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ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly poisoned by Unknown Assassin

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The news of his repeated death is becoming a clickbait title. You will never guess how Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi died, number 4 will shock you.

Seriously, r/worldnews is a joke. A simple google search about this guy shows we "killed him" 3 other times.

u/Glitch198 avatar

Clearly he truly is Allah's chosen if he is resurrected so often.

u/SmacSBU avatar

Worked for Beric Dondarrion

u/maddyman10 avatar

What is dead may never die

u/Natertot1 avatar

Or maybe he is just a cat.

Or maybe he is Rasputin

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Maybe they just keep promoting dudes with the same name to the position to disguise the mortality rate, like parents do with their kids' pets. RIP Abu Bakr (Nibbles) al-Baghdadi.

u/kahabbi avatar

Here's a joke: ISIS is getting really lazy with their names. Al-Baghdadi? Who's next in line, Mr Saudi Arabia? I'll be here all night. Try the lamb.

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u/Bakunir avatar

Any ISIS related news is clickbait here. I see fake propaganda stories with thousands of up votes all the time here.

"SAS sniper shoots ISIS thug 10k away freeing 10000 sex slaves" will be top stories with comments like:

"Fuck yeah, we showed them" and "Hahaha take that ISIS" everywhere.

These readers lack common sense and are hugely gullible. They believe anything they want to hear.

I see fake propaganda stories with thousands of up votes all the time here.

This article is at least up front that the source is the Iranian government.

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u/RecordRight avatar

The dude is ISIS's Rasputin.

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u/SmokeyBare avatar

I suspect a woman, or a eunuch.


Could be a red viper.

u/Evilbunz avatar

It was the Hashashin... they have returned to spread fear among the Muslim rulers and foreign Christian crusaders causing havoc and mischief in the holy lands. o.0


We will know if we see videos of a hooded guy jumping of tall buildings and falling to haystacks.

u/nobunaga_1568 avatar

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

u/5a_ avatar

and glitching through walls

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Nice try Dan Brown

u/redheadman1989 avatar

Chaosh ish a laddah.

u/AmbroseHelsing avatar

Is that a Sean Connery-ism?


Totally. Totally. Before I even saw your comment my internal voice automatically Sean Conneryieded that phrase.

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u/redheadman1989 avatar

It's a Baelishism

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u/DesireToLearn3 avatar

umm...Hashashin were muslims? :/

u/nobunaga_1568 avatar

Hashashin are a sect of Nizari Shia Islam, which was at odds with the mainstream Sunni Islam (most famously represented by Saladin at that time). Nizari still exists and they claim unbroken Imam lineage from Ali to the present Imam Aga Khan IV.

u/DesireToLearn3 avatar

so they're basically hezbollah ninjas

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Do they still smoke dope?

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u/SawRub avatar

Does that mean even if he's poisoned, he'll be Frankensteined?

u/MatsudaEN avatar

Not unless he has some weird sadistic Dr Frankenstein-esque character laying around. So maybe

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It was probably Dave

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u/peacebuster avatar

Or his bastard son.

u/Risker34 avatar

Definitely the sand snakes

u/AmbitionzAzARedditah avatar

dat haram poosay

u/LikeAGregJennings avatar

He was "poisoned by our enemies."

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I suspect Zamasu.

Does the girl have a name?

u/insert-words-here avatar

A girl has no name

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Or maybe... it didn't happen. He was

  1. Blown up by an air strike and killed

  2. Killed by a us troop

  3. Blown up by another air strike

  4. Now he was poisoned

He probably isn't dead and we'll see an article about him next week. Guarantee it.


Starts sentence with probably, ends with guarantee. Lemme ask you where your sources are from? Reddit I bet lol.


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You caught me!


Well if it's true he's survived bombing, soldiers, then more bombing, it could be that this is just another false alarm. It certainly would look good to broach the topic for a news corp


I hope it's a false alarm and he hasn't survived all these. He must be harder than fucking He-Man, and that guy is the self pro claim strongest man in the universe.

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Could be anyone given how many enemies he has made in that region alone.

A eunuch? They've added castration to their mischievous book for Jihadists?

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The red witch gave birth to a terrible demon!


My money would be on one of the faceless men.


Probably had some bad pussy.

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u/nerd_mri_61 avatar

Bad dates?

u/ConstableGrey avatar

Should have had a taste-tester monkey.

u/nerd_mri_61 avatar

Ding! We have a winner!

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u/mc3hunna avatar

I suggest he stop picking up women from the bar. I met my ex-wife at a bar and she's a whore

We had group sex on our wedding night, I wasn't involved

u/guess_twat avatar

If you watched, then you were involved.


He could hear it through the walls.

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u/GibsonLP86 avatar

I am the ruler of the cl..


