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[–]Dankey-Kang-Jr 831 points832 points  (36 children)

‘Aladdin’ director Guy Ritchie

That sounds wrong.

[–]Mission-Two1325 199 points200 points  (12 children)

What he needs to do is stop bullshitting and finish The RocknRolla and Sherlock Holmes 3

[–]The_Knight_Is_Dark 88 points89 points  (7 children)

I was going to say "Don't forget Man from UNCLE", then remembered Armie Hammer...

[–]angusthermopylae 31 points32 points  (5 children)

just recast the part

[–]King_Buliwyf 62 points63 points  (2 children)

Yeah, just get the dude who played the other Winklevoss, obviously.

[–]HiggsPerc552 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I think his name is Hammie Armor

[–]Metfan722 11 points12 points  (1 child)

For some reason Ryan Gossling strikes me as a look alike. If he can pull off a Boris & Natasha Russian accent, I'd say go with him.

[–]bongo1138 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I mean, ya know, he hasn’t actually eaten anybody…


[–]StevenTheFancyVance 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I thought the same thing. Had no idea.

[–]According_Mistake_32 73 points74 points  (2 children)

I just found that out this week. I was very confused.

[–]BadWithNames00 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I knew it was his movie once I saw the street chase scene in the film. Very guy Ritchie

[–]sjfiuauqadfj 5 points6 points  (0 children)

some disney exec knew they were gonna remake aladdin and thought "aladdin is a thief and guy ritchie makes movies about thieves. makes sense to me"

[–]squidmanwillie 12 points13 points  (2 children)

I recently found out that the kids movie “the house with a clock in its walls” was directed by Eli Roth (of hostel fame). We live in strange times.

[–]Odusei 13 points14 points  (6 children)

We’re just going to have to resign ourselves to never getting any more of the good Guy Ritchie.

[–]mikeyfreshh 66 points67 points  (4 children)

He just did The Gentlemen like 2 and half years ago

[–]Man_in_the_Mask23 25 points26 points  (2 children)

And I liked Wrath of Man

[–]mikeyfreshh 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I did too but I wasn't sure if that was a hot take or not

[–]sjfiuauqadfj 1 point2 points  (0 children)

wrath of man was weird for me because it had a very similar plot to a movie called the limey

[–]HortonHearsTheWho 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I was about to say this, I thought that was a return to form

[–]daynewolf036 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It didn't help that they capitalized every word.

[–]the_real_abraham 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm not your guy, friend!

[–]smellygooch18 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My dad watched “The Gentlemen” and won’t stop calling me a cunt now.

[–]PartiedOutPhil 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I didn't know he had a hand on that trash.

[–]Werfgh 574 points575 points  (61 children)

If Phil is not played by Dani Devito it ain't shit.

[–]RobertoHAHA 191 points192 points  (8 children)

Specifically, I want it to just be Dani in a cheap satyr onesie. The rest of the movie should have breathtaking costumes and scenery, but Phil should just be Dani Davito in a Satyr onesie that looks like it was bought from a Halloween store on the wrong side of town.

[–]rachface636 51 points52 points  (3 children)

I'm not Spiderman, I'm man spider!!!!!!

[–]kentotoy98 9 points10 points  (2 children)

"Herc, your father was out banging hoors."

[–]rachface636 1 point2 points  (1 child)

....holy shit that line is cannon in both IASIP and Hercules.

[–]Werfgh 16 points17 points  (0 children)

He already is 50% Phil. Cheap costume will give him 25% more. 75% of the character is better than most of the movie castings

[–]GingerDreddMan 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This is gospel folks

[–]dummypod 4 points5 points  (1 child)

You know they're gonna pull some magic shenanigans and Phil would have normal legs to hide his satyr ones, just to save on CGI

[–]mcbaindk 92 points93 points  (4 children)

I watched his episode of the "Star talks about their greatest movies" and he doesn't remember Hercules very well, even singing for it.

It made me sad since I cherish it so much but I mean, yeah - it's just a paycheck.

