all 122 comments

[–]Cheeswheeel 168 points169 points  (12 children)

My god it’s always one card with this dude

[–]Blitzkreigster 67 points68 points  (11 children)

Same thing happened with Lumineon V Alt Art for brilliant stars 💀💀

[–]basicallyculchie 27 points28 points  (3 children)

Lumineon? Damn I feel bad now for pulling 2

[–]CollectingNewt 7 points8 points  (1 child)


[–]FlamingoDurban 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yeah it was like the first good card I pulled from that set lol

[–]ianwager 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Pulled three lol

[–]pakman82 1 point2 points  (4 children)

my daughter got one.. and gave it away

[–]Cheeswheeel 6 points7 points  (3 children)

That’s why you don’t let them bring cart to school

[–]pakman82 2 points3 points  (2 children)

This was at Pokemon card store. .. I think she got $2 store credit for it or something

[–]Kaiser_Fleischer 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Name and shame that store man, ripping off children for $20

[–]SirAlbs 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They did her dirty.

[–]Adlet_MayerElectabuzz Collector 0 points1 point  (1 child)

oh is that why the card was crazy valuable for awhile?

[–]Blitzkreigster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nah thats just a result of it being a new card during that time

[–]ensignskye 59 points60 points  (15 children)

call me crazy but i think a set should be easily able to be completeled in less tha. 1k packs anything more feels like such a scam lol

[–]The_Variable_Phi 13 points14 points  (4 children)

Should be. Even when Neo Destiny was current. You were nearly guaranteed to pull a secret rare from a box. (So 9 boxes would almost get you a full set, with some trading probably required)

[–]HisokaX 5 points6 points  (3 children)

If you're referring to English then it's actually an average of 3 per box. So it wouldn't have taken you 9 boxes to get all of them.

[–]The_Variable_Phi 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Thanks for the correction! I don't remember it being that good but there's my old age. Hahaha, but it was definitely a better time than now...Get a whole case and don't even get any of the alt arts.

[–]Kakkarot1707 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Yes that’s why I miss the old sets sooo much as there weren’t that many cards in a set and it was much easier to actually pull nice cards…now you have sets like this lost origin that literally has over 300 cards..

[–]The_Variable_Phi 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's honestly stupid. It has continued to get larger and larger...... And I just don't understand (I get it it's business for PTCG). There's almost no point in buying product anymore when you can buy singles to collect (albeit not as fun) but as a collector opening product isn't as fun as it use to be and collecting master set have become more of a chore.

[–]jkpotatoe 1 point2 points  (8 children)

1000 packs..? That's depressing. Where I'm from that would cost me at LEAST $5k depending on the set. Do people genuinely do that?

[–]ensignskye 2 points3 points  (6 children)

people do. if they buy in bulk it could be 2 to 2.5k. ive never done that. i generally only do like 50 packs a set. but i meant like these days theres 250 cards per set and about 50 to 100 of them are harder to find. so it makes since for a booster box (36) you wont get them all. i am fine with that but each set gets worse and worse. you used to complete sets in 6 booster boxes (1 case) like a decade ago. but now not even 6 cases (1296 packs) will get you the complete set. these days we are almost forced to give up and trade or buy singles to complete the set. for me buying singles takes the fun out of pokemon tcg

[–]jkpotatoe 1 point2 points  (5 children)

I've just started collecting after rediscovering my old cards and this very depressing to hear. I'm a bit of a completionist so this kinda sucks. I suppose I'll have to change my direction and just choose a few chase cards per set

[–]ensignskye 1 point2 points  (2 children)

yeah its tough when you are a completionist for sure. i am but ive never completed a set. but i generally spend less than 100 on each set so its tough. i still love pokemon cards cuz its just fun when you get a good card. in every etb and every booster box theres still a decent amount of hits. i usually get duplicates and i use those to try to get other cards i want.

today i opened a random lost origin pack from a checklane and got the snorlax trainer gallery card which was my favorite card from this set because my favorite pokemon is snorlax. so its fun when moments like this happen. my excitement when i got that card was worth the struggle ig

[–]jkpotatoe 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Unfortunately a booster box here can run you above $200. So 36 of them is definitely out of the question. I pulled the brilliant stars rainbow charizard VStar from an ETB so I was pretty stoked about that! Not sure if I should sell it or keep it at this stage though.

