corner of your house! Good luck- it looks quite healthy!!

I too thought I was looking at a 7 foot tall aloe plant

lol same. I was like, um yeah put that in a — wait is that a goblet? How big is that goblet…?

Yeah, the cup gives a ton of perspective when you notice it lol

And here I was going to ask where I could get a huge goblet like that!

The vase next to it finally kicked my head into gear.

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Same here, that really needs a Banana for scale

Wait this isn’t a 7’ tall plant? Been searching online trying to buy a 7’ aloe plant after seeing this 😅

You want an Aloidendron

Same. Very disappointed. ;)

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Have you not seen those giant wine glasses and champagne flutes commonly used as decoration?

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me too. I was thinking where did op get such a big wine glass

Costco sells a 46 inch (3 foot 10 in) wine glass

Sometimes we need that size for coping....

I definitely will when my vacation arrives in 16 days and 23 hours.

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What a funny illusion! Glass looks very large.

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Wait, it’s not? I’m still being impressed by the huge glass and plant in water!

YES! I thought it was GIGANTIC!

Same! I was thought this was massive then I realized it’s a wine glass not a giant wine glass shaped pot haha.

Quite etiolated, decently healthyish looking considering that. Certainly not quite healthy.

I thought OP is one rich mf with fancy plants and lamps

Same! I was wondering where she find a glass tumbler that BIG

Wait is this Hope??? 🤯

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Despite what it’s “supposed to” look like, I think it’s beautiful in its current state.

I agree, it looks so cool

People telling OP to chop it and replant are crazy. So set in their ways of how these plants are supposed to look, they fail to see how damn cool this is.


It's not that simple though. It won't grow like this indefinitely and it's much more susceptible to rot/disease/pests as it is.

It’s stayed alive this long. I’m just saying if I could have this, or a regular version of this plant, I’d rather have this because I can just buy a regular one. This is super unique.

Don't give the dudes that spray paint plant and put googly eyes on stuff any ideas for selling stupid stuff. 'Let's sell everyone a fundamentally unhealthy plant!'

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Cool? Anybody can grow and unhealthy and etiolated plant, the fuck you on about 😂

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If I were OP I'd be thrilled with how it looks!

Exactly! This plant is a vibe, I love it!

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i think they’re worried it’s going to physically fall over.

If it falls over, they can then chop it, but you can always stake it up.

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Don’t let r/succulents see this 😂

r/succshaming on the other hand, will appreciate this wonkiness

Succulents is a meme sometime lol. My favorite type of people are the ones that ask for advice, then refuse to listen to advice. “It’s not etiolated, it’s always grown like that!!! It’s also in a southern facing window 🙄”

“low light snake plant” is also the biggest meme to me. It’s not like Dracaena grow in full sun in arid environments. I also see the funniest rumor going around on that sub that goes like this: “if your snake plant’s leaf doesn’t come to a point, it’s damaged and won’t grow anymore. It’s best to remove this leaf as it’s taking energy away from the plant.”

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Like what??? How is a fully mature leaf, who’s only job is to photosynthesize, taking away energy from the plant??? I also explained that these plants grow like hair; from the bottom up. Not from the tip.

There’s still a large number of people on that sib that refuse to accept the name change from Sanseveria —> Dracaena saying that they’re two different genera. Any respectable taxonomy slut (like moi) recognizes that Sanseveria is only a synonym of Dracaena.

I’m a little bit of a chaotic evil, and I’ll purposefully troll ID requests for corn plant & label it Sanseveria fragrans. It’s technically correct, the best kind of correct :3

I’m also a firm supporter that certain Scindapsus & Philodendron have as much right to the common name of Pothos as Epipremnum do. Watching r/pothos get their knickers in a twist because someone asked for help with their Silvery Ann Scindapsus is one of my favorite things.

I posted my Epipremnum giganteum over there asking for prorogation advice & what an acceptable price would be ($60-$100). I got downvoted to oblivion saying that an Epipremnum should never cost that much, and that my plant isn’t even an Epipremnum, but rather a philo.

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The entire comment section was funny af because of the sheer ignorance. I explained that there were more than 2 species of Epipremnum, but that didn’t stop the ignants from saying it’s a philo and that $60 was way too expensive.