[–]ViperT24 15 points16 points  (3 children)

Tbf, doing voiceover work prolly isn’t that memorable unless it’s a long running series. Sitting in a booth and reading lines a quarter century ago wouldn’t stand out much in my mind either.

[–]ScorpionX-123 6 points7 points  (2 children)

it did for James Woods; he's gone on record saying Hades has been his absolute favorite role to play

[–]Guuple 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Woods has also reprised his role of Hades multiple times since the film. He did all the appearances in the show and multiple games. Outside of the movie tie-in game, Devito hasn't portrayed his character since the 90s.

[–]RTepps 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Let's be honest they're definitely gonna go with Kevin Hart.

[–]Tiger_jay 2 points3 points  (0 children)

:( true

[–]hyrulae 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He’s not an ideal choice but I’d gladly take Kevin Hart over James Corden tbf

[–]WordsAreSomething 38 points39 points  (30 children)

Is there any other person you'd consider. I was trying to think of who I would consider a modern Danny Devito and the only name that came to mind was like Will Forte but that feels like a bad answer

[–]Locke108 67 points68 points  (5 children)

Charlie Day but like with Colin Farrell Penguin makeup.

[–]TheBoredDraftsman 32 points33 points  (4 children)

I think Charlie Day could channel the power of Danny Devito

[–]not-a-lego-man 22 points23 points  (1 child)

The years playing nightcrawlers will finally pay off

[–]ThePLARASociety 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Like father like sun.

[–]PhilAsp 20 points21 points  (3 children)

Off the top of my head - and it might seem random - I feel like H. Jon Benjamin would work well lol.

[–]Foxmcbowser42 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Very different energy but I would dig it

[–]snufalufalgus 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Andy Serkis

[–]PhilAsp 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I’m not saying I don’t want it, or that it can’t happen…but dude is pushing 80.

Kind of crazy to think he’s still doing Frank, tbh.

[–]DanfordThePom 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He vows to never retire from acting. Dude loves his craft

[–]pedule_pupus 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Maybe a hot take, but if the movie isn’t too slapstick I’d love to see them trade Phil for a far more interesting Chiron.

[–]BenignEgoist 3 points4 points  (3 children)

I’m gonna go with James Woods reprising Hades to be an excellent live action-casting as well.

[–]CooperFlannigan 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It's the role he was born for. By all accounts he's a pretty terrible person, and I can't think of another movie I've enjoyed him in, but there's literally no one else on the planet I could imagine playing Hades but him.

[–]FlewInFromStupidTown 327 points328 points  (41 children)

This movie better put the Glad in Gladiator

[–]dizzybowls 53 points54 points  (40 children)

I wonder if they will add a homosexual kiss to this new movie…

[–]finsareluminous 127 points128 points  (9 children)

I mean, if there was ever a source material ripe for diversity it's the greek mythology. No one can complain about non-whites and homosexuals characters being inaccurate.

If anything, it probably wouldn't be nearly gay enough for historical accuracy.

[–]GuiltyEidolon 62 points63 points  (1 child)

No one can complain about non-whites and homosexuals characters being inaccurate.

I see you're new to bigots and racists.

[–]sjfiuauqadfj 3 points4 points  (0 children)

yea when europeans were doing the renaissance and translating greek and roman text, a lot of the scholars, who were monks, deliberately censored the gay and naughty shit because they were prudes lol

[–]HomeIsElsweyr 9 points10 points  (4 children)

Since when are the greeks not white?

[–]finsareluminous 30 points31 points  (1 child)

The greek themselves were generally "white" (though probably not Scandinavian-white), but they were seafaring people and had close ties with other cultures and ethnicities in Asia and Africa. Their myths are filled with foreigners and greeks with mixed ancestry.

So while there are characters specifically described as blondes, black and brown characters would not be out of place either.

[–]Ccaves0127 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Jason Mantzoukas is 100% Greek but I don't think most people would look at him and say "Yeah that guy's white."

[–]Mia-Wal-22-89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

History is gay as fuck and I’m here for it.

