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Long Exposure of an Airliner Lifting Off

r/pics - Long Exposure of an Airliner Lifting Off
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In its original colors


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Is this definitely real? I only ask because the ascent looks insanely steep

Depth perception is probably way off, I'd like to see a rotated view to see it on it's side

computer: rotate image

blip blup

image rotated


what is this sorcery?

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God? Is that you?

How the fuck?

I wonder if it with some math, plus the knowledge of the usual landing/taking off profile of the aircraft model, and the specifications for the timing and relative position of the blinking lights it wouldn't be possible to actually calculate the 3d shape of the captured flight-path...


Actually, I think if you know just the position of the lights it might already be enough, assuming the lights blink at the same time. With 3 points you got a plane (in the geometrical sense), then based on things like the knowledge planes (the aircraft) almost never fly upside-down, the approximate trajectory (just whether it's coming or going is already enough), you can pretty much calculate the orientation and apparent size at each point where the lights blinked; from that I think you could extrapolate camera parameters and the 3D position of the plane on each blink.

Am I missing something?

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computer: display Olivia Wilde nudes

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Can you give it a hat wobble?

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Someone who rotated the original image to its side so that it is vertical but the same image has double your karma and gold. Feels bad man

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That's more like it.

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It is.

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I love the upgrade comments. Here is this, here is it a little better... Great example why reddit community is so fantastic.

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I was wondering where that blue came from. Fucking photoshop...

I obviously assumed that it was chemtrails and have since posted it on every facebook I could find. Definite proof here guys.

I always mix up contrails and chemtrails.

I know what you mean--I always mix up contrails and Con Air.

I always mix up con air and air con....ditioners

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I always mix up contrails and chemtrails.

Especially after a few cocktails.

Oh, cocktails.

I... umm... do you want your bird back?


I always mix up cocktails and cock tails

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Doing barrel rolls in your biplane again?

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Yeah. Looked a little like tron.

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Rainbow Road

It came from F-Zero GX

This guy gets it.

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Awww. So the above discussion about Tron stuff is pointless.

This looks better than the shopped one.

I don't get why someone would do that.

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I've seen this before but still not sure how it was done. Just straight up bulb mode long exposure?

Yeah, just a bulb shot. On a plane you have some lights that are constantly on and some that are flashing. The once that are constantly on are visible as one long trail, while the flashing ones are dots along that trail.

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Heh, I thought it was just a really poor choice of white balance.

I like the TRON version better, but thanks!

Less cool. But still pretty sick to see something in context

I kind of like this one better. It's like the runway lights just lifted up and trailed off into the sky.

This would have looked incredibly cool if it was seen first.

Interesting, I found this one to be much more cool.

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A dream realized: Rainbow Road IRL

Looks like a temperature graph or something. Blue is cold. Blue is on the ground... brrr

Oh no, heat rises, blue is in the air. PURPLE is on the ground.

And then for some reason it's alternately hot and cold every 50 feet or so going horizontally.

Ah life's mysteries.

The damn Polar Vortex.

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Yes! This is amazing. You gotta go for the shortcut every time...

Could someone add racers and items for full effect?

Dibs on Luigi!

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Looks cool but where is yellow orange maybe some red? After green it just goes invisible.

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I can only see a Mario Kart track that starts on a part ground-based level and then there is this huge way up and a huge part of the rainbow road starts there.

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Tron bought a plane.

Good for Tron.

Confirmed, here he is on the ground

Damn, Tron plane guy! How long has it been! 10 years at least I think

I can't tell what those people are protesting, but I am now for it.

Video description:

A Net Neutrality Message for Everyone:

We Are the Web The issue of net neutrality is reaching a boiling point, and the results will affect every Internet user in the US. We Are the Web is here to raise awareness with the help of some of the web's biggest names: Leslie Hall, The Tron Guy, and Peter Pan. Check out the music video, and share this important message.

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The fuck did I just watch?

A pro-net-neutrality video circa 2005.

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Screw these guys, that was delightful.

They're endearingly stupid and they know how to use it.

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Fuck me.... 15 year-old memes... Before the term "meme" even existed...

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This looks like some kind of r/DeepIntoYoutube shit


Holy crap I remember that girl, that's Leslie hall right. Classic.

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Moose knuckle everywhere.

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r/retiredjpg is bigger.

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I don't think Tron airlines would be the safest of flights.

Imagine trying to land at a busy airport.

Why not? If some UkranianRussian rebels shoot you down, you'd just pull out the handle bar and fly away like a jackdaw.

You mean a crow, right?

also what the fuck you're everywhere

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Don't be fooled. It's just the intro scene at Regal Cinemas.