Everything changed when “a valued reponder” confirmed my ID & that average prices for my size plant was $75. After that original comments were deleted and the same people bitching at me started correcting other people & saying that the price was acceptable. After that incident I never trust that sub for advice lol.

Oh dear lord the pothos people drive me nuts! I love your chaotic evil IDs, I enjoy doing something very similar and telling people their Epipremnum isn't actually a pothos. Because it's not.

Just call it a money plant

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I like your style.

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This made me cackle

Yeah I actually can’t believe it’s all happy and alive in all that wet🌵

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It needs more light, poor thing looks like a spiky worm

Light and food for sure that it's begging where's the sun!

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Yes, it needs to be planted in a pot of gritty cactus soil (I'm amazed it has survived sitting in water). And then it needs a helluva lot more light! It has been stretching for light for a long time; it is supposed to be a compact rosette, not a gangly thing like this. If you can move it into a much sunnier spot, do so gradually or it will sunburn. Otherwise you need a grow light. Once you have some healthier, more compact growth at the top, chop it down. Re-root the healthy top section, discard the middle, and leave the base to produce new pups or heads.

Edited to add: chopping it is going to be necessary, sooner or later. If left as is, even if you increase the light, it will eventually collapse under its own weight.

I have LITERALLY seen one of these sit in a closet, forgotten for a year and it was still alive. I know it was alive because I eventually saw it die. This is the most bulletproof plant.

Definitely my easiest plant. Like 8 years ago, I packed in a box to move and forgot about for 6 months. To this day, the sucker is still here and puts out babies like crazy.

mine looked like this, in a pot, and then just started killing itself. I took pieces of what hadn't died at the time, started propagating and its now in like 20 different houses lol

Can confirm. I found mine actually abandoned in a parking lot, roots all torn up but the plant well intact. Took her home, treated for any pests. Got busy and forgot it in a dish without water for two months. Finally potted it and it's been thriving ever since.

Now I'm curious, what killed it?

And happy cake day.

I currently have one sitting in my bathroom not in water or soil or anything (I beheaded it to replant it but keep forgetting) and it’s been there for over a year and it’s still alive and growing💀

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Anyone else think this was a giant glass in a corner of a room? Just me??

Isn't it?

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I would say yes, it's time to put it in soil.

I love the wonkiness succulents get

*if not cared for properly, fixed it for you

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Idk how the fudge that thing is alive. Lol

In straight up water and etiolated af. Funny how some really plant-educated people kill plants and then people like this grow plants without too much issue.

It isn't water that kills em. This is actually perfectly fine and a common way to root succulents.

It's the bacteria and fungus in soil that gets activated and overreproduces and starts causing roots to decay and die. It's why stuff can grow in Leca with constantly sitting water but would rot if you did that in soil


Sure- Im familiar, but you think someone who doesn't recognize severe etiolation is adding appropriate fertilization to this water?

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I'd prune it into several pieces. Leave the cuttings dry a few days to callus before replanting in cactus type soil or add extra perlite to regular potting soil.

That's a beautiful plant right there! I'm jealous

I can't help but just wanted to say it looks gorgeous.

Unfortunately it's not supposed to look like that. It's supposed to be a compact rosette.

At a certain point: so what? It's not getting root rot, it's not going to die in these conditions, it's just a different shape.

At a certain point it will collapse under its own weight because it won't be able to support itself.

Again so what? It's a succulent, propagate it.

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The point is it is an unhealthy stretched out plant. If that’s what you want then ok whatever but most people like to give plants appropriate care so they can thrive, instead of this.

Y'all need to chill. Etiolation isn't a death sentence for a plant, they can grow in plenty of conditions.

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Looks like an indoor candelabra aloe. I have one as well. They grow upward.

Mmmm no

lol wasn’t saying it should stay in water just saying there are candelabra and climbing aloe that grow upward. I have an indoor candelabra. I have it in a soil mix for succulents with aerating components, next to a window. This one looks like a climbing aloe. I’m sure you can google it and find something.

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It looks huge in a giant novelty wine glass. Is it in a doll house?

Now that I look at it properly it does seem like it's pretty tiny. I don't know honestly

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Looks etiolated

Maybe some crushed up viagra added to the water?

