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[–]Twoweekswithpay I voted 2772 points2773 points  (759 children)

"Sadly, it has already become essentially a cult, not just of QAnon, but a whole range of conspiracy theories orbiting around Donald Trump," Schiff said in an interview with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett for this week's episode of "The Takeout" podcast. "Which of course is a disaster not only for the Republican Party, but is a disaster for the country. We really rely on two functional parties for our system to work, and right now we don't have that."

We may have lost many generations due to this madness perpetuated by Facebook, Fox News, and all the other media disinformation outlets! 🤨😡

[–]LogHungry 2461 points2462 points 32222& 6 more (690 children)

We need to hold Reddit as well as subs like r/Conspiracy, r/Conservative, and r/nonewnormal accountable for contributing to this situation. If Reddit made such a big deal about Ellen Pao all those years ago which turned out to be pretty BS, then we need to make as big of a deal about these subs still being allowed on this platform. We need to contact Reddit sponsors, politicians like AOC, and media outlets. Because enough is enough their lies and refusal to hold debate (or debate in good faith) is directly contributing to the destruction of our democracy.

Including r/PoliticallyNSFW as another subreddit that needs admins to look into for expressing views of sexual assault and rape fantasies against women of color that are politicians. Crediting u/GlibTurret for bringing awareness to the issue.

[–]T1macAmerica 964 points965 points 2 (304 children)

We need to hold Reddit as well as subs like r/Conspiracy and r/Conservative accountable for contributing to this situation.

An effective solution is to prohibit those subs from banning people for having contrary views. This pierces their echo bubble and it gives a space for a dialogue to happen. They started the insults against liberals about having "safe spaces" when it was projection since they never venture out of their safe space.

[–]AnnualEmergency2345 437 points438 points  (206 children)

I got banned for saying I disagreed with one of their posts. I'm a moderate conservative and there are a few decent people over there but it's mainly just ghouls. I mean shit, half their posts are satire, like you're a political subreddit and half your posts are satire? I would laugh but it's stopped being funny a long time ago.

[–]SadlyReturndRS 220 points221 points  (77 children)

I got banned for pointing out that in the 1920s, the Democrats were the Conservative Party.

[–]TRocho10 126 points127 points  (32 children)

I got banned for suggesting trump would be bad for the Republican party long term, and then used historical precedent for it (am a historian). Was not angry. Did not attack anyone. Banned.

Something something facts something something feelings though am I right

[–]jezz555 24 points25 points  (19 children)

Its literally just an echo chamber. There is no discussion

[–]AnnualEmergency2345 143 points144 points  (32 children)

They're not great at history. If they were they would see what they're creating.

[–]TRocho10 156 points157 points  (30 children)

They LOVE to throw out of context history around to prove their points though. I'm an actual historian, and my family shares a lot of...let's say inaccurate history on facebook. I correct it, and get called out for being brainwashed. I have an MA and do original research, they get all their news from facebook and fox. I'm the brainwashed one though.

Edit: spelling. It's late, and I'm tired. I swear I'm not a secret idiot!

[–]AnnualEmergency2345 32 points33 points  (0 children)

I love history. Kudos homie keep up the good fight.

[–]GlitterBombFalloutWisconsin 33 points34 points  (11 children)

Ugh, I hate the "but democrats were the racists!" as if political leanings didn't change and evolve over time. And if you point out that dems and repubs flipped, they'll say something about excuses something it doesn't matter blah blah.

Context matters, damn it.

[–]TRocho10 18 points19 points  (8 children)

Yeah they love to say the Democrats were the racist ones, but ignore, as you said, that the party allegiances changed...but not the geography of those allegiances. Just because the south went from blue to red doesn't mean the racist beliefs of the old blue went to where the blue went. Stayed right there with a shiny new coat of red on it

[–]RGB755 5 points6 points  (7 children)

It’s especially funny when they claim to be the “Party of Lincoln” and all that BS. Like, really? REALLY? I somehow doubt Lincoln would want to be associated with the modern Republican Party, but what do I know? :P

[–]MonstrousWombat 58 points59 points  (2 children)

I got banned for asking, "I've never heard that before, what makes you think that?" I wasn't even disagreeing (yet)...

[–]caretaker82 59 points60 points  (0 children)

It was probably the very fact that your question put them in a position of having to logically justify their views, which is a sin in that sh*thole, apparently.

[–]billy_the_p 38 points39 points  (2 children)

They had to start tagging Babylon bee articles as satire because most of them didn’t get that it wasn’t real. Their media has radicalized them to the point that they can’t distinguish satire from real news. Just let that sink in for a bit.

[–]AnnualEmergency2345 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Oh I've been watching them for months I noticed the same thing like good God you all are dumb. They worship Rand fucking Paul for God's sake.

[–]blasianinthed 31 points32 points  (5 children)

over there during the age of Trump I literally started wondering what is conservatism.. because everything that went on the last 4 years was far from conservative.

[–]karrimycele 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The Republican Party hasn’t been conservative for a while now. It’s part radical right, part lunatic fringe.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They don't even know anymore. Asking them to define policy positions is pointless. The GOP hasn't bothered to make a case for their beliefs in at least 10 years.

[–]TasgallWashington 19 points20 points  (2 children)

I mean shit, half their posts are satire, like you're a political subreddit and half your posts are satire?

Is it, though? I mean, the GOP just rallied around their member who claims forest fires are started by secret Jewish space lasers. You can't really give any benefit of the doubt that a republican forum is "just joking".

We are living in a post-Poe society.

