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Posted by6 months ago
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China Says It May Have Detected Signals From Alien Civilizations

69% Upvoted
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level 1

The suspicious signals could, however, also be some kind of radio interference and requires further investigation, he added.

Yeah, that’s probably what it is.

level 2

I hear some rustling in bushes outside. It could be the legendary Big Foot. Or a squirrel. Further investigation is needed.

level 2

If you think something is aliens, but there's a chance it could be something that's not aliens, then I'd say there's a 99.99999% chance it's not aliens.

level 2

Like in Australia when they thought a microwave was a signal from deep space

level 2

Someone in the lunch room is probably opening a microwave just before it hits 00:00

level 2

We live in a universe with billions of galaxies, each having billions of stars.... but our response is, "yeah it's probably nothing" smh

level 2

The CHOW signal

level 2

Isn't it standard procedure that anything unknown in space is aliens until proven otherwise?

level 2
Comment deleted by user · 6 mo. ago

71 more replies

level 1

The earth belongs to Trisolaris.

level 2

god damn i love that series.

level 2

Just think, we can be the founders of the ETO to welcome our new Lords

level 2

Chains of suspicion let’s gooo

level 2

Came here looking for this lol amazing books

level 2

I want to play that game

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