Yep put that thing in some soil and it'll stick up straight toward the sun

To be honest, I kind of love it like that.

Plant wire would help support it

I assumed that was a giant glass floor vase and this plant extended up to the ceiling. I was shocked I’d never seen one like this before.

I personally think it looks cool but it’s definitely going to be way more difficult to keep control of in this state. I would chop it up and let Callous, then planting gritty soil without watering.

They grow towards the light.

Omg, beautiful love the curve! Don't think you can keep that upright on it own. Seem very top heavy. I'd personally just let it be maybe turning it.

I think it looks cool

It looks gorgeous - it’s a unique plant and it has a unique shape. Let it be!

Thats stunning

Looked huge!

Looks so beautiful as CURVY! Love it really.

Honestly this reminds me of a cool ficus and I would personally keep trying to make it zig zag. It’s growing like that because it’s only getting light from a specific direction. I’d pot it up and face the top portion towards the wall. Then it should theoretically turn back to face the light.

Looks like a freaky spiky snake climbing up your wall, I love it

I love it as is! Strong Dr Seuss vibes.

It reminds me of how the designers of Islands of Adventure bought trees that were bent into weird shapes by a hurricane in Miami to use in their Dr Seuss land.

This is such a vibe.

This is better honestly! So cool and reminds me of art

Do something like a slick looking banana rack with a dark string/line attached to 2/3 point of the plant & cup at the base.

If you’re crafty, maybe you could repurpose something artsy looking. That other black wire piece in the photo would be a great vibe/aesthetic to match.

That looks really cool. It is like a work of art.

I thought this was giant

I have one that has refused to die and is old enough to go to school. I've chopped off the top whenever it gets too tall, let it callous over for a couple of days, and stuck it in a pot of cactus/succulent soil. Both the chopped-off part and the original plant have always done just fine.

Actually looks cool like that lol

Give it sunnnnnnn


Holy Lace !! That is stunning !!! Never saw this kind of plant before. Sorry I can't be of help. I'm just amazed and in awe of this plant. Oh wait, this is a small plant. I got visually tricked. It's still beautiful regardless lol.

Yes, you need way more light. I have my succulents under grow lights when indoors and hang them a couple of inches above the plants. That’s what keeps them compact. When they stretch out like this, they’re searching for more light.


It depends on your lights. For weaker lights, yea keep them close. For stronger lights, not so much. All lights aren't created equal. Get a light meter or download a plant light app on your phone to check.

True. Mine don’t give off heat so I don’t have a problem. But if yours do OP, you’ll want to put them farther away.


Has nothing to do with heat- thats why i mentioned a light meter instead of a temp gauge. At this point damn near everyone is using LEDs which give off very little heat. It's about strength of the lights and how much energy they deliver to the plants

So what will too much energy do?

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That is gorgeous

I, too, prefer the look of a chronically tortured plant.

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Banana plant for scale, pls

The poor plant is stressed because it can’t find enough sunlight. Comment section: but it looks cool!

One of my favorite things about growing houseplants is stressing them out. nipping off new growth to shape them how i want, root bound because i want a philodendron in an antique lantern.

Intentionally growing plants in ways that don’t make them their happiest isn’t a bad thing!

The art of bonsai is all about inducing different growing constraints that don’t mimic how happy trees grow outside.

I’d say as long as you have a plan/ goal with the pruning and stress it’s totally fine. What you’re talking about is good plant maintenance . I think it’s different than leaving a plant in low light for it to struggle and then saying that the product of the neglect is “cute” or “cool”. If you need to pull, twist, or nip the philodendron to get it to shape go for it!

Why does intention matter? Why can’t we all enjoy plant care differently? “neglecting” or forgetting about plants and seeing what happens is fun! We experiment, sometimes accidentally, and learn from it! It’s totally cool if you don’t like the look of funky growing leggy curly plants but that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with others appreciating it.

There’s no ethical implication to letting a plant “struggle” or “neglecting” a plant. If you’re constantly killing and replacing I guess that could have an environmental impact, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

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Does need light and to be potted. It could be searching for light but based on the color it looks healthy. I have one similar and it’s the candelabra aloe family. Mine isn’t quite as thick but getting very long; about 2feet in height. I have it potted and held upright with plant stake next to a window. I’m not a plant expert but do think you should get it out of the water soon and put it in a pot with potting mix. I use the cactus, palm and citrus potting mix because it’s a blend of soil with aerating components.

