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Stop Frof Pinging. Stop Frof Pinging.

Stop Frof Pinging! I'm tired of getting pinged, my friends on AACJ send me pings, on Discord it's fucking pings, I was in AACJ, right? And all the pings were just piss stuff. I showed my TLoZ OoT copy to my girlfriend, and the game I ran it and I said "Hey babe, GET EYEBALL FROFFED HAHA frofrofrofrofrofrofrofrofrofrof" I looked at a trash can and I said "That's a good place to pee" I look at my peepee, think of the Wrighton Piss fanfiction and I go peepee? More like PSH! AAAAAAAH

Serious post towards mods Serious post towards mods

Mods, we made jokes phhhrrrt lots of times about revolution poot, but this time i want a real talk fffff, and real answers brrrapp, could you explain how do you manage deleting frrrrrpt posts? And what is rule 1 pppppttt about? Some posts don't break any pwarrrp rule and still get removed for it, in my subreddit ffffpt r/AceAttorey u/Shymain told us he got banned pff for "self insert in a relationship with fictional characters" ffrrrrrip there was no rule against that, but he still got banned ppptttt, couldn't you have given him a warning atleast, and also rule 12 "narumitsu is canon" is weird brrrrffpt u/Cynical_Toast made a post about how narumitsu fans are toxic fuuurrrt, and her post got removed for that same rule, could you explain this whoooofftt? u/GaloombaJazz got lots of their posts removed fffpppppp for unspecified reasons, you mods should take more care with your rules splllfffttt.

TL;DR: explain why rules are shit violently shits pants.

And yes, this is the same copypasta that you removed

To be fair To be fair

you have to have a very high IQ to understand Turnabout Big Top. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical law most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Acro’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Lang Zi literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Turnabout Big Top truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lawrence “Moe” Curls’ existential catchphrase "Aha! Aha! Aha! Aha!," which itself is a cryptic reference to Deauxnim’s Kuranian epics. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Shu Takumi’s genius wit unfolds itself on their Nintendo DS screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Trilo tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

The stolen turnabout The stolen turnabout

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 3-2. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Luke Atmey's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from the gay manga the series is based on, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Stolen Turnabout truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Luke Atmey's existencial catchphrase "Zvarri!" which itself is a cryptic reference to the japanese translation of the game. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Shu Takumi's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. joy And yes by the way, I DO have a Luke Atmey tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

stoppit0’s videos stoppit0’s videos

When I was 13, I was in a rough period in my life. Well, not just a rough one, the worst one. Point is, I was closer to death than I ever will be, except for maybe when I'm on my deathbed, haha. I was suicidal, I mean, and, the only thing that helped me was watching stoppit0's videos. I laughed and laughed all day and night because they were so funny. They inspired me to be who I am today, I feel like people don't appreciate them enough. My favorite is "Edgeworth Gives Thanks," which he hid because it isn't a comedy video and its a fucking horrible sappy video where Edgeworth is wildly out of character. The point is, stoppit0 saved my life, and I owe them for that.

u/lostrough jean armstrong u/lostrough jean armstrong

I mean, what can I do if Jean Armstrong is SO GODDAMN HOT BROOOOOOO

Every time he appeared on screen, I had a massive boner, and every time I had a massive boner, I had to jerk off to keep playing. And then he would appear. And I would have a boner, okay?

Jesus, just please look at that sexy body and tell me you don't want that on Phoenix Drive 2. Come on, TELL ME.

I mean, what can a man do when they see Jean Armstrong being so god damn dummy thicc with all that hotness? Sorry if I had to jerk off a few times, okay? Jesus, a man cannot have a boner nowadays, smh.

RELEASE The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for Europe!! RELEASE The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for Europe!!

I'm legit disappointed how as of right now, this masterpiece isn't coming to Europe in a physical form.

Like a user said here, why a game set in Victorian England, a game that features a cast of English/England-based actors, a game that has finally been translated into English after years of English-speaking fans asking for it, likely won’t get be getting a physical release in the UK?

Capcom doesn't release their games physically in Europe and then they wonder why their games won't sell! Maybe if you actually released it in Europe more people would get the chance to buy and play it!

Is it really that risky to physically release your games in this huge part of the world? Where the population is twice than that of the United States!

I'm starting a hashtag called #TGAAforEurope. Please spread the word.

fart cocks fart cocks

I don't really need to go out on a limb to say that it's pretty much exactly because it's such a stupid, irreverent meme that doesn't really do anything to represent what the series is at all, but that's still managed to blunder its way into becoming the most popular, well-known Ace Attorney-related thing to happen in a year at minimum.

