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[Daily Discussion] Writer's Block, Motivation, and Accountability- April 25, 2024

[Weekly Critique and Self-Promotion Thread] Post Here If You'd Like to Share Your Writing

Your critique submission should be a top-level comment in the thread and should include:

* Title

* Genre

* Word count

* Type of feedback desired (line-by-line edits, general impression, etc.)

* A link to the writing

Anyone who wants to critique the story should respond to the original writing comment. The post is set to contest mode, so the stories will appear in a random order, and child comments will only be seen by people who want to check them.

This post will be active for approximately one week.

For anyone using Google Drive for critique: Drive is one of the easiest ways to share and comment on work, but keep in mind all activity is tied to your Google account and may reveal personal information such as your full name. If you plan to use Google Drive as your critique platform, consider creating a separate account solely for sharing writing that does not have any connections to your real-life identity.

Be reasonable with expectations. Posting a short chapter or a quick excerpt will get you many more responses than posting a full work. Everyone's stamina varies, but generally speaking the more you keep it under 5,000 words the better off you'll be.

**Users who are promoting their work can either use the same template as those seeking critique or structure their posts in whatever other way seems most appropriate. Feel free to provide links to external sites like Amazon, talk about new and exciting events in your writing career, or write whatever else might suit your fancy.**

Adverbs: Why do people hate them now? Adverbs: Why do people hate them now?

Whenever I submit a piece of writing to a fellow writer for critique and criticism these days, they always highlight adverbs and say nothing but "Watch adverb use." Why do people hate adverbs these days? Did I miss a meeting? I'm not saying I want every sentence or quote to end with some word -ly, because yes, that can be jarring, but sprinkling them in occasionally, to drive home the atmosphere of a scene, seems fine to me. So what's the deal?