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What is best counter against Cliff’s Aerodactyl?


Seriously it is has serious punch. I tried a few Pokémon super effective against but they took serious chuck of hp away.

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u/Hologram01 avatar

If bite: Smackdown Tyranitar.

If else: Magnezone.

If you switch immediately to start the "stun lock" you can take it with a number of things, even Swampert. I actually run a Shadow Swampert with Muddy Water just to "stun lock" and burn shields quickly then go into Hydro Cannons

u/Master_KO avatar

Oh wow! I just gave this a shot, the Mud Shot + Muddy Water is EXCELLENT for spamming. Thanks!

People forget it has Muddy Water because Earthquake, Hydro Cannon, Surf and Sludge Wave are all such great moves but once you get used to using Muddy Water to battle leaders it's hard to go back. It burns both shields so fast and you then have a Swampert with energy lead which we all know is deadly. I've gotten my shadow to like Level 45 now and use it in almost every leader battle even if it isn't Super Effective because it just so efficient


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u/blitzzardpls avatar

Magnezone can similarly stun it with magnet bomb, then finish it with wild charge

Edit: I don't know Magnezone's moveset enough and it's Mirror shor, not magnet bomb. I just evolved one for premier league with 2 moves and haven't used it yet

How do you get magnet bomb?

u/Mega-Eevee-X avatar

I think they mean Mirror Shot, which is just a standard move in Magnezones movepool.

u/blitzzardpls avatar

Yeah sorry, what the other person said

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u/sammunfox avatar

What fast move should I use for magnezone?

u/dakinsey325 avatar


Mirror Shot. He was one of my 1st pokemon when I started playing and is still a go to in battles. Rides through the shields fast.

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What is a stun lock? New to this term.

u/Hologram01 avatar

When you or the leader uses a charge move, or when you switch Pokémon or when they bring in the next after the previous one gets fainter, they stay put for a couple seconds, without attacking at all. Just like me in GBL :')

Thanks. Makes sense. I didn’t know that was the term

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Slang term used here to describe what happens when Grunts or Leaders pause after a Charge move. In effect what we're trying to do is stun/lock the leaders in to not being able to attack by using Charge moves quickly and then doing damage to their mon why they are locked.

This works particularly well with mon that charge quickly with moves like Mud shot coupled with a heavy hitting move like Earthquake or Hydro Cannon

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u/imtoooldforreddit avatar

Melmetal does fine

He is my opener for all 3 bosses. Spammy and solid.

u/Hologram01 avatar

I still haven't maxed one out lol.

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u/Andrewrost avatar

Basically the same but I was gonna say rhyperior.

After losing to Cliff many times, tonight I used Smackdown Tyranitar like you suggested. SUCCESS! Thanks very much!

Just stay away from Steel Wing.

u/Hologram01 avatar

Glad it worked! :)

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True. Magnezone with spark and mirror shot is awesome to take down shields and you also get the delay when you spam a charge attack

Exactly what I'm using.

u/KyBBN avatar

What move should I have on the magnezone? Mine was eaten up so quick >.<

See the other posts. Against the Bite variety which eats up Magnezone very quickly, try something like Smack Down Tyranitar (resists Bite and hits back with SE Rock moves), or a spammy generalist like Muddy Water Swampert to take both shields ASAP.

Spark / Mirror Shot.

But against Bite you should use something that resists Bite and/or has bulk (Tyranitar is the best, but Machamp and Rhyperior are not that bad).

u/Hologram01 avatar

Spark/Mirror Shot+Wild Charge. Just spam mirror shot to get the shields and on the third you can swipe zero bubbles (tor the stun lock) and spark down.

If your Zone was decimated that quickly, Aero prolly had bite (tbh, rock throw still hurts).

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u/Tuarceata avatar

Aero with Bite is really nasty. You need to resist Dark AND use a high energy fast move with a low cost charged move to stun it as much as possible. Scrafty with PuP double-resists so is probably the best, Lucario with PuP second-best (and also resists the other possible moves), and I didn't have either of those as an option but managed to eke out a win with Poliwrath/PuP.