Imagine you have a lovely house you live in, that you did a bunch of work on. Somebody spraypaints "fart cocks" on it one night. You have no idea who did it or why, but suddenly your lovely house is getting all the attention in the world solely for being "the fart cocks house", with all other aspects of it and you being completely ignored.

It's the kind of dumb, ill-fitting attention a lot of fans wouldn't want the series to deal with in the first place for the net negative effect it has on its reputation.

What separates a good AA fan animation from a bad one, or "JC cares more than any person should about saying that Geiru parody animation is shit" What separates a good AA fan animation from a bad one, or "JC cares more than any person should about saying that Geiru parody animation is shit"

Got you - you clicked into this thread thinking I was going to piss and moan about how inaccurate that memetic animation with Geiru (but with actual huge tits instead of balloons under her shirt) currently making the rounds is to the actual games. I mean, it is, and the reason is quite obviously that the animator behind it knows nothing substantial whatsoever about Ace Attorney beyond what they've seen in random memes and .gifs of character animations, but that's already been talked about plenty. What I'm instead going to talk about here is the value of parody, and what separates good parody from bad parody. (there will also be one other thing at the end of this quick post, so look for that)

The best kind of parody is one that comes from a place of affection and appreciation for a work. The kind of thing produced because someone cares about, respects, and appreciates a piece of media enough to want to playfully mock it without belittling the work of the people behind it.

Mel Brooks parody movies like Spaceballs and Blazing Saddles are top-notch examples - hysterical movies that affectionately mock the tropes and popular works in genres like science fiction and westerns.

Movie junk food like Epic Movie is the exact opposite. A cheaply-produced, shallow "look at me, I can reference a thing people like" flag waving frantically around for scraps of attention from people vaguely aware of a popular piece of media. It's the kind of movie where the creators behind it have personally admitted to not even watching the movies they're "parodying" and just throwing whatever appears in the trailers for those movies into their mess of random pop-culture references and dick jokes.

Paula Peroff's fan animations for Ace Attorney are fantastic - fun, lively reinterpretations of scenes from the original trilogy, all showcasing a good memory for what's in the games and a clear love for the characters, their quirks, and their relationships.

The "parody" video featuring a completely inaccurate attempt to recreate the courtroom scenes of the games and featuring Geiru Toneido for no reason other than "sexy clown girl" happening to be a flavour-of-the-month meme in some circles of the Internet right now is the opposite. The animator behind it not only completely fails to get even the slightest details about the games remotely correct, but has openly admitted to not being familiar with the games on any level that would allow them to know what they're doing with the characters or setting in the first place, but also thereby shows a pretty baffling complete lack of any sort of willingness to do even the five seconds of Google-search research it would take to make sure they weren't getting those things wrong.

And seriously - animation on this level takes a huge amount of time and effort. I love 2D animation, and I can't begin to imagine how a person could possibly pour in the amount of work it would take to make an animation like this one while simultaneously making zero visible effort whatsoever to even try and get the game they're trying ever-so-loosely to "parody" even remotely right. I can only assume their entire knowledge of Ace Attorney comes exclusively from seeing random videos and .gifs of Geiru's animations on Twitter before deciding to cash in on those two trends with a shit video.

TL;DR watch Paula Peroff's Ace Attorney animations because they're hilarious and super well-produced, do not watch meme garbage made by somebody purely using Ace Attorney's recognizability to bandwagon for attention.

And now for the other thing - the person behind the Geiru video also very clearly doesn't understand the localization style of the AA games at all and thinks that "Geiru Toneido" being the character's name is the localizers being dumb and not getting that it's a play on "gale tornado", instead of even attempting to grasp the way the localizations in the games are written, and including text outright calling Capcom's team dumb for not being able to get that "right".

Let me make this one thing as clear as possible - you do not disrespect Janet Hsu and company. It's one thing to just make a stupid, shallow parody of something you know nothing about, but it's something else entirely to be that much of a smarmy shithead about "correcting" professional localizers who have spent anywhere up to a decade and a half working on that piece of media you're pretending to know anything about, and when you reach that point, you can fuck right off out the door.

After it came to my notice that Susato was only 16. After it came to my notice that Susato was only 16.

After it came to my notice that Susato was only 16, I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize. What we came across in the woods that day was obviously unplanned. The reactions you saw on tape were raw; they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't. And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet. I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the video. I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness, or depression, or suicide. But most importantly I want to apologize to the victim and his family. For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. I don’t deserve to be defended. My goal with my content is always to entertain; to push the boundaries, to be all-inclusive. In the world live in, I share almost everything I do. The intent is never to be heartless, cruel, or malicious.

I cannot see why you would think AJ is anything but morally a disgrace. I cannot see why you would think AJ is anything but morally a disgrace.