[–]ensignskye 0 points1 point  (0 children)

damn 200?? im sorry. i new set booster box can be found for 95 to 140 here. ive only ever bought one (for lost origin) and it has yet to arrive. total was 104 with taxes on tcgplayer. it was a preorder im not sure if the price has increased or not since then. i am kinda regretting the purchase because since then people have been getting less and less lucky with their pulls but we'll see.

also to sell it is a tough decision. the more time that passes the more rare it will become so theoreticallly the more valuable it will become but many believe the hype of pokemon cards will die back down in a few years but that may not effect prices too much or it may effect it a lot. so its really tough to say..but i think any charizard card is worth keeping and i think the value of good condition charizards (since its the most wanted pokemon) will always be good.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Trust me if you are not financially well off, either way try pulling them or scoop up singles it is going to hit you hard.

[–]OminousMarshmallow 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Same, When I looked through the set lists of the last few sets that I've started getting into and realized there are just as many, if not more cards that are V or Alts than most of the set that are harder to get than standard rares... Got one box of lost origins and got almost all the commons and uncommons and most of the normal rares/holos. Box had a decent amount of other good cards too, but it was obvious that buying any more booster boxes would likely be a massive disappointment because I'd probably only potentially get 5 new cards, if even... So ya, definitely more cost effective to go for singles...

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yea some do, those are the ones you should unfollow and ignore :D

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Cuz its a scam B, ppl are just ignorant to the fact

[–]DrSkeeZe 69 points70 points  (25 children)

fuck man, really liked that Aero V AA. Have been watching TCGPlayer for a good week but hardly anyone posts pictures on that website and wanted to make sure I got one with decent centering so i was being patient. Card shot up from $100 to $300 overnight... I refuse to pay more than $120 for this card...

[–]billcosbyinspace 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Unless the price drops massively I’m probably just going to get a Japanese copy off eBay for like 40 bucks like I did with machamp

[–]DrSkeeZe 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Im with ya man. I dont really collect japanese but at a $250 price difference its a no brainer. The price of this card HAS to come down

[–]qvu 0 points1 point  (0 children)

And the overall texture of the Japanese version is going to be better anyway

[–]buschwacker43 14 points15 points  (8 children)

Whaaaaa!!!!! I just traded for this card yesterday for a rainbow zard v star the value sky rocketed!

[–]DrSkeeZe 13 points14 points  (7 children)

it sure did, I have a hard time believing people will pay so much for this card. So far highest I've seen is 1 purchase for $200 on TCGPlayer

[–]buschwacker43 2 points3 points  (6 children)

eBay looking like it’s going up too. It’s machamp all over again.

[–]DrSkeeZe 2 points3 points  (5 children)

definitely similar to Machamp, should be interested to watch this one though as the pull rate seems to be much lower than Machamp's.

[–]buschwacker43 -1 points0 points  (4 children)

Yeh it really does. I’ve seen 3 1000 pack openings and they produce 1-2 alt arts. Im not sure if Pokerev pulled multiple of some alts but to not be able to complete the set in >2000 packs is crazy to me.

[–]DrSkeeZe 2 points3 points  (3 children)

It was just the Aero V lol. He pulled like 6 Giratina V AA’s

[–]buschwacker43 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Wow looks like aerodactyl is gonna outpace the giritina i price if this keeps up. I mean if alt palkia drops to $50 I think Tina drops to around there.

[–]Basic_Yellow_3594 0 points1 point  (1 child)

No it will be a set with multiple 200 dollar plus cards

[–]buschwacker43 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don’t think so. That’s the same people said about the arceus, palkia and dialga and they are all sub $60

[–]Warsonian 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Got it yesterday for ~$100. I'm gonna be upset if the seller cancels for some lame reason after seeing prices.

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 1 point2 points  (9 children)

Wut, the card is still around 70-80 euros on CardMarket

Edit: Ok now it's 80-90, but still

[–]DrSkeeZe 0 points1 point  (8 children)

Huh, being in the US Ive never used card market. TCGPlayer seems kind if like the US equivalent and its going for ~$250 currently

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 0 points1 point  (7 children)

Gives me FOMO and thinking I should snag one asap, but then again Machamp has fallen considerably in price since its release

[–]DrSkeeZe -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Honestly i would. I think the it could settle back to that price at worst. Machamp did a pretty good job maintaining its value after the surge

[–]Psychological-Park-6 -1 points0 points  (5 children)

Buy 3. Sell fast at lower making the 2 pay for your card plus some.

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 0 points1 point  (4 children)

It's not a terrible idea

[–]Psychological-Park-6 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Do it before your side of the pond catches on and does a buyout and you’re stuck with our silly prices

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I've found a seller willing to part with two for €100 a piece with shipping. Might pull the trigger on that. Worst case I lose about €20-40 cause I don't see this dropping much lower than to €80 in the long run.

