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Surtur actor Clancy Brown celebrates with his own action figure

r/marvelstudios - Clancy Brown .and it's not even my birthday! A Now I can crush all over again. WONE STDKS THOR RAGNAROK LEGEN STUDOS THE INFINITY SAGA SURTUR A WARNING: 0NAMD-Slpan.
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u/Catfan1898 avatar

I never realized Surtur is Mr. Krabs!

I never realized he was Mr. Krabs!

Fun fact: he's also Lex Luthor in the DCAU.

Fun fact: He's also the Kurrgan

Fun fact: Your enemy can't push a button, if you disable his hand.

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Fun fact: he's also Lieutenant Hank Anderson

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Not so fun fact he was also Captain Hadley in Shawshank Redemption

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u/Spidey-Stoner avatar

Fun fact: He’s also Long Feng........ there is no war in Ba Sing Se.

Edit: Spelling; Fang-Feng

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Fun fact: He's also Red Death in The Venture Bros. series.

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u/BlocksWithFace avatar

Fun fact: He's also Rawhide in "The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai"

and hung out pressing buttons inside the hatch on Lost.

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Fun fact: I ran out of facts.

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u/sable-king avatar

He's also the original Dr. Neo Cortex.

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Fun fact: he’s also Lyndon B Johnson in The Crown

There can be only one!

There can be only one!

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u/God_is_carnage avatar

Other fun fact: He's also Savage Oppress in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

That's not even his only Star Wars role. He was also Ryder Azadi in Star Wars: Rebels.

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I was hoping he would show up and the end of Batman V Superman as Lex Luthor and bitch slap his son.

u/PamPaRam_Isley avatar

God, yesssss. Why didn’t this happen

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...'Cause he's evil! XD

u/bryansburns avatar

…… i have no idea who this is.

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u/MackTheHunter avatar

He's also Baron Praxis in Jak II.

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u/AgentSkidMarks avatar

Fun fact: he’s that one guard in Shawshank Redemption.

u/neoKushan avatar

Came here for this, such an iconic (if horrible) character in an amazing film.

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The best Luthor in my opinion.

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Fun Fact: He is also Taskmaster in the animated cartoons

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“Superman me boy!”

I find it odd to think people wouldn’t know this. One of his most iconic roles for sure

You'd be surprised how many people aren't aware of that fact, and that he's Mr. Krabs. I don't think a lot of people really pay attention to who voices some of their favorite characters.

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He also let a prison inmate help him process a tax break.

I’ve been a fan of his for years and i loved spongebob growing up and I didn’t realize he was mr krabs until like a month ago lmao

Just went through his IMDB and he's been in so many great things! He'll always be Captain Hadley from Shawshank to me.

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u/NoLadda avatar


u/elegance78 avatar

Suuurly Joeeee!


Where did he come from where did he go


u/patronizingperv avatar

You seen 'em, you play 'em.

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I mean they’re both red and greedy?

u/b3nedek avatar

You know who else is red and greedy? Burg from The Mandalorian. I'm sensing a pattern emerging...

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He was also Frank Castle’s captain in Daredevil & the Punisher.


u/Frank_Castle1980 avatar

Major Schoonover

u/bigfatcarp93 avatar

If I recall we mostly see him post-promotion as a Colonel

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Also Hank who got sent an android from Cyberlife

u/musicman2018 avatar

He’s also the police detective in the game Detroit: Become Human

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Arghargharghargharhhargh! Spongebob me boy, its time for me to fullfill me prophecy!

There can only be one, me boy-o!

I must destroy Asgard…so I can have all its money!

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i never realized Mr. Krabs is a Kurgen

u/greenroom628 avatar

no, it's a crown

u/Mogradal avatar

No this is Patrick!

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Holy ground, Highlander. Remember what Ramirez taught you!

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u/the_pedigree avatar

The Kurgan

I took his head and raped his woman before his body was even cold.

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He’s also Hank from Detroit: Become Human!

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The enemy cannot press a button if you disable it's hand.



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u/CardinalHawk21 avatar

Clancy Brown is a living legend. His IMDb page is amazing. I first saw him in Highlander. He was the prison guard in Shawshank’s Redemption. He is the voice of Lex Luthor in most animated DC movies and shows. The list goes on.

He really gets around, pops up in all kinds of places. It's kind of amazing. He has an awesome voice.

u/regalfronde avatar

I never realized Mr. Krabs was Captain Hadley

Also Savage Oppress

He was also great in Carnivale

u/ywBBxNqW avatar

I was going to say something about Carnivale if nobody else did. That show was really great.

u/shruber avatar

Bummer it got cut short. : (

Still great and worth the watch though/wraps up ok.

u/ywBBxNqW avatar

Bummer it got cut short. : (

You know, I was thinking about it and it still kinda bums me out too. IMDB rates it 8.4 stars; I think it would've had a longer shelf life than the studio thought.

