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Posted by5 months ago

this is crazy - UAP filmed on 'FLIR system' over the city of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico - 2013

97% Upvoted
level 1

This one comes inside the ocean, then out of it to split in two separate objects, looks real to me.

level 2

Them aliens always be coming in the ocean

level 2
· 5 mo. ago · edited 5 mo. ago

Isn’t the deepest part of the ocean right off of Puerto Rico’s coast?

Edit: to everyone down voting lol I Meant to say, Atlantic Ocean. And it is the deepest part of the Atlantic ocean. Lol. Some of y’all are so quick to be judgetards.

level 2

Yeah but he pulled out so it's all good

level 2

Yeah, they act like birds. Amazing.

level 2
level 2
level 2

Looks like real birds doing what real birds do. I'm going with aliens disguised as birds.

level 1

The transmedium part is nuts

level 1

If aliens are anything like people whoever is flying that thing is probably having a pretty good time

level 2

I would

level 2

Why would an alien be driving it? 99.9% of what we see are automated drones no doubt. We already automate as much as possible. Just an opinion.

level 2

I can’t wait til I fly in one. Thrill city it should be.

level 1
· 5 mo. ago · edited 5 mo. ago

A lot of people commenting on here without all the facts, the video in itself is useless without the accounts and the radar confirmation. Pilots saw a pink light headed towards the airport and a plane was halted, the plane that took the video was already in the air when this was happening. The pink light appeared to vanish as it got closer and so thermal imaging was used to try and locate the source of the light, radar tracs were also confirmed during the event. There is a lengthy report with frame by frame analysis done by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, link below. SCU AGUADILLA REPORT

level 2

Good post - ultimately, it's not like any of us Armchair Enthusiasts will be able to add anything of value with just any video. Cool vid for sure, glad you addedsome context.

level 2
level 2

That SCU report is a disgrace.

If anyone wants to understand what really happened here, check the metabunk thread and watch this video:

The 3d simulation cinches it.

level 1

If you look close you can see it moving while it's under water and it really is not slowing down at all it's definitely not an animal, I don't know of any animal that can fly through the sky and then move the same speed underwater for almost 5 seconds then emerge and go back under after a few seconds still not slowing down for even a moment, whatever it was appeared to go right over traffic before reaching the water, wonder if anybody reported anything that day, footage is almost 11 years old now though pretty much like arguing over the Bible at this point nothing about it can be proved or disproven other than the fact it moves like nothing I've seen exist

level 2

Once again, it's clearly just an Egyptian.


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