[–]Basic_Yellow_3594 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Main thing is just see if they are graders

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did not end up buying them. Woke up today and saw that the cheapest English copies on CardMarket are now going for $130-150.

Either way I didn't wanna risk it in case the cards take forever to ship and the price tanks in the meantime. I also asked myself if I'm really hurting to make 40 bucks, which I'm not

[–]MamiTarantinaCharizard 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The Mint store got photos on everything. Only place I’ve bought from in TCGPlayer.

[–]Practicalaviationcat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Damn I almost bought it the other day when it was 100$. Hopefully it does down.

edit: Oh damn it did go down I didn't see that it was even higher earlier😅

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (6 children)

It really burns that I pulled it online. Still got some good irl pulls like the Mew Vmax and Charizard.

[–]Bernbiz 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I watched a little bit, went to work for 10 hours and came home and he was still streaming, that's pain.

[–]ryanschultz0328 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Dude’s stream is single handedly skyrocketing the Alt Aero’s ask price!

[–]Raknith 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Y’all saw the post on here where they opened 36 BBs and got literally zero alt arts right? Shit is crazy

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Yup saw it, its a scam bro, like literally nothing is guaranteed, every time you buying cards its like going to casino straight up, even if you pull something nice(er), financially speaking you will not make your money back, veery rare occasions, who on this earth believes this is how it works? My parents would collect and their friends if thats how it worked, even if it worked 5 times out of 10 they would still consider doing it thats 50% success rate, but thats not how it works lol. On the other hand I did buy bulk before for 80 money units and made back like 700 and still counting as I still got stock of it. Nobody was ripped off not the original buyer not my buyers. Be smart, take risks sometimes (no not boosterbox risk), think logically, its not all about how much 1 card worth.

[–]Basic_Yellow_3594 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This I'd why I buy a couple boxes to have my fun then buy singles.

[–]DrivePewEat 28 points29 points  (1 child)

This was thought to watch towards the end. I felt bad lol

[–]xXAshamonXx[S] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I watched off and on. It was brutal at the end.

[–]PrisonaPlanet 68 points69 points  (1 child)

I feel this 🤏 bad for him…

[–][deleted] 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Shit, that's more than me.

[–]Nicknotch 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Pokemon Center needs to do one secret rare per BB it's just robbery at this point

[–]TehJofus 51 points52 points  (7 children)

Poor guy only got multiple of every other expensive card :(

I wish a bad opening for me had 6 Giratina alt arts.

[–]flamparadiddle541 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I mean he opened like 70 booster boxes lol

[–]xXAshamonXx[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)


[–]k0fi96 7 points8 points  (4 children)

I half get where you're coming from because "fuck content creators" but opening that many packs and not getting everything is cause for a boycott imo. It's total horse shit

[–]jorddo612Canada 🇨🇦 -5 points-4 points  (3 children)

Fuck content creators??

Whered he touch you?

[–]k0fi96 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I have no beef with them but everyone here hate pokerev and leonhart. I personally think they are bigger pokemon fans that most people here but they also have a business to run, but some people like to shit on them.

[–]bigspin17 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Sheesh I was watching the beginning I had so much hope for him 🤣

[–]Automatic_Flan_378 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Great now this card is gonna go way over price

[–]SorryForTheCoffee 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I watched his stream and felt so bad for him. Opened my own box afterwards and pulled the Aerodactyl V alt art and just laughed. It really is a beautiful card. Doubt it’ll get that expensive though.

[–]indomiesalt 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Fucking poketubers push the price up all the time

[–]Next-Elderberry6583 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Apologies, but who is he?

[–]xXAshamonXx[S] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

PokeRev. Just a YouTuber that specializes in opening Pokémon cards

[–]Next-Elderberry6583 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Ah okay thank you.

[–]Smoked-Out-Sky 12 points13 points  (1 child)

NGL, kinda wish I had watched it lol

[–]DiggingUpTheCorpses 21 points22 points  (0 children)

You still can, all 11 hours are up on YouTube.

[–]neogenesislugia 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Scary to think the Aero might actually be the top dog card in this set… all of these kids buying Giratina for $300-400 when it’ll probably drop to $100 and aero goes up to giratina prices.

[–]raobj280 2 points3 points  (0 children)

giratina should never go that low, it’s just as amazing looking as the aerodactyl and just as hard to pull, alt arts in this set are insanely hard to pull and that still includes the giratina. not to mention giratina is probably a more popular pokemon than aerodactyl.

[–]AncientAugie 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Real question : has there ever been an expansion with pull rates as low as Lost Origin alt-arts? Genuinely curious.