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u/ChardeeMacdennis679 avatar

This is one of my favorite scenes in television:

They must open their mouths, and drown!

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u/grilledcakes avatar

You mean Kurgan from highlander?

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Sergeant Zim


That's funny. You're gonna look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth.

u/tearfueledkarma avatar

Private Zim is everywhere.

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You mean The Kurgan

I never realized Surtur was a ... sonofabitch! You're still alive!

"This is my crown, the source of my power!"

"Oh, that's a crown. I thought it was a big eyebrow."

"It's a crown."

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That's because he is actually Red Death.


But did you know that "Surtur" is a slang for a black person in Icelandic, which is the country where we have most of the knowledge of Norse Mythology from?

And that he was named Surtur because he was black as coal.


Íslensk nútímamálsorðabók surtur nafnorð karlkyn

hörundsdökkur maður, svertingi*


Icelandic dictionary for modern linguistics

Surtur: noun, male (gendered word)

Man/person with dark skin, black man.

It's very weird seeing this word after Thor Ragnarök came out, cause it pops up in random places (as opposed to previously, where it mostly popped up when people made racist remarks or "jokes", or when discussing Norse mythology and Icelandic history), as it's generally seen as a pretty negative word here, similar to "negro" in the US. It's basically the Icelandic version of the Spanish word for black.

So just for people's information, when you're saying "Surtur" you're also kind of unknowingly using a negatively connected slang word for black people in Icelandic (since Surtur was the guy that practically started the end of the world and burned the whole thing down, as well as killed the literal god of fertility, who is/was one of the most important gods after Odin and Thor).

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Clancy is awesome. Would love him to return in an acting role or back to voice Surtur. Can... can I just have more Clancy?

u/blackbutterfree avatar

He’s in Daredevil and Punisher.

You're right!

Still want more.

u/NoLadda avatar

Play Detroit Become Human

Amazing game.

u/inarizushisama avatar

You know where you can stick your instructions?

No. Where?

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u/MdoesArt avatar

He played the devil looking guy (Devronians, I think the race is called) in the Prison Break episode of the Mandalorian.

And like ten million other more notable things but that’s my contribution to this thread.

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Hes also Damien Darkblood in Invincible

I feel like he voices every third person in Invincible lmao

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How can he be in two different shows? In the end, there can be only one.

u/blackbutterfree avatar

If this is a reference to something, I don’t get it LOL He plays the same character in both shows, one of Punisher’s military superiors.

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And the main villain in Green Lantern.


Was about to say “That was Mark Strong”, but then I remembered that he was only hinted at being the villain for the sequel that never came.

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Who was he in DD? I know he was in Punisher as the corrupt Colonel that Frank eventually kills, but I don't think he made a live-action appearance outside of that role?

u/blackbutterfree avatar

The character he played in Punisher shows up in flashbacks. He shows up in present day in Daredevil, where he’s killed.

I think I need to watch Season 2 of DD and Season 1 of Punisher again. Because that's not where I remember him dying.

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u/sable-king avatar

Apparently he's voicing Surtur again in What If.

In Party Thor? That would be most excellent.

u/sable-king avatar

Seems like it. I wonder how he fits into the story.

Surtur is mentioned in the Ragnarok prophecy right?

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The man himself is just a fucking gem of a person. I got to spend time with him at an airport bar. He sat down, I nodded as I knew who he was while poorly hiding a big smile. He nodded back and actually came to talk to me. I'm like a walking IMDB light as I spent ridiculous amount of time on that site and I just have a good eye for remembering actors and their voices. I've known who he was since I was a kid from Highlander.

What a classy gentleman he was. He loves the craft (acting) and loves working with the people. His family is from back in Ohio so we had a lot of commonality. He beams with pride when someone tells him he's the definitive Lex Luthor. He really seems to be proud of that and the fact so many people think The Shawshank Redemption is one of the best films ever made.

u/Mindfish11 avatar

I could see him as Terrax. Especially if they bring in Galactus at some point.

He’s also gonna be in the new season of Dexter.

TIL we're getting more Dexter, awesome

Not necessarily, now Deb is his imaginary friend instead of Harry and his son comes looking for him pissed at what a shitty dad he is, at least that’s what we know so far.

I’ll watch it but I’m not optimistic tbh.

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Watch Carnivale!

u/Gnorris avatar

I second this but just be warned it got canned by HBO after two seasons and didn't really resolve the story. It's still an amazing show.

Show was going to be 6 seasons. The creator said it was 3 books, 2 seasons for 1 book. At least we got book 1. Imagine Lord of the Rings finishing at Fellowship. Show would have been epic if it aired today.

