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Justin Trudeau blames racism for allegation that China helped Liberal MP get elected

87% Upvoted
level 1
· 1 mo. ago
All-Seeing Upvote
New Brunswick

I’ve always been open minded with Trudeau. Criticized the policies that were terrible and gave credit when policies were good, but this is terrible. This isn’t a liberal vs conservative issue, this is corruption and potentially (likely in my opinion) treason. This needs to be called out by everybody.

level 2

Couldn’t agree more. The liberals were better than to me. But if our intelligence service sees proof their is clear interference in an election and even worse they got someone elected to office. That should be condemned and investigated instantly and they should be put on leave pending that investigation. But He literally doubled down on protection them. Truly makes me wonder how fearful he must be of XI and the CCP

level 2

This isn't the first time CSIS recommendations were taken lightly.

The irony is that using rascism in this way is inherently rascist and deeply offensive, wtf? Assuming asian-Canadians aren't conservatives or supportive of investigations into foreign interference is blatantly trying to manipulate a demographic to gain voters.

A strong way to inoculate against this narrative, is calling out and addressing stereotyping in ourselves and our day-to-day, and seperate it from legitimate concerns or personal policies.. which is just a step to systems that can assist us challenge our ingrained neurological biases and formed beliefs that are currently being exploited at an accelerated rate compared to our past in a way that is not only destroying Canada, the West and the World but the paths to creating solutions that our world desperately needs.

level 2

Should be the number one concern, yet people just wait around for the proper “authorities” to do something about it. Which they won’t without the majority of the public demanding thorough investigations and charges being brought on his corrupt ass. Its okay folks, we investigated ourselves and came to the conclusion there is nothing to see here and you should willingly hand over your freedoms and look the other way when something upsets you.

level 2

Wilful Blindness.


66 more replies

level 1

Hong Kong Canadian here working in the media. It’s tiring to see all these unveil because we’ve been writing to parliament about this sine 2019. NDP Jenny Kwan, Conservative Michael Chong and Kenny Chiu are great allies who’ve been supporting us since day 1. Trudeau won’t use his power to address actual racism in Canada, but would rather use it to shield Han Dong… I’m so tired of his bullshit

level 2

Thank you for speaking up! Unfortunately, the liberals and Trudeau will not lisen to a large subset of the population because "RaCiSM'. But someone who identifies in a category that the liberals see as 'one of theirs' will get more traction than the rest. Please keep your voices raised. We ALL suffer when politicians are bought and paid for by the CCP.

level 2

Crazy too cause in NZ we had a very similar situation where our two biggest parties had CCP assets as MPs. Both parties agreed to kick out the MPs and the matter disappeared very quietly with little inquiry (article). I'm surprised he can say with a straight face it couldn't happen in Canada


11 more replies

level 1

Gross, pathetic, predictable. How long is this going to go on

level 2
· 1 mo. ago

The first time the liberal party used the "Racism" card I bet they were all like...holy shit it actually works. Been running with it ever since.

level 2

My guess is sometime around the 90s to early 2000s when they turned a blind eye to dirty Chinese money flowing into Vancouver. The fact that they didn't nip that in the bud signals to me there was something going on even back then.

level 2
· 1 mo. ago

Until he is in office or when the CCP manages to turn the other political parties to their needs

level 2

Politicians are like diapers and should be changed for the same reason.


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