[–]gryphmaster 74 points75 points  (8 children)

Yea got banned a while back. I’m libertarian and It turned me off remotely thinking about voting conservative in any election. I can count on dems to at least listen to moderates, unlike the crazies.

[–]CastleHobbit 18 points19 points  (4 children)

I used to vote for a lot of republicans primarily because my business interests were aligned with several that were in my industry. But I haven't been able to support this party of crazy for a long time. After Obama got elected it seems like the whole platform had to be against whatever Dems were for even if it is good for the country. I guess they have always been like that with healthcare, and I can trace the rot in the modern day party going back to Newt Gingrich. For the most part though, they really started departing from reality over the last 15 years or so.

[–]-Astartes- 84 points85 points  (76 children)

I'm a fiscal conservative. Everyone conservative I meet, is a religious or cultural one, bad for the economy, bad for Western democracy.

[–]YrnFyre 29 points30 points  (62 children)

Sometimes I wonder, from an outsiders point of view, if this isn’t a major flaw of the bipartisan system in the USA. Like if you have conservative views but they only concern the economical aspect it feels like you’re almost forced to choose these religious nutjobs. If there was a more reasonable factual and scientifically substantial conservative party (that don’t just look out for themselves at the cost of every other US citizen) I feel they’d get a lot more support and willingness to coöperate. That and separating the extreme right madmen from crippling the US would be a big bonus.

Of course, I might be able to overlooking some things here, so what’s your view on this?

[–]whut-whut 30 points31 points  (41 children)

Fiscal conservatism doesn't exist in either political party in the US. The Republicans are just better at playing pretend that they are. If they were truly a party of austerity and not about giving away the US Treasury to the wealthy, Reagan, both Bushes and Trump would've had our nation going in a whole different direction during each of their presidencies.

[–]Ya_like_dags 48 points49 points  (31 children)

... except that every Democratic administration since Truman has managed to lower the federal deficit by the end of their terms, whereas Republicans administrations have been gleefully adding to it since Reagan.

[–]ScarycloudsMissouri 50 points51 points  (3 children)

Got banned years ago, even before Trump, because I got into a back and forth with one of the moderators who suggested that the US can't commit atrocities because of our Bill of Rights. When I pointed out that the Japanese Empire also had similar rights enshrined in their constitution I was banned.

Of course one can look at the US's own history to find it replete with atrocities; needless to say the big two being slavery and the genocide of Indigenous Americans.

[–]LogHungry 52 points53 points  (34 children)

I agree entirely, they need to open up to allowing opposing views.

[–]DukeOfGeek 44 points45 points  (23 children)

One way would be to just have accredited commenters who can't be banned/deleted off subs with more than say 2500 members without the intervention of admin. People who are certified non-trolls if you were.

[–]LogHungry 32 points33 points  (6 children)

I think that would go a long way towards opening up dialogue and ensure that opinions are not being censored. Certified non-trolls would be a positive direction for engagement.

[–]DukeOfGeek 30 points31 points  (5 children)

And it's an earned privilege that gets revoked if abused. But most specifically can't be banned/deleted just for disagreeing. Communities will still downvote you of course.

[–]Loopuze1 25 points26 points  (4 children)

This is when I get nostalgic for the old days of the internet, IRC chat rooms, and the coveted ops privilege. I really think there's a market these days for something closer to MySpace than Facebook but without MySpace's flaws, something with actual chat rooms that are moderated, something actually geared towards community and socializing that doesn't reward or capitalize on the most inflammatory, offensive and loud.

[–]Mr_Mojo_Risin_83 16 points17 points  (8 children)

We just need to be teaching critical thinking from a young age. I dream of a world where nothing is censored but everyone makes good choices by simple virtue of being smart enough to do so.

[–]AnnualEmergency2345 28 points29 points  (3 children)

They won't. Misinformation only works when you're in insulated from reality. They only read or watch content that aligns with their own fucked up perceptions. The irony is they think their patriots when they are everything but.

[–]LogHungry 10 points11 points  (2 children)

That is sadly the case. I’m hoping that at least forcing the sub to open up debate would at least make it so they can’t live in a protected bubble from opposing view points. I hope we would be able to at least try to foster discussion to reach some of the more reasonable people. However, if the subreddit does not change or its users reject opposing views from seeing any room while still allowing extremists to have a voice then I think it would justify the ban hammer.

[–]flabbergastednerfcat 7 points8 points  (0 children)

how dare u say such a thing without being a flaired user! 🥸


[–]MorboForPresident 504 points505 points  (200 children)

Credit where credit's due, /r/Libertarian and /r/Libertarianmeme are also doing their best to ruin America

[–]Culbrelai 607 points608 points  (161 children)

Libertarians are a fucking joke party which will never win any major election.

Libertarians are libertarian until the building codes get recisnded and their house falls on their head. Also primarily an ideology of edgy teenagers

[–]T1macAmerica 278 points279 points  (69 children)

Or poisoned in a restaurant that didn't have a health inspection, or killed in a car that had no mandated safety equipment, or severely injured on the job when there were no OSHA regulations.

[–]mnemy 325 points326 points  (52 children)

My libertarian friend will always say "let the free market decide". Like, where the fuck do you think these regulations came from? Companies fucked over their employees and the customer in the name of the bottom line, until lawmakers had to step in and say "yo, stop being shitty". Your almighty dollar didn't do shit to correct their actions.

[–]GrogoshSouth Carolina 154 points155 points  (18 children)

Regulations are written in blood

[–]regoappsAmerica 45 points46 points  (12 children)

It also messed up people's brains for generations. Think of the people who grew up with lead in gasoline and paint. Crime peaked in the 90s until they removed the lead. But guess which generation it is (hint they're still alive). And guess which generation voted for Trump more. Yup.