[–]Ritz527 64 points65 points  (1 child)

Just your friendly reminder that according to Greek myth Heracles regularly banged dudes, including his nephew Iolaus, who basically traveled the world with him. Kevin Sorbo in shambles.

[–]8dy0 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Apparently shambles used to mean slaughterhouse.

[–]ImmortalCam 14 points15 points  (10 children)

Ancient Greece is the gayest culture of all time. So it's actually the perfect place for that.

[–]lionofash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Let us party like the Greeks of old - you know the ones I mean..."

Huh. Will we get more Hedonism Bot soon?

[–]icomma 11 points12 points  (2 children)

The Greeks were gay as hell my man so it’d be more weird if they didn’t

[–]TheUncannyBroker 215 points216 points  (32 children)

Considering the Russos are producing, there is a higher than average chance Chris Evans will be Hercules. Or Ritchie might get one of his british guys.

[–]mikeyfreshh 82 points83 points  (5 children)

If Ritchie is doing this, I assume Jason Statham is playing Hades

[–]tinhtinh 23 points24 points  (2 children)

Bring back Bricktop.

[–]EpiroteArete 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It was a rhetorical question, Errol. What have I told you about thinking?

[–]alwaysdoubledown 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Do you know what nemesis mean?

[–]ty_kanye_vcool 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Instructions unclear, delivered a giant blue Will Smith

[–]VeganArmieHammer 167 points168 points  (17 children)

Joel McHale as Herc, Gillian Jacobs as Meg, Alison Brie and Yvette Nicole-Brown as the Greek Chorus, Chevy Chase as Hades, Danny Pudi as Panic, Donald Glover as Pain, Jim Rash as Hermes, Patton Oswalt as Phil.

[–]brinz1 72 points73 points  (5 children)

Make Hades Ken Jeong and you have a deal

[–]wongo 25 points26 points  (0 children)

I'll allow it

[–]squiddlebiddlez 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ken Jeong as all of the disaster survivors that are skeptical of Hercules.

Jim Rash HAS to be Meg.

[–]rachface636 1 point2 points  (0 children)

......this is why I don't negotiate for large film production companies. I could never match this genius.

[–]Automatic-Aioli9416 26 points27 points  (1 child)

I’ll take it, considering we’ve been waiting for the movie part of “6 seasons and a movie” for what feels like a lifetime now.

[–]Equal-Doc6047 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This time it'll be 6 movies and a tv show.

[–]G_Neto 13 points14 points  (0 children)


[–]tonypconway 4 points5 points  (0 children)


[–]gr3enz 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Bro they should totally make a sitcom with this cast. That’d be legendary!

[–]Feisty-Replacement-5 8 points9 points  (2 children)

It has the potential to go 5, maybe 6 seasons. Possibly even a movie.

[–]gr3enz 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Damn! I’m sure the movie will come out pretty quickly after the series concludes too!

[–]WhatsBruinInBoston 1 point2 points  (0 children)

With a cast like that, they don’t need regionals.

[–]MissingLink101 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Or Chris Hemsworth

[–]sarcasticaccountant 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Charlie Hunmam as a Himbo Hercules, could see that working

[–]EnQuest 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Henry Cavill pls

[–]PhilAsp 47 points48 points  (4 children)

Jason Mantzoukas as Hades seems like a great fit.

[–]BusinessPurge 6 points7 points  (0 children)

He deserves a Sonic level A list voice role, would be great!

[–]Black_Dumbledore 5 points6 points  (0 children)

My expectations for this movie are not high but now I'll be disappointed if Mantzoukas, a comedic actor of actual Greek descent, isn't in this.

[–]WinpennyR 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Haven't been a fan of all these live action remakes and this looks like completely the wrong director for this. Shame as I love Hercules.

[–]Vip3r20 49 points50 points  (3 children)

Can Mila Kunis play Meg?

[–]mcbaindk 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Honey, you mean HUNKules..