Metagross is a good strong option for the other two fast moves and Kyogre will work if it has Steel Wing.

u/MillsAU avatar

Is PuP still available on Scrafty or is it some special event move? I cannot for the life of me get it onto mine using TMs.

Scrafty doesn't have any elite or legacy moves as of now (see It has 3 charge moves and your RNG seems to be as good as mine :D Keep trying, eventually you'll get it.

u/MillsAU avatar

I have realised the problem. I was using it on the Scraggy!

Hah, it happens :D

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That RNG costs some dust for the extra charge move and max 1 TM. Without the extra charge move you can get bad RNG and lose a lot of TMs

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PuP Poliwrath is pretty darn great. Resists Rock Throw, Bite, AND Steel Wing. With Mud Shot, it can PuP 2-4x and then fire off any of its charge moves.

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u/KuriboShoeMario avatar

There is a team that covers 20 of the 21 pokemon possible in all three leaders (stupid Scizor), the only issue is how you start.

  • Lucario with Power-Up Punch and Shadow Ball

  • Kyogre with Surf and Blizzard

  • Giratina-O with Ominous Wind

If Cliff, switch into Lucario

If Arlo, start with Giratina-O

If Sierra, start with Lucario

My Lucario and Tina are 35, my Kyogre is 40, I've yet to see this team fail against any leader setup in ~35 runs. Scizor doesn't get a SE counter but Tina laughs it off anyway.

u/jeff_the_weatherman avatar

curious: are the 2nd and 3rd pokemon randomly determined? I've fought 8 Arlos during this event, and every single one had scizor in the back. In fact almost every Arlo I've ever fought has had Scizor in the back. I just lead with a heatran and it usually solo's the whole thing, the scizor is on the screen for like 2 seconds lol

Edit: fought four more today, all were scizor. That’s 12 now

u/KuriboShoeMario avatar

Yes, random, although my experience isn't too dissimilar to yours until today when I finally got a Salamence instead of the Scizor. Scizor definitely seems to be more weighted, though.

u/jeff_the_weatherman avatar

I just did 4 more today and all were scizor. That’s at least 12 in a row...!

u/Freizeitrobin avatar

Inhat 2 arlos with salamence yet and about 10 with scizor

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u/SgvSth avatar

Random, but potentially bias. I can't remember which leaders they were, but one had an even 1/3 chance before the change, while another had a 9/10 chance of a specific closer and a 1/20 chance each for the other two.

u/jeff_the_weatherman avatar

Interesting. So they have been weighted before. If you find the source, lemme know. Just curious for more info

u/SgvSth avatar

Actually, that was coming from The Silph Road's website. I don't think they save the old data, though. However, they have posted the newer data and it seems that all three leaders now have preferences.

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I think the last mon may be the same for this rotation. It may be inconclusive but I've only seen Cliff close with a TTar.

u/RemLazar911 avatar

My wife and I each did about 25 of the new Leaders finishing the L45 grind and saw exactly one Cliff with Dusknoir at the end out of those ~50 Leaders

u/jeff_the_weatherman avatar

can also confirm that all four cliffs ive fought have used ttar

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I'm running melmetal, bite hits hard but it manages to get both shields and, at least, most of aero health

u/bunny0101 avatar

Poliwrath is your friend.

u/Call_Me_TC avatar

Poliwrath resists all of steel, dark and rock. I have been using a Bubble, PuP/DP set and have been really digging it.

u/Strongheart15 avatar

I second this. PuP burns shields then hit it with a hydrocannon.

u/RemLazar911 avatar

Poliwrath doesn't get Hydro Cannon

u/Strongheart15 avatar

My bad, hydropump. Same difference in this case.

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u/MorgothsDog avatar

Kyogre does great duty here

Yea, I did that. Not strong enough

u/MorgothsDog avatar

With a L40 Kyogre I can't even get to the second charge move before the Aerodactyl dies.

What I do, is I lead with Melmetal and get some energy. Then I switch out to my Kyogre. Due to the way team rocket stops attacking when you switch, you can get in 2-3 waterfalls and you only take 2 hits before surf is up. Then you have more free hits before it attacks again and second surf is almost up. If you let melmetal take a few hits, aerodactyl has a charge move up around then (which makes it stop attacking again) and Kyogre can kill it without taking much damage! It's a little slow, but super effective for me!