I cannot see why you would think AJ is anything but morally a disgrace. If you don't. You don't love the trilogy. You just love your self-obsessions. And not humanity. You love nothing. You love nothing. You love nothing. I can't do that when the games want me to be aware of the fucking trilogy. THEN WHY DID HE FUCKING INCLUDE PHOENIX TAKUMI RUINED HIS FUCKING FRANCHISE FOR NO REAASOJNJ FUCK THEM FUCK TH(S FRANCHISE KILL IT ...Sorry. I kinda came here just to be able to talk about that stuff I liked. And that's where the problem came in.

Apollo Justice,

Holy shit do I hate this festering worm of a game and everything it stands for.

Apollo Justice is the most aborted violation of creative integrity in the history of fiction. It oozes contempt and spite for its own history and the love people showed it from every pore of its wretched little corpse, shitting on anything and everything just to secrete its rancid excuse for a narrative with zero compassion or joy, just festering in its own filth as it taints everything associated with it in its own bile.

If you a Those are garbage as well. This entire franchise deserves to die. With all of the shitstains it aborted. But I can't talk about them because of people who like games I consider despicable. That's it. Chronicles is fine. ...Sorry. I know I can be...unstable, at times.

A poem from an Uncle Ray simp. A poem from an Uncle Ray simp.

Guys, I'm shaking. I'm literally shaking. I never wanted to hug anyone more than I want to hug Uncle Ray. That perfect, adult male body. That bright blue tie. The snazzy hat of a literal god. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never cuddle with him, receive headpats from him, and start a perfect family with him. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to snuggle with Uncle Ray. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Takeshi Yamazaki create someone so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.

Edgeworth is not a righteous hero as you all claim him to be Edgeworth is not a righteous hero as you all claim him to be

For the most part, I have a problem with Edgeworth's conclusions at the end of AAI2. After facing Alba and Blaise and breaking a bunch of laws in a process, Edgeworth is treated as an absolute hero by everyone. Everyone licks his ass and says how good and righteous he is. Getting away absolutely unpunished and being praised by everyone, Edgeworth decides that he must oppose the Law and change it. Then he continues with his reminiscing of his father and comes to the conclusion that prosecutors and defense attorneys are the same dudes who essentially have the same goal - to reveal the Truth and defend innocent people. While it's true, the context in which Edgeworth brings this up is essentially Edgeworth praising all lawyers for being ultimate truth-seekers and defenders of innocent ones. Edgeworth says he, as a lawyer, has the right to oppose the Law and change it thanks to his profession.

But why does he say that? It completely contradicts AJ where it is told to you that the Law is a social construct that should be maintained by everyone's involvement, including both lawyers and jurists, the common citizens. The ideology about lawyers being chosen ones who can shape the Law because of the nature of their profession is apparently shared by Kristoph. He believes that lawyers must be the only ones who can interact with the Law in any meaningful way.

It's the "Raskolnikov-type" ideology with 'Extraordinary men Vs. Ordinary men' conflict with "extraordinary" being lawyers and "ordinary" being jurists. Kristoph like Raskolnikov believes that only special kind of people (lawyers) can shape our world (the Law) and use ordinary people (jurists/common citizens) for their ambitious goals. Raskolnikov (the main protagonist of "Crime and punishment" novel by Russian author Dostoevsky) was a man on verge of poverty who couldn't help out himself and his family in a meaningful way. Being an outcast and getting tired of his powerless position, he basically develops a "god complex" and thinks of himself as an extraordinary man who can use ordinary people for his "ambitious" goals. Raskolnikov can't live in poverty and decides to commit a crime to kill a granny and take her loan treasury. He thinks he does a favor to everyone by killing an evil granny and he should be considered to be a good guy for that. But in the end Raskolnikov realizes how wrong he was and how he could avoid all of this if he wasn't so prideful and tried to earn money by legitimate methods without hurting anyone. Raskolnikov faces his punishment in the end unlike Edgeworth.

Edgeworth with his overfueled pride decides that all lawyers like Gregory are extraordinary men who can oppose and change the Law. Edgeworth never confronts innocent convicts that Edgeworth hurt in the past, making me believe that everything Edgeworth does in Investigations games is his way to find a way to make himself look less guilty and blame everything on the corrupted Law or Blaise. It is the same thing that Raskolnikov does with blaming everything on old granny.

However, Raskolnikov understands that he can't go around and kill a bunch of people to eradicate evil. Edgeworth never comes to the conclusion that he can't fix the Law and defend innocent people from likes of Blaise with him also breaking laws.

Overall, Edgeworth can't claim to have a moral highground and the right to change the Law if he doesn't face his own sins and commits the same atrocities like Blaise or Alba.