[–]DeepSixWrestlin 79 points80 points  (4 children)

I enjoyed Ritchie’s Aladdin and while I’d much rather get a live action version of Atlantis or Treasure Planet at this point (cliche answers, yes), but it feels like Hercules, despite being great, doesn’t get the same treatment and respect that some of the other 90’s Disney movies get.

If this is good, then great, maybe it means they’ll finally add Greece to Epcot and give Hercules an attraction.

same sentiments though to the commenter that doesn’t want Chris Pratt. Please no, dude is great as Star-Lord, but he doesn’t need to be in everything.

[–]WaywardWriter 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The Dwayne Johnson Hercules is absolutely terrible. We definitely need a better, modern version out there.

[–]Oops_I_Cracked 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Oh god please not Chris Pratt. Anyone but him.

[–]Ki-Gon 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I just wanted him to do Sherlock 3. Was that too much to ask?

[–]bobuero 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Serpent-Disney has slithered forth and constricted with their millions.

[–]I-am-the-Peel 82 points83 points  (23 children)

Oh dear God no.

Just don't let Chris Pratt anywhere near this.

[–]WhatAmIDoing298 10 points11 points  (2 children)

The Russo brothers are producing this. Highly likely that it's gonna be Chris Evans as hercules.

[–]CrowConscious 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Don't worry it's The Rock.

[–]hobbes_shot_first 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Ezra Miller as Phil.

[–]PlatinumKanikas[🍰] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Is this a WB movie?

[–]bobuero 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Why would they? He's 40 years old, Hercules is like 20-25

[–]Jaycatt 9 points10 points  (6 children)

Or Kevin Sorbo.

[–]watchmything 2 points3 points  (3 children)

The only thing I can remember from that show is:


[–]BillSeacaster 13 points14 points  (2 children)

[–]watchmything 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I just might need to rewatch that show. Same for Xena

[–]BillSeacaster 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's an outtake. He read the script instructions instead of the dialogue.

[–]Ki-Gon 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Now I feel bad for enjoying the hell out of Andromeda and The Legendary Journey. in my defense I was a boy and had no idea what a POS he was

[–]chemicologist 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Why not Tate Donovan?

[–]akodini 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Because he's almost 60

[–]idiotkid1 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Guy Richie looks like a character from a guy Richie movie… which I guess makes sense.

[–]bowlofpasta92 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Get Christopher Judge as Zeus and I’m in.

[–]Bob-Servant 3 points4 points  (0 children)

So weird Guy Ritchie is a Disney director

[–]thelittleone1 119 points120 points  (33 children)

Aladdin sucked tho lol

[–]Raylan__Givens 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Guy Ritchie was having a string of flops and Aladdin made a billion dollars

[–]TomBirkenstock 69 points70 points  (8 children)

I don't know why you would hire Guy Ritchie and not have him go full Guy Ritchie. It was so lame.

[–]thelittleone1 20 points21 points  (5 children)

I feel they just wanted a big name attached for marketing purposes.

They don't need to reproduce these movies scene by scene for them to be good, for live action you probably should restructure the movie a bit for it to work but Disney seems creatively bankrupt with these remakes.

[–]thrillhouse83 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Aladdin is enough marketing. The target market could give a shit who’s directing.

[–]CarOnMyFuckingFence 3 points4 points  (1 child)

And that's why it made a billion dollars

[–]Marsuello 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That’s why you shouldn’t listen to Reddit takes on things like this. Often what people on Reddit say is the exact opposite of that reality says

[–]FranticPonE 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I loved watching this and seeing Hanz Zimmer show up at the premier of the Lion King remake totally smashed because "fuck it, this is the most creatively bankrupt thing I've ever done for a paycheck but damnit I got one, so fuck iiiiiiiit, can't take back it now shitstains!"

[–]Lfsnz67 5 points6 points  (1 child)

But for Ritchie it allows him to keep making his type of movies

[–]PayneTrain181999 43 points44 points  (13 children)

At least compared to the other live action remakes recently it was one of the better ones imo.

[–]-DementedAvenger- 29 points30 points  (4 children)

Lion King sucked ass so bad

[–]thelittleone1 14 points15 points  (6 children)

Yeah I think it was superior to the live adaptations of Mulan, Lion King, and most of the Disney princess movies but I remember being bored out of my mind watching it.

