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ISIS release video of Berlin attacker Anis Amri pledging allegiance to terror leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

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No he is clearly a terrorist and ISIS claims responsibility??


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Where are people on the left denying that this is terrorism??


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Where are people on the left denying that this is terrorism??


facebook, twitter, news website comment sections, reddit.


Can you give any examples?

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And people keep trying to play mental gymnastics whenever things like this happen to try and say that the individual wasn't actually a real ISIS supporter.


The worst was the Orlando shooter, they are still trying to deflect that. But had he been even a white Hispanic the bile about "the whites" would have been overwhelming.

People still think he is a closeted homosexual... The day of the Baton Rouge shootings the FBI released their findings and it fell by the way side. It basically said they found ZERO evidence that he was ever involved in any homosexual relationships. Nor did they find any semblance of homosexual material on any of his electronic and personal devices.

It was an entirely contrived narrative to pull the attention away from his fundamentalist views.

What about the frequent visits to gay bars and patrons saying they "Knew" him. I suppose that was all just recon. Still doesn't change his killing in the name of...

The FBI found no evidence that any of that was ever true.

actually it all turned out BS.


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but mah narrative

The Orlando shooter pledged allegiance to a couple different terrorist organizations who are all at ideological odds and fighting each other


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Basket weaving?

Over the course of many years. The facts are out there.

What was over the course of many years? He declared allegiance to them all in the 911 call

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Much like the Orlando shooter, we may never know Aniston Amri's true motivations. It's just an unsolvable mystery.

The Orlando shooter pledged allegiance to a couple different terrorist organizations who are all at odds and fighting each other

And who do those organizations all hate more than anyone?

Amy Schumer!

or was that reddit? I always get them mixed up...

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What about all the debunked claims that the orlando shooter was gay and was on grindr... ect?

Orlando shooter,

There's a few examples of killing sprees that people pinned on ISIS that turned out not to be the case. I know of two at least...

There's Simon S., a Swiss student who carried out a knife and arson attack on a train in Switzerland in August 2015. He wasn't an immigrant, he was not muslim, but people quickly jumped to the conclusion he was an ISIS terrorist. Neighbours described him as a quiet loner, they believed he was teased and bullied a lot. He was a university student at University of Applied Sciences in Buchs SG (Hochschule für Technik in Buchs SG).

And there was 17-year-old Ali Sonboly who's was also also linked to ISIS by people, who's shooting spree was inspired by far-right extremism. He killed mainly Turkish and Kosovan muslim teens who he invited to McDonalds with an offer of free food. Here's video of him on YouTube shouting ‘I am German, I was born here’, that he wasn't ISIS or muslim terrorist but was attacking Turks who pissed him off.

"Munich gunman 'had image of neo-Nazi killer Anders Breivik as his WhatsApp PROFILE picture"

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I fail to see why people think it is worthwhile to debate this, whether the suspect in question is an ISIS jihadist or not doesn't matter to the people who got killed and their families. Instead of arguing whether they fought for an institution or as lone wolves, I think it's worth far more to critically assess what is causing people to act in a terroristic manner. We obviously aren't doing it right and we haven't been for a while, since we can't find effective solutions.

Because the alt right name scruples (don't declare stuff as true unless confirmed, name unconfirmed data UNCOFIRMED data, caution in categorising a mass tragedy as an attack before it's confirmed as such, caution in calling an attack islamistic before it's confirmed as such) a weakness and use it as a weapon against current governments.

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There was no "Boston bombing witchhunt".

That was a Reddit witchhunt. One of many.

ISIS doesn't seem to declare a terrorist to be one of its so-called soldiers unless the person actually made some pledge of allegiance to it. No mental gymnastics necessary.

Yep 4 days ago r/worldnews and politics was mocking Trump for tweeting this very fact

That's not true at all. People often are skeptical of an individual who does this of being an actual member of ISIS but nobody doubts they at least support them.


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In this case he was contacting IS directly via Instant Messaging at least once from Germany. Thats what the police said. But yeah, its stupid to do so and they'll probably won't do it in the future if it helps the target nations to identify the thread.