And who knows what's going to be the next "lead" event in our generation. Arsenic in our baby food? Covid causing permanent brain damage?

[–]BroodingDecepticon 23 points24 points  (5 children)

Widespread misinformation seems to be the answer to your question.

[–]S28E01_The_Sequel 8 points9 points  (4 children)

Unfortunately the most vulnerable are still the same generation in their original example. Bunch of radicalized grandpa boomers.

[–]FriesWithThatWashington 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Even the regulations intended to make them stop the line for a little while to clean-up after a child worker falls into, say, an industrial steel shredder or a cauldron of molten high fructose corn syrup. Written in blood....

[–]excusetheblood 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Libertarians think child labor ended because all the rich business owners got together and said “ya know what, we’re so rich we don’t need child labor anymore!”

[–]Sweatybballz 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Free market sent your jobs overseas. And they will lose it to robots and AI. That's free market.

[–]BuddhaFacepalmed 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Dumbasses screech on how min. wage would drive automation as if McDonald's, Walmart, and Amazon aren't already automating jobs right fucking now.

[–]crazyabootmycollies 57 points58 points  (2 children)

Laws had to be made to stop child labor exploitation. The free market was A okay with kids whose pubes hadn’t sprouted yet working dangerous jobs for extended hours. Maybe that’s how they found their bootstraps though... :: rolls eyes painfully hard ::

[–]BuddhaFacepalmed 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Fun fact. One of the biggest reasons why businesses opposed women suffrage in the United States was because they feared women might vote to end child labor.

Just to clarify how amoral the free market really is.

[–]icangetyouatoedude 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Don't you see? It's a waste of time and energy to make mineshafts wide enough for adults to fit in! You're stifling innovation!!

[–]theargyle 24 points25 points  (1 child)

You can’t “let the free market decide” and at the same time call Twitter banning trump “censorship”. The cognitive dissonance those poor fools have to live with is just staggering.

[–]Best-Chapter5260 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I was watching a discussion on LinkedIn last week about whether it is appropriate for employees to disclose their salaries to others. I always watch those threads because you'll always learn about an employer or two who brazenly commits unfair labor practices by disciplining employees for exercising their Section 7 rights under the NLRA. But there were a couple of people literally saying, "Employees should keep their salaries to themselves and let the free market decide."

I'm thinking, "My dude, how in the fuck do you think markets actually work? People make decisions based upon information they receive back from the market. Bounded rationality is only good for one person in a market exchange." These "But mah free market" folks are about as uninformed as the people who like to pretend they have an LL.M. in constitutional law but then turn around to scream about their "free speech rights" being violated with a private entity censors them.

[–]thekatzpajamas92 18 points19 points  (11 children)

Banning slavery is technically market regulation.

The concept of a “free” market is completely fallacious.

[–]Ultimatepwr 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Most libertarians need to do a deep dive on Adam Smith. Like, Marx had a way better understanding of both the good and bad of capitalism then Smith did, but they aren’t gonna listen to Marx, and the fact that the “father of capitalism” and literal coiner of the term “the invisible hand” would disagree with pure libertarian ideology should say something.

[–]monkeedude1212 9 points10 points  (0 children)

My libertarian friend will always say "let the free market decide"

Or another way to put it: "I like being oppressed by the rich". If money is where you want to place the power, then those with the most money have the most power.

[–]Sp3ctre7 8 points9 points  (0 children)

As someone who has a degree in econ, I laugh, because study after study shows a "willingness to pay" for regulation, aka society as a whole being willing to make the tradeoff of regulation vs freedom, and a WTP is just a different way of expressing the same fundamentals that market theory is built upon.

[–]MauPow 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Do not worry, friend. The free market will decide the fate of the company whose unregulated automobile mangled your fleshy corpse. Rational consumers always have perfect information and would not purchase such a death machine. For liberty!

[–]Beautiful-Musk-Ox 13 points14 points  (0 children)

No you see the market will stop spending money at the death restaurant so it'll go out of business. Then a new one crops up and kills a bunch of people, but the market will also eventually take care of that one too.

They don't seem to realize that every 20 years there's an entire generation of brand new people on this planet, to make our world better we need long term wats of handling intentional and unintentional evil, otherwise every single generation will endure the same problems forever.

[–]turboPockyTexas 93 points94 points  (43 children)

the ones i know tend to rant the most about the things they understand the least. my favorite one was trying to make a case that the pandemic was just the excuse we need to finally slash school funding to the bone. I'm like... you mean on purpose?

[–]GozerDGozerian 31 points32 points  (2 children)

Man, I used to work in a bar with this guy who was big into libertarianism. It came up when I noticed he had a copy of Reason magazine, and I mentioned that I once had a subscription to Reason (it was really cheap and I thought it was a little different than it was). His eyes lit up like he found a new best friend and from then on, he’d never fucking leave me alone about everything. He was a pretty dumb dude, but one of those dumb dudes who think they’re an intellectual because they have no idea what an actual intellectual person is. Every time we talked, he would somehow twist things back to libertarianism and his stupid fucking take on every aspect of society and human nature. It got to the point where I couldn’t hang out after work and have a drink. Your comment just gave me some fucking flashbacks or something.

[–]Amazon-Prime-package 123 points124 points  (37 children)

Libertarians come in three main varieties: hates poors, loves drugs, or pedophile. They are united due to sharing a willful and profound economic illiteracy

[–]matttheepitaph 29 points30 points  (9 children)

It's a whole ideology founded on reading the first few pages of the first few chapters of an econ 101 textbook.