I have the same kyogre, having it in 2nd slot and switching did the trick. Otherwise was like you described.

Same. I didn’t even know aerodactyl was a problem for anyone

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u/chubbyPhoenix avatar

Idk about THE BEST but I used the Swampert approach since that's all I had on hand. See this bigger thread talking about it.

First used a Rhyperior that got nuked, then my second was a Swampert with water gun and hydrocanon. I'm a casual so idk about optimal movesets, this is what mine has and it worked first try.

You need to throw in Swampert second instead of leading with it since the few seconds bought by switching make a difference. Then hydrocanon fills up fast enough that you can stun Aerodactyl as well as chip through both of Cliff's shields.

I have a lvl 40 Mud Shot / Muddy Water Swampert and a lvl 40 PuP/SB Lucario. Whatever Cliff has you can win this without using a revive for max premier balls.

Get both of Aero's shields with MW, after the second shield, two Mud Shots then switch immediately to Lucario. Make sure you have energy stored when Aero goes down, no more than 2 Counters for a Shadow Ball. Then you can one-shot Gallade or Slowking and Tyranitar should not be a problem.

Doesn't have to be lvl 40 Swampert and Lucario, but lvl 30 might be tight.

Poliwrath resists all its Fasts and has Power-Up Punch.

u/TPTHPT avatar

This is a great question. There are three different cases:

1.) Rock Throw Aerodactyl

Use Lucario with Counter + Power-Up Punch. Then you can use Shadow Ball against Slowking or Gallade. If Cliff has Cradily, you should be able to take it out easily with boosted Counter + Power-Up Punch. This plan works well because Lucario has a double resistance against Rock-type moves such as Rock Throw. Here is an example.

2.) Steel Wing Aerodactyl

Use Magnezone with Spark + Mirror Shot. Because Magnezone is a Steel- and Electric-type Pokemon, it has a double resistance against Steel-type moves such as Steel Wing. Also Mirror Shot has a 30 % chance to lower your opponent's Attack. This means you have a 51 % chance to lower Aerodactyl's Attack (at least once) when you use Mirror Shot twice to take out Cliff's both shields. After the third Mirror Shot, you can just farm down Aerodactyl and then take out Gallade or Slowking with Wild Charge. If Cliff has Cradily, you can spam Mirror Shot. Here is an example.

3.) Bite Aerodactyl1

First, try to weaken Aerodactyl with Smack Down Tyranitar/Terrakion. Use only Smack Down and then switch into Lucario. Even though Lucario resists Bite, I recommend weakening Aerodactyl first.

I have used Smack Down Tyranitar, Lucario, and Magnezone. So far, I have never lost with this team.

1 Scrafty would be amazing in this case. However, I assume there are not many players with a high-level Scrafty (even though even a low-level Scrafty can do the job).

I have tried a number of different teams for Cliff.

Generally, my best results involve switching to something spammy, like HC!Swampert or XChop!Machamp or Seed Bomb!AEggy (super budget).

Electivire - Thunder Shock (Fast Move) + Wild Charge (Charge Move) Blastoise - Water Gun ( Fast Move) + Hydro Cannon (Charge Move) Raikou - Thunder Shock (Fast Move) + Wild Charge (Charge Move) Mamoswine - Powder Snow (Fast Move) + Avalanche (Charge Move) Kyogre - Waterfall (Fast Move) + Surf (Charge Move)

Melmetal with Thunder Shock + Rock Slide works pretty well too.

I used this one too and normally can get 3 Rock Slides (burn both shields and hit it to at least half health) before I switched to the next one.

At level 50, Melmetal is even able to take out Slowking too when its the second mon in the lineup. It took a lot of mysterious box grinding, but maxing a lucky one (for the level 46 task) has been a great investment.

Yes I have 3k candies since Pokemon Home available and just slowly power up him.

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That’s what I used to beat Cliff

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mamoswine can backfire because of steel wing tho

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Magnezone or lucario

u/SvenParadox avatar

Lead with something strong against its backend. I use Giratina O. Then swap immediately into (depending on its moveset) - Swampert, Kyogre, Lucario

If bite - Lucario. Can spam PuP. Could bring 2 Lucario and have one for Tyranitar. But if he has Aero, Cradilly, and Tyranitar one Lucario can wipe his team.

