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Posted by11 months ago

2013 Aguadilla, Puerto Rico - UAP exhibiting signs of travelling in and out of the ocean and splits into two. SCUP Report Summary within.

96% Upvoted
level 1

Love these kinds of videos

level 2
level 1

One of my favourite UFO vids. Incredible footage

level 2

Definitely agree 💯

level 1

Many of us have seen this video previously. It is rather compelling in that it shows characteristics which are not what we expect from a plane, drone or bird.There is a detailed analysis and report of this made by the Scientific Coalition of UFOlogy (SCU)- the report can be found here:

I bring to your attention some key points from the report:

The encounter took place at 9:20pm local time on April 25, 2013. The craft was flying at low altitude causing a delay to the departure of a commercial aircraft.The pilots saw a pinkish to reddish light over the ocean and approaching towards the south. According to the source, once the object came close to the shore, the light on the object went out, at which point, the thermal imaging system was engaged to follow the object.

Thermal Imaging Video:- Analysis revealed unusual characteristics of an unknown object not similar to any known natural or man-made objects.

Radar Data

- A FOIA request was made to the USAF 84th RADES to obtain all radar in the area during the time frame in question which was granted. A second FOIA for radar data from military radar sources was denied.

- The radar which was granted validated that the time and locations displayed on the thermal imaging equipment of the CBP aircraft matched a government aircraft that was detected by radar.

Size and Speed

-Size - 3 to 5 feet.

Speed - varied between 40mph - 120mph. The speed of the craft was not impacted when travelling through the water. The speed through the water reached a high of 95mph. It’s speed prior to impact with the water was 109.7mph.The object also apparently accelerated while underwater.

- Frame by frame analysis indicated a slight wave or movement of the water when the object entered the ocean.

Splitting into two parts:

- Shortly after entering the ocean, the object splits into two parts. Frame by frame analysis ruled out the possibility of a reflect or of a second object emerging from the water. Both parts move through the air and water at the same speed as the original object.

Power Source

- Over the course of four miles, the object reached speeds of almost 120mph, made multiple changes in direction, reduced and increased its speed, entered and exited the ocean and split into two parts. It emits more heat than the ambient air and even after submerging in the ocean continues to emit heat after it exits. The heat generated is less than what is seen from jet engines or automobiles in the video.- The object’s speed, maintenance of momentum, directional changes, its ability to sustain high velocities in water eliminates all aircraft, blimps, balloons, wind-blown objects, any specified of birds or other natural phenomena.


The object witnessed is of unknown origin. There is no explanation for an object capable of traveling underwater at over 90mph with minimal impact as it enters the water, through the air at 120mph at low altitude through a residential area without navigational lights, and finally to be capable of splitting into two separate objects.No bird, balloon, aircraft and drones have that capability.

The report is highly detailed (162 pages) and the author doesn’t provide permission to copy segments of it to include in the comment so I would recommend a read through if you have sometime.This for me is a very compelling case wherein the UAP exhibits characteristics which are simply not possible with modern technology or other prosaic explanations.

level 2

This is the report where I started to question the credibility of the SCU.

level 2
· 10 mo. ago · edited 10 mo. ago

This is definitely parallax of a bird, stretching the angular resolution at close range (like a point source of heat), and then dropping below and fading below the angular resolution at distance towards the end as the plane is flying away from it.

Evidence if this is that:

  1. You can see the roughly ovular shape of the point source, even see it change with wing flapping at some points.

  2. The more extreme distortions only happen when it is near away.

  3. It doesn't make any huge splash like you would expect a high speed impact with water. It isn't high-speed or an impact, just parallax.

  4. You can still see the object even when faded out, just the sensors get confused and show it as a white fuzz. If it was underwater, you would either not see it at all or it would not suddenly show up as colder than the water when underwater but hotter above. Rather that is a whitening algorithm for contrast and the point source being too small.

  5. The "split" shows the same image with the same artifacts twice even with low resolution. That means it was not 2 objects, but the same object twice, a phenomenon called "ghosting" caused by internal reflections in the camera lens assembly. You can see this happen a lot on normal photographic cameras and people also attribute them to ghost orbs or UFOs. Bright point sources cause optics problems.

Generally, as a rule, IR/FLIR footage is not that great as evidence because it is a very poor representation of what humans are used to in their visual system and it is very prone to unusual artifacts, like lens flares, people don't have a good intuition for because we see in visible light and not heat or IR. Things that are blazing bright in IR but not in visible tend to confuse us.

level 2
level 2

Report link isn't working. Got any alternates?

level 2

How do we know that it goes into the water? The fact that it disappears from view does not mean necessarily that it flies into the water. It could be an invisibility feature/mode/manifestation of the uap while remaining on air. Right?

level 1

Lol. Somebody just had to say Chinese lantern didn’t they. I don’t know about you, but no Chinese lantern I’ve ever seen is pulling off some shit like this thing is. 🤣🤣🤣

level 2

It's waterproofed.

level 2

Chinese lanterns, birds, lens glare, parallax something something and artifacts, lol. And we’re the weird ones for thinking it’s a UFO, am I right?

level 2

Tell me you don't understand FLIR and parallax without telling me you don't understand FLIR and parallax.

level 2
level 1
level 2
· 10 mo. ago

What's this from


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Created Mar 11, 2008