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And additionally IS in Syria at least once. I can't remember if it was Telegram IM App or Twitter. Either way this guy acted stupid and should've been arrested a long time ago.

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I don't agree. Take the 9/11 attacks for example. Those guys acquired training and were financed through the infrastructure that AQ had built and were in contact with AQ leaders.

This guy didn't have any direct affiliation or connection to ISIS. If ISIS didn't exist, he would have probably pledged allegiance to AQ or another radical group with an online presence. He is not some guy in Libya at an ISIS training camp, waving the ISIS flag, armed with weapons bought/acquired by ISIS, taking orders from organized paramilitary leadership. Stopping this hypothetical ISIS member is a completely different problem than stopping the Berlin guy.

he was radicalized by Isis. He did it for them. Same with the Somali terrorists this past year in the us, the orlando shooter, the san bernadino shooters ect.

How many lone wolves does it take before they become a pack?

By definition, the lone wolfs are not part of a pack. A pack operates in a different way than a lone wolf and defeating a pack is much, much different than defeating individual... wolfs.

The Orlando shooter pledged to a bunch of different terrorist organizations who are all at odds with one another and fighter each other.

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Notice that I used the term followers NOT members.

That makes more sense. I think that grouping followers and members together intentionally avoids nuance that is helpful in fighting against terrorism. We could hypothetically go in an eliminate ISIS. Destroy their supplies, kill their members, etc. However, that wouldn't do much of anything to stop the "inspired by" attacks that we've seen in the past couple years. Those people would have consumed other propaganda to the same end, even if ISIS never appeared.

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Who says that

Two things. This motherfucker is crazy. This is the best recruitment video they can have. This should not be shown. This mad man claims indignation towards the suffering of muslims to justify a rampage of innocent people. Fucking psychotic asshole.

What they said is that ISIS is simply taking responsibility for all the attacks just to scare people.

And people on the left keep trying to play mental gymnastics whenever things like this happen to try and say that the individual wasn't actually a real ISIS supporter.


I have one lad actually telling me right now that since burning by fire isn't Islamic, IS aren't real Muslims.

This really puts the globalists in a tough spot. Can't scapegoat guns, can't say he was mentally ill, can't say it's a one time thing. Wake the fuck up Germany, Europe... America did and most of us are very pleased


This individual may have been an ISIS supporter, but it's important to remember that ISIS is not indicative of Islam and this was clearly an isolated incident. We shouldn't jump to conclusions.

EDIT: /s


I don't think people are seeing your sarcasm.

I'm also praying you're being sarcastic.

Praying to Allah? I think we know who the terrorist is here!!!

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What a fucking knob

Many retards coming from middle east mate. How much we betting on a Christmas terrorist attack?

its not realy cool to make bets like that bet yeah i agree unfortionatly and if there isnt one then that means that the berlin market one was as close to christmas as they thought they could get.

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"Yeah but he had a beer 20 years ago so he's not really Muslim and his mom said he never went to a mosque and watched porn so this is fake news and islamphobia....."


Thank you LooseVaginas, you've made my Christmas! I just knew he wasn't a true Muslim.

Meh Muslim, not Muslim, the cunt is dead and that's all that matters. Who cares what his beliefs were. His actions were what counted.

Who cares what his beliefs were.

He murdered and then died for them.

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Straw man much

I'm not making an argument, I'm just saying what has been said in the past during the last dozen or so of these style attacks.

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And still people are saying it's all fake or a false flag. There was literally a guy on the Dutch social media page of a newspaper saying it doesn't even look like the guy. They're a split image for fucks sake. It's insane how people keep trying to defend this and most of the people doing it are muslim.

Totally valid points, just wondering if you mean "spitting image" of each other? Not trying to be a dick, just trying to clarify :)

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Honest question...