To everyone who says that Uncle Ray is a creep
u/[deleted] avatar[deleted]
To everyone who says that Uncle Ray is a creep

Seriously guys, fuck you all. I understand that everybody has their own tastes and preferences but come on. Why should I feel ashamed for my opinions when I say Uncle Ray is my fav character ever. Why do I always hear comments like "ooh, but you at least like Godot/Edgeworth/Franziska/Maya?", "well, at least you are not a fan of Payne/Sal Manella"(heck, I don't even hear this comment anymore because these characters have received a great amount of recognition over the past few years unlike Uncle Ray), "you are joking, right?", "gtfo, annoying Uncle Ray hug lover fuck" (which is probably the most offensive comment out of all). I always get bullied in different voice chats ("haha, look here goes that cringey Uncle Ray loser fan"). I even got banned for trying to argue with some people about Uncle Ray (I didn't even say any bad words that day!).

I can't understand why a modern society is considered to be the most progressive when in said society people like me get silenced for liking a videogame character. While everyone has fun discussing their character tier lists in the series, I can't even mention my favourite character from that series. In fact, no one does. It's like we don't even exist. Even when we bring up Uncle Ray, we are viewed as pervert pedo freaks or weirdos.

I am tired of pretending to dislike Uncle Ray. To tell people who want to get into the series that Uncle Ray is the most controversial character for his innocent funny quirks (because I don't want them to experience the same bullying I've received if they actually end up liking Uncle Ray). I am tired of pretending that I don't enjoy Uncle Ray.

You know what? I will say it out loud. I really love Uncle Ray for what he brought to the series. I find his insightful and humorous dialogues very engaging and interesting. I also think he's the finest and most human character that Yamazaki has ever created. The writing of this character are absolutely superb. His backstory is fun and unforgettable. Here, I've said it.

You will probably treat this post as a shitpost but I think it would be better that way. At least, here I can voice my opinions without being perceived as a trashman by disguising them as jokes.

Also don't forget to enjoy series as a "whole"!

I am an unironic practitioner of Khurai'inism.
u/[deleted] avatar[deleted]
I am an unironic practitioner of Khurai'inism.

I completed Spirit of Justice exactly 6 months ago today and (unpopular opinion but) it's easily my favourite in the series. I laughed hard, I cried harder, but most importantly the themes of the game attached themselves to my skin, seeped through my pores and became one with each of my individual tendons and blood cells. At this point, you could call me Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Spirit of Justice the person and it wouldn't be an exaggeration.

I seriously believe this game has the potential to be the most influential game of the century if more people play it. This game has changed my life on the most fundamental level possible. I've been a Christian all my life but now that this visual novel has entered it I've slowly come to realize that I have a stronger belief in The Holy Mother.

I'm aware that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Spirit of Justice is a work of fiction and that the Kingdom of Khura'in doesn't exist (believe me, I've looked), however what I think is that Khura'inism, all its doctrines, and the Kurain Channeling Technique all have merit in the real world. To take this a step further, it's highly likely Takeshi Yazamaki created the game's narrative to spread awareness of the faith and bring it into the mainstream. This is supported by Khura'inese being a fully functional language.

My parents would disown me if they knew, but I replaced my Holy Bible with an authentic copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ~ Spirit of Justice's artbook which I imported from Japan. I can't read a word of it so I can't confirm if there's any holy text within however barring Yazamaki writing the Khura'inist scripture himself it's the closest I'll ever get. I hope more people soon follow in my footsteps.

Investigations games made me hate Edgeworth Investigations games made me hate Edgeworth

I thought he was okay character in the original trilogy. But Investigations series made me realize how I really despise him. I say it completely unironically.

I am sick of how he is treated as an absolute stoic genius by everyone in these games. I understand and acknowledge Yamazaki's intentions to continue Edgeworth's character arc from Takumi's games. Edgeworth's showdown with bastards like Alba and Simon is supposed to illustrate Edgeworth's realization of the true nature of his profession and the Law. But in the end I could only view Edgeworth as a cold-blooded pretentious douche who ignores everything that happens around him. JC absolutely nailed it with their analysis on AAI1&2

Alba and Simon just make more sense than Edgeworth, in my eyes. I find Alba and Simon more humane and sympathetic and I think they are the ones who should have won. Every time when I replay AAI1&2 I always get game overs in final cases, so that I can triumph over Edgeworth's pathetic and justifiable defeat.

In 'Quercus Alba: Ace Ambassador", I hope we can give Alba 'Simon's treatment' with tragic, morally ambiguous backstory and show how truly awful Edgeworth is.

Edgeworth is an asshole and I hate him.