It looks like Haworthia more than lace aloe with how it is growing but idk from this far. Other than that no advice. Stunning plant! Although it does look like it was recently moved from soil to water. If that's the case make sure to remove all soil to avoid contamination and root rot.

Idk who downvoted you- that’s 💯Haworthia

I dare you to cross post this as a Haworthia on r/haworthia


Its definitely not a Haworthia. Its an Aristaloe aristata.

Imagine downvoting a correct ID lol.

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its def haworthia, not aloe


I thought it was too and assumed lace aloe was a common name I didn’t know. I have one of these also dying in what I thought was an interesting position and was told it was haworthia by the person who gave it to me.

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Wow your plant is so beautiful. Even if it's elongated. It's still has so much beauty in it. I have never seen one this big. And in water even better. It's one of those rare phenomenon but it's what gives it it's beauty.

Sorry I am of no help, but I just wanted to say WOW!! Beautiful!


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lmao maybe you should leave a fifth comment, i don’t think this sub of houseplant connoisseurs gets it yet. i’m confused, does it need less light? it’s a toilet? maybe if you explain it again:/

I think pretty much everyone here knows that but it’s so beautiful like this!

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Haworthia, right? I've never heard it called Lace Aloe but I like it, describes it well.

Looks great but if you wanted to, you could always run a stake and tie it.

Aristaloe aristata

So not Haworthia at all! Looks pretty similar.

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Moss sticks amazon

use a dowel/stick or trellis to give it something to climb, it may not be able to hold itself upright. it may also be a light issue with it changing direction with the light. the roots look too few/small for me to put it in a pot personally

It's not a climber; it's etiolated.

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pin it to the wall


Stronger light directly above.

Poor thing needs light

gorgeous , where you get planter😍😍😍😍😍

rotate it every now and then so that all sides get the same amount of light

I have an aloe Vera plant growing in a jar of water for couple of years now and it’s growing so well (I’m not greenfingered) I’m now too scared to transfer it to a plant pot with soil 🥴

It’s so beautiful

Potting in dirt may help secure it better. For my plants that are supposed to be upright I use thin dowel rods and twine or Velcro cord ties with fuzzy side towards the plant.

That looks amazing!!

Where did u get those beautiful glass at ?

You can sometimes find nice sturdy glasses like that at Dollar Tree.

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It looks really cool like that

Aluminum wire, doubled up?

This is beautiful

Pot, gritty compost, cane, string.

Beautiful!! 😍

Why? It’s way cool right now. Maybe get some bonsai wire and hold its shape and let ‘er get funky.


I like it. Picasso

Put it in an appropriate sized pot and give it more light and it won’t look this ridiculous

Dirt and a stick!

GorGeoUs Specimen

This plant desperately needs more light. It isn't supposed to grow this way. It's searching for the light it needs to be healthy.

Photo of one of my lace aloes that I grew from a pup. High light and a wide pot and they grow low, wide, and send out tons of pups. Id prob cut off the top of your and replant with more light

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Why you need tips she looks great

That is so pretty!


Wow, why, what for? It's so pretty in it's natural state. Find a nice light piece of driftwood or any branch and have it rest on it. Put a tiny loop on the top of it, then it a hook or screw on the wall and hang the wood. Use its slope for the aloe to rest on it. The wood can come to the floor supporting the glass and partially hiding and holding it from tipping over. Be creative! Don't force nature unless you cut topiaries and aloes after really good subjects for that art.

Im obsessed w this aloe

You don't need to "see" the water. You can use a flat ceramic Asian Chinese container. Just Google " flat Asian ceramic bonsai pot" Put some small volcanic pellets or any gravel you may find in nature and then some vertical kind of rock and have the aloe rest on it. You can also attach a wooden branch to the vertical rock (bigger weight of it at the bottom to keep it standing) and with small wire hold the aloe against it. Look up "Ikebana" Japanese flower display art to get some inspiration.

i kinda love it

I think you are just suffering from success at this point

Plant it?

yeah, my advice is to not, because it looks like a green Truffula-esque plant!