I get that there's a religion on the other side of the planet that happens to be responsible for, lets generously say 40% of all modern terrorist attacks. And I get that the people who believe it aren't bad, or at least weren't when they were babies. And I get that some of the people who believe it, most in fact, just want to read their book in a quiet room and bob vaguely towards a direction ever few hours. And I get that if you want to wear some super provocative or super conservative getup, you should have that right, no matter how dumb the reason (god told me to for example). And I get that the United States shouldn't go door to door and imprison or fine or anything any one group, religion or sexual preference or political or anything. I get all this shit.

But why does ISIS attack the west? What is the point? What's to be gained? Do they just... like it? It is fun? I can understand some poor 19 year old moron getting brain washed by religion, that makes sense, but even the worst organizations are led by sane rational men. Right? So what's the real value, what does ISIS get out of any of this?


Al-Baghdadi preaches that by attacking the West he can bring about the apocalypse by forcing a final show down of sorts in the middle east. As terrorists their goal is to spread fear, using that fear as a tool to divide people. Terrorist attacks divide populations by sowing seeds of distrust between ethnic groups. They also can attract membership by presenting themselves as a community that will support the groups experiencing prejudice. Policies that divide rather than unify the communities of a country feed right into the plans of Isis. Add into all of this a strict religious upbringing and you have the perfect breeding ground for hate on all sides.

The answer to terrorism is to show you and the community is above it. Love conquers hate. Aside from that I don't think there is an easy answer.


I dunno... that doesn't seem to be working. Have we considered cutting off their testicles on live TV? I'm not a gambling man, but I think that would have a bigger impact.


Considering that violence has only exacerbated the issue (western support for extremist cells for political goals as an example) it would be hard to sell me on that idea. I truly believe outreach and investment in bringing the world together will always work better than killing someone's family.


I also dunno about that either.

Yeah we had a botched war. Terrorism was not a huge deal then. for the last 8 years we've had... occasional drone strikes and nothing but good PR, and the problem seems to be getting worse.

I'm not crazy happy about drone policy, but I still don't think this is something we can just hug out.

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What isn't working? The division is widening - hate crimes on the increase etc. By showing people repeatedly that they aren't wanted, that we hate them and hate what they believe in, makes them more recruitable by Isis. It's Isis's goal.

Cutting balls off on TV would make us barbarians and be some useful propaganda anyone could use against us. Try telling Philippines to stop executing drug users after that!

hat isn't working? The division is widening - hate crimes on the increase etc. By showing people repeatedly that they aren't wanted, that we hate them and hate what they believe in, makes them more recruitable by Isis. It's Isis's goal.

That's not IS's goal, it's a made up liberal meme to take all reaponsibility off Muslims and place it on the west.

"If we're mean to Muslilm they will join IS!"

It's total nonsene and lacking in logic. After this bullshit liberal narrative was pushed by the media abs governments a IS writer wrote in its magazine that was part of their plan!

No it's not, they attack the west because it's full of non believers, to show its powerful, to inspire other Muslims that they are fighting against non believers which Islam is all about and hopefully scare the west into leaving the Middle East.

If being mean to a Muslim will make they succeptable to joining IS, the problem again as always is with Islam, not the west.

I hate this left wing meme being pushed by the same "refugees welcome@ crowd, all heart with no brain.

What the fuck? The biggest meme pushed by the right is LIBERALS KEEP CALLING US NAMES SO WE'RE ALL GONNA VOTE FOR THE RIGHT!!!!11!

If that is such a big thing that the "evul liburals" are forcing you away with rehtoric, how the fuck could a culture rejecting you outright NOT be considered grounds to join an opposed faction? It's literally the same idea!

That isn't some shitty liberal meme. That is actually how people work. If you treat them like shit, they hate you. If they hate you, they will do shit to fuck you up. It makes it that much easier for already unstable or aggressive people to say "fuck it, I'm going to die fighting these bastards!" and sign up.

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Trolljob. Don't take the bait, people.

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No. We Digby hole in the ground. Lay in a pig corpse. Cover the terrorist in pig blood. Cut his throat and throw him in with the pigs.. Add more blood. Then put a pig on top of him and bury it. Do this for every terrorist and they should stop Damn quick

They would just step up their torture game. Don't pretend they can't. Execution videos are bad enough, they could easily be worse.

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Nukes conquer all...