Lacks a lot of the magic of the old one, I think it's probably possible to make good live action versions of Disney properties but they seem to creatively aim really low when reproducing them.

[–]Jaymongous 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I think their take on Genie was actually pretty good. Referring to him as this all powerful cosmic force and such. Idk. I thought it was pretty cool.

[–]PayneTrain181999 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Will Smith was a good choice for the role, and he did his own thing rather than try to copy Robin Williams, which was the right thing to do.

[–]ZellNorth 2 points3 points  (1 child)

They are just doing them to keep their copyright

[–]WaywardWriter 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Cinderella, Jungle Book, and Beauty were at least pretty to look at. One of my issues with Aladdin was that it looked like everything like a massive set. What they did with Jafar was also baffling to say the least. Felt very low-effort and manufactured. Lion King and Mulan were both worse, though.

[–]ScorpionX-123 1 point2 points  (0 children)

at least the Genie slapped

[–]noonehasthisoneyet 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Idk. I thought it was very entertaining. I just hate that every animated movie from my childhood is going to be “live action” now

[–]pewpewblahblah 2 points3 points  (0 children)

it was pretty entertaining tbh

it wasn't like super well made best of cinema

but a nice fun movie to watch with family.

[–]D6Desperados 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Ana de Armas as Meg, anyone??

[–]TyStar1982 24 points25 points  (2 children)

Just please stop making these Disney

[–]FranticPonE 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I don't think they can hear you over the sound of all their money piling in

[–]DaemonDrayke 12 points13 points  (4 children)

Guy Ritchie is the wrong person for these films. He makes fast-paced, action-oriented, irreverent films.

[–]pedule_pupus 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Wasn’t the original a bit action-oriented and irreverent?

[–]MyPeepeeFeelsSilly 5 points6 points  (0 children)

It was more like Broadway as many of the Disney movies from that era where

[–]Baddab55 6 points7 points  (0 children)

We already have a perfect live-action Hercules. You know, when he came to New York. Make a sequel to that.

[–]Recover20 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Can't wait for this Hercules movie to be about Meg

[–]New_Dependent2184 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Evil Hugh Grant as Hades would be good tho.

[–]noonehasthisoneyet 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I hope they make Hera the bad guy this time around, and if James woods hasn’t gone completely insane, he should play hera.

[–]BonzoBonanza 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I honestly enjoyed the 2019 'ALADDIN' movie. I know it's nothing compared to the 1992 version, but it's still a fun movie to watch, especially with Will Smith as the Genie.

[–]IntriguedCookie09 20 points21 points  (6 children)

This Hercules will definitely be a gay Hercules.

[–]VeganArmieHammer 32 points33 points  (3 children)

I mean, Hercules was a gay Hercules.

[–]BillSeacaster 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Technically bi. But if we're going by body count, he certainly seems to have a preference...

[–]SpaceOdysseus23 13 points14 points  (1 child)

If you're going by body count then he prefers women and it's not even close, this wiki article numbers only 10 dudes and his women numbers are between 50-60 off the top of my head

[–]zlimK 4 points5 points  (0 children)

50-60 people all related to one individual in some way sounds likea crazy high number for anyone to name off the top of their head about anything. Think you could actually do it?

[–]lc101 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Zane phillips would be a good choice

[–]TLT4 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Spoiler: it will suck.

OK It really doesn't sound like a spoiler.

[–]HIPHOPNINJA 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Someone call Ben Askren

[–]Dr_Surgimus 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Millionaire and he can't buy glasses that fit.

[–]Equal-Doc6047 9 points10 points  (7 children)

Guy why are you wasting your talent on another Disney remake.... but maybe Jason Statham as Hercules??🤞

[–]Vip3r20 14 points15 points  (2 children)

That would be terrible lol

[–]WaywardWriter 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was kind of excited he'd go back to delivering new content after Wrath of Man.