If Steel Wing or Rock Throw - Lucario still works but I just swap to Swampert. He can get rid of those shields quickly. Kyogre at least resists steel wing and can do the same.

If you lead with a non-hard counter then swap, you get 2-3 free turns before the Aero attacks again. I bring Giratina-O to counter the possible Gallade in the 2nd slot.

u/claytrainagain avatar

I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion, but I use Milotic into Kyogre

Melmetal = easy mode

u/CallumOnToast avatar

The key is using Pokemon with a double resistance to Aerodactyl's fast move, rather than dealing super effective damage. My 3 suggestions can all handle Cliffs middle Pokemon too, so I'd definitely recommend making them if you haven't got them already. Aerodactyl has 3 different fast moves:

  1. Bite - Scrafty is the best counter. It has to be powered up a fair bit, and you'll likely only use it against team rocket, but it's the GOAT. The double resistance to bite allows it to handle Aero with ease. Also, it has counter & power up punch, can ramp up the damage against Aero then hit any of Cliff's middle Pokemon for strong damage if you also run foul play.

  2. Steel wing - Magnezone is the best counter. Spark & mirror shot charge up very fast, & mirror shot has a chance to debuff Aero's attack. Wild charge as a second move is amazing will, take out Slowking or Gallade in 2 moves & mirror shot still does well against Cradily.

  3. Rock throw - Lucario is the best counter. Similar to Scrafty, it'll ramp up it's damage with counter & PuP. It's probably more necessary to switch in the Lucario rather than lead with it, as rock throw still chunks, even when double resisted, as Lucario has low defence. If you run shadow ball as the second move it'll be able to take out any of the 3 middle Pokemon as well.

u/madonna-boy avatar


u/OCV_E avatar

It is Rock/Flying, so weak against Electric, Ice, Water and Steel. But more importantly observe what fast attack it has.

If it uses Bite, use a dark, fighting or fairy type (Machamp).
If it has Rock Throw or Steel Wing, use a Steel type (Lucario, Melmetal, Metagross).

As always lead with your 2nd pokemon and immediately switch to your 1st pokemon.

it's also weak to rock itself

u/OCV_E avatar

Ah thanks thought Rock resisted Rock

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u/OCV_E avatar

Either take a closer look at the animation, in this case it's distinguishable

and if the text says Not Effective or Very Effective

Animations. Whether or not it shows "super effective" or "not very effective" against your own pokemon based on typing.

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Personally I instaswitch into lucario with pup

Metagross with bullet punch & meteor mash. I beat his whole lineup with him.

u/RemLazar911 avatar

Bite Aerodactyl will effortlessly kill Metagross

I just did cliff with Metagross and Scizor. He used Aero, Gallade and Tyrannitar. His Aerodactyl had Bite. Wasn’t too bad. Not as easy as before.

u/RemLazar911 avatar

I find this extremely unlikely and without video evidence I will assume you mistook the fast move. Metagross is a very good counter to Rock Throw and Steel Wing, but even a level 50 can't stand up to Bite. It doesn't even make it into the Top 30 counters on Pokebattler and that list includes Pokemon that lose the matchup at level 50 yet still are better options than Metagross.

u/ButtonBash avatar

Could be a lower level player too, given tickets are easier for those who haven't leveled.

Also finding it hard to believe.

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I change immediately to magnezone (L40) with wild charge and mirror shot. I throw two mirror shots for the shields then a wild charge if I manage, if not I send machamp second that usually manage to finish it

u/LurePLS7 avatar

First I lead with Lv 40 Lucario, and then switch to Lv 42 Poliwrath (Mud Shot - PuP, ice punch)

after a lot of trial and error (and spending like 500k dust buffing some pokemons) what worked for me was kinda cheesing him with a roided melmetal and spaming Rock Slide

used togekiss and machamp for the the remaining gallade + tyranitar

u/Blue-flash avatar

Swampert, with mud shot, and muddy water and surf as charged. Quick to get the shields out of the way, and can do some good damage.

