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Posts about HyperParasite

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The official sub focused on all things parasite related in and around the Troglobytes title HyperParasite.
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30 members
Troglobytes is a small indie dev team from sunny Barcelona, Spain. Creators of HyperParasite and Edo no Yami. Currently working on The Kindeman Remedy and RailGods of Hysterra.
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The central hub for all news, updates, rumors, and topics relating to the Nintendo Switch. We are a fan-run community, not an official Nintendo forum.
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A place for indie games
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13 members
The official sub focused on all things parasite related in and around the Troglobytes title HyperParasite.
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โ€ขPosted by4 years ago

I posted a game play video of HyperParasite (free demo) on Steam Discussion and the developer replied to me saying the game has an unreleased Linux build. See link below.

Troglobytes Games, the developer, might consider a Linux beta. I hope my fellow Linux gamers could post in that discussion to signify their interest.

Just a gentle reminder, please be polite. Dropping comments like "No Tux, No Bux" won't help the Linux gaming community.

Thank you.

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โ€ขPosted by4 years ago

Hey r/games,

we are Troglobytes Games from Barcelona, Spain.

After 3 years of hard work, today we just released HyperParasite, a relentless twin-stick shooter/brawler with rogue-lite mechanics, set in the roaring 80s.

The game is available on PC (Steam and DRM-free), Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

HyperParasite Launch Trailer

We're here to discuss about all things gaming, gamedev, indie life and what it means to release a videogame while being quarantined at home because of Covid-19 (yeah, that was not an easy task...).

My name is Luciano, please feel free to ask me anything!

If you have technical questions, u/LordOfBrujahs (Matteo, our Lead Programmer) will be happy to answer.
There's also our CEO and Game Designer, Saverio (u/Indie_Dojo) taking part to the AMA, fire all design questions his way :)

Thank you!

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โ€ขPosted by3 years ago

Hey r/NintendoSwitch!

We are Troglobytes, a small indie dev team from sunny Barcelona, Spain.

A little more than a month ago we released our flagship title, HyperParasite, on PC, Nintendo Switch and all other gaming consoles.

HyperParasite is a relentless twin-stick shooter/brawler set in the roaring 80s. It comes with a twist: you play as the titular alien Parasite and can snatch any host body on screen, exploiting its own weapons, abilities and special attacks.

HyperParasite Launch Trailer

We are already working on our next game; it's called Edo no Yami. We'll soon share more info, for now here's a short teaser:

Edo no Yami - Teaser

Feel free to ask us anything about our team, HyperParasite, Edo no Yami and anything else you'd like to know!

u/LordOfBrujahs (Matteo, Lead Programmer) and u/Indie_Dojo (Saverio, CEO/Designer) will also be here following the AMA and answering your questions :)

Thank you!

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โ€ขPosted by8 months ago

Look, an ant. This ant is a zombie. A real life zombie. It looks okay, but itโ€™s behaving strangely. It crawls up a plant, exactly to a height of 25cm for seemingly no reason, hides under a leaf, bites down hard, and doesnโ€™t let go for the rest of her life.

What's going on here?!

If we wait a bit, we get an idea: A mushroom grows from the ant! And because itโ€™s protected at just the right height, the spores rain down on other ants, her sisters, infecting them too. Making them into zombies. Brilliant and horrible.

But what exactly is going on inside the ant? How can a fungus possibly control an animal like that? Does it manipulate the antโ€™s thoughts and/or desires? Can we use that somehow? And could humans fall victim to such funguses and turn into zombies? Iโ€™ll get back to these questions in a minute.

Obviously, not all fungi are good for us. They ruin our food, they can infect us, they can infect our livestock, and they are poisonous. But I think all that pales in comparison to the zombie funguses. At least when you consider the nightmare potential. Iโ€™ve mentioned the ants. Another gruesome example is a fungus called Entomophthora. Which is a really metal name! And it means Destroyer of Insects or The Ruin of Insects. The most well-known species of this group, Entomophthora muscae, infects flies. Similar to the ants, infected flies get the urge to crawl up. Then the fungus sticks them to the surface and somehow makes them spread their wings, so the spores that burst out of their body can fall down freely. But it gets worse. Somehow, the fungus also spreads a pheromone that makes male fliesโ€ฆ sexually attracted. And then they try to mate with the already dead femaleโ€“and the longer sheโ€™s dead, the more mature the fungus, the more attracted the males are, trying to mate with the body over and over again. And so they of course get the spores all over them and spread them aroundโ€ฆ The horror movie writes itself.