[–]BusinessPurge 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hades, innit

[–]Cue_626_go 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–]watchmything 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Too bad Steve reeves is too old to reprise his Hercules

[–]ishmael_king93 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Aladdin was my favorite of the live action movies so this is really good news

[–]au_tom_atic 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ryan Gosling as Hercules and repurpose footage from Young Hercules.

[–]Dark_Vengence 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Damn another hercules movie. They need to make a live action atlantis movie and treasure island.

[–]shaddowkhan 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I love Guy Ritchie movies. I lived the Hercules animated movie as a kid. I'm sure I'll enjoy this.

[–]Bey0nd1nfinity 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I miss when Disney actually made new movies instead of remaking everything.

[–]Johnykbr 6 points7 points  (6 children)

Aladdin was so goddam horrible that I'm not optimistic

[–]ZedTheEvilTaco 4 points5 points  (5 children)


[–]Johnykbr 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Let's just stop the movie and have Jasmine break the fourth wall with a horrible song. Not to mention weak-ass Jafar

[–]ty_kanye_vcool 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I could live with the music and the Fresh Genie of Bel Air but Jafar absolutely could not hold down his end. Also no Iago.

[–]Jaymongous 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I loved it 🤷

[–]justfriendly 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Jared Keeso is a dead ringer for the cartoon Hercules.

[–]mabeldee08 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No no no, silly boy. To have people that actually look like their animated counterparts play the character goes against everything Disney.

[–]Straightwad 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I was hoping they’d make a terrible live action Hercules, I am now at peace.

[–]funkymunkPDX 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Hollywood is just trash pandas at this point.

[–]beegpuppah 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Stop, please

[–]legendary_sponge 2 points3 points  (4 children)

Henry Cavill would be a slam dunk casting

[–]readmeink 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Idk, Guy Ritchie’s Aladdin completely turned me off to any future live action remakes.

It was more awkward to see the “romance” between Aladdin and Jasmine than watching my cousins kiss at the last family reunion. The only indication that the movie was directed by Guy Ritchie were the inexplicable slo smo shots that made me think “Huh, this was directed by Guy Ritchie.” The “feminist” take on Jasmine and her story line made me think this is why women shouldn’t be in politics. As for Jafar, the only charismatic thing about him was the creepy way he stroked his staff. And we haven’t even gotten to Will Smith’s dookie hair yet.

[–]ElectrosMilkshake 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Aladdin and Jasmine had zero charisma or chemistry and someone forgot to tell Jafar that he wasn’t in the pornographic parody.

[–]bobuero 1 point2 points  (0 children)

He didn't even turn into a giant snake! WTF is this shit! Also, after tiny-Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, I have no faith in them having Hercules be buff enough.

[–]QuickerandDeader 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hercules is a Marvel character as well. This is a perfect opportunity to crossover Disney Herc and Marvel. Make them the same person.

[–]Holy_Hole_Inna_Donut 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Of course they will ruin another one of my favorite Disney movies of all time once again.

[–]Bayonethics -1 points0 points  (9 children)

Well we know this Hercules isn't gonna be a white guy

[–]VeganArmieHammer 21 points22 points  (8 children)

Nah, he's gonna be white but Meg will be Zendaya, mark my words.

[–]JohnnyJayce 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Tom Holland as Hercules and Zendaya as Meg, calling it.

[–]VeganArmieHammer 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Austin Butler. I predict there's gonna be a big push to try to make him happen.

[–]Bayonethics 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I can see it

[–]error521 0 points1 point  (6 children)

Disney's gotta be running out of these, right? No offense to the Hercules stans out there (it's fine) but I feel like if they're resorting to a remake of it they're probably scraping real low in the barrel. Next thing you know they're gonna be remaking like, fucking Brother Bear and Home on the Range.

[–]Pius_Thicknesse 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Hercules is like a top 5 Disney movie my guy what are you on comparing it to Home on the fucking Range

[–]nightmare-salad 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I wish they would go for hunchback because I think it’s beautiful and progressive and the music is incredible but I doubt they want to handle the titular physical issues in live action.