Hydro Cannon is better than Surf if you have it available

Agreed, that’s how I took cliff out. It took 3 times before I figured it out

u/Odaecom avatar

I switch 2nd charged to Earthquake, gives more range for charged attacks, and it's a nice surprise in PVP after someone thinks they can take your muddy charged attack.

u/silphTempAccount111 avatar

Most long-time PvP players expect EQ or SW from a Swampert. It's a very common moveset for Swampert.

I personally have 2 UL Swamperts with HC + EQ; my GL Swampert has HC + SW and my other Lv40 Swamperts carry HC + EQ. Finally, I have one Lv40 Swampert with HC + MW for Rocket Leader battles.

u/Odaecom avatar

And I thought I loved Swamperts ;)

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I used lucario with power up punch

u/Maserati777 avatar

I’ve been using my Cross Chop/Dynamic Punch Machamp for Aerodactyl. Then I throw in a Lucario if Machamp doesn’t take it out.


Anything Ice.

Why is Aerodactyl the focus here? Has anyone even battled against Skarmory? It should be called Immortalmory



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I have a LVL 40 cp melmetal with thundershock and rockslide that stunlocks pretty much every rocket grunt/leader for months now. Nearly always 1v3s whatever team rocket has - including the new lineups.

im surprised noone ever gives genesect a try

I use Electivire and am able to get him down to 25% and use up both his shields before he kills my Electivire, my follow up pokemon (Metagross and Dragonite) will finish him off and kill the other 2.

I usually lead Metagross and hope for no Bite. If he starts Biting, I swap Machamp with Bullet Punch.

Led with level 36 Melmetal to burn Cliff's shields. Then after seeing what others he has lined up, finish off the rest. Also, consider getting best buddied for an extra boost if you have the time.

u/siamkor avatar

Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash Metagross works if Aero does not have Bite.

Smackdown/Stone Edge or Smackdown/Crunch Tytar works if Aero doesn't have Steel Wing.

Waterfall/Surf Kyogre works if Aero has Steel Wing.

Swamper with Mud shot and Hydrocannon


If you’re against Steel Wing Aero, a double moved Magnezone is an absolute beast because you can not only burn both shields with Mirror Shot but also farm a lot of energy off of it so you’re basically guaranteed to beat whatever his second Pokémon is with either double Wild Charge or Mirror Shot spam. Can also do work against Rock Throw too, just not as well.

Unfortunately there really isn’t a be all counter to every fast move combination. The closest you’ll get is swapping a Lucario in immediately to get in a few extra fast moves, or a Melmetal. I prefer to just scout the fast move ahead of time because it usually saves me the hassle of possibly losing to whatever he has in the back anyway after taking a ton of damage from Aero.

Insta switch into Power up Punch Lucario is a pretty safe strat. Lucario resists all of Aero’s fast moves and gets through it burning shields and leaving the matchup with something like 40 energy

I've always just used the switch delay to take him down. My team for all three leaders is Lucario (Ctr, PUP, AS), Kyogre (Wtf, Srf, Blzd), and Dialga (DB, IH, Thn). Starting with Lucario, I immediately switch into Kyogre to get the fast move delay. Then use a surf to invoke the fast move delay again, and then it's dead. Everything else is easy.

My vaporeon made quick work of that dactyl

I use a combination of Tyranitar with SmackDown if bite and Metagross if any other.

u/lynxtophia avatar

I use hydro cannon swampert and did it easily


Saw a video earlier today of someone using a Melmetal to take Cliff down.

I threw waterfall kyogre at it with Surfs

Swampert. Start off with another pokemon to get a few hits first.

Best counter is to run away and fight arlo.

You have to beat Cliff at least once for the Ho-Oh.

I beat him before they changed over or from the first day from a stop with his old line up.. ie my comment was not supposed nto be helpful. Lol. I beat his dactyl once. Can't remember what I used. But I still have half healed pokemon from the last times his trashed me 😅

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u/glory87 avatar

I use my level 40 best buddy 4* melmetal.