[–]kenatogo 13 points14 points  (2 children)

I laugh every time someone starts in with "it's simple econ 101" or "simple supply and demand". Its 101 for a reason. People dont assume the world actually works like physics 101, it's just a base level course designed to teach basic concepts, but we didnt go the the moon on physics 101.

[–]Best-Chapter5260 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I've rarely ever met a a libertarian who's actually informed about their own ideology. Most don't even know who Robert Nozick is.

They just heard "taxation is theft!" and said, "Sign me up!"

[–]Durion23 41 points42 points  (14 children)

And even then, when flailing on about freedom and liberty, they care just about their freedom and liberty - no matter how that would impede those of others.

[–]turboPockyTexas 15 points16 points  (9 children)

you know i had one saying "my body my choice" about masks. lol talk about a dumb hill to die on

[–]Str8BrozAmerica 13 points14 points  (8 children)

That's like saying, "well if I want to risk my life skydiving, I have every right". Yes, in that case, sure! Well dumbass, "my body, my choice" in the case of a pandemic, it's not just "your body your choice", numb nuts.

[–]turboPockyTexas 10 points11 points  (2 children)

I'm not sure about you but i just couldn't keep anti-maskers around. even online (hell in a way that's where they're most dangerous!)

[–]Best-Chapter5260 5 points6 points  (2 children)

"It's my body my choice, so if I choose to drive 127 mph in a school zone and don't run anyone over, then I should be allowed to!"

[–]pm_me_your_squidhole 46 points47 points  (2 children)

“That's libertarians for you — anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.”

-Kim Stanley Robinson, green Mars

[–]KellosianTexas 19 points20 points  (1 child)

The hidden conceit though is that they always imagine they'll be the owner and not the slave. At the core of more radical libertarianism is pure arrogance, that if only all those pesky minorities and poors and government got out of the way they'd make millions instead of being stuck in a shitty job forever.

The overlap with people who think they're super geniuses but "just don't want to" probably isn't a perfect circle but it would be significant.

[–]Best-Chapter5260 9 points10 points  (0 children)

or pedophile.

Libertarians love to gloss over the fact that Ayn Rand explicitly idolized a child predator. I mean, I've always been uncomfortable with Allen Ginsberg's association with NAMBLA, but his writing arguably stands independent of that part of his life. However, Rand explicitly idolized the predator as she argued he was a living embodiment of her philosophy.

[–]MBAMBA3New York 14 points15 points  (9 children)

Libertarianism and (Classical) anarchy have the same perspective of seeing the 'State" as the source of all social ills.

But while the goal of eradicating the state is the same, they envision a different outcome. Anarchists think without the state 'distorting' human nature, everyone would love each other and live together in peace. Libertarians would see the eradication of the state as the handcuffs finally coming off with the strong obliterating the weak and the 'survival of the fittest' meaning humanity living up to its full potential.

Whatever the case, it is pretty well proven that a 'state-less' society is impossible in the modern world, and just a pipe dream no matter if its coming from the right or left.

[–]Mr_Mojo_Risin_83 14 points15 points  (1 child)

And they come up with rules pretty quickly when I point out to them that I’m a lot bigger than they are and could just take everything they have. Then suddenly they want me to follow some sort of rule book under threat of punishment.

[–]henryhumper 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I always tell anarchists and libertarians the same thing: If you want to see what a stateless society looks like, go to Somalia. Since at least the 1980s the Somali government has been so ineffective and powerless that there effectively is no government outside the capital, leaving a power vacuum over most of the country. Who filled that power vacuum? The same people that always do: gangs, pirates, warlords, terrorists, militias, and religious fanatics. These groups have spent the last 40 years robbing and terrorizing the civilian population and fighting each other because there's no government authority to do anything about it.

When you have no government, violent strongmen always end up in charge. It's been this way for the entirety of human history. A stateless society isn't a utopian dream, it's a very real, living nightmare.

[–]Dilated2020America 15 points16 points  (0 children)

the ones i know tend to rant the most about the things they understand the least

Libertarians: This is the way

[–]pooislube69 47 points48 points  (5 children)

Libertarians are Republicans that are too embarrassed to admit it

[–]HypotheticalMcGee 23 points24 points  (2 children)

Or Republicans who like weed.

[–]over_the_pants_partyCalifornia[🍰] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I've seen them referred to as spicy Republicans that smoke weed, and it's perfect.

[–]fakerjohnWashington 12 points13 points  (1 child)


don’t forget middle-aged, anti-social white male professionals who mention that they’re “contrarian by nature” at least once per day

[–]DennisDummyDuffy 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I honestly think the campaign manager from Tiger King is the best representation of a libertarian I’ve ever seen which says a whole lot about that party

[–]WamBamThankYouMaam95 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Can confirm. Considered myself libertarian when I was a right-leaning edgy teenager

[–]bleach18 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Everyone I know that’s Libertarian is either in that category, or 2. cares about people and social reform, but also grew up wealthy and doesn’t understand why they have to give their money away to help advance the social things they believe in.

[–]Charyou-Tree 56 points57 points  (19 children)

The thing I hate about libertarians is that they don't actually exist.

They're just Conservatives who know that saying that won't get them laid.

When it comes time to defend liberty, they go right back to licking boots.

[–]tealdeer995Wisconsin 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Or they’re conservatives that are atheist and/or into drugs.

[–]LazyRiamu 116 points117 points  (46 children)

There are plenty of “non-political” subs that promote this stuff too. Subs like r/UnpopularOpinion or r/TrueOffMyChest seem normal at a glance, but both post conspiracy theories and typical conservative BS. Hell even meme subreddits contribute to this issue, r/thedonald and r/gamersriseup started as meme subreddits.