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u/manuman109 avatar

He’s the antagonist of season 4(maybe 3?) of Billions where he plays a crooked Southern religious law man

u/sarctastic avatar

He's in Seasons 6 and 7 of The Venture Brothers as Red Death, an amazingly cool and fun character that frequently alternates between terrifying and hilarious on a dime.

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“I thought that was a big eyebrow? 🤨”

“It’s a crown 😠”

So... all I have to do is knock that tiara off your head, and that’ll stop Ragnarok?

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u/_20-3Oo-1l__1jtz1_2- avatar

You if watch again, you'll notice the "crown" thing doesn't match the actual thing that Thor collects and puts on his back. It's completely different. The thing Thor has has a face while Surtur's crown doesn't. I noticed right away. It really bothered me in the theater too.

EDIT: I'm wrong here. If you watch it in slo mo, it really is the metal "crown" fused with the front of Surtur's face! Pretty fucking gruesome, Marvel... Thor smashed off the front of his skull!

u/TraditionalAstronaut avatar

i thought it was more of a mask with a big crown on top

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u/arraysubi avatar

There can be only one Kurgan

Finally found the Highlander reference. “I have something to say! Better to burn out, than to fade away!”

Nuns! No sense of humour!

Happy Halloween ladies!

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Being a fire giant I had hoped he'd say that line at some point.

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<punches air a lot>

I love Clancy Brown!

u/greenroom628 avatar

i'd love for the highlander reboot to have him play the ramirez role

Only if he can be a Spaniard with a Scottish accent.

He was Egyptian with a Spanish name and a Scottish accent.

u/greenroom628 avatar

allied with a scottman with a french accent

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Just watched this for the first time last weekend. Most fucking awesome movie ever

Queen soundtrack makes it the best movie ever

u/Iohet avatar

Won the Academy Award for Best Movie Ever Made

Crazy how Mr. Oscar himself came out on stage and was like “fuck it highlander gets all of em”

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He does a great bit on the sitcom The Goldbergs where he's the shop teacher. "There can be only one...... Highlander club!"

Thank you. Still my favorite role for him in an amazing movie.

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u/GotMoFans avatar

He should get as much love for his Lex Luthor as Mark Hamill gets for his Joker.

I agree, he's still the definitive voice for Lex when I read comics much like Hamill's Joker. He had to do Wally West pretending to be Lex too and nailed it.

"You gonna wash your hands?"

"No. Cause I'm evil"

Lex in Wally’s body:

lifts mask expectantly in front of mirror

“I have no idea who this is.”

u/Sere1 avatar

Easily one of my favorite jokes in the entire series, and one that makes sense. Just because the hero persona is famous doesn't mean the person behind the mask is. Lex has no reason to know who Wally is.

I believe one of the main reasons for the episode was because the Flash voice actor had been Lex in Smallville.

So they wanted him to get to play Lex one more time.

That whole episode is just fantastic. It mixes science and magic, has a huge gallery of good and bad characters, shows the DCAU explanation for why Flash doesn’t phase, AND

It confirms that Lex Luthor is a selfish lover.

(And Wally West is not)

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u/juniperleafes avatar
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Its funny to me because the Smallville Lex Luthor is the definitive voice for Barry Allen for me, all of the Timmverse shows are the definitive voices for characters for me.

Is he as good as Michael Rosenbaum was as Lex in Smallville, because he’s my favorite live action Lex Luthor.

u/inarizushisama avatar

Rosenbaum was excellent! Haven't seen him elsewhere that I recall.

u/LuntiX avatar

You probably have and didn’t even know it.

He’s been voicing The Flash since around 2001 in various DC animated movies and shows, most notably the Justice League Series.

He was also Martinex, the crystal guy from Pluto that was on Stallone’s Ravager team.

He was in season one of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as well as the movie Sorority Boys, which I haven’t seen but guys I knew in the military always recommended it.

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Clancy Brown is an American treasure.


I know, right? He’s in pretty much everything and he’s always amazing.


Hes like an even sneakier Gary Oldman.

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I didn’t realize kelvin from Lost was Surtur, that’s awesome

Did my boy Desmond dirty. Tricked him into pushing a button every 108 minutes

And someone tricked Kelvin before as well

See ya in anotha life, brotha! Man, I loved that show.

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u/NotTaken-username avatar

He’s also Mr. Krabs

u/TrollinTrolls avatar

Or if you're older than 30 or whatever, he's Captain Hadley from Shawshank Redemption.

I heard he sobbed like a baby when they presented him with this action figure.

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This is his 11th action figure character, but most arent in his likeness, Kurgan is the only one that is in his likeness..

Kurgan (Highlander), Savage Opress (Star Wars), Mr. Krabs (Spongebob), Lex Luthor, Rahzar/Dogpound/Bradford (TMNT), Silas (Transformers Prime), Grune (Thundercats), Rhino (Spectacular Spider-Man), Mr. Freeze (The Batman), Cataclysm (Biker Mice From Mars), Sutur (Thor: Ragnarok)

Didn’t get a Parallax figure?