I run a Mud Shot/Muddy Water/Hydro Cannon Swampert as my Rocket Leader shield-breaker. The Mud Shots might not do much, but the water moves wreck it.

u/scipiogemini avatar

What level are Cliff's Pokemon. I used Kyogre, Magnezone, Metagross and Tyranitar, and he destroyed all of them before I could get a single charge move off. All my Pokemon were level 35.

u/ellyse99 avatar

You need Pokémon with charge moves that aren’t so expensive

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u/CaptLemmiwinks avatar

Melmetal can take it with any move combination, and get rid of both shields. There are better options for each fast move but I like that I can go in blind and not have to worry about it.

u/gio626 avatar

Spam rock slide. With melmetal & Tangrowth

u/TheTPSReport2020 avatar

He was tough. I got past him leading with my level 40 Garchomp using outrage to bait both shields. Then had a level 40 Dialga to finish off Aerodactyl, and take on Slowking. Finished off Tyranitar then with a Machamp.

I use Rhyperior and Swampert. I start with Rhyperior and even if it's the high damage attack, I can usually get off 1 charged attack before I go into red HP, then before he dies, I swap to Swampert. That usually does it in before Swampert gets to yellow HP.

Is it the best suggestion here? Hell no! Does it work for me? Absolutely! I have defeated Cliff 5 times now since Aerodactyl swap. First time was annoying af, then when I did this idea, it worked and it's worked since.

On the weaker quick attack, rhyperior does the job 100%.

I use Surf Kyogre

u/severnaya81 avatar

Melmetal is great

u/pikimon2020 avatar

kyogre eats it for breakfast

u/studey1983 avatar

Normally I read most of the replies but I'm drunk 🤷‍♂️

If it hasn't already been said- I swear by duel melmetal and legacy groudon.

There is literally no leaders I can't beat with this. I like to switch lock them for the 3 free hits out the gates. 90% of anything the leaders have take somewhere from moderate damage to "eat $#IT" level from either r.s. or super.pwr and you farm both rock slide and superpower so fast they usually get at best 2 hits before you are stalling them with either of your charged (no matter what double rock slide on their 2 shields first to not lose att/def)

if you get a mon weak to fighting you 2x slide then 2x superpower (energy is farmed while they are locked) then switch in to other melmetal and superpower to end him.

Fire punch also hits so fast you can farm it and take 1-2attacks before you are at another charge. I think I've subbed in mewtwo before too but honestly just exploiting the fast charge+free strikes you can farm anything down.

I use Jolteon to charge up and switch to umbreon to burn both shields and finish it with third charge attack..then use the charged Jolteon move thunderbolt to drain max out of second Pokemon and then use kyogre for tyranitor at the end

u/DigitalMuscles avatar

also did he revert to Omanyte or he still has Aero?


Just run triple swampert for everything. Stun lock op

If u have terrackion with smackdown

u/doodies_ avatar

Ive had good success with Melmetal. TS and RS


Tyranitar with Smack Down and Crunch has been my winner. SD hurts the pokemon and crunch drains the shields quick.

If not my GF has been using Alola form Gollum to great effect.

u/Toxicspeed03 avatar

My Machamp Counter/DynamicPunch sweeps it pretty easily. Machamp has enough bulk to withstand his attacks

u/VBnThongs avatar



Melmetal w/ Superpower. Spam fast move until you’ve charged up two superpowers, pop those back to back to burn Cliff’s two shields, then you should be able to get Aerodactyl down before Melmetal faints, or at least very close.

u/substance12 avatar

Does fighting with GL or UL teams matter or is that only relevant if you don’t have the right ML mons?

u/ellyse99 avatar

Of course it matters, you’re shortchanging yourself by having Pokémon at a lower level

u/substance12 avatar

I thought if you select a gl or UL team that the rocket team would adjust accordingly. Is that not correct?

u/ellyse99 avatar

No of course not

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I use Melmetal to burn the shields and get a at least one charged attack. After that I go for a second if it has enough HP, or switch to Metagross with a fast steel move to finish it off.

u/Unhappy_Ingenuity146 avatar

this may sound dumb but I used 3 stunfisk CP 1318,1212,1186. It took me 3 tries but I was able to do it in the end.

u/Travy91 avatar

Trying to figure this out myself. Everything I put up against it gets obliterated or I'm usually AT LEAST onto my second Pokemon before I manage to beat it. Even my Magnezone which is steel and electric got wasted.