Getting rid of bad subs is good, but it feels like a temporary solution. Making site wide rules that Reddit actually enforces seems like a better solution.

[–]not_well_b1tch 11 points12 points  (0 children)

There was a post on [r/trashy](r/trashy) yesterday of Kendall Jenner in a see through dress that almost instantly devolved into a right vs left debate about morality with Joe Biden conspiracies brought up in one of the first replies

[–]GrogoshSouth Carolina 32 points33 points  (3 children)

Don't forget /r/KotakuInAction, the alt right for gamers.

[–]LogHungry 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Oh I definitely agree, lots of not so subtle “hot takes” that come from those subs. When in reality they’re just recruiting grounds for conservative ideology imo. They create straw people and attack those straw people, when in actuality there may be many more elements at play.

Certain meme subs definitely contribute to the issue as well. When the line is so blurred that you can’t tell if they are serious or not I think problems begin to arise.

Site wide rules is probably the best way forward. Else we’d just see them move to another subreddit to do the same thing.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Why don't we hold morons and criminals accountable for their actions?

[–]Thyriel81 12 points13 points  (3 children)

Banning is a little bit like contact tracing; It's just cleaning behind (and we all know how well that ended). The freedom of the internet has reached dimensions were it started to undermine social structures leading to national threats. Additionally, quite a lot of that misinformation spread in the Internet has been proven to come from Russia, like the twitter bots that made QAnon popular that were later linked to a bot network from Russia when they got banned.

I do believe that the logical conclusion of this, that misinformation spread should be completely forbidden in the internet, will quite soon be picked up by the first big democratic country and then be spread all over the world.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Money man.

Conservative dipshits spend a LOT on those idiotic fake awards.

They feel validated by them and hand them to each other like participation ribbons.

Reddit won’t do a thing if it hurts their revenue.

[–]Old_Man_RobotEurope 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Did a run through of r/conservative for the first time since the election.

Their current treatment of AOC is one of the most disgusting things I’ve seen.

[–]FUMFVR 66 points67 points  (3 children)

I was reminded of this when I heard speech after speech from Republicans whining about MTG being stripped of her committee assignments. Democrats are right now having to take care of shit that Republicans should be doing themselves. And all this after Republicans starved the federal government of revenue during a time they claimed was the best economy in the history of all time.

We can't endure Republican bullshit forever. It almost broke us four weeks ago and if they continue, it will break us in the near future.

[–]LowestKey 14 points15 points  (0 children)

That’s what they want. That’s what they’ve wanted since they lost the ability to hold slaves.

[–]wondering-this 65 points66 points  (13 children)

Just a few short years ago it would have been shocking for the Senate Majority Leader to call the other side a cult.

edit: I done wrong.

[–]GreenStrong 53 points54 points  (8 children)

Just a few years ago, it would have been shocking for the other side to be a cult.

[–]Saul-FunyunAmerican Expat 40 points41 points  (5 children)

Eh, not really. They’ve been on this path for decades.

[–]BasilFaulty 21 points22 points  (4 children)

I think you can point to the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine in 87, Greenspan in 87, Rush in 88, Newt in 94.

Oh, and Norquist’s tax pledge in 86.

Once there’s no room for nuance, that leaves only extremism.

[–]Dilated2020America 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Man...these are the same folks that thought they were smarter than blacks and opposed their civil rights efforts. They have always been crazy. The defining moment is when they were born into this world with racist parents. The rest of that stuff you listed is just a byproduct. They’ve always been extremist.

[–]Emcard 11 points12 points  (2 children)

That's not his title. I mean, he's not even in the Senate, right?

[–]Wismuth_Salix 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Schiff is a Representative

Pelosi is House Speaker

Schumer is Senate Majority Leader

[–]Husky3832 535 points536 points  (33 children)

I feel like the “cult” metaphor isn’t taken seriously enough.

This is absolutely a cult. And the sooner we start realizing that, and addressing the problem from that angle, the better.

I’d highly recommend that you check out the work of Dr. Robert J. Lifton on the psychology of thought reform. He spent decades studying Korean POWs and Chinese “re-education” camps, and developed a theoretical framework for how the “brainwashing” process works. And it’s spot on for Trump, and especially “Q”.


He also recently published a book that looks at Trump from the perspective of a guru or cult leader. I haven’t finished yet, but it’s really interesting.

[–]gzeus_giuce25 Canada 170 points171 points  (19 children)

You are right it isn't. Look at how Republican supporters have been talking about liberals and Democrats for years, started even before Trump. They have dehumanized them, it's scary stuff.

I'm not even sure it has gotten any worse it's just a lot more open now because of Trump, but that's just my opinion.

[–]Peteys93 90 points91 points  (3 children)

It's worse because the necessity that they ignore all of Trump's open atrocities these past few years has driven them completely from reality.

[–]gzeus_giuce25 Canada 52 points53 points  (2 children)

Yah that was poor wording on my part because yes it is so much worse. I just meant that I don't think he converted anyone who wasn't already a hateful person. Who didn't already believe all Democrats and liberals are evil communists/socialists who will create a dictatorship.

You know I genuinely believed in 2016 that he would calm down and let other people run the show and take the credit. Qualified people so he can golf and watch TV, I thought he was doing like a wrestling work his whole campaign for show, campaign never stopped though. I also genuinely believe that the GOP would reign him in if he ever did try to do some really fucked up shit. I thought it would be your regular run of the mill oppressive and exploitative Republican policies. Makes me feel very stupid and naive. I knew he would be a moron and would tweet or say some dumb stuff but he just took it to a level I never imagined.

