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[–]PupperPuppet 1667 points1668 points  (9 children)

Call the police non emergency number. Tell them your situation involves interstate stalking, harassment, and assault. Ask them to have an officer get in touch to take your report. When you speak with the officer, ask what steps you should take to bar them from contacting you in the future.

[–]imonlyjoiningforthis[S] 439 points440 points  (2 children)

Thank you. I'm going to go to the police as soon as I possibly can, as they were closed today because of Sunday. Thank you so much for your help.

[–]Regularity 313 points314 points  (1 child)

as they were closed today because of Sunday

Is... is this a thing? Do fire departments also close on Sundays, too?

[–]thearticulategrunt 178 points179 points  (0 children)

Dependent upon staffing some types of reports and police actions are limited on some days. In my city for instance, our department is very short staffed and very few people know that on 3 nights a week, due to short staffing, there is virtually no speeding enforcement. There are officers on patrol and duty for drunk drivers and criminal response but unless you blow past one at a good 20 over the speed limit or clearly driving in a dangerous fashion they just let it go as they do not have the officers on hand to be unavailable with a traffic stop.

[–]Kgizzle80 622 points623 points  (5 children)

  1. Set up a new email address you will use from here on out. Obviously don't let anyone with some form of contact with your parents to know this email.
  2. Close any accounts that you and either one of your parents are on and then open an account solely in your name. Bank accounts and cell phone would be the main ones I would think but you could have others. As long as their listed on the account they will have control over it.
  3. Should be obvious, but if they are tied in any way financially with you find a different bank and open an account.
  4. You might get a wellness check on them from the police because either you are leaving out important parts of the situation or they are legitimately bat shit crazy.

[–]imonlyjoiningforthis[S] 287 points288 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much for the help. I'm going to do everything I can from here on out to have no contact with them.

And yeah, they're genuinely just bat shit crazy.

[–]Blonde2468 161 points162 points  (3 children)

Only get a PO Box do they can’t tracks down your address through the mail. I don’t know why the police even get involved on their end because you are an adult.

[–]Kgizzle80 44 points45 points  (2 children)


[–]k1k11983 49 points50 points  (1 child)

They were saying they can’t believe that police got involved with the missing persons reports when OP is over 18.

[–]Kgizzle80 43 points44 points  (0 children)

I can believe police got involved especially when you're dealing with parents made the report and no idea what they told them in that conversation. They put out golden alerts when an old person with a history of alzheimers or dementia can't be found or walks off. The burden of proff is going to be on the child since the parents are "concerned about their safety" no cop is going to call bs on some parents looking for their missing kid

[–]Dr_Pandaboat 401 points402 points  (1 child)

Did you do any of the things that I suggested the last time you posted about this?

"I would notify the city you used to live in and (if you want) request to file harassment charges for the false reports. This will hopefully give them the heads up that any report they receive will likely be fraudulent.

I would also suggest you contact the city you are in now, and notify them of what's going on and that you are ok and left of your own free will. Provide them with your contact information in case there is an emergency and they do need to easily contact you.

If you no longer want to speak with your parents, make that clear to the police. They may be able to stop it at the front end by basically saying "he's an adult, he's ok, stop calling"."

[–]imonlyjoiningforthis[S] 183 points184 points  (0 children)

Thank you. I tried to do it last time but apparently the missing person's reports from my parents didn't allow it to go through. I'm going to contact the city.

Thank you again.

[–]newsnowhuntingtonwv 192 points193 points  (0 children)

Yes, go back to the police station or county attorney and explain that your dad assaulted you and held you against your will, and ask for a protective order. Then let the courts handle it.

[–]skdjchchsbsckdmnd 118 points119 points  (0 children)

Also, i didn’t say this in my last comment, but you have more then enough evidence to prove that they are harrassing and stalking you at this point. You have multiple emails on record, you have 2 incidents where they tried to report a missing person report, where it was discovered the reports were false. You can tell the officers that they have written 2 false reports in order to harrass and find you when you were trying to get away from them. If it was reported to the officers that these reports are false, and they are constantly trying to say that you are missing, it shows the officers how crazy they are and it would help your case by a lot. This is considered as a domestic case and they should take this very seriously

[–]kamijinego 55 points56 points  (0 children)

The cops that you spoke to told you that nothing could be done, but that is definitely false. The actions that you describe might be harassment, which is a crime.

[–]QuickSpore 173 points174 points  (1 child)

I am not a lawyer, I’m not your lawyer, and I’m not bar certified in Colorado. That said I have filed for protection orders in Colorado before.

You can file for a temporary protection order (TPO) in Colorado without the need to involve the police or a lawyer. You can find all the paperwork and instructions here. That said I would report the stalking and your dad’s assault on you to the police. A police report will help provide the basis of getting a TPO issued. Even if the police won’t do anything else, make sure they fill out a report and get a copy to you. Likewise a lawyer, while not necessary, is very helpful in making sure everything is done properly. If you don’t feel your parents are an immediate danger I recommend contacting Colorado Legal Support a local non-profit public-private joint agency intended to help low income folk with legal matters. They’ll be able to help you with the paperwork, and may be able to have a lawyer in court with you as you file for your protection order.

Once the paperwork is filed with a county court, you’ll have a hearing that day or on the next day the court is in session; with Covid that may be longer than normal, but TPOs are a priority. The courts tend to be very victim friendly on this first hearing. Your parents do not have to be there for the initial hearing. If you get a TPO issued (which seems likely given what you’ve posted), you then need someone to serve the protection order to your parents. Once served you have at least 14 days of protection, during which a hearing for a Permanent Protection Order (PPO) will be scheduled. From what you’ve posted here, a PPO seems doable.

[–]imonlyjoiningforthis[S] 82 points83 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much. I had no idea that this was something I could do. I'm going to contact the link you posted and start the process on the TPO. I've tried to file a police report, but it being Sunday they are all closed today

[–]vandancouver 29 points30 points  (0 children)

You should also call the police and inform them about how your father assaulted you.

[–]sperkio 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Your email provider or program should have a Spam setting where you can block incoming emails you don't want.

As for the police doing nothing go higher up in the department until you find someone willing to help you maybe that will work.

[–]MrUltraOnReddit 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Pretty good information already there.

I would add that you look into making sure they can't get any other information about you later, i.e. Medical / financial information. As they are your parents, they could gain access with some smooth talking and an incompetent worker on the other end.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


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