I can hear that bouncy thing in the beginning and the stupid popcorn-exploding jump-scare.

I know the movie is going to start in 13 seconds, but are you sure you don't want a coke, or some popcorn, or some candy, or some licorice, or...

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That intro makes me cringe literally every time...

Could be worse. Could be Danberry's.

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i recently moved out to irvine. went to the movies and this popped out. i was like wtf. why havent they updated their intro video. it reminds of this

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Oh snap.


Thank you! I was hoping there was more, and specifically multiple plane takeoffs in one pic. That thread has a ton of stuff, including like the same comments as this thread "what a steep take off, ooo ahhh."

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That escalated quickly.

My first thought was rainbow road

I thought I was about to see a movie at a regal cinema. Dat roller coaster.

That last popcorn pop always gets me

There's a scream every couple movies. Always gets me

My girlfriend (who is twenty fucking five years old) raises her hands and woos every single time. Probably only because it embarrasses me.


You got to lean in your seat too


Hah I would get along with your girlfriend really well. Is she single?

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PTSD flashbacks :(

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Wendy Testaburger

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I thought the same thing. I'd like to see a shot from the side to get perspective.

I think what they did was take the shot from a couple miles away (at least 1) and zoomed in with a high mm lens. Realistically the plane raised that high over about a quarter mile and in order to get the appearance of this fast elevation would be to take the photo from a fairly far distance away.

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It really did take off.


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It's not a pun, just a double entendre.

You're a double entendre!

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it's literal, and yet jet

it was right in front of you...

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On ramp for Rainbow Road

Wow that is a rapid acsent


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The effect is cool in videos like these:

There is a lot of side ways drifting in these take off and landings. I never realized how unstable a plane looks when it's doing it's biz. IT's a fucking miracle these things can fly so consistantly. It a huge chuck of metal! Mind blown!

Based on that observation and the camera noise, I would bet it is very windy.

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Well it's a compilation of crosswind takeoffs and landings. So yeah, there's quite a bit of drifting.

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To be fair, this one is of high winds and aborted landings


All of these videos are taken when the wind is blowing perpendicular to the runway (a crosswind,) so the pilot has to point the nose of the plane into the wind to stay on course. It's very dramatic in videos like this, but on normal days without strong crosswinds, planes pretty much fly straight ahead.

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I wonder why the runway was constructed with such an undulating centerline? Are the peaks and sags intentional?

leveling ground is super expensive, and to get something perfectly level over miles is even more so. It doesn't really effect the aircraft, and remember the telephoto lens is compressing the image so they are more pronounced.

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That's gotta be it cause there's no way a commercial plane can ascend that quickly.

I mean, just look at how wide the entire length of the runway looks. It's very, very obviously taken with a telephoto lens.


Iuno man, that latest 787 aerobatics video...

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No airliner will ever climb at an angle of above 20 degrees. Normal climb is 10-15 degrees.

When we departed from Aguadilla Puerto Rico, I swear to Jeebus we were on a 60 degree angle. Worst take-off I've ever experienced.

Its for noise abatement.

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Well it's moving at 200 mph horizontally. It's going quite a bit farther away but the camera angle doesn't quite tell you that. Notice how the separation between the lights gets a lot smaller as it gets higher. It's probably no more than 30 degrees nose up

It would never be 20+. It is normally 15 degrees.

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It's not, taken from a different angle the angle of ascent might look more like 15 degrees than the 70 it appears to be here.

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So that's how they make audiosurf tracks

I was going to say the same thing.

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So rainbow road is in fact a thing... Challenge accepted.


I remember that F-Zero track.

I'm so glad someone else had the same thought.

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That is awesome.

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That's one heck of a steep incline.

No it's not. It simply looks steep because the angle this is shot from only allows you to see the vertical axis of it's climb

It's from the back at a slight angle. If you were looking at it straight on from the back, you would just see it vertical.

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To be fair, airplanes do incline incredibly steeply when you first take off.

Source: I've been on an airplane before.

That's because they are usually doing noise abatement. The problem is that airports were built far away from a city to stop noise traffic. But since an airport is built it has the infrastructure now to tap off of like electricity and water (a lot of places put the burden on the person moving there as pipes and copper wire are not cheap) And now because its noisy the houses or the property is cheaper. Because of this they move in and its cheaper and then they decide to form a noise committee because the airport noise is now too loud for them to sleep even though they saved thousands because they moved near an airport. So what does this mean?