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They try to unleash the big finaly battle that will wipe them out thus fulfilling some form of prophecy leading them into paradise.


I get that there's a religion on the other side of the planet that happens to be responsible for, lets generously say 40% of all modern terrorist attacks.

40%? You honestly believe that's accurate?


If you think it's lower, give me some numbers. But yeah, 40%.

Here's a list of terrorist attacks in september this year. Says 127 incidents so far. Control f to find, and I've got 8 taliban, 39 islamic state, 7 Palestinian, and 6 Al-Shabaab. That's 60. Which is 47%.

So if anything, I'll up to 50%. 50% all modern terrorist attacks.

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Basically they want us to get pissed off with people who believe in Islam. When we shun them, they will be more likely to support ISIS and the like, leading to some end of days showdown.

Sadly, it seems to be working.


Imagine you are an Iraqi living under Saddam. Sure life isn't great but you can generally get by day-to-day. Then one day, the Americans decide to invade and bomb your entire city to shit. Your wife, children, parents are killed, slowly crushed to death by the rubble. Imagine how angry/upset you would be.

Now multiply that scenario by 123,000 which is the estimated number of civilian casualties in the Iraq War (not even the entire Middle East), and 10 years earlier it was 10,000 civilians in the gulf war.

ISIS just exploits that resentment, and by provoking the west (who in turn kill more civilians) they garner more and more support by people living in Iraq/Syria.


I don't think you know what life was like under Saddam. From what I've read, it was bad. Really bad. Spill coffee on a picture of Saddam in the Newspaper and you'd better run because they're going to find you, torture you, get a forced confession, hang you in front of your children, rape your daughters, and send your parents the bill bad.

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Other people have mention that there is a religious "reasoning" to it. However I don't find it hard to see more to it than that, revenge is a pretty powerful motivator, and there is a lot of anger and resentment to the west in the middle east, which we should acknowledge regardless of your political stance towards it.

Imagine if during the search for this terrorist Germany flew a military drone over say Kentucky. They found the guy and took him out. However during the process of doing so they also blew up a wedding party and bombed a church full for Sunday mass. Neither of these things things has any press coverage, no vigils are televised, no national day of mornings, no apologizes from any government, no Facebook support flag background. No one cares.
Now imagine that happening every month all over America for years. I have no problem seeing some people from Kentucky deciding to take things into their own hands.
It obviously doesn't justify terrorism but least allows you to get an idea for their motivation.

*Edit. Also worth noting that terrorist leaders get their power from the poor 19 year old morons who they have brain washed. So the more attacks they can commit, the larger and more brutal retaliation they occur, the more poor 19 year olds who are affected by the retaliation translating into more followers and power for them


Yeah. Not super happy about drone policy in the middle east. Wasn't super happy with the war either, but as fucked up as this sounds, at least the war was covered. If some asshole Marine did something terrible, you would hear about it. And there were other less asshole marines still there to keep... a good image? It wasn't ideal. But just drone striking where ever completely under the radar is a fucking terrible solution to bad war PR. Terrible, and super effective.

It obviously doesn't justify terrorism but least allows you to get an idea for their motivation.

Motivation... for genocide of the Yazidi, the enslavement and perpetual rape of their women and children?

It does not allow us to get an idea for their motivation. The amount of civilian deaths these terrorists are responsible for, for decades, outshines anything drone attacks have done in terms of collateral damage. Are you sure you're not living in a orientalist fantasy land with your psychoanalysis there?

Yes but a lot of Isis terrorists weren't actually directly affected by the US bombings because they are foreign fighters, and a lot of their targets were against countries that were not involved as much as the US. Most ISIS fighters aren't even form Iraq and Syria, they just traveled there because they wanted to partake in jihad. Tunisia has contributed the most foreign fighters to the IS, when did the west bomb Tunisia? And that's before we even look at the born and bred Europeans who travelled out there too. Plus Germany has had a fairly minimal role in middle eastern interventions compared to Britain and the US. To extend your analogy, it would be like Germany bombing Kentucky, and a British man with no connection to Kentucky blowing himself up in Switzerland in response, i.e. pretty far removed from the German bombing.