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First dailymail, now foxnews, whats next

u/zacdenver avatar

Damn -- I wish I owned that URL!

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u/BobDoleWasAnAlien avatar

Inb4 it was the french

u/pinkgoldlemonade avatar

"We gave him American cheese hon hon hon"


The old "Le Omelette Fromage American" Switcheroo!

u/graffiti81 avatar


I don't think the French would consider American cheese cheese.


Kraft isn't legally allowed to call their 'cheese based products' cheese either.

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u/Balatu avatar

Vermont cheddar is real cheese.

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Hold mon dieu, I'm going in!


"Hold My God I'm Going in!"


Tiens mon gode je vais dedans.

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u/obitrice-kanobi avatar

I laughed way too hard at this

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u/sidekickplayah avatar

Fuck man my day has been lousy and this made it for me, thank you.

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u/HugePurpleNipples avatar

The French have one of the best espionage agencies in the world, this is actually a very good guess and I hope you're right because if they did it, he'll probably die. Slowly.

u/Orzadus avatar

Why would the French espionage agency want him to die slowly instead of fast?


Dramatic effect I suppose.

u/HidingNow42069 avatar

And time for them to GTFO before the death occurs?

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u/HeliumPumped avatar

Because that's a BS theory.

Baghdadi has a lots of enemies, not everyone was keen on seeing him as a leader.

Also, a lot of people on his conquered territories would love to get revenge.

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u/Binxly avatar

I love your thinking. Hope that shit bag writhes in misery for many days before he dies and shits/pisses himself upon death so his fucked followers gotta clean the mess...


Your hopes are a reflection of you, not Bagdadi.

u/Binxly avatar

Expected this and gotta say you aren't wrong and as an adult I do work on dealing with the fact that people so evil can exist without wanting equal justice; two wrongs don't make a right so thank you for reminding me that.

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I'm just going to hope he gets his brains blown out by special forces or he takes a JDAM to the face.

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"It was eazy my dear friond, i feed him british food. he could not survive honhonhon"

"my fallback plan waz to make him mate wiz what ze anglo use to reproduce; bestiality is forbidden by zeir book honhon"

u/Grand_Wazo0 avatar

Thats actually possible , there are lots of suspicions about numerous black ops from the French DGSE in collaboration with the DST , DCRI and the special forces against ISIS in Syria and elsewhere , it was already exposed after the death of 3 operators in a rescue attempt in lybia i think and the government admitted special forces were on the ground. Not sure why they would use poison but who knows. Could also be a rival to al Baghdadi , that seems more likely...

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u/Risker34 avatar

Polonium tea anyone?

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Maybe they replaced his stevia with ricin? :O

u/PEEnKEELE avatar

Ricin beans?

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u/dicklemytick avatar

Black Widow confirmed.


That was my first thought as well. It's Russia's MO for sure.


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u/Jogurtgerlar avatar

He has been reported poisoned not killed.

Sorry I could not resist.

He is the Rasputin of the Middle East

u/Jogurtgerlar avatar

Yazidis favourite love machine.

Point being that he would not be, if the dollar was not so inclined on surviving like a bitch.


There was a cat that really could bomb

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Yes, he dies every few months, just type Al-badhdadi into the world news search bar, it's click bait until one of those articles says "Confirmed"

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Either there's more than one person with that name or title, he didn't actually die, or he's come back to life several times.

Still has 3-4 lives left.


What is dead can never die.

u/GanasbinTagap avatar

He is cat. Meow!

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i will pray for his death

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u/Mr_Montague avatar

No way. We killed this guy six times already since 2014.

u/alleks88 avatar

Only 3 more lives to go

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u/Matteomakespizza avatar

Stan Smith CIA!!

u/ThomasJCarcetti avatar

YES!!! Love me some American Dad.

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u/myblz_urmth avatar

I call bullshit. This links back to Sputnik News, which cites Iraqi Media News Agency, which cites PressTV, which cites Iraqi Media News Agency...


Poison is a weapon for women - GoT

u/JoeRerailed avatar

That's an idea that goes back at least as far as ancient Rome.

u/Mitya_Fyodorovich avatar

I'd argue it goes back at least as far as the past Medea

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u/anarchisto avatar

a weapon for women

or the KGB.

u/GanasbinTagap avatar

a weapon for women

and healthy bear

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u/windows_plz avatar

He says, gasping for life. If this shit wasn't effective it wouldn't be used.

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Since he's been injured for some time (at least, that's what I've heard), they are probably prepared for his death, so I'm not sure his death will do much to weaken them.


Everyone always says this, but imagine if you killed off some people leading a company or the US Military.