Many insects can fall victim to such zombie funguses. But before you actually get nightmare, let me tell you that we have found no instance of vertebrates being turned into zombies by fungi. I suspect thatโ€™s because our immune systems are too powerful. A fungus could never invade our bodies like that and take control. Weโ€™d die of sepsis first. Although, certain viruses, like the Lyssavirus that causes rabies, kinda can turn us into zombies, but thatโ€™s a story for another day. Plus, thereโ€™s a vaccine against it

So Iโ€™m happy to report, you donโ€™t have to worry about being turned into a zombie. Insects and spiders on the other handโ€ฆ are out of luck.

But how can a fungus take control of an insect? I mean, the fungus itself doesnโ€™t have a brain. How can it tell the ant what to do? When I first heard about zombie funguses I was, well, terrified, but also fascinated. Especially as a neurobiologist. How can they exert such precise control of the nervous system?? And it turns out, itโ€™s not quite as I imagined. When we look at a zombie ant, the fungus is everywhere. Itโ€™s amazing. Itโ€™s growing in every joint and every muscle and every part of the body. BUT. Itโ€™s NOT in the brain itself. You see, fungi are not psychologists, their chemists! You could say. What theyโ€™re good at is to produce many different substances. Basically, they produce drugs to influence the behavior of these insects. Which doesnโ€™t really make this achievement any less amazing. I mean, they really need to secret the exactly right substances in exactly the right concentration at the right location to generate a behavior. And itโ€™s not surprising to me that they are always adapted to a specific host species. They canโ€™t just infect any ant, just the ones that they are adapted to and maybe very close relatives. Well, sometimes they can infect other ants, but then they just die and donโ€™t turn into zombies. The drug cocktail is wrong.

But wait, when they make so many cool drugs, can we use them for something? Well, yes! Maybe not to make us into zombies (thankfully!) but by studying the substances of the zombie funguses we found some that could be useful against cancer, diabetes or heart disease. So definitely worth to look into it more. And Iโ€™m not afraid theyโ€™ll find the zombie drug anytime soon. Our brains are very different from an insect brain and as I said, these substances are highly specialized.

Lastly, Iโ€™d like to tell you why there are still ants. I mean, this zombie fungus seems so effective, why hasnโ€™t antkind long died out in a gruesome zombie apocalypse?

Well, as is often the case, Life finds a way. When the hunters get faster, the hunted also get faster. Ants have developed strategies to deal with the zombie fungus. For example, theyโ€™re getting ever better detecting their zombiefied sisters and kick them out. Also, theyโ€™re grooming themselves and each other to get rid of the spores before they can into their bodies. I mean, they have exoskeletons. Itโ€™s actually not that easy to get inside an antโ€™s body if youโ€™re just a germinating spore. And the spores are actually pretty frail. If the humidity is not just right, they die pretty quickly. Plus, ants have learned to avoid the ground as much as possible, moving their streets up on trees if at all possible. Because up there itโ€™s too dry for proper spore development. They do this only in places where there are zombie funguses present, btw.

And the coolest reason there are still ants: The zombie fungus has a parasite! Amazingly, like a gift from the ant gods, often some 90% of zombie funguses never reach maturity and donโ€™t release spores because they are infected! Because the zombie funguses are parasites themselves, their parasites are called hyperparasites. How cool does that sound? A parasite of a parasite. To my surprise, this parasite is as of yet unidentified, so we donโ€™t know what it is and how it might be in relationship with the ants. I hope they do soon. I sense a cool science story in there.

So, zombie funguses. Scary and gruesome. Another example of how amazing funguses are. But they also have their weaknesses.

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โ€ขPosted by5 years ago

Hi guys!

My name is Dan and I run Hound Picked Games - we're a game publisher/co-publisher for various titles, Battle Princess Madelyn being our flagship title right now!

We're in the process of getting together the funds for our newest developer that's joined our pack, for a game called HyperParasite, on Kickstarter. With the campaign underway, I've been asked by quite a few people on social media if we're considering a physical edition of the game for Nintendo Switch. As you know it's not a cheap thing to do and our partners have expressed that they'd like an idea of what sort of demand there is for the game to be produced as a physical product.

The game itself is an ode to the 80s, featuring iconic characters, with an incredible synthwave soundtrack and plays like a rogue-lite Smash TV and Avenging Spirit, built in UE4 but with visuals dialed back to look like a PS One / N64 era title!

IF there is enough demand, we can show our partners and hopefully work out a deal.

What do you think, is it a title you'd like to add to your collections?

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โ€ขPosted by4 years ago
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โ€ขPosted by4 years ago
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