Surely Dr. Neo Cortex had an action figure as well?

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I still remember him in Starship Troopers.

"Put your hand on that wall!"

u/Sere1 avatar

"The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand!"


Ugh that scene is gnarly. And awesome.

Thaaaaats where I know him from

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Theory: mr krabs was convicted for mass tax evasion and lost all his money, then he died of anger and depression, and came back as some giant fire demon because he was so angry.


"Surtur, son of a bitch... you're still alive."

u/AnAdvancedBot avatar

“Odinson me boi!” “Ark, ark, ark, ark”

“Son of…a bitch”

That “…” placement is really crucial to the joke in this case, playing off “Thor, son of Odin”

u/InsertUsernameHere32 avatar

I rewatched Ragnarok a few nights ago and I completely forgot Thor said that. I was so shocked to hear it in a Marvel movie. God I love Thor Ragnarok. It’s one of my favorite marvel movies.

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He’ll always be the scary guard from Shawshank to me.

u/xBleedingBluex avatar

Or the scary step-dad in Pet Sematary 2.

The first time I saw Clancy Brown in anything was in HBO bumpers showing what was going to be on later in the day. Little kid me was not ready to see a big, scary man with flesh falling off his face and going at a dude with a drill, saying "No brain, no pain!". Shit gave me nightmares.

I finally watched Pet Sematary 2 last year, and it was just ok, but Brown was easily the best part of it.

u/musthavesoundeffects avatar

Or scary preacher in Carnivale

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Spongebob me boy, I've been resurrected and now I shall fulfill my destiny to annihilate asgard. Arrr arr arr arrrr

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Almost 300 acting credits this guy has. I’ve been a fan of his since he played Viking Lofgren in Bad Boys, and then he showed up to my delight as Kurgan in Highlander. The safety pins in the neck? Classic!

u/Kalandros-X avatar

Clancy Brown is a fucking legend.

The banter between Thor and Surtur is a low key top MCU moment.

Never Savage Opress and Lieutenant Anderson was Surtur

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u/iQuatro avatar

Guy is an amazing actor. Phenomenal in Billions and everything else he does.

u/KingofMadCows avatar

Best Lex Luthor ever.

Clancy Brown is also in pretty much all the big sci-fi/fantasy/comic book franchises. Lex Luthor in DC animation, General Eiling in the Flash, Surtur in the MCU, Colonel Schoonover in Daredevil and Punisher, Odin in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Burg in the Mandalorian, Savage Opress in Clone Wars, Ryder Azadi in Rebels, Damien Darkblood in Invincible, Long Feng in Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Kurgan in Highlander, etc.

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Spongeboy me bob I am Asgard's doom

u/ManOfLaBook avatar

The most underrated living American actor - in my opinion.

That's a fact, not an opinion

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u/TheBlack_Swordsman avatar

My first exposure to Clancy Brown was Pet Semetary 2, where he plays a psycho ghoul raised from the dead.

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u/Brazosboomer avatar

Best Lex Luthor ever...

u/astro2007singh avatar

Would loved to have seen more of him as surtur in the mcu

Lmao he would have crushed Thanos like a fly

Loves me some clancy brown! voice only beat by micheal ironside.

He also killed Surtur and sent him back to hell in the movie Hellbenders.

What a coincidence….

TIL the guy from Pet Semetary 2 is the voice of Mr Krabs and Surtur

u/CraniumCrunch avatar

Also loved him in Carnevale as Brother Justin Crowe!

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Clancy Brown one of the few actors who have done the trifecta of Star Wars, Star Trek and the MCU

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Are you crushing it now Mr. Krabs?

Had no idea Mr. Krabs was Surtur.

Hey Connor, im a planet destoying demon

u/JMPesce avatar


Wait, Clancy Brown was Surtur?

Wow, never realized that Surtur was the Kurgan from Highlander. There can only be one!

u/RoloTumase avatar


u/FlameShadow0 avatar

I fucking love Clancy Brown, definitely on my top 5 voice actor list


He plays Mr. Krabs, Damien Darkblood, and Surtur. Just exclusively red characters

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He will always be Rawhide in my mind. Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th dimension.

"Spongeboy me Bob, I've destroyed Asgard! Now I'm off to kill Superman, argharghargharghargh!"

r/TIL Surtur = Mr Krabs = hank Anderson = Kurgan = Lex Luthor = Damian Darkblood

The comments turned into IMDB Reddit

General Wade Eiling?!?!?

u/JackFisherBooks avatar

The man has voiced Lex Luthor, Mr. Sinister, AND Mr. Crabs. I can think of no voice more deserving of one such as Surtur. 😁