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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What was the most embarrassing thing you experienced during sex?


It wasn’t exactly during sex but at some point I just fell asleep (all good) and she got up and got herself a bowl of salad and sat down next to me and ate it. She dripped the salad sauce on my neck or something and in a reflex motion I pushed the salad bowl right into her, Covering her face with the salad ( was some kinda noodle salad) she started screaming and I started screaming and elbowed her face. Luckily did not hit the nose

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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MH370 Airliner video is doctored. proof included.

lol dude, i am not interested in your reddit credentials.

> You can built it on same satellite, different satellites (space sepeated) or time separated or orbital separated. Looking at sun requires different set up (spectral) compared to earth weather satellite. I dont understand your meaningless comment asking to be educated

Yes, that is exactly how it work, wherever you googled that now without comprehending the meaning. that is also exactly what i have said in my original post. your first reply completely contradicts this and now you try to backpaddle.

>Hint: Stereo cameras must be positioned as close to each other as possible, usually in their individual own camera mount. This allows software to overlay these, knowing the fixed distance between these cameras to produce a video that a SW can use to determine depth.

This is completely wrong in regards to satellite imagery. you described a setup to emulate human vision. your credentials are bs.

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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MH370 Airliner video is doctored. proof included.

please stop embarrassing yourself, you clearly know nothing about the topic.

> Hint: Stereo cameras must be positioned as close to each other as possible, usually in their individual own camera mount.

This may apply to your homemade endeavors but for satellite stereoscopic imagery the cameras must be apart at a very considerable distance because the acquisition range is much greater than the stereoscopic vision of a human for example which is no further than 20-30m. A single satellite is only capable of shooting stereoscopic photos by taking the second shot after traveling a certain distance to get a different angle, hence a single satellite is not used for stereoscopic video acquisition. satellite pairs are used for that purpose. You would have knows that if you hade any basic understanding of this, which you do not.

Hint: Educate yourself before calling out people on something you do not understand.

Stereo satellite images are captured consecutively by a single satellite

along the same orbit within a few seconds (for still images) (along the track imaging technique) or by

the same satellite (or different satellites) from different orbits in different dates (across

the track imaging technique).

To assess the quality of stereo satellite imagery, the viewing angles of the stereo

images are a critical issue, as it has been found that the base-to-height (B/H) ratio

should be close to 1 to achieve a high-quality stereo model with high elevation accuracy. Currently, there are many satellites that offer stereo satellite imagery, such as

Carto-sat1, CHRIS/PROBA, EROS-A, IRS, IKONOS, MOMS-02, SPOT, and Terra

ASTER. Most of these satellites allow programming the sensor to change the image

viewing angle so that the stereo satellite images can achieve a better B/H ratio regardless of whether the images are captured from along or across the track.

> My concern is people who clearly know nothing, have no credentials and making false statements. Why are these people not using their time to learn?

i totally agree, you are a great example for that.

/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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Depth Filter (?)


You mean like some kind of magic or alien tech?

/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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Camera upgrade... the age old question


pretty much depends on what you shoot...
I own a bunch of large cameras but i also have the Sigma FP L and i like it, its small, light, FF and can record DPX on SDD without an external recorder and i can adapt PL or whatever else to the L mount. colors are great, dual ISO, lowlight is decent and you can shoot in crop modes at 4K as well. optional Sigma EFV is not bad. the 60+ MP sensor is nice for stills. For the price its awesome really.
NO HFR in 4k tho but i can live with that.

Filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, editors, vfx gurus, composers, sound people, grips, electrics, and more meet to share their work, tips, tutorials, and experiences. A place where professionals and amateurs alike unite to discuss the field and help each other.

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Filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, editors, vfx gurus, composers, sound people, grips, electrics, and more meet to share their work, tips, tutorials, and experiences. A place where professionals and amateurs alike unite to discuss the field and help each other.

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[deleted by user]


Usually, when you shoot any kind of scenes that require something that could potentially make actors uncomfortable, even if it is not sexual, as a director, in order to assure that the acting is convincing and the scenes holds up to the expectations you talk with all involved in detail about it, before the shoot, before you hire them, unless it’s a late change in the script, but you do discuss it and make sure they understand. You do also need to make contracts, that’s basic business, even with friends and sometimes especially with friends.

It’s sounds like an unfortunate situation but I also only know OPs side of things so it’s not easy to form an opinion. Best thing the director could probably do now is try to talk with her with a cool head and explain the situation and the effect of it on the whole production and the rest of the team and try to work out something before any escalation. Usually it is possible to talk to people.

/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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How do people feel about baking the look in in camera? The look for Apocalypse Now was a true commitment from which there was no going back.

replied to Run-And_Gun

i have not even once in my life heard that a production suffered because people shot Log or raw. I heave heard the opposite quiet a lot however.

I didn’t say that one process was better than the other. You also seem to be implying that I said that no one can make a creative decision up-front and stick with it. I didn’t say that either.

but everyone here can admit that LOG and RAW are used as much or more for creating the look in post, because someone is afraid to make a real creative decision and owning it

/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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/r/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

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How do people feel about baking the look in in camera? The look for Apocalypse Now was a true commitment from which there was no going back.

replied to Run-And_Gun

can hardly admit that because it is nonsense. It is merely a different workflow and it very much depend on what you shoot. certain looks simply depend on grade and it does hardly mean that the DP or/and director have no vision and are "afraid" to commit on set. Different people, different visions, different workflows, simple as that. To say one is better just because it works for you makes no sense.

Film making process is complex and comes in many stages. for many genres it starts on the drawing board of a concept artist , in some cases even some 3d pre-vis, by the time the set is build and lit getting the original vision for colors and mood is sometimes not doable without stylization in post, not to mention the VFX that will be created for the scene much later. Also have to take into account that when you shoot multiple weeks long hours and stand there on that dark set starring at the monitor your impression of what the footage may not be the same as looking at it some weeks later. also lighting conditions change from set to set, sometimes you are also forced to shoot takes at the wrong day time and have to match the mood. sometimes the weather in not consistent. sometimes it happens that certain camera types pick up on different lighting types in an undesirable way. sometimes the skin-tones just don't look all that great with certain light colors, sometimes you have to reshoot. sometimes you have to shoot at 2 vastly different locations and match it. Sometimes you need to use some glass that is not part of the set. sometimes you have to mix in footage from a different camera type. sometimes you have some weird plates. Sometimes you run out of time and have to improvise a many reasons. Not baking in Luts is nothing about not being afraid, its simply being smart about, staying flexible and pushing a vision that goes beyond what you see on your field monitor.

Also Apocalypse now was shot on ARRIFLEX 16ST, ARRIFLEX 35 BL , ARRIFLEX 35 IICm its hardly the same as baking your lut and shooting rec709 on a sony mirrorless. there is processing of film involved that creates a certain look. Also i would hardly take this production as a prime example of a production well done. the film is great tho, one of my fav anamorphic films but the production was hell from what i hear.