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But why does ISIS attack the west? What is the point?

Causes overreaction in the West, leading to major fuckups down the road that drain us of our time, lives, and sanity. In the meantime, we (the western countries, I mean) edge ever closer to having totalitarian dictatorships develop in our backyards as a method to "protect" us all, and cause the inevitable collapse and collision between once-partners. In short, they can bank on us shooting ourselves in the balls, and recent elections only convince them that the strategy is working.


Th US has been destabilizing the region for years. They were born out of the iraq invasion. But they have little military strength compared to US, and they learned that suicide attacks were a way to attack deep in enemy territory with relative secrecy/anonymity prior to the attack unfolding. I think what we are seeing is the next evolution of guerilla warfare. Infect susceptible people in various western countries with the idea of martydom as part of a larger war taking place. So we retaliate by getting tougher on terrorism and they just ramp up their terrorism recruitment and online presence. Its all out war for them and they are so incredibly desensitized to years and years of bombings and bloody firefights that they dont have empathy for civilians. They use civilians in their own territory as meat shields from drone strikes while encouraging the random killing of western civilians. They have no sense of non-war life and no respect for civilian life.

Because they think that their god wants them to. Because an all-mighty and powerful god cannot kill people himself for some reason

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Anus Amri was a waste of organic matter. Not a surprise... all of Daesh is identical in that regard.

but we don't know the real reason he committed the attack, right media?

At least the claim is from the horse's mouth this time.

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Dashcam Video.... 😔

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Meanwhile, when ISIS first claimed responsibility, the thread was full of dismissive comments like "yeah right, they'd claim responsibility for a smelly fart if they could".

where is everyone saying isis claim for everything they didnt want to face the truth

Probably a white nationalist

Probably a workplace dispute

Probably pissed off by Christmas

Probably sexually frustrated

...aaaaand he's pledging allegiance to ISIS. But he's not a true Muslim, right reddit??

He drank a beer once

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Do you think any of the clickbait left-wing blogs ever wrote a bitchy article going, "Attacker pledges allegiance to ISIS, because of course he does!" Or is that type of treatment only for, like, a Republican or something?

Clickbait flavors for all, I say! Unleash the rainbow. Taste the rainbow.

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It's an interesting concept. Rational thinkers from around the world watch some brainwashed guy show his mental health /emotional issues and just... Shrug. Those with mental health / emotional issues want to follow. Funding for mental health issues may stop this? I have no idea but they really do embarrass/shame themselves.


Allahu akbar indeed.

Isn't this against his religion tho?

Well, yeah. That's why they're called extremists and why we don't like them, Billy.

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Isis will just take credit for anything, Reddit says

Any lunatic can make a video swearing allegiance to ISIS before killing people, what I'd like to know is whether the attack was directly coordinated by the group like the Paris attacks?

And of course this is downvoted.

But yeah, it's important to know if there was actual coordination, because that's useful information.

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Who gives a shit?

Asshole killed people. Now he's dead.

One less asshole to worry about.

On to the next law enforcement issue, please...

Something has to change or else it will keep being 'terrorist whack-a-mole' for centuries.

It has been this way with these people in this part of the world for 8,000 years.

Why in the world would you think somehow we've got the magic bullet for these barbarians?

Once we stop buying Middle Eastern oil, they can go back to joining the third world and fight over water, sand, blood, heroin, and ignorant superstitious nonsense again.

The difference is we won't have to give a crap anymore.

  1. Stop buying middle eastern oil

  2. Stop foreign funding of mosques

  3. Crack down hard on Islamic hate preachers

  4. Close mosques that send hateful messages to their followers

  5. Kick out people with double pasports that are breaking the law

  6. Stop intervening in middle eastern quarrels

That's how you solve a big part of this

Stop buying middle eastern oil

This is all you need to do. Everything flows down from here because the money stops flowing. Without funding, they go back to being crazy desert nomads with knives and sheep.

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Fake news


Yeah who cares about what's in the article at all. I only need to look at the publisher to make my opinion.

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