At some point you run out of real talent and end up promoting people well above their abilities. If you kept assassinating people in leadership positions at McDonalds. How many store managers or fry cooks do you think legitimately could make that step up? Could Edward J. Burgerflipper run a multinational? Could he even run a fraction of that?


Apparently, fast food was designed so that you can bring in any random person, and have them fully trained within a day.

u/Illadelphian avatar

Yea at the low level. Not corporate level. And while that may technically be true, you'd be running an absolutely terrible organization if you got new people every day.

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Yea, but keep in mind that we have constantly been killing the people behind Al-Baghdadi, so their order of succession is constantly getting fucked up.

Maybe we will get lucky if it gets fucked up enough and Al-Baghdadi snuffs it, that there will be a power vacuum for leadership and ISIS factions can just fight each other into obliteration.

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u/asianbananacat avatar

They've legit got back ups for their back ups

u/audioobsessed avatar

Isn't he supposed to be Caliph? Without him there is no caliphate? I didnt think there was a backup for god?

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u/PsuedoSamurai avatar

Poisoned by his enemies, no doubt.

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u/Patches67 avatar

Considering their living conditions this would not be hard to do.

It was a jealous boyfriend. I guarantee it.

u/BillionTonsHyperbole avatar

Goats don't get jealous. Apparently they just get even.

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It's weird how much I don't give a shit about this person. At least when Osama bin laden was fake killed or whatever, I was a bit curious, but I haven't bonded with this latest villain at all.

u/nopenopenononono avatar

It's really hard to top Gadaffi, he was straight out of 007.

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Great job desmond.

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Here's the content for those who don't want to be slammed by Faux News's advertising and self-playing videos.

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is at death’s door after being poisoned by a mystery assassin in Iraq, it has been reported.

Three other senior jihadis were also afflicted by the toxin in Al-Ba’aj, southwest of Mosul – Islamic State’s biggest city in Iraq. The four have reportedly been rushed for treatment at a secret location.

FARS, an Iranian news agency, say that ISIS is now arresting several suspects to find out who has struck a blow at the terror group’s self-proclaimed ‘Caliph’.

The evil Iraqi cleric is known to have been personally responsible for the rape and torture of US aid worker Kayla Mueller.

He forced the 26-year-old to marry him, before repeatedly raping her.

Mueller was killed during a Jordanian airstrike on ISIS in February last year.

Baghdadi was previously held by US forces in the city of Fallujah in 2004 during their invasion of the country.

Baghdadi was released within six months and would go on to be declared the leader of ISIS – then known as al-Qaeda in Iraq – in 2010.

If the reports are true, it would not the first time al-Baghdadi has been injured. In 2015 he was severely hurt in a US airstrike in Syria.

In June of this year, rumours surfaced that he was killed by a US airstrike in ISIS 'capital' Raqqa, but they were later found to be false.

Haha, I hope his death is slow and painful.

u/cradke17 avatar

A girl has no name....

u/theastrozombie avatar

Good to see atleast someones playing assassination spec rogue over there.

u/Tyberos avatar

Assassin implies al Baghdadi was killed. It's a would-be assassin if he's still alive.

u/cut_that_meat avatar

according to the article he was poisoned by an Unknown Secret Assassin

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wtf is this, top 4-5 comments are all lines from or about movies/tv shows


Maybe the donkeys uprose and got revenge.

u/LOHare avatar

Dave came through for us!

u/masiakasaurus avatar

Right after banning cats...

u/DrColdReality avatar

Well, I'll wait for confirmation from a more reliable source, but if true, it couldn't have happened to a more deserving jagoff.

Unfortunately, there will almost certainly be a younger, more ruthless guy with more to prove waiting to step in and fill his shoes.

u/Yellowchopsticks avatar

I bet it's just food poisoning, cause I don't believe they have proper regulatory systems in place.

Trump strikes.


May you constantly remain a type 7 on the Bristol Stool Chart al-Baghdadi

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u/freefromdesire avatar

How many times is this guy going to die?

u/saltysailor9001 avatar

We all know what happens next.

Assassin's Creed 84668: Black ISIS Flag :)

u/SelfDidact avatar

Praise be!

u/Unfiltered_Soul avatar
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u/HugePurpleNipples avatar

Baghdadi was previously held by US forces in the city of Fallujah in 2004 during their invasion of the country.

Baghdadi was released within six months and would go on to be declared the leader of ISIS – then known as al-Qaeda in Iraq – in 2010.

Uh, what?

Anyone have any other info on this? Maybe WHY he was released?

u/zach9889 avatar

Probably because he was a relative nobody back then. There's some saying about hindsight regarding situations like this...