It's very surreal watching all that has unfolded these 4 years. Seeing Republicans blatantly try to gaslight everyone, know isn't working on anyone but the base but still do it anyway has been something to see. Like this man is not just a bad president he is incompetent, cruel, spiteful, and corrupt as the day is long and they don't care. He provides nothing for them but his cult, majority of the GOP have shown they never cared about public service it's all about individual power and wealth, and the base doesn't care. No one is ever held accountable, I'm not even confident anyone will be held accountable now. It's just something else. For the last few years people have been comparing America to the fall of Rome and after Trump it really does look that way because these people still exist. 70 something million voted this guy, that is fucking scary. I genuinely worry for you guys over there because this won't blow over and the GOP seems all in on far right facism and I'm not sure it's been taken as seriously or as an imminent threat.

[–]f_d 18 points19 points  (7 children)

Having it out in the open at the highest levels of society greatly empowers the message and spreads it faster. Trump himself was one of the most effective spreaders of conspiracy theories amid all the social media bots and troll farms.

[–]DouglasRather 20 points21 points  (0 children)

You might also read this post from Joe Navarro who has studied cult leaders for years. It was written in 2012 but you would swear it almost perfectly describes trump


[–]ranchoparksteve 980 points981 points  (55 children)

The Republican Party advances no agenda and has no positive platform. It’s merely a reaction to whatever the Democrats choose to do. Republicans are like a little contrary sister.

[–]JohnnyValet 355 points356 points  (17 children)

President Obama Meets with the GOP - Key & Peele

Sure it's a comedy sketch, but it wouldn't be funny if there wasn't a grain of truth to it.

[–]swolemedicOregon 122 points123 points  (12 children)

Sure it's a comedy sketch, but it wouldn't be funny if there wasn't a grain of truth to it.

Yeah. What's worse is i think we all kinda hoped it would stop when the democrat was no longer black. That sounds crude, and it is, but alas they seem to identify the left with black sympathizers and thus it's the same thing to them. They treat biden like he's a communist, and I saw that during sicnick's funeral ingraham had some title saying that china was dominating the world via fauci or some nonsense. Their crazy conspiracies are completely mainstream now.

They've completely jumped the shark and I'm genuinely always amazed we haven't had major violence beyond the capitol which thankfully wasn't worse. It reminds me of shit like the rwandan genocide, and it really felt like a bunch of the right were waiting on a full blown call to arms signal from trump, but shockingly they didn't get one as much as we all kind of expected it. They expected it, we expected it, but somehow it didn't happen. So far at least.

[–]JohnnyValet 50 points51 points  (2 children)

I saw that during sicnick's funeral ingraham had some title saying that china was dominating the world via fauci or some nonsense

Let's take a look at the replay.

[–][deleted] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

FOX is so disgusting.

[–]magistrate101 32 points33 points  (3 children)

I hate to burst your bubble, but they've been violent all along. The vast majority (>75%) of terrorist attacks on the United States within the last few decades were perpetuated by right wing extremists. They particularly loved firebombing planned parenthood clinics and committing mass shootings.

[–]exactoctopus 14 points15 points  (1 child)

They shot George Tiller in the head at his church 11 years ago. They’ve been violent this whole time and I don’t understand anyone who’s pretending otherwise.

[–]DragonTHCFlorida 170 points171 points  (14 children)

The Republican Party advances no agenda


and has no positive platform.

And true.

Their agenda is fucking ominous. It's regressionist to the extreme. It's racist, classist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and hateful, but don't ever think they're not working hard to advance it.

[–]ihaterunning2Texas 39 points40 points  (2 children)

More concisely, the Republican Party wants to return the US to the pre-FDR era. In which the rich and business owners run everything, while everyone is struggling just to get by and only seen as labor. They failed for years post FDR, because Americans liked a government that actually worked for them and on their behalf. But started gaining traction again with Reagan. This is the central goal, everything else is to distract, attract voters via dog whistle, or simply further disenfranchise as much of the working class as they possibly can.

[–]JohnnyValet 17 points18 points  (1 child)

I've put it this way -

  1. Repeal the New Deal and return to all regulation before it.

  2. Anything the religious nutjobs want so they'll vote for us.

That is really all the 'Establisment' Republicans want. As for the (Q) party... who fuck'n knows!

[–]twenty7forty2 50 points51 points  (4 children)


Well the RNC did abandon their platform in favour of "whatever Trump says". So def no official agenda.

[–]vellyr 20 points21 points  (2 children)

To be fair, it was "everything in our last one plus whatever Trump says", which says to me that they fulfilled exactly zero of their promises and met none of their goals over 4 years of Trump. That might be because they don't have an agenda.

[–]ParsnipTroopers 32 points33 points  (0 children)

"Merely a reaction" is exactly the right phrase.

From Wikipedia:

In political science, a reactionary or reactionist is a person or entity holding political views that favour a return to a previous political state of society that they believe possessed positive characteristics that are absent in contemporary society. As an adjective, the word reactionary describes points of view and policies meant to restore a past status quo.[1] The word reactionary is often used in the context of the left–right political spectrum, and is one tradition in right-wing politics. In popular usage, it is commonly used to refer to a highly traditional position, one opposed to social or political change.[2][3] However, according to political theorist Mark Lilla, a reactionary yearns to overturn a present condition of perceived decadence and recover an idealized past. Such reactionary individuals and policies favour social transformation, in contrast to conservative individuals or policies that seek incremental change or to preserve what exists in the present.[4]

Reactionary ideologies can be radical, in the sense of political extremism, in service to re-establishing past conditions.