[–]Uptopdownlowguy 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Evolving Skies maybe

[–]BrothersOats 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It sucks that things are this easily swayed by content creators, but I guess we’ve seen that to be true since 2020. Had to leave the screaming content creators behind in early 2021, except ando because he’s been at this for a million years. Guess I’ll check back on this card in a few years

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I hate this guy

[–]darthmadeus 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, these Poketubers are killing the hobby for everyone. Screw them all

[–]SnivyEyes 2 points3 points  (3 children)

The dude is trying to open compete sets and he might not understand that he will never pull one. Someone else might pull multiple, that’s how card odds work. I for one don’t even like this dudes videos anyway. He gets upset when he pulls good cards he already has a lot of.

[–]Chygrynsky 4 points5 points  (1 child)

He got upset because the challenge was to complete the set in 1 opening.

He couldn't stop until he had them all. When he does normal openings he's happy with every good pull he gets, even if they are duplicates.

Streaming for 11 hours can suck the joy out of pulling a duplicate Giratina very quickly.

[–]SnivyEyes 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Then I guess I’m not the target audience for this sort of stuff. He could open packs for days and there’s a chance he won’t open a specific card. He knew what he signed up for when he decided to stream that challenge, it just baffles us average folk who can maybe hope to open up a few packs and dream of a pull like that.

[–]Katamari_Demacia 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh, no, throw enough money at this and it's guaranteed. Dudes like 10k in, but he makes up for it in subs. It's just slow, I think somethings wrong with the alt arts in this set.

[–]coreyf722 0 points1 point  (4 children)

How many boxes did he open?

[–]jetfoi34 5 points6 points  (2 children)

72 booster boxes and one ETB for 2600 packs total.

[–]inmarrd 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Damn i pull that card in etb,

[–]jetfoi34 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It was wild watching him go insane trying to pull it. But 11 total alt arts in that many packs is a rough pull rate. Ripping pack after pack, back after back and going for a stretch of up to 3 hours with no alts is crazy. I haven't opened any lost origin yet but I'm kinda scared and might skip this set. I'm still chasing that alt art dragonite from evolving skies. Might just pull the trigger and buy that card...

[–]DrivePewEat 4 points5 points  (0 children)

2600 packs I believe.

[–]chris9830 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I fucking hate him like he has his own store so you know he is going to sell all his dubbles and worst part is he also accept donations so he makes money of youtube, donations and his own store and on top of that he clearly photoshops his thumbnails and is way to energetic and being energetic isnt bad i watch maxmoefoepokemon not only for the cards but its also my humor and he is energetic as well but pokerev has that fake energetic and cringy thumnails

[–]Stunning_Comment2500 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I got alt art aerodactyl yesterday and was over the moon!

[–]Jalaryx 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I wasn’t gonna pay more than 40 for aerodactyl or gira as they don’t seem 100$ worth to me but now i might just fetch for the Japanese counterparts as they’re better quality either way

[–]SGTMSTRGRANT -1 points0 points  (0 children)

He is the goat though for me for pokemon content

[–]Famous-Living-8343 -1 points0 points  (2 children)

Watch me pull it from infernape box ☠️ something I don’t understand that he did was only opening booster boxes. Booster boxes are known for shit rates besides what’s guaranteed. He’s gonna pull it from the most random thing watch. Huge L on his part for blowing 5k+ dollars when he could have saved money buying other things with lost origin

[–]xXAshamonXx[S] -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Pretty sure his views will offset the cost of the cases

[–]turtlejackin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How many booster boxes did he end up opening? I watched a clip when he was on 40 and still needed like 9 cards

[–]lloydeph6 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Jeeze at this rate lost origin prices as a whole gonna stay up. Including etbs and booster boxes smh 🤦‍♂️

[–]DRCJR_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Man, I got it from one booster box

[–]Mizikame 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This card’s pull rate is about as prehistoric as the Pokemon the card is based on

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why do we gotta have 55 posts about this. I mean its just a short dude with lot of free time and bad investment tips, ain’t mean sh*t he does.

[–]Basic_Yellow_3594 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Card 80 bucks Pokerev cold streak Card 200 dollars

[–]CSGODeimos 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I watched this stream on and off and you could see the pain in his eyes about 7-8 hours in lol

[–]Riseofthecat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Poor Pokerev honestly I watched almost the whole stream. He tried to stay so upbeat lol. Pokémon needs to have value but still I’d say 2160 or 60 BB should be the absolute max to complete any set. I don’t agree Pokémon should do guaranteed slots though since you can see the Japanese cards tank other than a few SR each set.

[–]whyubullymestop 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i honestly hate pkmn cards youtubers