He was actually arrested in February 2004 and released in December 2004. There was previously incorrect reporting that he was held from 2005-2009, but that isn't true. He was released because he was a nobody at the time, and the Combined Review and Release Board recommended that he be released.

u/Gunboat_DiplomaC avatar

Soon after the invasion of Iraq, the White House dictated actions of occupation to the Generals in command. These Generals who oversaw the First Gulf War and the overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan retired in a few weeks after the fall of Baghdad. The entirety of US high command in Iraq was gutted. A relatively unknown general, General Sanchez, who had never commanded a unit larger than a division, was given full command of US military forces in Iraq. With little intelligence and a small occupation force, he in no way could control the country, or was necessarily trained to do so. As Iraq descended into chaos, the military began rounding up and jailing military aged males near insurgent areas. They would be temporarily incarcerated, interrogated and mostly freed since Command needed more human intelligence on the ground. Most of the detention scandals like Abu Ghraib happened under Sanchez's command.

ISIS began its time as a foreign outfit fighting in Iraq, but through attrition and infighting, it became nearly a fully Iraqi institution at the highest level. During the Iraq War, AQI (now ISIS) used the territory of Syria as a safe heaven from US forces. They would be whittled down to small organization of a few dozen before the US left Iraq. Then came the Shia Iraqi Governments crack down, the Balkanization of Iraq, and a insurgency in Syria. ISIS would benefit greatly from these three events, and become the organization it is today.

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u/Athaulf avatar

TLDR - The US forces at Abu Ghraib considered him small potatoes and released him along with hundreds of other Islamic extremists. Unfortunately his experience in the prison further radicalized him.

Short version: Al-Baghdadi was arrested by US Forces-Iraq on 2 February 2004 near Fallujah and detained at the Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca detention centers under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry as a "civilian internee" until December 2004, when he was recommended for release by a Combined Review and Release Board. In December 2004, he was released as a "low level prisoner".

Longer Version:

Very Long Version:

I highly recommend the Black Flags book. It adds a massive amount of background and framing to ISIS' history. It's got a lot of detail and traces the rise of Islamic extremism in Iraq and Syria from Osama to Zarqawi (of beheading video fame) to Baghdadi. It includes additional context on Baghdadi's internment at Abu-Ghraib.

u/plectid avatar

He completed his ISIS leader training

u/jc136416 avatar

We were arresting all potential threats during the iraq invasion but because we were the occupiers nothing gave us the right to hold anybody to long. He was probably interroated and tortured much like Abu Ghraib. Where do you think middle eastern hate for western powers stems from?

u/HugePurpleNipples avatar

Where do you think middle eastern hate for western powers stems from?

They've got plenty of reasons, throw that one on the pile.

Seriously though, thanks for taking the time to answer and it sounds like you were over there, so thanks for kicking ass so I can stay here and eat ice cream and be opinionated and stuff.

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u/PolishAndrew avatar

First Daily Mail reports it, now Fox News...what do we have to do to get a credible source for this story?!

u/MinionCommander avatar

You'd probably have to poison the guy.

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u/Whiskee_One avatar

Well done, Agent 47.

u/kanye69420 avatar

It's Fox News, never trust Fox News

u/aydjile avatar

Probably needed to do some paperwork for Allah. I am sure he will decent back upon us very soon.



u/Yog_Kothag avatar

"Golf clap?"

"Golf clap."

::golf clap::

u/Basdad avatar

Read this yesterday, soooo.....not dead yet? There's always tomorrow for him to go rape his 27 virgins.


Sic Semper Tyrannis

Unknown Assassin, one of the lesser known superheroes.

Tut tut tut tut tut. To shreds you say?

u/onlyworthmentioning avatar

And how exactly do we know this?

u/merkin420 avatar

How many times has this guy died already... bullshit

I think all these reports of his death are part of an ISIS misinformation campaign. He is probably alive and well, somewhere.

How many times has a post on this subreddit come up with saying he's dead?

What a fantastically painful and disgustingly historical method of offing a putz


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GG ez

Looks like Hillary got another one of her critics.

I want this to be the mysterious veiled woman again.

u/FenrirThePatient avatar

Those damn wizards are getting their revenge.

u/IMagorzI avatar

A girl has no name.

u/eurotechnocratic avatar

Another one down.. Good job that man.

u/ILikeToTalkBullshit avatar

I suspect someone from firenze


u/Devoid_ avatar

Russians poison everyone, maybe Putin got to him

u/wangsterownsyou avatar

The man was poisoned by his enemies

u/Manice08 avatar

“Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.”


Hi Unknown Assassin, Im Dad


FARS, an Iranian news agency, say that ISIS is now arresting several suspects to find out who has struck a blow at the terror group’s self-proclaimed ‘Caliph’.

Same FARS that claimed Iran built a time machine?

u/fantasyfest avatar

Like I posted lots of times, ISIS will be stopped by the people.They will rise up and slay them.