[–]f_d 62 points63 points  (3 children)

They have an agenda. Seize absolute power and carry out the wishes of a handful of huge donors. Or seize absolute power for themselves. It varies between them. The reactionary stuff is because that's what keeps the real goal moving forward.

[–]DragonTHCFlorida 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Fascism is so 2020.

[–]BuckRowdyTennessee 17 points18 points  (0 children)

They are like teenagers with oppositional defiant disorder. They define themselves as what they are against and not what they are for. Republican advertising never mentions the candidate, and consists of nothing but propaganda about the opponent.

[–]FUMFVR 7 points8 points  (0 children)

All money to the top, white men dominating everyone. White women dominating everyone but white men.

I mean...it is an agenda. A horrible one to be sure.

[–]ScarlettailFlorida 331 points332 points  (18 children)

This is what happens when you combined a deeply religious population with some racism and misinformation.

[–]SurfaceGrinderCalifornia 96 points97 points  (3 children)

and power

[–]ItGradAws 51 points52 points  (2 children)

And power indeed. They’ve got a death grip on states due to gerrymandering

[–]flateric420New York 15 points16 points  (1 child)

I really hope one day that it will boil down to popular vote per state/percentage of an area you won. Gerrymandering is fucking unbelievably manipulative.

[–]BuffaloWilliamsesNew York 245 points246 points  (26 children)

The problem is that cults are normally smaller groups. 74 million people is a large ass cult

[–]morphballganon 92 points93 points  (18 children)

A big chunk of that is lifetime Rs, and another chunk are people who don't know any better than to simply vote for the incumbent.

[–]Saywhhhaat 34 points35 points  (16 children)

Add to that a chunk that are only voting R for pro-life and/or religious reasons.

[–]josephthemediocre 34 points35 points  (1 child)

Yeah, a cult

[–]runujhkjAlabama 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Add all these “oh it’s just this group”s together and you get a near-lockstep voting bloc

[–]k___k___Europe 6 points7 points  (4 children)

As an agnostic German: I've rarely seen anything more bizarre than R's religious beliefs and values... that they contradict like all the time? Also pro-life only when it means telling women what to do with their bodies.

[–]thehtr 15 points16 points  (0 children)

This displays the amplification power of Facebook, YouTube, and other social media

[–]Drewdown707 16 points17 points  (0 children)

When it gets that big it’s called a religion.

[–]angelojc44 240 points241 points  (16 children)

Hell yes it is. It’s the conspiracy quanon party. They are all batshit insane.

[–]dremonearm[S] 143 points144 points  (13 children)

Kevin McCarthy (Q-CA).

[–]aintnochallahbackgrl[🍰] 63 points64 points  (6 children)

Qevin MqQarthy.

[–]BannedForHyperbole 28 points29 points  (2 children)

I'm stealing this and everyone else should too.

He's not a Qtard but he's willing to pretend he has no idea what it is, which makes him very nearly as bad.

[–]the2beloAmerican Expat 14 points15 points  (1 child)

Card-carrying member of the Qu Qlux Qlan.

[–]angelojc44 17 points18 points  (4 children)

So true. It’s sad that the Democrats are the only sane functioning party.

[–]NlightenedSelfIntrst 65 points66 points  (5 children)


[–]DragonTHCFlorida 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Now with 80% more bleach!

[–]supes1 I voted 60 points61 points  (3 children)

There's three groups of Republicans in the federal government right now... (1) the true believers (about 30%, the real "cult"), (2) the conservatives, more traditional Republicans that publicly don't like Trump (about 10%), and (3) the cowards, members that privately don't like Trump but publicly won't vote that way out of fear of his base (about 60%).

[–]AlariLeanbowMichigan 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Sounds to me like they need to do some soul searching about their constituents. If they're threatening to kill you if you don't vote or legislate a certain way, there's a bigger problem on your hands than a primary challenge.

[–]bubbygups 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Of course. And it's not a controversial statement. Former Representatives from the GOP are saying the same thing. It's this ideological damage that we will have to live with for decades to come, if not generations.

[–]TheDirtyFuture 19 points20 points  (0 children)

This is great. Seems like the Dems are done giving the GOP the benefit of the doubt. There’s no turning back for the GOP. I’d the capitol riots didn’t knock sense into them, nothing will. There’s no more time to beat around the bush. They don’t deserve any kind of professional courtesy. They want to act like a cult, call them a fucking cult.

[–]FortunoxiousNorth Carolina 16 points17 points  (0 children)

They’ve always been a cult but now they’re an outwardly batshit cult

[–]mewehesheflee 34 points35 points  (11 children)

I have former Repulican in-laws that have said the same thing for 2 years. On the one hand I'm happy we don't have any political disagreements. On the other hand, I'm sad for them. Being 80 years-old and to see this party become a right-wing cult.

[–]TakeCareOfYourM0ther 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I strongly believe the GOP is blackmailing and threatening people in the party who oppose them. Think death threats to family members or releasing embarrassing info. Remember Russia and other crazy mofos are behind these efforts to break down the US by dividing and radicalizing people apart from each other. This is all on purpose and while we fight each other, the rich keep plundering us and our planet.

[–]lefty_sockpuppetAmerica 49 points50 points  (3 children)

Republican Party has become essentially a cult

[–]zombiehunterthompson 24 points25 points  (1 child)

That's not fair:

The RNC is also: a mob, spy-ring, multi-level marketing scheme, & Russian money-launderers!

[–][deleted] 103 points104 points  (43 children)

There are some that defend a woman who believes in space lasers, but cry when Biden has a stutter. However, let us not generalize because there are still many good people just not getting attention.