At most airports they have to have a noise abatement protocol, that means they have to get high really fast to limit how much they fly over people's homes at low altitudes and then turn hard usually. Its the same coming it, it will be a high approach and then sharp turn and descend rapidly. Also this limits what time the airport opens and closes so its usually dead between 1-5 am. They also call it a voluntary shut down. So the next time your flight is at 5 am and not at 1am you can blame the people that live next to the airport for that.

That's actually really interesting but honestly what did they expect moving next to an airport

People always want theirs. They will say oh well I was not the first owner (the owner moved away because of the noise) or the house was in the family. The only people that lay true claim is the ones that lived there prior to the airport. Mostly farmers and they are usually compensated.

There are ridiculous claims like this one

And all sorts of things. If you remember jets from the 70's and 80's and even 90's the current jets are really really quiet, on the order of 124 times quieter (every 3 db doubles the power so in reality its only 20db quieter.

This is one of the night approaches in JFK (NYC Carnarsie approach)


It's like people who move downtown here and complain about music from bars.

We have a pretty well known bar scene and the town has the unofficial claim on "free music capital", but that doesn't stop people from moving in next door to a bar/music hall and then complaining that it's loud.

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Huh. TIL. You're cool mate.

It's true and it's actually kind of fun when taking off.

Here is the takeoff from the airport near me.

(Read the article too. It's interesting)

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Are you a commercial pilot? If so you should do an ama cause flying is cool as shit


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That is bad ass. I wish you good luck!

I only have one question really. My assumption is that you guys get the plane up to cruising altitude and then autopilot till it's time to land. Is that correct? How often does your expected path change?

I guess I just want to know what you do in a normal flight and what are some other things you've had to do that weren't normal. My mind always wonders this when I fly and I've been flying a ridiculous amount lately (~20 flights since July)


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You'd be surprised, airliners climb as much as 3000 feet per minute

Those lights are much further apart than they look

Yep. I'm thinking this is more of a shop than an actual image.

The colours are changed but the climb rate is legit. See above post.

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Rainbow Road



Here's the media found in this post. Autoplaylist: web/ mobile


Link User
This escalated quickly too Chicopower
Enhance dksprocket
Basic CSI skills dksprocket
leslie hall lurker093287h
old one Mocha_Bean
new one Mocha_Bean
Still relevant, unfortunately. Phrosty12
Enhance... enhance.... enhance... ricteel
....LightJets... Syn_The_Raccoon
I'll just leave this here... tommy-gee37
Rainbow Road UnknownStory
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about this ^bot ^ recent ^playlists ^

This is way waay too steep a climb gradient for a regular commercial airliner. This is either a military jet or pure photoshop.

source: I am a pilot.

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That'd be a cool Mario Kart level.

This look like the beggining of an awesome rollercoaster.


It looks like fun water slide.

Makes me want to play Mario Karts

Rainbow road, anyone?

It's rainbow road come to life

That would make an awesome road

If I press my face against it, will it feel like the sun shining on my face?

Dem splines

Mario Kart?

I thought it looked like a concept piece for TRON.

It's Tron.

Wow, that's really awesome! =D

I always knew [Rainbow Road] ( was real!

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rainbow road?

So Rainbow Road is real...

Rainbow Road.

This reminds me of Portal 2's light bridges.

How to win with a post in r/pics

  1. Post any picture in long exposure.

End of tutorial

Tron IRL

rainbow road! where's my kart?

Why the fuck is it so blue?

Photoshop. There's an original color version near the top, as well as one from a less deceptive angle.

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OK, now somebody do one of a plane nosediving into the Caribbean. Ok, that might have been too soon.


is this real life

Looks like the perfect Mario Kart 8 track


Request: long exposure of many planes taking off and landing.

I imagine a sea of curved lines.

This reminds me of the Hot Wheel race tracks

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rainbow road anyone? >.> yeah I did it <.<

I remember this track in Mario Kart.

did they erase the actual plane in the center? Regardless of long exposure or angle, there should be a visible center blur of the aircraft..right?

Rainbow road 4tw

This is not real!! I'm a pilot and that ascent is way to steep also if u look at the ground the wingspan covers way to much.

A pilot, perhaps. A photographer or mathematician, perhaps not. Angle plus telephoto lens makes the angle look deceptively steep.

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Fake! Air Traffic Controller and a pilot. Flight doesn't work like this, at all!

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This image seems really rather off. The escalation level here is way to steep even for fightet aircraft. Not saying they can't do this but it not normal.

And Gatwick airport is a rather busy one, either this exposure shot was not really long or every plane that took off was going to the exact same destination.

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Something something chem-trails.

Thank you for not calling it a timelapse