[–]Untitled-Original 65 points66 points  (26 children)

They were about to turn on one of their own for voting against trump, it’s not just them vs. Biden or democrats, never has been. it is quite literally Trump vs. anyone who challenges him

[–]ruiner8850Michigan 22 points23 points  (1 child)

The Republican Party is a cult of personality.

[–]dodsontmOklahoma 10 points11 points  (0 children)

It pisses me off beyond belief that they had a vote on Cheney but didn't on Greene and even gave her a standing "O" in their private meeting. Fuck them.

[–]ScientistSeven 36 points37 points  (5 children)

as long as good people still wear the (R) they arnt good.

sorry mu friend, this circus is over. good faith is dead about republicans

[–]rocketshipfantacola 34 points35 points  (3 children)

I’ll never respect a republican again. It’s impossible for me. I’ll be cordial but never respect them because they are either a monster or an idiot or both.

[–]trumpisaloser2020 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The GOP always had oldish crazy white dudes who believed in all sorts of garbage like Obama not being born in the US. Now the party has just been completely taken over by them and any decent pol has basically left the party. What remains is spineless power tripping fuckturds like Cruz, Rubio, McCarthy. It's sad for the country but it's actually not that surprising when you are honest about how paranoid, stupid, and racist lots of this country has always been, even before Trump

[–]Dont_touch_my_elbows 11 points12 points  (0 children)

This is the first time in my life I've seen friends/family members have their entire personality revolve around their preferred presidential candidate.

[–][deleted] 23 points24 points  (0 children)

They are fascists.

[–]Sadiebb 27 points28 points  (2 children)

Heaven’s Gate, the Branch Davidians, Jonestown.

When cults finally end it’s not pretty.

[–][deleted] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Thank god Trump no longer has the nuclear football. Republicans can never be allowed to hold power again.

[–]RPDRNickArizona 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Dracula has become, essentially, a vampire.

War and Peace has become, essentially, a novel.

The sun has become, essentially, a source of light and heat.

The heart has become, essentially, a vital organ.

Water has become, essentially, wet.

[–]GoldenFalcon 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Sweet. Now make it easier for 3rd parties to become viable and let them abandon ship. Weaken the two party system.

[–]tonydiethelm 9 points10 points  (2 children)

10 signs you're in a cult.

  1. The leader is the ultimate authority. Trump. Check.
  2. The group suppresses skepticism. Media is bad. Check.
  3. The group delegitimizes former members. Hang Mike Pence. Check.
  4. The group is paranoid about the outside world. Democrats are out to destroy America. Check.
  5. The group relies on shame cycles. Not sure about this one?
  6. The leader is above the law. Trump. Check.
  7. The group uses “thought reform” methods. Not sure about this one?
  8. The group is elitist. They know what's up, everyone else is a "sheeple". Check.
  9. There is no financial transparency. HA! Check....
  10. The group performs secret rites. Don't know about this one.

7/10 for Trump supporters....

[–]Halyomorphahalys 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Completely True!

Sadly, cults also have high levels of unity and ability to mobilize their adherents. This could help maga primary-purge a a lot of sane Republicans each election cycle until every rightwing seat in Congress is GQP.

[–]Infidel8 10 points11 points  (1 child)

What happens when Donald Trump eventually passes away? Will bigotry and disinformation alone still be enough to bind them together?

[–]Phannig 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I’ll call it now...they’ll claim he’s not really dead and due to come back any day...

[–]SullenTerror 6 points7 points  (0 children)

ITT upset conservative who can only make fun of Schiff's eyes and not make a solid argument against his statement

[–]BigZ911New York 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yeah I think we realized that 40 fucking years ago when ole Ronnie Trickle Down solidified the southern strategy and brought about a wave of bigoted evangelical Christianity to this god forsaken nation

[–]Skyboss1996 5 points6 points  (0 children)

In other news; water’s wet, the earth is round, and there’s no air in space.

[–]itsdesignedthatway 7 points8 points  (3 children)

It’s not a cult, it’s a kult.

Don’t let the conservative press lead you astray. This is all pent up racism, disguised as conservatism. They hate people of color, and non-Christians, and non-straight. But they really hate white liberals, because white liberals support the groups they hate, they also believe that the white liberals are race traitors.

This is nothing more than the Klu Klux Klan in a different uniform.

[–]PeterrrrSmith 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Their organized religion they love so much is basically a cult, so it only makes sense that their political party would be one too.

[–]PlayingtheDrums 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Not essentially, actually.

[–]SardiaFalls 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Yeah Adam, everyone not in the cult already knew this

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Its harder to be frank about this when its your day-in-day-out coworkers and colleagues you're shoulder to shoulder with. He still has to face these people and work with them, in theory. "You're a fucking cult member lunatic completely detached from reality. Oh also how about that bill we were working on together?"

[–]ImNotReallyANerd 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They always were 🙂🔫

[–]sezit 7 points8 points  (2 children)

The Republican Party has been a cult for a long time. Its been years since I could hold a calm, substantive discussion with any Republican without them either getting furious at me and going off on personal attacks, or saying nothing and pretending the subject never came up.

It's no longer just a cult. Now it's a DEATH cult. Is Trump any different than Jim Jones? Habits of style and sphere of influence. But I have no doubt he would do anything to get that power back.

[–]sgt-sunglasses 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Canada just added the Proud Boys to their list of known terrorists. Maybe they should have also included the GOP.

[–]MBAMBA3New York 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No negotiating with terrorists

[–]rc_12 5 points6 points  (0 children)

If you don't acknowledge that genuine brainwashing exists, then you will never understand the Republican party.